S7E169 Christa Barone's Miraculous Story of a Victorious Fight Against Childhood Cancer With Her Family

Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse

06-04-2024 • 21 Min.

Part 2 of this mother-daughter series Christa Barone's Miraculous Story of a Victorious Fight Against Childhood Cancer With Her Family

When hope seems like a distant flicker, stories like Christa Barone's reignite the flame. At age 3, Christa was handed a survival chance of a small 3%, yet here she is, 28 years old, happy and thriving, completely healthy, and a beacon of light, celebrating 25 years free of stage 4 neuroblastoma type of cancer.

Our conversation peels back layers of her childhood marked by an exceptional joy for hospital visits, a testament to the nurturing cocoon weaved by her family and medical caregivers. Christa's story is a mosaic of misdiagnoses, a mother's intuition sharper than any clinical guesswork, and an experimental therapy that carved her path to remission with a 3% chance of surviving. I'm grateful that they heard this very slim ratio after she was saved from this cancer. Her reflection on these early battles reveals the power of perspective – the ability to see divine orchestration in life's toughest challenges.

Transitioning from her journey through cancer to the profound epiphanies about her life's mission and purpose, Christa shares the inception of Wicked Wisdom Consulting. Here, she harnesses her story to light the way for others, guiding coaches and businesses in sculpting their operational blueprints. Christa's story is a reminder of the transformative potential that we all have within us, and that gets to be revealed through adversity, ready to become stepping stones for our growth.

We honor her commitment to being a guiding light, alongside a heartfelt birthday tribute to her mother, Michelle Barone, whose insights add rich layers to this episode, and that was published just before this episode, on April 3rd, 2024.

Together, their shared wisdom is an invitation to celebrate the impact of positive influence and the joy of helping others find their way in the professional and personal landscapes of their lives.

Listen to Michelle Barone, Christa's mother, recounting this miraculous story of a 3-year-old smart girl fighting for her life with terminal cancer: https://www.realtalk-realwomen.com/e/the-promise-that-saved-michelle-barone-baby-girls-life/

Christa's bio

Christa is a Fractional COO, childhood cancer survivor, and lifelong spiritual student. As a Fractional COO, she provides operations insight, guidance, and expertise to entrepreneurs, coaches, and small businesses. In her personal life, she is the caretaker for many animals - dogs, goats, chickens, and more - and loves cooking/baking. She is exceptionally passionate about health, wellness, and spiritual growth. She is always seeking to live more authentically and be the best human she can be.

Connect with Christa

On her website: https://wickedwisdomconsulting.com

Via email: christa@wickedwisdomconsulting.com

Via LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christabarone/

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