16. Where and how we store humanity's digital treasures: from 3d scans of the Taj Mahal to the Python source code.

Mizter Rad Show

20-06-2023 • 1 Std. 8 Min.

On this episode of Mizter Rad Show, we explore the fascinating ways in which we store humanity's digital treasures – from the 3D scans of the Taj Mahal to Edward Monk's famous painting, The Scream.

We discuss how Piql has developed a technology to store data using photosensitive film as an information carrier that ensures authenticity and integrity of data in the future. And why a vault, deep inside an arctic mountain and surrounded by polar bears, is the most secure place to store humanity's most valuable digital assets.

Additionally, we examine the need to preserve physical and digital objects and how new technologies are making it cheaper to digitize buildings and cities, creating digital twins of pretty much everything.

Tune in to find out more about the challenges posed by the need to ensure that what we store today, can be decoded tomorrow and the need for funding to protect the world's human memory.