S7E173 Elizabeth Miles' Courage to Conquer FEAR and Step Into Her POWER and PURPOSE

Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse

20-04-2024 • 27 Min.

Elizabeth Miles' Courage to Conquer FEAR and Step Into Her POWER and PURPOSE

It takes immense courage to escape the clutches of a toxic relationship, and Elizabeth Miles embodies this bravery. Her journey from the darkness of a 20-year abusive marriage into the light of self-empowerment is both heart-wrenching and inspirational. She walks us through the deceptive early days marked by love bombing and infidelity, leading up to the powerful awakening beside a tranquil stream. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, her story of transformation is a beacon for anyone feeling trapped by manipulation and the pervasive shadow of societal expectations.

As we peer into Elizabeth's world, the conversation shifts towards the inner battle for self-validation against the weight of external perceptions. Her tale is a riveting example of how crucial it is to recognize our worth and grant ourselves the permission to seek joy. This soul-stirring dialogue serves as a testament to the strength that comes from the empowering choice to leave a toxic partner behind and step into a life of fulfillment. Elizabeth's journey underscores the importance of healing, and her message is clear: it is not just possible but necessary to embrace change and reclaim one's happiness.

Elizabeth generously shares her evolution post-divorce, from the daunting grips of fear to founding March Force Media Company and coaching light workers. Her insights into fear's many faces—guilt, anxiety, shame—and how to dance with them to achieve success are invaluable. Our discussion will leave you considering how embracing vulnerability and practicing self-awareness can steer you toward a future of personal and professional triumphs. For those who serve as light workers, Elizabeth offers a wellspring of wisdom and transformational strategies through her company and the Power To Pivot podcast, guiding others to a path less burdened by the past.

Spotify: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/powertopivot

iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-power-to-pivot-podcast/id1500480887

Elizabeth Miles' Bio

Elizabeth Miles is an expert on authenticity in business and is an author, transformational life and business coach, and podcast host. She teaches others to dance through and with fear, overcoming obstacles and challenges to help them transform their lives.

After spending nearly 20 years in an abusive and toxic relationship, she finally discovered the power to pivot, and shares this story in her books and on The Power to Pivot Podcast, where she discusses the power of choice.

Her books include:

This Is Where You Pivot: The Shift from Fear to Freedom

Chapter Preview: www.thisiswhereyoupivot.com/chapterpreview

The Journey to Healing: Love, Yourself

Connect You: A Guide to Your Authentic Life.

Connect with Elizabeth Miles

on her main website:


on Social Media:





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