#46 Viladecans: "One Of The Most Sustainable Cities In Spain"

Smart in the City – The BABLE Podcast

11-10-2023 • 43 Min.

In the second episode of our Greencities S-Moving series, we travelled back very close to Barcelona to the important town of Viladecans in Spain. We had the pleasure to sit down and talk with Jordi Mazón, the Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Viladecans, and Alicia Valle, the General Manager of Viladecans.

With them, we talked about sustainable practices, the Green Leaf Awards, the Innpulso network, the innovation model MIA, as well as the impact of gender diversity in leadership.

Overview of the episode:

01:44 - Teaser: If Viladecans were a superhero, what would be its superpower?

03:15 - What are our guests' backgrounds? Where do they come from?

04:31 - How does physics and politics interact?

07:46 - What is the role of Viladecans as co-chair in the Innpulso network?

11:41 - What sustainable practices is Viladecans recognised for? How does the Green Leaf Award work?

14:58 - How do these initiatives align with the Sustainable Development Goals?

16:37 - What is the biggest challenge that Viladecans is facing?

17:56 - Which policies are the most instrumental in shaping Viladecan's climate neutrality goal in 2030?

19:01 - What are the key principles of the innovation model MIA developed by Viladecans?

24:32 - How do innovation models keep up with the digital landscape evolving so quickly?

29:25 - How does Viladecans' emphasis on gender diversity influence the city's approach to leadership, inclusivity, and innovation?

35:54 - Trial and Error: What went wrong, what mistakes were made along the way and more importantly, what lessons were learned?

39:42 - Ending Question: To you, what is a Smart City?

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