EP36-LQOTD-36 How do you lead remote teams?

Lead & Succeed Podcast

11-07-2023 • 1 Min.

Leading Remote Teams: Navigating the New Normal

In this increasingly digital world, more and more organizations are moving towards remote working. As a result, the dynamics of team leadership are changing. This shift poses its unique challenges and demands a new approach to leadership. In the latest episode of "Lead And Succeed Startup Edition," we delve into the critical question, "How do you lead remote teams?"

The traditional leadership tools and strategies from the pre-pandemic era are no longer sufficient in the current landscape. A major issue organizations grapple with is an overload of meetings, often replacing in-person interactions with virtual ones without considering the potential downsides.

Leading remote teams successfully requires leaders to adapt and incorporate different tools into their leadership arsenal. It's not about just replacing face-to-face meetings with virtual ones but understanding and effectively utilizing the wide array of tools and practices specific to remote work.

This includes everything from one-on-one communication tools to digital platforms for team meetings and workshops, even virtual alternatives for those casual water-cooler chats. It's about creating an environment where your team can interact, collaborate, and perform at their best, even when physically apart.

Also, it's important to establish rules for using these tools and define 'online' times, especially when working across different time zones. These defined periods allow everyone to come together, collaborate, and chit-chat, fostering a sense of community and togetherness. But equally important are the 'individual' times when team members are free to work independently without the constant pressure of being 'online.'

Adapting to this new normal is not about copying and pasting old methodologies into a new format. Instead, it's about innovating and tailoring your approach to fit the unique demands and opportunities of remote work.

Join us for more insightful discussions in the "Lead And Succeed Startup Edition" and keep learning, keep leading! Until the next Leadership Question of the Day, see you tomorrow!

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