The Freedom of Displacement with Gianmario

Work In Progress

12-04-2023 • 32 Min.

This is what people won't tell you when you move abroad... In actuality, moving to live abroad isn't as romantic as one may make it appear on social media. Gianmario is from Naples, Italy and we speak on how his time abroad has shaped his personality, who he is today, why he chooses to live outside the country he spent the first years of his life and so much more with humorous moments in-between this conversation.

Interested in advertising or be featured on Work In Progress, please email at Follow the podcast to take the conversation further with me after the episode is over at Instagram - @workinprogressmedia.

Track Info Title: Oceanside by Scandinavianz @scandinavianz

Work In Progress is edited by Alejandro Vega and Roberto Garcia Matus.

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