148/ Understanding Seen and Unseen Violence in Israel-Palestine w/ Diana Greenwald & Alexei Abrahams

The Fire These Times: Voices from the Periphery

15-12-2023 • 57 Min.

For episode 148, Dana El Kurd and Joey Ayoub are joined by Diana Greenwald and Alexei Abrahams to talk about seen and unseen violence in Israel-Palestine. They explore the many forms of violence of the Israeli occupation that led to the October 7 massacre and the brutal Israeli response in Gaza. What is kinetic violence? What is structural violence? And how do these two differ?

Diana is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at The City University of New York. Her research  focuses on the politics of the Middle East, nationalism, conflict, and  state-building. She obtained her Ph.D. in political science from the  University of Michigan in 2017. From 2017-8, she was Postdoctoral  Research Fellow at the Middle East Initiative at the Harvard Kennedy  School. Her current book manuscript examines Palestinian local politics  under Israeli occupation. This project draws on elite interviews and  local data on policing and taxation collected in the West Bank between  2014 to 2019.

Alexei leads the digital trace team at the Canadian Media Ecosystem Observatory (MEO), McGill University. He is the author of a forthcoming book, Social Media Observatory (No Starch Press, 2024), on how to code full-stack web applications for public interest research on contemporary political discourse. He's also the author of "Seeing absence and all its instruments: How decontextualization of kinetic violence undermines our understanding of the Israel-Palestine Conflict."

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Episode Credits

Host: Joey Ayoub

Producer: Ayman Makarem

Music: ⁠Rap and Revenge⁠

Main theme design: ⁠Wenyi Geng⁠

Sound editor: Ayman Makarem

Episode design: Joey Ayoub

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