S8E187 Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell in Redefining Success, Self-Worth, and Self-Care

Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse

29-08-2024 • 26 Min.

Ever felt like your self-worth was tied to your accomplishments? In this heart-wrenching episode, Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell reveals how her relentless drive for success led her to a breaking point, where she passed out from exhaustion in front of her young daughter. Our conversation uncovers the crucial role that self-awareness, support systems, and sustainable self-care play in breaking the harmful cycles of self-abuse. Learn how Lynita's collaboration with life coach Reverend Rowena Silvera Beck helped her reassess her overwhelming responsibilities and implement meaningful changes to prioritize her well-being.

Join us as we delve deeper into the lasting impact of childhood experiences on adult relationships and time management. Lynita shares how her parents' divorce shaped her perceptions, leading to surface-level connections and an inability to form deep bonds. Through significant personal work, she learned to transform her approach to relationships and parenthood. Discover how Lynita balances her roles as a mother, wife, lawyer, author, and speaker, all while maintaining a fulfilling and sustainable life. This episode offers valuable insights into navigating life's complexities with grace and resilience.

Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell, Esq., is a Speaker and Intuitive Business Coach who leads her clients to Live Life on FIRE for the Ultimate Successful Life with peace, joy, and fulfillment!

Lynita has built an award-winning law firm and publishing house, is a #1 Bestselling Author, CPA, an ordained New Thought Minister, and recognized nationally as an outstanding community leader.

Based on her latest book, Lynita loves sharing the formula to the Ultimate Successful Life with Peace, Joy, and Fulfillment!

Connect with Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell

on her website: www.LynitaMitchellBlackwell.com

On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LynitaMitchellBlackwell

On Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/LynitaMitchellBlackwellEsq

On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/LynitaMitchellBlackwelllmb

On Threads: https://www.Threads.net/LynitaMitchellBlackwellEsq

On LinkedIn: https://www.LinkedIn.com/in/LynitaMitchellBlackwell

On X/Twitter: https://www.Twitter.com/lynitamb

On TikTok: https://www.Tiktok.com/@lynitamitchellblackwell

Connect with Gemma Serenity Gorokhoff, the host of Real Talk Real Women Breaking the Silence Around Abuse

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