S3EP99 - The Church is suppose to do what?

The Berean Manifesto

10-11-2022 • 49 Min.

S3Ep99 - The Church Is Suppose To Do What? Pastor Newms: [0:00] Hello and welcome to season 3 episode 98 of the brand Manifesto faith hope and love for the modern Christian I'm Pastor what we're 99.  [0:25] No or so I've read I've titled everything in the entire system row.  Pastor Bill: [0:31] Well did we not nobody typed in the hello and welcome on the 23rd did we not nobody typed in the 13th we did episode 97 that's why my number was off so it's yeah it's 99.  Pastor Newms: [0:43] Okay yeah yeah we didn't we didn't type it yeah yeah that would make sense I was like wait a second.  Pastor Bill: [0:51] I got you I got you so next season 3 episode 100 and then the week after that will be season 4 episode 1.  Pastor Newms: [1:00] Which episode 300 unless something is different that I don't know of it is back to you being big face.  Pastor Bill: [1:09] It is next week is back to being big face.  Pastor Newms: [1:11] Yeah yeah now are you prepared for being back to big face yet.  Pastor Bill: [1:19] My ever prepared for anything ever.  Pastor Newms: [1:21] Um no I'm turning you down a bunch tonight just so you know you were super loud when we got started.  Pastor Bill: [1:28] Last week everybody was like you're so far away from the mic so this week I took time to make sure I was like right up in the mic and ready to go.  Pastor Newms: [1:36] Yeah you're redlining a smidge I've turned you down though so I hope it is more even now if you could talk.  Pastor Bill: [1:43] Image of words.  Pastor Newms: [1:45] Yes there we go okay now you're just barely tapping read every now and then.  Pastor Bill: [1:49] Okay good I don't want to like break speakers and make people go just you're so loud I'm not going to listen to what they have to say.  Pastor Newms: [1:57] Well I mean I'm a pretty loud person naturally and so a lot of people don't listen to what I have to say because of that oh interesting so one of my girls did bring me a sneak but I'm actually using, Zaid he's sneak cup and so she has a bunch of festive stickers that I don't, that I don't have on my sneak cups so just kind of as it why are you holding a microphone.  Pastor Bill: [2:26] That brain on switch which is my wife says his beard hasn't grown back in enough to be big fish.  Pastor Newms: [2:33] Why are you holding a microphone while you're looking at a microphone.  Pastor Bill: [2:39] I don't know it was on my desk all kinds of things will wind up on my anything that breaks in the house winds up on my desk to be fixed this is one of the things I fixed, I had to heat up this top Shield broke off and the heat up the shield with a lighter, until it was too hot to touch and used my shirt to press it down into the plastic lining here to melt it back into place, which upon inspection was how they attached it to begin with in the first place, no glue they literally just heated up the metal was like.  Pastor Newms: [3:22] You prefer in saying his beard doesn't grow my beard is substantially less than what it was two weeks ago because I got a major trim, in order to be where I was last Sunday which was, doing a doing a I hate that conducting facilitating, a wedding so that's how my week was has like half my week was spent out in Texas, facilitating a wedding and being busy doing that and thoroughly enjoying it but.  Pastor Bill: [4:09] Look I've got a Halo.  [4:17] What is personal it of that brain on switch to says CurseLit.  Pastor Newms: [4:21] It's a it's a it's an emoji that is a little fire it's a little pretty.  Pastor Bill: [4:29] Oh okay it's one of those emojis.  Pastor Newms: [4:31] Yeah it's at which emoji yeah.  Pastor Bill: [4:35] Earlier real dark Grayson said pastor 104 hype Pastor 104 High.  Pastor Newms: [4:40] It's a little red it's a little red thing holding a sign that says hype and before that zaidi's was I believe those are robot faces twitch has a bunch of emojis that.  Pastor Bill: [4:53] Little semicolon close paren.  Pastor Newms: [4:57] It appears to be a robot face.  Pastor Bill: [5:04] Once again this court is not pick up the Emojis from twitch and I'm left is looking at weird. Discord so yeah it is what it is.  [5:23] What happens when I throw an emoji and Discord ship.  Pastor Newms: [5:26] Or like this, and and just really just you know make it to where you have no idea.  Pastor Bill: [5:47] What does that look like in twitch.  Pastor Newms: [5:48] That appears to be a pain yeah.  Pastor Bill: [5:52] So twitch pics Discord is just a Discord doesn't speak to it.  Pastor Newms: [5:56] Well I think it's actually completely different because to be to referral the.  Pastor Bill: [6:03] Wow.  Pastor Newms: [6:14] And just so you know the thing that brings did it's an octopus doing this.  Pastor Bill: [6:20] Okay squid squid squid squid squid squid.  Pastor Newms: [6:22] Okay it's a squid doing this if it.  Pastor Bill: [6:25] Squid 1 or 2 Squid 3 Squid 4.  Pastor Newms: [6:27] Yeah it's doing this with its tentacles as individual Emojis all right, which the funny thing that one did not get picked up it just says Discord Bill Shea Circle so.  [6:59] Got it so that's how my week went was lots of driving lots of being places and then a bunch of talking.  Pastor Bill: [7:13] Shu Pei when you pick the panorama.  [7:19] The driving is one of the prices you pay when you pick the Panorama you chose to move to Tennessee and so now.  Pastor Newms: [7:27] But what's Panorama have to do with it that's the type of photo.  Pastor Bill: [7:32] Your view have a panoramic chose the it's a line from a song.  Pastor Newms: [7:41] I don't get it but that's cool like okay I get to look at mountains you don't I mean so I guess I get what that means like since my view.  Pastor Bill: [7:50] I am a mess.  [7:55] I just got to look in the mirror be like hello mountain man.  Pastor Newms: [7:58] You're a pile of something.  Pastor Bill: [8:01] Hey let's also pile.  Pastor Newms: [8:03] It's all a mountain is a pile of something.  Pastor Bill: [8:06] Know what kind of rocks in the mountain are not the same thing.  Pastor Newms: [8:10] Once just older.  Pastor Bill: [8:16] So my week was all right I guess I've officially decided that those people that I got a second interview with have ghosts.  Pastor Newms: [8:23] Ah  Pastor Bill: [8:24] That stinks I got a puppy this week so that's all.  Pastor Newms: [8:27] Yes you did.  Pastor Bill: [8:31] Pit lab named granola, who has taken to house training housebreaking very well surprisingly well, I got to see you this week hang out with you at a park for about an hour that was fun.  Pastor Newms: [8:50] Yep we got it we got a little bit of hanging out time.  Pastor Bill: [8:57] Miranda went to her first public school dance on Friday.  Pastor Newms: [9:02] Gross.  Pastor Bill: [9:05] Had a good time hanging out with her friends it was like a rave type theme with black lights glow sticks and she came back with a bunch of pictures and videos and stuff.  Pastor Newms: [9:17] Yeah see Grayson agrees with me.  Pastor Bill: [9:20] Racist.  Pastor Newms: [9:21] And I don't say that, you know let's be clear it's not the public school dance and it's not the Miranda dancing neither of those two things are gross it's the.  Pastor Bill: [9:33] Miranda.  Pastor Newms: [9:35] Going to a dance that is gross just overall so let's be clear on what I mean I am not hating on public school and I'm not hating on a child I am hating on, the the high school dance aspect of high school dance. Be coming from someone who never had to go to a high school dance because I went to a school that thought that if you danced you would probably end up burning in Hell quite quickly afterwards and so our homecoming it was literally in the middle of a basketball game and you just, you had the court and that the court walked away that was homecoming yay. So another thing cuz I just saw it on camera one of the things that did happen at the wedding is I shattered a tooth that was fun.  Pastor Bill: [10:44] You saw your tooth on camera is that what you're saying.  Pastor Newms: [10:46] Yeah I saw the whole on the additional the new hole in my face and it made me go oh yeah I broke a tooth which seems to happen now every time I go somewhere, like the last time I was in Texas I broke a tooth and so I'm like. You know well that's a thing.  Pastor Bill: [11:09] I guess I should just stop going places.  Pastor Newms: [11:11] Yeah I don't think that's the actual answer I think it's more I should probably get my teeth fixed but debt is expensive.  Pastor Bill: [11:22] Boomstick rooms.  Pastor Newms: [11:23] So says the guy who got all his teeth pulled out which is a form of fixing.  Pastor Bill: [11:32] For her I guess.  Pastor Newms: [11:33] So that that's that's how the weeks went.  Pastor Bill: [11:39] Cool it's time for getting to know the pastor's then it's your week to pull a car.  Pastor Newms: [11:43] Do you have any other thing you want to talk about before I before I read said card anything. I really am super tired for no good reason I had plenty of sleep last night because you know time change so we got a full extra hour, if you want a contest in which your prize was to select any three guests to appear on a popular late night talk show which three people would you choose. That's a weird contest yeah.  Pastor Bill: [12:22] I won a contest to choose three other people to go onto a talk show. For the participation of seeing those three people go on the talk show.  Pastor Newms: [12:55] What would you absolutely have to see for your trip to be compete complete so if you want an African safari what do you want to see on said African safari. Do do do do do do for me so I've kind of been an African safari but not really on an African safari.  Pastor Bill: [13:22] Water that's in Africa.  Pastor Newms: [13:23] No I did nope I did not go to Botswana you were wrong I went to South Africa.  Pastor Bill: [13:27] Where do you stay when it was here in South Africa.  Pastor Newms: [13:32] Did not go to boss did not go on the Botswana trip but the South Africa trip you we stayed on a, Safari it's a wildlife preserve that is now owned by the franzen's I believe and they they've made it into a school.  Pastor Bill: [13:54] About the franzen's have a school in Africa.  Pastor Newms: [13:57] And Zaydie correct me if I'm wrong if that's a different place but I'm 99% sure, if you're saying Franzen then I probably have the right people but I was actually looking at pictures of it earlier pictures from their school and they have a baby Rescue Center, which would be the only things they di would focus on that's that's a joke for all of you who don't know out there's 80 actually works with babies and loves babies more than any other form of human, but so they had a bunch of, you know animals and you know things on the Wildlife Preserve, and I don't like ostriches and I don't like emus you know rhinos are cool lions are cool but I've seen them, I've eaten zebra I've eaten giraffe so I don't really care to see those, zadie says I am an emu and they have much more hair than me so no I'm not.  Pastor Bill: [15:15] How are you an emu.  Pastor Newms: [15:16] I don't know I must get a I must aggressively pack while I flap my wings and run it people maybe which does seem like something I could possibly do let's be honest, so I don't really have anything I would like to see on an African safari because there's not anything that's really you know, I've been to some cool Safari zoos I've been to some cool you know there's some good zoos that I've been to that I've been able to see.  [15:54] We're not going to talk about that we're not even going to read that comment we're going to giggle and no one will know why so.  Pastor Bill: [16:04] Most of them read the.  Pastor Newms: [16:06] Yeah unless you're into which currently live the but. Yes I don't have anything you don't have anything okay well we have to have another card if you can't.  Pastor Bill: [16:24] Spell Geographic and I've seen the those Earth shows on TV I've seen enough of Africa as far as Safari wise goes.  Pastor Newms: [16:33] Here's a good one if everyone we're required. To wear a hat at all times what sort of hat would you wear.  [16:58] Now so I'm going to argue that this question is semi invalid because if I'm required to wear a hat at all times, I'm going to constantly be changing my hat I currently own like four different styles is like 12 hats zaidi says she would always wear a beanie which is not surprising I love beanies I love fedoras I own a cowboy hat I don't wear it very often, I love fitted ball caps I hate trucker hats.  Pastor Bill: [17:44] That's only that's only wearable when it's like cold outside because it holds in so much heat, you know but I mean I've also got a trucker hat I've got a fitted hat I've got one of those XE cab driver hats I've got a bowler hat I've got a fedora. My favorite is definitely the top hat but it's too hot.  Pastor Newms: [18:16] Right but that's your favorite. Overall which it's a steampunk hat so technically it could have a small air conditioner built into it if it was a required thing that all people had to wear hats hats would have air conditioners I think, yeah. Oh here we go don't do it yes when did you add the webbing.  Pastor Bill: [18:48] For Halloween this year.  Pastor Newms: [18:49] I like it I like the webbing I thought your goggles were more steampunk than they were then they look there I thought they were steampunk not black.  Pastor Bill: [19:01] No they're not bronze color.  Pastor Newms: [19:03] I thought they were bronze to match the little on the side of it.  Pastor Bill: [19:08] No even though it is new new ish mean that came with the set up instead of.  Pastor Newms: [19:15] Mmm okay well it shows how much I know which is none.  Pastor Bill: [19:21] Well you've been living in Tennessee for ever at this point it feels like.  Pastor Newms: [19:27] It's been just like two years three years almost.  Pastor Bill: [19:33] That's what I said forever.  Pastor Newms: [19:35] That's not forever you are exaggerating.  Pastor Bill: [19:44] I said feel there's no time there's no exaggeration when you say feel it's just you're expressing how you feel.  Pastor Newms: [19:52] That's that's valid all right, so I think we're warmed up yes Biggs my favorite hat is my Fedora I need a new one that Fedora is actually, it is that it is at its end it has it has it actually irritated me during the wedding and, Serafina ended up wearing it for a large part of the day because it has gotten smooshy to a couple times and the fabric is not, taught anymore and it's just it feels wrong oh my head because of age but yes I love fedoras.  Pastor Bill: [20:37] The age of the hat or the age of the wearer.  Pastor Newms: [20:39] 30 second buffer 30 second buffer 32nd and for those of you who don't get that joke we actually do that after we cut off, the podcast we do a 30 second buffer for our live people for those of, I haven't made that joke in a while so in case you're a new listener that's how we sign off for this thing and so, that's my cue that I don't like what Pastor Bill saying and I'm leaving.  Pastor Bill: [21:12] That's what he does when he doesn't like what I say.  Pastor Newms: [21:14] I'm out. So tonight tonight we are talking.  Pastor Bill: [21:27] Nah.  Pastor Newms: [21:30] I titled tonight, the church is supposed to do what and for some reason on Twitch I put two question marks I don't think I did that everywhere but on Twitch I I put two question marks so obviously I was very.  Pastor Bill: [21:45] Perch cats which got a little something extra special.  Pastor Newms: [21:49] I think when I deleted the one row to put in the new row that I copied from you know I, didn't delete the question mark So it got to where everyone got to and I don't know it yet one of the other, so you know we've been on this six week Journey quote unquote.  Pastor Bill: [22:15] The six big Journey that we took the three week Hiatus from to do a.  Pastor Newms: [22:19] Yeah that we've taken other breaks from so it's really been you know which is really funny because so here's the thing like I decided to do the six-week study on discipleship because we were doing the kingdom disciples, study book for my family bible study that we do with my extended family every Saturday, it's always like oh since I'm being the big face will do this at the same time and, didn't like a week got missed in another week got missed and then a week got missed here that didn't get missed there and then a week got missed here and then we took a three week break but then because of that the same time so actually Saturday this past week was actually our last session here too so for both the six-week Bible study was really like 12.  Pastor Bill: [23:11] In both places for different.  Pastor Newms: [23:13] Both places for completely different reasons but started, ended at the same time which is really really weird and just so everyone knows our next.  Pastor Bill: [23:26] Or is it Providence.  Pastor Newms: [23:29] What show was I watching what show is that what was I watching or reading where they were talking about the fact that I don't believe in coincidences, remember, I was watching something and they were like there is no such thing as coincidence probably but I remember what I was watching so I was trying to quote something and now I don't remember what it was and I don't think it was, the show Lucifer from DC vertigo but, it might have been the Netflix show I was watching that with our friend says this last week anyway so the last part of our discipleship, talk is the church's role in discipleship last week well two weeks ago now we talked about the family's role, in discipleship and how as a family you know we should be discipling and this one is on the church's role and so.  [24:35] You know there, are so many things you can look at when you're looking at the church or when you say things like the church's role you know what we should do with the church and we discussed this a lot several weeks ago, on our state of Theology of where the church is and where the church should be in certain facets and this is a you know something we talked about a lot and in our current climate of, the world we live in it is something being talked about, a lot as well is the perception of the church and the way church is done and lots of things like that, and it's so we're going to kind of tonight looking at as far as from A discipleship standpoint what should the church be doing which, the funny thing is is the church should be creating disciples it's the thing as a Capital C church as followers of Christ it's, one of the things that we are commanded to do one of the only things that Jesus actually like States go do this no qualms no, qualifiers note you know Go Make Disciples yeah like it's one of the things that the direct you know. Action that he told us to go do Go Make Disciples and so.  Pastor Bill: [26:03] And when we say when we say the church we don't mean. The organizations and institutions that call themselves churches we mean the people that literally make up the church.  Pastor Newms: [26:19] The church yeah exactly yeah and and there is a distinction in that.  Pastor Bill: [26:26] About the inclusion houses job to make disciples as an organization, my job and news is job and everybody that's watching this or listening to this as you know participants in what the occasion has to do, it sold our jobs have you met.  Pastor Newms: [26:42] Right.  Pastor Bill: [26:43] Type of because we are the church.  Pastor Newms: [26:48] And one of the big things, and it was interesting one of the one of the things that you know dr. Evans said in this study is if you're not making disciples if you're not working towards that as a person you're not, in church you're just, I'm a mess it up you're just Gathering you're not you're not there for the right reasons which is to be discipled to then disciple you know the, the whole thing about the lecture style that most modern churches have gone to does not lend itself to, making disciples in a certain way some people, that is how they learn it is how they grow it is how they they can, be discipled in that way for the majority of humans a lecture series is not, how they're really going to click on it and the bigger issue in that is to become a disciple is not, to listen and understand it's too then act on it.  Pastor Bill: [28:10] This is why we have so many people out in the world who have college degrees, and figure out simplest instructions it's because college is all lecture style and they just want a piece of paper that it actually will learn any, because that's not how everybody learns only a small percentage of people learn in that environment.  Pastor Newms: [28:32] Yeah most people are Hands-On and so when we, like that's where that's where for me for me actually the lectures work to a certain degree but, the reason they work is I don't trust anyone I don't trust myself I don't trust what I think I don't trust what other people think I trust no one so when I'm listening to a lecture I'm constantly going and thinking on it and thinking of the things I've learned in the past and thinking of the things I've and and, that is the ADHD superpowers where I can still pay attention, to what's being said and do that whereas a lot of people can't.  Pastor Bill: [29:21] Big issue with lectures, is and wee wee and I mentioned this earlier with you is my big issue with lectures is somebody will go into an analogy about football around go, they started a football analogy I'm going to tune them out until they're done with that analogy because I don't know anything about football, so I'm not getting anything out of this anyway so I usually go off into my own little world until my brain takes out that they stopped talking about about football and that's your loss, or they start talking about, troubles they have it a hotel because they were at a different Hotel before my brain goes that's not applicable to me and I just don't hear what they said.  Pastor Newms: [30:03] Which is something that does happen and you do that also with just normal conversation, me and says got into a slightly heated conversation earlier this week because.  [30:21] Something was said that, that flips me the wrong way because of the connotation of a word when he was using the diction of the word he was correct in his diction but to me he was completely wrong in his connotation not because of his connotation but because the connotation of how the word actually exists today and so you know and in his, worldview and his circles that he runs in he doesn't experience that, whereas in where I run it's a completely different, grouping of circles in people in you know and so it's interesting to see even those types of division in, in conversations which is why so much of the of the New Testament Church and so much of what, we've tried to do with the occlusion house and what is needed, overall is that small group format of coming together studying together learning together talking it through to make sure we all.  [31:34] Not agree but are on the same page of understanding of okay that's what, that's what it could mean or that's what it might mean or that's what it means to me and that's what it means to you and cool when it's not a, you know one of the one of the big ones the little things that we sometimes split whole churches about, and refused to work together but it's it's that aspect of as a church we should be you know, those small groups are what's important the people the relationships that you can build is what churches the when I say church is this time I mean, individual Gathering of people should be working towards is because the small group is what, the only way to truly disciple you can't disciple on a large scale the large scale is to start the conversation the small scale is where you actually grow, and I think that's something that is.  Pastor Bill: [32:46] The institution is supposed to facilitate. The abilities for the individual to be discipled and then to disciple others it's not the institutions job to disciple and that big you know, top down here Rock bureaucratic way that just doesn't work the church is supposed to facilitate. Believers doing what believes are supposed to do.  Pastor Newms: [33:15] And so, a couple of the other things that you know dr. Evans kind of talks about is the church the capital c Church being Unified, and then so like one of the verses that he used which I actually.  [33:35] I was at a church today and this was what they were talking about two for some reason that didn't go to Twitch I don't know why okay, so the restream client has decided not to pick up twitch at the moment for some reason okay, from him the whole body fitted and it together by every supporting ligament promotes the growth of the Body for building up itself in Love by the proper working of each individual part and, that is what the capital c church is missing so often we've divided ourselves into little groups that only, you know I only like this kind of music so, I go to a church that only plays this music I only like my coffee to be served in a glass that is biodegradable or I only like my coffee to be served in a cup that's hand washed after you someone else's just drink out of it and, anyway I don't understand that one personally but other people do and, not my place to judge them I can disagree with them nicely and and not actually make disgusted faces at them but we have to.  Pastor Bill: [34:56] Agreement here coffee cup piracy I've never coming back here.  Pastor Newms: [35:06] Those are individual aspects in this scenario but, you know we have to be United you know one of the things that I found interesting was you know, there are times and it's happening more and more where churches are coming together even from other denominations and working together because they understand, you know these are the things we agree with just because I think your skirt needs to be 7 mm past your ankle and you think it can be 7 inches above your knee, you know that doesn't necessarily mean.  Pastor Bill: [35:50] Seven inches.  Pastor Newms: [35:51] The tall people they're Giants it happens.  Pastor Bill: [35:54] I better be tall people, sit down with the skirt is 7 inches above your knee there's those hurt me more.  Pastor Newms: [36:01] They're very tall people you know some of those mountain people met and they big people but they you know you.  Pastor Bill: [36:10] I want to be comfortable but.  Pastor Newms: [36:12] So there's those aspects were.  Pastor Bill: [36:17] Love between your legs and that chair.  Pastor Newms: [36:19] We will go back to the hygiene issues, when we come together we have to come together to to move the kingdom forward you know discipling and growing even when we don't agree with each other there's a lot that you know there's, someone said something to me recently and they were like well you know you can't just not go somewhere because you don't agree with them and, that's a hundred percent accurate, to a degree because it's 100% accurate that we have to come together even when we disagree on small things if we're disagreeing on large things, that can be a different conversation because you know you do have to be comfortable where you worship and where you're being fed into but.  Pastor Bill: [37:14] What are those large things that you knew.  Pastor Newms: [37:16] I don't have them all written down at the moment but the big ones for me are you know Jesus being the only way to the father.  Pastor Bill: [37:29] That's the definition of Christianity.  Pastor Newms: [37:31] Right right the aspect of the so Jesus, death Resurrection the fact that salvation is by yeah salvation is by, faith not works not just a prayer you know there is actually that and then. To me those three or two or one or however you want to look at it are really the big ones.  Pastor Bill: [38:12] I'd say number three would be. It's an issue if you say we need to radically love and then you can all that stuff with but.  Pastor Newms: [38:20] I agree but. That's a I agree for me I can't, BM there's a difference between fellowshipping with and being a member of a congregation with as well you know there's a lot of people I will fellowship with that I don't agree with, at all but I know they've got the two that I actually like the 223 that are you know yes Jesus, yes Faith yes Heaven cool like you know we've got the same generic, but like you know there are some things that just woo but, we still have to be able to come together for those things you know there are still times that I've completely disagreed with something, gotten into the word studied it realized I'm wrong, and changed my worldview and that's okay and if we didn't ever interact with anyone outside of our own worldview we wouldn't do that if we all lived in our individual bubbles.  Pastor Bill: [39:33] Well. I've had that happen more than once just getting ready for this podcast, I've got into studying with one worldview and gone oh wait a whole world you on this issue has been unbiblical eager like from friends and started I had to change what I believe now.  Pastor Newms: [39:51] And I agree on that if you.  Pastor Bill: [39:54] Can't happen.  Pastor Newms: [39:55] Individual study but usually it's through discourse and you know studying together. So you know we are you know there's a common phrase sometimes you'll be the only Jesus anyone sees, and that is a true statement there are times where we as Christians we as followers of Christ, we are the only.  [40:31] Cristiano someone might see now the the radical difference to that that I see often is often times we're the only accurate representation, of Christian or we are the only opposing view from the vocal.  [40:52] I will say minority that ends up getting all the air time. On both sides of all issues typically it's the vocal minority that, end up causing more issues in more divisiveness but in churches it happens so often we're like for example what we talked about for three weeks straight of you know the, state of theology so many people have tainted even what certain words mean, in Christianity and that doesn't mean the whole of Christianity feels that way but because some people are teaching it quite loudly, that's what people see people see televangelists people see people who are on, you know the radio people see these certain individuals not the church as a whole that is trying to do the right thing in the right way, we sadly have a lot of us not and so in that as we round the corner of 720.  [42:10] Some of the stuff the church isn't if a church is growing, meaning the building is growing or the the number of people inside building is growing but the people, aren't growing in their faith and growing in their knowledge and growing in being discipled.  [42:37] That that physical iteration of the church is missing it if the numbers are growing up, but the people are staying the same we've missed something if the print if the people if the building, of the church is really pretty but the people Spirits aren't really pretty, we're probably missing something if the people are rotten and just crotchety angry you know, whatever people were probably missing something something you mentioned earlier if the church isn't loving others the church is missing it you know the, it's interesting to see, as I've been visiting churches and listening to things and reading on things trying to find a a church too, attend, to you know Assist in being discipled so that I can continue to help disciple the, it's hard to find an organization that.  [44:01] Is not missing it or is not, not doing something if you if you have a building fund because you just want a new building, or the carpets are Raggedy but you haven't reached out to the hungry or the poor or the lost or the widowed or the you know all the things that Jesus you know blatantly tells us to do and what the New Testament Church did taking care of people who are in need, that's a problem you know if you're spending more money on this than that or if you're not even trying you know I have you know, we've all seen it we all know it it happens sadly and then there are some, individual parts of the church that are doing a really good job of certain of these aspects and that's good, and that's how it should be but we as a whole church have to continue to get there together and that's all I have to say but I know you probably have more.  [45:19] You can't not have anything. We got nine more minutes to fill like that's ever stopped me when I'm the big head that we're short, but do you have anything to add to that any of that.  Pastor Bill: [45:50] I guess I'm just.  [46:00] Sick and tired of all of that. Screaming into the darkness for no one but God Z here.  [46:24] There's no there's no money and there's no popularity and loving people and speaking the truth and. So we just end up in our own little Echo chamber going in circles about things that need to be done and we have no voice of influence anywhere.  Pastor Newms: [46:54] It definitely is frustrating yes I agree.  [47:05] Well if you would like to join us if you're listening to this podcast we record this live every Sunday or most Sunday's 6:30 Central Time, and it's sadly looks like it will not be you know, central time will not be the set Central Time unless something radically changes quite quickly in one of the houses time change will happen again in the spring it looks like but that's beside the point the that's.  Pastor Bill: [47:39] About the time they chose was the daylight savings time they chose.  [47:48] Which was the stupid one to choose to begin with but they still from the jars.  Pastor Newms: [47:52] So they did choose one and it passed unanimously in whichever of the chamber's it was in I cannot remember I want to say it passed the Senate correctly and it has now just been sitting in the house, and has not been discussed talked about or anything which it has to go through both chambers before it can then be sent to the president to become law and so at the moment, no one knows everyone anticipated before this last switch that the law would be passed so that we going into the next year it would be law but it has been just sitting, I'm on someone's you know in the, in the chamber whichever side I can't remember whether it was the house passed it in the Senate that's holding it or the Senate passed it in the house is holding and I can't remember I just actually read an article about it yesterday, but I don't remember but we're going to be here 6:30 whatever time Central is currently, recording this and we would love for you to join us you can look us up on EKK.house to see where you can join us live.  [49:10] And, with that to be part of the discussion as we're talking about you know to try to work through these things together as opposed to just having.  [49:24] The talking head actually being able to interact with everyone through it, and we will talk with you guys next week and we love you.  Pastor Bill: [49:42] Stay safe out there.