#82 Paris: Redesigning Public Spaces, Green Initiatives & Olympics Preparations

Smart in the City – The BABLE Podcast

03-07-2024 • 39 Min.

This episode was recorded live at the Urban Future 2024 conference, where we sat down with Christophe Najdovski, the Deputy Mayor of Revegetation, Green Spaces, Biodiversity & Animal Welfare at the City of Paris.

He shared his insights and experiences in redistributing and redesigning public spaces in Paris, highlighting key initiatives such as the pedestrianisation of the Seine Banks and the development of cycling infrastructure. We discussed the environmental and social impacts of these transformations, the challenges of maintaining green spaces amidst urban development, and how Paris prepared for the upcoming Olympic Games as an accelerator of ecological transition.

Overview of the episode:

[00:02:35] Teaser Question: "If the parks and green spaces of Paris could talk, what stories do you think they would tell us?"

[00:03:24] Our guest's background

[00:06:03] Discussion on the transformation of Paris into a garden city and the political will behind these changes

[00:09:56] Challenges in redistributing public space and ensuring community support

[00:12:39] The success and public reception of the pedestrianisation of the Seine Banks

[00:15:05] Coping with climate change and the importance of greening the city

[00:19:57] Financial investment in urban greening and its benefits for the community

[00:21:25] Integrating green spaces in the context of the upcoming Olympic Games

[00:25:31] Engaging with the public and handling conflicts around urban development

[00:29:22] Learning from other cities and sharing best practices in urban sustainability

[00:33:36] Hot Take of the Day: Increasing parking prices for SUVs in Paris

[00:37:21] Ending Question: "To you, what is a Smart City?"

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