Digital Technology and Human Rights. With Joana Varon

Die Kulturmittler:innen – Der ifa-Podcast zu Außenkulturpolitik

22-12-2022 • 35 Min.

Originally seen as a tool for revolution and access to knowledge for all people, the internet and digital technologies have become monopolized by big tech companies and individual stakeholders. Where once issues of creative commons and changing power structures were discussed, digital space has now been clouded by hate speech, misinformation, and power imbalances. In this episode, we talk to Joana Varon, a technology and human rights fellow at Harvard Kennedy School, about digital rights, the Internet’s potential for empowerment and discriminating artificial intelligence. To protect democracies and minorities online, Varon believes that we need to diversify technology and depart from the idea of universal software solutions.

Transcript of the episode:

More input on digital technology: KULTURAUSTAUSCH article ‘Light is the enemy’:

Interview with Manouchehr Shamsrizi ‘Upgrade to the Metaverse?’:

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