S8E182 Somatic Release for Trauma Recovery with Monique Arnaud Derouen

Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse

04-07-2024 • 26 Min.

Somatic Release for Trauma Recovery with Monique Arnaud Derouen

From the moment Monique Derouen decided to reclaim her life from an abusive relationship, she has been a beacon of resilience and hope.

Join us on Real Talk Real Women for an empowering episode where Monique, a somatic trauma specialist and mind-body coach, shares her compelling journey of overcoming physical, mental, emotional, and sexual abuse.

Monique reveals during this episode innovative somatic release techniques that have not only transformed her own life but also countless others'.

She delves into the intricacies of trauma, explaining how it’s stored in the body and why the inability to process emotions separates us from safety.

In this episode, we dive deep into practical, hands-on techniques for somatic healing, from sensory grounding and tapping to body-focused exercises.

Monique walks us through effective methods such as looking at the four corners of a room or tapping specific body areas to alleviate PTSD triggers.

Beyond individual techniques, we also explore the power of community support and the importance of not navigating this journey alone.

Featuring Monique’s heartfelt insights and expert advice, this episode offers a lifeline to anyone seeking to release trauma and embrace a path of healing.

Monique Derouen's short bio

Monique the Mindbody Coach teaches women to understand and end the pain crisis in their families! Drawing from her own experiences she guides individuals in overcoming the effects of abuse, trauma, and addiction. With compassion and expertise, she empowers her clients to reclaim their inner strength and cultivate resilience, paving the way for lasting transformation and holistic well-being.

Connect with Monique Derouen

on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/monique.arnaudderouen

on her website: https://www.moniquearnaudderouen.com/

keywords: Trauma, Somatic Healing, Mind-Body Coach, Abuse, Resilience, Empowerment, PTSD, Triggers, Techniques, Community Support, Healing, Somatic Therapy, Nervous System, Ancestral, Emotional Responses, Isolation, Resources, Guidance, Space, Heavy Emotions

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