Dr Peter Breggin Exposes Plan to Make Tedros and WHO All-Powerful

The JD Rucker Show

28-02-2022 • 1 Std. 16 Min.

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Everyone who has been paying attention knows that people like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and George Soros are in the middle of their evil plans to vaccinated every man, woman, and child on earth. This will help them usher in The Great Reset. We also know the World Economic Forum, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Open Society Foundation are powerful entities bent on fundamentally changing the way the world operates so the elites can rule over a docile and subjugated remnant once depopulation is achieved.

Until recently, I believed that Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and the World Health Organization were simply mid-level pawns of the elites. I assumed they were part of the propaganda and disinformation wing of the cabal used by the globalists to keep us intellectually herded in the wrong direction. They were useful in distracting from crimes committed by the Chinese Communist Party by backing the bat-soup-theory, for example. What I've learned from Dr. Peter Breggin leads me to believe the WHO is actually much higher on the globalist food chain.

On the latest episode of The Midnight Sentinel, Dr. Breggin revealed to me what he and his wife, Ginger, have discovered recently. Their book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, had already been making waves with its bombshells about the powers-that-be. Now, they've discovered what I believe to be the next phase in the globalists' Neo-Marxist takeover.

The World Health Organization is being positioned as the dominant governing body in the world. Those aren't Dr. Breggin's words. I've done some analysis of my own and it appears the manufactured healthcare emergency of Covid-19 is paving the way for consolidation of problems and solutions. It's the ultimate Hegelian Dialectic.

You've seen them consolidating and conflating the issues on which they want us focused. Climate change, the pandemic, racism, inequity... these and so many other manufactured challenges are being framed to prompt the people to call for a one-world solution. The only way we can tackle climate change is globally, they say. Now, they're applying the same concept to all of the problems the globalist elites have created out of thin air.

Who are they positioning to run this new one-world governing body? Tedros, the WHO, and those who are controlling them from the top of the globalist food chain are being propped up for total control. In the future I will go into a full-blown analysis of my claim, but first I want to focus on Dr. Breggin's ideas and the splendid interview he gave me.

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