Chat's the past - Autonomization is the future (EN)

FINANZ' Podcast

05-09-2024 • 28 Min.

How to apply Generative AI to drive better business decisions. This presentation explores the transformative potential of Generative AI in business decision-making. It highlights the shift from traditional chat-based interfaces to more autonomous, AI-driven systems, demonstrating how businesses can leverage this technology to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and strategic insight.Disclaimer DE: Der Inhalt dieser Folge dient der allgemeinen Information und ist keine Empfehlung zum Kauf oder zur Veräusserung bestimmter Finanzinstrumente. Alle Angaben sind ohne Gewähr und es handelt sich nicht um Anlageberatung.   EN: The content of this episode is for general information purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell specific financial instruments. All information is provided without guarantee and does not constitute investment advice.