Red Forest Radiogram #1: Runaway Noosphere

Nomadic Cosmologies and Fugitive Power – Red Forest Radiograms

15-07-2022 • 1 Std. 59 Min.

In the interwar period, the Soviet geologist and philosopher Vladimir Vernadsky diagnosed the transformation of the scientific thought into a geological force that affects material processes on a planetary scale and one able to transform the planetary biosphere “according to the interests of freely thinking humanity as an organic whole,” and sublate it into the Noosphere — a highly networked sphere of unified human knowledge. Vernadsky claimed that the transition to the Noosphere went utterly unnoticed and unreflected by humanity itself, which led to devastating consequences in the form of two world wars. He passed away just before the Hiroshima bombing, a challenge to his cautious optimism regarding the Noosphere’s future. With cyberwar, this future has arrived and its shifting battlefield is now in Ukraine where the nexus of cyber and nuclear emerged as the symptomatic trace of the runaway Noosphere. Produced by Red Forest for Goethe-Institut Mailand.

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