S7E174 Karen Wright's Method to Transforming Stress into Mindfulness

Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse

24-04-2024 • 27 Min.

Karen Wright's Method to Transforming Stress into Mindfulness

When the weight of the world seemed insurmountable, Karen Wright unearthed a mantra that turned her life around. We sit down with the founder of Pause, Breathe, Proceed to discuss her journey from the brink of burnout in a demanding corporate career to discovering a life of intention and wellness. Her compelling story unfolds as we explore the powerful shifts that massage school, Reiki, and yoga instruction brought into her life, and the persistence of stress that challenged her until a moment of clarity brought forth her simple, yet profound, method. Karen's approach to halting stress and enhancing emotional intelligence with these three words unveils a path to a more mindful existence. Our conversation also shines a light on the emblem of her philosophy, the Pause, Breathe, Proceed logo, which stands as a beacon for those seeking to incorporate mindfulness into their everyday routine.

Amidst a life filled with roles and responsibilities, I share my candid account of integrating the 'pause, breathe, proceed' philosophy into my narrative, finding balance and harmony in what was once a hectic existence. We examine the transformative nature of daily practices such as journaling, affirmations, and meditation, and their role in fostering confidence and tranquility.

My mission is to bring back "kind" in "humankind" said Karen a few times during our interview

As Karen and I discuss, the ripples from these practices extend far beyond the individual, touching lives through partnerships with nonprofits dedicated to mental health and suicide prevention, demonstrating the profound impact of small, consistent acts of mindfulness on both personal growth and the betterment of society.

Karen Wright's bio

Karen did everything she was supposed to do growing up until she realized she wasn't living her life. She left a six-figure corporate salary to become a massage therapist, yoga instructor, and reiki master. She set out to find the solution to stress and she did. Pause Breathe Proceed reduces stress which instills calm to make choices to live the life YOU want. It is mindfulness and emotional intelligence in action.

Connect with Karen

on her website: https://pausebreatheproceed.com

on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pausebreatheproceed

on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karen-wright-pauser/

on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pausebreatheproceed/

Get Karen's special offer for you by using my affiliate link: https://pausebreatheproceed.com/individuals?am_id=GemmaSerenity

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