7.5. Lobbying Strategies in US vs. Europe - Food Politics part II

Red to Green Food Sustainability 🥩🔬♻️

31-05-2023 • 29 Min.

So how are the politics of the food system rigged? This is the second part of our book talk on "Food Politics- How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health, " Find out how lobbying is different in the US vus Europe; you will learn about a bunch of concepts like soft and hard balling, the revolving door and commerciogenic malnutrition and Frank also shares an insider story of working or maybe more fitting - not working - with food safety authorities.


Get funding for your food science research: https://en.raps-stiftung.de/

More info and links to resources on https://redtogreen.solutions/

The book Food Politics by Marion Nestle https://www.foodpolitics.com/

Connect with the host, Marina https://www.linkedin.com/in/schmidt-marina/

Connect with the host, Frank https://www.linkedin.com/in/frankkuehne/

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Nanotechnology in Food, Food Safety regulation, food safety Europe, EFSA, European food safety, food regulation, food legislation, food security, food additives, food industry, future of food, food innovation, food technology