S7E180 Christy Holt's Solutions to Create your Own Happiness in Spite of Toxic Relationships

Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse

23-05-2024 • 24 Min.

Christy Holt's Solutions to Create your Own Happiness in Spite of Toxic Relationships

Christy Holt, affectionately known as the "Happiness Hussy," returns to Real Talk, Real Women Breaking the Silence Around Abuse with a candid and unapologetic approach to healing and happiness. Christy's journey of reclaiming her authentic self after navigating a challenging marriage is both inspiring and empowering. She emphasizes the significance of showing up authentically in life to cultivate true happiness and maintain a strong relationship with oneself. Discover her transformative resources, including a laughter-inducing free meditation available on her website, coachchristyholt.com.

In this episode, Christy shares how running marathons once served as her escape from personal issues and how she ultimately found love by first embracing self-love. The conversation uses running and business development as metaphors for life's journey and highlights the importance of developing a loving relationship with oneself. Christy discusses various emotional outlets like coloring books and journaling and introduces impactful programs such as "Love Reimagined" and "Authenticity Unleashed." These tools and programs are designed to help individuals create fulfilling relationships and set healthy boundaries through internal validation and self-awareness.

Christy's multifaceted approach to personal transformation is explored through one-on-one mentorship, group programs like "Love, Your Vibe Transformation," and courses aimed at reconnecting individuals with their authentic selves. She guides listeners on finding inner love and clarity, assessing the health of their relationships, and making decisions aligned with their true selves. Additionally, Christy announces her upcoming book "Love Unstuck," a manual for creating healthy, loving relationships. The episode wraps up with a discussion on the importance of sharing women's stories to foster community and hope, encouraging listeners to revisit Christy's first episode for more context and personal anecdotes. Join us for an inspiring journey toward well-being and empowerment.

Christy Holt's bio in her own words

I’m Christy Holt, AKA the Happiness Hussy, a passionate advocate for women’s empowerment and happiness. Through my podcast (Create Your Happy), books, and mentorship, I inspire women to lead lives filled with joy and self love. My personal journey through unhealthy relationship challenges has ignited a profound passion within me to guide others on their paths to healthy relationships and true happiness. My mission is clear: to help you cultivate the healthy, loving relationships you deserve, beginning with the most crucial connection— the one with yourself.

Connect with Christy

on her website: https://coachchristyholt.com/

on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coachchristyholt

on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coachchristyholt

on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@createyourhappy1111

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