S7E177 "I will not allow this covert narcissist to kill me" - said Tobi Staples before having her life spared for the 7th time

Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse

04-05-2024 • 25 Min.

"I will not allow this covert narcissist to kill me" - said Tobi Staples before having her life spared for the 7th time

||| Before getting started, make sure to register for our upcoming masterclass series, as both Tobi Staples and myself - Gemma Serenity Gorokhoff - are featured experts in the "SUPERCHARGE YOUR MANIFESTING POWERS MASTERCLASS SERIES" that runs from May 8th to May 21st, 2024 by releasing 2 episodes per day for 14 days in your email inbox at 6 AM Eastern Time for free. Register here: https://lifepalette.krtra.com/t/FiZ70uYVJtrK |||

When the shadows of my past with narcissistic abuse finally lifted, the clarity that emerged was nothing short of a revelation. It's a journey many find themselves on, and one that our remarkable guest, Mrs. Tobi Staples, knows all too intimately. Tobi joins us to unravel the often misunderstood and covert nature of narcissistic abuse, a personal struggle she bravely faced. Her path from victim to victor is not only about the recognition of abuse but also the celebration of self-awareness and the relentless pursuit of healing. The conversation takes a deep and honest look at how a spiritual awakening may also not protect against the covert manipulation of a narcissist, and the critical steps needed to break the cycle at any age, in any circumstances, and reclaim our life back.

Tobi's resilience transforms into a quest to uplift others as she introduces Alpha E-Mind Mastery, her initiative to foster emotional mastery. This empowering tool has its roots in Tobi's reclamation of self, a journey that has set her on a mission to touch a million lives by the end of the year, with the ability to harness universal love and potential.

We go through the successes and setbacks of embracing our true selves and the profound impact it can have on the world around us.

This episode culminates in a powerful message of love, healing, and empowerment, inviting listeners to embark on their journey toward inner peace and the life they are meant to live. Tobi's wisdom is a gift, and her story is a treasure trove of insights for anyone ready to step into their power and create a life of harmony.

We will ask her to come back and continue to share her light, her love, and her wisdom.

Tobi Staples: Author, Empath, Motivator, Speaker, Lightworker, Earth Angel

Tobi is a simple person loaded with a lot of life experience. She is a healer, an empowered empath, a lightworker, a spiritual way-shower, an earth angel, a spiritually awakened being who illuminates the path to tap into the highest potential of your truest nature, to assist you in consciously creating and designing your life according to your truest hearts desires.

With great wisdom and knowledge also comes a great responsibility to share it with the world. Tobi has overcome death multiple times but had to die parts of herself, to remain alive.

Her books are real, raw, truthful, and transformational for anybody who invests to dive into the depths of Tobi Staples' experiences for an enlightening adventure of self-discovery and awareness.

These books are written based on Tobi's personal experiences and her soul calling is to share this wisdom of healing with you all. She healed total septic shock & organ failure, numerous flesh-eating incidences which she refused amputation for, closed and healed wounds when thought plastic surgery was required, avoided a wheelchair due to degenerative disk disease in her lower back, stopped another life-threatening paralysis in her face recently in 2023, while also regaining the feeling in her face!

Tobi Staples is the founder of Alpha E-Mind Mastery, Empowering Emotional Mastery. This program was birthed from her mission to impact 1 Million lives positively in 1 year, by the end of the year 2024.

Now, you understand Tobi's drive for her mission and it is greatly appreciated that you invest in your transformation today back into the highest potential of your being!! Visit Tobi's bookshelf at Lulu.com

Connect with Tobi Staples

The fastest way? Google her name: she appears everywhere.

Now, here are some of her social media links, to make sure you pick the right person:

Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/tobi.staples/

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AlphaEMindMastery

LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tobi-staples-mtl/

Instagram feed: https://www.instagram.com/tobi_staples/

TikTok profile: https://www.tiktok.com/@tobi.one.love.all

YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@tobistaples

Tobi's Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/tobistaples

Lulu.com bookshelf where you can purchase Tobi Staples' 19 books!

https://www.lulu.com search "Tobi Staples" and enjoy yourself

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Apply here: https://apply.realtalk-realwomen.com

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