S7E172 From Emotional Turmoil to Unapologetic Freedom with Kaitie Entrikin

Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse

17-04-2024 • 25 Min.

From Emotional Turmoil to Unapologetic Freedom with Kaitie Entrikin

Kaitie Entrikin's courage in sharing her raw and transformative journey struck a deep chord within me, much like it will with you. From the depths of emotional eating and the grip of an abusive marriage, Kaitie's path of healing and self-discovery serves as a beacon of hope. In our heartfelt conversation, she offers a candid look into the scars left by diet culture and the relentless pursuit of self-worth. Her evolution into a Neuro-transformational Coach and founder of Beautiful Beast Within Studios as a career shift is, in fact, a movement towards unapologetically embracing our inner strengths and imperfections.

During this episode, we navigate the intricate dance between health, fitness, and the soul's yearning for true connection. Kaitie's philosophy on intuitive eating and her mission to replace self-loathing with self-care echo throughout the episode, resonating with anyone who's ever struggled to find balance. The personal anecdotes from her podcast 'Unveiling the Beast' are interwoven with insights into the transformative power of music, storytelling, and the human voice. As Kaitie extends her hand to anyone ready to embark on their own journey of transformation through her coaching and community, we're reminded of the profound impact that empathy, authenticity, and a shared narrative can have in our lives.

Kaitie's bio

Kaitie is a mom to an amazing and brilliant 6-year-old boy. She is a life coach who works with people who have a history of disordered eating and exercise behaviors. Kaitie has been in the health and fitness industry for 15 + years. Before getting certified as a Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist, she took everything she heard and learned from the diet industry and believed it. She discovered there is a disconnect between mind and body with so many people who just want to be healthy and are confused by all the messages and rules that come with each diet. She helps people get back to their roots by helping them unlearn all these rules by listening to their bodies, paying attention to their behaviors, and throwing their scale away.

Connect with Kaitie

on her Website: https://beautifulbeastwithin.com/

on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BeautifulBeastWithin

Do you care about getting featured and published on Real Talk Real Women Breaking the Silence Around Abuse?  Or do you know someone who would be a great fit?

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