Culture of Literature, History and Art Flourishes in the Florida Keys

Florida Keys Traveler

Sep 23 2024 • 20 mins

Writers seeking an open-minded place to craft their stories, history lovers seeking a deeper perspective, and artists drawn to the kaleidoscope of the Florida Keys all find inspiration from this 125-mile-long subtropical island chain. In this episode, we meet a book lover, an historian, and an artist, each of whom reveals a different aspect of the Keys’ rich cultural tapestry.

Thank you to our guests:

-Nancy Klingener, community affairs manager for the Monroe County

Public Library and President of the Board for the Key West Literary

Seminar: and;

-Corey Malcom, lead historian at the Florida Keys History Center:; and

-Artist Roberto “Pasta” Pantaleo:

For more on the Florida Keys, go to To call from the United States or Canada, dial 1-800-F-L-A-K-E-Y-S or contact your travel advisor.

This episode was produced by Armchair Productions (, the audio experts for the travel industry. Elizabeth Harryman Lasley presented the show; Jason Paton and Charles Tyrie did the audio and sound mixing; and Aaron Millar and Jenny Allison produced it.

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