Better Done Than Perfect | Inter:views 66 | Rachel Beider | Press Modern Massage | USA

Inter:views | Cracking The Entrepreneur Bottleneck

29-06-2021 • 34 Min.

After taking a massage class in Thailand, Rachel studied massage therapy in the US and founded Press Modern Massage.

She started in May 2008 by trading free massages against space. In August 2008, she had 110 clients. 13 years later, her business sales reached 10m US$ annually.

Rachel is a bit of a perfectionist, to the point it got in her way until she did something about it. She shares her tips to focus on progress rather than perfection. We also talk about the importance of delegating tasks and decisions, how processes can help businesses scale up, and what to do about your imposter syndrome.

She says: "We are the product of our decisions." You should decide to listen to this episode then.