#184 - Complexity is Killing Us

CISO Tradecraft®

03-06-2024 • 15 Min.

In this episode of CISO Tradecraft, host G Mark Hardy explores the challenges complexity introduces to cybersecurity, debunking the myth that more complex systems are inherently more secure. Through examples ranging from IT support issues to the intricacies of developing a web application with Kubernetes, the discussion highlights how complexity can obscure vulnerabilities, increase maintenance costs, and expand the attack surface. The episode also offers strategies to tackle complexity, including standardization, minimization, automation, and feedback-driven improvements, aiming to guide cybersecurity leaders toward more effective and less complex security practices.

Transcripts: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J0rPr0HxULpeVJMIwXKXqHuCfnXn4gDu


  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 01:03 The Misconception of Complexity in Cybersecurity
  • 02:41 Real-World Complexities and Their Impact on IT
  • 10:06 Simplifying Cybersecurity: Strategies and Solutions
  • 14:48 Conclusion: Embracing Simplicity in Cybersecurity