Episode 092: How to Capitalize on the “Silver Tsunami” – with Brandon Schwab

Instant Investor Podcast

26-06-2023 • 1 Std. 2 Min.

Every single day in America, 10,000 baby boomers turn 65 years old, and 4,000 turn 85.

That’s what you call a Silver Tsunami, and as a group, they’re the wealthiest age demographic so they have the financial means to satisfy many of their needs and wants…

Like remodeling services, travel packages, home services, nutrition/supplement products, and of course… senior living options.

It’s that last niche that inspired Brandon Schwab the most, since he was already in the real estate arena and focused on building recurring income streams.

He simply saw a way where he could surpass the income of his entire portfolio at the time… with the acquisition and development of just one senior living facility!

Tune in now to hear his amazing journey, including how he’s buying properties creatively with 0 – 1.5% financing … why he’s putting up facilities in the Midwest (when everyone else is focused on the Sunbelt states) … a deep-dive case study on how he 10x’d his revenue with his first senior living project … and what he’s doing to help transform and reshape the industry.

More about Brendan Schwab:

Brandon is on a mission to raise the bar for senior living.  He saw the need for quality care first-hand with his grandfather, and opened his first home in 2014.  He brings 20+ years of operating experience to his role managing real estate acquisition, development and financing.

For contact info and link to free course on funds, visit our website www.GimmeSomeMORE.info/episodes and type in the search bar: Brandon Schwab