S7E170 Breaking Free from Toxic and Abusive Work Environments with Orphise Rodriguez, HR consultant

Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse

10-04-2024 • 38 Min.

Breaking Free from Toxic and Abusive Work Environments with Orphise Rodriguez, HR consultant

When Orphise Rodriguez stepped away from her desk in a traditional Swiss firm for the last time, she wasn't just leaving a job; she was stepping into her power as a Black woman in the corporate world. On this episode of Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse, Orphise takes us through her riveting transition from enduring workplace abuse to becoming a beacon of self-advocacy and entrepreneurial spirit. As an HR external consultant and career coach, she now guides companies in creating nurturing work environments and mentors professionals in aligning their careers with their core values.

The conversation with Orphise unveils an interesting comparison between Swiss and U.S. employment laws, an eye-opener for anyone curious about international work culture and its impact on employee protection. She candidly addresses the challenges faced by minorities in Switzerland's business landscape and empowers listeners with the necessary tools to break free from toxic situations. With wisdom and compassion, Orphise also underscores the significance of fostering self-love and confidence, offering her expertise in 4 languages to those resonating with her story: French, English, Spanish, and Mandarin.

Her journey is a masterclass in transforming adversity into opportunity.

Orphise's bio in her own words

Greetings, I am Orphise Rodriguez. I am the principal consultant of HR Solutions, a Swiss-based company specializing in comprehensive HR Services including talent acquisition, executive coaching, career development, HR administration, employee health, safety, engagement, and retention.

We strongly believe that investing in people is pivotal for a company’s success. I am an experienced HR professional with 14 years of experience, holding a Swiss Federal Diploma of Higher Education and an MS in Industrial/Organizational Psychology.

Dedicated to fostering positive workplace environments, I passionately guide individuals to discover meaning in their work. Since 2014, I've made it my life mission to mentor and coach women through initiatives such as Women of the 5 Continents, Inspired Women Lead, and HR Solutions.

Other noteworthy contributions include streamlining recruitment processes, opening international offices, implementing policies, and revamping recruitment and HRIS systems for efficiency.

As an avid learner, I continually enrich my coaching and HR skills through online courses. Fluent in French and English, with proficiency in Spanish and Mandarin, I bring a global outlook, extending my services beyond borders to collaborate with companies worldwide.

Connect with Orphise

by email: orphise.rodriguez@hrsolutions-sa.com

on her website: https://hrsolutions-sa.com/

on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/phise.rodriguez

on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/orphise-rodriguez/

si vous parlez ou lisez le français, vous allez apprécier son cadeau, "Le CV Performant": https://mailchi.mp/hrsolutions-sa/bcyz0yviqh

Ce cadeau à downloader contient 35 exemples de phrases à utiliser pour démontrer vos réalisations professionnelles à appliquer dans 10 domaines d’activité : ressources humaines, management, admin, gestion de projets, finance, assurances sociales, éducation, marketing, droit, et informatique. Ces exemples ont été testés par elle-même personellement, et vous êtes les bienvenus à les essayer pour vous aussi.

Do you care about getting featured and published on Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse alongside Orphise Rodriguez and our other inspiring guest speakers? Or do you know someone who would be a great fit?

Apply here: https://apply.realtalk-realwomen.com

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