S8E186 Keisha Brown in Changing the Narrative of Your Trauma into Your Off-Broadway Stage Script

Real Talk Real Women Breaking The Silence Around Abuse

15-08-2024 • 31 Min.

Changing the Narrative of Your Trauma into Your Off-Broadway Stage Script

When Kesha Brown decided to leave her abusive household at the tender age of nine, she could hardly foresee the profound ripple effect it would have on her life and the life of her mother. Join us in this emotionally charged episode of Real Talk, Real Women Breaking the Silence Around Abuse, where Kesha candidly recounts her childhood trauma and the pivotal moments that led her down a path of healing and empowerment. Through the comforting melodies of Mahalia Jackson and the cathartic process of writing her book, "Girl Get Your Power Back," Kesha navigated the treacherous waters of her past, underscoring the crucial role of therapy and continuous healing.

In our conversation, we also explore the liberating power of forgiveness and the importance of making conscious choices to break free from toxic cycles. Kesha shares heartfelt stories of forgiving her parents and ex-spouses, illustrating how choosing love, joy, and forgiveness can pave the way for a fulfilled and authentic life. We delve into her work with the Healing Exchange, where she uses her creative talents to inspire and heal others, emphasizing the importance of narrative and connection in overcoming trauma.

Keisha Brown's story as a previvor

[note: We all know "survivor" when you live through hell and back, and you end up still being alive, and having to start over your life with a completely different perspective. A "previvor" is someone who chooses to go through proactive measures, such as mastectomy, to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.]

Keisha M. Brown is an advocate, speaker, and writer dedicated to raising awareness about her experiences as a previvor. Having undergone proactive measures to reduce her risk of developing cancer, Keisha shares her inspiring journey and insights into navigating the challenges of being a previvor.

Her passion lies in empowering others facing similar circumstances, offering support, guidance, and a voice of understanding in the realm of cancer prevention and wellness.

Through her advocacy work and personal story, Keisha strives to foster a community of strength, resilience, and hope for individuals confronting the unknowns of genetic predispositions and their impact on health.

Keisha Brown, a beacon of strength and resilience, shares her journey as a previvor navigating the unknown path to wellness. Through her words, she brings a message of hope, healing, and community outreach, illuminating the way for others with warmth and courage.

Keisha's story is one of courage in the face of uncertainty, a reminder that strength can be found in vulnerability. As a previvor, she embodies resilience and determination, paving the way for others to embrace their own journeys with grace and fortitude.

Her experience serves as a guiding light, offering hope and inspiration to those who may be walking a similar path. With her words echoing a message of healing and unity, Keisha shines brightly, showing that even in the midst of challenges, we can find solace in the power of community and the unwavering spirit of the human heart.

Life as a previvor is a journey into the unknown. It is filled with uncertainties and fears, but also with resilience and strength. Facing the unknown is not easy, but with the right mindset and wellness practices, it can become a path to personal growth and self-discovery.

Keisha M Brown's book, "Facing the Unknown", is an honest and inspiring account of her journey as a previvor. Through her story, Brown hopes to inspire others to prioritize their own wellness and take steps towards a healthier, happier life. She believes that by making small changes and incorporating self-care into our daily routines, we can all experience the transformative power of wellness.

The weight of grief is heavy, many people think of grief as losing a loved one, but it is much deeper. In the early part of my journey, I didn’t realize I was grieving the loss of my breast until I removed the bandages.

Brown's journey as a previvor, and her path to wellness, is a testament to the power of resilience, self-care, and the human spirit. It is a reminder that even in the face of adversity, we have the power to take charge of our health and wellbeing, and lead fulfilling, satisfying lives.

Connect with Keisha M. Brown

By email: Info@KeemaEnterprises.com

On her website: www.KeemaEnterprises.com

On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheHealingExchange



On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ThinkHigherStudios/streams

Do you care about getting featured on Real Talk Real Women Breaking the Silence Around Abuse? Apply here: https://apply.realtalk-realwomen.com

Support the podcast and its mission; become a sponsor or a supporter. Learn more here: https://sponsors.realtalk-realwomen.com

Source webpage with picture, format, and more links: https://www.realtalk-realwomen.com/e/keisha-brown-from-trauma-to-offbroadway-stage-script/

Learn more about UPLIFT's host, Gemma Serenity Gorokhoff: https://gemmaserenity.com

Learn more about UPLIFT's founder, Sascha Gorokhoff: https://saschagorokhoff.com

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