S7E176 Tammy Doering’s Discovery of Nature's Miracle to Gracefully, Beautifully and Confidently Age

Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse

01-05-2024 • 22 Min.

Tammy Doering’s Discovery of Nature's Miracle to Gracefully, Beautifully and Confidently Age

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AvivSpa Dead Sea Products website: https://avivspa.com/

Summary of our episode

When Tammy Dearing from Alabama steps into the room, you can't help but notice the glow of her healthy skin and the vitality that seems to emanate from her every pore. Today, she's here to share the riveting tale of her transformation—a journey fraught with the challenges of seborrheic psoriasis and fibromyalgia, which led to a devastating incident at a nail salon that cost her the health of her nail beds. Tammy's resilience shines through as she walks us through her path to recovery and self-discovery, emphasizing the role of natural remedies and the life-changing impact of Dead Sea minerals. This episode is a testament to the healing power within us and the profound effects of turning to nature for our beauty needs.

Our conversation shifts from the perils of common beauty routines to the revelation of Tammy's natural approach to self-care. If you've ever second-guessed the ingredients in your shampoo or felt uneasy about the fumes at a nail salon, this episode will validate those instincts and offer a wealth of safer, healthier alternatives. I open up about my own transformation, how I’ve noticed my hair's newfound volume, and my shift away from harsh chemicals, inspired by Tammy's wisdom. Together, we paint a picture of beauty that doesn't sacrifice health, introducing products like Dazzle Dry and sharing tips for embracing our natural allure with confidence and grace. Join us as we peel back the layers of the beauty industry, revealing how to nourish our bodies and age beautifully, without falling prey to the hidden dangers of everyday beauty practices.

Tammy Doering's bio

Tammy Doering (pronounce "Deer-ing") is an Amazon #1 best-selling author across 11 categories.

She serves as the President & CEO of Totally Pamper Me!® Day Spa and AvivSpa (pronounce "Ahveev Spa") Dead Sea Products, both located in Anniston, Alabama.

Tammy wears multiple hats: she’s a cosmetic chemist, a board-certified manicurist instructor, a licensed barber, a certified Insanity instructor, and an age beautifully health & appearance coach.

Her mission is to empower women by helping them eliminate harmful toxins from their personal care products, achieve radiant skin, maintain a healthy body, and sustain energy.

Ultimately, Tammy aims to ensure that women have a full cup to give back to those they love.

Connect with Tammy Doering

by email: info@AvivSpa.com

Download your free gift at https://FreeGiftFromTammyD.com

on AvivSpa website where you can purchase some of Tammy's Dead Sea Minerals products: https://avivspa.com

on Totally Pamper Me website where you can book a time for yourself in Anniston, Alabama: https://www.totallypamperme.com/

on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheMudQueen

on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tammy-doering-501a1613/

on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@avivspa1

Do you care about getting featured and published on Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse? Or do you know someone who would be a great fit?

Apply here: https://apply.realtalk-realwomen.com

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