Introduction to The Wholistic Astrological Podcast

The Wholistic Astrological Podcast + Weekly Horoscopes

11-04-2022 • 10 Min.

The wholistic weekly astrological podcast will focus on the planets' weekly aspects (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto).

Luminaries (the Sun, the Moon) and asteroids ( mainly Chiron).

As well as other interesting astrological points and asteroids such as the Moon South and North node, black moon Lilith) and other interesting aspects that are made each week.

This podcast aims to be a definitive astrological forecast, weekly horoscope, which I know are the same thing, of your week ahead. The first intro podcast is a quick overview of what I will cover each week.

As this podcast goes on, I will also talk about individual aspects, including trine, sextile, and oppositions. Quincunx, semi squares, parallels, conjunctions, sesquiquadrate, quintile, and other astrological aspects.

I will also do a podcast on each planet and luminaries, so stay tuned for some good stuff and weekly horoscopes.

This is the sister podcast to the wholistic individual podcast. The main focus of that podcast will be on healing emotional, psychological, and spiritual wounds and higher consciousness-soul trauma.

So you can live your best life, this will be a bi-weekly- fortnight podcast, breaking down the limitations step by step.

We all face in our lives, in healing, facing our own shadow, and accepting ourselves, life and other people for what it is and who they are.

I use the western, constellational and Vedic elements. Still, my main focus in these weekly astrology horoscopes is the aspects the planets and luminaries make to each other throughout the week.

My approach is applied astrology, focusing on how you can use astrology. To heal your current and past life trauma and build the best life you can in this incarnation.