Allah (God) is Known through Reason

Quran's Message and Miracle

29-04-2024 • 18 Min.

This episode explores the concept that God's existence can be recognized through the evidence of design and order in the world around us. The construction of man-made structures, such as the Eiffel Tower or the Pyramids of Egypt, demonstrate the need for a designer and builder. The same can be said for the complex bodily systems found in living creatures, including the human body. The brain, with its billions of nerve cells and trillions of connections, displays a perfect design that could not have come about through coincidence. The five senses, the skeleton, the heart, and the hands also exhibit an excellent design that points to a Creator.

The episode also highlights specific examples of nature that showcase God's design. The vast array of living species, from single-celled organisms to animals and plants, all have unique bodily systems and purposes for existence. Polar bears, with their thick fur and insulation, demonstrate a detailed design that allows them to survive in harsh environments. Eagles have superior eyesight that is a product of their light-sensitive cone cells, and this is evidence of God's design.

The episode concludes by reminding listeners that our existence in this world is a result of God's will and design. We live in a world that has been created and formed for us, and we should be grateful for the blessings we receive. Recognizing the evidence of design and order in the world around us is our responsibility, and it helps us understand the existence of God.