🕊️ Diederik's approach to limiting belief work is the most powerful, inspiring and heart-warming method I've found. I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I did, you can also watch it here. THANK YOU Diederik for sharing your wisdom with us!
You want to try out the 6 steps to inner freedom yourself? Here's how you can work with Diederik:
👉 Read his book (also available in German!)
👉 Work 1-1 with him (or write him an email)
👉 Join a Costa Rica 10 day intensive retreat
👉 Join Choose Again's online workshops
You want to work with me?
👉 Du willst ins Tun kommen für dein Ziel? Dann buch dir hier ein Speedcoaching mit mir!
👉 Alle Infos zu VISION, deinem Gruppenprogramm um umzusetzen und zu finden, was du im Herzen wirklich willst, findest du hier!