151/ Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors w/ Tory Stephens

The Fire These Times: Voices from the Periphery

02-02-2024 • 1 Std.

For episode 151, Joey Ayoub and Daniel Voskoboynik host Tory Stephens, Climate Fiction Creative Manager at Grist.org, to talk about Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors and why narrative work is an integral part of any climate solution. Why does Imagine 2200 choose hope over dystopia? What are effective narrative shifting tactics and strategies? Stephens is also on the Hollywood Climate Summit Board so Joey talked to him about moving beyond post/apocalyptic films. We also asked him how listeners can take part in Imagine 2200.

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Credits Host(s): Joey Ayoub and Daniel Voskoboyni Producer(s): Joey Ayoub Guest(s): Tory Stephens Music: ⁠Rap and Revenge⁠ Sound editor(s): Joey Ayoub Episode designer(s): Joey Ayoub

Portrait Arts (Joey and Daniel's): Molly Crabapple Artist of the original image: Taj Francis - Imagine 2200 Collection Cover

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