Ep 2 - Ada Lovelace - Code, Steam, and Rhubarb

Sweet Defiance - Stories of Remarkable Women in Science

07-08-2023 • 26 Min.

From her groundbreaking contributions to her visionary mindset, we explore the remarkable life of Ada Lovelace.

As the world's first computer programmer, she defied societal norms and revolutionized the field of computer science. Through her remarkable intellect and collaboration with Charles Babbage, Lovelace laid the foundation for modern computing and her visionary thinking continues to inspire.

Uncover with us how Ada Lovelace's forward-thinking concepts, beautifully articulated in her "Notes," foreshadowed the dawn of a technological era that continues to shape our world today. All sources can be found in the shownotes: https://sweetdefiance.org/episodes/episode01.html