99. Manifesting Magic & Channeling Creativity with Rachel Platten

Magik Vibes

17-05-2021 • 1 Std. 7 Min.

My super-talented friend, award-winning singer-songwriter, and magical manifestor, Rachel Platten, joins me today to discuss pivotal moments in her life, and how our friendship evolved from being professional and linear to vulnerable and loving. We reflect on how our past “God-walks” saved us from lonely spells, and how to access the divine creativity we all have in our souls.

Lastly, we meditate on two of her powerful visualization techniques that took her from being broke and living in a cockroach-infested apartment in New York City, to performing at sold-out arenas all over the world.

I can’t wait for you to feel the Magik Vibes of this 99th episode! Thanks so much for being here on this journey.

Meditation begins at 1:00:19

Learn more about Kelsey at http://kelseyjpatel.com


Magik Vibes is a production of Crate Media

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