Investing in the Energy Transition (EN)

FINANZ' Podcast

12-09-2024 • 37 Min.

In this podcast episode, Christian Roessing discusses the topic of "Investing in the Energy Transition." The conversation centers around the increasing significance of sustainable investments and their impact on the future of the energy sector. Roessing explores key trends driving the shift to renewable energy, the challenges investors may encounter, and the opportunities emerging from this global transformation. Tune in to gain valuable insights into how investors can strategically navigate and benefit from the energy transition while supporting a more sustainable future.Disclaimer DE: Der Inhalt dieser Folge dient der allgemeinen Information und ist keine Empfehlung zum Kauf oder zur Veräusserung bestimmter Finanzinstrumente. Alle Angaben sind ohne Gewähr und es handelt sich nicht um Anlageberatung.   EN: The content of this episode is for general information purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell specific financial instruments. All information is provided without guarantee and does not constitute investment advice.