The Berean Manifesto

Pastor Bill Shea

We encourage a Berean lifestyle of self-study of the Scriptures at home. read less
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S4EP13 - Out of Dust
S4EP13 - Out of Dust
Summary In this conversation, Pastor Bill and Pastor Newms discuss their study of Genesis chapter two, verses four through seven. They started their study from the beginning of Genesis and talked about how it wasn't a Jewish text initially. They also discussed how the Scriptures were the beginning of the story for the Jews before they went into captivity in Babylon. Pastor Bill reads from the Christian Standard Bible, not because he thinks it's perfect, but because no translation could be perfect as it's impossible to know the intentions of someone when they were writing the scriptures. They go through the verses word by word, looking for words that are different and could indicate that something deeper or more is being said. They discuss the creation of the earth and the heavens, the absence of shrubs and plants, and the mist that watered the ground before the creation of man. They then talk about how the Lord God formed the man out of dust from the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, making him a living being. Overall, their discussion focuses on the deeper meanings and insights that can be gained from studying the Scriptures in detail. The speaker discusses the significance of the phrase these are the records of the heavens and the earth concerning their creation at the time that the Lord God made the earth and heavens in Genesis chapter two, verse four. They explain that while the first part of the phrase is not particularly noteworthy, the second half - which refers to Jehovah and Elohim - is significant as it defines Jehovah as a specific, divine being. This, in turn, gives us an idea of when the text may have been written, as Jehovah is not identified by name until Exodus chapter three. The speaker goes on to mention that this chapter describes the story of Moses and the burning bush, which is where God first refers to himself as Jehovah. The conversation revolves around the book of Genesis in the Bible, specifically the story of Moses and God's revelation of his name, Jehovah. The discussion touches on the idea that Moses might not have existed but the point is that God shared his name with humanity at a certain time. This is significant as it is the first time that God identified himself by name to mankind. The conversation also touches on the structure of Genesis, which follows a pattern of recording human interactions with God and tracking the genealogies of specific individuals such as Adam, Noah, and Abraham. It is noted that Genesis is not a history book but a religious text useful for teaching, correcting, and building up faith. The discussion concludes by emphasizing the importance of understanding that Genesis is a record of oral histories and human interactions with God, rather than a book of direct descendantship or religious clubs. In a conversation between two pastors, they discuss the significance of the story of Abraham in the book of Genesis. They note that Abraham was found faithful and God chose to favor his bloodline, which is why his lineage is blessed and why the scriptures still exist. The pastors also point out that before God whispered to Abraham in the desert, the whole world had forgotten the name of God. They emphasize that Genesis chapter two has ties that are connected to future scriptures and that people refer back to these scriptures frequently. Both pastors agree on the importance of understanding the context of the Bible and how it informs our understanding of God's plan for humanity. Chapters 0:00:00 "Transcript: Season 4, Episode 13 of The Berean Manifesto - Faith, Hope, and Love for the Modern Christian"  0:02:58 Weekly Update: Quizzing Competition and Gaming Beta Testing  0:05:26 Discussion and State Event Anecdote  0:10:21 Transcript of a Podcast Episode: Messing with Children for Fun with a Professional Writer  0:14:44 A Casual Conversation with a Pastor.  0:16:50 A Conversation on Favorite Movie Scenes and Coping Strategies for Bad Days  0:19:52 A Casual Conversation on Coping with Bad Days and Humorous Jokes about Jesus 0:22:54 A Discussion on Genesis 2:4-7: Word by Word Analysis with Pastors Bill and Newms  Analysis of Genesis and Exodus: The Use of Names for God  0:30:02 Analysis of Genesis: The Naming of God and the Cycle of Genealogies  0:37:51 A Discussion on the Significance of Abraham and Genesis Chapter Two in Biblical History  0:39:13 A Discussion on the Cultural and Linguistic Context of the Word "Jehovah" in the Bible  0:41:01 A Casual Conversation between Pastors on Genesis 25  0:46:28 A Discussion on Genesis 2:6-7: The Creation of Man and the Importance of God's Personal Involvement  0:48:46 Analysis of Genesis 2:7: The Formation of Human Beings from Dust  0:59:18 Discussion on the Concept of God's Breath and the Human Soul  1:00:15 A Discussion on the Spiritual Significance of Breath and the Beginning of Life in Different Faiths  1:09:13 "The Berean Manifesto: A Weekly Podcast on Faith, Hop, and Love for the Modern Christian"  Transcript 0:00:00 Pastor Bill: It's. Hello, and welcome to season four, episode 13 of The Berean Manifesto. Faith, Hope, and Love for the Modern Christian. I'm Pastor Bill, and I am joined, as always, by Pastor Newms. And Pastor Newms was telling us about some stuff about his day, and we've just kind of been hanging out while the intro music played because we record this live, right? Every Sunday night we record this live at 06:30 p.m. Central Standard Time. And if you're enjoying listening to this podcast not live, then you might enjoy coming and hanging out on Twitch or Facebook or YouTube in the chat. You froze me? 0:00:52 Pastor Newms: Yeah, I forgot if I opened up my little thing to take a screenshot that it would freeze you like this, but not like that. 0:01:03 Pastor Bill: Why are you screenshotting me? 0:01:05 Pastor Newms: I'm not screenshotting you. Okay, screenshoting a bathroom layout. That is kind of like what I'm talking about, but not quite. 0:01:15 Pastor Bill: But see, we were talking about that before we went officially live. 0:01:19 Pastor Newms: Well, I didn't say what it was. I didn't say why. 0:01:22 Pastor Bill: I didn't say why I was sending you a screenshot of a bathroom. 0:01:25 Pastor Newms: Yeah. 0:01:25 Pastor Bill: Going to randomly throw that in there and let listeners wonder. 0:01:28 Pastor Newms: Let them wonder. Let them wonder. 0:01:29 Pastor Bill: So if you wanted to join us live and be a part of the conversation, you can type in the chat. Like just now, we got a chat message from Zaydie, who's one of our regulars on Twitch. She just said hi, but if at any point she wanted to be more part of the conversation with questions or concerns like last week, like last week, then she could. And I would like to invite everyone who's listening to avail yourself of these technological capabilities as well and join us on Sunday nights when we record live. All right, Pastor Newms, how was your week? 0:02:11 Pastor Newms: Strong breath is a good waves. No, my week was pretty good. 0:02:16 Pastor Bill: Your week was strong breath? 0:02:18 Pastor Newms: Yeah, strong breath like a good strong exhale. No, my week was good. Monday through Friday was just busy, but not bad busy. It was just work busy. And then yesterday, the state finals for the Junior Bible Quiz thing that Seraphina has recently gotten involved in. 0:02:58 Pastor Bill: Was there. 0:02:59 Pastor Newms: And so there were people from across Tennessee, mainly from Knoxville, the Nashville area and then, of course, the Memphis area and then someone from outside the state. But their state doesn't have one, so they're part of our state for the finals. And the number one place gets an automatic the number one team for Quizzing gets to go to nationals and then so many other teams get to go to regionals which then they can try to place in nationals. And so it's kind of cool. And so I coached that yesterday, and so that was a lot of up and down the stairs and a lot of around and around, which is fun, but it was good because the girls had fun and both of them beat their daily high scores, which was good, so it was fun. And then that's really all the only memorable thing I did this week. Everything else was pretty much just normal work. I did finish, not finish. I did more of the Diablo four open beta this week. This is the last open beta before launch on 66, and so that was fun and got to play with that some more, so it was good. 0:04:46 Pastor Bill: Cool. 0:04:48 Pastor Newms: How was your week, Pastor Bill? 0:04:50 Pastor Bill: Well, in my neck of the woods, so last week we had been talking about Gerg and his old One Act Play stuff, and I didn't have all the correct information. So Wednesday they had their, what they were what we called bi-district competition. 0:05:07 Pastor Newms: Okay. 0:05:08 Pastor Bill: Which they placed in one of the top three positions. So they do move on, but apparently they move on from by district into area, and then if they succeeded area, then they move on to region, and if they succeed at region, then they move on to state. 0:05:26 Pastor Newms: Okay. 0:05:30 Pastor Bill: But they only had to do good at by district in order to letter to get a letterman's jacket. So he's going to get a letterman jacket now because of how they did him by district, so that's cool. 0:05:44 Pastor Newms: That is kind of cool. Yeah, that is pretty cool. 0:05:50 Pastor Bill: And then, you know that new little bug on my Windscreen. 0:06:01 Pastor Newms: The Mic isn't new. 0:06:03 Pastor Bill: Why are you pointing at it? 0:06:05 Pastor Newms: No. 0:06:05 Pastor Bill: Transcribing software that I had discovered and started using, and it was kind of touch and go. Yeah, it turns out they were in alpha when all that was going on, and they launched the official beta this week, and I was able to get into the beta, so I'm in the beta for that and that's going well. Yeah. So I've been using some of that. 0:06:29 Pastor Newms: This week, putting a bunch of our stuff in there, just no, but I've. 0:06:35 Pastor Bill: Been going through there and pointing out the obvious. Well to me, obvious to me. Places that need work, need fixed features, they could add, things like that. I still only get a certain amount of time, so I want to go that out appropriately and make sure that all our episodes are actually getting time in the transcriber. So I'm trying to save all of my transcription, allotments to make sure that this podcast is actually getting those first. 0:07:10 Pastor Newms: And then right, that makes perfect sense because that's what we want, because it's a great tool. 0:07:17 Pastor Bill: Yeah, it's really good with the summaries and the quotes and the chapter markings and a world class transcription algorithm that just blows other services like Google out of the water, really is just crazy. Amazing how accurate the transcription is now. It's still got some issues here and there, but it's just here and there. It's not like with Google where I would spend hours going through it and going, well, that's not right, and oh, now I've got to listen to this, and it's to figure out what was actually being said, because this is just garbage on the page here. I have no idea what this transcription was trying to say here. 0:08:05 Pastor Newms: But with. 0:08:06 Pastor Bill: This new service, there's none of that. It's just like a word here or. 0:08:08 Pastor Newms: A word there, which really worries me, because when I was doing the transcription and looking at it, I never noticed any of that where whole areas were wrong. Or I would read it, and it would read fine, and then I'd keep moving on, which really worries me because what was I reading? 0:08:33 Pastor Bill: Yeah, what were you reading? 0:08:34 Pastor Newms: What was my Dyslexia filling in the blanks that Google just left out? And I was just like, yeah, it looks great. 0:08:41 Pastor Bill: Yeah, Gertrude typecat looks great. Yeah, perfect sense. Perfect sense. Good job, Google. Okay. 0:08:53 Pastor Newms: But at least it's not as bad as being AI anyway. 0:09:00 Pastor Bill: All right, so it's your week. You pull a card for the faster, so if you want to go ahead and pull your card for it, get there. 0:09:08 Pastor Newms: I forgot about this whole segment, I'll be honest. Mentally blocked it out. I probably just more grumbling as I do it. Okay, here we go. You ready? Okay, side note. So we're at this state event, right? So there's these churches, Assemblies of God churches from all over the state and area, and some churches that aren't necessarily Assemblies of God, but at one point were. So they're using this curriculum, blah, blah, blah, blah. 0:09:42 Pastor Newms: I hear this little girl talking to her coach, who I find out is also her father, and I don't know. No, I don't know. You will have to ask him. I'm sitting there, and I'm like, what is this little girl bothering her dad about? And there's only a couple of hymns in this room to begin with, because we're moving from room to room, and it's group to group. And that team had four girls, and I've got two girls on my team, and two people up there are girls, and there's one dude, me and him. 0:10:21 Pastor Newms: So I don't know what she's about to ask, either him or me, but that's fine. And these are all elementary school kids. It's kindergarten through fifth grade, I think. Anyway, no 6th grade, because then the teen stuff is 7th through high school. 12th. That's the end goal. So then this little girl turns around, and for those of you out there in podcast land who don't know me in real life, I'm bald. I have a beard. 0:11:01 Pastor Newms: I wear graphic tees. Yesterday. Said y'all need Jesus. Thought it was appropriate. And I have black dipped fingernails like the professional dip nails. And I walk with a cane because arthritis. So I'm sitting there, and this little girl looks at me. But I love to mess with people. There is no people group more fun to mess with than children, though, because children are just they'll almost believe anything. 0:11:42 Pastor Newms: They're fun to mess with. Talking gibberish to a child and acting like it's complete normal while they look at you in fear that they've lost their mind. There's fun things you can do in situations like these types of situations. Excuse me, sir. And she's turned around so she's not talking to the guy in the front. I'm like, yeah, what's up, hon? Do you have children? Do you have girls? Do you have children that are girls? 0:12:20 Pastor Newms: What? Do you have little girls? Do I have little honey, I'm sorry, I'm a little confused on what you're asking. Are you asking if I have? Are you asking if I'm a father of girls like children? Yes. I'm like, okay. And part of that is that's fun. Second part of that is, is she asking if I own dolls? Is she asking, like, there's lots of things that that could also mean. Like, I'm like, I'm not sure what she's at. Like, you know, and I was like, yeah. 0:12:56 Pastor Newms: Mind you, Seraphina is sitting there and she's like, yeah, me? I'm like, hey, turn back around. Where are you supposed to be? Paying attention? 0:13:05 Pastor Bill: And. 0:13:08 Pastor Newms: She'S like, oh, okay. And that's the answer. And I'm like, Why, hon? No idea. I'm not doing anything that is, I have no idea what's going on. Well, why are your nails black? And I'm like and in your mind starts racing 1000 directions of things you can say, ways you can say it, what you could say, oh, well, they just turned this color. There's so many places you could go to just have fun. And so I look at her and I say, do you know what punk music is? 0:14:09 Pastor Newms: Are you familiar with the term grunge? What the dad goes, that 80s rock and roll you don't like? She goes, oh, yeah. I was like, well, in that culture and cultures that came after it, singers, fans, those of us, we wear a lot of black we do black nails. It's good. Oh, okay. So it has nothing to do with. 0:14:44 Pastor Bill: The fact that you have daughters? No. 0:14:48 Pastor Newms: She's like, okay. Because there are people men let their children paint their nails or toenails. 0:14:57 Pastor Bill: I have pink toenails right now. 0:14:58 Pastor Newms: I know, that’s why I was saying. 0:14:59 Pastor Bill: Because I have two daughters. 0:15:02 Pastor Newms: It was a funny aspect of and then later I'm sitting there and I'm like, I tell this to Zaydie. And I thought to myself and I said, there was a small part of me that wanted to be like, have you heard of punk? Have you heard of grunge? Are you familiar with Lgbtqia? And just see what happens. But I was like, It's not the time to throw at other churches. And you never know what these children have been. And so I'm like, yeah, exactly. 0:15:44 Pastor Newms: Says black nails just happen when you hang out with bats all the time, they just over time, your nails turn black. But yeah. So I had to share that because I noticed them flash. And I was like, oh, I got to tell you that because it was such a great and the dad's, this big country dude, was wearing the shirt with the pocket and the flaps on the back for the air, even though you know he's not but you know what shirt I'm talking about. If you're from the country, everyone knows what shirt I'm talking about. It allows airflow through the shirt, blah, blah, blah. 0:16:18 Pastor Newms: But yeah. So I'm like, anyway, okay, get to know the pastors. Here we go. I can't answer this question. Pastor Bill, what is your all time favorite scene from a movie? 0:16:39 Pastor Bill: Favorite theme scene? Scene from my all time favorite scene from a movie. 0:16:50 Pastor Newms: All time favorite scene from a movie. What's a part of a movie that you find yourself quoting accidentally? What is that scene that is forever in your mind that you love so much while Pastor Bill is thinking all I will say about two of the first scenes that come to mind, they're both from this movie, so we will not be talking about them. But if you want to, this is the movie right here. All my favorite. This is the favorite. 0:17:31 Pastor Newms: We just passed St. Patrick's Day. They were all over news outlets and stuff because it's a St. Patrick's Day movie right here. All my favorite scenes. Pastor Bill. Go ahead. 0:17:43 Pastor Bill: I have no idea. You love movies. 0:17:46 Pastor Newms: Homie. 0:17:47 Pastor Bill: Yeah, but a scene, a particular scene? No clue? 0:17:53 Pastor Newms: Nothing came to mind? 0:17:54 Pastor Bill: No. 0:17:55 Pastor Newms: Okay, pull another card since neither of us could technically answer it. All right. When you're having a bad day, what is the best thing you can do to help cheer yourself up? 0:18:18 Pastor Bill: Drink a cup of tea and go back to bed. 0:18:20 Pastor Newms: Cup of tea and go back to bed. So if I think about it, Biggs is you can't handle the truth. It's a good scene. 0:18:29 Pastor Bill: You can't handle the truth. 0:18:33 Pastor Newms: My favorite is probably music. If I actually have to recenter myself and focus on my day, I can't just piece out my number one is definitely just go back to bed. Like I will often. Afternoon. Just I'm done. I'm going take a nap. I'll figure it out when I wake up. I do that. But if I have to continue focusing, it's music. It's putting certain music on, depending on what's causing the bad day, will dictate what style of music will help the day be marginally better till I can get to nap time? 0:19:19 Pastor Newms: Yes. The short answer is just nap time. Just go back to bed. 0:19:28 Pastor Bill: Yeah, just go back to bed. 0:19:30 Pastor Newms: There was that old saying, oh, someone must have woke up on bed on the wrong side of the bed today. Blah, blah. And then there would always be that add on. Some people would add they should go back to bed and get back out on the other side. Stuff like that. And you're like, yeah, I agree I should go back to bed, right? Yeah, I agree with you. 0:19:52 Pastor Bill: There's that audio quote from some guru that was going around for a while that says, if the day is Effed F it, just go back to bed. Don't try to fix it. Give up. Try again tomorrow. 0:20:08 Pastor Newms: There is a certain amount of accuracy in that statement of you can't control it, don't let it ruin you. I mean, see, Biggs, I can't do music on all day because of meetings and everything. I can't actually have it fully audible all day. Plus, Me and Sez have very different styles of music. So Me just turning mine on one. But yes, he does that sometimes just for the reaction. He'll do it when I'm in the middle of work, he'll text me and then turn around and just lean back so he could see around my monitors and just look at me, waiting for me to see whatever he sent wherever he sent it. 0:21:28 Pastor Newms: So that way he gets the reaction. 0:21:33 Pastor Bill: But yes, Sez, I mean, Jesus did take naps. Like, he was sleeping in the bottom of the boat, and everybody's like, we're going to die as a horrible storm. And Jesus is down below like, I love sleeping on water beds. This is great. 0:21:55 Pastor Newms: So for those out there, I will read the joke. For those out there who are now going, what is Pastor Bill and Newms talking about? Sez is that why Jesus decided to sleep in a cave for three days? He was having a very bad day. Which I can't say I hate the joke. I really can't. There was a little more work put in than that, but it was a bad day. 0:22:29 Pastor Bill: It was a bad 40 years. 0:22:32 Pastor Newms: It was a bad several years. 0:22:35 Pastor Bill: He was God, and then he became a human being. 0:22:39 Pastor Newms: That's some bad time. 0:22:41 Pastor Bill: That's a bad 40 years right there. 0:22:42 Pastor Newms: He needed a break. All right, what are we even talking about today? I already. 0:22:54 Pastor Bill: So we started this year, this season at the beginning of Genesis. And we went through Genesis One and we talked about Genesis One. Then we went through some in John One, and we talked about how Genesis One isn't a Jewish text per se. It was borrowed from another culture, who, let's be honest, borrowed it from another culture, who borrowed it from another it's one of these things where it was this is common knowledge, and now we're going to include it with what the descendants of Jacob believed. So now we've gotten up to Genesis, chapter two, verse four, which technically was the beginning of the Scriptures for the sins of Jacob, the Jews, the Jewish people before they went into captivity in Babylon, right? This was the beginning of the story. And we're going to do verses four through seven, I believe. I'm going to open my Bible. 0:24:14 Pastor Newms: And. 0:24:15 Pastor Bill: I am going to read from the Christian Standard Bible. Not because I think it's perfect. I don't think any translation is I don't think any translation could be, honestly, because it's impossible to know what the intentions of someone were when they were writing the scriptures that they were writing. And also that would negate the need for faith, and faith is a pretty important thing. Okay, verses four through seven. These are the records of the heavens and the earth concerning their creation. At the time that Lord God made the earth and the heavens, no shrub of the field had yet grown on the land, and no plant of the field had yet sprouted. But the Lord God had not made it rain on the land, and there was no man to work the ground but mist would come up from the earth and water all the ground. Then the Lord God formed the man out of the dust from the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being. All right, that's Genesis chapter two, verses four through seven. So when we go back through these and we're looking at these word by word, like we've been doing, and we're looking the main thing that we're doing when we're looking word for word is we're looking for words that are different, that are a clue to the fact that there's something more being said there or there's something deeper being said. There's more message there than just the poetic phraseology, the Phrasing that we see at face value, right? And so we get this thing where we read, these are the records of the heavens and the earth concerning their creation at the time that the Lord God made the earth and heavens. These first words, these are the records of the heavens and the earth. There's nothing special there. There's nothing great and hidden there. When the first thing of note that happens in Genesis chapter two, verse four is when we get to that second half of the phrase and we say at the time that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens. And here we see the words Jehovah and Elohim. Elohim is still that plural God that we've been using before, but now we've given it a prefixed word that defines the word down into we're not actually talking about the plural gods anymore. Now we're talking about a specific being who is a divine being, right? So we're defining that YEHOVAH is an Elohim. He is this Godly personage. He is this divine personage. And the reason this is actually of note is because it tells us when this was written, or at least it lets us know how early it could have been written. Okay, well, how does that happen? Okay, so God doesn't identify himself with the name Jehovah until Exodus, chapter three. So if you want to turn over to Exodus chapter three, we'll see the first time that God calls himself Jehovah is in verse 14, exodus, chapter three, verse 14. God replies to Moses. This is the burning bush, right? So Moses is walking by looking for a lost sheep in his herd, and he notices that there's a bush on fire, but it's not actually being consumed by the fire. And he goes, that's kind of weird. I'm going to go check that out. So, you know, that phenomena where you're driving by a wreck and everybody's turning to look at the wreck and it's causing traffic. That's what Moses did. I'm going to go check that out. It's none of my business, but I'm going to check it down anyway. And so God is in the bush and he's having a conversation with God. And God says, you need to go tell Pharaoh this is the let my people go speech. And Moses says, well, who do I say is sending me? Yo, wrong script. I'm in exodus 314. 0:30:02 Pastor Newms: Did I. 0:30:04 Pastor Bill: Give her no, it's the right scripture. God replied to Moses, I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites. I am has sent me to you. So in the first place, he says, I am who I am. And this is actually three words that then become the conjunction for the words I am Jehovah. This is the first time that God actually says, my name is call me this. And we know this is the first time because if we turn forward to Exodus six, chapter I'm sorry, exodus, chapter six, verse three, right? And if we start in verse two, it says, then God spoke to Moses, telling him, I am the Lord. I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God Almighty, but I was not known to them by my name, the Lord. And therein the Lord. It says Jehovah in the original language there. It's actually the word jehovah. So God appeared to Abraham. God appeared to Isaac. God appeared to Jacob. God had very intimate conversations with these people. God appeared to Methuselah and Enoch. And God appeared to Noah. Well, I didn't appear to Noah, but talked to Noah through an intermediary, an archangel, but never identified himself by name until he got to Moses. Now, a lot of scholars believe that Moses didn't exist and that the character of Moses is actually an amalgamation of stories from different people over different times. And that's not the point. The point is that God shared his name with humanity at a certain time. And at that time is when they wrote down or after that time is when they wrote down the Genesis account. This. Genesis Chapter Two, right? And so when we get to verse four and we see the word Jehovah, a word that isn't given to mankind for another not 4000, 3000 years. 0:32:58 Pastor Newms: Because. 0:32:58 Pastor Bill: It'S 2000 years from here to 2400 years from here to the flood, and then another 2000 years from there to David. But we're not quite to David yet. So, yeah, it's about 3000 years after creation. 0:33:12 Pastor Newms: 2500. 0:33:15 Pastor Bill: Ish ish somewhere in there. 0:33:18 Pastor Newms: Yeah. 0:33:20 Pastor Bill: So, obviously, it's written after that time because that's where we got that word. That's when that word was given to mankind by God. And so, once again, this is not God saying, this is what happened, right? This is mankind writing down thousands of years later what the oral stories are that they've been passing down and what it is that they believe happened. This is not God telling the story. This is mankind telling our understanding of the story right? Now. Do we believe that all scriptures, god breathed and useful for this and that? And I'm not going to quote the actual scripture from the New Testament, but yes, we believe that God inspired, god breathed, but also at the same time, we're not actually creating a history book here. We're creating a religious text that is useful for teaching, correcting, building up faith, all of those things, not a history textbook. All right, so there is this cycle that happens in Genesis where it says, these are the records, or these are the genealogies of blah. And then it'll fall that cycle again, and it'll do it for Adam, and then it does it for Noah and his sons. Then it does it for Abraham, and it's a cycle over and over again. It's this pattern that they're following. That where they're making a point of showing a line where we've tracked through the oral histories all of the encounters that we know of from God. Now, Moses isn't claiming direct descendantship from Adam as some kind of, look at me, I'm in some kind of special religious club. He's not claiming descendantship from Abraham to be in some kind of club. What Genesis is doing is genesis is recording human interactions with God, whether or not those are following the same bloodline. But it just so happens that Abraham was found faithful and that God chose to favor his bloodline. And that is why we still have these scriptures, is because the line of Abraham is blessed, because Abraham was faithful. If it had been someone else that had heard the whispering of God's voice in the desert and had listened, it would be some other people, would have been the favored people of the Lord. But in that story of Abraham, the whole world had forgotten the name of God. They had all forgotten who God said he was. In the beginning, nobody knew what the name of God was anymore. God hadn't actually told people what his name was yet as far as Moses was concerned. And so God comes whispering to Abraham, and Abraham believed that the voice was God, and it was accounted to him as righteousness. Sorry. Excuse me. All right, so that was Genesis 24. And I know I'm building a lot of future look into this. The thing is, we couldn't do that in chapter one because they weren't connected to anything. They literally weren't connected to the rest. But chapter two numes. You're on mute. I can see you agreeing, shaking your head and stuff, but you're on mute so nobody can hear you. 0:37:51 Pastor Newms: I wasn't saying I'm just nodding sorry. 0:37:53 Pastor Bill: Okay. 0:37:54 Pastor Newms: Yeah, I hadn't actually said anything. I actually checked when you said it. I was like, am I? And I look in my bouncing because I'm a nasal breather. 0:38:04 Pastor Bill: Anyway, so Genesis chapter two, though, has all these ties that are connected. And as we progress further, we're going to see in the future people referring back to these scriptures over and over and over. And so we don't want to ignore what other people built onto this. But we couldn't do that with Genesis one because it wasn't actually tied to the rest of the story. It was separate and was adopted. Right. And so there are times in the future we'll say, well, in the beginning, blah, blah, blah, but it's different. It's different because this is actually written within the culture that's then referencing it later. And so it's all this web that we're looking at. And so we're trying to approach it from a learning standpoint. That's why there's more pulling in of future events that is going on now, because they're actually connected. 0:39:13 Pastor Newms: Yeah. And that's exactly how it really is. When you look at stuff like that, it's interesting where the name Jehovah as it is truly comes from and how the etymology of it that at what point in time we added a J, at what point in time, all those types of things to the translations as well. It's interesting to see those aspects. 0:39:44 Pastor Bill: Yeah. The word Jehovah that we then call Jehovah. 0:39:48 Pastor Newms: Yeah. 0:39:49 Pastor Bill: And even that word itself, can we talk about that word for a minute? 0:39:52 Pastor Newms: Which word? 0:39:54 Pastor Bill: Jehovah. 0:39:56 Pastor Newms: Which word? 0:39:57 Pastor Bill: It means oh, I'm sorry, H3068. It means the self existent or eternal. Moses says, who should I tell them is sending me? And God says, the God that exists because I want to. I self exist. I exist because I want to. 0:40:26 Pastor Newms: Yeah. When we jump to Exodus 314, when you're talking about, wait, I just did what Biggs did earlier, where I stayed in Genesis and turned to 314, as opposed to so obviously you were like, oh, what? Obviously it is genetic. And I had the exact same moment he did earlier, where I was like, that verse doesn't have that in it. And I went, oh, yeah. Hey, look. Like father, like son. Look at that. Look how that happens when you look at that. 0:41:01 Pastor Newms: I am that I am even in it. It's to exist. That is to be to come to pass. That is that which what also where. 0:41:21 Pastor Bill: Is. 0:41:24 Pastor Newms: Because I is it's such an interesting aspect that what was the first. 0:41:38 Pastor Bill: Thing in all of creation, god going, I want to I want to exist. 0:41:46 Pastor Newms: Okay, so I'm going to say something and this is definitely also they did numsian aspects. This is not Berean ecclesiaste. This is. Just news. There is no way in any universe ever. And I'm sure I'm wrong, so I'm fully aware that I am wrong in what I am saying that God said I Aunt Two, as you just said. 0:42:20 Pastor Bill: Just like you thought I was mispronouncing doggone if before we get to heaven, Jesus, God's like, welcome home, folks. 0:42:34 Pastor Newms: Actually a redneck to be very upset with myself for saying this, but there. 0:42:43 Pastor Bill: Is no way we're all going to get our Glorified buys. We're all going to be just fat butter balls running around. 0:42:52 Pastor Newms: Where I'm going with my thought process. I'm like, I'm going to be mad at myself if I'm wrong. But no, there's no heavenly language that sounds like that. 0:43:12 Pastor Bill: But he will sing the people who talks like that in their life, and that makes them comfortable. And to the person sitting next to them who was royalty and was very well put together, god will sound majestic. 0:43:24 Pastor Newms: And royalty bib overall, I swear, that's going to mess me up. That's going to mess me up something great. What's really going to be funny is if he shows up, however they show up with just despite me at this point, just once, just once, right when I come over the gate. Hey, I'm joking. 0:43:51 Pastor Bill: Are you always the one saying I had a sense of humor? 0:43:54 Pastor Newms: I'm joking. I really am. I promise. Here it is. And then I will be in overalls, as Big said, be just stuck in it. Okay. 0:44:09 Pastor Bill: All right. Genesis 25. No show up on the field had yet grown on the land, and no plant of the field had yet sprouted for the Lord god had not made it rain on the land, and there was no man to work the ground. So we've got this very human centric point of view going on where the author is trying to make it clear, very clear where we are in the story, right? God created the heavens and the earth, and this is an account of everything that happened. But where we are in the account, there's no shrubs, there's nothing growing, there's no plants, there's no mankind even. There's no rain. Mist is just coming up out of the ground. I find it interesting that they thought about the mist, though. They're like, yeah, the mist, the mist came up out of the just like it does now. When we get dew, we get the morning dew. There was morning dew. Yeah, that's all there was, though. 0:45:14 Pastor Newms: There was dew and fog. 0:45:16 Pastor Bill: Yeah, there was just dew and fog. 0:45:22 Pastor Newms: I will say, and I'm sorry for all of Podcast Land, because it's my fault. Since we had the joke, all of your country has come out and you've leaned into it more accidentally because I made you fake it, and now you've made it. Just throwing that out there, that was one of the most Twingy readings of five I have ever heard in my entire existence. That you fight so hard to not come across as that across the podcast. And I just threw a wrench at 50 minutes in tonight of just here is Decatur Bill, as opposed to Bill. 0:46:05 Pastor Bill: Let me hit reset on my there's. 0:46:08 Pastor Newms: Your regular podcast voice. 0:46:12 Pastor Bill: Take out the hit. Okay, so that brings us to Genesis Two Seven, because all of Two Six was all about the mist, right? All of Two Six was about but there was mist. 0:46:28 Pastor Newms: The whole face of the ground. 0:46:31 Pastor Bill: I also find that everywhere it missed. It everywhere. There was nowhere that it didn't miss, basically. 0:46:36 Pastor Newms: And that's part of that whole at this point in the creation story, there is no desert. 0:46:45 Pastor Bill: Maybe I think it's basically all desert, but with misty. Right? 0:46:50 Pastor Newms: That's what I'm saying. It's not like nothing is dried out, but nothing is like vegetative as the mist comes and there's not as much of everything. 0:47:13 Pastor Bill: Okay, then we get to Genesis, chapter two, verse seven. Then the Lord God formed the man out of the dust from the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being. That is the most toned down way to say such an amazing thing ever, right? Okay. So the Lord God jehovah elohim the self existent god personally. Right. So we have this formed, but then it's got the 8th attached to it, h 853, the 8th that we talked about before, where it denotes that it wasn't just a divine command. It was God got down in the dirt and personally did the forming. He didn't outsource this to someone else. 0:48:21 Pastor Newms: I will say my favorite parts. First off, I find it funny Big said wet sand, which really works with the analogy that's given, which is a potter. But I love the words it says to compare to is to mold into form. But before that, it's squeezing it into shape. 0:48:46 Pastor Bill: And I love the squeezing into shape. 0:48:51 Pastor Newms: It's not the drop it on the thing and make a pot. 0:48:55 Pastor Bill: It's the. 0:48:59 Pastor Newms: Squeezing and going, okay. No, okay. You know, I just it's such a good word that is just form, which is a very boring word for what that word, actually, that word means English sucks. Anyway. 0:49:27 Pastor Bill: Okay, so it says the Lord God formed the man. Right. But it doesn't actually say formed the man. It says personally molded human being. It doesn't identify human being as male, yet it says it created the human being. It doesn't say it created the man, Adam. It created human. It it's out of and there's this word that then it uses that it hasn't used yet that if you're looking at in the original language and you're going along and you're like, okay, cool. Okay, we're building up. We're
S4EP12 - On the Seventh Day
S4EP12 - On the Seventh Day
Summary Pastor Bill and Pastor Newms discuss the chapter breakdown of the bible, stating that it is often split up like bad television, with no real reason for it. They acknowledged the need for it in order to make it easier for churches and groups to talk about, but were still frustrated by it. They then moved on to discuss Genesis two, which Pastor Bill noted should technically be the end of chapter one. They then discuss the poetic implications and deeper meanings behind the words of Genesis one, before moving on to talk about the start of chapter two. Pastor Bill and Pastor Newms discuss the translation of Genesis 2:1-3, which states that God completed His work on the seventh day and rested, declaring it holy. Pastor Newms mentioned the Greek Old Testament, which is the one Paul used when he wrote the New Testament, reads that God had completed His work on the sixth day and rested on the seventh day. However, the majority of manuscripts say that God completed His work on the seventh day and rested on the seventh day. Pastor Newms suggested that the NASB translation bridges the gap between the two translations. Pastors Bill and Newms discussed the idea of God resting on the seventh day. They looked at two different manuscripts that present the idea differently, but are not contradictory. The first one Sez that God finished his work on the sixth day and then rested on the seventh day, while the other one Sez that he completed his work by resting on the seventh day. They also discussed a conversation they had with a Muslim gentleman who scoffed at the idea that God would need to rest. Pastor Bill explained that the Bible does not say that God needed to rest, but that he chose to rest. The conversation discusses God resting on the seventh day, as described in Exodus 30:17. Pastor Bill explains that the Sabbath is not a legalistic observance, but rather a day of rest and refreshment to help people reset and refocus after six days of work. He further explains that research has shown that a day of rest is essential for the human mind in order to prevent it from schisming. The day of rest is an opportunity to reset and recharge in order to do one's best work. Timestamps 0:21:29 Conversation Summary: Exploring the Meaning Behind Genesis One and Two   0:25:20 Conversation on Genesis 2:1-3: God's Rest on the Seventh Day   0:26:42 Heading: Exploring the Meaning of the Sabbath in the Bible   0:30:22 Conversation on the Significance of the Sabbath Day   0:33:54 Conversation on the Importance of Rest and Self-Care   0:40:34 Conversation on Self-Care and Rest: Taking Time for Yourself   0:43:10 Conversation between Pastor Bill and Pastor Newms on the Importance of Resting and Manual Clocks   0:45:14 Conversation between Pastor Newms and Pastor Bill on the Brian Manifesto Podcast   0:48:53 Heading: Podcast Discussion on Meeting Over a Meal and Feeding People   0:50:14 Conversation on Tennessee's Political Climate and Drag Queen Story Time   Transcript [0:00:00]  Pastor Bill: He's got a roll of toilet paper on top of his head with the sheets draped down over top of his face. [0:00:07]  Pastor Newms: You haven't said hello and welcome. This is going to get edited out. [0:00:12]  Pastor Bill: Oh, man. Hello, and welcome to season four, episode twelve of the Berean Manifesto; Faith, Hope, and Love for the Modern Christian. I'm Pastor Bill, and Pastor Newms with a roll of toilet paper on top of his head has joined, as always. [0:00:30]  Pastor Newms: Lies. Go back and watch the Twitch. There is not a toilet paper roll on my head. [0:00:34]  Pastor Bill: He took it off as I was doing the intro because he was like, you haven't done the intro yet, so I'm cutting this part out where they're not going to hear you telling them, I've got a toilet paper roll on top of my head. [0:00:44]  Pastor Newms: I never said most of that. [0:00:50]  Pastor Bill: All right, maybe you didn't use all those words exactly. [0:00:54]  Pastor Newms: That's why I said most of that. Some of those words were words I used. All right, Pastor Bill. [0:01:02]  Pastor Bill: All right, pastor Newms, how was starting with your week? [0:01:05]  Pastor Newms: No, I already said it. [0:01:11]  Pastor Bill: How was my week? This was spring break for our kids. [0:01:15]  Pastor Newms: Well, two weeks, really, because we didn't do last week because it was yo mama's birthday and Sez, his birthday, and Groggy's birthday. [0:01:30]  Pastor Bill: I don't remember the week before this last one that we just had. I don't remember it. [0:01:38]  Pastor Newms: I just turned your face off. I didn't turn your face off. No one saw that. [0:01:43]  Pastor Bill: Um, the Gergs Theater competition, they got perfect marks all across the board. All three judges in all categories. [0:01:59]  Pastor Newms: Yay. [0:02:00]  Pastor Bill: They're moving on to what's called bi-district. [0:02:03]  Pastor Newms: Bi-district. [0:02:05]  Pastor Bill: That's called bi-district. [0:02:08]  Pastor Newms: See that right there? That right there is what happens when you have independent school districts and not just counties, where you got to do by districts in order to then have regionals after that. That's insane. You got too many schools in that state. [0:02:25]  Pastor Bill: Technically, it's bi-districts. And the top two schools from each of those go on to state. [0:02:35]  Pastor Newms: They don't just call those regional. [0:02:38]  Pastor Bill: No bi-district. [0:02:40]  Pastor Newms: I hate Texas sometimes your guys' independent school districts are like the bane of everyone else's existence. You all are just special out there. [0:02:53]  Pastor Bill: It's the UIL that administers it all. The University Scholastic League. They organize all the football, everything. And they organize all the education competitions and all the band competitions, all the choir competitions. They organize all that. So they make all those calls. So yeah, I don't know. Yeah. So that happened a week before last, and then this last week was spring break, like I said, for our kids. And you'd think that would make life easier, not having to get up every morning and take the kids to school. But no one grandma wants kids on some days and the other grandma wants things on some days. And I'm running all over town trying to get things done during spring break. Because the kids are wanting to do all kinds of things. I like all that, though, is Hello Fresh was running a Hulu promotion and I was able to get like six meals for four persons per meal for like 90% off because it combined the Hulu promotion with like a first time buyer promotion. And so we ate some really good recipes this week. That was fun. [0:04:28]  Pastor Newms: Okay. [0:04:29]  Pastor Bill: Yeah. So how was your week? [0:04:33]  Pastor Newms: I'm going to do the thing you're never supposed to do and touch your microphone because there's something on it. It looks like a cat hair, and it's driving me batty because it's right out of the corner of my eye. 1 second. I feel like you need to talk. [0:04:43]  Pastor Bill: I'm sitting too high. [0:04:46]  Pastor Newms: I feel like I'm not sitting high. [0:04:48]  Pastor Bill: Enough, like more than my head should be going or something. But if I move my camera, the clock here is going to be in the wrong place. The clock is supposed to be done. [0:05:02]  Pastor Newms: Okay. How was my week? So my two weeks was pretty good. It's been an eventful two weeks. Last weekend we had a church work day during on a Saturday. And that is more how you normally sit. Yes. [0:05:20]  Pastor Bill: And. [0:05:26]  Pastor Newms: It hurt the church work day? Yeah. Just because there's so much I got some physical issues. We all know I've got some physical issues, right? And so, yeah, it was rough. Some of the I worked real hard because it's church work day. So I got in there and was like, get it. And then I was like, get it. And I slightly twisted my knee, which is not uncommon. This isn't like, oh, Newms. Is getting old and injured. No. I've been twisting my knees since I was 14, so it made me stop playing sports. Was knee pain. Knee pain is normal. [0:06:23]  Pastor Bill: Like me spraining my ankles. [0:06:24]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, exactly. Or like Zaydie spraining her stepping wrong and popping her foot. And then she swings her foot around to repop it because she sprained them so many times that they just it's like a pop and lock Barbie. [0:06:39]  Pastor Bill: Pop and lock Barbie. [0:06:42]  Pastor Newms: No, she freaked out her coworkers because it happened the other day and her ankle popped. She goes, oh, that doesn't feel right, and swung it around and popped it and she goes, oh, that feels better. And they're all staring at her like wide eyed and like, this girl's a robot. She just popped her ankle at will to walk straight. I don't even know if she's on right now hearing me call her out because she's done her making dinner. So I don't think she's turned on the live, so ha. She won't even know I'm talking mess about her. He'll tell her. And so that was interesting. So then when you texted me and you were like, let's not have church to allow for oh, she's here. I was wrong. [0:07:26]  Pastor Bill: Your wife was here hearing you talk smack about her. [0:07:28]  Pastor Newms: When you were like, I was actually sitting at the table with Sez, and you were like, let's not let's celebrate birthdays. And I was like Sez, we're not celebrating, so I love you, and I'm going to bed early. He's not listening to us. I can see his screens. He's watching YouTube. Anyway, so that was good. And then this week was busy. Just been very busy. I just feel like I'm just busy all the time right now, and I don't like it, but it's good. We had a close friend of ours mother passed, and so we had went to her funeral in Memphis yesterday to support him. And that's, of course, real emotional because they were super close, so that was rough. And then went out to lunch with friends today, which is also weird because I don't do things like that. So I was emotionally more than drained. And so I just went to bed. When I got home, it's been a day. [0:09:06]  Pastor Bill: I'm up, and I'm headed up there. [0:09:09]  Pastor Newms: Zaydie actually ran to the store, and she comes and I partially hear something, and I'm like, Whatever. No, he has to get up. And then they're coming in my room. [0:09:28]  Pastor Bill: No, you have to get up. [0:09:29]  Pastor Newms: It's this time. And I'm like, so, yeah. So that's what's going on. That's how my week was. Is it your week to read a card or my week? I think it's your week. [0:09:48]  Pastor Bill: It is my week to read a card. And I have my deck here ready to pull one. All right, here we go. How much would someone have to pay you to eat a live spider? [0:10:09]  Pastor Newms: Well, Biggs just threw up in his mouth. Almost guarantee that. [0:10:21]  Pastor Bill: A live spider. [0:10:22]  Pastor Newms: How Biggs of a spider are we talking? Here comes the qualifying questions, where newoms hustle lawyers, way out of everything qualifiers. [0:10:28]  Pastor Bill: Every time you're like, now, you'll see the spider here in question. [0:10:35]  Pastor Newms: So, like, if we're talking, like if we're talking, like, some little, like, spider, we're talking like I do it for you. [0:10:45]  Pastor Bill: Talking about the little tiny ones that you already eat twelve of a year or whatever it is while you're asleep. [0:10:50]  Pastor Newms: See, that's inaccurate. That's not what it is. So that's an average, not a median or a mean. What that means is there's one dude who he's eating them all the time. [0:11:02]  Pastor Bill: He's eating them all the time in his sleep. He lives in the spider den. [0:11:05]  Pastor Newms: Thousands of spiders just go in and out of his mouth every day. So the rest of us, we don't eat any. That's how I take that. Yeah, that's how I process that, because it counts. Australia with us. [0:11:18]  Pastor Bill: You just skew the data until you feel comfortable. [0:11:21]  Pastor Newms: That's right. As Biggs says, there is not enough money in the world. Okay? So if we're talking, like, a little spider did it say live? Did it say it had to be alive? [0:11:31]  Pastor Bill: No, not live. I don't think it said live. Did it say alive? [0:11:36]  Pastor Newms: I don't remember. [0:11:38]  Pastor Bill: Oh, yeah, it says live. [0:11:39]  Pastor Newms: Okay. [0:11:39]  Pastor Bill: A live spider. [0:11:40]  Pastor Newms: So if we're talking like a little spider, like this spider, like that spider, like a real little spider, like that kind of spider. You see what I mean? Look at the camera. Like that. We're talking about that. [0:11:50]  Pastor Bill: I see it. [0:11:54]  Pastor Newms: I'd do it for a couple of grand. [0:12:00]  Pastor Bill: Now, my only qualifier here is two things. One, is this a poisonous spider? I'm going to get sick and fade it. [0:12:11]  Pastor Newms: Well, poisonous or venomous? [0:12:14]  Pastor Bill: Well, venomous. It affects me when it bites me. Poisonous. I get sick when I bite it. [0:12:19]  Pastor Newms: But I don't want venomous either, because it could bite me in the process. [0:12:22]  Pastor Bill: Of me eating it. Well, that's why you start at the butt first and bite it in half so that it dies, so it can't bite you on the way down. [0:12:29]  Pastor Newms: You got to then hold the front. [0:12:30]  Pastor Bill: Of it right where its fangs are. Just chill. There's ways to hold spiders. Okay? One, is it poisonous? And two, is this something that people normally eat because it's got a good flavor, or is it going to be nasty as I all get out of my mouth? Those are my two qualifiers. Now, if it's not poisonous and people enjoy eating it, I'll just do it for a dare. No, if people don't I'm going to need at least, like, $10. [0:13:06]  Pastor Newms: No, homie. No. [0:13:10]  Pastor Bill: Listen, brother. [0:13:12]  Pastor Newms: No. [0:13:13]  Pastor Bill: I've eaten a peanut butter and maggot sandwich just for role play. [0:13:19]  Pastor Newms: I understand that. That's different maggots are nutritious. Like, that's different. Spiders are spiders are nutritious. You can't no. Have you seen the TikTok where the lady dips it and I got salsa and then eats it silky? [0:13:36]  Pastor Bill: That silky texture on the inside when all that webbing comes and the ichor. [0:13:42]  Pastor Newms: No, dude, get out of here. We're not friends no more. This is the last episode of The Berean Manifesto, faith, hope, and love for the Christian of last week. [0:13:52]  Pastor Bill: Because Pastor Bill, isn't it ick-or? [0:13:55]  Pastor Newms: No, it's I-core. [0:13:57]  Pastor Bill: It's ick-or. [0:13:58]  Pastor Newms: I-core. [0:13:58]  Pastor Bill: I thought that was pronounced ick-or. [0:14:00]  Pastor Newms: I don't care how it was pronounced. It's icky, so it has to be an I. [0:14:04]  Pastor Bill: Like ick-or. [0:14:05]  Pastor Newms: No, icky. [0:14:06]  Pastor Bill: So ick-or. [0:14:07]  Pastor Newms: No, it's icky. So I-core. I have to be right on this. It's just how it is. I actually don't know. How do you pronounce icore? Just like I always say. No, not what what word is that? That's not a that that's some kind of, like, eldritch horror word that I looked up. How do you spell icore? I don't know how to pronounce I don't know how to spell icore to then ask how to say icore. How do you pronounce spider blood? Is it not I-core? [0:14:59]  Pastor Bill: It's I-C-H-O-R. [0:15:01]  Pastor Newms: But that doesn't nothing goo. [0:15:06]  Pastor Bill: It is a noun that is pronounced okay. I-core. [0:15:08]  Pastor Newms: All right, here we go. Ready? Here we go. Here we go. [0:15:12]  Pastor Bill: I-core I-core. [0:15:14]  Pastor Newms: Bam. I-core. [0:15:17]  Pastor Bill: Yeah, I-core. That's what I just said. [0:15:20]  Pastor Newms: I was right, you were wrong. [0:15:21]  Pastor Bill: I think that's what that pronunciation? [0:15:23]  Pastor Newms: I was right, you were wrong. I-core. Okay, Biggs, here's the problem. Best spider is a dead spider barbecue. [0:15:30]  Pastor Bill: So you're saying you need a dead. [0:15:31]  Pastor Newms: Spider, but not a live spider? Biggs, I know you ain't actually going to know. There's no way. I've seen you squeal like a little girl and run across a room as a six foot three factory worker. Like you are not out here trying to post on the Internet that you're going to eat a spider. I call shenanigans. That's the word. I can say. [0:15:56]  Pastor Bill: So on the free Wiktionary for the word I-core. It's got pronunciations. I-core, I-kar and ick-or are the three different pronunciations. [0:16:14]  Pastor Newms: So read Psalms 22:16 and Isaiah 53:5. Thank you for chatting for the first time. We saw you join us last month, so welcome back. Posted a bunch of things called hyper creeps. And they're just spiders. They're just spider like little spiders. Just a whole line of little spiders. [0:16:33]  Pastor Bill: Just this hype creep on my end. [0:16:36]  Pastor Newms: They're little spiders. They're little spiders. [0:16:38]  Pastor Bill: Over and over again what these were to say. Psalms 22:16. [0:17:08]  Pastor Newms: It's an interesting aspect of life. Now, I'm just going to call you Read as opposed to saying your whole name each time. So neither one of us have a denomination per chance. And the Ecclesian House, which is the ministry that we are both from in this respect, is an interdenominational ministry. So we work with multiple people all the time. So neither one of us are in a denomination per se. The church I attend on Sundays is non denominational. And the church Pastor Bill attends is also non denomination, is technically interdenominational because he's the pastor of the church that you're currently at. [0:18:08]  Pastor Bill: This is the service of the church. [0:18:12]  Pastor Newms: So technically interdenominational. Now I lost my so Biggs would. [0:18:26]  Pastor Bill: Eat a dead barbecued spider. [0:18:30]  Pastor Newms: How much money, though? We talkin’ Biggs because I'm willing to pay you some money to watch you have to eat a spider just because you said so. And we'll record it to put it on here just because you hate them so much. I want to know what amount of money to see if I can pull off getting it. And see, now he's going to give us some crazy amount of money that no one would ever do just so he doesn't have to. [0:18:51]  Pastor Bill: But we'll start a crowdfunding campaign of some kind. We'll figure it out or something. We'll start a kickstarter. We'll be like we'll give you pictures of Biggs trying to get the spider on a shirt, all kinds of stuff for the Kickstarter. We'll get the money. [0:19:17]  Pastor Newms: Oh, man. All right. Yeah, we're good. All right. [0:19:29]  Pastor Bill: You just wouldn't do it, Pastor Newms. You just wouldn't eat. [0:19:31]  Pastor Newms: No, I would. I said a couple of grand for a small one and a whole lot of money. It's going to depend on the size of the spider. Like, you're going to show me the spider and I'm going to be like, no. You talk about them Biggs old translators where it's going to take multiple bites and I can't just swallow it. You got me almost ready to cuss here. I know we keep it family friendly. There was this part but no. [0:20:02]  Pastor Bill: And they would have no weird things, right? [0:20:04]  Pastor Newms: No. [0:20:04]  Pastor Bill: And every time I always watch that, I would always be like, I don't see the issue. Just what's that word? Disassociate and eat it. Why can't you just disassociate? Just do it. [0:20:20]  Pastor Newms: Neurotypicals can't disassociate. [0:20:25]  Pastor Bill: It's not real. I would just disassociate. It's not real. It happened over there, and my brain is over here. I don't understand. [0:20:32]  Pastor Newms: No homie. No. I don't know if we can be friends. Like I said, this is the last episode of The Berean Manifesto. Thank you for joining. Hope you all have a good night. If anyone asks how the ministry died, it's because Pastor Bill said he would eat spiders. [0:20:51]  Pastor Bill: Pastor Newms couldn't handle that. [0:20:53]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, we have fought on air about all kinds of stuff and even more in our personal life. The breaking point was the argument of. [0:21:08]  Pastor Bill: Spider, the edibility of Arachnid. [0:21:16]  Pastor Newms: Oh, man. Okay. Yeah, we got to change the topic. I'm icky as I'll get out right now, we got to go, like, you got to change it to something. Let's talk about the actual stuff. Get to going. [0:21:28]  Pastor Bill: Get to go. Genesis. [0:21:29]  Pastor Newms: Okay, genesis two. Move on. Let's go. [0:21:32]  Pastor Bill: Since we started season four oh, Biggs. Come on. 2.5 million get real. Okay, so since we started season four, we picked back up in Genesis one, right? We started talking about Genesis One. We've talked a little bit about John 1, and we went all the way through the first chapter of Genesis. We talked about the history of the chapter 1 of Genesis and the origins and the Babylonian stuff and some of the Sumerian stuff. And we really did this overall look at why is this piece of text included in Genesis? What is its positioning in relation to everything else? And we went through kind of what are the poetic ramifications of the wording and the things they chose to say and what are the deeper meanings behind those words. When we talked about Genesis 1:1, and we were like, this isn't really just in the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. It's this deeper, really profound thing. And if you haven't listened to any of that yet, take some time, go back and read the transcripts or listen to it right quick and then come back and listen here. If you want, if you don't - if you just want to pick up from where you are, that's cool, too. We can just pick up right here. So now we are picking up in Genesis, chapter two, previous years, which I. [0:23:08]  Pastor Newms: Would like to also state, I hate the chapter breakdown so much sometimes. [0:23:20]  Pastor Bill: Because Genesis chapter two, verses one through it should be chapter one, technically be the end of chapter one. [0:23:28]  Pastor Newms: We should not be acting like bad television that requires you to watch the next episode in order to understand the full story. Like, we should not be doing part. [0:23:40]  Pastor Bill: Twos, mid chapter written like bad television. [0:23:45]  Pastor Newms: It's split up like bad television, not. [0:23:47]  Pastor Bill: Written up like bad television. [0:23:48]  Pastor Newms: We've got chapters like 119. [0:23:51]  Pastor Bill: It was the producers. The producers did bad with Psalms 119. [0:23:54]  Pastor Newms: It's just page after page after page after page to make sure it's semi together. And then we're like, let's cut this off and put three verses on the next one. No, there's no reason for it. It's painful. It's painful. And I understand the need because when we're talking in churches and we're talking in groups and we're doing things like this, you can't be like, oh, I'm on page 47. What page are you on? Well, my page I understand some of the purpose behind it. It's just like and we can't really go back at this point and change it all. I know, but it's like. [0:24:27]  Pastor Bill: Maybe always frustrated me. Some Bible company could make a Bible with new yeah,. [0:24:33]  Pastor Newms: But then it wouldn't be standard, and it would cause issues across everything and you would never be able to bible just got rid of them. [0:24:37]  Pastor Bill: It was like, no, we're not even going to have them. We're just going to get rid of them all together. [0:24:42]  Pastor Newms: It's not that's not that's a that's a translation. That's not a translation. That's a paraphrase. And they plainly say, so we're not gonna, you know, and, you know, it's just one of those things. It's one of those things that we all know it happens. It's just this is one of those blatant. Not like, maybe not. This is like 123-4567. Move on to the next story completely. And you're just like, okay, now I'll let you continue because I won't complain no more about it today. [0:25:20]  Pastor Bill: All right, so let's go ahead and read Genesis chapter 2, verses 1 through 3. So the heavens of the earth and everything in them were completed on the 7th day. God had completed his work that he had done, and he rested on the 7th day. From all his work that he had done. God blessed the 7th day and declared it holy, for on it he rested from all his work of creation. Sounds a lot like a lawyer writ that, didn't it? Wrote that, doesn't it? [0:25:51]  Pastor Newms: Sometimes. [0:25:53]  Pastor Bill: Now some text like the Greek Old Testament, the one that Paul had when he was writing the New Testament. Not all of the New Testament when he was writing his works that got put in. The new Testament actually reads, on the 6th day, God had completed his work that he had done, and he rested on the 7th day. But the majority of manuscripts say on the 7th day, God completed his work that he had done and he rested on the 7th day, which I find interesting. [0:26:28]  Pastor Newms: The Nasb says by the 7th day to kind of, I think, bridge that gap. Maybe, but I mean, it's one of those things. [0:26:42]  Pastor Bill: Let's see what the KJV pulls from. [0:26:48]  Pastor Newms: And on the 7th day yeah, but. [0:26:52]  Pastor Bill: The and on the are implied, not actually in the original. [0:26:58]  Pastor Newms: Right. [0:26:59]  Pastor Bill: And they are not given any numbers from yeah. Right. So we have two different Ideologies that we can pull from the two different ways that the manuscripts place these. Right. So the one says, on the 6th day, God finished his work and then he rested on the 7th day. And we have the other one that says on the 7th day, God completed his work by resting. Yeah, and that's the only difference. The difference there is that in one point of view, it views the rest as integral to the work. And on the other one, it says that the rest was taken because the work was done. Right. And so these aren't exclusive ideas. These are two ways to look at the exact same thing that's going on. They're not contradictory to each other. [0:28:02]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, they're definitely not contradictory. They are different, but they are not contradictory. [0:28:10]  Pastor Bill: So in the past, in January, we talk about taking a Sabbath day and then we talk about tithing. And that's usually the only times that we hit on those two things. And this year we took a little bit of a different track. Right. We started in Genesis one, we started working our way up. So here we are at the Sabbath conversation because now it's coming up, right? [0:28:37]  Pastor Newms: Yes. [0:28:38]  Pastor Bill: So on the 7th day, God rested. Now, whether he rested because that was resting is the completion of the work, or he rested because the work was done, either way, that doesn't really matter in the way that you frame the way you read that. So I had a friend several years ago, not that we're not friends anymore, but we're not in contact anymore. It was a Muslim gentleman who went by the name of D. And we would have these conversations where we would talk about the differences between what the Bible said about certain things and what the Quran said about certain things. And we got into this conversation about creation and the six days versus the Quran's idea that it was millions and billions and years and more of the evolutionary timeline is what he attributed the Quran's teachings to. And I went through the six days and on the 7th day, God rested and he scoffed. He scoffed and he said, God is God. God doesn't need to rest. And I said, I agree. It doesn't say that God needed to rest. It doesn't say that God was tired. It Says that God chose to rest. [0:30:04]  Pastor Newms: Right. [0:30:04]  Pastor Bill: He rested. The question came up of why would God do that why would God rest? So let's turn to Exodus 30:17. [0:30:22]  Pastor Newms: Okay, I was just about to do that. [0:30:29]  Pastor Bill: Okay. And I'm actually going to start reading at 16, but 17 is the meat of why we're turning over here. Starting at 16, the Israelites must observe the Sabbath, celebrating it throughout their generations as a permanent covenant. It is a sign forever between me and the Israelites, for in six days, the Lord made the heavens and the earth, but on the 7th day, he rested and was refreshed. So God didn't need to rest, but he chose to rest and he was refreshed, right? That's what it says. Now, why would it choose those words, though? Because it all boils down to what is the Sabbath and why the Sabbath day is for us, right? It's a day of rest that we observe so that we can recharge, so that we can reset our mindset, so that we can refocus who we are and then move forward and do our best work. So it's not this legalistic thing, although some have taken it there, right? [0:31:53]  Pastor Newms: Yes. [0:31:54]  Pastor Bill: And it doesn't actually say if you go and you look at what the layout of what a Sabbath is, it doesn't actually say everyone has to Sabbath on the same day of the week. No, it says after you've worked for six days, take a day, refresh yourself, reset. And what we found in psychological circles in lots of different areas is that six days of work is a pretty hard limit for the human mind. When you get into the 7th day of work, the 8th day of work without a rest, you're starting to schism. You're not seeing things correctly, you're starting to see the world through weird blinders. Your body needs rest. And honestly, there's this push now for four days of work each week with three days off, because now we're talking not necessity, but now we're talking about what is the peak of human, what is peak performance? Right? What is peak performance? And peak performance turns out to be four days of work and then three days off, you are on Twitch, who calls himself Read. And then there's a couple of verses there. You can go read those verses if you want. Psalm 22:16 and Isaiah 53:5, the references to the Messiah, he says, yeah, a lot of things Jesus did is theatrics and instruction for teaching for us so our dumb finite human minds can understand. You're right on the money. There's so much in the Bible that is an infinite God, an infinite amount of knowledge, trying to dumb it down for humanity to understand. Even in this example that you've given, it's funny to go and read. Jesus will say something and then the disciples would be like, yeah, but what about and Jesus is like, yeah, that's what I just said, but I'll say it again if you think that would help. [0:34:35]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, when we look at the Sabbath. It's something that we I it's important from a standpoint of resting. And God thought it was so important that when the Israelites were going through the time periods that were getting the commandments and all those things, as we were reading in Exodus, he put on rules of hey, look, you guys have got to understand this. If you don't understand this and you don't take your rest, you should die. Now, here's the funny thing about that. This is not a hard rule to follow per se. Like go take a break for most people is not hard. There are those stubborn people out there that they work, they do everything they do and they don't take a Sabbath. They will burn out over time, especially if you're working two jobs, as Zaydie mentioned. What about people who work full time and are involved in ministry outside? At what point is that a form of working? In my opinion it is you still have to have a day off from those multiple aspects because you will burn out otherwise. And I think a lot of times that's where we see people who work both regular jobs and ministry part time. Ministry work is never part time, but I think that's why we see them burn out often is we have to focus on resting also and it's so important. And that's one of those examples. What Zaydie is saying is where it is hard to those are the types of people who it is hard to take a break when you're doing when you're doing that. But it depends on what is refreshing, what is pulling away from you, which ministry often takes a toll on you, at least in an emotional level. But that's why a lot of pastors take Mondays off. But there are people who don't. And that is where you can have serious forms of burnout. You have to be very careful with that. [0:37:41]  Pastor Bill: But some ministry can be refreshing to some people. Some people would consider doing some types of ministry to be invigorating, to be refreshing, to be restful, to be The door greeter people, the door greeter. [0:38:01]  Pastor Newms: Those weirdos at the door. People that are like super happy. [0:38:05]  Pastor Bill: And when you go to do ministry, it feels like work. Then you're not resting, you're not taking a Sabbath, you're working on the Sabbath. If you're working a full time job and then volunteering at your church too, to the point where you're not getting a day a week off, then you're not taking care of yourself, which is in my opinion, a cardinal sin. You have to take care of yourself. You're sinning against yourself in the name of whatever ministry that you're serving, which is dangerous. Jesus said love the Lord God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself, right? So you're supposed to love yourself, which means take care of yourself. Don't feed yourself poison, don't be drinking in excess and killing yourself off. Don't be smoking in excess and killing yourself off. Take care of yourself. Don't be shooting up all the time and hurting yourself and being promiscuous and getting STDs and all the things that aren't actual self love. Don't be doing all those things. Take care of yourself. Love yourself. Give yourself a Sabbath, actual love for yourself, and then love your neighbor in that same way. Make sure your neighbor is fed healthy. Make sure your neighbor is not becoming a slave to drugs. Make sure your neighbor's not being eaten up by addiction and doing things that are destructive to their life. These are the greatest commandments here. Love the Lord God with all your heart, soul, all your mind, your strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. [0:40:01]  Pastor Newms: I like to love yourself, yeah. [0:40:05]  Pastor Bill: No, you like to ignore the love yourself part. Most people do. A lot of churches do because they think they look at self love and they go, oh, well, self love is self indulgence. You're not supposed to self indulge. Well, that's not love. If I love my kid, I'm not going to 24 hours a day, seven days a week be shoving candy down their throat. That's indulgence, but that's not love. If you love yourself, then you're taking care of yourself. Like I was talking about last week, I like to have a salad a day. Makes me feel healthy. I have more energy, my body works better. That's taking care of myself. That's loving myself. And so I take that seriously, and this is just as serious. Finding time to rest and reset and refocus yourself is a paramount thing. And it is important for all human beings to have rest and refreshment. It just is. Yeah, gosh, I don't know what else to say. [0:41:26]  Pastor Newms: And there's nothing so in what we've been doing as we've gone through this. There's nothing super different about the Hebrew words used here either. [0:41:46]  Pastor Bill: Yeah, I knew there wouldn't be. [0:41:48]  Pastor Newms: Yeah. I'm just saying that for everyone else, in case they're like, we talk about the words this time. [0:41:55]  Pastor Bill: Why did we talk about the words? [0:41:57]  Pastor Newms: And it's because they are there's not. [0:41:59]  Pastor Bill: Going to be in this one. [0:42:03]  Pastor Newms: It's what we've talked about throughout the last weeks of this is what it is. [0:42:12]  Pastor Bill: And there's the plural. There still it's God. Not God. We're actually still technically in the Babylonian adaption. We're still adapting the Babylonian text there. We haven't actually gotten to what was originally the beginning of Genesis yet, not until we get to verse four of chapter two, and then we get to the actual first Jewish text of the Bible. And we talked about the 7th day manuscripts versus the 6th day manuscripts as far as verse two there of chapter two is concerned. But yeah, you have to find time for yourself to rest. [0:43:05]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, it's super important. Resting is important. [0:43:10]  Pastor Bill: And you'd think we had a two day weekend in the United States because people understood that but no, that's not why we have a two day weekend in the United States we have a two day weekend in the United States because it's illegal to buy cars on Sundays. No, that's literally why letting people off on Saturdays came through. [0:43:37]  Pastor Newms: It was illegal. [0:43:40]  Pastor Bill: It still is in Texas. [0:43:42]  Pastor Newms: Right? In Texas, but not everywhere. [0:43:44]  Pastor Bill: Yeah, not everywhere. [0:43:46]  Pastor Newms: Did Pastor Bill forget to spring Pastor Bill? Your time is wrong. [0:43:52]  Pastor Bill: Where? [0:43:52]  Pastor Newms: On your clock. [0:43:55]  Pastor Bill: Well, okay. [0:43:58]  Pastor Newms: Biggs just called you out on it. [0:44:01]  Pastor Bill: It's a manual clock. I forget that I even own a manual clock anymore. [0:44:06]  Pastor Newms: I was like, what do you mean? Biggs like, he's here. What are you talking about? Yeah, and then I looked behind you and was like, his clock's wrong. [0:44:17]  Pastor Bill: Every other clock I own, every other clock I own except for in my car is automatic. Automatically changes. Yeah. [0:44:31]  Pastor Newms: I don't have anything else. [0:44:32]  Pastor Bill: Yeah, I was trying to think of if I had any other anecdotes, but I don't. Only a story about D, but that relationship got weird about the third time he tried to convert me to Islam. It got really uncomfortable. [0:44:54]  Pastor Newms: And also there was issues with the business, wasn't there? Like some weird stuff happened or something? Because I remember I went by one time and it was gone. [0:45:06]  Pastor Bill: I mean, he had a hard time getting customers to come in. Yeah, I don't know why. The food was amazing. [0:45:14]  Pastor Newms: Food was really good. [0:45:17]  Pastor Bill: Food was for a while there was an uptick in people that came in, but then it kind of died back down again. I don't know. [0:45:25]  Pastor Newms: So good. Those were great. [0:45:28]  Pastor Bill: He ended up selling it to a lady in Irving and then they moved back to Canada. Yeah. [0:45:42]  Pastor Newms: Well, the Berean Manifesto is recorded live in front of a studio audience. There's no studio audience. It's a Twitch audience. [0:45:49]  Pastor Bill: It's a virtual studio. And it comes out every Wednesday at 07:00 p.m.. Great. [0:45:58]  Pastor Newms: You said Canada. [0:46:04]  Pastor Bill: And to be fair, we do record it live on Sunday evening. Did I send you that TikTok where the person said, if somebody says to be fair and your friend doesn't respond correctly, then you're not friends anymore. [0:46:22]  Pastor Newms: No, now granted, that means you've watched a niche show from Canada, but niche not niche. Niche. What is niche? That is what is the Mitchar. [0:46:35]  Pastor Bill: Yeah. So we record this on
S4EP11 - To Sum 1 Up
S4EP11 - To Sum 1 Up
Summary Pastor Bill and Pastor Newms were discussing Genesis 1 and the history of how it became included as part of the book of Genesis. They discussed how during the captivity in Babylon, stories from Babylon were added to the existing Genesis 2, as they provided more detail to the creation story. Pastor Newms then reminded Pastor Bill that the Judeans, ancestors of the Jews, were originally a polytheistic people. In summary, the conversation revolved around the history of Genesis 1 and the Judeans. The conversation discussed the ancient Israelites and their belief in multiple gods and their worship of Ashra, a female deity who was believed to be the wife of Yahweh. Yahweh is mentioned in both Sumerian mythology and in the Mosaic Law. Despite this, the Israelites continued to worship other gods, so God punished them by sending them into captivity. The descendants of these captives went on to become the Samaritans, who still held onto some of their beliefs and were expecting the Messiah. Despite their own experiences with God, they eventually gave up the worship of Asherah. Pastor Bill and Pastor Newms discussed the origin of the story of Genesis 1. They noted that it was likely adapted from Sumerian myth by the Babylonians, who wanted the Jewish people to worship their king as a monotheistic god. However, the Jewish people saw similarities between the Sumerian myth and their own history, and made changes to make it more palatable to their own culture. They read Genesis 1, noting the broader strokes of the story, as compared to the more detailed account of Genesis 2. Ultimately, the conversation concluded with an invitation to read Genesis 1. God began the creation of the world by separating light from darkness and creating an expanse between the waters. He then caused the earth to produce vegetation, seed-bearing plants, and fruit trees. He made the two great lights to rule over the day and night and placed stars in the sky. He also caused the waters to swarm with living creatures and the earth to produce livestock, creatures that crawl, and wildlife. On the fifth day, God looked on His creation and saw that it was good.   The topic according to AI In the religious reflection being discussed, the authors believe that the creation story in the book of Genesis is a historical truth and has a significant impact on our relationship with God as our creator. They argue that the form of the document, its position at the beginning of the book of Genesis, and historical evidence all support the idea that the creation of the heavens, the earth, and all living things is a work of God and an objective fact. The authors critique the limitations of science in establishing the periods of creation and argue that the conclusions about fossiliferous formations and the plants and animals they contain are not established truths and have not been confirmed by continued research. The author summarizes the creation story in Genesis 1:1-13, which describes the creation of heaven and earth, including the creation of light, the firmament, the sea, the earth and its fruits, the lights of heaven, fish and fowl, beasts, man, and food for both. The text stresses the importance of recognizing God's presence in our lives and putting Him first in all things. Humans were created in God's image and given the ability to have dominion over the earth, but it is important to ask God to control the evil in our hearts. The authors also emphasize the importance of examining one's daily work and making improvements, as well as the divine proportioning of day and night, with light symbolizing God, truth, heaven, and decency. The beauty of nature is seen as evidence of the existence of God, and the darkness in the book of Genesis is a symbol of the ongoing struggle between light and darkness. The authors’ central belief is that God is the creator of all things and that creation serves to reveal the truth about His nature and character. They see the relationship between science and God as complementary, with design being at the core of both, and believe that the concept of light and darkness in the book of Genesis is a symbol of the ongoing struggle between good and evil. The author encourages us to live in the Spirit and serve the common good, putting God first in all things, as they believe this is the greatest honor and safety for all. The authors also focus on two specific Hebrew words in the creation story, "nephesh" and "tannin," and offer alternative interpretations to gain a deeper understanding of their significance. They assert that the universe and all its elements were created for a purpose, as an expression of God's love and grace for humanity, and that everything in creation is imbued with a Divine Blessing that serves to preserve the community and support all life. The author presents a comprehensive view of the creation of the sea and air creatures in the Bible, as they see it as a demonstration of God's wisdom, power, and love. They believe that the creation of the universe is not just a physical event but a spiritual one as well, and that the universe was created with a purpose and a specific role to play in God's overall plan. The author interprets the creation story in Genesis 1 as a depiction of God's creative work and argues that all elements of the universe, including sea and air creatures, are symbols of God's glory and power. They delve into the meanings of the Hebrew words "nephesh" and "tannin" used in Genesis 1, offering alternative interpretations to shed light on their significance in the creation story. The authors highlight the numerous ways in which God's presence and power are manifested in the universe, from the physical laws governing the movement of stars and planets to the intricate and diverse forms of life on earth. They emphasize the importance of recognizing the hand of God in the creation of the universe and trusting in Him for our daily sustenance and blessings.   Timestamps 25:07 Conversation Summary: Genesis 1 Overview + 28:45 Exploring the Ancient Polytheistic Beliefs of the Israelites + 34:02 Discussion of the Development of Monotheism in Ancient Babylon + 37:28 Summary of Genesis 1: Creation of the Heavens and the Earth + 40:17 Conversation Summary: Exploring the Creation of Man in Genesis 1-2 + 42:20 Conversation on Splitting Chapters and Verses in the Bible + 45:34 Conversation between Pastors Bill and Newms on the Nature of the Bible + 47:09 Conversation between Pastor Bill and Pastor Newms on Faith and Eternity + 50:42 Exploring the Significance of Faith in Genesis 1 + 56:29 Conversation Summary: Exploring the Identity of the Conqueror in Revelation 21:7-8 + 1:00:51 "Exploring the Different Translations of the Bible: A Conversation between Pastors Bill and Newms" + 1:05:40 Conversation Between Pastor Newms and Pastor Bill on the Podcast "Ekk House" + 1:07:31 Conversation Summary: Disagreeing and Appreciating New Listeners +   Transcription Pastor Bill: [0:01] Hello and welcome to season 4 episode 11 of The Berean Manifesto; Faith, Hope, and Love for the Modern Christian. I'm Pastor Bill and I'm joined by Pastor Newms. So last week we had all kinds of technical difficulties that I was completely oblivious to until I went to go listen to the thing. Pastor Newms tried to bring it up at the very, very beginning, but he wasn't as forceful as I, you know, as I actually needed him to be. So I didn't really pick up what he was putting down and I just pushed just ahead Yeah, I was like apologies pastor Newms I should have listened better when you were saying I mean last week and Some people might not have even noticed I'm gonna be honest like it's one of those things where are you kidding me? It was horrible. Pastor Newms: [0:47] Well, it was horrible once it went through well Yeah, it was horrible. But like I'll be honest your audio has sounded worse because of technical like oh it's a bad night so you're in and out oh it's fuzzy cuz discourse so it's one of those where it's like okay how much do I bring up the fact that it could be electrical issues like microphone issues it could just be like the the internet is so garbage there that the laser beam doesn't want to work at the moment like you know we're not using cables in the lane yeah like so I was like maybe you know you know I don't know man I don't know but it um it was yeah I. Pastor Bill: [1:35] Got my retro Justice League shirt on Pastor Newms: I do not have a retro shirt on I have a shirt that's from an active anime and manga Which so I bought this shirt, and I didn't wear it I hadn't worn it because I wasn't far enough in the anime to justify wearing an anime shirt if that makes sense I don't know if anyone else does that But so I pulled it out of the back of the closet today and um put it on and my youngest daughter who is Far farther ahead in this particular. Anime than I am she is. Um, where'd that shirt come from? What do you mean? Um, your shirt, you've never worn that shirt. Where did you get that shirt? Uh, is that a... is that a you shirt? Like, asking, is this a you only? Can I steal this shirt when you're not looking? Will you get upset if I steal this shirt when you're not looking? You know, and I'm like, yes it is. It's a me only shirt. I didn't wear it because I wasn't... and she's like, well I mean can you even name the characters on it? I'm like look, you're not weeb-guilting me into giving you the shirt and no I can't name all of them but weeb-guilting? You can't have this shirt so not your shirt and for in case it's my hero academia in case you can't, I realize you can't actually see it But, um... Yeah, so then she proceeds to tell me each person and what their quirk superpower is. And, uh... I think I'm trying to keep it to myself. Pastor Bill: [3:39] Am I in Justice League of America? Pastor Newms: [3:44] It is. Pastor Bill: [3:48] And Batman's got his blue cowl on, so this is more 50s, 60s... Pastor Newms: [3:56] And and that's the you know Weird arrow when they were you know when his costume was I mean sorry Green Lantern when it was a We like it's a different You know Style It's not his. Pastor Bill: [4:19] Black pants, black boots, black mask. Green... uh, green... underwear, green boots. Pastor Newms: [4:27] Bill says it's the... Biggs says it's the 70s. Pastor Bill: [4:32] Did they keep this up all the way through the 70s? Pastor Newms: [4:35] You guys can argue about DC lore later, cause... Pastor Bill: [4:37] I was just basing it off of the Blue Cowl. I know the Blue Cowl... Pastor Newms: [4:48] Um... anyway. I don't know. Oh, he says the 70s is when the Saturday cartoons were showing that style, but that's not necessarily possibly when the books were still using that style. Alright, Pastor Bill, how was your week? Pastor Bill: [5:04] My week... There was rain. Pastor Newms: [5:10] And wind. And storms. Pastor Bill: [5:13] Some roof leakage. I see the water damage in the ceiling above my desk. You know like that discoloration that What's the word Cheat rock gets when it gets wet Yeah Yeah, I had to move my stuff around on my desk and put a big bowl out until the storm stopped because it was tripping just Doop doop doop doop doop doop doop. I was like, oh no, that's not good Your house terrifies me sir Yeah Yeah Yeah, all right nightmare. Pastor Newms: [5:53] It just blew over During the storms like you woke up and the house had gone boop Um hadn't hurt any of y'all because the the house is so old. It just kind of went. Yeah And you guys were able to get out but it just went meh um Okay fell over and everything that fell on us was so weak and brittle. Yeah, it just meh it broke over us. Meh meh meh so um uh yeah it was one of those you have nothing to worry about the house is just gonna go meh and you got nothing to worry about well shelter shelter Okay, my week was good. Um, my week was weird um, I was busy but but like it was an okay busy and then at night I just had stuff all week It was weird. I have stuff a lot more now And it's weird me an invite on Facebook to a Yeah. Sure thing Yeah, that's the men's group at the church and every last Friday last Monday of the month they do a thing and I thought I had sent it to you before but I hadn't so I sent it to you so in case you wanted to watch it because I was sitting in the audience watching it it's good they're a good group very good group I like it I don't dislike like it which is weird because I've been I've been out of organized church for so long it's you know hiding in mega churches not serving not doing anything and then I'm very quickly getting involved more and more the next three Saturdays I actually have things at the church so it's it's good it's it's a it's a good thing but it's a weird thing and like today rain was like I don't like it and I was like why she goes I don't like being out of the house this much we're out of the house way too much at this point like that's my girl but we have to be a little it's okay so um yeah so it was it was a was a good week. Pastor Bill: [8:32] All right. I think it's my week to pull a card. Pastor Newms: [8:35] It is. Okidoki-o. Okidoki-o, pull the card. Pastor Bill: [8:53] That's fair. Pastor Newms: [8:54] Okay. I couldn't see it. It was behind my face. So I'm like, I'm like, what are you doing? Like pull the card? What are you looking at me for homie you said you were full of the car Oh, you're looking at the card that makes much more sense than you staring at my picture Yes, I'm staring at a picture of Newms If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? The problem here is this. It's like I hate your stipulations on these cards. Just answer That's the dadgum question. The easiest answer is pizza. Pastor Bill: [9:38] And the reason that is thingsy. Pastor Newms: [9:39] Well, the problem is Pete exactly Diverse like exactly that's why it's the easy answer So the question like if it's you could only have pepperoni pizza No, I couldn't do that. Like I would end up with a gout flare-up that would rival, you know 15 1600s type gout flare-ups like it would be terrible. But like And you can't answer salad because no or a film Yeah, or some random chemical that because I've been told you can't be allergic to chlorophyll But yet I'm allergic to anything that's green or pretends to be green There are people that are straight-up allergic to water that walk the earth. You can't tell me you can't be allergic to chlorophyll I can't tell you I've been told by physicians and allergists that that's not a thing, but of course You know Hey, he's 80. Pastor Bill: [10:32] It's not a thing until science discovers it. Yeah, and then suddenly they're like hey, it's a new thing And we're like probably not Probably was just really rare. Pastor Newms: [10:41] Yeah, or you just didn't notice it yet Um, yeah, you just hadn't noticed yet Yeah I was actually talking to someone today about dieting and how I need to get back into it and such and it's like but it's really hard at this point of being almost 40 because Like I I can't just have salads and like, you know salads with a little protein and you know, you're good to go Like I can't do it. And so it ends up being like the only valid Option is like a keto style option and that's expensive and It's a tight line to walk with a guarantee two to three week gout flare-up at the beginning Your body gets used to it and actually starts burning the chemicals, the purine protein, So then you stop, you know, like I when I did it like five years ago now, But it's so... Pastor Bill: [11:38] Purine protein, I thought it was an acid issue. Pastor Newms: [11:43] It's, no, it's technically, it's a protein that, so it's a protein that your body then turns into an acid that then you expel. But with... Pastor Bill: [11:56] You don't expel. Pastor Newms: [11:56] I don't expel. It crystallizes. Yeah. But talking about the purine protein half is much more socially acceptable than speaking about the uric acid half because people don't like to talk about bodily fluids. Right. They don't like to equate piss with blood even though that's where pee comes from, from your blood. Yeah. They don't like to... So I usually just stick with the protein side and, oh, and then the kidneys process it wrong for me and then leave it at that as opposed to because people are like why are you talking about that it's like because it's a health issue why are you not um but so it's you know it's one of those it's it's a funny thing is I'm trying to figure out how to get healthier because it's affecting my my side affecting my knees but I find it funny when people drink a bunch of water or you know drink a drink and they're like Man, it's going right through me and I'm like, I mean not technically it's not technically going right through you technically What's happening is your your body is is breaking down more blood into urea in? Pastor Bill: [13:13] Preparation for the intake of the liquids that you're in taking But that liquid you're in taking is not actually leaving the stuff that you drank before is leaving But it's from your blood anyway Anyway, it's not going right for you. Pastor Newms: [13:27] It's just, that's not how it works. weird aspect though because it. Pastor Bill: [13:35] It appears very quickly, like certain beverages and certain things affect very quickly because you're some of it your body's just like uh-uh and so like the first round around the body your body's like I'm it's out it went through your whole body but your body's like it's out like I ain't putting this in like there's some things that there's some things that we literally had to add I can't remember the chemical name for it now but it's basically antifreeze in the chemical makeup we had to add it to it so that our body would hold it and not just straight drop it like a lot of vitamins a lot of minerals you know those pills will have that additive additive chemical that is you know identical to antifreeze under a microscope but isn't actually the antifreeze that forces your body to hold on to it instead of just flushing it out the bottom. Pastor Newms: [14:38] Yeah, that's always interesting. The body is weird. The human body is really, really weird. Pastor Bill: [14:45] Like when you get dehydrated and your body's like, must flush all liquids now I'm dehydrated. Pastor Newms: [14:51] Oop, you're gone. Wait, wait, you're yep. You're gone I'm back. Yep. Pastor Bill: [15:00] You're back now Must flush all liquids is the last thing we have helpful to flush all the liquids when you're dehydrated body Yes, but how do I tell you that? I need more liquids. Yeah, I'm pretty sure by the point the body dumps So I'm I already know I already know. Pastor Newms: [15:16] Yeah, I Don't I don't need extra alarms, I know But do we Cuz I'll be sick and just ignoring the fact that I need to drink something until I stop sweating and then I'm like, oh I'm not sweating no more That's a problem. Pastor Bill: [15:34] You know those old cartoons where they're honest a desert island and one cartoon character looks at over at the other and They start looking like a big ham This water bottle here next to my bed That's on my desk when I when I'm getting low on water man And that thing starts to look like salvation. Like I'm like, it's like glowing gold halo, you know? And it's like, oh, when I look at my water jug, oh yeah, I need to drink some water. Pastor Newms: [16:01] No, I don't, I don't, I don't got that. So what food, what food would you, would you eat forever? Pastor Bill: [16:08] Salad, I would just, I would eat salad. I, the only reason I, I like to have at least a salad a day. The only times I don't is when we can't afford it Because salad is expensive but but yeah, I would have They go help in a salad for every meal I love salad man. You always have it's great I'll live oil on there some a little bit of salt a little bit of garlic and that's the other thing you Can bet you don't put a lot in your salad even it's not even like it's just it's gross, homie some lettuce and spinach some I don't know just add a little color in there and just yeah, I'm into it. Pastor Newms: [16:53] My stomach hurts thinking about it. Pastor Bill: [16:56] And when I eat, when I eat a salad everyday I feel amazing compared to when I don't. You know, just at least one salad a day and my body's just like yeah well yeah, it's cause it's a salad, it's what I would We covered this last week. This is what we're supposed to be eating is clean healthy Salads and greens not But yeah fatty bacon every morning if I could afford it or they were just gonna provide the food I would eat a salad at every meal. Struggle to say that I would give up meat if salad was an option at every meal I but I probably wouldn't have any qualms about that. Pastor Newms: [17:39] I probably could You come over to Jerry and I submit having a salad with it at every meal instead of Anything else but it's just so dang expensive and and yeah it is and the amount you have to Have is expensive also because the caloric intake is not high on it Which is why the additives like the girls love the chicken Caesar Salads, I think it is I guess the Caesar and you know, it comes with the little thing and it They're good for like, you know a day after you buy them if you're lucky because of Farm to table is not great on salads and you would think it would be with how expensive it is, but it's not Well, it's not necessarily farm to table The problem is it's it's all the hands in between right from farm to when it finally gets to right? That's what I'm saying. It's it's not we don't have just farm to table We have you know that did that did that did that did that did that did that did that did that to us in between? Pastor Bill: [18:52] Yeah Anywho, and it appears that says yeah says your mother eats it without salad dressing. I had forgotten that but that doesn't surprise me. That's why I put on the olive oil. That is my salad dressing just a little bit of olive oil and some salt and garlic. That's my that is my salad dressing like I couldn't I can't stand the thought of adding on all those empty calories with the salad dressing just for the sake of some just weak flavoring. Pastor Newms: [19:29] Some of those calories are very big calories. They're not empty. Some of them are very fatty. Pastor Bill: [19:36] They're big, but they're empty. Pastor Newms: [19:37] I'm joking. I know what you meant. It was just... That like buttermilk ranch is a very heavy additive of... I know that's what you meant by... buy it. All right. Pastor Bill: [20:07] The whole new USB setup over here at my desk because I bumped the desk the wrong way. Something disconnects and the daisy chain goes down. The daisy chain goes down like I'm using a laptop. That's only got two USB ports What's has to be the camera and the other one has to be a daisy chain that that works the? Keyboard the mouse the microphone Everything else is on this little port over here And if I bump the desk the wrong way the whole thing goes down And then we got to wait for it to come back up again And then we wonder why the expensive computer that we bought just burnt out sitting in your house for some unknown reason in your house electricity just expensive computer had lots of USB ports it did it did but your run a mouse and a keyboard and a microphone no I know I I don't mean because of your daisy chain I mean because of the electricity in your house and the you know the. Pastor Newms: [21:09] The leaking roof and when a computer fries to a point where everything in it fries at once that that's an issue it's so hard to actually happen because of all the transistors and little safety things that are in each of the parts to keep that from happening and the whole big block of power supply that's whole job is to I protect computer and you had a nice one and it just Because I was worried about that exact issue and I Don't know how it happened because it happened when it wasn't even storming So that was the that was like like had the house got hit by electricity I would have been like yeah, it happens, but it wasn't it was everything everything in this house goes down quickly Like we were you and I was you and I were talking the other day about the last time we had an electrician come out He was like, yeah. Pastor Bill: [22:11] Oh This fuse box was outlawed like 20 years ago You know, I'm technically not even supposed to work on this thing Well, what am I supposed to do? But yeah, like we burn through microwaves real fast. We go through ovens real fast. I mean, we had to find creative. Like right now we have one burner that works on our stove top and then we have two air fryers and a microwave and a griddle. And that's how we cook everything because the oven doesn't work. The other three burners don't work because they all got burned out by the electricity because the electricity is crazy in this house. Pastor Newms: [22:50] Anyway. Pastor Bill: [22:56] So that's how my week was. Oh yeah, we're past that. Big says, have to kill the dirt flavor. Bigs, if your salad tastes like dirt, either A, you're buying from a crappy company, or B, you need to clean your food before you eat it, bro. Just rinse that salad off. Rinse the lettuce or something. It shouldn't taste like dirt unless you're eating beets. Beets just taste like dirt. Or dragon fruit. and fruit seeds those taste like dirt too. If you're just having a regular old salad, it shouldn't taste like dirt I think that's more of just a Colloquialism not an actual Oh, you don't think he means it actually means it tastes like because I was being like beets actually tastes like dirt and so the dragon fruit seeds well potatoes, I mean Lettuce doesn't even grow in the ground. Pastor Newms: [23:49] So if you're eating the part that's in the ground you you've done something wrong already but um I think he I think he just means that whole like it's rabbit food. It tastes like dirt. Um Uh, listen god made dirt dirt don't hurt it does man, it does though The microbes that are in dirt can kill you And speed up the decompressing If you've never built up an immune system If you don't go outside and touch grass, yeah, it does. You're right Like there's this internet thing about you you've been inside too long go touch grass and like I Had I need to go touch some grass and kill you and I'm like, okay I was like I've been inside they're like you need to go outside and I'm like I can't Like the Sun if I'm out there for more than seven minutes I burn and And if I actually touch grass, I'm gonna have a rash so All these you know, these people are like, oh if you just go stand and center yourself in the grass and connect with Mother Nature I'll die. At least I'm not a leadership black pepper, Pastor Bill: [25:07] Thanks Yeah, glad it works for you, um Mother nature's trying to kill me At least All right, so we're in this series where we've been going through the beginning And we did you know, we started in Genesis and we touched on John chapter 1 and we came back to Genesis and Last week we reached the very end of Genesis chapter 1 And so tonight we're just gonna look back at Genesis 1 and do a summary. We're gonna do an overcap we're gonna just talk in general about Genesis 1, right? And so If you remember when we started the series we talked about kind of the history of how Genesis 1 became a part of the book of Genesis and Do you remember what we said, Pastor Newms? Pastor Newms: [26:12] Huh? This is your turn to talk. No, I mean, it... The story from Genesis 1 was kind of added in... Um... to the aspects during the time of captivity in Babylon from the Babylonian stories, because it was like, hey, those line up really well with what we've got written in Genesis 2 already, and they specify some things better than what Genesis 2 does because Genesis 2 is very generic in some of the things it says. So yeah, this has more detail. Let's use it. That makes sense. Pastor Bill: [26:53] You more or less painted the picture. You got a little sloppy around the lines there, but yeah, that's the general idea. Before they went into captivity, the creation story started with what We would call Genesis chapter 2 they didn't call it Genesis chapter 2 They just called it the creation of man they didn't have chapters then either so they just called it laughter the book That's scroll over there That's good. Well, it wasn't even scrolls really. That's true It kind of was by that point. So why were they in captivity in Babylon? What happened there? Pastor Newms: [27:34] One of the many times they screwed up. Alright. Pastor Bill: [27:40] So what happened is that throughout history the Judean people, which there technically weren't Judeans yet, we're talking about the ancestors of the Judean people who eventually settled in Judea and then became the Jews. They were a polytheistic people. They had multiple gods and they worshiped multiple gods and they believed in multiple gods and despite their oral passing down of religion and despite what they believed the Mosaic Law read and despite all of these things, they were still polytheistic and they continued to go back to worshiping other gods over and over and over even though we see over and over and over gods going, no, focus, you know, me, focus on me. So it got to this one point where... A female deity known as Ashra, who the ancient peoples believed was the wife of the god Yahweh. Now you should recognize the name Yahweh because that is actually the name of two historical entities. One is a Sumerian wind god that the Sumerians believed was the god of storms and wind and weather and that he blew through the deserts with his rage and his fury. And then Yahweh is also the name that God identifies with themselves when they're speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai. They call themselves Yahweh. And it's not so much that they call themselves Yahweh, but it's that God releases a series of sounds that then Moses writes down and when humans go to repeat those series of sounds it comes out as Yahweh. And more specifically it is I AM or I EXIST. And if you drill down into the, you know, more into what they're saying there it's I exist because I want to basically. There was nothing and then there was me. I am. And so we have this idea of Yahweh who people believed was married to a goddess named Asherah. And Asherah had become very popular amongst the people of Israel, the descendants of Israel. And Asherah poles, think of like a maple with the long strings, the ribbons, you know, that you've You've seen them in the Germanic and the Nordic cultures, the Maple, and they run around them with the ribbons, and they tie them off. It's still part of Norse mythology celebrations today even in the places where they believe in the Norse religions, the Maple thing. They don't always call it a Maple and they definitely don't call it an Ashrop Hall. But this is what the idea was. They had these Ashera poles and they were burning incense to Ashera and they were worshiping Ashera alongside of Yahweh and it had yet identified her as you know the wife of God So this was going on and God told them to cut it out multiple tops Multiple times you got to stop doing this you got to stop doing that people would tear them down Okay, people would rebuild them people would tear them down So God says, okay, that's enough. So, um, God hands them over to the King of Babylon, right? Puts them into slavery. And it's not one of those things where you're like, nah, God wouldn't do that. No, no. When you look back at history, God always chastises, corrects, puts back on the right path his own people. Period. If your theology tells you that God is just going to spoil you and give you good things, then you've only got half of your theology right. Because the other half of that is that God is a good Father that disciplines his children. God wants to give you the cattle on a thousand hills, but God will also send you away to go eat in the slop in the pig's troughs for a while before you decide to come home like the prodigal son. This is how God offered. Pastor Newms: [32:38] Okay. Pastor Bill: [32:40] So God sends them into captivity. Now there is a small group of people up in the mountains where the Babylonians, not a mountainous people can't get to they're like now that's not worth it right babelans you're like we're not doing it there's no slave worth climbing those mountains we're not doing that now these people their descendants go on to be the Samaritans right so we see that play out in the New Testament their descendants Americans the people that continue to worship Asherah up on the mountain. Now, eventually, they gave up Asherah and they have their own experiences with God that we don't have the recordings of, but we do have the woman at the well talking to Jesus who's like, but we follow this law and we follow this law and our forefather, Jacob, he told us this and this and we're expecting the Messiah. And they had their own whole history and experiences with God that rival that of the actual Israelites that we do have recorded in the Bible. So it's kind of interesting there. But while in Babylon, the people are exposed to this idea that monotheism is paramount. Now the god that the Babylonians wanted them to worship was their king, right? They wanted them to worship their king, the god their king, because all the other gods had quote unquote died so that this god could be king. But they didn't quite buy that. But they saw in the histories of the Babylonians who had adopted a lot of Sumerian myth and take a look at that and they go, this story makes a whole lot of sense with what we know. And not only that, but it's got greater detail, right? Because when you go and you look at Genesis chapter 2, it's kind of broad strokes, right? God created man and God created the animals and there's nothing about when that happens. There's, you know, it's not a lot of detail there. It's very broad. And so it's very broad. It's very broad and you can see their connection. A lot of people call it contradiction. There's contradictions between these two accounts and I'm like but is there though I mean are you just looking for contradictions or or what Okay. So they pick up this this new story that we know of as Genesis one and they uh adapt it and they adopt it and they they make They make some changes to the story right um But not a lot. Um Um, that's not even true they they make a lot of changes to the story to make it more palatable to the Jewish ear. Pastor Newms: [36:08] And to help align. Pastor Bill: [36:09] To help align with Genesis 2. Pastor Newms: [36:12] Yeah. Pastor Bill: [36:13] I have the story over there, but it's kind of convoluted and confusing for the Western ear, so I'm not going to pull that out. So let's read Genesis chapter 1, and then we'll go from there. That's Okay. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And we had fun with that one. We spent a whole episode on just Genesis 1. Now the earth was formless and empty. Darkness covered the surface of the watery depths, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the water. Then God said, Let there be light, and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. There was an evening, and there was a morning, one day. Then God said, Let there be an expanse between the waters, separating water from water. So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above the expanse. And it was so. God called the expanse sky. Evening came and then morning, the second day. Then God said, let the water under the sky be gathered into one place and let the dry land appear. Mention the video and start the video. I lost my place. Oh, and it was so. God called the dry land earth and the gathering of the water he called seas. And God saw that it was good. Then God said, Let the earth produce vegetation, seed-bearing plants and fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And it was so. The earth produced vegetation, seed-bearing plants according to their kinds, and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. Evening came and then morning, the third day. Then God said, Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky, separate the day from the night. They will serve as signs for seasons and for days and years. There will be lights in the expanse of the sky to provide light on the earth, and it was so. God made the two great lights, the greater light to rule over the day and the lesser light to rule over the night, as well as the stars. God placed them in the expanse of the sky to provide light on the earth, to rule the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness, and God saw that it was good. Morning came and then morning, the fourth day. Then God said, Let the waters swarm with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky. So God created the large sea creatures and every living creature that moves and swarms in the water, according to their kinds. He also created every winged creature according to its kind, and God saw that it was good. God blessed them, be fruitful, multiply, and fill the waters of the sea, and let the birds multiply on the earth. Evening came, and then morning, the fifth day. Then God said, let the earth produce living creatures according to their kinds, livestock, creatures that crawl, and the wildlife of the earth according to their kinds. And it was so. So God made the wildlife of the earth according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that crawl on the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. Then God said, Let us make man in our image according to our likeness. They will rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the livestock, the whole earth, and the creatures that crawl on the earth. So God created man in his own image. He created him in the image of God. He created the male and female. God blessed them and God said to them, Be fruitful. Multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, and every creature that crawls on the earth. God also said, Look, I have given you every seed-bearing plant on the surface of the entire earth and every tree whose fruit contains seed. This will be food for you. For all the wildlife of the earth, for every bird of the sky, and for every creature that crawls on the earth, everything having the breath of life in it, I have given. Every green plant for food, and it was so. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good indeed. Evening came, and then morning, the sixth day.", Okay. Anything jump out at you there that you wanted to talk about again? Highlights that you want to make sure that we walk away with? Pastor Newms: [41:39] Um... In seriousness, no. Um, in funny internet meme, my only thought
S4EP09 - Livestock, Reptiles, and Fauna Oh My
S4EP09 - Livestock, Reptiles, and Fauna Oh My
In this episode: Pastor Bill and Pastor Newms discuss Genesis 1:24-25 from the Christian Standard Bible, in which God commands the earth to produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, wildlife, and creatures that crawl on the ground. They discuss the Hebrew word nehfesh, which is used to denote the soul or spirit of a living creature, and how it is used in the passage to describe the living creatures. They also discuss how the words for “whales” and “birds” were translated differently in the KJV and CSB, noting that in the KJV, the word for “whales” actually refers to a monster or sea serpent. Finally, Pastor Newms jokes that some fish are given a soul, but not all. Pastor Bill and Pastor Newms discuss the creation of the world as described in the Bible in Genesis. God created livestock, reptiles, and wildlife according to their kinds. God gave them their portions and saw that it was good. They discussed how God personally made the things, rather than just commanding them to exist. They further distinguished that God saw that it was good, rather than looking within himself and recognizing it. Pastors Bill and Newms discuss the breakdown of two verses from the Bible, Genesis 1:24-25. In these verses, God creates various animals, including cattle, creeping things, and beasts of the Earth, and declares them to be good. The authors note that the creation of animals was necessary for the arrival of man, as they serve various purposes such as transportation, food, and commerce. They also highlight the special relationship that humans have with God and their elevated status among all creatures. Pastor Bill then delivers the topic according to AI, where he fed the viewpoints of seven different commentaries into Chat GPT and got a synopsis on what they all cover. The pastors also talk about the Wizard of Oz reference in the episode title. Pastors Bill and Newms discuss the lack of mention of dinosaurs in the book of Genesis. Pastor Newms explains that this is likely because the text was written by Babylonians, who would not have known of dinosaurs since they were extinct by that point. Pastor Bill then points out that some theologians have narrowed the descriptions of 'great beasts' in the Bible to modern animals. Pastor Newms adds that if we look at the Bible from the standpoint that everything was created at the same time, dinosaurs would be considered creeping things or monstrous sea creatures. Ultimately, the conversation concludes that Genesis one is likely a retelling of the story with added in details from the rest of the book.   Timestamps: 0:26:18 Conversation Summary: Genesis 1:24-25 0:30:59 Conversation on the Creation of Livestock, Reptiles, and Wildlife in the Bible 0:33:56 Conversation Summary: 6th Day of Creation in the Bible 0:40:29 Conversation Between Pastors Bill and Newms on the Absence of Dinosaurs in Genesis One 0:43:15 Conversation on the Babylonian Account of Creation in Genesis One 0:48:58 Heading: The Weaponization of Scripture: A Conversation on Creationism and Apologetics 0:50:33 Conversation on Faith and Science    Transcription: [0:00:00]  Pastor Newms: Face Live. [0:00:02]  Pastor Bill: Face live. You can see my awesome shirt. This is one of the shirts my mama got me for my birthday. [0:00:09]  Pastor Newms: I see a shirt. Yes. [0:00:11]  Pastor Bill: My wife says it looks like a hotel quilt pattern on the shirt. [0:00:18]  Pastor Newms: I don't think it's the hotel quilt, but it is definitely. If it was beige, I would agree that it looks like the curtains. That says several hotels I've got, but I haven't seen a blue like that. I mean, if the material is right, it's a good shirt. Material ain't a good shirt. [0:00:34]  Pastor Bill: I like it. [0:00:36]  Pastor Newms: It's one of those things, really, to a certain degree. We're at the age where it's like, does the design truly matter? [0:00:46]  Pastor Bill: No, comfort matters. That's what matters. It's all about comfort, folks. Yeah. It's like, let nobody lie to you. [0:00:59]  Pastor Newms: But yes. So, Pastor Bill, how was your week? [0:01:04]  Pastor Bill: My week was pretty good, as you know. We took last Sunday off. We didn't record a new podcast last Sunday. Not only was it the littlest shay's birthday, like, straight up, his birthday proper, but then the Super Bowl. So we hung out, enjoyed his birthday, we watched the Super Bowl commercials. The second half of the Super Bowl was quite compelling. The Eagles were putting up a crazy defense, and it wasn't enough, but it was entertaining enough that it caught my attention. [0:01:49]  Pastor Newms: That is crazy. I did not even watch the commercials. I didn't even watch the commercials. Yeah, I straight up. Just nothing this year with it. [0:01:59]  Pastor Bill: The highlights of the commercials were there were a lot of big-name faces. [0:02:05]  Pastor Newms: Oh, really? They went that route? [0:02:07]  Pastor Bill: Yeah. And QR codes. [0:02:10]  Pastor Newms: Really? [0:02:10]  Pastor Bill: Almost every company had a QR code in the commercial. Aren't we like this now? [0:02:16]  Pastor Newms: Like five years past that? Like, where are we? [0:02:19]  Pastor Bill: And actually, they're finally catching up to the rest of us. [0:02:23]  Pastor Newms: As far as QR codes aren't QR cards already dead? [0:02:28]  Pastor Bill: Yeah, they died about ten years ago, and corporations are just now getting there to the pre-death of QR code. That's funny. [0:02:40]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, that's so funny. [0:02:45]  Pastor Bill: What else do you do? I spent a lot of time working on some social media marketing for a book publication that came out that I wrote a short story that got put in. So I spent a lot of time working on that. That's about it. Hanging out with the family, and working on marketing stuff now. [0:03:08]  Pastor Newms: I didn't understand what it has to do with strawberries. [0:03:16]  Pastor Bill: One of the stories in the anthology is The Selection of a Sacred Strawberry. So they should name the whole collection of stories after that one. Either that was their favorite or I don't know, something that's the main one, or something, I guess. [0:03:36]  Pastor Newms: I mean, I've never particularly been fond of strawberries or sweet bread, and I'm not big on festivals, but it's one. [0:03:46]  Pastor Bill: Of those things he's quoting from the short story or talking about the short story that I wrote. [0:03:54]  Pastor Newms: You don't know that. You didn't send it to me. [0:04:00]  Pastor Bill: I sent you the name. I sent you all the pertinent information. [0:04:03]  Pastor Newms: You did not send me the short story, so how would I know? [0:04:12]  Pastor Bill: I didn't send you this one. You could have gotten it on Kindle or Unlimited. This one could have ordered like this. There you go. He's got a copy. My copy comes in tomorrow. [0:04:24]  Pastor Newms: Actually, I made Groggy go through. So at the beginning of the book, there's an excerpt, a little thing about each writer. [0:04:36]  Pastor Bill: Right. [0:04:37]  Pastor Newms: The weird thing is, one of three who their name is not in the first four words, so it almost makes it look like a second paragraph about the previous person. [0:04:59]  Pastor Bill: That's funny. [0:05:02]  Pastor Newms: But. [0:05:04]  Pastor Bill: A little 53-word biography that I've crafted for use in my. [0:05:10]  Pastor Newms: Guess would be so there's 28 literary pieces. My guess would be that's the winner winner. [0:05:22]  Pastor Bill: Yeah. I would guess there were three. They said the top three would get a free copy of the book and yada, yada, yada. So I'm guessing that was number one. Number one, yeah. [0:05:33]  Pastor Newms: I would think that was the selection. [0:05:34]  Pastor Bill: Of the sacred strawberry. But yeah, I don't know. I haven't read any of the other stories yet. [0:05:41]  Pastor Newms: I didn't either. I had no desire to. I found yours, I've read yours, and now the book will go on my shelf. Because I'm not a nice person. I might go back at some point, but let's be honest, I'm not going. [0:05:58]  Pastor Bill: To you spend $17 on a book. Why is it so high? Why is the price point so high? I don't understand. [0:06:10]  Pastor Newms: That's not that high for a book. [0:06:13]  Pastor Bill: Really? [0:06:14]  Pastor Newms: Yeah. That's moderate. [0:06:18]  Pastor Bill: What's up? How was your week, Pastor Newms? [0:06:23]  Pastor Newms: So my week was pretty good. We were actually sick. [0:06:33]  Pastor Bill: I'm sorry. [0:06:34]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, it was humorous because when you texted me on Sunday, I actually had laid down to take a nap, which is not unsurprising for a Sunday, because, let's be honest, I love naps, so it's not unlikely for me to take a nap. So I had laid down last weekend this week. So Thursday I worked half a day at work. Friday I took off completely, and then I was sick all the way through. I was sick from Thursday to Tuesday, which is why I didn't fight you on the because usually when you tell me you're like, we're not doing it tonight, I'm like, Why? I mean, it's just a football. I would have said. I was like, I'm going back to bed. I was like, fine with me. I don't want it tonight anyway. [0:07:41]  Pastor Bill: Cool. I'm tired. [0:07:42]  Pastor Newms: I don't feel good. [0:07:44]  Pastor Bill: Sounds good to me. [0:07:46]  Pastor Newms: And then Zaydiee had a work trip this week, so she was actually gone from Thursday till, like, an hour before. They had a team building, like, work retreat they do every year, a retreat for the people that work across the whole company. So the high school, the elementary school, both the ELCS the baby centers, the whole nine, the whole company. And so they were in Gatlinburg, actually, from Thursday until, like I said, like 2 hours ago, I got home like I was eating up until when we started. The pre-thing. The downside between Zaydiee being gone and me getting over being sick, I played no games from like the Wednesday before I was sick. And I still technically have not launched an actual video game. So it's been like a week and a half because I've been like, you hadn't streamed anything. [0:09:09]  Pastor Bill: I thought that was odd, but I. [0:09:12]  Pastor Newms: Was like now there are two games, one of which I know I couldn't stream if I got early access to it. But there is one game where if you pay extra, you can get into early access. And it appears people are streaming it already as of two days ago. Now, I don't know if that is just because they're small streamers so they've got away with it, or if it's actually not under, because sometimes when you get into an early access, there's NDAs until it releases. Other games want you to they're like, yes, please stream it. [0:09:59]  Pastor Bill: Tag us, love us. Free advertisement building up to the launch. It's good buzz, right? [0:10:13]  Pastor Newms: I'm debating with myself still. My blanket is out of whack and it's bothering me. I'm debating with myself still on whether to get it or not. And if I get it, then I will start possibly streaming that. I'm currently supposed to be streaming another game, doing a joke run through the game, but a joke run. So the game that I've been playing and that says plays a lot of is a game based on the pathfinder RPG. It's actually a campaign setting and they built a game of it called wrath of the righteous. And there's different ways of playing the game. Like, there's different paths you can take and there's different endings and there's different every decision not every decision, but lots of decisions actually can affect the world. Like, if you make the wrong decision, your party members will just leave. They're like, no, this guy is a nut. We're out. So there's lots of different paths. You can take a demon path, you can take a devil path, you can take an angel path, you can take a legend path, which means you don't want to be truly special. You're just overpowered to be overpowered. And then there's a litch path and a swarm path, which is the lich path. Of course, several of your party members get very upset because becoming a litch is kind of a no-no. And then swarm. You're literally a living swarm. And so your party members leave because you keep eating people. And so there's all these different paths and things you can do. There's a lime, you're literally a group of insects, and you literally keep eating people. Please, I'm out. But there's options. Like, you meet people and you can be nice to them, or you can be mean, or you can use one of the special paths. You can be evil, you can be good because it's an RPG, so it's based on a tabletop RPG, so there's the Good evil, Chaotic Circle. So often there's an option of attack. Like, I don't want to talk to this person. This person's already annoyed me. They look funny. Whatever the reason, they're different situations. You can just choose to attack. And so I was joking with sez that it would be funny to do a run where you just attack every time you're given the option to attack. The first time you're given the option to attack people. [0:13:07]  Pastor Bill: And see, so it's a murder hobo run. [0:13:10]  Pastor Newms: It's a murder hobo run. Right, exactly. And see, by the end of the game, who's even around? But the funny thing is, the first time you come across two members, there's two party members, and you have to choose between the two of them because one ends up being evil. The first option for both of them is attack, but they both have plot armor where you don't actually attack them, and you're like, how many people actually have the plot armor in this game where attack is not actually a valid option? And so it's kind of wanting to see that. I might do some of that tomorrow, depending on what happens, because I am technically off all day tomorrow, so maybe I'll do some of that tomorrow. I don't know. I don't know what my plans are yet tomorrow. [0:14:04]  Pastor Bill: But Gerg, his one-act stuff, they want him there from 09:00 A.m. Till TBD or tb. [0:14:16]  Pastor Newms: His what's? [0:14:16]  Pastor Bill: Not to be determined. One act. The University of Interscholastic League theater thing in Texas. [0:14:27]  Pastor Newms: Oh, that thing he called me about? [0:14:29]  Pastor Bill: Yeah, the thing he called you back. They take one act of a play or modify a play into one act, and they just put on just that one act of a show, and it gets judged. Well, he's in it, and tomorrow they're like, well, we couldn't meet on Saturday for, I don't know, director at something. And then they're like, but we don't have school Monday, so if you can come, we'd like, everyone here at 09:00 A.m. The actors can leave at 2:30. But all of you like, tech and crew guys, just stay as long as you can. [0:15:07]  Pastor Newms: Just prepare to be there. [0:15:09]  Pastor Bill: Yeah, prepare to be there. I got to get up and drop them off at nine. At least I don't have to get up at the normal time tomorrow. I can sleep in a little bit and get him there at nine. [0:15:22]  Pastor Newms: Now the question is, does the Littlest actually let you sleep or is he still wakes up the moment of day and wakes you up? [0:15:33]  Pastor Bill: So the littlest has decided that Adeline is his best friend. So he wakes up. Adeline, when he gets up, he no longer comes and wakes daddy up. However, the puppy, if no one feeds her or lets her out, she will come and start whining and scratching at my door. [0:15:54]  Pastor Newms: Okay. [0:15:55]  Pastor Bill: So she doesn't let me sleep, but the little human does. [0:15:59]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, because I know there was a long time when you, like me. The littlest human would be like, hi, good morning. [0:16:05]  Pastor Bill: Get up now. Hi. Good morning. My son's awakened. So am I. [0:16:10]  Pastor Newms: You need to go somewhere? Well, that's fun. [0:16:19]  Pastor Bill: All right, well, now it's time for getting to know the pastors. [0:16:22]  Pastor Newms: I don't want to. [0:16:23]  Pastor Bill: And it's my time to pull a card. [0:16:25]  Pastor Newms: Oh, hey, I had something to ask you about this. No, you can still pull the card. I'm not going to tell you to not pull the card. No, you're good. I unpacked all my books. Right. [0:16:40]  Pastor Bill: Okay. [0:16:43]  Pastor Newms: I have a ton of youth resources from my parents, and they're right here in front of me on bookshelves. And several of them have, like, get-to-know-people questions and lists of things. And if we get through our cards or as we get, like, if we want something in between the two sets of cards, I found several books that would be they're just like they're conversation starters. They're getting to know the business person question from my mom. And I'm like, these might be awesome. They could be horrible. I have no idea. [0:17:35]  Pastor Bill: This could be awesome or really bad. [0:17:37]  Pastor Newms: So they could be better or worse than our cards. But I have some books that we can use as we run out of cards. Just so you know, don't go buy more cards until we see how those books are. But I have them right over there on the bookshelves, and I think it could be extremely humorous because they are. [0:18:05]  Pastor Bill: If you, me, were reincarnated okay. As a famous landmark, which would it be? [0:18:17]  Pastor Newms: Okay, wait. First off, there are many questions that must be asked. [0:18:25]  Pastor Bill: How qualification questions, as if the card gives me any kind of qualifiers. [0:18:34]  Pastor Newms: Okay, so the point of reincarnation. Well, no, I guess if you did timey wimey reincarnation, you could have been the famous monument the whole time. Also, but I don't like that. It's always weird to me. To me, a reincarnation, you're born into the next thing, not born into a thing that already exists. That always messes up in my head, because then how do you have memory? I don't like that card. [0:19:07]  Pastor Bill: Okay. [0:19:11]  Pastor Newms: I don't know, man. [0:19:13]  Pastor Bill: Which celebrity chef would you most like to make you dinner? [0:19:20]  Pastor Newms: Oh, okay. So I'm going to qualify this. I have one card down. Let's see how many cards we have to get through tonight. One thing you get to know about the pastors is pastor Newms is extremely picky. Okay. So for the sake of hanging out with me and I would just like to know the person would be Gordon Ramsay. Because I think it would just be funny to meet him because he seems like the kind of guy that I would enjoy because he's kind of a person. I was going the opposite side because I was about to say and I like people like that. But you went male appendage. And I don't like those very much. But as far as cooking, I don't think his cooking style is something I would enjoy eating. I would like to hang out with this guy while he cooks a meal thing. I think he'd be cool, but I don't know if I'd like his food necessarily. So if I'm going to go with someone like whose food I would eat, it's got to be like, a paladin or Rachel Ray or someone who does the good Southern cooking. I can't remember that one really large, fat chef guy that I used to like. Because if I'm going to have a famous chef cook me something, I want it to be good. [0:21:29]  Pastor Bill: Okay. So basically, I'm doing this. This means we're simpatico. We're all on the same wavelength, right? This hand thing, the hand gesture I'm making right now. So what we're saying here is we would like to cook a meal with Gordon Ramsay. Yes. And just be like, be in the kitchen. And he's, like, yelling at you like, no, you twit. You cut that half a stick. [0:21:52]  Pastor Newms: Exactly. [0:21:52]  Pastor Bill: But when it comes to sitting down to eat a meal that someone's cooked, it'd be something like Guy Fieri, where it's like this dripping burger with just grease everywhere. But it's like that Guy meal. [0:22:05]  Pastor Newms: I don't know about Guy Fieri because he booms spice a lot. And I'm not a super boom spice guy or bam spice, whatever it was. [0:22:13]  Pastor Bill: No, that's a different guy you're thinking about. I can't remember what his name is. This is the guy with the spiky. I thought that was that goes to the diners, the drive-ins, and the. [0:22:24]  Pastor Newms: No, I know, but I thought his whole thing before that was like the bam. No, that's somebody else. And, like, says, you never trust a skinny chef. Like I'm looking for you. [0:22:38]  Pastor Bill: Thinking of Emeril Lagasse. [0:22:40]  Pastor Newms: I'm thinking of Emeril. You're right. I am. No. [0:22:44]  Pastor Bill: So. Yeah. [0:22:44]  Pastor Newms: No guy. I was thinking for some reason that this is terrible. This is how much I watch cooking shows. Obviously never for some reason, I was thinking they were the same person. [0:22:57]  Pastor Bill: No, they're not the same person. [0:23:02]  Pastor Newms: But no. [0:23:03]  Pastor Bill: The best hamburger and French fries I've ever had was from the quote-unquote Guy Fieri kitchen on the cruise ship that my wife and I went on a cruise on. [0:23:15]  Pastor Newms: So his recipes, basically, yeah. [0:23:18]  Pastor Bill: It was the most amazing burger I've ever had in my whole life. [0:23:22]  Pastor Newms: Big sense. He wants the meal cooked by the cake guy. I wasn't even thinking of going there. That one show, I think it might be in Boston, but it's like cake Boss or something. And they do cakes. [0:23:43]  Pastor Bill: He just wants the whole cake. [0:23:44]  Pastor Newms: He just wants that guy to make a full meal, just several cakes like that. [0:23:48]  Pastor Bill: Biggs is all about the cake. [0:23:50]  Pastor Newms: Six courses of cake, six horses of cake. And biggs does not argue. [0:23:56]  Pastor Bill: He just responds, yes. He's like, yeah, that's what I want. [0:24:02]  Pastor Newms: There's not like a well, you know, what I meant was no, he's just. [0:24:07]  Pastor Bill: Straight up, that's what I meant. [0:24:09]  Pastor Newms: What I want, I would need a cake, bottle of acid of medicine and sodium, whatever. The other one I have to take the NSAIDs to be able to walk the day after intaking that much sugar, but I'll give it a shot. I drank a sweet tea by accident the other day, and it was so swollen up I could barely walk. The next sugar is not my friend no more. [0:24:40]  Pastor Bill: All right, so hello and welcome season four episode nine of The Berean Manifesto; Faith, Hope, and Love for the Modern Christian. [0:24:50]  Pastor Newms: Wait, did we really forget? And I'm joined by Pastor did we forget? [0:25:00]  Pastor Bill: Yeah. [0:25:02]  Pastor Newms: Well, how am I going to edit this now? [0:25:06]  Pastor Bill: I don't know. Pick a spot and start from there. [0:25:11]  Pastor Newms: How do we forget? Welcome you all to 25 minutes in, roughly, probably. We'll see where I actually start it, but wow. Okay. [0:25:33]  Pastor Bill: All right, so we're in our series in Genesis, and we're getting really close to the end of chapter one, just real close. So we're in chapter one, verses 24 and 25. And then next week we'll finish out chapter one, and then the week after that, we'll do a recap, basically, of the whole first chapter before we then go into chapter two. [0:26:00]  Pastor Newms: But did you forget to post something again on Spotify? [0:26:07]  Pastor Bill: I don't know. Spotify should be automatic. [0:26:12]  Pastor Newms: I was just asking because they said it, but it might be because we didn't do it last week. [0:26:18]  Pastor Bill: It might be. Okay, so Genesis, chapter one, verses 24 and 25. 24 says, and this is from the CSB, the Christian Standard Bible. Then God said, let the earth produce living creatures according to their kinds, livestock creatures that crawl, and the wildlife of the earth according to their kinds. And it was so verse 25. So God made the wildlife of the earth according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that crawl on the ground according to their kinds, and God saw that it was good. All right, so we're at a point in chapter one, if you've been listening and following along up to this point, that none of the words here should be that surprising. We've got God is that H430, which is the plural gods, and then said is actually more commanded like we've been seeing over and over again. Earth is to be firm, and then it says to go out, so to produce. But it's that act of spreading out. You produce and you spread out, right? You fill up the land. It's not just sit in one spot and make copies of yourself. It's spread living creatures is living flesh there. But then it's also breathing creatures. So they live and they breathe. And this is a neat counterpoint to what we've seen up to this point, because with the whales and the birds and all of that, they didn't actually say breathing creatures. They didn't use this term nehfesh H5315. It's the same kind of idea of what we were talking about, the soul or the spirit, the certain something that runs the psyche of a person, the personality, that kind of thing. They didn't use that word for whales and fish and birds. Not that they don't have personalities and they don't think it's just that I don't know. Either the author didn't think they did, or yeah, they did. I don't know. Did they use nehfesh? [0:28:49]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, in 21. [0:28:51]  Pastor Bill: I missed it in my notes. Well, it does, doesn't it? [0:29:01]  Pastor Newms: For birds, every living, it says an active mass. But for sea creatures, where it says whales know, but creature, it does. So it actually denotes the difference between large sea creatures and living creature that moves and swarms in the water. Which is interesting, because now, looking at whales and I missed this last time. So it's whales in the KJV, it's large sea creatures in the CSB. It actually means, which I don't think we talked about this. Yeah, it means a Kraken. It's a monstrance, a monster, a sea serpent, a jackal, a dragon. [0:30:03]  Pastor Bill: It's the same word they translate as Leviathan in Job. [0:30:07]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, it's a monster. It isn't just anyway, which, to be. [0:30:17]  Pastor Bill: Honest, early seafaring peoples that came across a whale, they would be like, what is that monstrous thing? [0:30:28]  Pastor Newms: And then birds, they don't use the same thing either. Birds, they use fowl. For some, they do. So you miss it in one spot. [0:30:41]  Pastor Bill: Not birds miss it in one spot. Some fish have a soul, but fish do. [0:30:48]  Pastor Newms: Some fish do, it appears, but not either. Languages are weird. All right, continue. Sorry, that threw me off. [0:30:59]  Pastor Bill: Livestock, which is H929 behemoth, which is a dumb beast. So cattle, any cattle, dumb beast that can include camels, cows, oxen, bison. You get the point. Then it talks about reptiles, and then it says, and wildlife. The wildlife there is basically fauna. Biggs Said no spiders, yet. Wildlife would cover all fauna. So that would be spiders, scorpions, everything that hasn't been covered yet that exists. That's where it came from, right there. That's when it was created. Okay? And then we get to verse 25, and it's still plural for God, the gods. And then it's awsaw ayth. Now, remember we've talked about ayth it means to personally do something, right? So it says God made, well, God personally made these things. He personally made the wildlife, the livestock, the creatures. He personally made those. It wasn't like when he just commanded something to exist. He actually commanded that it needed to exist, and then he personally made it and then gave them their portions, it says or when they translate that out, we say according to their kind. So God had this idea that, okay, you have this domain and you have this little domain, and you need to replenish and spread out there. You need to be fruitful. You need to multiply in your little area amongst your own little kind. Right? And so God saw that it was good, right? So we have to differentiate that. Once again, it is not God - like when he saw the light looking within himself and recognize it and going, oh, that's good. No, this is just God looking at it and saying, yeah, that's a good thing. That's good. Right? [0:33:30]  Pastor Newms: Because it is different. [0:33:32]  Pastor Bill: It's different. It's a different thing. In English, we say it's the same thing. We say the same way, it means the same thing. But then when we get to the original language, there it's a different thing. It's something different. All right, do you have anything else you want to say about the word-to-word breakdown there? [0:33:56]  Pastor Newms: No, not really. Not at that point. It's pretty self-explanatory. I mean, the words are the words. [0:34:14]  Pastor Bill: It's not rocket science. [0:34:15]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, these ones aren't super deep like some of it. These ones are kind of yeah. [0:34:25]  Pastor Bill: Basically what we're doing at this point is the author is just trying to get through everything that was created before. Where did my camera go? Okay. [0:34:35]  Pastor Newms: Nowhere. Don't worry about it. Where about yourself? [0:34:39]  Pastor Bill: I am worried about myself. That's my camera. [0:34:43]  Pastor Newms: If anything becomes full screen on that monitor, it makes you go away. [0:34:53]  Pastor Bill: At this point, the author is just trying to get through the rest of creation and has toned down the imagery and toned down all the background stuff because they're wanting to get to the humans. They're wanting to get to the actual point of why they're telling this story. So in the beginning, they were very much, this is the important stuff, this is the deep stuff. And then as the chapter progresses, they're like, okay, let's get back to the important stuff, but we got to fly off all these things to get there, right? All right, so now it's time for our this is only the second time we've done this. It's the topic according to AI. [0:35:44]  Pastor Newms: I was really hoping you were going to just leave this alone. [0:35:49]  Pastor Bill: Where I took all seven commentaries that I read and fed their viewpoints on these two verses into Chat GPT and had it spit back a synopsis on what they all cover. All right, are you ready? [0:36:08]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, if I'm ready. [0:36:10]  Pastor Bill: Okay, here we go. The 6th day of creation in the Bible is a significant event in the creation story as it highlights the preparation of the Earth with the arrival of humans. According to the Bible, God created various animals, including cattle, creeping things, and beasts of the Earth, and declared them to be good. These animals were divided into three classes and made after their kind, each having its own unique species. The creation of animals was necessary for the arrival of man as they serve various purposes such as transportation, food, and commerce. The authors note that the creation of the animals demonstrates the benevolent purpose of God's work. The incompleteness of the earth with just lower creatures highlights the spiritual greatness of humans, despite their inferior physical qualities. Compared to the animal races, humans, as the climax of the earth's creation, are able to recognize the order and exert control over all other creatures, making them godlike and the King of the Earth. In contrast to the creation of the animals, the creation of humans is described as the masterwork and the end of all that has been done. According to the Bible, man's body was taken from the Earth, but his soul was from heaven, while the body and soul of beasts are wholly from the Earth. This distinction highlights the special relationship that animals have with God and their elevated status among all creatures. In conclusion, the 6th Day of Creation in the Bible emphasizes the important role that the creation of animals played in the preparation of the Earth for the arrival of humans. It also highlights the unique and special relationship that humans have with God and their elevated status among all creatures. So there you go. There's the summary of the topic according to Chat GPT, based on the commentary entries from the seven different commentaries that I study as part of my preparation. Interestingly enough, we didn't have a dissenting opinion this week. The sermon Bible didn't go all evolutionary on us this time, which I thought was interesting. [0:38:46]  Pastor Newms: What I find interesting is the fact that we didn't actually talk about the humans. [0:38:56]  Pastor Bill: But you included them in 24 and 25 don't. Well, the commentaries for verses 24 and 25 talk about it. So that's where it got that from. [0:39:12]  Pastor Newms: I was like, that's odd. [0:39:15]  Pastor Bill: Yeah, I thought it was odd too. Says he can fix something for us if we like, but I don't know what. [0:39:24]  Pastor Newms: Don't worry about it. He's just being Sez, okay. [0:39:33]  Pastor Bill: All right. So that's verses 24 and 25, of Genesis one, where God makes all of those other creatures. The name of that episode was what? What did we name that? [0:40:02]  Pastor Newms: I don't remember. Let's go back to the Weekly. [0:40:08]  Pastor Bill: Livestock, Reptiles, And Fauna. Oh, my. Of course, I had to throw the omi. [0:40:12]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, I didn't understand the oh, my. I thought that was strange. [0:40:16]  Pastor Bill: Lions and tigers and bears. Oh, my. [0:40:22]  Pastor Newms: Still thought it was strange.
S4EP04 - To Be Hot?
S4EP04 - To Be Hot?
Pastor Bill: [2:04] Hello and welcome to season four, episode four of The Berean Manifesto; Faith, Hope, and Love for the Modern Christian. I'm Pastor Bill and I am joined by Pastor Newms. As always, Newms, how are you doing?   Pastor Newms: [2:22] I'm good, sir. How are you today?   Pastor Bill: [2:24] I'm well tonight. I'm well. How was your Christmas break? We took two weeks off the podcast.   Pastor Newms: [2:30] We did. We were busy between the two of us. Days that you weren't busy. I was, days that you were busy. I wasn't. And it made it very. It's no big deal. It's the holidays. I mean, I actually texted Mom. I was like, Hey, make sure Biggs is on right on time tonight because I had something funny. And she was like, I didn't know you guys were going live tonight. I was like, That's true. It is the first. So the way it fell, you know, it's a little different, but it's good. It's good. I had pretty, pretty good things. I worked. A lot. I've only had I had last Friday and then Monday, and then I have Monday off. So it was three, four-day weeks in a row. But I didn't take any additional time this year because I didn't do any traveling, so I saved my vacation for later. So. And Biggs is saying that you did your office is something different that I'm not noticing?   Pastor Bill: [3:48] Um, I don't know. I mean, we did. It is a recent redo, and then we did take a couple of weeks off, so. Maybe it's just hitting different.   Pastor Newms: [3:59] Maybe. I don't know. I don't know. How was your holidays?   Pastor Bill: [4:05] All right, So. There were holidays. You know, my sister Natalie flew in from California with her husband, Luke. We haven't seen them in three years, so we got to go spend some time with them. That was fun and games and whatnot over at my mom's house.   Pastor Newms: [4:28] Did you guys get any bad ice or anything?   Pastor Bill: [4:28] Christmas at the mother-in-law's. We got some cold, but there was no bad ice.   Pastor Newms: [4:36] That’s good. There was snow on the ground near Christmas, but technically not a white Christmas this year. It was like.   Pastor Bill: [4:44] We got snow. But it didn't stick. So.   Pastor Newms: [4:49] And we had ice by the time it was Christmas.   Pastor Bill: [4:50] And then today. It was like 80 degrees with a nice breeze outside. I spent like 2 hours in the front yard laying on a comforter spread. Doing my last-minute study for tonight. Just enjoying the, you know, the nice temperatures.   Pastor Newms: [5:10] It's like sixties here now. Yeah. So.   Pastor Bill: [5:17] Cool. But as far as weeks go, it was just, you know, busy with a bunch of holidays.   Pastor Newms: [5:25] Yeah, I. I did something. I did something big in games, but not a huge deal outside of games. I completed the Pokédex for Scarlet Violet, minus one. Because you have to in order to get a tradable version of the legendary, you have to beat the game. And I haven't beaten Violet yet, so I don't have them right on. But I have every other Pokémon in my life decks. And so that was a thing that I did this week and then started playing a completely different game. So that was fun. Yeah, it was fun.   Pastor Bill: [6:06] Is the game called Your Chronicle?   Pastor Newms: [6:09] No, that's one of my idle games. Your Chronicle and idling to rule the gods are my two idol games that I play, so they're pretty much always up, and Discord just grabs whatever game was up last. I try to normally not play heavy. Lots of movement and sound games during.   Pastor Bill: [6:34] Service podcast.   Pastor Newms: [6:34] Sunday night. And yes, as Senior Poopie Bottom said, I, I did not know. Okay. So I just realized. Senior Poopy Bottom who Senior Poopy Bottom is. And I don't know if I knew who Senior Poopy Bottom was until just now.   Pastor Bill: [6:55] Who is a Senior Poopy Bottom? I do not know who it is. No.   Pastor Newms: [6:55] Have we talked about that? Senior Poopy Bottom. Did I know that you were Senior Poopy Bottom?   Pastor Bill: [7:05] Let the rest of us in on the secret, bro.   Pastor Newms: [7:08] Well, he's sitting on my couch, um, downstairs. Not. Not the dog right here. That'd be creepy.   Pastor Bill: [7:16] Not to judge the type.   Pastor Newms: [7:18] But that's actually. That's actually Mr. Groggy.   Pastor Bill: [7:24] That's Mr. Groggy. How many identities does that man have?   Pastor Newms: [7:25] Mr. Groggy. I don't know what I do. Oh. Well, that's why I was like, Wait a second. He was letting me play Violet. Yeah, I let him borrow Violet last week, which is why while he was borrowing Violet, I finished the Scarlet dex and then did a bunch of trades when he came in. You know, because he came to spend New Years with us, and we played Mortal Kombat 11 on the Switch all night till, like, one. And if she says anything, it's not true. Rayne did not beat me like four or five times in a row. That is fake news. If she tells you that it is, it is not true. Mm-hmm. I was not a happy person. She beat me so many times. Just over and over again. And. But anyway, it's. It's all good.   Pastor Bill: [8:31] So you got a venom thing? You showed us that. I got a pocket watch that I attached to a wristband. So I can just. Find.   Pastor Newms: [8:33] I did. Oh, that's. That's steampunk.   Pastor Bill: [8:48] So steampunk. I love it. It's great. So steampunk.   Pastor Newms: [8:48] It's so steampunk when you come out here to visit. There's this. And we decide to take everybody to Dollywood. There's down there in Gatlinburg, there's this place that is this thing that you do. I can't do it because it's. It's like 3D and stuff, but. The whole idea is that you're in the steampunk ship going around the world. And so, like in the gift shop, there's the steampunk hats and steampunk goggles. And I was like, Oh, Bill would love all this crap.   Pastor Bill: [9:26] Have to go just for the gift shop.   Pastor Newms: [9:28] Yeah, we will. We probably won't pay for everyone to do that because it's like, Yeah. That was part of the existing grandma. Gloria's Christmas to us was everything they paid for, for the girls you know how that is, with Six Flags often. And so it was like, oh no. And yes, because I do know how you felt all those times that I beat you now while my children beat me at games so. Mhm.   Pastor Bill: [10:00] The wheel of time turns.   Pastor Newms: [10:02] Yeah. Yeah.   Pastor Bill: [10:05] What else? I got money. I got some money. Um. A couple of shots, of Fireball.   Pastor Newms: [10:19] How's that? Okay. Okay.   Pastor Bill: [10:22] They sell those little bottles that are just a shot's worth.   Pastor Newms: [10:23] I. Yep. Now, I fully understand. It's just. That's an interesting Christmas present. I didn't. Didn't. Huh?   Pastor Bill: [10:32] That was one of my favorite stocking stuffers, actually.   Pastor Newms: [10:36] He. I can understand.   Pastor Bill: [10:41] So, you know.   Pastor Newms: [10:43] It's actually, the cinnamon is not that high in carbs. So.   Pastor Bill: [10:51] All right. And now it's time for Getting To Know The Pastors. Yep, it is. As I pack my deck. Now the. Yeah. Yeah.   Pastor Newms: [10:55] Is it your week? Yeah. Like a pack of cigarettes when neither of us smokes. Okay. That makes so much sense. Only. Hmm.   Pastor Bill: [11:07] Right. All right. Would you rather.   Pastor Newms: [11:11] I'm going to say something right now. If this card is terrible and we start the year off with an awful card out of your deck, I'm not going to be happy. Go. You did not just change the card.   Pastor Bill: [11:29] I'm thinking about it.   Pastor Newms: [11:39] Oh, man. Now just read it. Try to start the year off. Right.   Pastor Bill: [11:45] So. Yeah. It's starting off, right? I mean, come girl.   Pastor Newms: [11:56] Oh.   Pastor Bill: [11:59] Okay. I'm sorry. Would you rather. Be the best player on a horrible team or the worst player on a great team.   Pastor Newms: [12:14] See, that's really hard because here's the reason why I say that's really hard. So like, if you're the best player on the worst team. And you feel like you're. Like you're wasting your time and talents. And I take that from a team, sports or business. But if you're the worst, you're constantly worried you're about to get got. So. Oh, that's. That's rough. That one is rough. I prefer to be third on either side.   Pastor Bill: [12:58] I prefer just not to do team things. But just. Yeah.   Pastor Newms: [13:02] I prefer to be like the third or fourth smartest person in a room and the most efficient person in a room. And like the. Unless you get traded a week before the Super Bowl. Um.   Pastor Bill: [13:17] Oh, yeah, that would stink.   Pastor Newms: [13:20] But Biggs. So Biggs says the worst on a good team. Um, I. Oh, I would have to say probably. Think if I actually had the answer, I would say. I don't want to ever be the best because it just feels. Even being mediocrely above the medium feels terrible when you're doing when you feel like you're doing more than others.   Pastor Bill: [13:52] If I was the best, I'd always be worried about eighties montages. It's like if you didn't suddenly be like. You're the best around. And I'd be like, Oh, crap. I'm in a montage.   Pastor Newms: [13:57] She's not us. 30-second buffer, 30-second buffer, 30-second buffer, Pastor Bill started. Singing 80 songs. Hmm. For those of you who don't get that joke, come join us live. And you will. Oh, yes. So but you got to choose which one? Which one would you truly choose? I prefer to just be middle, but. I think I agree with Biggs.   Pastor Bill: [14:45] The worst.   Pastor Newms: [14:46] Yeah, I think it's just I think being the best at anything at any moment is just would be infuriating. Like, if you were.   Pastor Bill: [14:52] The worst on the team, I mean.   Pastor Newms: [14:54] Because if you're the best on a bad team, I mean, if you're like, yeah, if you're the best on a bad team, you're constantly you'd be constantly frustrated because you're failing, but you're awesome.   Pastor Bill: [15:08] I mean, you'd constantly feel like Judas, just like, Man, I am better than these. Oh, wait, That was just.   Pastor Newms: [15:14] That was just pride. That's different. That was just. That was just pride. I need a fidget. Okay. I got one. I got one. I just realized I'm fidgeting with an extremely sharp. Knife. And if I slip, I must cut a finger. Of course, that's a straight, like, straight-edge razor blade. That's what I'm looking for. So that should not be what we're fidgeting with.   Pastor Bill: [15:40] So. You know, there's a new doctor coming up for Doctor Who?   Pastor Newms: [15:44] I have heard. Mm hmm. Hmm. Hmm hmm. Even though I'm far behind. But. Yes.   Pastor Bill: [15:47] And David Tennant, David Tennant is now the 10th and the 14th doctor. And there wasn't supposed to be any kind of release this year. And the BBC made this big deal of something big is coming tomorrow. Right.   Pastor Newms: [16:08] Like tomorrow is and tomorrow or they made a big deal and it's in the past. Okay. Oh.   Pastor Bill: [16:08] And it was. No like. New Years Adam They made a big deal that New Year's Eve, they were going to drop something big. And everybody was like, Oh, we're getting a surprise episode. Some kind of short. It was a trailer for next year's special. They made a Big To-Do about releasing a trailer.   Pastor Newms: [16:35] Well, that's what a teaser is.   Pastor Bill: [16:36] Oh, people are livid.   Pastor Newms: [16:39] That's what a teaser is. It's teasing the fact that there's a trailer.   Pastor Bill: [16:40] That they made such a big deal about the trailer.   Pastor Newms: [16:45] But that's. They do that with movies. They do that with everything. Because you release a teaser that says that there's a trailer coming.   Pastor Bill: [16:46] Oh, people are upset. I'm upset.   Pastor Newms: [16:55] I mean, that's what a teaser is. A teaser teases the trailer.   Pastor Bill: [16:59] But they could have said, we're releasing a trailer. But they made it sound like they were releasing something real.   Pastor Newms: [17:02] No, that's no fun. That's not a teaser. Hmm. Well, it was real. It was real footage. It was. Does he look good as The Doctor?   Pastor Bill: [17:09] And then there was this very.   Pastor Newms: [17:19] Oh, David Tennant's the next special. Okay. I'm sorry. I thought the next. Oh, okay. I'm trying to.   Pastor Bill: [17:24] Gave it the next, like three specials. As the 14th doctor, and then he'll regenerate into the 15th doctor.   Pastor Newms: [17:32] I've. I've tried to not be to. Spoilery in the fact that I'm, you know, old dude before chick.   Pastor Bill: [17:44] Hmm. You're asking about Nick. Cute chee guy. How do you say his name?   Pastor Newms: [17:52] I'm not going to try. I can't speak English correctly. I'm not going to insult someone else.   Pastor Bill: [17:57] I didn't want to say it, but. The first Canon black doctor I was going to say is his name, but he's the first Canon Black doctor, which I think is great.   Pastor Newms: [18:08] Yes.   Pastor Bill: [18:11] We've always known the doctor could and in spoilers. We saw a previous incarnation of the Doctor that's never been released in Canon during Jodie Foster, Jodie Whittaker's time, and as a black woman doctor.   Pastor Newms: [18:26] Oh, interesting. Thanks for the spoilers.   Pastor Bill: [18:28] But she's not like canon at this point. You know she's, you know, and so it's exciting to see where this actor will take the doctor. But that's what you're asking about. And as far as how he looks. They have released what his costume is. And it's very. Different. Let's put it that way. You know, The Doctor has always been buttoned up in suits and, you know, blah, blah, blah. And this is more like a t-shirt with a blazer and, dress down. It's not now. It's like what we saw in Matt Smith's first promotional material.   Pastor Newms: [19:10] Mhm.   Pastor Bill: [19:11] Except they've actually said this is actually his clothing. Dr..   Pastor Newms: [19:14] Got it. Interesting. It'll definitely be interesting to see where he takes where they take it with him as the head and where the girls are actually trying to get caught up to then back to where we were. Since they're older now and actually like, you know, cause there was like three the last time we watched it. Um, no, she wasn't that. Who?   Pastor Bill: [19:39] Is he Scottish? Biggs, said Scottish black Doctor Who, But I don't think he's Scottish. I think he's.   Pastor Newms: [19:48] Mm hmm. I don't think he's Scottish. He's. Uh-hmm.   Pastor Bill: [19:51] Ughandan?   Pastor Newms: [19:54] Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm. I don't. I don't remember.   Pastor Bill: [20:00] I was thinking he was born somewhere else and then grew up and.   Pastor Newms: [20:03] Yes, that's what I believe. Because I like him a lot on another show.   Pastor Bill: [20:19] Oh, yes. The. The woman. From. Previously, she was Scottish while she sounded Scottish. But she wasn't. She's not officially canon.   Pastor Newms: [20:37] Right here. Yeah, and I have no idea. So he's were Rwandan Scottish actor.   Pastor Bill: [20:44] Rwandan.   Pastor Newms: [20:45] Yeah, he's Rwandan. And his, you know, rose to prominence as Eric on the Netflix show Sex Education. Which is a pretty funny show. It's interesting, you know. And he is. Yeah, It's an interesting show.   Pastor Bill: [21:07] I'll take your word on it, as soon as this thing and the BBC finish ironing out their deal to have the full catalog of Doctor Who on Disney Plus. I'll be able to go in and rewatch a whole bunch of stuff and catch back up myself before the new stuff drops.   Pastor Newms: [21:28] And. there is how to pronounce his full name, which I.   Pastor Bill: [21:37] All right, here we go.   Pastor Newms: [21:39] I'm not good with little symbols either. So he doesn't help me, but.   Pastor Bill: [21:43] And Cookie. Shoot t. Institute. Hi. Is pronounced Shooty. Okay. It says it's pronounced shooty, not okay. So N - C makes a sound. And his last name is got to. He prefers to go by his middle name professionally, which is shooting. Well, that's fine. I didn't. I've only ever seen his name written. I haven't actually heard anybody say it. So.   Pastor Newms: [22:35] I heard it. Once, but I can't remember it.   Pastor Bill: [22:42] Yes, because they're supposed to have the exam, which says all 50 years on Disney Plus is supposed to be ironing out that deal to bring. Everything, all of Doctor Who on Disney Plus this year. So all the way from number one, all the way up to all of Jodie Whitaker's tenure and everything moving forward, it's supposed to come out on Disney Plus as it's released by the BBC overseas. Because like, right now I can't watch Doctor Who anywhere unless I download it. I don't have anywhere that I can watch Doctor Who.   Pastor Newms: [23:33] Yeah. Right now it's on. I believe it's HBO, Max. And we get it through our AT&T. We have it through. Yeah.   Pastor Bill: [23:44] So. I have Hulu. With HBO, Max. But the HBO Max that's with Hulu doesn't include foreign productions. So you can't watch Doctor Who on Hulu with HBO, Max.   Pastor Newms: [24:12] Interesting.   Pastor Bill: [24:20] Esker Boro, Week three. Oh, it's. It's okay.   Pastor Newms: [24:21] Yeah, I already. I already deleted it.   Pastor Bill: [24:26] I thought he was saying you could go somewhere to watch Doctor Who, and I was a bit like, Hmm. But no, you're right. It's.   Pastor Newms: [24:30] Nope. Now it's gone. It's gone out of everywhere. But what you call it? Yeah. And it's about to be.   Pastor Bill: [24:49] Well, it's gone. Whoever got rid of it, it's gone. All right. So. If you haven't been following along in season four, then you've missed. Three episodes. But we didn't get very far in what we're currently talking about.   Pastor Newms: [25:06] Well. Well, I mean, we've gotten far. It's just we haven't gotten far.   Pastor Bill: [25:13] If we're marking distance by numbers of chapter and verse.   Pastor Newms: [25:17] Oh. Hmm. We haven't gotten far.   Pastor Bill: [25:20] And we haven't gotten very far.   Pastor Newms: [25:23] If you're basing it on that, we have not gotten very far now.   Pastor Bill: [25:25] Right. We haven't got to read the first verse, number, and verse. And so this week, first off. Merry Christmas. We are currently in the 12 days of Christmas. Today is what, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, and 31. Is the eighth day of Christmas. I don't know why. I can't just remember which day is which when the eighth day of Christmas, we got Epiphany coming up. So that's fun. Epiphany is January 6th. The day when we celebrate the Wise men, the Magi, the men of Orient, the probably Zoroastrian individuals. Who brought gifts to Jesus with their caravans of camels and. And all the people that came with them. That's coming up. So that's exciting. That's not. I mean, not exciting, but it's exciting to me to mark those holidays, you know, for me personally. But I know a lot of people don't celebrate those things anymore. The commercialization of.   Pastor Newms: [26:35] Mm hmm.   Pastor Bill: [26:47] Christmas has proliferated greatly. I will just say it. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Any excuse to feel hope and inspiration and to reconnect with people that you haven't connected with in a while. And bury the hatchet and get rid of old grudges. Is a good deal. All right. The baby monitor was still on the receiver. Turn it off.   Pastor Newms: [27:25] So. Okay. I was wondering if and could hear Nibbles over here. Nibbles is very loud at the moment, and I just ask the girls to come get her because she is, loud this weekend.   Pastor Bill: [27:44] I don't hear the cat. Biggs says that he does.   Pastor Newms: [27:48] Yeah, that's Nibbles being a something.   Pastor Bill: [27:54] I don't hear it. So we started this.   Pastor Newms: [27:55] Well.   Pastor Bill: [27:57] We talked about Genesis one-one, and then we talked about Genesis one-two, and then we talked about John one-one, and then we talked about Genesis one-three and Genesis the first half of Genesis one-four. And we did all of that in the first three episodes, so. Where we pick up in this episode is the second half of Genesis one-four. And then we're going to go hopefully all the way through Genesis one-five. Although we may just burn right through this and be done early and be twiddling our thumbs.   Pastor Newms: [28:40] Mm hmm. I'm sure.   Pastor Bill: [28:42] Yeah. Genesis one-four. Last week we talked about God creating light and we talked about how it was less of the light to exist or light it exists and more of a light recognizing or calling out to the light. But we didn't really talk about it. Why we see it that way. Why we framed it that way. And where that comes from is here in verse five. So God creates the light. We're starting in the second half, of verse four. Yes.   Pastor Newms: [29:25] Well, are we going to start in four?   Pastor Bill: [29:31] So God sees the light that it's good. And then God separates the light from the darkness. Right. Now the word there is still gods. We're still talking about the plural. We're still using the plural for God, God's. And this word. Separated is. Is two words. It's. It's H914, which is baw-dal’ and it is H996, which is bane. Okay. Now, baw-dal’ is to distinguish as difference. To look at something and make a judgment and say the light and the darkness, we recognize them as two different things. And then, bane. Make sure I wrote this in my notes right.   Pastor Newms: [30:39] Me to read it, have it open.   Pastor Bill: [30:42] You don't have my notes open.   Pastor Newms: [30:44] No, but I have the thing open.   Pastor Bill: [30:49] And H996 is to declare a distinction between the two. Right. So he's making, God's making two statements here. He's declaring them as separate and seeing them as separate. So not only does God look at them and go, Well, you're two separate things, lightness and darkness. We talked about the light. There was that sentience of man. It was enlightenment, it was consciousness. And then that darkness was everything that's dark, right? It was misery and destruction and chaos. And all this stuff. And God is saying, well, these are two separate things. Two very separate things. Now, later. We're actually going to start calling those things good and evil when we get into chapter two. We're going to start using different terms. And the reason for the different terms is that like we talked about before. Genesis originally started with chapter two. And went on. And then when they went into captivity in Babylon, then they added chapter one, incorporating what the Babylonians knew about creation. Including those details into the story there at the beginning. And that's why there's this different viewpoint, different phrases for the same things. So this is the point where God is separating good and evil and saying these are actually separate things. These aren't just, you know, intermingled. And it's all it is what it is. It's not that's not what these things are. There is clearly good and there is clearly evil. And God can do that. Because God can deal in black and white. Pastor Newms, can you deal in black and white?   Pastor Newms: [32:57] I like Gray a lot, huh?   Pastor Bill: [33:00] I feel like the Sunday school teacher at this point. No, you cannot deal in black and white because you are human.   Pastor Newms: [33:04] I like. Yeah, Yeah, I like Gray a lot. Um, I pretty much live in gray.   Pastor Bill: [33:09] Yeah. Humans deal in gray. We do not deal in black and white. It is physically impossible for us to deal in black and white. They, God deals in black and white. God deals in pass or fail. So we see this in the character of God. We see this from the very beginning. Later on when we get to the ideas of salvation and we start talking about if you've broken one law, then you've broken all laws. If you're a sinner in one way, then you're a sinner. And always if you don't believe, then you're not saved. And it's a pass or fail. It's a yes or no. It's not a “Well, I was a good person” or “I went to church” or “I gave money to the poor,” and No, no, no. There was one answer. There was one question, and there was one answer. It was black and white. It was yes or no. It was not gray. There was no middle ground. We see that in the nature of God from the very beginning. Light and dark. Good and evil.   Pastor Newms: [34:22] Mm hmm. Mm hmm.   Pastor Bill: [34:26] That is the nature of God. That doesn't change. It doesn't. God deals. In black and white, right? Now. That's the nature of God. God also exists. In the business of mercy. Which is Jesus. We call that Jesus, right?   Pastor Newms: [34:51] Uh huh.   Pastor Bill: [34:52] Not just there's black and white. And humans are failing that. And then God goes, and I have an answer for it. And that's God's mercy. That's Jesus. And then Jesus offers salvation. And salvation is still this black and white. But it's being offered. When you haven't earned it, you don't deserve it. You're sitting over in the darkness and it gets off. It's still black and white, right? Impossible. And God says, Ha! But. I am Holy Spirit, too. I am the Comforter. I am the reminder. I can move in your life. And that's where we get that part of God, the Holy Spirit. And that gives us the grace to change. Right? And be worthy of the free gift that Jesus gifts. And we see all of that playing out. In that statement. God separated. The light. From the darkness. And so there's this great poetic thing going on here. And we're seeing the nature of God and we're seeing all this power of God. And we're only four verses in.   Pastor Newms: [36:31] Mm hmm.   Pastor Bill: [36:31] And this such as deep, deep, deep thing going on here. All right. And then we get to verse five. Okay. Now, you got to remember you're reading a poem. All right. Verse five. Is it? It's basically. I don't really know how to explain it other than to say if you reach out and you grab dough and you go to make a ball of dough and you go like this. And you squeeze that into the dough to make the finish off the ball. Verse five is that it's finishing off the ball of dough for this poem. That's a weird visual, but that's what I'm getting in my head. So.   Pastor Newms: [37:22] A.   Pastor Bill: [37:24] When you look at verse five. What you're reading is actually telling you what was happening in verses three and four. Okay. So this statement, God called the light day and the darkness he called night. That statement is what actually was seen to happen. And everything before that. This is the explanation of the nuts and bolts. Abatbrain on twitch. My wife says it is a bit odd. My little ball of dough thing.   Pastor Newms: [38:11] It is.   Pastor Bill: [38:11] But all of my analogies are odd, so I'm not surprised. Okay. So when we get to verse five, we see God and we're using the same still the plural for God's called. All right. And. And called there. We see that as God naming the lights. And it would be if this wasn't a poem. If this wasn't poetic, you know, wordplay. Right. But H7121 called. Which is kaw-raw’. A primitive route rather identical to H7122 through the idea of accosting a person met, to call out to that is properly addressed by name, but used in a wide variety of applications, and then gives you a list in the Strongs of all the different ways it's been translated. So what this is saying, this is actually showing you in verse four when God said, let there be light. That was them describing what God did. But what actually happened? Is God. Called out to or accosted the light by name like we were talking about in the previous episode. What actually happened is, is God went light, but he didn't because that's not the name of light. What is the name of light? The name of light is Yome or what we then call day. So in verse three, when he said, Let there be light. And the poem says, And God, you know, said, Let there be light. It's all wordplay for God addressing accosting, calling out to light as if it existed. And the name that it used for light was Yome. As if when Pastor Newms gives me a phone call. Like I said if it wasn't a weird thing for him to call me because he only calls me in emergencies. If he called me on a regular basis and he's my best friend, I saw his name on the phone. I would pick up the phone. I would go Newms! It's the same thing. God, said Yome. Called out to the light as if it already existed. As if it was an old friend. As if he already knew it. And at that point. It came into existence. It then existed. And then God compared. That, too. What was within himself? And then in verse. What is that verse four? No, where to?   Pastor Newms: [41:28] For us. It's good.   Pastor Bill: [41:33] Compare that saw. Compare that to what was within himself and declared it good. I see that within myself. That is good, right? And then. He did the same thing for the darkness. And he called the darkness. I think these are three different pronunciations of the same word. I don't think this is the actual word. It says lah’-yil, lale, and lah’-yel-aw. I think those are three diffeerent pronunciations. But he said that. And. And what that means is a twist away from the light or adversity. Right? So he addressed the night, the darkness as adversity, or a twisting away from the light, twisting away from life, twisting away from enlightenment, twisting away from, sentience, and all of that good stuff. The poet wrangles all that together. And says and the evening in the morning were the first day. Hey. God is talking and calls the light day. But it's not the word day. But that is what the humans then later called a day. They use that same word. Right. So we see the poet playing off of that wordplay. And using the word in both places. Because that's what God called it. And then he calls upon that in the same verse and says, Well, the first day. It's a different day. This is a human day now. Right. And we only have an evening and a morning. Because. God. Separated. The light from the darkness. So the poet's working on several levels. Here is the cosmic level where he's talking about good and evil, and then he's using wordplay to relate that to the reader the difference between sunshine and darkness and where those two meet in the evening and the morning. Which is the gray area. Where we live. Where we exist. Right. In that evening and in that morning. That's where we exist. We exist somewhere in between those light, and that darkness. And that was the first day. And so then when we looked back and we were talking about. The first day didn't end until the first day ended. Right. And well, and what we meant by that was we don't know when the first day began. For God, there could have been. Millions and millions of years. We talked about it in the first verse, God created the heavens and the earth we were talking about. That's a hands-on word, hands-on action, where you're building something up, using the baser elements. And we don't know how long in God's perspective that took. But there was no time yet. There was no marking of what we think of as time. There was no turning of day and night in seasons. And so we don't know how long. There was from the moment that God created the heavens and the earth, right? Started that work. The evening and the morning existing. To create the quote-unquote, first day. It's all very deep and very involved. And I encourage everybody to go back and reread those verses. Go back and listen to the first three episodes of season four. And. Let's back up. Now that we know we've worked through the holidays. We're settling down. We're ready to get things going. Make if you're going to make a New Year's resolution, make a resolution to be in. Right. So we say be very in. Because when we go to Acts, we find people fleeing from one place to another. And he goes to a town called Berea, and when he gets to Berea, he starts preaching. And the believers in Berea, not just the believers, but also the. The Jewish men, they refused to believe anything Paul said until they were able to go and find it themselves in the scriptures. They wanted to be able to go and own what Paul was preaching to them or, have grounds to dismiss it. They didn't want to just receive it. And Paul praised them as being more worthy than the highfalutin Jews over in Jewtown. He didn't use those words, but that was the equivalent of what he was saying. You guys are more worthy than the snooty guys over there. That's awesome, guys. Because they refused to believe what he was saying until they proved it for themselves. So if you're going to make a New Year's resolution and the last episode we talked about, a lot of people start in January, they're going to read the whole Bible in a year. And we talked about how I don't recommend that because it loses a lot of that deep study time because people don't read with intention. They read to just I got to get my daily reading done so I can make it through the year. Resolve to be buried. Go back. And look at these verses in the deep poetic terms that they are intended to be. Cross-reference that with the other parts of Scripture. And let what is one of the deepest chapters in the Bible speak to you, and revolutionize the way you think about this Sunday school topic of creation. You know, like it is. So there's so much there. And. Yeah, that's what I had for tonight. Look at that. 7:25.   Pastor Newms: [49:22] It means you're 3 minutes early.   Pastor Bill: [49:22] But we'll be whittling.   Pastor Newms: [49:26] Right. We have 3 minutes to twiddle now.   Pastor Bill: [49:29] We don't have to twiddle. We can.   Pastor Newms: [49:34] Why are you playing with a grippy thing?   Pastor Bill: [49:38] A clamp. It's a clamp.   Pastor Newms: [49:40] I know. I forgot what the word clamp was for a minute, but I know its purpose.   Pastor Bill: [49:50] Well, I know its purpose. It clamps.   Pastor Newms: [49:51] It's one of those it's it's one of those where we weren't clever. Our English definition of explaining things was not clever. What is what does it do? It holds other things. It clamps one thing to another. What are we going to call it? A clamp.   Pastor Bill: [50:08] From the clamp.   Pastor Newms: [50:12] Let's like, call a vacuum. A vacuum? Why? Because it vacuums. Well, because it creates a. Yeah.   Pastor Bill: [50:17] Because it uses a vacuum to suck things.   Pastor Newms: [50:21] And.   Pastor Bill: [50:25] Yeah. Did you have anything you wanted to add to any of that?   Pastor Newms: [50:28] No, I mean, I think.   Pastor Bill: [50:30] I didn't really stop and give you time to interject at any point, did I?   Pastor Newms: [50:33] I think it's important as we look at these types of things, to think about the fact that, you know, it is not a simple aspect. And so often we look at it as such. And so it's good to take time to dig in and actually understand what the words mean and actually understand what. You know, is being said not just what is written, because it is definitely. English is not as we were just saying, you know clamp is clamp-like if it's not clever it is not pick up the artistry of other languages. Well.   Pastor Bill: [51:16] It was clear.   Pastor Newms: [51:29] You know, So I think it's one of the reasons why studying is so important.   Pastor Bill: [51:35] It's hard enough to understand poetry in English. And then you take some other cultures, poetry, and you translate it to three different languages and then try to transliterate that in English.   Pastor Newms: [51:52] It is complicated.   Pastor Bill: [51:59] Yeah. All right. This podcast comes out every week on Wednesdays. Wherever you get your podcasts, if you found this, I don't know. Helpful, entertaining, funny, and inspiring. Or you think somebody might benefit from it, then like, follow share. Tell people we exist. And also, if you'd like to join us live and be a part of the conversation where you can type out your message and then we can respond and we can, you know, get a deeper explanation going on. If you have a question or something like that, then we do that on Sunday nights at 6:30 p.m. Central Standard Time. You can go to our website to find out which Twitch which YouTube and which Facebook that we are live on, where you can catch that video and participate in the chat. As always, we are glad to have our listener base. And as we go into 2023, that hasn't changed. We're in season four, which means we're many, many, many episodes and several years into this thing. And we're quite thankful to just. I don't know. I guess I'm more thankful to have you Pastor Newms in my life than the platform itself.   Pastor Newms: [53:29] It's the people that we interact with is more important than the.   Pastor Bill: [53:30] You know.   Pastor Newms: [53:36] Following, because that's not what's important.   Pastor Bill: [53:37] Yeah, I mean, I know, I know. It's important to, you know, get the stuff out there and, and, you know, help people and make a difference in the world, but. You know, I'm not immune to the benefits of. What this does for me. So thank you, sir. For your part in my life. All right. Okay. So if you're with us live now, we have to do this thing that, you know, streaming some.   Pastor Newms: [54:07] No, you didn't say. You didn't say and the next time and all that other stuff. So that way I can then say, be safe. You skipped all that. Go back and do it correctly.   Pastor Bill: [54:19] I love you guys have a great week.   Pastor Newms: [54:20] Be safe out there.   Pastor Bill: [54:23] And until next time.
S4EP03 - Turn Up The Stage Lights
S4EP03 - Turn Up The Stage Lights
Pastor Bill: [0:00] Hello and welcome to season 4 episode 3 of The Berean Manifesto; Faith, Hope, and Love for the Modern Christian I'm Pastor Bill and I'm joined as always by Pastor Newms. Pastor Newms: [0:15] Hola. Pastor Bill: [0:17] How are you senior Pastor Newms?  Took a nap and it made you happy. Pastor Newms: [0:34] I did, I took a nap had some weird dreams though. Pastor Bill: [0:38] Does a nap that made you happy, is it thereby defined as a nappy?  You took a nappy. Pastor Newms: [0:46] No, a nappy is something you put on a baby's butt. Pastor Bill: [0:51] Ah it's also a certain classification of dirty greasy hair. Pastor Newms: [0:58] That's spelled differently. Pastor Bill: [1:00] How is it?  How is that spelt? Pastor Newms: [1:02] I don't know, but I know it's spelled differently. Pastor Bill: [1:04] Okay okay well that's neither here nor there I don't know I don't know. Pastor Newms: [1:10] I don't know, I don't even have any hair. Pastor Bill: [1:15] Well you have, you got some you got the beard. Pastor Newms: [1:18] That's not the same kind of hair. Pastor Bill: [1:18] And you've got the chest hair. Pastor Newms: [1:22] I have no chest hair you can't prove it. Pastor Bill: [1:25] And you've got the back here. Pastor Newms: [1:27] You can't prove that either. Pastor Bill: [1:29] But not as much as there was this guy that I was in the internship with at Teen Mania. You know in that first when you first get there, you're you sleep out in the Quonset Huts like the long you know just long dome-tinted room with bunk beds. You're all using these communal showers one shower for the men one shower for the women this dude is so hairy on his chest and back that he looked like he was wearing a sweater vest, he even had it cut into a v in the front and then he had a cross shaved into the back. Pastor Newms: [2:12] That's a look - okay. Pastor Bill: [2:17] But that was crazy like he could be shirtless and from a distance, you'd swear he had a sweater vest on because it did the whole around here by the arms and then he had it a v-neck cut into the front of it, to make it look like a V, what's up Sarafina you gonna join us tonight, a v cut in the front there it was crazy good guy great guy really yeah it was weird, yeah, so how was your week Pastor Newms? Pastor Newms: [2:54] My week was. Pastor Bill: [2:57] My way. Pastor Newms: [2:59] It was. Pastor Bill: [3:01] My week was a very week. Pastor Newms: [3:05] It was pretty good I um… Was you know, busy at work.  It's the end of the year and my job tends to get a little crazy towards the end of the year so. Pastor Bill: [3:18] Yeah I was editing the transcript this week and you were saying you guys actually got busier in December which is the antithesis of how it goes. Pastor Newms: [3:28] Antithesis to. Pastor Bill: [3:30] In medical Tech. Pastor Newms: [3:32] Every tech company I've ever worked at except for this one, but that's okay. You know, everyone has a different business model. We try to get a lot of stuff done at the end of the year and at the first of the year too. Bring more clients on right at the beginning and end and that is the business model they have chosen and that is all I will say about that, but yes. Pastor Bill: [4:00] What trips me up in the nonprofit sector was always ending the year in August. Pastor Newms: [4:12] The fiscal year. Pastor Bill: [4:13] Yeah the fiscal year, is like it always just messes with my mind, ending the fiscal year in August and it not corresponding with the daily calendar and oh man. Wal Mart, right and then didn't they did the week's Week 1 week 2 week and you had to know, as a merchandising supervisor, you had to know what week you were in. Pastor Newms: [4:45] You did and it did not correspond to the calendar. Pastor Bill: [4:48] And it did not correspond to the calendar and you if you look at the calendar you went okay what week of the year is it that did not correspond with what merchandise week, it is in the numbers, you had to know and then you had to know what end caps were set for that week and the next week and what you could put together and then sometimes they would just leave you big holes in your department in electronics and they were like, “Just fill it with something…” and you're like, I have a hard enough time getting my general manager to approve orders on the things that are actually supposed to be there, that Walmart says they're supposed to be there I'm not going to get him to order me extra stuff for an empty spot, on my floor, that's not gonna so. Pastor Newms: [5:37] Well let's be honest you were at probably the worst Walmart that I've ever seen. Pastor Bill: [5:44] That's what I hear but it's the only WalMart I've ever worked at. So I don't really have anything to compare it to so. Pastor Newms: [5:51] Oh yeah Biggs stated the Nissan year starts in April because they follow the Japanese year not the calendar year also. Pastor Bill: [6:04] We'll see at least that makes sense. Like that's the cultural calendar from where the company exists there's some logic to that. Pastor Newms: [6:14] It does make more sense than some others will the fiscal year. Pastor Bill: [6:18] And just making up your own calendar. Pastor Newms: [6:21] The fiscal year for retail makes sense too because you want to capture what money you lose to returns in January from Christmas. So that way you actually know what your fiscal year is or if you don't do that, what happens is the first month of your year is - and you, terrible for the year starting off and it hurts because you're years starting - and you spend the rest of the year trying to catch up as opposed to technically that revenue was captured in December and then lost in January. So it's it, that's the reason they do it and it makes sense from a. The way they fiscally are doing it so that way because it is technically lost from the Christmas sales so because of that it balances out so it works pretty well. My week's been pretty good, we also did today the church we visited. This is the third time we visited them, we actually took the girls and they have a full one of their ministries is a theater company. Not like, oh we have drama we do or not you know, hey, we have no but they actually have like a theater where they sell tickets throughout the year and it's a full production and tryouts and it's a full thing, box you know they have the you can order the whole years’ worth of stuff and go to all of them and they were doing Christmas Carol for Christmas which is logical. So they put on, for morning service they put on their Christmas Carol and then, so we got to see that for free. what other people had to pay for it that always makes me feel special love free things and then they had a church-wide Christmas party thing afterwards, where there was like everyone brought desserts and so there was a huge dessert bar and, just people just lots of people just people. Pastor Bill: [8:36] People being people in. Pastor Newms: [8:37] And so we sat with the co-worker that Tina has that is her friend. During that so that was good and just overall you know trying to, figure everything out there it's pretty cool place I think but still, you know checking it out. But yeah, so that was kind of cool and then last night we did our first night of our family celebration of Yule which was fun. You should be getting a picture of that from your present. So that's good we'll be doing that for the next eleven nights, until the solstice for Sez in his celebration as well. So that's good. The fire pit was a success, the one I ordered worked very well. We enjoyed it and everyone, most of the family, enjoys the Yule cake that I made. It's a cranberry-based cake so if you don't like cranberries, it's hard to enjoy a cranberry cake if you don't like cranberries like myself but. Pastor Bill: [10:09] I like cranberry, sauce. Pastor Newms: [10:11] No, so this is actually a, it's an old recipe that it's also called Christmas cake sometimes of course because you know dear people love to borrow things from other. Pastor Bill: [10:23] Appropriate. Pastor Newms: [10:24] Yeah we'll use that word. Pastor Bill: [10:27] That's what it is. Its appropriation. Pastor Newms: [10:28] It is it's also theft but that's okay that's what appropriation is, theft of culture. Pastor Bill: [10:34] Appropriation is theft. Pastor Newms: [10:36] Yeah. Pastor Bill: [10:37] It's different there's appreciation which is, taking something and going hey this is a Yule cake, and we're going to enjoy it at Christmas, that's appreciation, then there's appropriation where you go, hey there's your cakes really good but I'm gonna change the name and pretend like it doesn't have some historical meaning attached to it. Pastor Newms: [11:21] Three eggs and then, cranberries and so it's super simple it's nice and crumbly and traditionally you kind of leave it out. You don't like put it in the fridge or put it in the and by the end of Yule it gets a little harder and so it's almost like a bar by the end. The one I made is not going to last to the end of Yule I've already planned on buying more ingredients and making another because I wanted the Cranberries to be semi-fresh so I don't want to or buy them. Pastor Bill: [11:57] Isn't part of the point for it to last and become a hardy you know through that you can continue to eat in the cold. Pastor Newms: [12:06] That is the point of it, but Groggy is here this weekend which means. Pastor Bill: [12:13] It’s not going to last. Pastor Newms: [12:13] 7 people in the house. Last night, and even cutting them in like 1 by 1 squares a 13 by 9 only has so many squares in it so, I'm pretty sure it ain't going. Pastor Bill: [12:32] I would imagine the 13 by 9 only has 13 squares across and 9 squares. Pastor Newms: [12:38] That's if I actually measured and did inch squares which you know me, I didn't measure, and they are bigger than a one-by-one. Pastor Bill: [12:47] Those were two-inch squares easily. Pastor Newms: [12:51] If - because it was just knife carving knife you know. But it was good, fire and stuff which is fun I like fire I've limited the amount of wood we bought. We only bought you know a little bit of wood for each night and we're not doing the, belief that the fire has to burn the whole time or it's bad luck because well one, it doesn't you know the sun isn't not going to come back if the fire goes out says, it was like I was like do we need to keep this fire going and we tend it throughout the day and he's like no like okay cool I'll do it if we need to like if that's part of your not belief system but part of the traditions that you do. Pastor Bill: [13:48] He was like I aint sitting out here and tending that fire. Pastor Newms: [13:52] Relax and keep the fire going. We'll just light logs each night and like all right cool so that's kind of what we're doing and that's good it's been a good week how was your week? Pastor Bill: [14:08] It was life, just you know walking the dog every day multiple times it probably like at least every hour. Pastor Newms: [14:16] How's that doing for your health? Pastor Bill: [14:20] I don't know I haven't noticed the difference yet. Pastor Newms: [14:22] I mean like are your knees hurting a lot more are you are you doing okay doing that often? Pastor Bill: [14:28] I mean as long as I sit down for a little bit after doing it each time, I'm fine. I mean I’ve just got to sit down and let my back recoup. Pastor Newms: [14:36] I wasn't thinking that the standpoint that some people would take of oh you're walking. You don’t ever walk normally, you've obviously lost 190 pounds but doing it now I wasn't going that route I meant just. Pastor Bill: [14:46] Actually, and I haven't lost a pound. It doesn't do anything for my weight you know. Pastor Newms: [14:57] Because life's not magical. Pastor Bill: [15:00] That's right life's not magical, and getting a dog at the end of October and walking it every hour except for while you were asleep for a month does not equal weight loss. Pastor Newms: [15:14] Well to be fair if anything it would it could mark weight gain because you're using muscles you normally don't. Pastor Bill: [15:24] Building up those muscles. Pastor Newms: [15:25] Right and that's the worst part about weight is everyone's like most people measure by pounds and they're like, I'm so fat alright I've gotten fatter so I started working out you're like no no you haven't I can see that you look different, I can't tell real well because cameras you know but and I don't see all of you but there's that aspect of, if you do that then obviously you've lost weight if I do like this I look skinny but you know it just doesn't work that way none of us have that good of a tour so we're just pushing fat up so the, but I know there are people that get upset and they're like how I'm gained weight when I started working out you're like yeah but have you measured, and that's the other thing is looking at it from that standpoint. How do your clothes fit? How do your you know? Those types of things are important also not just, poundage because poundage is not how you measure that especially. Pastor Bill: [16:31] That's another guy over there this week. Pastor Newms: [16:50] But I just meant your pain levels, not your. Pastor Bill: [16:51] No my panels are manageable, it's all right my bad there's been a few times where I've been limping the dog out but you know those aren't all the time. Anyway yeah, I mean other than you know you see I got this Christmas tie up. Pastor Newms: [17:19] I do you see your Christmas tie. Pastor Bill: [17:22] I've got this Christmas tree over here that I've added to my office Shelf ah. Pastor Newms: [17:27] I am, I don't think I have anything Christmas. Pastor Bill: [17:41] Put this in your stuff. Pastor Newms: [17:43] We do have two Christmas trees this year. One that has no ornaments and isn't plugged in because I forgot that we, found a Christmas tree towards the end of last year middle of last year when we ordered it. I forgot I just remembered the fact that we didn't have one, and so we were doing something we were out there for the wedding, and Walmart the one over on Cheek Sparger had just put out their Christmas trees. So I found a six-foot black one and bought it and then brought it home and Tina's like, you know we already have one and I was like yeah of course I do, which I had forgotten a little bit oh okay I now do you want to be on camera or no just hand, okay I now have a black Christmas tree. Pastor Bill: [18:46] That's not 6 foot that's um. Pastor Newms: [18:48] That's this one's not 6ft does that work could not be seen that can't be seen and used to be over here we'll put it right here for Here We Go. Pastor Bill: [19:01] Then I just put it right in front of the camera like. Pastor Newms: [19:03] Right in front of the camera okay. Pastor Bill: [19:06] Just sitting right in front there you go. Pastor Newms: [19:07] So I have a Christmas tree now it's a wonderful Christmas tree and it's. Pastor Bill: [19:14] Move it over Happy Halloween, nice. Pastor Newms: [19:14] It's definitely a Christmas tree and nothing else other than a Christmas tree all right. Pastor Bill: [19:22] Don't just move it over to the right, come on man move it to the right up hiding behind the tree okay is that right okay move it to the left then, hold it nope too far little bit more in a little bit more into the camera a little bit more little bit right there oh Pastor Newms. Pastor Newms: [19:47] You want me to okay there's a second one I could technically bring it and put it right in front of the Saints but. Pastor Bill: [19:54] It doesn't even look real it looks like you've added an image a PNG image into the shot, not a real tree. Pastor Newms: [20:07] It looks purply because the red light right there, there's a red light right there, and there's a red light right there. That's the reflection of the red light that's over there and there's red lights right here but yeah so. Pastor Bill: [20:28] All right so Biggs on Twitch asks what kind of dog did you get. My dog is a pit lab, it seems American Pit Bull and Chocolate Lab. I love her, she's great. She's a little stinker though sometimes she plays a little too hard with the kids, but she’s just a baby. Pastor Newms: [20:55] Labs have that issue, I've never owned a pit, but well Kaiju has just a little bit but it's not much she's mainly lab but, never had a full mix and Kaiju doesn't understand that she's 65 pounds, she thinks that she is 10 pounds and she gets jealous Shyla will lay right here on your shoulder when you're sitting in a chair, and she puts her back she puts her front up here and then you're supposed to hold her butt and then and then she just cuddles just like a cat, yeah just like a 10-pound 12-pound cat you know no big deal she claws the whole way up but that's okay you know she's special and if you try to remove her, by shoulder meat but. Pastor Bill: [21:49] Really at the claws then. Pastor Newms: [21:50] Yeah you really get too close if that's the case but then she'll start whining and then try to climb up in the chair with you, and I'm not talking like you know big fluffy lazy boys I'm talking just like chair, you know we've got these swirly, these swivel chairs that are like you know the only the backs only go like, this tall on your back you know. She'll try to pick her up and you're holding her and then she gets right here and she's like I could do it and the tails just, you know smacking you over and over again because she's happy and you're just like oh my gosh you got to get down. But yeah she so I can do it too just dad look, and it doesn't it doesn't work here like no no baby you can't it hurts you got to get down because she has no idea. Pastor Bill: [22:44] But I is baby. Pastor Newms: [22:46] Yeah so yeah dogs are fun. Pastor Bill: [22:56] All right so now it's time for. Getting To Know The Pastors. Pastor Newms: [23:02] See this is the problem, I think we do enough of this in the opening that we don't have to do these cards, and yet you say we have to do these cards. Let's just see… if you were to create just create not go to but create. Pastor Bill: [23:17] Okay I'm creating something. Pastor Newms: [23:19] The ultimate vacation destination. Where would it be located and what would it be like? Now here's my question if I can create the ultimate vacation spot right I would assume that I can also create the means to get there. Pastor Bill: [23:55] I mean you own the place you could technically live there. Pastor Newms: [23:59] No, I mean like if I'm granted a wish of the ultimate vacation spot by definition, if you were the Jinn doing this you'd have to then create the ability to get people their back or wouldn't be the ultimate vacation spot because no one could go there, okay cool alright go ahead. Pastor Bill: [24:23] It sounds like you've put more thought into this than I have what you what do you what do you brewing over there. Pastor Newms: [24:34] Under the Sea. The domed like Atlantis style amusement park under the sea. Pastor Bill: [24:42] There's that one hotel that only has one room. Pastor Newms: [24:47] And they. Pastor Bill: [24:48] And it is a submerged room. Pastor Newms: [24:54] That's what I'm thinking Atlantis Style, like domed sea creatures all around you hopefully, the meg is not real, and you know we're good to go. Pastor Bill: [25:10] The meg is not real. Pastor Newms: [25:12] Don't start cuz I got someone in this house that believes the meg is 100% real and so no man don't start this conversation we will lose it. Pastor Bill: [25:23] Dude I can't swim in swimming pools if they're too deep because of my fear of deep-water animals so, I understand the fear. Pastor Newms: [25:40] I won't swim in the ocean, and I won't swim in lakes. Catfish get too big and there are other things other than catfish that can just crawl up from other places and there goes your foot you had a foot you got a foot. Pastor Bill: [25:56] Zaydiee, were doing Get To Know The Pastor's. The card was, if you could create a destination is what are you talking about. Pastor Newms: [26:02] Oh Zaydiee knows what we're talking about. Zaydiee knows what we're talking about. Pastor Bill: [26:11] Or she asking what are you talking about who believes the meg is she's just so guy you've been naughty better now you gotta expose somebody. Pastor Newms: [26:17] Nah I'm good. Pastor Bill: [26:20] Who in your house believes the meg is real? Pastor Newms: [26:22] The megalodon is real. Its knowledge. Pastor Bill: [26:26] It's you isn't it? You're the one that believes the meg is real, isn't it? Pastor Newms: [26:30] We have proof that the Meg was real. Pastor Bill: [26:34] Once. We don't have proof that there are any more. Pastor Newms: [26:38] We don't have proof there's not. Pastor Bill: [26:40] It's true there are depths of the ocean we've never been to. Pastor Newms: [26:45] That's why I believe Nessie is real too. Some of Tina's favorite movies are The Meg and, she loves them and I'm like no that's real, there's those fall right into my I don't do ghost movies and I don't like zombies, see she believes they still exist as well. Pastor Bill: [27:14] So we watched The Meg, and you know there's some jump scares in that movie and if I remember if I'm remembering correctly Roxanne you know I was just unaffected by it Roxanne was like isn't this scary to you? I was like no, because I would never be caught dead in that underwater enclosure so it's not realistic I would never be in that situation so that is not scary to me because I wouldn't go in. I would be firm on the land. Pastor Newms: [27:48] What if your wife and kids had gone and now they're trapped would you go to save them. Pastor Bill: [27:57] What good would it do to have me die too? What purpose would that serve? Pastor Newms: [28:05] Hmm, mmm, man Rox hun, Bat-Brains you gotta come fix your man. Pastor Bill: [28:21] I said so much every other day the kids asked me some question if blah blah blah blah blah would you come would you save me so if I got kidnapped, would you pull a Liam Neeson and come and save me and I was like I don't have those skills. And Roxanne showed me this dirty-look and I was like, what? I don't. I couldn't save them. Well would you at least pay the ransom dad? With what would I pay the ransom with. Pastor Newms: [28:59] Oh, Shea family, y'all are dead if anything happens to y'all. Just so you know, Pastor Bill cannot help you. Pastor Bill: [29:08] I cannot help you, I do not have the skills of Liam Neeson. I do not have the money of Bruce Wayne. I am unhelpful in a kidnap situation in any way. Well, you aren't either I mean come on honestly. Pastor Newms: [29:28] No but I thought I would. Pastor Bill: [29:30] If your kid was kidnapped there's nothing you could do about it but call the police and sit on your hands and wait for something to happen. Pastor Newms: [29:37] I honestly don't think I could. No, I would have to at least try. Pastor Bill: [29:48] You'd want to try. Pastor Newms: [29:49] I'd have to call in some favors. I have to find some numbers from old books but, doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo. Pastor Bill: [30:05] I have a very specific set of historically documented skills. And they don't handle kidnapping. You call me for other things. You don’t call me for kidnapping, you call me for other things. Pastor Newms: [30:22] That is true. Pastor Bill: [30:23] Kidnapping is not on that list. Pastor Newms: [30:24] Kidnappings is not on your list. I'd have to make some phone calls, but I would try hmm it's been 20 years. Pastor Bill: [30:33] Alright so my place. Pastor Newms: [30:35] Aha. Pastor Bill: [30:37] So I really when that question comes up my brain automatically remembered the day in Panama that we spent on the beach. it was the Gulf of Mexico really, but it was on the beach in Panama. White Sands, lots of shade where you didn't have to be in the sun if you didn't want to, the water was crystal clear all the way down, and so you know, and it wasn't that deep you could go swimming you know. You could see what was going on and so my brain automatically goes, well I should create something like that. Nice little water area where you're technically outside but you don't have to be in the sun if you don't want to. Nice big canopy where you know if you want to be in the sun go over there, if you don't want to be in the sun you come over here, and you can swim if you want and there's snorkeling if that's your thing and just hanging out. That'd be my place. Pastor Newms: [31:48] I see. Pastor Bill: [31:50] And at one point okay so the water was like super warm crystal clear, super warm, and then it started raining, and the rain was like super cold but it wasn't too heavy and the water that you were in was super warm and so it's like this awesome mix of just, being submerged in warm water while this cold rain fell on your head and it's beautiful scenery, and yeah it was great. Pastor Newms: [32:19] I'm going to take your word for it. Pastor Bill: [32:24] By far one of the best, what did we call those days when you're on a missions trip and you went off? Excursion, best excursion day of all of my missions trips, it beats bamboo rafting down the river and then swimming at the base of a waterfall in Thailand hands down. Although that might have had something to do with the leeches, that we then had to pull off of ourselves when we were done swimming. Anyway, so yeah that's my thing, and riding elephants was fun, except don't sit on the neck unless you've won more than just blue jeans because those little hairs on elephant necks are tough, and they will poke right through your blue jeans. That is a prickly ride down a mountain, stay where you're at. Pastor Newms: [33:37] Yeah yeah. Pastor Bill: [33:42] All right all right. Pastor Newms: [33:43] Here I do say there is somewhere I want to go I want to take the girls because I haven't yet, there's a lost sea here in this area and it's you basically go down. Well it's called the lost sea because when they found it they were like oh this was lost to time you know blah blah blah, but you go down into it, and it's an underground system of caves that they've you know been taking people through for who knows how many years. So because of that you know, it's built up nice and its still very much, do do do do do do. Glass bottom boat, and you go on this sea, like you know it's an underground lake. It's gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous and like during the prohibition time there was a bar down there. Today its carved, like they've carved stairs into the rock and you can't actually use the stairs because they're too dangerous or not because it's too dangerous but the funny thing is when your lower. This is a funny story when you're lower you don't feel the effects of alcohol as much because of the way the, something about the air and something about them and so then as you go up the stairs you feel the effects this is what they tell you at least I don't know if this is true might be you feel the effects of the alcohol more as you get into. You know miss you get back up and so some people would open the door and then like, the wind would come in and they'd fall back down the stairs and so it was actually a hazard, to drink down there. But you know, it was the prohibition, so people did it anyway. It's called The Lost Sea. Pastor Bill: [35:48] did they carry the pieces down and build the boat on the Lost Sea? Or did they somehow transport the boat whole into the hole? It feels as perplexing as seeing those pirate ships in a bottle like. Okay. Pastor Newms: [36:24] It's a pontoon boat Biggs says, I don't know if that answers the question. Pastor Bill: [36:29] They might have just carried it down there then. Pastor Newms: [36:33] I mean it's not a huge for anyone who wants the information there you go. Pastor Bill: [36:45] Pastor Newms: [36:47] But it's. Pastor Bill: [36:48] Ready to take an unforgettable adventure? Take a boat ride underground. You've never seen, heard, or done anything like this before. Pastor Newms: [36:56] How do you see what I did you click the. Pastor Bill: [36:56] Listed in the Guinness Book of Records your lost the adventure begins with a guided tour of the caverns this includes a three-quarter mile round trip walk on a wide sloping pathways, while touring that's all I got. You were like, “How are you, how are you reading what I.” what did you think about that. Pastor Newms: [37:19] Because I was like, wait did you click the link to stop clicking links man you're not I'm the one who does random stuff while we're doing this you're the one who tries to stay focused. What's wrong? Pastor Bill: [37:34] I accidentally turned on the movie I was watching earlier. And so suddenly the movie Bohemian Rhapsody at 50 minutes in started playing over my head buds and I was like, what is that where's that music what's going on. It was over on this screen behind my notes I didn't see it I just because I tapped my ear. Pastor Newms: [38:01] Oh yeah, the boats aren't that big, you basic they're just like seat CC and then like foot room and it's glass and so they probably it's nice I like it. Pastor Bill: [38:17] So season 4 episode 1. Picked up Genesis chapter 1 and verses 1 and 2. And then and that was called in the beginning and then episode 2 which we called also in the beginning, we did John chapter 1 verses 1 through 4. You can get rid of the tree if you'd like, you don't have to leave the Christmas tree there it's fine. All right, now tonight in episode 3 the title is turn up the house lights. And we are looking at Genesis chapter 1 versus 3 and four so let's read. Pastor Newms: [39:17] So can I take a guess what we're talking about. Pastor Bill: [39:21] We're talking about Genesis chapter 1 verses 3 and 4. Pastor Newms: [39:24] Does it have to do with light - based on the title? Pastor Bill: [39:28] Based off the title of tonight's episode you would probably be a good. Pastor Newms: [39:34] Yay I guessed it. Pastor Bill: [39:39] All right you want to put in the chat Genesis chapter 1 verses 3 and 4 there. Actually, we're not going to get all the way through verse four. We're going to do the first half of verse 4. Then God said let there be light and there was light God saw the light was good and that's only half of verse 4 because that's as far as we're going to get, not actually going to get into the and God separated the light from the darkness okay. Because we're not going to get that far we've only got 14 minutes. Pastor Newms: [40:23] Well I mean I'm sorry the conversation was lively. Pastor Bill: [40:29] The conversation was lively. Pastor Newms: [40:32] I'm bad at following times you know this. Pastor Bill: [40:34] (Singing to the tune of “Let it Snow”) The weather outside is frightening but the conversation is lively. Pastor Newms: [40:43] Please just go, no I mean in that song There's a great thing because there's some mixed historical, things about what that song could mean and someone did a spoof where the girls doing the same exact parts, but the guys like no you need to go well. Pastor Bill: [41:07] That's a different song but yeah. Pastor Newms: [41:08] Is it. Pastor Bill: [41:10] Hey you're talking to your thinking about “Baby It's Cold Outside”. Pastor Newms: [41:12] Oh I was. Pastor Bill: [41:13] Totally different song, yeah the song you're talking about was featured on. Pastor Newms: [41:18] My brain I'm sorry. Pastor Bill: [41:21] That Christmas movie on Netflix. I can’t remember the name of it but it's got that, the comedian the Asian comedian has the glasses what his name is. He's done a few Netflix special comedy specials can’t remember his name anyway that's not that's neither here nor there. Pastor Newms: [41:46] Is Grayson praying for us to stop and be focused or. Pastor Bill: [41:49] Grayson is praying for our mental sanity he's like oh dear Lord help them, Lord. Pastor Newms: [41:57] What is it what is he praying for exactly? Pastor Bill: [42:00] So Genesis 1 chapter 3 in our translations it says then God said let there be light and there was light okay now when we go to, the Strong's to find out what words are actually they're right we find out that there's one, two, three, four, five, six words. There's only six words here okay, and the words using the same translation the words are “God said be light; be light” are the words. There is no “then” there is no “let there” and there is no “and.” It's just God said be light be light. So, there's a lot of context that has to be thrown in to make a sentence like and God said let there be light and there was light. The problem with contexts when you're talking about something like Genesis chapter one is you have no context. The only way to add words to what's being said, is to make them up is to go well in the future, because we see what happens in the future, we think that what they're saying here is this, and we backwards paste our expectation onto earlier scriptures. And say well we're going to translate this way because of what we read later and what we
S4EP02 - Also In The Beginning
S4EP02 - Also In The Beginning
Pastor Bill: [0:00] Hello and welcome to season 4 episode 2 of the Berean Manifesto; Faith, Hope, and Love for the Modern Christian.  I'm Pastor Bill and I'm joined by Pastor Newms.  How are you Pastor Newms? Pastor Newms: [0:15] I'm good how are you doing. Pastor Bill: [0:21] I'm doing alright.  My sinuses are all out of whack still, so I've got a lot of drainage and having a lot of issues with that but.  Coughing and what not so I'm on a lot of antihistamines, and some Afrin, and lots of cough drops so.  So how was your week? Pastor Newms: [0:46] I'm sorry to hear that um is probably the best I can um so.  My week?  My week was okay I worked a lot. , Pastor Bill: [1:09] No I'm sorry to hear that. Pastor Newms: [1:11] Yeah I worked a lot.  And so that was that was you know it is what it is trying to get, we got a lot of projects and for some reason people are wanting them all done at the end of the year which is odd for software, but it is what it is.  Usually in most software companies December is pretty much non-existent but in this particular healthcare company, we busy.  It's like we're busier than we were two months ago busy, and that's weird for December but you know it is what it is.  So I worked a lot.  I picked up the Pokemon game again and started playing it some, the new Pokemon Scarlet played some Space Engineers. Pastor Bill: [2:02] Phoenix when could I not see your communications? Phoenix on Twitch says “Can Bill now see my communications?”  Could I not see your Communications before? Pastor Newms: [2:15] Confused by her question did you say hello and welcome already so no. Pastor Bill: [2:26] Okay so I saw the nerdy smiley face came through but that just says Fina we 656 raid run teeny-weeny 656 hula. Pastor Newms: [2:41] Yeah no.  So he can't get emojis correctly because he's looking at it through the Discord interface not the Twitch interface.  So no, Emojis and do not come through. Pastor Bill: [2:57] So regular smiles like the nerdy smile. Pastor Newms: [3:01] Well even those sometimes come through because it depends on if Twitch has done something different with them even though they look like a regular smiley face on Twitch side they don't always come across correctly so it was. Pastor Bill: [3:17] Three celebrating smile faces. Pastor Newms: [3:19] It was like the birthday ones with the funny hats, so it was good that that you know work was work, I work a lot of hours and then.  I think that was it I don't think I did a lot how was your week? Pastor Bill: [4:05] My week was all right.  Focused on doing some writing.  Did some flash fiction writing, entered a few writing contest to just sharpen my skills a little bit so that was fun had that going this week and then there was the local Christmas parade was yesterday.  And I don't understand how it can be 50 degrees and feel, literally feel like it's freezing outside while you're sitting there watching a parade that makes no sense to me.  But it did, and my feet were so cold, and my hands were numb, and I was like it's only 50 degrees. Pastor Newms: [4:55] I'm sorry, I did get asked.  So did I tell the funny story; about the first time we visited this church that we visited a second time on here? Pastor Bill: [5:16] I don't know did you? Pastor Newms: [5:17] I don't remember, about the jacket.  I don't think I did okay so you know we talk a lot on The Berean Manifesto that that life is about doing not just…like life should be done, life should not be just hanging out you should actually be doing not just saying that's where I'm trying to go.  Who am I brain I worked a lot of hours you should be doing not just saying and, and so when you go to a church you go to a thing or you do a thing you always hope people are going to show actions more than they're going to say actions so that's always our hope well so we go to visit this church this has been this was the week before we took the vacation to Dollywood so it was the week before the week before Thanksgiving so I don't know the second week of November so it's been several weeks ago in between our visits. And so we, we go and, you know it's like 38-39 right and so everyone is bundled up because they're cold.  I I'm not cold cuz it's only 30s it's not in the 20s it's the 30s it's not that cold we're walking from the car to the place, it's not that cool so, and so I left my jacket in the car because I didn't want to put it on put it off put it on put it up for them but you always take it in the car in case you get a flat tire or something you've changed a tire because if you're out in the rain and. Pastor Bill: [7:30] Right exactly. Pastor Newms: [7:32] There's a valid reason to have a jacket with you but I don't wear it when I'm going into the stores and going into play.  And so I left my jacket in the car we went in, and we're in the back of course shocking and we're sitting there and this person comes up to me and genuinely looks at me and goes do you need a coat like, general not like the hat you don't even have a jacket on but like, like actually at he's like if you need a jacket we can get you one like if you're if you're cold if you're you know you can have this jacket right here I've got extras at home blah blah blah and I'm like oh no I'm just not cold and he kind of looked at me like uh huh, and then looked over at Tina and I was like okay sorry, sorry my jackets in the car I don't wear it till it's like in the 20s.  I have a leather jacket I've got sweat shirts at home I've got suit jackets I had my own jackets I just don't wear them oh okay okay we just wanted I wanted to make sure you had a jacket which is amazing from a standpoint of he's legitimately trying to give me the jacket off his back.  First off second off really funny interaction because like you could tell he didn't believe me for schnot like he was like uh-huh I'm sure you don't need a jacket looking at Tina like this man need a jacket you know did you bring this man in with you and he needs it you know and pour Zayidee is like no no. Pastor Bill: [9:20] Did you find this man out on the street? Pastor Newms: [9:22] Yeah are you bringing this homeless man in this place and he needs a you know.  And so is this one of those funny moments of you know legitimate church trying to be, what church is supposed to be.  It's a decent it's a decent place we think we're going to try it again we've been twice now and we're going to continue going so far at least for a little while. Pastor Bill: [9:51] So far so good. Pastor Newms: [9:53] So far so good yeah we enjoy it so far how was. Pastor Bill: [9:56] All right well now it's time for. Pastor Newms: [9:58] We talked about your week. Pastor Bill: [10:00] We talked about my week so now it's time for getting to know the pastors. Pastor Newms: [10:02] You know the worst part about this you would think listening to how I've been both last weekend this week in our in our opening you would think like I'm doing a thousand other things, yes someone else did ask today not as forcefully if I needed a jacket, he wasn't as forceful as the other person because he could he was in the he was like the door opener so you'd see in the car I parked in so he assumed I could have gotten one if I won like he at least was that he's like do you have a jacket like are you good luck but like on the same token like.  It's kind of a nice car, that I'm able to lease because my father Biggs is an amazing person and works for Nissan so I'm driving a much nicer car than I would ever be able to normally let's be clear and so I'm like, all right it's it is funny they are they are super they are super nice, is it my card or is it your card, all right I didn't so you're in the part of the screen I can't see cuz you're behind me so I didn't realize you were even holding a card and you were like nope my card and it popped up above my head which is just. Pastor Bill: [11:28] Would you rather go 30 days without your phone or your entire life without dessert? Pastor Newms: [11:53] Is it one of those like if I eat a dessert ever I then lose my phone or would I literally not be able to get a dessert ever. Pastor Bill: [12:04] You have to decide now and then you can literally never get a dessert. Pastor Newms: [12:08] So if I try to reach for a desert my body would not let me. Pastor Bill: [12:14] No your hand would just disappear the closer it got to the desert and as you pulled away your hand would reappear.  You can't even touch the desert. Pastor Newms: [12:23] Can't even touch the desert that's what I - that's the one I want because my waistline, my waistline agrees with that one and that's not because I'm addicted to my phone that's legitimately weight loss right there man if I literally couldn't reach the cookie do you know how happy my daughters would be if I could not eat, or steal their cookies and Candy my daughters would lose their minds if if they did not if there was no chance of me stealing their cookies they would love that and, like I mentioned so would my waistline and my arthritis, I don't eat a lot of sweets but I would love if I couldn't, that would just be. Pastor Bill: [13:15] I am straight-up addicted to my phone, if I find myself in a room and I've left my phone in the other room I have to go back and find it. Pastor Newms: [13:24] I'm not addicted to my phone. In most situations there are certain situations. Pastor Bill: [13:41] When you're going number two. Pastor Newms: [13:43] Yeah I if I forget my phone I will ask someone to bring it to me you know it's one of those where it’s like. Pastor Bill: [13:57] I think that's just a given for most people. Pastor Newms: [13:59] But often for those of you who know me.  I will straight have no idea where my phone is even located.  I'll be like, I don't know, I don't know where it is I don't know I don't know people call me like most of my family members Biggs, Phoenix, you says everyone knows just send him a Discord message he will not see that text message you're about to send him he's not going to see it he's not going to see if he does see it he might he might see it next week and then he's gonna be like I never saw this and then forget to text you back anyway so just don't text him like you're not getting a response and my girls even know that I've got. Pastor Bill: [14:43] And if you do get a response it'll usually just be “k”. Pastor Newms: [14:52] That is that's hurtful let me look at this look at this. Pastor Bill: [15:06] Your sister reinforces what I'm saying in all caps “BILL IS SPOT ON”. Pastor Newms: [15:13] Okay so no all of mine and Bills messages are actually more my sided than his in all actuality. Pastor Bill: [15:22] Well because you try to reach out to me on Discord and then you’re like oh yeah he's not always on Discord then you send me a text. And then you’re like hey did you see my Discord or hey I know you're not always on Discord blah. Pastor Newms: [15:34] I wasn't going to talk about what the message is are but it pretty much is like, hey check the message I sent you how long till you get on are you going to so yeah you're not wrong, yeah and that's true good luck on reading what I send cuz it's going to be misspelled there is no punctuation and its probably not all the words are, even there because I do not do well at.  Making sure stuff is done right. Pastor Bill: [16:30] My wife has got into the habit of using speech to text let me tell you that's fun to try to decipher. Let me see if I can pull one up right quick so just to give an example here. Pastor Newms: [16:45] I've heard that can be pretty sideways. Pastor Bill: [17:07] When was the last time she did that come on.  Printably prinably more than that.  Text so often it's. Pastor Newms: [17:34] Did you say you text so often you text so little. Pastor Bill: [17:38] No we take so often that there's a lot of text to go through to find the last time she actually did the voice text thing. Pastor Newms: [17:46] Ah Pastor Bill: [17:47] She does it that you really remember is that it comes out bad and then oh my gosh.  All right well I guess I'm not going to be able to find one this time.  I don’t know, I was really hoping to read one because they're really funny yeah.  No just saw a text.  One day I went to the store.  In the morning and I'm at the store and I get a text from Roxanne did you forget about someone?  And I was like no, not that I know of and she goes Finn’s in the restroom and I was like. I'm not even at home sweetheart what do you want me to do about Finnick being in the restroom.  Oh okay so I guess I'll get up and help him. It was funny.  All right well last week, we looked at the beginning of Genesis and talked about how the first 10 chapters of Genesis aren't really Christian texts are not Jewish texts are not Abrahamic text they are simply just historical records right there their the authors, writing down the way they saw history based off of what they believe to happen what the cultures around them saw an influence them to believe, originally it was just chapters 2 through 10 right but the numbers didn't exist anyway back then.  The text of chapter one was added later when they were in Babylon and we went through Genesis chapters - I'm sorry through Genesis chapter 1 and verses, one and two that's pretty much as far as we got. Um and so that episode was in the beginning, now this episode season 4 episode 2 is also in the beginning, and for this episode we're actually going to be in John.  We’re going to be looking at John chapter 1 and we're going to be going through John chapter 1 verses 1 through 4 okay.  Now in the CSB this reads, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning, all things were created through him and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created.  In him was life and that life was the light of men.  Okay, all right.  So that word beginning where that phrase in the beginning. This is the Greek ar-khay' and, I'm much better on my Hebrew pronunciations.  So if you know these Greek words and I butcher their pronunciations when I'm trying to read the pronunciation little key things that spells it funny to try to get you pronounce it correctly, I apologize our ar-khay'.  It’s G746 It is (properly abstract) a commencement, or (concrete) chief (in various applications of order, time, place or rank): - beginning, corner, (at the, the) first (estate), magistrate, power, principality, principle, rule.  Okay so if John was speaking abstractly right if he was saying, according to the myth according to the stories that have been passed down that we don't we don't really think they're real we just think they're you know good lessons to learn from. Then that would have been the general use of the word and he simply meant beginning in reference to time.  But if John's intention was to communicate the beginning as in the concrete idea that there was. At one point nothing that had been created then this the beginning, is like the building and putting in the cornerstone or like creating the foundational thesis of an organization. Basically that statement that is everything the organization stands for, if that's what he was talking about then the usage here is more like the word that we found for beginning in Genesis.  This has John saying the first important thing to happen right so he's not just saying, kind of loosely you know oh yeah back back back then when things started happening you know nothing was happening and things started happening, no John's saying.  This is this is the most important thing this will starting here because it that's how important is this is the beginning. And in context we can reasonably assume that he's using the word that way and expressing that concrete usage. What did I put in my nose.  Yeah we have that reasonable belief that that's where he's coming from, because of the way he continues to talk about it and reference it and go back to it as he continues to write and he's talking about this this Cornerstone idea, this is very very important thing that is crucial to everything that he's about to write that's crucial to, the understanding of everything right okay sorry my mouth is feeling all weird right now. You know when you get dry mouth.  And then you put dentures in your mouth while your mouth while you have dry mouth. Pastor Newms: [25:38] See now you've lost me because I've never had to put dentures in my mouth. Pastor Bill: [25:43] It's it's quite the experience.  So the next word that we need to look at is actually what they translated as word okay, so word is G30 five sticks in the Strong's and it is the word logos.  Okay so logos and I'm going to read off the translation are as strong as to find it something said including the thought, by implication a topic subject of discourse, also reasoning the mental faculty or motive, by extension a computation specifically with the article in John the Divine expression that is Christ.  And then it goes on to list off all the things that's been translated as account caused communication, concerning something Doctrine feign having to do something intent matter mouth preaching question reason reckon something removed, say saying show Beaker of something. Speech talk thing none of these things move me tidings Treatise utterance word work okay.  Now one of the things that we saw last week when we were talking about the creation was.  That they're at the very beginning this wasn't a spoken project yet right, God or more properly they used the word for God's or Divine beings.  Personally cultivated and formed the universe the long way, so in this instance the choice to translate logos. As word is believed to have been a side effect of Western theology. That place is the focus on individuals instead of the group, right so I got this from from several different commentaries where was talking about this and then I found some websites that were backing it up. That when they were translating this out and they were trying to decide how exactly to translate that logos there this is this is the ideas that they were coming up against is that, the Viewpoint of that Western philosophy, and when we say Western philosophy were talking about anything west of Israel right, so we're talking about Italy and England United States all of that is west of Israel that's Western theology.  So this trends like really this translation reinforces this authority of scripture. Over the relationship of the community, what it's talking about and it props up that control of those who can translate those scriptures.  So it gives this idea of the individual leader Leading the People, instead of the community as a whole owning the revelation.  The word word ends up not even being what most commentaries that will release the most ones that I have I'm currently read from 1 2 3 4 5 6, great commentaries that's my a sword up here on my screen a commentaries most of them agree that word isn't even the right translation there for the context so.  Let's talk about that in the context of the day, John was having to create craft his writing for the Greek reader the Jew reader the Christian reader and also the Gnostic Christians, now the Gnostic Christians were a huge threat to, the survivability of the church the Greeks were not so much a threat to survival of survivability of the church because they were kind of keeping their hands off, jail it was you know it was kind of tricky you if you. Talked about worshiping a god other than one of the Greek gods, you could get in trouble depending on what God was walking by but usually, it was it was just kind of a you shouldn't be doing that but doesn't the Jews that was a big issue you didn't want a Jewish person walking by and hearing you talk about worshiping Jesus. And that you know because I was an issue so this is kind of the. Pastor Newms: [31:10] Way of way of I don't know. Pastor Bill: [31:14] Life I don't the temperature that atmosphere. Pastor Newms: [31:16] Yeah trying to trying to tippy-toe around things. Pastor Bill: [31:23] So this word logos, John was not only identifying Jesus as a manifestation of God right but refuting the Gnostic claim, that Jesus was a separate God created by the Demiurge. Now the Demiurge was an evil God that made all of creation that the Gnostic Christians believed in, they believe the Demiurge created creation and it was for evil design and that Jesus was a separate God created by the Demiurge who then basically rebelled against the evil God, and brought us salvation from the demiurge and it's this whole thing and it was it was bad.  So now for the Greeks using the word logos and Theo's.  Theos being the word here for God, and the common word in Greek for a god so Zeus they would use the same word Aphrodite Artemis it was all feels right, but using logos and Theo's in in reference to each other stood in direct contrast to how the people of the day would have talked about their god. they would have said moothos and theos, which was customary when telling stories about the gods moothos becoming the word mythos or myth as we know it today.  The Greeks were very open about the fact that all the stories they had about their gods were all myths, they had made them up. Two, surround the gods with intrigue to surround the gods with attention they didn't think the gods didn't exist but they understood and recognized the things they were saying about the gods and the stories they were telling about the gods were things that they had made up, so they would say moothos in reference to theos and here John is saying logos in reference to theos instead of saying, well this is a story that I'm making up this is a story that's been made up, he's attaching an air of well this is actually what happened to it for the Greek reader.  So most likely what most of the commentaries say is that John intended logos to mean plan, purpose promise or my favorite – motive.  So the general idea is that that shouldn't have been the word “word” at all should have been plan, purpose, promise, or motive.  Motive to me seems to make the most sense in modern vernacular right?  The way we talk now it seems to make the most sense when you're reading all of John chapter 1, as to.  What you're looking at and what is going on so when we look at John 1:1 we see of all the things to know about the beginning of all things.  There was the Motive and the Motive was with God and the Motive was God.  Or more specifically was there should be existed as, that's the next word we're looking at.  The word was and it is ane like I said my Greek pronunciations are lacking its G 2258.  And the translation there is I (thou, etc.) was (wast or were): and it has been translated as - + agree, be, X have (+ charge of), hold, use, was (-t), were.  So today when we use the word was.  It's a word that can mean at one time, but then not anymore right it's like I was hungry but that was resolved I'm not hungry anymore.  That kind of usage of the word didn't actually exist when John wrote this when you use the word that word their lust was it meant existed as so the motive existed as God so God was the motive manifest.  Everything that God was is this motive this this thing that they've been translated as the word, word.  Okay, alright verse to you got any questions about verse one yet or any comments you want to make. Pastor Newms: [36:57] I think I don't think I have anything, the was I get it. I think we've talked about it in the past but yeah it's pretty common stuff we've talked about a couple times but it's always great to review. Pastor Bill: [37:18] And the main reason that we're going from Genesis 1:1 to now John chapter 1, because not only because they both deal with the beginning but we also want to… we touched lightly on, the people that think that the reason that God is plural in the creation in Genesis is because of the Trinity.  And then we don't want to Discount that belief because obviously the New Testament supports that idea, right and so we explored the idea that, that word can mean Divine beings it can mean the Angels were helping it can, it can mean a lot of things, it's important then to go and follow that up with well there was this idea and the early church and John wrote about it, that Jesus was there with, the Supreme Divinity at the beginning.  So it's not just this trinitarian idea separate from anything else in the Bible, it's actually supported by the beliefs of the first century church that you know Jesus was a part of that they. A part of that them part of that plural usage of the word in the beginning, and then we see that in verse 2 right, He was with God in the beginning now, this is the first hint that John's given us that he views the motive or the word as a person.  Now the word for he that John uses isn't specifically he.  Unless you place your own interpretation on it.  I believe the word he was chosen as a translation for that because it becomes cleared later in the chapter that John is talking about Jesus who was a male.  However, I think John was still trying to tease the reader, at this point he was still crafting you know… and I don't think he would have he meant he at this time I think this word isn't.  Isn't necessarily A he.  It says including the nominative, masculine plural second form nominative feminine singular third form and the nominative feminine plural fourth form, so it's not specifically he but in the modern the way we talk about gender in the modern day and time it would have been they or them, so they were in the beginning with God.  This is why in the King James. I think they chose ‘the same’ as the translation for the word he that the csb calls he. It's because it's not specifically he its they or them or this or that it's it's non gender-specific it can be used for gender, but only if the writer has already made it clear what gender they're talking about.  John hadn't yet so they were with God, and then we get that in the beginning part right. As a crucial part of the first of all things they were with God as a crucial part of the first of all things. Verse 3 all things were created through him and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created.  That verse just really I don't like the phrasing sometimes, one more trying to read Bible verses because they feel so convoluted like if you would have just just, maybe swap that around and rephrase that just a little bit so I just wanted to try to rephrase that for myself. And what I came up with was the universe and everything in it, was created because of him and if he hadn't existed nothing else would either.  And I feel like that's a much better way to say the same thing that they're actually trying to say. And you can go back and reread that virtue for yourself if you want you can try to flip it around with the punctuation is there and try to make sense of that for yourself, but I think the idea there is you know. All things were created through him it's, it's because of him, it's using that motive that motive is why all things were created, and if it hadn't been for that motive if it hadn't had been that driving force then we wouldn't have had creation at all.  God would just be still chilling in The Ether just out there just because through his motive wouldn't have existed to fuel creation. Pastor Newms: [43:13] And, and I see where you're saying with that to me it works I'm like.  No, no it's just all things were created through him and apart from him not one thing that was created, that has been created so apart from him nothing was created nothing would have been created that has it that had been created I mean it's, sometimes having a broken brain makes things make sense because I'm looking at it going why wouldn't that make sense. Pastor Bill: [43:50] Mmm and then when you, when you look at it from a gnostic point of view right because he's got to write for this Gnostic audience as well, they believed that Jesus was created.  And so this idea that nothing would have been created without him.  Undermines the idea that he was created because you can't be created.  Because you exist because you don't exist to then create yourself. Pastor Newms: [44:25] And I think that's the reason why it's worded the way it's worded that apart from. Pastor Bill: [44:30] Weird logical flaw and he's pointing out. Pastor Newms: [44:32] One thing yeah not one thing was created that has been created including him so. Pastor Bill: [44:41] Including him because he's not a creation. Pastor Newms: [44:43] As I'm writing this, I'm realizing what you're about to say so I'm going to add this part here at the end that some people will just go duh and other people will go oh okay I'm wrong. Pastor Bill: [45:03] Okay now we're in verse 4 and this is as far as we're going to go tonight, in him was life and that life was the light of men man, I went back and forth on these words, back and forth and back and forth over and over and over and over and over and I I've had my suspicions as to what I was looking at, and I can't seem to. I can't seem to really pin it down what I actually think John is trying to say here so I went to my commentaries, and I was just like I'm gonna I'm just going to write down what the commentaries are saying. And they pretty much all seem to agree see what was the outlier it was.  The Keel and delitzsch had nothing to say about it and I think the FB Meyer thought differently but um.  It basically John was saw his talking about sentience and Enlightenment that all of that came from the motive right so that.  Basically, that spark that separates humanity from animals that ability that sentient ability to go I recognize that I exist and I have to have a purpose and so I'm going to improve my life and the world around me.  That that is only exist because. Of the that life that is the motive that that life created that that spark of sentience in.  Then as we see later in John 1:14 you know we find out that the motive is made flesh, and that's why he's in fact Jesus.  So all this time he has actually in fact been talking about Jesus because he believed that Jesus had been God before he was born, and that he was there in the beginning he was part of the creation that he existed as God as part of God, and so yeah so.  When you, when you try to look at Concepts like the Trinity and you try to poke at you know poke holes and go but it doesn't seem to fit here and it doesn't seem to fit here and it doesn't seem to fit here.  You're not wrong and you're not wrong mainly for the reason that of all the things that there is to know in the universe about God. The Bible.  Already but I didn't so of all the things there is to know about God in the universe which is the universe length in you know in length what we know about God is only this much of it.  This much of a whole universe was worth of knowledge. So yeah, when we when we see Concepts like, in the beginning was the motive and was with God in the motive was God and so John is trying to tell you that, God and you know God the father and God the son the same person and then we find out that Jesus goes to the father and sends the Holy Spirit, who is also in full agreement for agreement meaning you know he's also the same person, and then we try to build theologies that we understand like the Trinity with such limited knowledge.  There's gonna be holes there is and that's where faith comes into play, we don't know everything because without faith it is impossible to please God and if we knew everything if we had all the information we wouldn't have to have faith and then we wouldn't be able to please God and then this whole simulation of physical life to create souls worthy of Eternity with God would fail.  That's what I have to say about that. Pastor Newms: [49:45] And that's, that's that whole thing we've talked about it before but the whole thing around if we don't have faith we don't have, our belief system and so not everything can be answered easily. Because faith and. Pastor Bill: [50:25] If you if you, you know what is the purpose of life well if you look at the writings of Paul and Peter and John even the purpose of life is to learn faith.  That's the whole purpose of the time that we're on Earth is to learn it's a finite time to learn a concept. A mind-blowing concept and to always be this show me where I won't believe it. That's kind of the opposite of Faith you know it's like I know you know Thomas wanted to see the holes in Jesus hands in the whole inside and Thomas gets a bad rap for that.  But the other disciples had already asked to see the same thing when Jesus first appeared to them, they asked you know to see tip the hold man on the holding the side and understandably three days earlier they saw this guy.  Brutalized hanging on a cross.  So yeah obviously they want you know they want to get that closure right.  But without faith it's impossible to please God and so whole point of life.  Is to learn faith and then you know we love others while they're learning Faith because life is hard enough you don't need to make it harder. Cut a guy some slack, show some love.  There you go that is “Also in the beginning season 4 episode 2” did you have anything else you wanted to tag onto their Pastor Newms. Pastor Newms: [52:30] No it's this is one of those conversations where it's to me it's pretty cut and dry like it's not a lot of extra frivolous.  Wells butts if could zits just kind of like yeah it's written that way that's his that's exactly what it says. Pastor Bill: [53:04] It's written that way that's what is it. Pastor Newms: [53:05] Let's see what it says. Pastor Bill: [53:09] All right so the Berean Manifesto comes out every Wednesday night at 7 p.m. Central Standard Time wherever you get your podcasts, if you've enjoyed this podcast so you think it might help someone else feel free to forward it share it like it follow us that helps other people find the podcasts and be able to get the message that we're trying to spread, Faith, Hope, and Love for the modern Christian, also we record this live on Sunday nights at 6:30 p.m. Central Standard Time and you can go to our web site, to find out which which Twitch Facebook and which YouTube, Channel you can go to on Sunday nights to join us live and you can actually participate in the chat you can type your message your question whatever, and it comes through on our Discord server and it comes through so that we can respond to you answer your questions and you can be a part, of the conversation instead of just me and Pastor newms having a two-person conversation we can get some more enrichment in here and we welcome that we welcome people coming in and asking questions and you know saying things like well I've always been taught that it meant this and why did is it why do you say it means that and so we can actually you know because. I can assume that you're on the same page as I am on but that doesn't mean you are and so sometimes we have to flush things out and.  Additionally, I'm not always right so sometimes you'll bring something up and I'll go hold on, oh yeah that's right I was saying it wrong you're right and then you know that way I can fix it because I do my best you know to prepare but that doesn't mean I'm not going to miss something.  I'm always right but sometimes I'm wrong. Pastor Newms: [55:15] I'm always right but sometimes I can learn more all right and now's when we do the Final End thing. Pastor Bill: [55:27] Yes so I love you guys Pastor Newms: Be safe out there. Pastor Bill: And until next time.
S4EP01 - In The Beginning
S4EP01 - In The Beginning
Pastor Bill: [0:02] Hello and welcome to season 4 episode 1 of the Berean Manifesto; Faith, Hope, and Love for the Modern Christian.  Can you believe, Pastor Newms, that we're starting season four tonight?  That's insane, given 100 episodes per season.  I can't even wrap my mind around all that content. Pastor Newms: [0:35] I can't wrap my head around the fact that we have done it.  No I am. Pastor Bill: [0:41] It's a little bonkers. Pastor Newms: [0:44] Yeah it definitely is the bonkers. Pastor Bill: [0:49] So here we are.  So how was your week Pastor Newms? Pastor Newms: [1:02] Yeah, it was… it was pretty good.  I’m trying to think if I did anything.  I don't think I did anything special.  I mean other than you know we did do some Thanksgiving stuff, but I don't think I actually did anything special.  Why are you leaning in like that. Pastor Bill: [1:37] What are you talking about I'm sitting back. Pastor Newms: [1:39] I can see you. Pastor Bill: [1:41] Yeah I'm sitting back. Pastor Newms: [1:44] I don’t think you understand what sitting back means. Pastor Bill: [1:49] This is, this is sitting back this is what sitting back looks like. Pastor Newms: [1:53] It really isn't. Pastor Bill: [2:00] I'm even leaning back in my chair like if I set my chair up straight I'd be like this. Pastor Newms: [2:09] Really now for a second you weren't. Pastor Bill: [2:18] So how was your week Pastor Bill?  Well let me tell you.  My public school kids were out for the week because of Thanksgiving break which was nice because we have puppy.  And puppy wakes me up every few hours to go potty every night and I was able to get the Gerg… Who by the way, is a half-inch taller than me now.  Unacceptable!  So Gerg was so gracious as to listen for the dog every night on his Thanksgiving break and take care of walking the dog so that I could sleep on those nights.  Which is amazing. Pastor Newms: He is, he is. Pastor Bill: [3:09] It's just amazing.  Like I can't even express how much that meant to me to be able to catch up on that sleep while he's been here.  And then we celebrated Thanksgiving as a family.  Just our immediate family, just here in the house because Roxanne had covid-19 at the end of last week the beginning of this week and then she had a negative test on Wednesday.  But we just wanted to be overly cautious to make sure we weren’t going to spread anything to anybody on Thursday so we stayed home.  Then Friday we knew that my mother and her husband, Grams and Gramps, they already had covid a couple weeks ago.  So we went ahead and went over there to decorate their house for Christmas, and then my kids stayed there over the weekend so that my wife and I could celebrate our 17th anniversary wedding anniversary.  Truly the date is this coming… Thursday is the actual wedding anniversary date but we went ahead and celebrated it this last weekend because.  You know when Grandma offers to take the kids for the weekend right before your anniversary you jump on that. Pastor Newms: [4:28] Well yeah I mean definitely.  HG Supply Company? Pastor Bill: [4:40] Yeah it's like, it's like a vegan restaurant but like they did the thing where they change out their menu often to try different things.  Anyway it was pretty good and I put it in the reservation that we were celebrating our 17th anniversary together.  We told them we were here that the guy working the hostess booth said, “Happy Anniversary” and I was like awesome they got my note that'll be the end of it that's all they're going to do.  No, we got to the table and our server was like here's a card for your anniversary we had all the servers sign it, and the managers pouring you a celebratory toast of champagne right now and she's going to bring that over for you.  On us.  We did that and then at the end they were like and we're also comping your Gelato dessert there as part of your anniversary celebration so happy anniversary guys we were like, so nice. Pastor Newms: [5:55] It is nice. Pastor Bill: [5:57] Yeah so we had this spicy queso. As our appetizer but it was vegan there was no cheese in it, but it tasted like cheese but it was like chickpeas and I don't know those other stuff that made had he had the consistency of queso it tasted like queso but it wasn't cheese.  Yeah what's that. Pastor Newms: [6:35] The yeah no I don't like that. Pastor Bill: [6:44] Now you don't like that hey if it ain't going to kill me and it tastes right.  I mean if they could make tofu. You know by like a burger I don't care if it's actually tofu as long as my tongue thinks it's a burger and it feels like a burger on my teeth. Pastor Newms: [7:13] I don't like that. Pastor Bill: [7:15] Unless you want to charge me nine dollars for two patties like the Beyond Burger stuff that then doesn't even taste like Burger.  Alright who's night is it to pull a card?  Time for ‘Getting to know the pastors.’ Pastor Newms: [7:52] It's my night I'm working on it I'm worried. Pastor Bill: [7:57] Biggs on Twitch says, “Where's the beef?” Pastor Newms: [8:00] Where is the beef okay okay. Pastor Bill: [8:08] I've got no beef with vegans if you want to live your life that way cool. Pastor Newms: [8:13] I don't care just don't try to force me.  That's my thing it's similar to religion.  Don't force anything upon anyone else please all right.  If you could take any job for just one month what job would you like to have assumed you would have all the skills and knowledge to perform the job adequately so you have all the ability to perform any job, what would you want? Pastor Bill: [8:44] All of the ability.  To perform any job?. Pastor Newms: [8:51] Biggs wants to be a pilot. Pastor Bill: [8:55] What's my motivation? Pastor Newms: [8:58] The fact that you could do anything.  So the funness of being able to do anything. Pastor Bill: [9:13] No thank you. Pastor Newms: [9:16] No thank you?  You don't want any job in the world. Pastor Bill: [9:21] I mean not really.  Not just for the sake of having the job. Pastor Newms: [9:26] But you get to do whatever you want for a month you don't have anything you would like to do for a month. Pastor Bill: [9:38] Not particularly no. Pastor Newms: [9:40] Okay okay. Pastor Bill: [9:48] I mean first of all it's just a month it's not like a career it's not your whole life and second like what's motivating you I don't. You said fun or or to get the you know you can do it for do it I don't care about that work it's for money and I don't.  What about you Pastor Newms?  You seem super distracted this evening bro. Pastor Newms: [10:26] No I'm just thinking. I got a lot on my mind.  I don't know I think if I could have any job in the world for a for a short amount of time it would probably be I'd have all the skills, so I would like to be, you know something maybe a CEO just to get the taste and then know it's going to end in them in a little month so I don't have it forever but yet make the money for the month. That's where my mind is is the the money aspect. Pastor Bill: [11:34] Okay well let's break it down alright so my first instinct before you said for a month, was President.  And then my mind immediately went to the moment you're done with that job at the end of four years or eight years or thirty days.  Any good that you did it's just going to be undone by the next guy.  So what would be the point. Pastor Newms: [12:08] Yeah I mean that's one of those things that is something you have to consider.  That it would just poof away.  And I get that my mind was straight to money how much money can I make in a month I mean it's a month. Pastor Bill: [12:45] Yeah but then my mind goes that's only a month's worth of pay that's not going to actually do much for my life after that for very long. Pastor Newms: [12:55] Depending on the job. Pastor Bill: [12:56] And go away and I'm just going to get back to where I was before. Pastor Newms: [12:59] It would but you know. Pastor Bill: [13:02] Did you say get another job did you seriously just say to the person who's been searching for a job for seven years you. Pastor Newms: [13:17] I said nothing. Pastor Bill: [13:19] I could have swore you said just get another job. Pastor Newms: [13:22] No no. Pastor Bill: [13:23] For after the end of the month as a CEO and I was like it ain't that easy bro. Pastor Newms: [13:28] I said depends on the money I mean if you're talking about a CEO of a five million dollar a year salary a month, would change either of our Lives exponentially. Pastor Bill: [13:43] Biggs is over here on Twitch telling on me, “Bill would not take the oath.”  You're not wrong, I don't believe in swearing an oath so you're not wrong.  I don't qualify to serve as President.  I don't qualify to serve in politics because I don't believe it's… I believe it's a violation of my religious beliefs to swear an oath. Pastor Newms: [14:17] But he did he did tell on you straight up yeah he's straight. Pastor Bill: [14:20] Straight up like pulling it out like no yeah he says he I do listen.  You do you do listen you listen to you listen yeah.  All right so season 4 episode 1. Pastor Newms: [14:38] Yep. Pastor Bill: [14:41] In the beginning, and that's exactly what we're going to do we're going to go and talk about Genesis for a little bit. And then we're going to start looking at Genesis 1:1 and we're going to break it down word by word.  Not because I think it was translated wrong and not because I think that it is some revelation you know revolutionary thing that you can see there but simply for the fact that it is written in a poetic style.  And so each of these words has so much depth to them that when you just read Genesis 1:1 CSB, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth.”  That is so dry and shallow compared to the words that are actually there, in this poetic telling right first off let's talk a little bit about Genesis because Genesis gets a lot of flack from I don't even know what to call them anti apologetics people.  People who want to claim that you know the Bible is not real because… Pastor Newms: [16:10] Right right. Pastor Bill: [16:12] And the issue is. They're not wrong when it comes to Genesis the first 10 chapters of Genesis aren't Christian text.  Christianity didn't even exist for another 4,000 years after right after the events that took place in Genesis 1 through Genesis 10. Pastor Newms: [16:42] Yeah. Pastor Bill: [16:44] They aren't even Jewish texts there were no Jews in existence, until the descendants of Judah adopted the name after Judahs father Jacob and I'm reading from my notes Here, Jacob who became Israel.  After he died he blessed Judah as the greatest of his sons who would rule over the rest, and even then it didn't stick as a name is a as a people group as a joining together until the time of King David, almost 1000 years after that.  This isn't an Abrahamic text, right the first chapters of Genesis aren’t an Abrahamic text, Abraham wasn't even born until approximately 400 years after the flood, which is what these first ten, chapters deal with is from creation to flood, and the flood was about 2,000 years after the seventh day of creation right so we've got these, 10 chapters that don't belong to the Christians they don't belong to the Jews they don't belong to any of the Abrahamic religions they are literally just a culture, in this case the people who identified as Jews, looking back and piecing together what other cultures told them about the past about how they got to the point they were at now.  As the story goes, we owe the writing down the actual writing of Genesis except for chapter 1 to Moses.  Moses gets the credit for writing Genesis chapters 2 through Genesis chapter 10 and beyond.  Chapter one of Genesis was added about 800 years before the time of Christ while the descendants of Jacob or Israel if you want to call them that were in captivity in Babylon.  So from the time of Moses to the time of the people of Israel being taken captivity into Babylon 800 years before Jesus there was no this first chapter of Genesis.  It's their holy writings started with what we would call Genesis chapter 2 right okay. Pastor Newms: [19:32] Which is often why there is a disconnect between 1 and 2. Pastor Bill: [19:37] There yeah 1 was added later when the Babylons were like well when they learned from the Babylonians this idea of more depth and a different viewpoint on the creation story, now we acknowledge all of that information.  And all that information is information that will get brought up by anti apologetics people that want to say you know will this this is why the Bible isn't credible.  But to me it lends itself to the credibility of the text because it isn't about the Christian God or the Jewish god or the god of the Abrahamic faiths.  The first 10 chapters of Genesis is about the Supreme almighty God.  The God that everything within creation including any other gods are subordinate to right we're talking about a monotheistic worldview where there literally is one supreme God.  And any other beings are subordinate to that.  And when people write about God they're not necessarily writing about a different God.  They could very well be writing about a vision or an Insight they've had about the supreme God.  Right?  We still on the same page there?  I think we are but you're not responding. Pastor Newms: [21:17] No I was I was I was breathing sorry I guess before I forget breathing doesn't. Pastor Bill: [21:22] No breathing for you. Pastor Newms: [21:23] Yeah breathing doesn't necessarily come across sound-wise I was processing to see if there was anything in that that I don't necessarily agree with and it there really isn't. Pastor Bill: [21:41] Biggs is lost.  That's fine Brother don't worry.  We believe there is one God and that is the one true God and if that is the truth, then we believe that every other religion when they point to God they're not necessarily not pointing at the same God we're talking about.  They could be talking about an aspect of God that we haven't seen yet.  And I don't have a scripture for this yet we're just we're just talking about so far we've just been talking about straight historical facts about the Bible and the way we as The Berean Manifesto as The Ekklesian House.  We have this worldview of you know this idea of belief in God, and our monotheistic beliefs even monotheistic isn't really a good word it's more like. What's the word for many gods is not mono it's Holly polytheist polytheistic agnostic.  There are many beings of godly power but only one Supreme Divine being.  That is The God of the first 10 chapters of Genesis. Pastor Newms: [23:10] Right and that's one thing I always find funny amongst these conversations is so many, Christians including myself for so many years were like oh well I'm you know monotheistic well belief in multiple gods and. Worship of multiple gods thank you says are completely different aspects the worship of one God, is you know I worship one God but the knowledge that there are other deities there are other, entities is not necessarily the same thing because you have the whole you know, no other gods before me Noah you know there's times where even in scripture they acknowledge other gods. You know and so there's that aspect of we worship one but we do not, personally I am. Polly feet I mean polytheistic in the belief that there are other gods we just worship one of them the Supreme you know the person that we actually believe deserves worship. Pastor Bill: [24:37] And when we're asked well how do you know your God is the right God well I don't I don't think that the Bible contains everything there is to know about God, The God.  And I believe that other religions have, aspects to them where they glimpsed God. Right but I do know that Jesus made the claim. That he came to make a way and lead us to God. And that he then became Divine and is God.  Right and I'll type that out in case anyone gets confused it's the very first one the very first. Very first scripture in your Bible or at least it should be, if there's a whole thing there about Joseph Smith and how he got the scriptures from the Lord then you're not probably not in the right book you just switch over to the Bible not the.  Not the Book of Mormon because you're in the wrong book and then Genesis 1:1 should be the first the first thing you come to okay, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth.”  Some manuscripts do read “In the beginning God created the universe.” And so that that's a little a little bit different but not really it's not really even the same it's not really even different words so much as it is a different spin on the same words, but we're going to break down this heavens and they are going to be in God created heavens and the Earth because it's the manuscripts that are the most common are the most copies of it read it that way.  ‘In the beginning’ is Strong's h7225, it is ray-sheeth' okay and I'm going to read you just exactly what strong says and then you know tell you what we're looking at there, it says, “From the same as H7218; the first, in place, time, order or rank (specifically a firstfruit): - beginning, chief (-est), first (-fruits, part, time), principal thing.”  And it says from the same as that word that it's segmented from the same as is roshe which is to shake the head, whether literally or figuratively, in many applications of place time rank band beginning captain chapter chief chief his place man things it's a hold of the word that you know could they could have chosen to use, they chose this ray-sheeth' okay this doesn't just necessarily mean it was the first thing that happened.  Right?  What it's saying is the first important thing to happen, or the first thing worth mentioning in the context of this story.  Is that this next thing, right so just saying in the beginning in English that means it was the first thing that.  It's a line you know it's a line of actions and this was the first one of them but in that language that's not what it means.  It means in all of the universe, this is the first important thing that, as it pertains to our story, there could have been other things that happen before that but they don't pertain to this story. That's what this word is saying. Pastor Newms: [29:02] Right. Pastor Bill: [29:05] And then we get the word God. Now this word God is el-o-heem'. And when you use this in an ordinary conversation this means God's right, but specifically when it's used with a plural especially with the article, it can mean the supreme God but they did not do that here they did not add. Pastor Newms: [29:37] The. Pastor Bill: [29:40] The article The.  They did not say The God which would then make it God.  So this literally would be meaning gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative: - angels, X exceeding, God (gods) (-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty.  So this word can mean several things and a lot of people believe this is a veiled reference to the doctrinal belief in the trinity. There's talking about the Father the Son the Holy Spirit and that's fine that's not necessarily wrong especially in light of the New Testament teachings.  The word itself speaks to a group of beings participating.  Definitely Father, Son, and Holy Spirit but also this lends itself to the idea that the Angels played a part that's possibly, and what was going on or that other Divine beings like we talked about there are other you know we believe that there are other gods that are you know other beings of divine power.  It lends itself to them being a part of the story.  They were part of this creation is that. Pastor Newms: [31:19] Yep. Pastor Bill: [31:20] All right so this next word. It's the word created, but it does have like when we had said before it would have said the God, this has one of those types of things attached to it, and what it has attached to it is a ayth right so it's baw-raw' ayth, so create. so let's look at ayth. Ayth means Apparently contracted from H226 in the demonstrative sense of entity; properly self (but generally used to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition, even or namely): - (As such unrepresented in English.).  So when you use this when you say beings created ayth, and you attach ayth, what you're saying is those beings personally did.  It was an actual act they were involved right it wasn't just an overseeing or, a general event that happened then they just kind of oversaw it literally paints this picture of God God's angels they were physically doing this thing, this thing is baw-raw' created.  It's H 1254 if you want to look it up in your surroundings you're strong it means, A primitive root; (absolutely) to create; (qualified) to cut down (a wood), select, feed (as formative processes): - choose, create (creator), cut down, dispatch, do, make (fat).  Now all of that sounds very sterile.  And what is what does that even mean so when we're looking at that phrase and we're talking about this hands-on work right?  This isn't just a single being speaking things into existence at this point the heavens and the Earth.  This is painting a word picture of a slow building from the base up, like homesteading like going to a land and you clear the trees so you can build a house you plow a field to plant crops to feed livestock so you can harvest the meat, this usage of the word ayth is implying that not only was it done personally but it was done the long way.  It was done very intentionally, it was done taking baser elements and putting them together to create other things and then taking the time to let that become other things and really cultivating the universe.  To create this thing right and I know I hear you I hear I hear what a lot of people are saying right now.  That sounds like it supports an old universe, and it does right it totally supports an old universe but at the same time it doesn't discount the seven days of creation.  So let's talk about that.  How can it be an old universe and also be seven days of creation?  The light and Day evening and morning this whole cycle that makes up an actual calendar day of which there are seven and creation none of that actually starts until after this process.  So the first day of creation includes everything that happened before God set that markable time of moving for Earth.  So, all of the stuff happened on the first quote unquote because there was no day on Earth yet.  There was no marking of time yet.  It was dark there was all just darkness there was no you know like too dark light to dark that makes up a day yet.  So yeah, the scripture can at the same time support an old universe and seven days of creation involving Earth all at the same time.  Right?  So we're taking all this time to slowly build up and create the universe and all of its base are elements and get everything ready.  So that we can do something right so when we go back and we look at verse 1 now we get to the heaven.  The heaven is Strong's H8064 The second form being dual of an unused singular; from an unused root meaning to be lofty; the sky (as aloft; the dual perhaps alluding to the visible arch in which the clouds move, as well as to the higher ether where the celestial bodies revolve): - air, X astrologer, heaven (-s).  The writer is looking up and going all that.  All that, it's not a specific it's an all that all that he created all that.  And then and the Earth right now. The Earth eh'-rets H776 in Strong's From an unused root probably meaning to be firm; the earth (at large, or partitively a land): -    X common, country, earth, field, ground, land, X nations, way, + wilderness, world. it can be used for all of these things so basically the author is he saying all that and all this.  Right so this is simplicity to the poem there where it said all that and all this meaning universe everything all right okay this and that. Pastor Newms: [38:00] Yeah this and that all of it. Pastor Bill: [38:06] What do we got on time?  Okay so we're going to go for just a little bit here into verse 2, but we're not going to get too far.  Okay just as 1, 2 says “Now the Earth was formless and empty Darkness covered the surface of the watery depths and the spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.”  Earth.  Is the same word eh'-rets so it's not you know not me question there the next word was. Is haw-yaw' it's a strong H1961 it means A primitive root (compare H1933); to exist, that is, be or become, come to pass (always emphatic, and not a mere copula or auxiliary): - beacon, X altogether, be (-come, accomplished, committed, like), break, cause, come (to pass), continue, do, faint, fall, + follow, happen, X have, last, pertain, quit (one-) self, require, X use. it's a lot of work. Pastor Newms: [39:25] A lot of words. Pastor Bill: [39:26] So it's a lot of work and basically it's saying you know it existed in this form in existed well how did it exist it existed, Strong's H8414 to'-hoo, From an unused root meaning to lie waste; a desolation (of surface), that is, desert; figuratively a worthless thing; adverbially in vain: - confusion, empty place, without form, nothing, (thing of) nought, vain, vanity, waste, wilderness. and then they double down and use the word void bo'-hoo I you say that that's H922, From an unused root (meaning to be empty); a vacuity, that is, (superficially) an undistinguishable ruin: - emptiness, void.  and darkness right H2822 is Darkness it is kho-shek', From H2821; the dark; hence (literally) darkness; figuratively misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow, wickedness: - dark (-ness), night, obscurity.  and all of this.  Was upon and that's not a trick word that's all it's H5921 it's literally upon that's the surface of. Pastor Newms: [41:00] All. Pastor Bill: [41:03] The face which, paw-neem' so so basically when you when you meet someone and you see their face you know so first thing you usually see if someone their face unless you're more modern you look at shoes first.  The face so when you look at the Earth this is all you see.  The face of the deep an abyss (as a surging mass of water), especially the deep (the main sea or the subterranean water supply): - deep (place), depth.  So the Earth was this giant formless void of liquid and more specifically, if you want to use modern vernacular the Earth was a giant Cesspool of primordial ooze, primordial juices all the building blocks for life were there.  But darkness and vanity and evil all things that.  Are anti light where there as well and so literally life couldn't exist yet.  All the building blocks were there, but nothing could live there.  There was no life there, there was no light there, there was no you know spark there, it was just this horrible horrible place.  And God or the spirit of God, and there's there's this is all I'm not breaking down these words too deep because not really that deep there pretty well explained in that translation when you say spirit of God that's literally what it means its breath or Spirit or could be used as anger, of God and we're still using the same word Elohim right so the spirit of the God's spirit of God the spirit of these Divine beings, moved right so this is this is an interesting word raw-khaf', to brood; by implication to be relaxed: - flutter, move, shake. upon the face of the waters in some instances this word move, can be a very violent word that can mean war, it can mean made War it can mean fighting it can, it can be used in these very aggressive sense of so basically the spirit of these Divine beings they moved upon this. Void of primordial liquid and tried.  Try to give anti, there's that word again anti Koscheck anti-death anti Darkness it tried to move in life on this lifeless void.  And that's when they get to Genesis 1:3 when God starts commanding things to happen and that's where we'll probably pick up there next week. Pastor Newms: [44:30] Yeah and that's you know so much there's one of the problems with our belief systems, that a lot of modern churches have is not truly looking at what those words mean some people are like oh well it's just you know in the beginning, earth water and you're like yes but all those words have strong meaning that. Pastor Bill: [45:08] Yeah they're very strong. Pastor Newms: [45:09] Some people do understand some people some people are like I already knew this this is not a big deal like who doesn't know this the sad thing is the answer to the who doesn't know this is a lot of people and. Pastor Bill: [45:21] A lot a lot of people don't know this. Pastor Newms: [45:24] And that's a problem sorry I've been so perfect I don't know what is going on I've tried to meet myself every time but I failed a couple times so I'm sorry. The the aspect of it is there is this is super important because if we don't understand, some of these fundamental things when you start looking at oh well this person is different than me and it doesn't matter and I don't care is important because.  You know words matter you know when you have someone who says well I believe this about the universe and you're wrong because you believe that there's a certain part of it that's like. Are we different, in or is it that my understanding of Christianity is just what I was taught on a felt board during, bible class you know in Sunday school that's all I know of what the scripture actually says I don't know you know.  There are people, lots of people who that is their only knowledge and you're like okay we need to expand it some.  That's, you know, what we're trying to do with this it's not just a, hey you know we're going to have these conversations because Genesis is easy to talk about because you know it's fundamentally so important to look at what you believe and why.  As well as how we got to where we are because it opens up the conversations. Pastor Bill: [47:14] It's not an easy thing to say that Genesis 1:1 supports an old universe that's not an easy thing to say.  The ramifications, cultural ramifications of that statement.  In the wrong circles that's a bit dim says fighting words. Pastor Newms: [47:34] It's heretical some people view that as a heretical stance.  I personally do not view it as a radical stance obviously but there definitely are people who do and that's.  Their belief and that's what I'm going to say about that. Pastor Bill: [48:07] All right you have anything else you wanted to add to tonight's topic. Pastor Newms: [48:11] I don't think so.  That's it I just I just. Pastor Bill: [48:13] Okay all right well The Berean Manifesto. Pastor Newms: [48:17] Yeah that was the only thing I wanted to was the the aspect of why why are we actually having the conversations as opposed to just do it. Pastor Bill: [48:30] Right we can't, I mean first of all we can't take it at that granted that everyone does know things like this.  You know, I can't take it for granted that everyone's actually sat down and looked at the words that were actually used in the original, and applied that to the context the historical context of when and where and why those were written.  To see what was actually intended.  I mean we've just in doing this we've met people that are like what so I have to go look up what every word means in the Bible before I can understand it.  Then we're like yeah, that's kind of how language works if you don't know the words that are being used how are you supposed to understand it and they were like that's just too much work I just I just want to read my Bible I just want to read it well.  I don't know what to tell you that's not how reading something transliterated from another language works not if you truly want to understand it. Pastor Newms: [49:34] Yeah not if you not if you want true understanding if you just want to you know quote-unquote be there sure but that's not healthy nor, discipleship that's just. Pastor Bill: [50:09] If you listen to the podcast. And we go live every Sunday evening at around 6:30 p.m. Central Standard Time once again I shook my. Pastor Newms: [50:18] Again yeah. Pastor Bill: [50:19] Because sometimes we don't you know we don't do a lot of recording and sometimes you don't really see you upset, but here we are and so if you would like to join us on Sunday nights we'd love to have you in the chat asking questions bringing up contradictions bringing up well I don't believe that I believe this, would love to you know have you be a part of the conversation so we can expand, and then make it an actual conversation not just me you know reading you what I have prepared for my notes, Pastor
S3EP100 - Looking back as we move
S3EP100 - Looking back as we move
S3Ep100 - Looking Back As We Move Pastor Bill And Pastor Newms  Transcript Pastor Bill: [0:00] Hello and welcome to season 3 episode 100 of the breed Manifesto faith hope and love but the modern Christian, my best to build I'm joined as always by Pastor newms other Corner pastor newms, see what I'm looking at the screen no you're over here at then wait no you're over here. Where did bills hair go what do you mean where did my hair go my hairs right here here here. Pastor Newms: [0:36] So when you're sitting the way you're sitting we can't see the top of your head. Pastor Bill: [0:42] Yeah I don't know why if I guess if I move way back. Pastor Newms: [0:46] Now you have to move the microphone properly you can't move your camera up because of your thing he's right. Pastor Bill: [0:54] Yeah there's stuff you see the clips holding this this drop cloth off and stuff like that. Pastor Newms: [1:12] Yeah see end of season three I think that means we each have to do four cards right is that what that means. Pastor Bill: [1:18] Oh my gosh no please no. So we started this podcast in 2017. [1:36] Yeah I would I would release an episode and then we would talk about it in our life meeting you know we would talk about you know the. Pastor Newms: [1:42] Yep. Pastor Bill: [1:44] Back then I was actually doing an episode of day for a while and that's be too much it was too much too much to do too much to talk about, and so we went to one episode a week and here we are now, we did 100 episodes in season 1 100 episodes in season 2 and now one of the episodes on season 3, and then we had that one Easter sets. [2:16] With that one Easter set where I did a whole week of episodes where I typed them episode I don't know season 1 episode 65 point for the whole week so, so you know yeah so we're we're past 300 episodes for sure but here we are so, yeah so tonight we're gonna we're gonna sound too far away uman Mike a little bit more how's that is that better. Pastor Newms: [2:46] Um yeah I'll turn you up a little more. Pastor Bill: [2:49] Sound like I'm up so far away now. Pastor Newms: [2:51] I turned you up a little too I tried to fix it beforehand but I guess I did not fix it. Pastor Bill: [2:58] Okay my bad sorry is 80 we didn't mean to not have good microphone settings before we started. Pastor Newms: [3:05] Plus your sinus infection makes it sound like you're far away even though I can hear you clearly you're so lucky. Pastor Bill: [3:09] Yeah massage it's wreaking havoc with my brain with my face. Pastor Newms: [3:15] Back here all the way through all of your nasal cavities don't do that. Pastor Bill: [3:21] Robin I've been doing a lot of sleeping trying to catch up to make the sinus infection better yeah that's what I'm sick with the flu and that just that knocks me out 100 percent perlite, so we can have two weeks and then this time it's I know it's a science infection I can actually feel it, you know and then when my immune system tries to fight something that affects my whole body my whole body starts to act like I've got a fever even when I don't, I have a fever so I get all the eggs in the pains and the that weird stuff so, and then I'm so susceptible to medicines like, so I started taking acetaminophen and ibuprofen because that's a really good mixture you know but then I'm so susceptible to medications that, yeah. Pastor Newms: [4:14] You at night for a while. Pastor Bill: [4:17] Well well I sleep in the nude right and. Pastor Newms: [4:19] It's too much information but thank you. Pastor Bill: [4:22] Well hold on hold on this morning I remember here in the puppy whining I remember looking out the window and seeing there were sunlight and I remember looking at my phone, 7:33 and then the next thing I knew I was sitting on the couch fully dressed and it was several hours later I had an unopened monster sitting next to me and I was holding the puppy and I was like, I think I took too much cinnamon often and ibuprofen because I have no idea how I got out here and and I don't remember putting on clothes. Pastor Newms: [4:53] Well at least. Pastor Bill: [4:54] I left her at least I put on clothes before I win. Pastor Newms: [4:56] Exactly exactly at least you did the right steps and you didn't just you know you do live in the country but. Pastor Bill: [5:05] That you have blood you have children. Pastor Newms: [5:07] Right so you don't want to be standing out on your porch with your grandma across the street waving just everything waving you know just. Pastor Bill: [5:18] So maybe I need a dial back up just just a bit on the administer this sort of benefit and ibuprofen mixture because because I'm pretty sure acceptable to, the case that didn't number. Pastor Newms: [5:41] There it is that box yep the Box you have no recollection of actually purchasing. Pastor Bill: [5:47] Box I have no red but you were there you remember it so I highly at least then at least there I have you know. Pastor Newms: [5:49] I do remember it I fully remember. Pastor Bill: [5:55] For evidence of what happens because you were there. Pastor Newms: [5:57] Let me show you this cool little shop that I go to that you've never been to and then next thing I know we're it's the next day and you're going we're just Box come from. Pastor Bill: [6:09] This is where I keep all the love notes my wife wrote me while we were dating. In that box right there. Pastor Newms: [6:21] Nope don't put it there then we can't see Jessie. Pastor Bill: [6:23] Your face is covering that whole part of my desk so they can't see Jesse anyway. Pastor Newms: [6:29] Oh yeah we'll still move it slightly over because I can't see Jesse thank you. Pastor Bill: [6:36] Move you can see Jesse. Pastor Newms: [6:39] Selfish but hey deal with it y'all. Pastor Bill: [6:44] I keep three pictures of people in my bedroom I keep Jesse my father-in-law I keep a picture of my grandmother right up there and I keep a picture of my mom over there and that's it that's all I got as far as pictures, anyway yeah so, how was your week pastor newms. Pastor Newms: [7:15] I worked for days and then part of the fifth day but we were technically close as a company. Pastor Bill: [7:26] Closed for Veterans Day. Well I can't play games right now, so there's that. Pastor Newms: [7:55] Do we have an ETA on your computer. Pastor Bill: [7:59] No they sent me a list of parts they wanted me to buy and then they're going to do the labor putting it all together but I have to go get the part. Pastor Newms: [8:11] Amazon is your friend. Pastor Bill: [8:14] Yeah they sent me a on links. Pastor Newms: [8:16] Or I could send you a different link to another company that can actually compare it's called PC part picker it's what we typically use. Pastor Bill: [8:24] Is he part picker. Pastor Newms: [8:37] Aspects and then I buy the parts and. Pastor Bill: [8:44] Imagine if your name was Peter Piper and you worked for a PC company called part picker. [9:00] So my week was you know this this nonsense. Pastor Newms: [9:04] Aha. Pastor Bill: [9:05] This infection nonsense the puppies doing great driving me nuts at night one to go out that's expected when you're housebreaking a puppy. Pastor Newms: [9:22] Better him waking you up than him not waking you up her her. Pastor Bill: [9:27] We've got it yeah her we've got her in this kennel and she doesn't absolutely hate it so that's good, during the day the other day it was the middle of the day and she wanted to go out and instead of going to the door and she hasn't quite figured that out yet she went to her kennel, and got into her kennel and started yapping and when I went over there she started doing Tippy Toe tippy toes, and I put the collar higher you know the thing on her we went outside and she went to use the restroom she she went to the kennel to let me know she needed to go outside so that was kind of funny. Pastor Newms: [10:04] That's fine so Kaiju you know all of her 60 found Pound gloriousness, everyone can be downstairs on the couch watching a TV both her mama's so my sister and my wife downstairs on the couch watching something she will come, upstairs and bark at me and it's like what do you need, and she has me go to the stairs and yelled down someone please let Kai out and she'll go out as opposed to just telling them so puppies are weird, I thought that would change when I moved my office upstairs because she used to do what my office was downstairs thought it would change it hasn't she still comes and tells. Pastor Bill: [10:55] It's like man I'm just gonna go find you. Pastor Newms: [10:57] Yeah, which is really funny she does the same thing when both me and her mom might my sister who we both had their lives upstairs and she will. Come into my office from the bedroom to tell me she needs to go out and it's like. Pastor Bill: [11:23] You're like you were just in the bedroom with a human being. Pastor Newms: [11:26] Yeah yeah why does daddy have to be the one yeah. Here we go my favorite segments. Pastor Bill: [11:42] You ready your favorite segments in the whole wide world. Pastor Newms: [11:44] With my most hated cards. Pastor Bill: [11:47] What's the cheesiest movie moment or line you can think of. [12:17] Question was what's the cheesiest movie moment or line you can think of. [12:42] So what pops into my head immediately you know without doing much searching or trying to think about it would be the anal but monkey from Bruce Almighty. Pastor Newms: [12:52] I do. Pastor Bill: [12:54] That's some super cheesy stuff right there. Pastor Newms: [12:56] I don't remember that. Pastor Bill: [12:58] You don't remember that. It's the gangsters and they're like we're going to mess you up bottle and he's like. Pastor Newms: [13:12] I don't know zadie says if you're a bird I'm a bird which I have no idea what that's from. Pastor Bill: [13:20] Me either. Pastor Newms: [13:21] Phoenix says you had me at hello that one is pretty cheesy oh it's from The Notebook that's a movie. [13:39] We don't need no badges from bigs that that works. Pastor Bill: [13:44] We don't need no stinking badges. Pastor Newms: [13:46] I can think of one and I'm just going to say part of it and it's just dingdong and that that's all I'm going to say like a doorbell ding dong. [14:07] That's that's that's a that's a something I don't know if that's cheesy yeah I can't think of anything real cheesy I'm not doing well thinking of cheesy. Pastor Bill: [14:20] Should we pull another car or. Pastor Newms: [14:22] I think we should. Pastor Bill: [14:27] Would you rather have unlimited sushi for life or unlimited tacos for life. Pastor Newms: [14:33] Tacos that's a stupid question. Pastor Bill: [14:36] Really tacos. Pastor Newms: [14:36] I don't like sushi it's uncooked most of. Pastor Bill: [14:40] I love sushi. Pastor Newms: [14:45] Now the thing about it it's a valid question because we're Sushi there's a lot of different kinds, so many and same with tacos there's a lot of different kinds of tacos and so with the sushi or the tacos you could have arguably not the same meal, every day even though it's all you can eat. Pastor Bill: [15:12] And technically you could have sushi Taco because Sushi is just a word that means with rice. Pastor Newms: [15:22] Yes senior poopy bottom there is cooked sushi, I haven't had any I am not a sushi person my daughter is a sushi person Biggs eats sushi. With there's a there's a place we go here where, Biggs share sushi with my daughter when we go there there's a Hibachi place that also does sushi pretty good so, but yeah that's um I'd say tacos though so would you actually say Sushi over tacos. Pastor Bill: [16:05] Yeah I would actually choose Sushi I guess I've had enough tacos in my life though and I would I would choose, unless unless it's just that Sushi they sell at Walmart from that really awful brand that warmer went with where The Rice literally tastes like cardboard. And then I guess I would choose tacos. Pastor newms walked away. Pastor Newms: [16:31] I'm sorry I had to I had to walk away for anyone to say a Blasphemous statement like, I've had too many tacos in my life I just I, I can't even fathom I've had too many tacos in my life I just I, I think I'm legitimately offended we've had full on arguments, on here about deep religious comments and the thing I think that has offended me the most is. Pastor Bill: [17:32] Is my statement about Taco intake. Pastor Newms: [17:35] I've had too many tacos, who we might have just lost the all of our viewers over that one I think everyone else has left us now because you've had too many tacos, no I'm just that's just it hurt but I get it. Pastor Bill: [17:57] Or maybe me. Pastor Newms: [17:59] I get it, I understand because I mean you've had a lot of tacos I get that it. Pastor Bill: [18:11] I mean I grew up in in Texas and there's a you know when you when you live in a small town where one of the only fast food options is a Taco Bell. Pastor Newms: [18:22] Those aren't tacos. Pastor Bill: [18:23] You eat there a lot just like us. Pastor Newms: [18:25] Those aren't tacos no those aren't tacos. Pastor Bill: [18:29] Okay let me let me let me reiterate the question. If you could only have Jack in the Box deep-fried tacos or sushi for the rest of your life. Pastor Newms: [18:42] Sushi cuz I won't eat Jack-in-the-Box deep-fried tacos. Pastor Bill: [18:45] Right that's nasty that ain't taco. Pastor Newms: [18:47] Well there are people who love those but know at that point I would have to force myself to eat sushi I don't like which here's the funny thing about sushi. Pastor Bill: [18:59] I don't know I don't understand how anybody it's Jack in the Box it's just dog food. Pastor Newms: [19:03] You got to be really high anyway the I mean they leaned into it when you have a meal called the Munchie Meal you just you know who your target audience is it's just one of. Pastor Bill: [19:16] Your target audiences. Pastor Newms: [19:17] So the thing about sushi that I don't like here's the really funny part everything is in sushi I like right. [19:29] But with sushi it's all touching and I don't like that necessarily. Pastor Bill: [19:36] It's all touching and Tacos as well. Pastor Newms: [19:38] That's the funny thing that I was going to step that's the that's the Paradox that I was just going to say is the reason I don't like sushi sits everything rolled up in it but I love burritos I love tacos, we're just contemplating whether or not we're going to make tamales for Christmas or not, you know and we were at the store today and zaidi was like should we make tamales this year and I'm like I think we should so we're probably going to make tamales this year for Christmas but. Pastor Bill: [20:09] But can we can we both agree that Chicago deep dish pizza is actually just marinara soup. Pastor Newms: [20:19] No Pastor Bill: [20:36] There's this video go to rat on Tick-Tock of a Chicago-style deep-dish being made and they cut it and they go to pick up the piece of pizza and all the marinara sauce just falls off into the pizza and they just have, thin piece of crust and some cheese and they're like oh that looks delicious that's amazing I love that and I was like, you need a spoon to eat that that is not pizza. Pastor Newms: [21:00] And that is not deep dish that is not deep dish, yeah that's not deep dish pizza either that no that's that's something else that's that's, yeah I think I think I think Biggs is going to start I think I actually heard him scream from across town and I think I heard my mother gasp from in the same household, as Biggs types that is not Chicago Pizza being. Pastor Bill: [21:33] Brother I'm a tick tock talking about this is the best Chicago deep dish pizza you can buy this is amazing I've been there and having it amazing. Pastor Newms: [21:41] Blasphemy, the internet disagreed with you so much you froze there for a second even the internet was like now we got to make him be quiet he's got a quit big says that's fake news. Pastor Bill: [21:56] Those fake that's fake news close. Pastor Newms: [22:01] There is a place that Biggs enjoyed in downtown Fort Worth. Pastor Bill: [22:12] Risen who knows yeah. [22:29] To wrap up season three we're looking back at season 3. Pastor Newms: [22:36] Oh not all the way back okay. Pastor Bill: [22:37] Not quite two years worth of content but. Pastor Newms: [22:40] No no it's over two years worth of content episode 14 season, three was in October of 2020. Pastor Bill: [23:07] Well newms picked his best his favorite episodes for the season and I was supposed to do the same thing but then this whole thing and I just slept so, so I went through his list and I picked out my for favorites from his list. Pastor Newms: [23:27] I was I only supposed to pick for. Pastor Bill: [23:29] No I didn't give you a number. I just that's what I picked out my favorite for. Pastor Newms: [23:35] All right do you want to talk about your favorite for first. Okay so let's go in order backwards what do you think where do you want to go in order for words. Pastor Bill: [23:47] I don't know what you mean by backwards or forwards because it depends on where you're starting from. Pastor Newms: [23:49] You want me to start with 91 or do you want me to start with one. Pastor Bill: [23:54] We should start with one. Pastor Newms: [23:55] Okay so episode one of season three I listed as my favorite because it's where we talked about Halloween now we've talked about Halloween several, we're short for Halloween twice in this series in this, but this one was one that you shared some of your Halloween Thoughts From the Past, and like like the reason why we exchange Halloween cards which is a really funny situation because when I say exchange Halloween cards what I mean is billiam sends me a Halloween card every year, except for this year which he did not mail me a Halloween card but I was in Texas and so I gave him a Halloween card not knowing. Pastor Bill: [24:41] Somewhere still the exchange of Halloween. Pastor Newms: [24:43] That he didn't get me one which is just humorous but one of the big, takeaways from that episode overall was to not be fearful of things that are not, understood or not known by you and those types of things and that was one of the big takeaways, what do you want to say about that episode. Pastor Bill: [25:17] No yeah the the the big takeaway there is absolutely right just because you don't understand it, doesn't mean you have to fear it you should be you should be grasping a hold of what you do understand, and as a Christian what you do understand is that the light has one God is one the darkness is lost, you should be embracing that instead of freaking out that oh my gosh I knew Hocus Pocus movie came out, and. Pastor Newms: [25:49] Let's just lean on the understanding that it wasn't as good as the first and. Pastor Bill: [25:54] Actually. Pastor Newms: [25:56] You did not enjoy it more. Pastor Bill: [25:59] Will you let me talk I understand what. Pastor Newms: [26:02] Taco comment earlier. Pastor Bill: [26:05] Sending me I understand what you're saying but my kids be eight year old and a three year old, had zero interest in Hocus Pocus after seeing hocus-pocus one but then when they saw hocus-pocus to they were like oh my gosh these are the best two movies ever and they wanted to re-watch hocus-pocus one and two and one and two, but it wasn't until I saw two that it really spoke to their worldview you know. Pastor Newms: [26:42] And we'll move on from there so the next one I picked was episode 13 episode 13 was entitled the Berean lifestyle and, I I loved the discussion that we had around the Brie and lifestyle because this is called the Berean Manifesto we talked about bereans a lot we've talked about the bereans a bunch, but in that episode we really dug into what that means, and those types of things and as Biggs just said on Twitch it did Leave It Wide Open for next year I'm pretty sure they're going to do a Disney Channel spin-off or something with the three new girls or something but that's fine, yeah I really that's what I think they're going to lead into a TV show and I'm okay but I loved the discussion that we had around the Brie and lifestyle and why we do it and what it truly means so yeah. Pastor Bill: [27:46] Awesome. Pastor Newms: [27:49] Okay so then episode go ahead. Pastor Bill: [27:54] It's really important to me the whole Berean lifestyle issue, you sleep it's the name of the whole podcast after it you know and so any time where we get to really just dive into well what does that mean and what are the implications and why do we choose that, it's really a good a good time a good time for me and a good time for me to express. [28:24] A lot of the way I see that life should be lived but then like we were talking about last week you know we're just kind of. [28:34] Preaching to the choir at this. Pastor Newms: [28:37] That we can talk about that in a minute but yeah I I was a little saddened in looking over the last year statistically, but we can talk about that later when we do wrap up at the end. Okay the next one, I skip to episode 39 so I skipped like half a year and it was called Progressive, quotation mark line quotation mark dot dot dot right and what we talked about in that episode was around the, the disc deconstruction movement things that we saw things that we knew and the fact that deconstruction overall isn't. Pastor Bill: [29:58] This is the first one of your list that I was like yes I that was one of my favorites and for two reasons there's this is one of my favorites for two reasons one is, well you were just saying you know it deconstruction is is actually to me an essential part, any Christians walk because, the defining factor that that makes you a Christian versus not a Christian, is that you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth. [30:38] And if you never actually do a deep dive into what it is that you're doing why it is that you're doing what it is that you actually believe, good how can you be sure that you actually believe or were you, coerced through emotion to recite a prayer, right so I have so many people that they grew up thinking oh yeah I'm a Christian I'm a Christian I think I go to church you know I serve in the church and then years later the look back and they'll go and never actually believed any of that. [31:18] I thought I did and I thought I was passionate about it or you'll get people to be like oh yeah I was a Believer but I'm not anymore, and that's just not how Christianity really works if you ever were truly convinced, then you can't be unconvinced it's once you understand the truth it is the truth that's how it works, and so there's that P and keep what important part there's you don't want to get to the end of your life thinking I'm a believer I'm going to go to heaven I'm going to live eternally with God how whatever your you know idea of the afterlife is, and then you get to judgment and and Jesus I never knew you, like Jesus said would happen with what some of those. [32:13] Pastors that would get there and we cast out demons in your name we healed the sick in your name is he's I never knew you, because it never actually believed you know you don't want to get there and have that moment, it'd be much better for you to understand that now and then perhaps there's a chance for you to find Salvation later and actually be convinced and have faith, and then that was that was number one is that an essential part of Christianity and then number two, is [32:48] One of the things we talked about was that Christianity is social justice, it's not that you know we we see a lot in the Evangelical culture about this well woke is the wrong way it's anti-christian well no, Christianity is social justice everything that Jesus did is defined as social justice everything that he commanded us to do, is social justice everything New Testament talks about that is the quintessential Christianity that is social justice, if you look around the world and you're seeing these social justice things happening and you're like I don't believe that that's communism whatever, you need to take a step back because Christianity is social justice and if you're using it as a tool for something else. [33:46] That's that's that's wrong that's not what Christianity is and so that's that's two reasons why I really like that episode. Pastor Newms: [33:57] So the next episode was episode 40 real far jump from 39. Pastor Bill: [34:06] So far. Pastor Newms: [34:07] And it was called defending the dot-dot-dot and the thing I loved about it was you know we're called to defend and sometimes that's making a whip because the story that we used was you know Jesus at the temple creating a whip and it wasn't because he was mad because, you know just because they had turned his father's Temple into you know, a den of capitalism but it was because they were taking advantage of people and that's truly, you know also part you know a huge part of that and that lends itself to that discussion we had before of you know in a lot of ways that Jesus was very much, for the people and taking advantage of people is bad. Pastor Bill: [35:05] Well the equivalent if you really want to you know brass tacks it the equivalent is, imagine you went to church one day and in the lobby there's table setup and there's people there that are there they have this sales pitch of, you bills bills got you down can't afford to pay your tithe this week just come take out a loan. Pastor Newms: [35:28] Open up this credit card. Pastor Bill: [35:30] Overall this credit card and pay your tithe on this credit card no problem small low interest fee it's fine don't worry about the interest you can handle it. Pastor Newms: [35:39] It really is. Pastor Bill: [35:41] This is the equivalent of what was going on and so it's like excuse me you're going to see what now, oh you want to participate in the building fund but you don't have any extra funds today no problem just take out a loan, we'll apply that money to the building fund and there you go you've participate in the building fund and you can just pay off the interest later it's a win-win we, we make me make a little bit of money off of loaning you money and you get to participate in the building fun it's great right. This is the idea of what was going on and that I think that would make me angry too. Pastor Newms: [36:20] I think it would make most people angry that doesn't make you angry I'm a little worried I won't be honest all right so then, episode 43 What Fear can teach us about faith which is pretty evident from the title fears not always bad it's how you respond, it does it for that one. Pastor Bill: [36:47] What's the same thing about bravery bravery is not the absence of fear, bravery is how you respond in the face of fear, instead of letting fear win well faith is not the absence of doubt it's not the absence of fear, faith is being surrounded by doubt and fear, and going you know what these doubts and these fears are just fuel for my faith and you know pushing forward with what you believe is real despite the lack of evidence for that or the evidence to the contrary, so yeah. [37:42] Really not it's really not because it doesn't it doesn't fit the narrative the Evangelical narrative you know that, you live and then you die and you only have the choice while you're living and. [38:01] It's hard to coerce people into being afraid of failing to find Salvation when they're alive if. You have to explain that there were a time when other people had a different option, and if this is all confusing you then you should go back and listen to me up so, but basically we talked about the where the New Testament talks about Jesus during that time after he died he goes to hell and he preaches the gospel to those that are in captive and she'll those who had died before, so that they have access to the Salvation as well it's a really good it's a really good concept I think because it, it answers this question you get a lot of people who ask well what about if Jesus is the only way to heaven of Jesus the only way to God, what about all those people that live before Jesus did they just are they just doomed to Hell forever and will that that answer is in the, it's there and to deny that part of the Fiat the basic theology that's in the Bible because we've talked about that the Bible is literally just basic theology, to deny that denies some of the questions that people have why did they make you laugh. Pastor Newms: [39:26] You remind me of a song and I don't remember what band it was I think I remember the band but I don't want to miss a the band and then have bigs and zadie yell at me but, the, basic instructions before leaving Earth solids for it's just basic instructions it's right there in the acronym and I want to say it was The Katinas this thing that, a hundred percent on that I was that's what I thought who was it. Pastor Bill: [40:00] Camera with the name of the band but it wasn't it wasn't The Katinas. Pastor Newms: [40:03] No okay I think I did that I think I did that once before and then had to look it up and realized who it was all right next one. Pastor Bill: [40:15] Who was it that thing. Pastor Newms: [40:16] Episode 71 casting lots and hanging thoughts so, and that's thoughts as in thoughty2 or all of those out there who are understand internet references, thoughts. Pastor Bill: [40:37] Burlap to Cashmere. Pastor Newms: [40:39] I'll Burlap to cashmere that's who it was thank you. That's just a great title it was a great title is very good on your part and, good discussion throughout that episode its parts that people don't talk about a lot its parts that you know casting lots is a very interesting thing, and so yeah it was it was an interesting one. Pastor Bill: [41:10] Casting lots being something that you still do. Pastor Newms: [41:13] I do I do that is true. Pastor Bill: [41:15] I do it from time to time. Pastor Newms: [41:17] I mean I do it with I do it right here I mean I've got I've got my dice tray right here I played D&D with it but these three I use, to help make decisions when I can't make a decision. Pastor Bill: [41:34] Yeah I mean when you flip a coin when you know when people flip a coin like should we go to Denny's or should be good IHOP let's flip a coin that's casting lots if you're casting lat. Pastor Newms: [41:45] My favorite time to use it, is should I do this or should I do that and it's always I don't use it for big decisions of course but I use it for things like should I take a nap or should I play video games should I watch this movie or should I take a nap should I, actually usually it's if I should take a nap or not should I do whatever the family wants me to do or should I take a nap it really is around my nap time let's I think like 90% of the time it's if I should take a nap or not, now that I start thinking about it. Pastor Bill: [42:21] Try to take a nap or not. [42:35] And as far as casting lots the the Old Testament law actually lays out casting lots as one of the ways to determine what God's will for something in, so it's not witchcraft is not Wizardry it's not you know whatever it's actually laid out, in the Old Testament as a way for the followers of the Lord to determine what is God's will for something. [43:08] All right, C3 p72. Pastor Newms: [43:11] 72 aren't they glands so, I wrote this it's not it doesn't have anything to do with what the actual conversation was about but I wrote the comment insults can be a good thing and it's not it's not what the, the thing was about at all, but I thought it was clever so that's what I wrote I like the conversation because it really showed, that that term when it's used in that verse it is an insult, like aren't these guys just fishermen aren't these guys just idiots aren't these guys just those guys that are uneducated like how are they talking like this how do they have this understanding the important part around that is of course that, it's the holy spirit so. Pastor Bill: [44:02] It's the same concept of, when Jesus went into the temple and it was his day to just speak and he, he chose a scroll and he read from Isaiah about, the time when the Lord would come to Open the Eyes of the Blind and open here's the death and to declare the year of the Lord, and the reaction of the crowd. [44:33] Wait isn't this the Carpenter's son how can you even read the scroll you know it's that same concept something something, Supernatural is happening that this idiot is able to do that, and so it's this moment of of when you're being underestimated and and it was it was at this, this point of the day of Pentecost and there there are speaking in all these languages of all these people, and then they're talking about these deep level Concepts and the the people like aren't these galileans it because they're hearing their accents, and in the in that episode you were you were talking about it's similar to saying like aren't these coal miners from that coal mining town aren't these fishermen from that fishing to like, these guys aren't supposed to be Rogue Scholars these guys are supposed to be idiots who were just good for, the rough-and-tumble jobs how are they saying these things. [45:52] Yeah that one day esta la biblioteca. Pastor Newms: [45:58] Yeah thank you that was another great point of that, episode now I'm a little confused, going into the next to because you said you have for that you really liked and you said this is my first one, we're down to two and you've never said this is what I also picked. Pastor Bill: [46:25] Sorry it was it was 3969. 71 and 72. Pastor Newms: [46:33] Okay okay I was like wait a second now so this is one of the things I put in my personal notes down here, of part of season 3 that I did not enjoy, which towards the end of season 3 I don't even remember how many episodes. [47:01] I was the big face and I was leading it, because Bill took a sabbatical and you can't trust it just by the image I thought about that but I think it's like one less than the image maybe maybe but, so these last two are ones that I actually LED that that I picked episode 87, reasons Christians should not celebrate birthdays and the reason why this was brought up is because I hate my birthday, I hate celebrating my birthday I don't like celebrating Christmas I don't like getting gifts I don't think we should celebrate holidays because I don't like, I love giving people gifts I love giving people at you know I don't like receiving so I don't think we should celebrate birthdays because of that, now of course that's crazy you should listen to episode it's funny but the reason I picked it was because it's talking about, why we should speak on things even if we don't like it like the idea came to me because I was upset that we are celebrating my birthday, or about to I can't remember which side it was on. [48:24] And I was like I don't want to do this I should talk about that let me find biblically I know there sects of Christianity that don't celebrate birthdays let me find Y and let me disprove the fact that we shouldn't do this and of course, isn't valid scriptural evidence for it so, I didn't win the argument but that's the point is as people who are, studying to have the conversations. [49:00] We can't just talk about we want sometimes we've talked about hard topics that we don't enjoy because they're hard topics and that's why I brought that one up. [49:12] And then episode 91 which was is salvation the end goal, and that was a good conversation I think discipleship is extremely important and so often as Bill alluded to earlier, certain churches have pushed The Narrative of salvations the most important thing. [49:54] And it is super important but we're not, commanded the Great Commission is not go get people saved it's Go Make Disciples we should be discipling and so often we lose that in your big, congregation style churches where, not all of course not all there are deer churches out there that have discipleship programs in small groups and are doing it correctly but there is a lot especially in the, 90s and hearts that were just pushing for salvation numbers and, that doesn't help build the kingdom it just builds people that sometimes then go and deconstruct because they wasn't actual belief there to begin with. [50:45] And so those were my episodes that I chose that I liked a lot from, the last 100 episodes in season 3 also I wrote it was a very very long two years if you think about where we were in October of 2022 now. Oh my gosh there's so much difference between those two time periods. Pastor Bill: [51:12] Happened in that. Pastor Newms: [51:13] Um so much so much has happened in those two years. To your punk so it's it's twice one is the celebration of the king that took John the Baptist head. It was during that celebration that they took John the Baptist head because he was like I'm in a good mood and his, daughter nice someone I don't have the scriptures pulled so I don't want to miss say it, female relative was like you should give me John the Baptist head because you're in a good mood and he was like yeah let's do it. Pastor Bill: [52:13] Niece / stepdaughter. Pastor Newms: [52:16] Yes there you go and the other one is one of the Pharaohs, back in somewhere there's a discussion of a Pharaoh's birthday I don't remember where or, when but those are the two only and so because of that because of that some people say you shouldn't celebrate your birthday and in certain Jewish cultures, certain you know depending on which sect of Judaism they don't. Pastor Bill: [52:48] Jehovah's Witnesses don't celebrate birthdays. Pastor Newms: [52:51] Do not either that is correct. Pastor Bill: [52:53] I believe the Greek Orthodox don't celebrate birthdays. [53:06] But they do make great Gyros. Pastor Newms: [53:08] Yes I do miss the Greek festival. Pastor Bill: [53:16] Yeah but there's a lot of pagan stuff tied up in birthdays, the round cake and the candles being worship of Artemis the blowing out the candles and what. Is that where you get sheet cake instead of round. Pastor Newms: [53:35] I said I used a square sheet cake. Pastor Bill: [53:38] Yeah the blowing out the candles and make a wish the the smoke is supposed to carry your wish up to Artemis so she can grant your wish there's all these all these. Pastor Newms: [53:47] That's just in sanitary. Pastor Bill: [53:49] Pagan things that right my last birthday you know because we're in the height of pandemic not my last breath the breath for that, they lit the candles and I was like bring the cake out and they were like no don't blow on it was like I'm not going to blow on it and they were like what do you want us to light the candles like someone put the candles out well no not you can't blow it I'm not gonna blow on it so they got close and I did a Thunderclap, and it's all the candles went out it was great you know I was like Hulk smash Thunderclap. Pastor Newms: [54:22] Nice all right so what else. Pastor Bill: [54:27] All right what would seven parody. Pastor Newms: [54:30] What else do you want to discuss in episode 100 episode 100. Pastor Bill: [54:37] We're good next week we next week know the 300 technically but yeah next week we were going to hit season 4 episode 1, so that'll be that'll be good we're gonna we're actually going to spend, most if not all of that episode in Genesis 1:1 so that'll be fun, and so we'll talk we'll talk a little bit about, Genesis as a whole and then we'll be focusing on in on Genesis 1:1 and then we'll kind of see where we go from there for the rest of the season I don't know I doubt we'll be doing an exegesis from Genesis 11 through all of scripture, so we're definitely going to talk about. Pastor Newms: [55:37] That would take more than 100 episodes I think so. Pastor Bill: [55:38] More than more
33E97 State of Theology Part 3
33E97 State of Theology Part 3
33E97 State Of Theology Part 3 Pastor Bill And Pastor Newms  Transcript Pastor Newms: [0:09] Church intro video Church intro video because it appears that it finally. Pastor Bill: [0:15] Intro video Church intro video if I only worked. Pastor Newms: [0:21] Looks like it but it's only for twitch we are only live on Twitch. Pastor Bill: [0:27] We're only live on Twitch all right. Pastor Newms: [0:36] I don't know I don't know how anything is going to be, because we're optimized for restream we're not optimized to go straight to Twitch so I would assume that's okay but. Pastor Bill: [0:56] That's hilarious. Pastor Newms: [0:59] So restream is having issues tonight. Hopefully that does not spell the end of restream there's been rumors a couple times that it was going away hopefully this isn't the time that happens. [1:21] Is some streaming platforms do not like them and have talked about banning them so. Pastor Bill: [1:30] Mmm. Pastor Newms: [1:37] Be interesting to see it's probably just a glitch with their servers tonight but that's neither here nor there so you're going to have to talk directly on Twitch do you have, it opened on a device. Pastor Bill: [1:55] I I do now yeah so I need to talk on Twitch instead of on Discord. Pastor Newms: [2:03] It won't pull it I don't think because the restream bot isn't running. Pastor Bill: [2:12] Okay okay okay on me. [2:38] Hey really really suck. Pastor Newms: [3:02] Do do do do do. [3:33] Where does it say to viewers two people are viewing. Do you know who don't know don't know. Pastor Bill: [3:46] I think one of those is me. Pastor Newms: [3:48] Don't know anything probably zaydis here. Pastor Bill: [3:53] Daddy's here. [3:58] Um Pastor Newms: [4:02] Yeah Grayson life is a little interesting we're doing church tonight and I sent messages to some people and, I forgot about you I love you though I just forgot to send you a message saying we were doing church tonight instead of, Sunday, and we miss Sunday because I was sick too Sunday was bad Sunday was real bad. Pastor Bill: [4:42] Sunday was bad I was six and Sunday too. [4:51] Okay. [5:02] Grayson says it's okay he's still somewhat new Grayson I thought you were like 15 or 16 or 14 are that's not new. Pastor Newms: [5:10] He means new to always being watching smart. Pastor Bill: [5:14] Oh I see I see. Pastor Newms: [5:15] Hey look we're face life. Pastor Bill: [5:18] We are faced live now hello and welcome to season 3 episode 97 of the broom Manifesto faith hope and love for the modern Christian I'm Pastor Bill and I'm joined, by Pastor newms he's right over here say hi pastor newms. Pastor Newms: [5:40] Hello I am, I am here I am frustrated cuz I just spent the last 30 minutes trying to get the stream working so I'm not necessarily, in a great mood to start off because third I know it looks orange and it's not Orange, it's a deep beautiful red but because the lights in here it looks orange and a really dirty orange to not a good bright orange if you bring me a different shirt I'll step off camera and change but yeah I know it's the wrong color for UT bigs the wrong color it is a red shirt, but I don't know why it's not, color balancing man it's because it's trying to color balance with my extremely white skin so it it's like Pastor Bill is very yellow tonight unless he's become jaundiced because of some. Pastor Bill: [6:42] Mobile help. Pastor Newms: [6:43] Thing over there I hope not how was your week. Pastor Bill: [6:49] Monica's pretty good what is wrong with my recording my my thing is okay I need to make a new one. Pastor Newms: [6:53] Man I don't I don't nothing likes us nothing internet doesn't like us to go live on Sundays nothing else likes us to go live any other time off. Pastor Bill: [7:01] Nothing wants to go live any other day. [7:10] 3 97.1 let's get some audio recording going okay let's try that again for the the podcast. Pastor Newms: [7:17] Oh my gosh really. Pastor Bill: [7:21] Just just just just the, hello and welcome to season 3 episode 97 of the breed Manifesto faith hope and love for the modern Christian I'm Pastor Bill and I'm joined by Pastor newms. Pastor Newms: [7:38] Who has extreme amounts of deja vu. Pastor Bill: [7:41] We're recording on a different night because we were both sick on Sunday and this Sunday we're not able to record so we're doing a Thursday this time and we're going to finish up, should be able to finish up. Pastor Newms: [7:56] If we don't finish up I'm done not doing a part four. Pastor Bill: [8:00] Our commentary on the 2022 state of theology survey that came out, and so yeah so here we are uncle uncle newms uncle newms how was your week. Pastor Newms: [8:17] No that's not that's not what we call me here. Pastor Bill: [8:20] Pastor newms how was your week. Uncle Fester. Pastor Newms: [8:25] No we no no no that is too Southern for me my week was pretty good other than some weird stomach bug that started on, Sunday and basically really just ended, at some point last night while I was asleep because I was sick when I went to bed and but the crazy thing was I felt great, like wasn't extra tired no fever no body aches no nothing just my stomach hated me. Pastor Bill: [9:12] It was by at huh. Pastor Newms: [9:16] Yeah it was it was about but you know usually on a Sunday night we talked about you know I've done something over the weekend or I've played games or I've but I really haven't much this week we had some storms and stuff last night and, I've been judging the show with my daughter cuz its third season comes out. Saturday or Friday I don't know which, she keeps saying the 15th but then she keeps saying Friday so I don't I don't know I don't know when the show comes out but, we're going to be binged and done and ready to watch it when it comes out either way we've got three episodes we're going to watch them after tonight so for us. Pastor Bill: [10:10] What show is it. Pastor Newms: [10:11] The owl house it's a Disney show about a girl who gets trapped a human girl who gets trapped in the demon, realm that's not really a demon realm but it's like it's real it's real weird it's real weird, real real cute the main character is Hispanic and. [10:39] I believe bisexual and she has a little girlfriend, and she's got she's got a nice A little girlfriend not because not to degrade, girlfriends but because they're like 14 so little because, children let me be clear on that like the term little girlfriend because they are children not because they any degrading manner of saying that, and I have an alarm set from last night when I took a nap that just decided to go off so sorry about that if that got picked up on the audio we normally are live on Thursdays, so it's a it's a cute little show it's weird she basically starts to become a witch and it's because the it's an aisle of magic and all this stuff and all these things happen and it's a kid show and it's it's on Disney plus and there's two seasons of it and they originally had canceled it and there was such an outcry from people including a lot of, why a because it's it really feels like write a novel not like a children's show but there was such a public outcry they decided to give it a third season so, that'll be. Pastor Bill: [12:06] It was such an outcry from the owl population that they had to bring it back. Pastor Newms: [12:14] I will go downstairs. Pastor Bill: [12:17] Anyway so my week so I was sick on Sunday and then Tuesday I had a second interview for that one job that I did that other interview for so that's always good when you get a second interview it's always nice. An administrative judge has to administrative stuff so nothing out of my Wheelhouse in any way shape or form you know. So yeah that was about it for miweek oh huh I found out that. Being sick is not an unexcused absence in Texas schools. Pastor Newms: [13:03] You mean it is an unexcused absence. Pastor Bill: [13:06] I'm sorry isn't an excused absence. Pastor Newms: [13:09] Yes it is. Pastor Bill: [13:11] Being sick is an unexcused absence even if you have a doctor's note it's a lot excused it's considered unexcused though. Pastor Newms: [13:18] It's an unexcused absence and but yet. Pastor Bill: [13:21] That's going to be fun when that turns around and bites them on the but when parents figured that out and. Pastor Newms: [13:26] Oh no that's. Pastor Bill: [13:27] Send their kid to school when they're contagious. Pastor Newms: [13:30] That's that's how it's always been that's that's not new that was it was still unexcused absences during covid you can thank your governor for that, it's not the school systems the governor actually turned the emergency laws emergency rules that were, passed during covid C covid year the tour years there was an emergency thing that allowed all absences to be, excused if they were sickness related for that time period but both before that and now, that's just how it is it's one of the reasons it is the same here which is one of the reasons why we had to, pull Sarah out is because she misses so many days for her illness because, if you have two symptoms you gotta go like can't stay in school if you've got two symptoms well her issue is stomach related so, stomach pain which then your body tries to fight off with a fever, even though she's not sick at all that's to symptoms you're out for the day and so we were getting even in Texas we were getting letters constantly like your kid is. [14:49] If you miss this many more days your kid will not actually pass this grade blah blah blah and then the principal would have to write a letter saying that the kids actually at the point where they should be and it has to be signed by the teacher also for the kid to move forward, with health issues the health issues in in both of our states are not well taken care of which is also why. [15:13] Why I reward my girls on days, of that other kids get rewards for perfect attendance because perfect attendance is stupid because perfect attendance is impossible for anyone with a health issue which. So perfect attendance is stupid and if you celebrate it I think you're stupid. Pastor Bill: [15:36] So now it's time for getting another pastors. Pastor Newms: [15:38] Is it my card or your card I pulled a card I thought it was my card. Pastor Bill: [15:43] It can be your car that's fine. Pastor Newms: [15:44] I don't know I don't remember. If anyone of the national if anyone of the national holidays had to be twice a year 6 months apart which one would you want it to be what national holiday would you like to celebrate twice instead of once. Pastor Bill: [16:03] What are we calling and national holiday. Pastor Newms: [16:05] I don't know national holiday whatever you want to call it a day that the nation our nation celebrates. I don't think it has to be necessarily A like everything is closed national holiday but I would assume based on the question. I can think of two and they're both equally funny because I'm just a jerk. [16:42] It's an odd day it's 13 so newms is now an odd now we're not keeping track of that is 80 there's no way we can keep track of the even odd thing I can't do it he tries and fails we're not doing it, come on Bill come on come on national holiday. Pastor Bill: [17:00] I have no idea. Pastor Newms: [17:01] Come on I can think of two and they're equally funny and I would do it just because the funniness of it okay one Halloween is not a national holiday you don't get it off, so Halloween doesn't count. Pastor Bill: [17:16] I just hate it when the mail doesn't run so I would just get rid of all of them. Pastor Newms: [17:19] So the funny ones I think would be funny is if New Year's day was twice a year. I would also love if the Fourth of July was twice a year because it'd be the Fourth of July in the middle of December, or Pastor Bill: [17:44] Yeah. Pastor Newms: [17:45] Christmas in July because half the people already do that so any of those would be except any of those three would be acceptable just for the humor of them being twice a year. National holidays now let's be honest if we were in a different country it's completely different this month the next month, actually this month totally there's like, 10 or 15 national holidays in India like. And I know there's some next week there were some last week there's some you know it's just so that would be fun. Pastor Bill: [18:57] Like the one we just had like can we just stop can we just not do that anymore like no Columbus Day Monday was. Pastor Newms: [19:06] Oh well some states already have stopped I think there's three states already who knows. Pastor Bill: [19:14] The bank's didn't open the mail didn't run and Columbus is still a piece of not worthy of something to celebrate. Pastor Newms: [19:20] Well there's three states who have changed it legally to indigenous peoples day. Pastor Bill: [19:29] It shows up in the Apple calendar as both now. Pastor Newms: [19:32] Yeah because there are. Pastor Bill: [19:33] It's just people day. [19:50] Maybe we should start celebrating Columbus Day and we should build giant Effigies of Columbus and just burn them. Pastor Newms: [19:57] So I want to talk a lot. Pastor Bill: [19:59] Columbus Day. Pastor Newms: [20:00] I know this is not a shock, there's this particular Tick-Tock ER I follow and she does a skit called Hells Bells and it's about help desk which is the front desk of Hell help. Pastor Bill: [20:15] Ah yeah yeah yeah yeah. Pastor Newms: [20:16] Well she did one about. Pastor Bill: [20:19] They're Starkey and all that. Pastor Newms: [20:21] Yeah Sharky and all them they did one for ya, Leif Eriksson day they did one for Columbus Day and it's a it's a celebration down there and they bring him out and everyone gets to torture. Pastor Bill: [20:36] Everyone gets a turn. Pastor Newms: [20:37] Yeah everyone gets a turn on that day, and humorously Leif Erikson is one of the people they talked about in there and because the person that they're talking to is like why would the why would the Norse be here it's like oh they're still mad he said he did it first, so you know it's. Pastor Bill: [20:57] I like the ones of her videos where somebody shows up and they're like oh I knew you'd be here and she's she goes oh I just work here I live up there I just come here to work. Pastor Newms: [21:07] You're going down to level nine though it very much is a Dante's Inferno infernal infernal and fertile infertile. Style representation of Hell in her skits because that's what so many people think of but it's it's pretty funny sometimes she's got some good stuff. Pastor Bill: [21:37] Okay so let's get into this. Pastor Newms: [21:40] Okay do we have to. Pastor Bill: [21:42] We are on number 27 of 35, and we should be able to wrap this up tonight all right so number 27 gender identity is a matter of choice, twenty-four percent strongly agree. 18% somewhat agree seven percent aren't sure 13% somewhat disagree and 38 percent strongly disagree with the statement okay, once again if you haven't been listening to other two parts you should go to see the part. Pastor Newms: [22:18] You should. Pastor Bill: [22:18] As We complain endlessly about how awful this thing actually is, they're saying gender identity is a matter of choice but you know that's not what they're actually say right so so okay. Pastor Newms: [22:30] Asking. Pastor Bill: [22:36] When we're talking about gender identity you've only really got and I'm probably wrong but you've only really got two schools of thought. Pastor Newms: [22:47] Wrong. Pastor Bill: [22:49] Probably is that gender is. And if you have semen then you are the male gender and if you have. Eggs ovum. Pastor Newms: [23:20] I don't I don't know man you got me almost casting already. Pastor Bill: [23:22] If you have eggs then you are the female gender that's one school of thought there's another school of thought that gender identity, is created by cultural norms, and what is male and what is female what is masculine and what is feminine and the genders attached to those and the Spectrum in between of those is all created by culture. And they're technically both right neither one of those are technically wrong because our culture decided that the thing that has semen is a male, and has masculine attributes and our culture decided at the thing that creates the egg is a female and has, feminine attributes right, and so then we've got these people that are stuck in between going well I was born biologically. [24:26] But inside I don't fit any of these cultural, identity markers that culture has created for me I feel like I'm more the other definition, and then they Embrace that identity and try to make themselves outside look the way they feel inside right which still isn't a choice. Right you were born with a certain identity on the inside of you that you didn't choose. Pastor Newms: [25:00] Yeah and we've had this conversation on on other podcast before it's that difference between you know where made up of three parts just because the body doesn't fit, the spirit or Soul whichever one we want to use and we won't get into that argument Snyder we won't finish on time, that's different and like big said, people try to force everyone into a blue or pink you know and that's not correct and then you have the situations where. Both gender and, sex where they don't fit either where the chromosomes don't make sense where the you know they don't fought by make sense I mean follow the, the norm I don't mean they don't make sense because chromosomes are chromosomes they make sense but they don't fit that Norm of of what people have defined and and that's the part that I find really, humorous about people who try to make the argument that there's only two situations that can be true when it's like, that's not how nature works. Pastor Bill: [26:21] That's not facts at all that's 100% the culture that you. Live in that informs you of that decision you were born and raised in a culture that taught you there was only two options. Pastor Newms: [26:36] As well as. Pastor Bill: [26:41] And people are born every day that don't. That definition, that have intermix parts that have both parts that and that all goes back to what we were talking about before about God created everything perfect and then sin came in and started to grading it, and then now we're using building blocks that are over many thousands of years separated from creation, and corrupted and over and over and over and over and over and yeah of course we get people born with deformities of course we get people born with male bodies to have female, Souls if Spirits or have you want to stay at female identity on the inside of course we do, that doesn't degrade the value of that human life. I any means not like the implication of of the question is you know what I mean. Pastor Newms: [27:45] Yeah so there's this other I hate to bring Tick-Tock up so many times tonight but it's a Thursday not a Sunday so it's going to happen I'm not on my normal game. Pastor Bill: [27:55] The first day. Pastor Newms: [27:57] It's not a Thursday it's actually not been a very thirsty day but the, there's a tick tock train and it's like I've just forgotten the sum this up the sound but it's it's a person makes a statement is written across the screen and it's like, you know know speak up, and they say it's another statement that's a little bit closer to what they truly mean and then it's like no speak up and then they say what they actually mean and it's like yeah you're like I don't believe in this and you're like no say what you mean you don't understand it so you hate the person you know say what you mean don't say what you and that's, often in a lot of these questions where the problem lies is the questions are worded, not what the person means by asking the question first off and second off so we're just dumb. Pastor Bill: [29:02] All right I think we covered that one pretty well. Pastor Newms: [29:04] Do we have to go to the next one some of the some of these ones in this set I don't want to at all I really don't just because they're hot button topics we've talked about multiple times in the past, and I'm like when we're in podcast mode I have to try to be a good person and not say, some I can't speak up and so it's really hard some of these topics are really hard for me to be calm and nice to some of these people that just don't pay attention but number 29 let's go, 20:28 sorry I'm see I'm trying to skip. Pastor Bill: [29:40] All right, the Bible's condemnation of homosexual Behavior doesn't apply today that's the statement 30 percent strongly agree with that statement, the Bible's kind of nation doesn't apply anymore sixteen percent somewhat agree, twelve percent aren't sure 12% somewhat disagree in 30 percent strongly disagree so I mean that's that's a pretty even split down the middle of half and half, the only real, outlier here is the four percent higher of respondents somewhat agree other than that it's a pretty even split right down the middle on people's responses to that. Pastor Newms: [30:24] It is a pretty even split. Pastor Bill: [30:27] So this is this is this is the way I want to, frame the idea here so that I can try to get people on the same wavelength as what I'm thinking you know. The Bible condemns eating pork in the Old Testament for a reason right. And then by the time we get to the New Testament days that restriction the reason that restriction was given doesn't exist anymore. [31:00] And so you don't have scriptures in the New Testament saying don't eat pork right. The Old Testament is is hard on homosexual behavior in multiple places don't you know don't do this and. If you frame that in their cultural setting it makes 100% sense, that a relationship that has the inability to Bear fruits and multiply genetically, would be a detriment to a people group wandering the desert and people constantly dying and needing an influx of, babies right not to mention the cleanliness and the STD issue that, ancient civilizations, you know they had a lot more struggles with that than we do today with our medications and are our safety tools and are contraceptives and, I'm not going to say condoms because people in using making condoms out of goat bladder for, thousands of years so it's not necessarily the didn't have gone. Pastor Newms: [32:22] That's not much cleaner. Pastor Bill: [32:22] They had some version of it but it's much cleaner nail, um so with the New Testament with the question of homosexuality we go back to the the question we talked about in part 2 about what is this sex outside of traditional marriage, what does that look like and what is, what is the condemnation of the scriptures the condemnation of scriptures that we brought up was don't have sex outside of marriage as part of the worship of an idol don't go to the temple and have sex. Is part of worship of an idol you know what I mean so yeah there's there's this thing where it's like. All sex has a risk and all sex has an issue where, there's a there's a good way to do it there's a bad way to do it there's a way that's healthy for you in a way that's unhealthy for you and you just lump homosexual behavior in with that just because either, it makes you uncomfortable or it scares you or, you you think it's the same for you and so other people shouldn't do it if it is a sin for you then don't do it, you know what I mean like just don't do it if it's a sin for you than just don't participate in that I don't know how else to put it. Pastor Newms: [33:52] So for me there's there's there's two aspects one is what you're talking about and then when we look at like First Corinthians 10:23 which we've brought up so many times, throughout this and other times just because it's, a Crux of what Paul talks about is everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial everything is, permissible but not everything builds up you know so just because it's good for you doesn't mean it's good for someone else vice versa etc etc the other issue I have is, the scriptures in English that we hold in our hands do not have the same implications and connotations in a lot of times in a lot of places, that the original scripture did so, the Bible's condemnation of homosexual behavior in the majority of the verses that people use to condemn homosexuality, doesn't exist the concept of homosexuality to a certain degree didn't. [35:03] Exist because sexuality was just sexuality, for so many generations in eons and years and you know like there's the word didn't exist, when the Bible was written nor when the Bible was originally translated it's a word that came in. Pastor Bill: [35:23] The word didn't that the idea of. Pastor Newms: [35:26] The idea in the world I'm just saying the there's those that, so because of that a lot of times when the word is used in scripture it's not that word and not, meaning the only times you could actually infer that it does mean that, is actually the word isn't used it's set in a completely different way that makes you go okay yeah I see what he's saying there and there's a valid reason for it like you were mentioning, we need people to procreate because we're trying to kill off a whole group of people and we need new ones, let's be honest that's that's that's what the walking around was we need a whole new generation let's go and so you know. But that's the thing that always frustrates me especially about the New Testament is when people are like see it says it right there and you're like yeah it's not what that word means but okay. Pastor Bill: [36:25] Closest the closest words you get in the New Testament to homosexual is the word hetero sharks and, it's such a catch all that it, it's almost gross to use it for that because it covers everything from bestiality to necrotic relationship so it covers I mean it covers you know, lat. Pastor Newms: [36:53] Non non standard quote-unquote for those of you out there I'm not saying. Pastor Bill: [37:01] Directly translated it means attraction to strange flesh. [37:11] Okay we're going to move on because we don't need to beat a dead horse all right I mean we do that a lot on the breed Manifesto we're going to do that with this one number 29. Pastor Newms: [37:23] See all the other times we've talked about it combined them all in this horse is dead. Pastor Bill: [37:28] It seems dead God is unconcerned with my day-to-day decisions, eighteen percent strongly agree only 18 percent strongly agree that God is not concerned with your day-to-day decisions 14% somewhat agree 10% weren't sure 18% somewhat disagree and forty percent strongly disagree, and believe that God is, a micromanager. [38:00] I don't hold on I don't think God is interested in whether I put butter on my toast. Well I eat bacon and drink my coffee. I just don't there's no Eternal or worldwide impact to any of that decision for that day now if I was eating 10 pounds of bacon, for breakfast every morning and abusing myself and having that negative impact on me and everyone around me and my future well then yeah God's concerned because God you know God is love and love is concerned about, you know when you're doing unhealthy things like that but, to say that God is concerned with with your all of your day-to-day decisions like should I take a shower now or in 10 minutes should I lay on my left chin inside are my right hand side should I, you see what I'm you see what I'm saying that the questions kind of ridiculous. Pastor Newms: [39:00] Okay I'll let you finish first. Pastor Bill: [39:03] I did I just finished. Pastor Newms: [39:04] Okay so this is one of those interesting ones where I read the question completely. When it says God is unconcerned with my day-to-day decisions I disagreed because God loves us and does not want us to worry because we're covered in being watched, because there are certain day-to-day decisions that he does you of all people how many times if we driven somewhere, and you're like no I really should just turn right right here no you're supposed to turn left no I have to turn right, there are times where those day-to-day decisions are important there are times where they are not but I didn't even take it to mean that I took it to mean, God is concerned with us daily in providing for us and taking care of us and and guiding our day-to-day decisions to provide for us so I took it as a completely different question. When I read it. Pastor Bill: [40:05] I wonder if it's if this is included on their their key findings to see what they meant when they asked, it's 29 see if it's on the key findings because not everything is. Pastor Newms: [40:21] Yeah but that I find that very interesting that I you know we took it completely took the question not only you know our answers but the question itself completely. [40:42] And this is this goes back to something I love to complain about on every podcast almost it would actually be a fun game to see how many times I haven't complained about this not how many times I have which is English is a terrible language, human language cannot, articulate things well what one person means by something someone else can take completely different and in my line of work. Pastor Bill: [41:10] You need a whole paragraph to unto explain. Pastor Newms: [41:13] So for those of you out there who don't know what I do I'm a product manager for a software part of a company health care company and, the difference between the were certain words are hilarious because you will get into our long discussions on what does enrolled, engaged outreached active, these are four words that like mean completely different things to people which, two other people mean completely different things and it's funny I got into and I actually have there's one person out there that actually does listen to our podcast from my job and, the she sometimes does and, if she hears this she's going to laugh and she's gonna know exactly what day this was recorded on because she was in the meeting with me and we were like we don't know I mean which which are you talking about in this meeting like art write it down and go ask the business and that's what they that's what we have to do is then go figure it out you know what did they mean when they wrote this. Pastor Bill: [42:30] In the culture of your business what does this word mean. Pastor Newms: [42:35] Yeah and in your opinion at this moment what does this word mean because four different parts of the business even, like different markets they take the words to mean different things so that we actually have like a multi-page document that's like this is what this one means this is what this one means this is what this one means and in that document it's like for this group this word for this group this word for this group and that's what happens when you you run reporting. Pastor Bill: [43:07] I don't know so much about other languages but I know with English we're really bad about creating these little subcultures and then creating our own shorthand in these little subcultures, that then doesn't translate well to the other subcultures that other people have created, and so English just gets it keeps Schism and then it schisms again and then it's because I was again and then. Pastor Newms: [43:33] Well I think part of it comes down to it's such a amalgamation, I think it's the right word of so many other things the language we speak here in America is such a Melting Pot of other languages and dialects and parts and what is set in Texas versus Tennessee what is said you know New York versus Chicago don't even get me started on what a pie is or not you know there's some and it's true though I mean it's it's, it's terrible anguish was it part I was given I was trying to delay to give you time to look was it part of the findings that they listed okay number 30. Pastor Bill: [44:19] All right number 30 the Bible has the authority to tell us what we must do. Twenty-nine percent strongly agree as well as strongly disagree 23% somewhat agree, 14% somewhat disagree and 5% aren't sure so still another you know almost straight down the middle that the Bible has the authority to tell us what we must do so. The Bible has no authority to do anything, it cannot tell us what to do it cannot force us to do anything it cannot, exert any kind of authority over us it has no more control over anyone than what we give it as a person, for you to say the Bible has Authority is to take the Bible out of context. It's not how the Bible works and I've written down your thoughts pull my Bible out to read it first Thessalonians, five I think I misspelled this alone Ian's but that's okay put it on through 22 let me flip around here and get my Bible. Pastor Newms: [45:38] I can grab it for you first of the sidonians five. Pastor Bill: [45:43] Like to read out loud. Pastor Newms: [45:44] It's fine but that's the middle you picked a verse that starts with but are you sure. Pastor Bill: [45:50] Did I was just like I pulled it up for myself 181. Pastor Newms: [45:59] Can't start with a but homie. Pastor Bill: [46:03] Okay so we'll start in 20, don't despise prophecies but test all things hold on to what is good stay away from every kind of evil okay I remember why I did that so, there are people that say you know the Bible is the greatest Authority its authority over everything and you have to do what it says and then other people who use the exact same argument, to say oh well II can't use the whole Bible I can't trust the Bible and what it tells me to do as an authority because there are certain scriptures that don't I don't agree with morally like I don't agree with owning slaves, and God clearly tells the Israelites how to own slaves I don't agree with you know whatever pick your topic and there's probably somebody that doesn't agree with it you know what it says in the Bible about it, um and this verse basically says. [47:07] If it's good then then use it and if it's if it's not then don't it's not like, it's not like because you like Genesis 1:1 that you have to like Revelations 20 verse 1 you know what I mean like take hold of the good reject the bad, and and and move on with the you know the spirit and the the teachings of the Bible, and obviously there's only the one issue that you know, we had to breed Manifesto believe is the the Salvation issue the heart issue that you have to agree on to be a Christian and that's the you know the the Life of Christ and the death and the resurrection. [47:50] Um that's basically the definition of being a Christian and says on Twitch says do not make an idol of the Bible, absolutely do not make an idol of the Bible which can happen and has happened and is currently something that's happening, in the at least in the u.s. church in circles certain circles of the u.s. church that that this has been elevated to more than a message and into being, a holy Relic in an unto itself and there's nothing holy, about words on a page there's just not what's holy is the message behind the words, and and that message is what's written in our heart when we receive the Holy Spirit that's the part that's holy is the Holy Spirit, um not not a collection of words on paper. Pastor Newms: [48:56] So this is where we differ slightly in that. I've actually put agree on this one but only agree in part, because the verbage is terrible because the word must does not mean what. You know and so I actually pulled second Timothy 3:16 all scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching rebuking correcting and training in righteousness and. I think that one of the reasons why this is such an important, aspect is because whereas we don't disagree. We do not wholly agree and this is something that happens often with us because, semantics are very important to people who are not neurotypical and let's be honest how many people out there actually are and not just liars anyway. Pastor Bill: [50:06] There are so few neurotypicals left that you can't even call it typical anymore. Pastor Newms: [50:12] Anyway one of the things that, that is so important you know scripture is inspired by God and of course we've talked about what that inspired means it doesn't mean written by it means inspired, and it's possible its profitable for teaching rebuking correcting and training in righteousness, which is also what's important it is a. Pastor Bill: [50:46] Did you see that you've chosen a verse that is is only half a sentence. Pastor Newms: [50:51] It ends in a coma yeah. Pastor Bill: [50:53] 3:17 is the rest of the sentence so that the man of God maybe completely equipped completely equipped for every good work. Pastor Newms: [51:03] Right and that's that's actually I quit it righteousness because, that sums it up for me is it's specifically a religious, text it is not dictating how we should exist as a culture it's not, saying how we should exist politically it's not saying how we should exist in all of these other manners it's saying how we should exist, as a man of God in righteousness it's used. Pastor Bill: [51:34] Not talking about how people who aren't Believers should live, you can't stand on a street corner and say. I recognize that you're not a believer in Christ but you have to do what the Bible says that's not what the Bible is for. And on top of what you're saying. In 316 teaching rebuking correcting and training these are all things you have to submit to they don't inherently have authority over you you have to submit to them. Which is makestar to point of views cut you kind of marries are two point of view. Pastor Newms: [52:17] Yeah it definitely that's why I say that it's our differences are nuanced because 99% of the time our differences are nuanced usually just because one of us is more militant about a specific thing because of upbringing. Pastor Bill: [52:31] True it's so true. Pastor Newms: [52:32] You're more militant about this because of upbringing I'm more like, I'll hit you if you disagree with me that's fine all right 31, let's go for more for more we might actually finish in an hour. Pastor Bill: [52:53] Religious belief says disagrees with you I don't know what about you know the you can just lean over and ask him, religious belief, is a matter of personal opinion it is not about objective truth. [53:14] We've talked about it before there is only one objective truth. From the standpoint of Christianity I wholeheartedly believe there is only the one objective truth and everything else is left to opinion. Romans 10:9 I put it in the chat already, if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved. [53:44] As a Christian I believe that is the only one objective truth everything else is opinion everything else, your definition of sin my definition of sin your definition of what you can either can't eat or their definition of what you can or can't do or that person's definition for you can or can't sleep well, who you can date who you can't date how you can do your hair can you get those implants can you get that chopped off can you, dress up and dragon and do a show that's all opinion it's all. All of the religious to stuff that gets spewed from podiums and platforms All Over America and all over the world week in and week out that goes beyond. This confession that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead. Everything beyond that is opinion. [54:49] Now I can't speak for Hindus I can't speak for Muslims I can't speak for Sheiks I can't speak for zoroastrians, because I'm not one of those I can speak for myself I can speak for Christianity and I can speak for the church because I'm a member of all of these things. And from that point is you there's only that one objective truth. And I believe that Jesus is the way to the father but I also think there's a lot
S3EP99 - The Church is suppose to do what?
S3EP99 - The Church is suppose to do what?
S3Ep99 - The Church Is Suppose To Do What? Pastor Newms: [0:00] Hello and welcome to season 3 episode 98 of the brand Manifesto faith hope and love for the modern Christian I'm Pastor what we're 99.  [0:25] No or so I've read I've titled everything in the entire system row.  Pastor Bill: [0:31] Well did we not nobody typed in the hello and welcome on the 23rd did we not nobody typed in the 13th we did episode 97 that's why my number was off so it's yeah it's 99.  Pastor Newms: [0:43] Okay yeah yeah we didn't we didn't type it yeah yeah that would make sense I was like wait a second.  Pastor Bill: [0:51] I got you I got you so next season 3 episode 100 and then the week after that will be season 4 episode 1.  Pastor Newms: [1:00] Which episode 300 unless something is different that I don't know of it is back to you being big face.  Pastor Bill: [1:09] It is next week is back to being big face.  Pastor Newms: [1:11] Yeah yeah now are you prepared for being back to big face yet.  Pastor Bill: [1:19] My ever prepared for anything ever.  Pastor Newms: [1:21] Um no I'm turning you down a bunch tonight just so you know you were super loud when we got started.  Pastor Bill: [1:28] Last week everybody was like you're so far away from the mic so this week I took time to make sure I was like right up in the mic and ready to go.  Pastor Newms: [1:36] Yeah you're redlining a smidge I've turned you down though so I hope it is more even now if you could talk.  Pastor Bill: [1:43] Image of words.  Pastor Newms: [1:45] Yes there we go okay now you're just barely tapping read every now and then.  Pastor Bill: [1:49] Okay good I don't want to like break speakers and make people go just you're so loud I'm not going to listen to what they have to say.  Pastor Newms: [1:57] Well I mean I'm a pretty loud person naturally and so a lot of people don't listen to what I have to say because of that oh interesting so one of my girls did bring me a sneak but I'm actually using, Zaid he's sneak cup and so she has a bunch of festive stickers that I don't, that I don't have on my sneak cups so just kind of as it why are you holding a microphone.  Pastor Bill: [2:26] That brain on switch which is my wife says his beard hasn't grown back in enough to be big fish.  Pastor Newms: [2:33] Why are you holding a microphone while you're looking at a microphone.  Pastor Bill: [2:39] I don't know it was on my desk all kinds of things will wind up on my anything that breaks in the house winds up on my desk to be fixed this is one of the things I fixed, I had to heat up this top Shield broke off and the heat up the shield with a lighter, until it was too hot to touch and used my shirt to press it down into the plastic lining here to melt it back into place, which upon inspection was how they attached it to begin with in the first place, no glue they literally just heated up the metal was like.  Pastor Newms: [3:22] You prefer in saying his beard doesn't grow my beard is substantially less than what it was two weeks ago because I got a major trim, in order to be where I was last Sunday which was, doing a doing a I hate that conducting facilitating, a wedding so that's how my week was has like half my week was spent out in Texas, facilitating a wedding and being busy doing that and thoroughly enjoying it but.  Pastor Bill: [4:09] Look I've got a Halo.  [4:17] What is personal it of that brain on switch to says CurseLit.  Pastor Newms: [4:21] It's a it's a it's an emoji that is a little fire it's a little pretty.  Pastor Bill: [4:29] Oh okay it's one of those emojis.  Pastor Newms: [4:31] Yeah it's at which emoji yeah.  Pastor Bill: [4:35] Earlier real dark Grayson said pastor 104 hype Pastor 104 High.  Pastor Newms: [4:40] It's a little red it's a little red thing holding a sign that says hype and before that zaidi's was I believe those are robot faces twitch has a bunch of emojis that.  Pastor Bill: [4:53] Little semicolon close paren.  Pastor Newms: [4:57] It appears to be a robot face.  Pastor Bill: [5:04] Once again this court is not pick up the Emojis from twitch and I'm left is looking at weird. Discord so yeah it is what it is.  [5:23] What happens when I throw an emoji and Discord ship.  Pastor Newms: [5:26] Or like this, and and just really just you know make it to where you have no idea.  Pastor Bill: [5:47] What does that look like in twitch.  Pastor Newms: [5:48] That appears to be a pain yeah.  Pastor Bill: [5:52] So twitch pics Discord is just a Discord doesn't speak to it.  Pastor Newms: [5:56] Well I think it's actually completely different because to be to referral the.  Pastor Bill: [6:03] Wow.  Pastor Newms: [6:14] And just so you know the thing that brings did it's an octopus doing this.  Pastor Bill: [6:20] Okay squid squid squid squid squid squid.  Pastor Newms: [6:22] Okay it's a squid doing this if it.  Pastor Bill: [6:25] Squid 1 or 2 Squid 3 Squid 4.  Pastor Newms: [6:27] Yeah it's doing this with its tentacles as individual Emojis all right, which the funny thing that one did not get picked up it just says Discord Bill Shea Circle so.  [6:59] Got it so that's how my week went was lots of driving lots of being places and then a bunch of talking.  Pastor Bill: [7:13] Shu Pei when you pick the panorama.  [7:19] The driving is one of the prices you pay when you pick the Panorama you chose to move to Tennessee and so now.  Pastor Newms: [7:27] But what's Panorama have to do with it that's the type of photo.  Pastor Bill: [7:32] Your view have a panoramic chose the it's a line from a song.  Pastor Newms: [7:41] I don't get it but that's cool like okay I get to look at mountains you don't I mean so I guess I get what that means like since my view.  Pastor Bill: [7:50] I am a mess.  [7:55] I just got to look in the mirror be like hello mountain man.  Pastor Newms: [7:58] You're a pile of something.  Pastor Bill: [8:01] Hey let's also pile.  Pastor Newms: [8:03] It's all a mountain is a pile of something.  Pastor Bill: [8:06] Know what kind of rocks in the mountain are not the same thing.  Pastor Newms: [8:10] Once just older.  Pastor Bill: [8:16] So my week was all right I guess I've officially decided that those people that I got a second interview with have ghosts.  Pastor Newms: [8:23] Ah  Pastor Bill: [8:24] That stinks I got a puppy this week so that's all.  Pastor Newms: [8:27] Yes you did.  Pastor Bill: [8:31] Pit lab named granola, who has taken to house training housebreaking very well surprisingly well, I got to see you this week hang out with you at a park for about an hour that was fun.  Pastor Newms: [8:50] Yep we got it we got a little bit of hanging out time.  Pastor Bill: [8:57] Miranda went to her first public school dance on Friday.  Pastor Newms: [9:02] Gross.  Pastor Bill: [9:05] Had a good time hanging out with her friends it was like a rave type theme with black lights glow sticks and she came back with a bunch of pictures and videos and stuff.  Pastor Newms: [9:17] Yeah see Grayson agrees with me.  Pastor Bill: [9:20] Racist.  Pastor Newms: [9:21] And I don't say that, you know let's be clear it's not the public school dance and it's not the Miranda dancing neither of those two things are gross it's the.  Pastor Bill: [9:33] Miranda.  Pastor Newms: [9:35] Going to a dance that is gross just overall so let's be clear on what I mean I am not hating on public school and I'm not hating on a child I am hating on, the the high school dance aspect of high school dance. Be coming from someone who never had to go to a high school dance because I went to a school that thought that if you danced you would probably end up burning in Hell quite quickly afterwards and so our homecoming it was literally in the middle of a basketball game and you just, you had the court and that the court walked away that was homecoming yay. So another thing cuz I just saw it on camera one of the things that did happen at the wedding is I shattered a tooth that was fun.  Pastor Bill: [10:44] You saw your tooth on camera is that what you're saying.  Pastor Newms: [10:46] Yeah I saw the whole on the additional the new hole in my face and it made me go oh yeah I broke a tooth which seems to happen now every time I go somewhere, like the last time I was in Texas I broke a tooth and so I'm like. You know well that's a thing.  Pastor Bill: [11:09] I guess I should just stop going places.  Pastor Newms: [11:11] Yeah I don't think that's the actual answer I think it's more I should probably get my teeth fixed but debt is expensive.  Pastor Bill: [11:22] Boomstick rooms.  Pastor Newms: [11:23] So says the guy who got all his teeth pulled out which is a form of fixing.  Pastor Bill: [11:32] For her I guess.  Pastor Newms: [11:33] So that that's that's how the weeks went.  Pastor Bill: [11:39] Cool it's time for getting to know the pastor's then it's your week to pull a car.  Pastor Newms: [11:43] Do you have any other thing you want to talk about before I before I read said card anything. I really am super tired for no good reason I had plenty of sleep last night because you know time change so we got a full extra hour, if you want a contest in which your prize was to select any three guests to appear on a popular late night talk show which three people would you choose. That's a weird contest yeah.  Pastor Bill: [12:22] I won a contest to choose three other people to go onto a talk show. For the participation of seeing those three people go on the talk show.  Pastor Newms: [12:55] What would you absolutely have to see for your trip to be compete complete so if you want an African safari what do you want to see on said African safari. Do do do do do do for me so I've kind of been an African safari but not really on an African safari.  Pastor Bill: [13:22] Water that's in Africa.  Pastor Newms: [13:23] No I did nope I did not go to Botswana you were wrong I went to South Africa.  Pastor Bill: [13:27] Where do you stay when it was here in South Africa.  Pastor Newms: [13:32] Did not go to boss did not go on the Botswana trip but the South Africa trip you we stayed on a, Safari it's a wildlife preserve that is now owned by the franzen's I believe and they they've made it into a school.  Pastor Bill: [13:54] About the franzen's have a school in Africa.  Pastor Newms: [13:57] And Zaydie correct me if I'm wrong if that's a different place but I'm 99% sure, if you're saying Franzen then I probably have the right people but I was actually looking at pictures of it earlier pictures from their school and they have a baby Rescue Center, which would be the only things they di would focus on that's that's a joke for all of you who don't know out there's 80 actually works with babies and loves babies more than any other form of human, but so they had a bunch of, you know animals and you know things on the Wildlife Preserve, and I don't like ostriches and I don't like emus you know rhinos are cool lions are cool but I've seen them, I've eaten zebra I've eaten giraffe so I don't really care to see those, zadie says I am an emu and they have much more hair than me so no I'm not.  Pastor Bill: [15:15] How are you an emu.  Pastor Newms: [15:16] I don't know I must get a I must aggressively pack while I flap my wings and run it people maybe which does seem like something I could possibly do let's be honest, so I don't really have anything I would like to see on an African safari because there's not anything that's really you know, I've been to some cool Safari zoos I've been to some cool you know there's some good zoos that I've been to that I've been able to see.  [15:54] We're not going to talk about that we're not even going to read that comment we're going to giggle and no one will know why so.  Pastor Bill: [16:04] Most of them read the.  Pastor Newms: [16:06] Yeah unless you're into which currently live the but. Yes I don't have anything you don't have anything okay well we have to have another card if you can't.  Pastor Bill: [16:24] Spell Geographic and I've seen the those Earth shows on TV I've seen enough of Africa as far as Safari wise goes.  Pastor Newms: [16:33] Here's a good one if everyone we're required. To wear a hat at all times what sort of hat would you wear.  [16:58] Now so I'm going to argue that this question is semi invalid because if I'm required to wear a hat at all times, I'm going to constantly be changing my hat I currently own like four different styles is like 12 hats zaidi says she would always wear a beanie which is not surprising I love beanies I love fedoras I own a cowboy hat I don't wear it very often, I love fitted ball caps I hate trucker hats.  Pastor Bill: [17:44] That's only that's only wearable when it's like cold outside because it holds in so much heat, you know but I mean I've also got a trucker hat I've got a fitted hat I've got one of those XE cab driver hats I've got a bowler hat I've got a fedora. My favorite is definitely the top hat but it's too hot.  Pastor Newms: [18:16] Right but that's your favorite. Overall which it's a steampunk hat so technically it could have a small air conditioner built into it if it was a required thing that all people had to wear hats hats would have air conditioners I think, yeah. Oh here we go don't do it yes when did you add the webbing.  Pastor Bill: [18:48] For Halloween this year.  Pastor Newms: [18:49] I like it I like the webbing I thought your goggles were more steampunk than they were then they look there I thought they were steampunk not black.  Pastor Bill: [19:01] No they're not bronze color.  Pastor Newms: [19:03] I thought they were bronze to match the little on the side of it.  Pastor Bill: [19:08] No even though it is new new ish mean that came with the set up instead of.  Pastor Newms: [19:15] Mmm okay well it shows how much I know which is none.  Pastor Bill: [19:21] Well you've been living in Tennessee for ever at this point it feels like.  Pastor Newms: [19:27] It's been just like two years three years almost.  Pastor Bill: [19:33] That's what I said forever.  Pastor Newms: [19:35] That's not forever you are exaggerating.  Pastor Bill: [19:44] I said feel there's no time there's no exaggeration when you say feel it's just you're expressing how you feel.  Pastor Newms: [19:52] That's that's valid all right, so I think we're warmed up yes Biggs my favorite hat is my Fedora I need a new one that Fedora is actually, it is that it is at its end it has it has it actually irritated me during the wedding and, Serafina ended up wearing it for a large part of the day because it has gotten smooshy to a couple times and the fabric is not, taught anymore and it's just it feels wrong oh my head because of age but yes I love fedoras.  Pastor Bill: [20:37] The age of the hat or the age of the wearer.  Pastor Newms: [20:39] 30 second buffer 30 second buffer 32nd and for those of you who don't get that joke we actually do that after we cut off, the podcast we do a 30 second buffer for our live people for those of, I haven't made that joke in a while so in case you're a new listener that's how we sign off for this thing and so, that's my cue that I don't like what Pastor Bill saying and I'm leaving.  Pastor Bill: [21:12] That's what he does when he doesn't like what I say.  Pastor Newms: [21:14] I'm out. So tonight tonight we are talking.  Pastor Bill: [21:27] Nah.  Pastor Newms: [21:30] I titled tonight, the church is supposed to do what and for some reason on Twitch I put two question marks I don't think I did that everywhere but on Twitch I I put two question marks so obviously I was very.  Pastor Bill: [21:45] Perch cats which got a little something extra special.  Pastor Newms: [21:49] I think when I deleted the one row to put in the new row that I copied from you know I, didn't delete the question mark So it got to where everyone got to and I don't know it yet one of the other, so you know we've been on this six week Journey quote unquote.  Pastor Bill: [22:15] The six big Journey that we took the three week Hiatus from to do a.  Pastor Newms: [22:19] Yeah that we've taken other breaks from so it's really been you know which is really funny because so here's the thing like I decided to do the six-week study on discipleship because we were doing the kingdom disciples, study book for my family bible study that we do with my extended family every Saturday, it's always like oh since I'm being the big face will do this at the same time and, didn't like a week got missed in another week got missed and then a week got missed here that didn't get missed there and then a week got missed here and then we took a three week break but then because of that the same time so actually Saturday this past week was actually our last session here too so for both the six-week Bible study was really like 12.  Pastor Bill: [23:11] In both places for different.  Pastor Newms: [23:13] Both places for completely different reasons but started, ended at the same time which is really really weird and just so everyone knows our next.  Pastor Bill: [23:26] Or is it Providence.  Pastor Newms: [23:29] What show was I watching what show is that what was I watching or reading where they were talking about the fact that I don't believe in coincidences, remember, I was watching something and they were like there is no such thing as coincidence probably but I remember what I was watching so I was trying to quote something and now I don't remember what it was and I don't think it was, the show Lucifer from DC vertigo but, it might have been the Netflix show I was watching that with our friend says this last week anyway so the last part of our discipleship, talk is the church's role in discipleship last week well two weeks ago now we talked about the family's role, in discipleship and how as a family you know we should be discipling and this one is on the church's role and so.  [24:35] You know there, are so many things you can look at when you're looking at the church or when you say things like the church's role you know what we should do with the church and we discussed this a lot several weeks ago, on our state of Theology of where the church is and where the church should be in certain facets and this is a you know something we talked about a lot and in our current climate of, the world we live in it is something being talked about, a lot as well is the perception of the church and the way church is done and lots of things like that, and it's so we're going to kind of tonight looking at as far as from A discipleship standpoint what should the church be doing which, the funny thing is is the church should be creating disciples it's the thing as a Capital C church as followers of Christ it's, one of the things that we are commanded to do one of the only things that Jesus actually like States go do this no qualms no, qualifiers note you know Go Make Disciples yeah like it's one of the things that the direct you know. Action that he told us to go do Go Make Disciples and so.  Pastor Bill: [26:03] And when we say when we say the church we don't mean. The organizations and institutions that call themselves churches we mean the people that literally make up the church.  Pastor Newms: [26:19] The church yeah exactly yeah and and there is a distinction in that.  Pastor Bill: [26:26] About the inclusion houses job to make disciples as an organization, my job and news is job and everybody that's watching this or listening to this as you know participants in what the occasion has to do, it sold our jobs have you met.  Pastor Newms: [26:42] Right.  Pastor Bill: [26:43] Type of because we are the church.  Pastor Newms: [26:48] And one of the big things, and it was interesting one of the one of the things that you know dr. Evans said in this study is if you're not making disciples if you're not working towards that as a person you're not, in church you're just, I'm a mess it up you're just Gathering you're not you're not there for the right reasons which is to be discipled to then disciple you know the, the whole thing about the lecture style that most modern churches have gone to does not lend itself to, making disciples in a certain way some people, that is how they learn it is how they grow it is how they they can, be discipled in that way for the majority of humans a lecture series is not, how they're really going to click on it and the bigger issue in that is to become a disciple is not, to listen and understand it's too then act on it.  Pastor Bill: [28:10] This is why we have so many people out in the world who have college degrees, and figure out simplest instructions it's because college is all lecture style and they just want a piece of paper that it actually will learn any, because that's not how everybody learns only a small percentage of people learn in that environment.  Pastor Newms: [28:32] Yeah most people are Hands-On and so when we, like that's where that's where for me for me actually the lectures work to a certain degree but, the reason they work is I don't trust anyone I don't trust myself I don't trust what I think I don't trust what other people think I trust no one so when I'm listening to a lecture I'm constantly going and thinking on it and thinking of the things I've learned in the past and thinking of the things I've and and, that is the ADHD superpowers where I can still pay attention, to what's being said and do that whereas a lot of people can't.  Pastor Bill: [29:21] Big issue with lectures, is and wee wee and I mentioned this earlier with you is my big issue with lectures is somebody will go into an analogy about football around go, they started a football analogy I'm going to tune them out until they're done with that analogy because I don't know anything about football, so I'm not getting anything out of this anyway so I usually go off into my own little world until my brain takes out that they stopped talking about about football and that's your loss, or they start talking about, troubles they have it a hotel because they were at a different Hotel before my brain goes that's not applicable to me and I just don't hear what they said.  Pastor Newms: [30:03] Which is something that does happen and you do that also with just normal conversation, me and says got into a slightly heated conversation earlier this week because.  [30:21] Something was said that, that flips me the wrong way because of the connotation of a word when he was using the diction of the word he was correct in his diction but to me he was completely wrong in his connotation not because of his connotation but because the connotation of how the word actually exists today and so you know and in his, worldview and his circles that he runs in he doesn't experience that, whereas in where I run it's a completely different, grouping of circles in people in you know and so it's interesting to see even those types of division in, in conversations which is why so much of the of the New Testament Church and so much of what, we've tried to do with the occlusion house and what is needed, overall is that small group format of coming together studying together learning together talking it through to make sure we all.  [31:34] Not agree but are on the same page of understanding of okay that's what, that's what it could mean or that's what it might mean or that's what it means to me and that's what it means to you and cool when it's not a, you know one of the one of the big ones the little things that we sometimes split whole churches about, and refused to work together but it's it's that aspect of as a church we should be you know, those small groups are what's important the people the relationships that you can build is what churches the when I say church is this time I mean, individual Gathering of people should be working towards is because the small group is what, the only way to truly disciple you can't disciple on a large scale the large scale is to start the conversation the small scale is where you actually grow, and I think that's something that is.  Pastor Bill: [32:46] The institution is supposed to facilitate. The abilities for the individual to be discipled and then to disciple others it's not the institutions job to disciple and that big you know, top down here Rock bureaucratic way that just doesn't work the church is supposed to facilitate. Believers doing what believes are supposed to do.  Pastor Newms: [33:15] And so, a couple of the other things that you know dr. Evans kind of talks about is the church the capital c Church being Unified, and then so like one of the verses that he used which I actually.  [33:35] I was at a church today and this was what they were talking about two for some reason that didn't go to Twitch I don't know why okay, so the restream client has decided not to pick up twitch at the moment for some reason okay, from him the whole body fitted and it together by every supporting ligament promotes the growth of the Body for building up itself in Love by the proper working of each individual part and, that is what the capital c church is missing so often we've divided ourselves into little groups that only, you know I only like this kind of music so, I go to a church that only plays this music I only like my coffee to be served in a glass that is biodegradable or I only like my coffee to be served in a cup that's hand washed after you someone else's just drink out of it and, anyway I don't understand that one personally but other people do and, not my place to judge them I can disagree with them nicely and and not actually make disgusted faces at them but we have to.  Pastor Bill: [34:56] Agreement here coffee cup piracy I've never coming back here.  Pastor Newms: [35:06] Those are individual aspects in this scenario but, you know we have to be United you know one of the things that I found interesting was you know, there are times and it's happening more and more where churches are coming together even from other denominations and working together because they understand, you know these are the things we agree with just because I think your skirt needs to be 7 mm past your ankle and you think it can be 7 inches above your knee, you know that doesn't necessarily mean.  Pastor Bill: [35:50] Seven inches.  Pastor Newms: [35:51] The tall people they're Giants it happens.  Pastor Bill: [35:54] I better be tall people, sit down with the skirt is 7 inches above your knee there's those hurt me more.  Pastor Newms: [36:01] They're very tall people you know some of those mountain people met and they big people but they you know you.  Pastor Bill: [36:10] I want to be comfortable but.  Pastor Newms: [36:12] So there's those aspects were.  Pastor Bill: [36:17] Love between your legs and that chair.  Pastor Newms: [36:19] We will go back to the hygiene issues, when we come together we have to come together to to move the kingdom forward you know discipling and growing even when we don't agree with each other there's a lot that you know there's, someone said something to me recently and they were like well you know you can't just not go somewhere because you don't agree with them and, that's a hundred percent accurate, to a degree because it's 100% accurate that we have to come together even when we disagree on small things if we're disagreeing on large things, that can be a different conversation because you know you do have to be comfortable where you worship and where you're being fed into but.  Pastor Bill: [37:14] What are those large things that you knew.  Pastor Newms: [37:16] I don't have them all written down at the moment but the big ones for me are you know Jesus being the only way to the father.  Pastor Bill: [37:29] That's the definition of Christianity.  Pastor Newms: [37:31] Right right the aspect of the so Jesus, death Resurrection the fact that salvation is by yeah salvation is by, faith not works not just a prayer you know there is actually that and then. To me those three or two or one or however you want to look at it are really the big ones.  Pastor Bill: [38:12] I'd say number three would be. It's an issue if you say we need to radically love and then you can all that stuff with but.  Pastor Newms: [38:20] I agree but. That's a I agree for me I can't, BM there's a difference between fellowshipping with and being a member of a congregation with as well you know there's a lot of people I will fellowship with that I don't agree with, at all but I know they've got the two that I actually like the 223 that are you know yes Jesus, yes Faith yes Heaven cool like you know we've got the same generic, but like you know there are some things that just woo but, we still have to be able to come together for those things you know there are still times that I've completely disagreed with something, gotten into the word studied it realized I'm wrong, and changed my worldview and that's okay and if we didn't ever interact with anyone outside of our own worldview we wouldn't do that if we all lived in our individual bubbles.  Pastor Bill: [39:33] Well. I've had that happen more than once just getting ready for this podcast, I've got into studying with one worldview and gone oh wait a whole world you on this issue has been unbiblical eager like from friends and started I had to change what I believe now.  Pastor Newms: [39:51] And I agree on that if you.  Pastor Bill: [39:54] Can't happen.  Pastor Newms: [39:55] Individual study but usually it's through discourse and you know studying together. So you know we are you know there's a common phrase sometimes you'll be the only Jesus anyone sees, and that is a true statement there are times where we as Christians we as followers of Christ, we are the only.  [40:31] Cristiano someone might see now the the radical difference to that that I see often is often times we're the only accurate representation, of Christian or we are the only opposing view from the vocal.  [40:52] I will say minority that ends up getting all the air time. On both sides of all issues typically it's the vocal minority that, end up causing more issues in more divisiveness but in churches it happens so often we're like for example what we talked about for three weeks straight of you know the, state of theology so many people have tainted even what certain words mean, in Christianity and that doesn't mean the whole of Christianity feels that way but because some people are teaching it quite loudly, that's what people see people see televangelists people see people who are on, you know the radio people see these certain individuals not the church as a whole that is trying to do the right thing in the right way, we sadly have a lot of us not and so in that as we round the corner of 720.  [42:10] Some of the stuff the church isn't if a church is growing, meaning the building is growing or the the number of people inside building is growing but the people, aren't growing in their faith and growing in their knowledge and growing in being discipled.  [42:37] That that physical iteration of the church is missing it if the numbers are growing up, but the people are staying the same we've missed something if the print if the people if the building, of the church is really pretty but the people Spirits aren't really pretty, we're probably missing something if the people are rotten and just crotchety angry you know, whatever people were probably missing something something you mentioned earlier if the church isn't loving others the church is missing it you know the, it's interesting to see, as I've been visiting churches and listening to things and reading on things trying to find a a church too, attend, to you know Assist in being discipled so that I can continue to help disciple the, it's hard to find an organization that.  [44:01] Is not missing it or is not, not doing something if you if you have a building fund because you just want a new building, or the carpets are Raggedy but you haven't reached out to the hungry or the poor or the lost or the widowed or the you know all the things that Jesus you know blatantly tells us to do and what the New Testament Church did taking care of people who are in need, that's a problem you know if you're spending more money on this than that or if you're not even trying you know I have you know, we've all seen it we all know it it happens sadly and then there are some, individual parts of the church that are doing a really good job of certain of these aspects and that's good, and that's how it should be but we as a whole church have to continue to get there together and that's all I have to say but I know you probably have more.  [45:19] You can't not have anything. We got nine more minutes to fill like that's ever stopped me when I'm the big head that we're short, but do you have anything to add to that any of that.  Pastor Bill: [45:50] I guess I'm just.  [46:00] Sick and tired of all of that. Screaming into the darkness for no one but God Z here.  [46:24] There's no there's no money and there's no popularity and loving people and speaking the truth and. So we just end up in our own little Echo chamber going in circles about things that need to be done and we have no voice of influence anywhere.  Pastor Newms: [46:54] It definitely is frustrating yes I agree.  [47:05] Well if you would like to join us if you're listening to this podcast we record this live every Sunday or most Sunday's 6:30 Central Time, and it's sadly looks like it will not be you know, central time will not be the set Central Time unless something radically changes quite quickly in one of the houses time change will happen again in the spring it looks like but that's beside the point the that's.  Pastor Bill: [47:39] About the time they chose was the daylight savings time they chose.  [47:48] Which was the stupid one to choose to begin with but they still from the jars.  Pastor Newms: [47:52] So they did choose one and it passed unanimously in whichever of the chamber's it was in I cannot remember I want to say it passed the Senate correctly and it has now just been sitting in the house, and has not been discussed talked about or anything which it has to go through both chambers before it can then be sent to the president to become law and so at the moment, no one knows everyone anticipated before this last switch that the law would be passed so that we going into the next year it would be law but it has been just sitting, I'm on someone's you know in the, in the chamber whichever side I can't remember whether it was the house passed it in the Senate that's holding it or the Senate passed it in the house is holding and I can't remember I just actually read an article about it yesterday, but I don't remember but we're going to be here 6:30 whatever time Central is currently, recording this and we would love for you to join us you can look us up on to see where you can join us live.  [49:10] And, with that to be part of the discussion as we're talking about you know to try to work through these things together as opposed to just having.  [49:24] The talking head actually being able to interact with everyone through it, and we will talk with you guys next week and we love you.  Pastor Bill: [49:42] Stay safe out there.
S3EP98 - What is family for?
S3EP98 - What is family for?
S3Ep98 - What Is Family For? Pastor Newms: [0:00] Hello wait no that's not how it starts no.  Pastor Bill: [0:06] Hello and welcome.  Pastor Newms: [0:08] No you said you weren't going to say it.  Pastor Bill: [0:11] I did the old one like from Fuji from like first please.  Pastor Newms: [0:29] For the modern Christian I'm pastor newms and I'm the big face and there's Pastor Bill and he is the little face and he doesn't feel good so, warming up how you feeling I mean how was your week.  Pastor Bill: [0:48] You know how I'm feeling I feel like you got the flu is how I'm feeling.  Pastor Newms: [0:50] Yeah yeah.  Pastor Bill: [0:53] And right before that Big Bertha died.  Pastor Newms: [0:54] Big Bertha didn't die Big Bertha is sick no.  Pastor Bill: [0:59] She's got it a whole new like it okay if the eat the equivalent thing happened to me I'd be getting a brain transplant right now.  Pastor Newms: [1:08] Well well see that's where the CPU differs because it's the processing but it's not the memory so kind of.  Pastor Bill: [1:19] Okay so I'd be getting a central nervous system replacement.  Pastor Newms: [1:23] No not the whole central nervous.  Pastor Bill: [1:26] Scores a run from my brain through my.  Pastor Newms: [1:29] All the cords are still there it's literally just a little chip one of your lobes I don't know which one but but.  Pastor Bill: [1:36] My medulla oblongata Doula Upland gotta train a replacement.  Pastor Newms: [1:39] One of the lobes is being replaced hello Biggs welcome.  Pastor Bill: [1:44] Big Brother this CPU needs to be replaced at least is what they said, resetting it didn't work they're going to have to order a new one and then the guy was like do you want the newest generation one or do you want an equivalent one and I was like, I don't know the difference and he was like you know I don't either let me let me let me give you a quote I'll look that up and give you a full quote on Monday, and I was like okay.  Pastor Newms: [2:12] You're like I don't know man you tell.  Pastor Bill: [2:16] Yeah he's like he's offering me upgrades and he's like I don't know what the upgrade is about I don't know what's upgraded about it so well how am I supposed.  Pastor Newms: [2:21] That's funny so one thing I want to say is I do like the way you did your clock I don't know if I like all of your setup but I really like the way you did the clock.  Pastor Bill: [2:38] Yeah it's a see-through you know it's just see through clock got Gears and stuff on the inside and then so I just I put it over top of where I've already got this LED lighting strong, so the LED lighting is shining you know through the clock.  Pastor Newms: [2:55] Yeah.  Pastor Bill: [2:57] For those of you listening and not watching.  Pastor Newms: [2:59] That's true that's true and you should join us so you can watch us hello Phoenix welcome ellos 80 welcome my week was good I'm real busy at work, and I'm gearing up to take several days off and so that always means you know, more work in preparation to taking days off because when you have to manage the boards, basically how everything moves in the team, you've got to have all that laid out and ready for while you're gone or else team members might run out of work or might not have something to do and that's no bueno, yeah that when we have so many things big says your office looks like a TARDIS.  Pastor Bill: [3:53] Yes I'm building its hardest over here.  [4:00] Got a little Tardis right here behind my head.  Pastor Newms: [4:03] It's not bigger on the inside.  Pastor Bill: [4:06] That one's not now neither is this one over here on my desk this was something on the inside either you actually said the inside of it.  Pastor Newms: [4:15] Well what else do we want to talk about for warmup.  Pastor Bill: [4:20] What we got getting to know the pastures.  Pastor Newms: [4:22] Yeah did your week for a car.  Pastor Bill: [4:24] On my way.  Pastor Newms: [4:25] Oh we got to see how this new cup looks how does this cup look what color let's play a game what color is this cup chat.  Pastor Bill: [4:36] You asking the chat with color the cup of I can't take it this box open.  Pastor Newms: [4:42] What color, is my new cup what do you guys think because that's going to determine whether I keep using it or not depending on how it comes across the Stream.  Pastor Bill: [4:52] That's not right jack.  [5:03] Like dreamsicle Orange.  Pastor Newms: [5:06] Yep that's the problem it's not Orange.  Pastor Bill: [5:12] What color is it supposed to be.  Pastor Newms: [5:13] It is a red cup but it is the shade of red that I was afraid it's not a deep enough read for for the cameras to handle it, bill is is a small face because two reasons one we're going back to the discipleship talk, the Saints are aiming so it really does Bye Bill.  Pastor Bill: [5:44] Bible.  Pastor Newms: [5:45] Good luck um the, we're going back to the discipleship we've got two more weeks of the discipleship talk and also he has the flu currently so he is not feeling good so he is the little face, and attempted to be assassinated by the Saints, now for those of you in video land the reason that is funny is I have a Boondock Saints poster on my wall if you don't know what movie that is I'm sorry for your existence but the movie poster.  Pastor Bill: [6:23] Because everything harder with you feel sick.  Pastor Newms: [6:25] The, poster is the two brothers holding a gun down pointed and it so happens that it is on either side and pointing at Pastor bills head which is hilarious which, really makes me wish you had a green screen so I could just put him there actually but there's no way his background would actually work with a green screen that would be.  Pastor Bill: [6:51] It works all except for the clock like I was playing around with the Discord filters earlier I'd like everything works except for right the clock right here shows through every filter.  Pastor Newms: [7:01] So it would be it would just be your face your body and then the clock I'm okay with that actually that'd be funny.  Pastor Bill: [7:08] The lit up clock.  Pastor Newms: [7:09] The lit up clock just cuz it be like in a video game where you got something hovering next to you like a little side companion yours is just a clock yeah.  Pastor Bill: [7:16] The glowing cloud.  Pastor Newms: [7:19] All right what car did you pull sir out of your terrible deck.  Pastor Bill: [7:24] What's your worst roommate or houseguest story.  Pastor Newms: [7:46] And she attended one of my parties, and when she attended my party she tried to drink too much back in my drinking days she tried to keep up with me and threw up all over my floor multiple times that he, that's my worst roommate story, I haven't had many roommates to be honest so I don't have that many even it even at teen Mania was I had five roommates and then when I lived in a house there were like 12 of us there weren't any bad stories one of them got me addicted to anime and that never went away, Andrew Neblock.  Pastor Bill: [8:30] Anime.  Pastor Newms: [8:31] Was one of the first times I ever watched anime back in 2002 and.  Pastor Bill: [8:36] So my wife likes to drink this water called hint H int intent of whatever flavor it's got a hint of in it though I always jokingly called her hentai water, and dirty.  Pastor Newms: [8:52] No  Pastor Bill: [8:54] Himself every time I say it now the rest of the kids are like why do you keep saying that what does that even mean.  Pastor Newms: [8:59] Pastor Bill has the flu please do not Google hentai please do not Google that any of you who do not know what it is that is if you know you know situation please, do not Google that Pastor Bill with the flu, if you know you know actually type that to someone and then had to explain what it meant, I did not like the IKNYN and they went huh and I was like if you know you know, if you know you know what nevermind you're obviously too old for this.  Pastor Bill: [9:41] So when I moved to California, I moved into an apartment that had two rooms each of those rooms already had two people living in them and I ended up having to live in the living room with an air mattress, and that made me feel like a bad house houseguests because I was you know thinking of space in the living room and all of my stuff was in the basically the, jacket closet by the front door but one of our roommates every morning, would basically stop on the air mattress on his way out the door at like 6:30 a.m.  Pastor Newms: [10:28] Hmm.  Pastor Bill: [10:30] He didn't want me there he didn't like me wanted me to move out and so every morning at 6:30 he stomp on the air mattress while I was trying to still try to sleep on his way out the door.  Pastor Newms: [10:43] Mmm he sounds like a peach.  Pastor Bill: [10:57] Anyway that's my bedroom my story.  Pastor Newms: [11:00] Interesting all right well, then I guess we get started so this week I titled it.  [11:17] I forgot what I titled it.  Pastor Bill: [11:19] Child i y k y k.  Pastor Newms: [11:30] I'm looking for the right window that would have what I titled it what is family for, what is family for and mainly because I had no other thing to title it I wasn't sure what to title this week, it's so I was just like what's family for, you know we went back this is the fifth week I think of us talking about discipleship that we took a break for in the middle to do the state of theology.  Pastor Bill: [12:10] Break it a little of a six-part series to do a three part series, before we got back into our six part series.  Pastor Newms: [12:17] That we only have two parts left tonight and one more.  Pastor Bill: [12:20] Tonight one part of.  Pastor Newms: [12:21] Which will not be next week I don't think don't forget.  Pastor Bill: [12:26] What day is the next out that the 30th.  Pastor Newms: [12:29] Because I will be actually doing a wedding on the 30th, we might record it beforehand so we have something to go out that next week but we definitely will not be live on the 30th.  Pastor Bill: [12:51] Doing some Halloween stuff with my family anyway so.  Pastor Newms: [12:53] Wouldn't that be the.  Pastor Bill: [12:54] You guys want to get together on this Discord Channel and Talk Amongst yourselves that's fine by me but.  Pastor Newms: [13:00] You can barely hear Pastor Bill Pastor Bill talk again.  Pastor Bill: [13:04] Okay what would you like me to say.  Pastor Newms: [13:08] I mean I guess I can turn him up.  Pastor Bill: [13:08] Have too few.  Pastor Newms: [13:13] Talk now some more.  Pastor Bill: [13:15] Hello how are you doing today.  Pastor Newms: [13:18] I hear him fine can you hear him betters 80.  Pastor Bill: [13:21] Soap and coming through my bedroom already somebody in there.  Pastor Newms: [13:27] She is super quiet.  Pastor Bill: [13:29] I'm super quiet.  Pastor Newms: [13:31] Weird he's bouncing at normal levels.  Pastor Bill: [13:33] Check my settings why me but if you're saying I'm the normal then hello how are you.  [13:46] Yeah them on this court says I'm coming through fine.  Pastor Newms: [13:50] Yeah I mean you're hitting just almost hitting yellow try again.  [14:04] I think I think I see you're bouncing right okay I turned you up a whole bunch.  Pastor Bill: [14:13] Hold on.  Pastor Newms: [14:24] So what we're talking about in discipleship is discipleship inside, the family structure you know one of the ways oh no your finds out even if you can't hear him other people can't hear him so that's that's a problem so, thank you for saying something as opposed to just let it slide.  Pastor Bill: [14:46] Turn on closed captioning because Pastor Bill is going to be silent and I.  Pastor Newms: [14:50] What about get to know that we did get to know the pastor's we read the card it was it was the.  Pastor Bill: [14:57] Bad Roommate.  Pastor Newms: [14:58] Bad roommate stories.  Pastor Bill: [15:02] Roxanne on Facebook says she can hear both.  Pastor Newms: [15:07] She couldn't hear well maybe now she can hear I can hear myself downstairs.  Pastor Bill: [15:13] Can you hear me downstairs you couldn't tell if you could hear me downstairs for about an hour now I can hear me downstairs, I can always get right up in the mic like this.  Pastor Newms: [15:27] That you redlined I think she actually turned it down slightly when I said I could hear myself okay I don't know what it is hopefully I.  Pastor Bill: [15:36] 78 on Facebook status on Facebook.  Pastor Newms: [15:42] Okay so I will say your mic is farther from your face than normal that is true it is a different configuration because.  Pastor Bill: [15:56] So close.  Pastor Newms: [15:58] Well because you're not looking at your mic that's the problem.  Pastor Bill: [15:59] I rearranged my desk.  Pastor Newms: [16:01] Yeah so you're not looking at your mic so it's definitely a different sound than normal because you're not looking at it while you're talking I think it's a little better maybe.  Pastor Bill: [16:16] I should be better because it's like six inches from my face.  Pastor Newms: [16:21] It does look better it sounds clear yeah so.  Pastor Bill: [16:26] That's bound to happen when you rearrange the setting you know and then you got to reconnect all wires and read you all the Angles and.  Pastor Newms: [16:35] Yeah actually it turned you down slightly because you read line twice in that setting so yeah you're definitely better.  Pastor Bill: [16:40] Google Kemal.  Pastor Newms: [16:41] Which is okay to tap the red line every now and then we just can't be hanging out in the red line, with my bike I am -4.5 DB so because my mic is so close to my face um so we're talking about tonight the aspect of, discipleship inside the family.  Pastor Bill: [17:04] Atomic is purple Atomic discipleship.  Pastor Newms: [17:08] Atop what do you mean Atomic discipleship.  Pastor Bill: [17:12] You know the atomic family.  Pastor Newms: [17:17] Why does it have to be an atomic family.  Pastor Bill: [17:20] Because never mind.  Pastor Newms: [17:22] That's actually the only part of the whole family thing I didn't agree with when he was talking was it has to be an atomic family, I was like you lost me for a second okay we're back yeah raise the children right you lost me.  Pastor Bill: [17:37] Yeah it wasn't here.  Pastor Newms: [17:38] Well I mean.  Pastor Bill: [17:41] It was narrow and then and then there were examples that were way outside of my pay grade.  Pastor Newms: [17:46] There was so one of the examples that dr. Evans used was being a frequent flyer, and because he's a frequent flyer he can upgrade to, you know business class and economy class and platinum and and all these different things and built had me posit and Pastor Bill is like I don't know what that means at all that's so outside my pay grade like I do.  Pastor Bill: [18:14] I am not as well to talk about agriculture right now I don't know anything about.  Pastor Newms: [18:19] But to be fair when you are the, Pastor not passed chaplain to the Dallas Cowboys you're going to rack up some mileage, and he was for sooo many years so yeah, so basically kind of what we wanted to touch on is we talk we're talking about discipleship.  [18:48] Okay I worry about your brain because your brain off.  Pastor Bill: [18:51] Pastor I messed up again I need you to come to Chicago I done did it again and you come talk to the police for my behalf we did a chaplain for the Dallas Cowboys.  Pastor Newms: [19:03] I don't know if that was in his job title as chaplain, it was be there in pray I don't know if he during some of those darker times that is the Utopia of Star Trek even possible, without food replicators and weather control so I'm not sure what we're talking where this question came from, disabled I'm assuming that's disabled veteran but no it's not that's why the Utopia of Star Trek does not exist otherwise, but no I don't think it could be his question was is the Utopia of did I read his question already I don't think it is possible.  Pastor Bill: [19:56] Yeah we're what what Que they're running off.  Pastor Newms: [19:59] Left field that's the answer.  Pastor Bill: [20:01] Yeah I'm like I've got a friend of Garrick sticker over here but other than that I do.  Pastor Newms: [20:05] I can't even see your friend of Garrick sticker due to the microphone actually sadly you'll have to move your friend of Garrick forward if that's your mic placement so with the, discipleship that we're called to his as Christians the thing we have to think about is, it should start in our family that's one of the things that hurts my soul excuse me I have to pick up something fierce, hurts my soul a lot is when we get into conversations about discipleship and then, someone like dr. Evans feels he has to do an entire episode on.  [20:56] You should be discipling inside your family now because here's the reason the reason why he feels he has to say that is because people don't, if and that hurts because logically the first place we would, share our beliefs and have discussions on our beliefs which are much different than shoving your beliefs down your children's throat and giving them no option to ever believe anything else or else disowning them mind you let's make that perfectly clear but, you should have critical thinking conversations about religion and about you know, why you do it how are you doing you know all those types of things with your family that is something that is.  [21:51] Should be super obvious like and it hurts it's that not everyone thinks about it, and not everyone does it we have so many people who, and we talked about this you know at this point like six weeks ago it feels like but, we talked about you know the different Gene salvation and discipleship is those next steps and so many people just worried all my kids are saved yay, do they understand, religion do they understand the decisions they've made do they understand did they actually make a decision or did they say up a statement somewhere, you know there's all those types of questions that we really have to.  [22:43] Look at and should be to us second nature and and this goes back to me for two things one is the verse we all know, we all know the verse I'm about to say it's been beaten to death but we all know it which is trained up, a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it is the Old King James the csb says start a youth out on his way even when he grows old he will not depart from it, and I honestly like that better, the way it's stated you know we should have conversations with our children we should have conversations with our family members we should have conversations with our and that doesn't mean, they're going to make the right decisions right away that doesn't mean they're going to make the decisions that, are that we necessarily agree with but what it means is you set them forth on a path, and the decisions that they make will be influenced by what you've taught them, not necessarily exactly lined up with yours my the type of Christianity I practice and I talked about and I you know deal with is a lot different, then how I was trained up Biggs and I disagree on some things me and my mom disagree on some things.  [24:09] Me and you disagree on some things it did it's not you know it's not that you know I trained my child he agrees with me 100% okay you probably did something wrong and that's called indoctrination and brainwashing your child, you'll have critical thought yeah and and that's something I think that is, you know in the culture that we have right now of people leaving the church and running from Christianity a lot of that deconstructing a lot of that has to do with, they were forced not talked, and so when they had critical thought they just walked away, yeah exactly I said said religious trauma you know when you beat it into someone literally for some some some some parents literally beat it into their kids and then we wonder why, people are running from Christianity in droves because of how they were treated as children.  [25:22] Disabled veteran just said you know do children have beliefs in mom and dad or belief in God that's a tough one and that's a good point it's a really really good point of.  Pastor Bill: [25:35] A lot of parents think while I've instilled this belief in them they believe in God they believe in you know they believe the things I believe, most of the time you've been micromanaging and you haven't actually given them a chance to exercise critical thought and I from cells what they really believe, and yeah they believe in mom and dad and then we'll Mom and Dad aren't there anymore, they got to decide what they believe and they don't necessarily believe what Mom and Dad believes.  Pastor Newms: [26:07] And, you know it's so there's there's that whole thought process and the second part thought process I have is we got to go all the way back to Genesis and we all the way back to like somewhere between Genesis 1 and 30, right and God you know makes atom forms Adam, breathe into him sets him down, Adam goes Adam starts being Adam God looks down and goes up Adam needs a Eve Adam needs someone, because Adam ain't doing so hot by himself which if any of us have ever been stuck with no other human to talk to you can only talk to the dogs so much, and so you know.  Pastor Bill: [26:55] The other things with.  Pastor Newms: [26:58] He creative if shows up and God has given Adam certain commands you know, the biggest one, don't eat of that tree over there or you'll die that's what God tells him don't eat of that tree or you'll die Eve shows up Adam goes don't touch that tree or your die and, and Eve goes okay don't touch it or I'll die Satan shows up and goes you can touch that tree won't kill you and he goes no I can't touch it God said I can't whoa, no he didn't know he, Adam said it because Adam messed up from the beginning not only did he eat knowing he shouldn't have eaten after his wife ate, which if my beautiful anyway um hands me fruit I'm probably eating it they might beautiful life hands me something I'm probably going to eat it anyway just because you know it's easier.  Pastor Bill: [28:12] Really I mean do the mental math of atoms stay there and he's like so you didn't die right away but you're going to die and I'm going to live forever imma Live Forever Without You Give me the damn fruit, give it to me.  Pastor Newms: [28:28] Is an accurate thought process, is it wild okay so let's finish we will touch space Plum I will not I am going to touch on your question in a second but let me finish through this, even back then had Adam discipled his family versus just saying something and walking away, we probably would be in a different position probably maybe sinasohn you know things happen perfection.  Pastor Bill: [29:07] Now Kane would have eaten from that pretty.  Pastor Newms: [29:13] Someone would have.  Pastor Bill: [29:15] It would have been game and would have came would have been like eight years old and pulling fruit off the tree.  Pastor Newms: [29:21] So disabled veteran said jealousy was introduced into the Garden of Eden, when Adam walked in the garden with God and Eve was left at the tree that's an interesting thought I haven't heard that personally before, cuz Even Adam were together at the tree, but no I do not have a master of divinity degree, now space Plum to answer your first question is it widely believed that Jesus was the source of most modern-day zombies, I would actually say no personally because, we don't have a lot of modern-day zombies, and there's some Haitian Voodoo that can possibly create zombies but that's not something we typically talk about here now vampires possibly, but that's actually usually dated older back to India not necessarily Jerusalem some people do, prescribed that to Judas but I.  Pastor Bill: [30:48] Yeah from what I've heard the modern idea of zombies in pop culture was spawned by the, quote unquote which doctors in Haiti and the aisles around there that would poison a person, with the poison that slows down all of your livestock for you look like your dad and then, they would then when the person got better you know and woke up they would tell them no I brought you back to life your you belong to me you have to follow what I tell you to do, and that was the what I've always heard is the source of that modern-day Mythos of, that we see in movies and reading books and whatnot.  Pastor Newms: [31:34] That is definitely the Mythos of the slow zombie the fast zombies are the those weird fungi that take over ants, whatever country that is I can't remember what country that is that they've based a couple of video games off of.  Pastor Bill: [31:50] I don't remember where that is at this the jungle thing right so South America.  Pastor Newms: [31:55] I want to say it might even be I don't I don't remember where I'm not a zombie expert I'm actually terrified of zombies you just one of my fears just overall I'm afraid of zombies it's weird that I'm afraid of zombies because you know we don't see them much in real life but for some reason like if I'm alone at night, and I hear a weird noise I immediately think oh crap zombie witch there, rational reason for.  Pastor Bill: [32:28] Angel statues.  Pastor Newms: [32:30] What about angel statues.  Pastor Bill: [32:34] Says on Twitch.  Pastor Newms: [32:35] I know but what is says mean.  Pastor Bill: [32:37] You pick some zombie or an angel.  Pastor Newms: [32:39] I don't like angel statues that is true that's Doctor whose fault though I do not that's the weeping angel I do not like angel statues.  Pastor Bill: [32:46] That's probably the only episode Steven Moffat wrote that was really good was the original weeping angel story.  Pastor Newms: [32:56] I have a t-shirt that someone bought me that has a weeping angel on it and I won't wear it typically because if it has the.  Pastor Bill: [33:03] Is an image of an income account.  Pastor Newms: [33:05] Can become an angel so if I put myself in that I could become a weeping angel and I'm not down that road so it literally sits in my closet on a hanger turned away.  Pastor Bill: [33:16] Religion zombies Star Trek Doctor Who what else can we lump in.  Pastor Newms: [33:21] All funny thing funny thing we talked about this the other day remember it was last week of the week before where, there's at least one person at my job that has in the past listened to our.  [33:38] Podcast and enjoyed them I don't know if she still does on a weekly basis but I know she does sometimes this week I was talking about my upcoming vacation and and I said, I could talk about the wand I am Voldemort get back I will get you you are just right there for anyone who doesn't know says is in, the room with me he's right there anyway, his desk is in front of my desk and so, we were talking and I said yeah I'll be conducting a wedding so I won't be in town Thursday Friday, Monday Tuesday and they and I just kept going and they went well we got a backup we just took that note for the meeting but, what do mean you're conducting a wedding and I said well I am an ordained minister through our through the church that I'm a part of I'm the twitch pastor and.  [34:44] Huh but like like what do you mean so that derailed about 15 minutes of our meeting of me explaining, what I do and what we do and then several of them asking for their family members my family this family member watches twitch can I have your information or my kids liked which let me get that information and so I so it was kind of funny because I was like I just I just moved by it like it was nothing I got to conduct a wedding you know no big deal and they were like wait wait wait back up Jonathan does what and I was like.  Pastor Bill: [35:21] Yeah Jonathan(Newms) officiates weddings.  Pastor Newms: [35:22] Yeah I tell you can it's legal him just for everyone out there my weddings are funny too.  Pastor Bill: [35:32] This point you and I've each done one and you're about to do your second ones here one ahead of.  Pastor Newms: [35:40] Now I was just part of that one that's true I had to do that speaking part at that one handfasting but that was not conducting that was just in it.  Pastor Bill: [35:51] This will put you want to have me.  Pastor Newms: [36:03] I'm also getting a beard trim this week and I'm going to get my nails done right I'm actually going to get gels done before the festival.  Pastor Bill: [36:10] And you guys his all black suit is fantastic.  Pastor Newms: [36:14] I will post pictures at some point.  Pastor Bill: [36:15] Because like I was like please don't break my kneecaps I will pay my bookie just.  Pastor Newms: [36:20] Well so the people doing the well but I wasn't I wasn't, the officiator of the handfasting I just had a part of it that's why it's not, technical because I wasn't officiating it I just had a part in it one of the witnesses I think is what it's called says will correct me in a minute because he leaned forward so on what it's called being, in that part ball Bill took pictures.  Pastor Bill: [36:52] Photographer.  Pastor Newms: [37:03] A black hat and I got a black beard mostly most, so yeah witness and guardian is what it was called so not officiating but anywho.  Pastor Bill: [37:18] All right something I got for tonight.  Pastor Newms: [37:21] Do you have anything to say about family and discipleship because you haven't said stuff yet, if you just in agreeance and you got the flu so you I have the flu I don't know man.  Pastor Bill: [37:39] Just the only things I have to say is is I know you know we focused a lot on family and kids and yada yada but not everybody's in that, part of life you know but one of the things I like about discipleship True Discipleship is that you are actually building a family when you're discipling your choosing, family you know what I mean like when you're getting close and you're creating that chosen family, and so it's still really applies and is you should be, discipling those that are closest to you and that, I know that sounds like we're talking about you know you're here and there here that's not what that means A discipleship is your you're basically intellectually your equals and and your.  [38:43] Not fall into 22 christianese of a cliche, you're looking for areas where they're weak to help so you can help them sharpen those areas and then as they become stronger they're looking for areas that you're weak to help you sharpen in those areas, and you're actually equals in this scenario where you know you're discipling them and and then they begin discipling you and that's a true, discipleship relationship in your building a family in that way it isn't it isn't strictly, relegated to parents with children in the scenario that we're talking about tonight, do this one thing I had to add my brains a little putting me right now.  Pastor Newms: [39:36] When you have the flu.  [39:41] All right so if you want to join us live as so many people have done tonight you can.  Pastor Bill: [39:50] We've had space Plum and disabled veteran and as it's been real active tonight and Zane he's been here in Phoenix has been here and Biggs has been here and my wife has been here.  Pastor Newms: [40:01] We do this on Sunday nights at 6:30 Central most Sunday nights we will not be doing it next week we will be doing it after that 6:30 Central and we will we go live on Twitch Facebook and YouTube you can go to our website to see where on each of those platforms we are.  Pastor Bill: [40:25] Come on you didn't say which.  Pastor Newms: [40:27] I don't say which twitch you say which twitch.  Pastor Bill: [40:29] It's just that words to it.  Pastor Newms: [40:30] Hi do twice so the please join us we would love for you to be part of the conversation this is not supposed to be a bunch of Talking Heads well not a bunch there's only two of us this is not supposed to be two Talking Heads leading this this is a just group discussion as as bill was talking about this is us sharpening each other as we go and sometimes fun questions that, aren't necessarily exactly what we're talking about helps with that you know.  Pastor Bill: [40:59] And that's okay we want the aqua to come with their questions if there's something that you feel like you need the answer to that's what the chats for it doesn't always have to be on top.  Pastor Newms: [41:10] Nope not at all and that's what I'm saying is it a.  Pastor Bill: [41:12] Don't be rude you know.  Pastor Newms: [41:15] Try not to be rude because there are people who you can get easily banned if you start yelling cursing or sexualizing either of us because that's just weird.  Pastor Bill: [41:25] There was that one guy that came in was like are those pops behind you and you were like yeah and he was like Peta files I was weird.  Pastor Newms: [41:32] That was weird that was a weird day that was that was a weird day.  Pastor Bill: [41:39] Bank.  Pastor Newms: [41:40] So you know there are times some questions are not are not accurate.  Pastor Bill: [41:46] Oh stands.  Pastor Newms: [41:47] Says called us pretty so we hope you guys join us and, we will talk to you next time.  Pastor Bill: [42:02] Be safe out there.  Pastor Newms: [42:03] Thank you we love you.  Pastor Bill: [42:05] I line this week.
S3EP96 - The State Of Theology Part 2
S3EP96 - The State Of Theology Part 2
Pastor Newms: [0:00] Hey Pastor Newms how was your week? Okay so my week was good. Pastor Bill: [0:04] Pastor Newms how was your week? Pastor Newms: [0:06] I know we're trying to keep it semi shorter than normal so we can get into the 20 things we want to talk about tonight. Pastor Bill: [0:13] We got a live 1 through 15 last time right. Pastor Newms: [0:15] We did we got through 15 last time and we're trying we're on 16 and I think that some of these ones we might just go hey let's talk about this one in this one together at the same time as opposed to doing explanations because like. Pastor Bill: [0:29] Why would we do that? Pastor Newms: [0:30] Because 16 and 17 are almost exactly like my answers are similar because they feed into each other what is one is one is one is two is kind of, but anyway so my week was good it was busy with work, I picked up my suit I honestly thought about wearing it tonight just to throw everyone off because I'm the one who wears the t-shirt and you're the one who wears the collared shirt and so would be really funny if, I'm in a suit. … Pastor Bill: [12:51] All right so we are on week 2 of going over the state of theology. Pastor Newms: [13:02] And for anyone not live who didn't listen to week one do you want to summarize what that is quickly. Pastor Bill: [13:09] Sure so every year or every other year rather this group called The State of Theology and and Life Way that used to run like for Christian bookstores they put out a it's not really a survey. its statements, and then you, whether or not each statement is true or false you answer strongly agree somewhat agree not sure somewhat disagree or strongly disagree, surveys this year and then you know put out the results of their state of Theology and it's very flawed, very flawed from a data standpoint from a Believer standpoint and the reason we're talking about it is because, this is what people are talking about people in the world are taking this survey and then you go and you see this is what Christians believe and. Mmm the takeaways that people are saying this is proof of what Christians believe doesn't represent what I believe and it doesn't represent how I feel about my neighbors, and doesn't represent the way I see God and and all of this so we're going over it because, we need to go over we need to go over you know why do we believe the way we believe and you need to decide as a listener or viewer what you believe about these different items, that's what this is, last week we went through statements 1 through 15 so this week we're going to pick up on 16 and Jonathan suggested we just lump 16, 17 together because they're they're pretty close to the same thing they're like super close to each other. Pastor Newms: [14:58] Well well and and I think that's part of like what I wrote in 16 is basically saying 17, I agree with but 16 go ahead so let's jump into it. Pastor Bill: [15:13] 16. The Bible, like all sacred writings, contains helpful accounts of ancient myths but is not literally true. So 25 percent strongly agree 28 percent somewhat agree, 6% not sure 14 percent somewhat disagree and 27 percent strongly disagree, with this statement. Pastor Newms: [15:41] And and what is 17 and then we'll talk about both of them at the same time. Pastor Bill: [15:47] 17. The Bible is 100% accurate in all that it teaches. And the numbers on strongly and whatever didn't change enough to even really talked about the change in numbers more people agree, but that's really the only big difference between the results on the two questions. Pastor Newms: [16:08] The sides just kind of flipped. Pastor Bill: [16:12] Really flip I mean strongly disagree barely changed it all. The Bible like all sacred writings contains helpful accounts of ancient myths but is not a literally true and then the Bible is 100% accurate in all that it teaches so. On 16, example of accounts of ancient myths but is not literally true I put somewhat agree, and the Bible is 100 percent accurate and all the teachers I put strongly disagree now what did I put because my results aren't here anymore and I didn't write them down I think I agree with that. Pastor Newms: [16:55] So I put. So my problem is this is my problem is in both of these is the wording because. Pastor Bill: [17:06] Well it's always the wording but where's our. Pastor Newms: [17:08] It is 1 it straight says like all sacred writings, contains helpful so right off the bat it Compares it to all sacred writings so I have two right off the bat it's like no, not like other writings it doesn't it's not the same, because it's not myths like other sacred writings so right off the bat I had it's like no the wording makes me say no I disagree completely and then I put that I agree on 17, in that it's accurate in what it teaches and I think that's the big. Like a lot of people would view those two questions as very similar but to me they're completely different because, the Bible is not a set of myths rather a book to be studied and learned from I believe it's all true, I do think that as written by men inspired by God through the Holy Spirit and then translated that some of its meaning has been lost to understanding of the original texts and then I used First Corinthians 13:11 - 13 when I was a child I spoke as a child I thought as a child I reasoned like a child when I became a man I put aside childish things for now we see only a reflection of reflection as in a mirror, but then face to face now I know in part, but then I will know fully as I am fully known now these three remain faith hope and love but the greatest of these is love, is what I put for the first one because it's one of those words like it's true in that it was written truthfully, and it was truthful accounts and it is truthful retellings of those accounts because truth and inaccurate are two different things and then.  Pastor Bill: [19:14] So I'm going to a little bit of a different route. And in the cutting my head buds just died so I have to switch that out here in a second but in the concepts I believe that the Bible is accurate, I think there are certain things that people have claimed the Bible teaches, that aren't accurate and so there's that problem. Um and so I believe if the Bible was 100% literally true, and it was like we said before if it was a it was a complete lie, verifiable history book that you had no question on whether of on the veracity of it one way or the other then it would eliminate the need for faith, um Hebrews 11 verse 6 says now without faith it is impossible to please God since the one who draws near to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him, and Hebrews 11:1 says now Faith is the reality of what is hoped for the proof of what is not seen, if the Bible is literally literal and it's 100% literal and everything in it is, just literally the way it happened and it's 100% right and it's a it's a guidebook for every way that you should live your life down to the letter t, then that removes the need for faith and I just, I believe that would be the case I don't I don't that doesn't make any sense to me. Groggy says but isn't faith that we believe that it's 100% ride so that's having faith in the Bible not having faith in God I've talked about that in the past that, I feel like a lot of evangelicalism if that's the right uses that word has turned the Bible into an idol, where we have more faith in this collection of writings then we do in in actually in God and in the whole he's leaning on the Holy Spirit, and so we elevated what is an amazing thing to something that it was never intended to be, it's not intended to be worshipped and holy and put Faith in it, we're supposed to be creating disciples and having faith based off of what we're you know we're urging each other to faith in Christ to faith in God and then we're replacing that with oh well I think them this book. Pastor Newms: [22:24] To me I mean to me we've had this conversation a lot. Well and that's where there's a difference like I was saying there's a difference between shrew, truth and accuracy like for example here's an example in the Old Testament there are places where they give numbers of people, and they say this number, of people were here this number of people were here is that number one hundred percent accurate, the fact that there are 5,000 people at the feeding of the fish well there was 5,000 men well okay cool but what is a man. Was there 5001 was there 4999 so it's like 5,000 the the language that we use, is different and the meanings behind languages tree is different so the accuracy isn't, as important as truth you can tell the story and believe it is true and have faith that it is true while you're telling it, does not mean it's a hundred percent accurate because you might have actually you know use your left hand instead of your right, when you're telling a story doesn't mean you are wrong or misleading or lying it just means it's not perfect like we aren't perfect and the people who wrote it on, perfect even Paul says go ahead no go ahead. Pastor Bill: [24:17] What Groggy said here on Twitch was but if the Bible isn't true then the stories aren't true then what we believe isn't true and you my friend have just nailed faith on the head. Without the possibility for doubt there is no need for faith you have to have faith. That God is real that's God sent his son that God that God that that this happened that that happened not because the Bible says it not because you believe that this book is accurate but because you have faith. In God not in this collection of stories is your mom saying you have to have faith in God not faith in the, if you have faith in the Bible then you're saying that this book is literal and true and and yada yada all these things that we've seen recently and that leads us into the next one which ties into it perfectly statement 18 modern science disproves the Bible. You can go look up a list of the ways that the Bible doesn't line up with science, and over time there's been things where the Bible and science have disagreed and it was literally that, um science then later had a revelation that made it line up with the Bible or people's interpretation of what the Bible was saying, changed later and they realized oh my gosh science got that right and we didn't understand what the Bible was saying, but then there's been other times where like David is praying and he says consider the ants who have no Queen, who works alone and you're like but we know that ants work in a colony structure and they literally have a queen. There's that instance where you can't look at what David said and say oh because he got included in the Bible what David said that literally means ants don't live in a colony and they work alone and and they don't have a queen well no, David believed that, that's all that it's their scripture is saying is David believe that the ants to and that was part of his prayer, but this whole idea of literal Bible and faith in the Bible and faith in the Bible causes not only Christians to look at the Bible and get things wrong but for people in the world so look at the Bible and go, well if they if they believe this is literal and 100% true I can find ways that it's not and so why would I ever even consider what they're saying. Pastor Newms: [26:58] And and so. Pastor Bill: [27:01] It's literally an anti-gospel position, to believe the Bible is 100% true and. Pastor Newms: [27:09] It's an interesting one so for the on 17 the Bible is 100% accurate one of the things I wrote is, the teachings and the principles are what should be focused on not the history, certain of the historical aspects in certain of the parts that are specifically just parts of letters like hey this is your man Paul like okay cool that's not necessarily inspired that's, he wrote that at the top of a letter so they knew who was writing it. Pastor Bill: [27:40] Man I left my coat when I was there last time can you bring it to me. For those of you listening to the podcast abatbrain on Twitch said I keep hearing a door shut. Pastor Newms: [27:57] Yeah sorry so um in second Timothy 3:16, all scripture is inspired by God for and is profitable for teaching rebuking correcting and training in righteousness and I think that's a part that we ignore, is that last two words of in righteousness the point of the Bible is for religious teachings religious correcting religious training not, everything else. Pastor Bill: [28:37] And a lot of people get that word inspire wrong as well. Pastor Newms: [28:39] Yes it's Breathed. Pastor Bill: [28:41] Inspired doesn't mean God whispered word for word what people should write when they were writing things that later got included in the Bible, Paul, you talked about it before Paul we look at things as in a mirror Darkly dimly lit you know, Paul's talking about looking in a polished piece of metal by candlelight and trying to describe something behind you in the room, that's back there in the dim dark with a crappy mirror this this is us when we're writing by inspiration. That is not anything like God whispering in your ear what to write. Pastor Newms: [29:20] Well and I think it's one of those where, there's a difference between an inspiration and a whisper like you said there's there's this idea people like oh well it's inspired which means. You know it's like got the Holy Spirit, then God are standing behind you and telling you exactly as opposed to hey you should probably talk about this which we've all felt as Christians that leaning towards something hey you really should probably talk to this person about such and such that's the same inspiration, they just were writing letters. Pastor Bill: [29:59] And things like when Paul's writing and he goes now I'm not sure that God sees it this way but I think he does I think God's on my side on this one, this is my opinion and I'm not sure that God holds this opinion but I think he does. Pastor Newms: [30:15] Yeah and so it's interesting when we start to look at stuff like that and I know there's a lot of people who and this is one of those things that me and you don't 100% agree on is the usage, of how you say certain things as opposed to what you're trying to say, because some people take it a lot harsher because you are more strong on this opinion whereas I'm like it's not, and you're like probably an idol and I'm like well it's, can be if you have done certain things and yeah because people are doing it right now no I understand what you're saying what this is one of the only topics we're Pastor Bill is actually harsher than I am let's be honest. And and, abatbrain said she thought the door was some sound effect I might be hitting somewhere because it's exactly the same every time and that's just coincidence. Pastor Bill: [31:18] They're just over there randomly hitting a sound effect button just like tink. Pastor Newms: [31:22] Which which let's be honest that is. Pastor Bill: [31:25] I don’t hear it in my ear bud. Pastor Newms: [31:26] That is something I would do let's be clear I mean let's be honest that is something I would do just to mess with people so it's a valid question, cuz if I was doing it, I would if I was doing it I would be like until someone says something every so many seconds that I've rolled on this dice I'm going to press this button and so um anyway number 19. Pastor Bill: [31:54] Yeah we're on the number 19 number 19. God chose the people he would save before he created the world. Pastor Newms: [32:02] Now so I want to start with this one because I made a boo-boo, when I was going through my text I made a boo-boo when I was going through and I was writing all the stuff down, I wrote disagree because I was trying to make sure I got through all of them and then I scroll back to the top and the worked back down through them to make sure I had them all. In the past I called myself a three-point calvinist Calvinism teaches that one of the, tulip one of the points of the Tulip is that. God selected everyone before and then. These are who's going to be saved the elect these are who's going to be saved everyone else is going to be saved some people even take it so far as to because of that we shouldn't even spread the gospel we shouldn't try to make disciples we shouldn't try to spread Christianity which is of course blatantly against you know the whole thing we're talking about, previously to talking about this which is we're supposed to build disciples and that involves preaching and if we're supposed to try to make disciples we can't know who the elect are so, you know I just put disagree no backup no nothing it's like just no I'm sorry, but I'm sure you probably did. Pastor Bill: [33:45] I also disagreed with this and I brought two scriptures okay for the first one Ephesians 1 chapter 4 through Ephesians chapter 1 verses 4 through 8 stick with me here okay. For he chose us in him talking about God, before the foundations of the world to be holy and blameless in love before him he predestined us, to be adopted as Sons through Jesus Christ for himself according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of his glorious Grace that he lavished on us in the beloved one the beloved one in this context is Jesus he mentioned them earlier, verse 7 in him we have Redemption through his blood the Forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of his grace that he richly poured out on us with all wisdom and understanding, pull the sounds like it backs up to statement doesn't it it sounds like. Pastor Newms: [34:45] No Pastor Bill: [34:47] He's talking to other Christians and he says he chose us in him to be adopted as Sons. Pastor Newms: [34:52] Now because he was. Pastor Bill: [34:53] Then we flip over to Second Peter 3:9. Pastor Newms: [34:56] He's talking about Humanity. Pastor Bill: [35:00] Mmm starting in verse 8 dear friends don't overlook this one fact with the Lord one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day, the Lord does not delay his promise as some understand delay but is patient with you not wanting any to perish, all to come to repentance and then it talks about the day of the Lord's return in comes like a thief in the night, if the Lord predestined only certain people to be elected to be saved before the foundations of the world, and they're saved no matter what and those are the only people going no matter what kind of left they live right because that's the belief, then what is this disk delay that the Lord has hoping that everyone will come to repentance that everyone will be saved. It doesn't make any sense it's God's will that all, be sick not just so not just a few he didn't choose to see certain amount of people from the very beginning don't make sense. Pastor Newms: [36:07] And and the worst the worst part is can you make sure to put that scripture in the chat because I don't hear which one it was one of the, yeah please one of them one of the things I always find funny about the belief about the elect which is why I called myself a three-point calvinist because the belief of the elect is, another part of a bat another part of bat-brains you know something that a bat brain would make later, the it's a group of guano because it doesn't make any sense because. … Pastor Newms: it's crazy to think OK God chose this group of people and here's how you know, you know you were elected because you believed it if you question whether or not you were elected You're Not Elected. Pastor Bill: [38:01] Which is just that's completely. Pastor Newms: [38:05] Like ... Pastor Bill: [38:06] A cult answer from start to finish. Pastor Newms: [38:09] Like huh. Pastor Bill: [38:12] If you exercise free thought, you're obviously not chosen obviously you're not so. Pastor Newms: [38:20] It's like I doubt whether or not I ate I'm trying to remember if I took my pills each day like I don't remember if I did or didn't do did you do this, I honestly can't answer that Zaydie I don't know whether I did the thing that you're wanting to tell me that I did or not I don't remember I might have unloaded I might have put that dirty dish right there I might have you know it's so I don't know, like it's just funny to me that's like if you question then you a question did I put a shirt on today yeah no I am wearing one. Pastor Bill: [38:56] There's I think therefore I am. Pastor Newms: [38:59] Exactly exactly it. Pastor Bill: [39:00] So I think I'm saved and I guess I am I don't know. Pastor Newms: [39:04] It's absolute Bonkers okay number whatever. Pastor Bill: [39:09] All right number 20. … Pastor Bill: [39:23] Number 20 and you you jumped right into this one last week because you were like we're gonna hit that hard even though we weren't there yet 20. Hell is a real place where certain people will be punished forever. And of course we're going to jump to Revelations and I want we're going to look at verses 7 through 10 and then we're going to look at verses 14 through 15 okay that's the first thing we're going to do. All right well I guess I'll read seven through 15 then and then we'll move on all right relations 27 through 15 when the thousand years are completed okay so let's talk about. Pastor Newms: [40:09] Real quick can we just lump in 21 and be done with it. Pastor Bill: [40:14] The whole chapter. Pastor Newms: [40:15] No no no the question 21 because I actually have this written down for 21 also. Pastor Bill: [40:22] I have 11 through 15 for 21 okay yeah. Pastor Newms: [40:24] So can we just say what 21 is and. Pastor Bill: [40:27] So 20 is Hell's a real place 21. There will be a time when Jesus Christ returns to judge all the people who have lived Okay, so like I like we always do you need context sometimes you in the Bible says when the thousand years are completed Satan will be released from his prison, okay so there's this time when the Bible says that Jesus will come down and he will rule the Earth. For a thousand years, and anyone who has ever been martyred will come with him. Now this is post Rapture post and it cries post a whole bunch of stuff right as far as the timeline goes, Jesus comes back anyone who's ever been martyred comes with him they rule the Earth they rule over the Earth read a thousand years well during this Thousand Years Satan is locked in Chains in the bowels of the Earth, as punishment for everything that he's ever done the Rebellion everything at the end of that thousand years he's released scot-free, Penance paid. Right he's paid his Penance he's free to go he can step into eternity as an angel he's scot-free Satan released from his prison, but that's not what he does he doesn't go on scot-free he will go out to deceive the Nations at the Four Corners of the earth Gog and Magog to gather them for battle the number is like the sand of the sea, they came up across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the encampment of the Saints. The Beloved City the in fire came down from heaven and consumed them, the devil who deceived them was thrown into the Lake of Fire and sulfur where the Beast and the false prophet are and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever that verse verse 10 right there that's hell, that's Satan or the devil, and all of the Beast and the false prophets and the fallen angels, they're all being thrown into hell to be torture, verse 11 then I saw. Pastor Newms: [42:46] Not a fun place he rules not a fun place he rules. Pastor Bill: [42:51] No not a place he rules it doesn't rule there. Pastor Newms: [42:54] Such a bad misconception. Pastor Bill: [42:57] For all of eternity, then I saw a great white throne and one seated on it Earth and Heaven fled from his presence and no place was found for them, I also saw the Dead the Great and the small standing Before the Throne and books were opened, another book was opened which is The Book of Life and the dead were judged according to their works by what was written in the books, then the sea gave up the dead that were in it and death and Hades or steel is that word the place of the dead before Christ did what he did gave up the dead that were in them, each one was judged according to their Works death and Hades so, no more death and chill were thrown into the Lake of Fire. Pastor Newms: [43:45] The places themselves. Pastor Bill: [43:46] This is the second death yeah but that the entity and the place itself this is the second death the Lake of Fire and anyone whose name was not found written in the Book of Life, was thrown into the Lake of Fire right so several books some books to judge everything you ever did while you were alive, and then the one book that actually matters the pass or fail are you in the Book of Life did you have faith you know believe and in. Like we said last time it's more complicated than that because if you're shocked if you're casting a brush over all of creation you've got people that live on islands that have never heard you've got and so, extenuating circumstances God gets to decide it's God's decision it's not our decision. Pastor Newms: [44:39] He's who writes in the book and he's the one who judges on the book so. Pastor Bill: [44:44] Jesus said the only way to the father is through him right. Pastor Newms: [44:48] Right. Pastor Bill: [44:50] Then Jesus is free to reach out, at any point did anyone in the world at any time in the right way at the right time you know it's a whole thing and it's out of my hands it's not something I can do. So yeah so that. Did you want to add anything to that? Pastor Newms: [45:12] So I touched last time hard on it because you know. I tend to go hard sometimes when I'm not paying attention and get preachy not that I've ever been overcome with that before but I think it's I think it's so important to is Hell real, yes is the hell that we understand real no is anyone. Pastor Bill: [45:40] The hell that we modernly attribute to what exists comes from Dante's Inferno. Pastor Newms: [45:46] Right is hell. A place where the devil rules and ect ect no no no it is a Lake of Fire. Pastor Bill: [46:01] It's not even a place where people are right now. Pastor Newms: [46:04] Not the right where people are currently. Pastor Bill: [46:06] Not the lake of, not hell. Pastor Newms: [46:08] Lake of Fire in its is not where people are currently no no human people, there are certain Angelic beings that are not no they're not even trapped in the Lake of Fire they're trapped in Hades aren't they. Pastor Bill: [46:24] There are there's technically would be some that are in the Lake of Fire already. Pastor Newms: [46:29] From the from the chained up you know you made a huge amount. Pastor Bill: [46:33] You would have to go to some some extra biblical text to find the proof but yeah there are there are recorded some Angelic beings that have already been cast into the Lake of Fire. Pastor Newms: [46:44] Because they get opened up there at the very you know during Revelation and let free for a little bit to you know go mess around. Pastor Bill: [46:53] Well that's a different set of angels that are. Pastor Newms: [46:55] That is a different set I know but again fuzzy. Pastor Bill: [47:00] Those are good Angels aren't even bad Angels that's right there's the good guys, they're just so powerful and so overwhelming and so that. Pastor Newms: [47:11] They're in that area between they're not in, there in that area between what was Abraham's bosom and and Sheol and in the pit area just going a we're here we're waiting we're playing cards. Pastor Bill: [47:29] Playing card. Pastor Newms: [47:30] Time all right 22. Pastor Bill: [47:35] 22. Worshiping alone or with one's family is a valid replacement for regularly attending church. Y'all. Thirty-five percent strongly agree with the statement 32% somewhat agreed 9% weren't sure 14% somewhat disagreed and ten percent strongly disagreed listen, I understand. I do not go to a regular Sunday morning serve this and I strongly disagree with this statement, it is not a valid replacement worshiping alone or with your family is not a valid, for church and the reason why Church comes from a word that means Community right from the very beginning it was that Believers of different households, we joined Believers from other households and created a community to support each other, push each other and how they could outdo each other and extravagantly loving others and loving God, you don't get that when you're alone and you don't get that when you're with immediate family you just don't, the familiarity of family breeds, contempt and another word contempt is changed meaning over the years the basically it breeds this this this idea that not only do I maybe not can't, tell this person what to do but then when I do they don't have to do it I'm telling them to do you know like you can't tell me to do that I know you used to pee in the bathtub, that kind of thing. Pastor Newms: [49:27] Or I know you still pee in the shower. Pastor Bill: [49:29] I know that you still be in the shot yeah like it it doesn't work you need people from outside that Family Circle, that you Revere that you respect that have that edge on you to push you and doing good things for others to push you into loving God, it is being alone or just being with your immediate family that is not a valid, for regularly attending church but. Pastor Newms: [49:58] Define what church is. Pastor Bill: [49:59] Isn't always. What we see as Sunday morning Gathering and Wednesday Matt Gathering and we will get to that in question number, 24 about what church is but no. Pastor Newms: [50:15] See I shoved it all in here and then in 24 I said see above so what I wrote is defined Church churches the mind, church church in my mind and the mind of early Believers were that you would gather to study and to learn with each other not just one guy, being the one that. And so I used the Acts 2:42 through 47 which they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching to the fellowship to the breaking of the bread and to prayer everyone was filled with awe and many work wonders and signs were performed through the apostles now all the Believers were together and held all things in common they sold their possessions and property and distributed the proceeds to all, as any had need every day they devoted themselves, to meeting together in the temple and broke bread from house to house the ate the food was joyful and sincere Hearts praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people every day the Lord added to their numbers those who are being saved and one of the things I found really interesting about 47 and I think this was the first time I noticed it was the early church was loved by all the people around them, because of the amount of love the early church showed which. Pastor Bill: [51:44] It's not that hard. Pastor Newms: [51:45] Very. Pastor Bill: [51:46] To endear yourself to someone it's not that hard to go up to someone and say hey what do you need, cool let's do it let's go do that thing let me let me take a couple of hours and let's go do that thing, and suddenly you've made a friend for life it's not that hard to love it's really not, it's not that hard to endear yourself to someone and make it to where they go oh my gosh you're a great friend what can I do for you how can I can I make your day as good as you've just made mine it's not that difficult to walk in love it's not, choose to make it difficult we say we are Democrat and I'm a Republican or I'm repelled you know I'm a Democrat or a Republican or oh I go to this church you got to be focused on these differences, that when you boil it down to brass tacks mean nothing and we allow those things to keep us from loving each other, the other Church didn't do that they didn't say oh will you believe in the Greek gods I can't love you or or oh you're a Roman I can't do that with you that's not what they said oh they loved their neighbors, to such an extreme that they had the favor of everyone to the point that when Paul who was Saul, came around to start killing people. It wasn't just the people in the church that were hiding the Believers the community around the Believers, them off and they would move their camp or they would hide them in their homes until Saul and his rating party left it was it was these non-believers were literally risking their lives, for these Believers because they loved them they loved the Believers because the Believers showed love.  Pastor Newms: [53:38] Yeah alright number 23. Pastor Bill: [53:45] 23. Christians should be silent on issues of politics. This is one where Pastor Newms and I disagree. Um we always have and I don't know if my earbuds just died again or you can I still hear you. Pastor Newms: [54:09] I don't know can you still hear me. Pastor Bill: [54:11] Okay yes I can hear you I just wanted you to be able to interject at any point if you needed to and if my earbud had died because you're canceling ear you're canceling thing with the system to and it just I don't hear everything going on on your end but so. 17% of people strongly agree with the, 13% somewhat agree nine percent aren't sure 21% somewhat disagree and forty percent strongly disagree that Christians should be silent on issues of politics, and I get it I understand that our system is set up the way it's set up and it makes people feel, like they have to be Hands-On and that it's not only a right but it's a duty that you have to do it. But, if we take a step back from all of that and we look at politics let's first let's look at our Representatives, if I ran for Senator, I would have to represent the viewpoints of all the political parties of the people, from my area I would have to represent all over the religious beliefs of the people from my area, and for me to just go well my Christian worldview and the way I see it is the way I'm going to do it is wrong. That's not secular. That's a whole damn don't stock right now you're coming out of much bigger if I gotta put this here but in and Swap this one out. Um so that's a religious government not a secular government and you only have to go as far as to look at what's going on in Iran right now. To understand that you don't want a religious government. Pastor Newms: [56:30] Like you said this is something we disagree on and worst of all is the the wording of the question should Christians be, on the issue of politics and that's where I have my issue and say I disagree because we should not be silent in our feeling of running the country but we should be very careful not to allow our Christian views to run over others belief subsystems and try to subjugate them the whole reason why the separation of church and state exists in America is the the founding fathers did not want one religion subjugating, the whole country the whole populace they didn't want anyone to feel, like they were being subjugated by a religion which is where some of them not all of them because it depends on which country they came from it depends on lots of situations of are the founding of our nation but lots of them came from oppressive governments that oppressed them and so they were looking for, a way to not be oppressed Ed so, what I pulled for this is a lot different I pulled John 15:12 this is my command love one another as I have loved you, and the reason I pulled that verse for this is because what's so important here is. There's a difference between being silent and forcing your belief system on someone else, speaking. Of how the country should be rant we shouldn't be silent on the fact that we don't want a road through a city that's around, this or we shouldn't be silent there are certain parts of politics that we shouldn't be silent on but if we are allowing our religious beliefs to, push upon people that's that's in my opinion where there is a problem, is that difference we shouldn't be silent in politics because there's a lot of that politics that have nothing to do with religion and there's. Pastor Bill: [58:59] There's a lot of politics that have nothing to do with I mean there's a lot of government that has nothing to do with politics. Pastor Newms: [59:06] Well and again that depends on the word that depends on. Pastor Bill: [59:09] Things you're talking about building a road here or there you're talking about local government. Pastor Newms: [59:14] That's still political though, because so and so wants it because he'll make more money if you build that road so and so doesn't want it because their Farms going to be cut off from such and such it is still that is still politics that is still political the problem as you mentioned is a two party system trying to prescribe one half of the country against the other half of the country which isn't, politics that's part of politics it's just the emotionally-charged part that we all think of, everything's political small town government is sometimes more political than big government this family runs the world you know etc etc. Pastor Bill: [59:57] I know you I know you already know everything I'm gonna say in this opinion and this you know issue but I believe in prayer and just trusting God to work it out, Romans 13:1 says let everyone submit to the governing authorities since there's no Authority except from God and the authorities that exist are instituted by God, um so I just pray and trust that the, authorities that God has instituted or gonna get it right, and I know that that's not always going to work out for me but the world's not really about me the Bible's full of times where it said and God appointed, so-and-so and so-and-so didn't like the Israelites and so he imprisoned them and it's like. Okay then that's you know, it's not all about me it's about what needs to be done and so I'm on the on the side of and that's why I mean I don't know if I've ever point-blank set it on the podcast but that's why I don't vote, it's because I believe that God ordains that leadership he ordains that Authority and it's my duty to pray and then trust that God will do the things that he said he's going to do that he's going to put people in place that, we'll do the things that need to be done and that he's going to move on those people to make policy and have things happen that align with his will for our country and for my life and, you know it causes a lot of arguments when you have that opinion and you have that viewpoint but once again, it's an opinion I'm not I'm not forcing anyone to follow my opinion good Lord Lord knows I could, turn this podcast into just me talking at a camera and then arguing with people online when they disagree with me but instead there's the two of us and we definitely don't agree, on this topic at least. Pastor Newms: [1:02:06] Yeah I mean there's a lot of things we don't and that's okay because that's not the point the point of Christianity is not a set of rules should be a set of rules it's. All right number 24. Pastor Bill: [1:02:25] 24. Every Christian has an obligation to join a local church Eighteen percent strongly agree 90% somewhat agree 8% not sure 19% somewhat agree disagree and 36% strongly disagree I somewhat disagree, because I don't think necessarily it needs to be a local church or a local church organization like I said before, Church doesn't always look like a Sunday morning service or a Wednesday night service or anything like that if we look at Matthew 18. Verse 20 this is Jesus talking he says for where two or three are gathered together in my name I am there among them. Church can be as small as two or three people who are believers coming together, to urge each other to love extravagantly urge each other to love God, take care of Orphans and widows I mean that's all James thought charge was was we should be taking care of Orphans and widows that's Church, that this is simply put that's church if you
S3EP95 - The State of Theology Part 1
S3EP95 - The State of Theology Part 1
Pastor Bill: [0:02] Hello and welcome to season 3 episode 95 of the Berean Manifesto; Faith, Hope, and Love for the modern Christian. I'm Pastor Bill in the big seat today, the big chair and I'm joined by Pastor Newms in the little chair, I disabled the video for bandwidth so I don't remember where you are you're right, right here on the video with me. He's the little head today and I'm the big head today because something came out this week and I was like okay, we need to talk about this and we really need to talk about this so we're going to talk about it. … Pastor Bill: [8:29] Okay so let's move on we've got a lot to cover tonight, maybe we'll get it all done in the one hour maybe we'll go over it might be a double episode tonight and then we'll just release the second half of the podcast the next week I don't know. Pastor Newms: [8:47] Wouldn't we just record the next half next week or else we wouldn't have any of the beginning stuff next week. Pastor Bill: [8:58] I don't know we'll play it by ear. Pastor Newms: [9:13] Okay okay. Pastor Bill: [9:16] I don't know I don't know okay so this week the results of a nationwide survey came out that the survey is done every it's not every year. Pastor Newms: [9:26] It's every two years. Pastor Bill: [9:27] Every two years, and it's a group called the state of Theology and they partner with Life Way. Now life way you know you used to see them as Christian bookstores everywhere well they kind of rain to that end because, well they weren't making any money they were losing money on their you know brick and mortar stores. It's 35 statements on theology Doctrine things like this. Pastor Newms: [10:02] How many statements? Pastor Bill: [10:05] 35 Pastor Newms: [10:08] Why do I only have 32 listed. Pastor Bill: [10:14] That's an interesting question but there’s thirty five statements okay so it's 35 statements and. Pastor Newms: [10:21] Oh no oh no. Pastor Bill: [10:26] People went in and took this survey and they would answer you know based on the options given. And so we're going to go through some of these and we're going to talk about the results and the question and talk about you know a scripture or maybe not a scripture but we're going to talk about the way we see it I may say one way that's your news May see the different way, everyone listening may see a completely different way than either one of us and that's fine on most of this a couple of these it is that basic, it's either this way or you're not actually a Christian kind of thing you know. Pastor Newms: [11:12] I would agree yes. Pastor Bill: [11:15] 1. God is a perfect being and cannot make a mistake. Out of 3,000 people that responded 51 percent strongly agree, 15% somewhat agree nine percent weren't sure 10% somewhat disagreed and 15 percent strongly disagreed, that God was a perfect being and could not make a mistake. Right, so I believe God is a perfect being and that he does not make mistakes I also believe, that from my point of view I can look at something God has done, and either not see the big picture and think it was a mistake or not agree with it from my point of view and think it was a mistake, But ultimately from a grand scheme all of time expanse point of view God doesn't make mistakes and (responding to a live comment) - Biggs says our god well as, yeah there were this is off of the assumption that it is the Judeo Christian God of the Bible. Pastor Newms: [12:34] Which really plays into a future. Pastor Bill: [12:38] How do I word this correctly? Yeah it does. Pastor Newms: [12:41] So so yeah I I so this is the issue I have, overall you posit do you reckon continue with this one sorry so this is the issue I have overall so just so you know when you lean like that right there no one can see your face this is the issue I have, with this entire survey, and this is the issue I've had in this survey in past years also the wording of these questions are terrible. They are steeped in a biased belief of this is what I think whoever wrote These originally which this has been years and years and years ago so there's no telling, but it's very biased some of them are extremely christianese. Some of them aren't but, it's very much I have this set of beliefs so I'm going to ask the questions in this way not thinking about, any other situation because words like mistake what is a mistake you know um, like you mentioned I could view something that God did as I don't understand it or like it so to me it is a mistake in the perfect will of God it is not a mistake so, it's interesting to look at that in a lot of these questions is, the wording is so bad and don't worry I'll complain about English all night tonight so do be prepared the next two weeks I will be complaining about English the entire time so hold your seats and be prepared and I'll try not to blame Microsoft for anything but it is going to be English, blaming a lot so you have a scripture and I'll let you go first before I say what I was going to say because I thought you paused because you were going through it so. Pastor Bill: [14:45] So I attached Isaiah 55:8,9 to this. It says, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts and your ways are not my ways this is the Lord's declaration, for as Heaven is higher than Earth so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” And I think that really summed up what I was saying you know like God from God's point of view you know he works on a completely different playing field than the rest of us, and he's got the you know the 100-yard view whereas we're down here in the grass just trying to see daylight you know past the blades of grass, so Pastor Newms: [15:24] And what I looked at for it, was Psalms 18:39, “His way is perfect the word of the Lord is pure he's a shield who take all he's a shield to all who take refuge in him you know his way is perfect.” because it's his way and he kind of hit go so he gets to his prerogative because he said go. So that that that's a yeah. Pastor Bill: [16:01] 2. There is one true God in three persons God the Father God the son and God the Holy Spirit. Well once again, this is really a bias question it's worded with a lot of bias in it it's bad data collection but assuming that you believe in the one true God in a one true God. It then makes another assumption that you believe in the Trinity or don't d.c. they're asking do you believe in the Trinity or you not believe the Trinity everything's not really that clear-cut there's a lot of gray there I mean the idea of the trinity, isn't even one that's expressly stated in the Bible right it's a doctrine that we've pieced together out of context clues from, well this writer said this thing and this writer said this thing and this writer said this thing and through all of that, crafted this idea of the trinitarian nature of God, but there's no one scripture that just point blank says that and we could honestly spend a whole, episode of its own by itself going through all of the stuff that leads you to believe there is a trinity in the nature of God right, but that's not what we're doing tonight and so like this isn't another one of those bad ones, fifty-four percent of people strongly agree 16% somewhat agree 11 aren't sure president 5% somewhat disagree and 14 percent strongly disagree, with that statement that was not a pause that was me moving it over to you now. Pastor Newms: [17:50] Okay so this is where this is where I'm going to complain in my in my part so, with a one true God in three persons God the Father God the son and God the holy spirit so to me with the way this question is worded. I feel it leads one to sometimes especially if you're not steeped in christianese this is one of those that's steeped in crime if you're not, you might think of three God's not three parts of one God, and three the way the trilogy Trinity is you know three people that are one that are what you know because depending on how you read that sentence where the commas are how the you know, it's an interesting thought process, because the Trinity is like you mentioned hard in and of itself and. Verse I did pull a verse for this one, just one simple one that I kind of grabbed which is Galatians 4:6 and it says “in because you are Sons God sent the spirit of his son into our hearts crying Abba Father” and, so that does talk about all three parts in one the three persons that are all parts of one God that are, three at the same time which again steeped in christianese this is the Trinity and of itself is an extremely hard concept, unless you think of Body Mind and Spirit and can they be separated can they not excetera Etc so the Trinity is hard. It's deep theological stuff this isn't a an easy one. … Pastor Bill: [20:41] 3. God accepts the worship of all religions including Christianity Judaism and Islam. okay once again so bad so bad, so bad okay so 45 percent strongly agree with the. Um 22% somewhat agree 11% are not sure 6% somewhat to disagree and 16% like me strongly disagree with this statement, that God accepts the worship of all religions that's the statement. And then it gives a cough. Pastor Newms: [21:30] Why is that the statement why is that the. Pastor Bill: [21:32] Including the Judeo-Christian religions. Pastor Newms: [21:39] All three Abrahamic religions. Pastor Bill: [21:43] Including all three Abrahamic religions and I'm like wait God accepts worship with all religions so you're saying you know Hindu Buddhism Taoism. Pastor Newms: [21:54] Jediism the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Pastor Bill: [21:56] Jediism Zaroastrianism the Flying Spaghetti Monster. You're making a rather broad statement and then saying. Pastor Newms: [22:03] Yeah. Pastor Bill: [22:04] Including the Abrahamic religions. Pastor Newms: [22:08] Which I think is what throws a lot of people off with this question which is why you have so many that agree because when they, when they hear the statement well yeah all three of those religions serve the same God technically you know so. Yeah to you know and so this question is terrible because of that three. Pastor Bill: [22:36] But even in the three they should have disagreed I put John 14:6,7, “Jesus told him I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me if you know me you also know my father from now on you do know him and have seen him.” Judaism does not accept Jesus as the Messiah or believe he is the way to the father so that kicks them out of the question Islam does not believe that Jesus is the son of God. Pastor Newms: [23:17] Which which I which I agree there's a difference between is God the god of these religions. Pastor Bill: [23:24] That that would be a question where you could say oh yeah yeah they all believe they're worshiping the same entity. Pastor Newms: [23:31] Right and but I believe there's also a line between see here's the other aspect accepts worship, and has a relationship with in eternity are also. Pastor Bill: [23:48] My wife, abatsbrain, bring brought up Cain and Abel, God accepted the offering of one and rejected the offering of the other because one was doing it according to the way it had been lined up and the other one wasn't and so it's that same question. Pastor Newms: [24:05] God accepted the worship of Judaism for a long time. Follower of a follower of original Islam, you know before you know not the modern that we know today I mean God spoke to, Ishmael and you know blah blah blah you know so there's you know and he was the founder of, you know that offshoot and then it goes and goes and goes and of course it ends up where it is now which we would agree that it is not the same but, the god that they worshipped was the same, and the tenants are the same because of it and then it went to left field of course because you know people. … Pastor Newms: [25:06] Wait wait so sorry I didn't know you're ready to move on um so I did Exodus 20:3-6 which is like the obvious one for this like, which is, “Do not have any other gods beside me, do not make an idol whether it is the shape of anything in the heavens above or the earth below or the waters under the Earth Do Not Bow and worship to them do not serve them for I the Lord your God am a jealous God punishing the children for their fathers iniquities to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me but show faithful love to a thousand generations for those who love me and keep my commandments.” which is pretty much a, you know you really shouldn't worship anyone else according to biblical standards because he kind of laid that one out there so if you're praying to an idol, even if it looks like a saint I mean um oops my bad. … Pastor Bill: [26:06] 4. God learns (that should be your red flag right away) and adapts to different circumstances, Um 32 percent strongly agree 20% somewhat agree 17 aren't sure 8% somewhat disagree and 23% like me saw that big red flag and went no, absolutely not God does not learn, God knew God knows got and so I pulled Malachi I've actually have two scriptures here written down the first ones Malachi 3:6. … Pastor Bill: [26:59] “Because I the Lord hath not changed you descendants of Jacob have not been destroyed” now he does not say I will never change because obviously then he became Jesus that's somewhat of a change, big change but he had not. Pastor Newms: [27:17] Taking the physical form. Pastor Bill: [27:19] Right but then there's other scriptures that people have taken to say we'll see God never ever ever in any way changes anything. Pastor Newms: [27:29] Well and and I think I think one of the big things here. Pastor Bill: [27:32] Was James written down rather was James 1:17, “Every good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the Father of Lights who does not change like shifting Shadows” So God doesn't learn something and then and then change the way he's going to do something because he learns something new, he's not like shifting Shadows where you know the clouds are moving so that the sunlight causes the shadow to change it's not like that, God doesn't learn anything new he knew from the beginning he saw the end and everything in between he there is nothing left to learn for God so that's not really a thing.  Pastor Newms: [28:26] So the thing I wrote about this is you know God does not adapt because he's unchanging, in many ways it lists this through scripture and there's tons of scriptures of you know his ways doesn't change his personality doesn't his love doesn't there's there's all these different ones, that I found that you know trying to pick which one I wanted to use but they were all about aspects of God that dip that don't change his love will never change his this will never falter his you know blah blah blah blah blah. The big thing and you alluded to it is his. The way he handles things has changed because of Grace in Jesus so it's not that he adapted. Pastor Bill: [29:17] But he always he always had the proclivity to be that but we prevented him from being that. Pastor Newms: [29:27] Right and that's that's what I think that that's one of those things where it has a hard time sometimes where there are times where God changed his mind quote unquote. Pastor Bill: [29:39] I'm not quote unquote that's straight-up I Repent ever making humankind I'm gonna wipe them out with a flood that's got changing his mind. Pastor Newms: [29:50] Well well it could be God changing his mind it could be God going mean this was the worst I knew it was bad but, I knew it was bad but boo, they're just bad bad like I knew they were bad like I knew it was going to happen but looking at it it's kind of like when you do something and you know it's not going to turn out okay like you know if I try to do art, right if I try to draw something anyone who knows me in real life is seen this probably at some point unless you've been spared I will draw something, and I know it's going to be bad and then I show it to someone and they're like oh that's like bad bad like that's so bad other people are complaining about it I knew it was going to be bad but I didn't know other people were going to complain to me about how bad it was going to be to the degree that they and so I think that's part of the like God knew it was bad but then it's like in the moment this is even think this is bad bad but that doesn't mean he has changed or, that just means he has the ability to change his mind from the beginning of time and does it sometimes based on. Prayers based on situations. Pastor Bill: [31:09] Based on finding one righteous man on Earth who then said mmm don't wipe us all. Pastor Newms: [31:16] But even then but even then you know, it's kind of cool to Sodom and Gomorrah right Sodom and Gomorrah he struck them down not because he looked at him and went and they're bad because other people were crying for. Pastor Bill: [31:35] The cities around. Pastor Newms: [31:36] Because of how. Pastor Bill: [31:37] In Sodom and Gomorrah. Pastor Newms: [31:39] Right so it's one of those situations where it's, do you know these guys are so bad that other people are bringing it's not that he didn't know, but people have and it's that whole you start to deal with that whole and this is actually something that's later also, the whole aspect of asking asking I can ask and I will ask can I you know, there's that aspect of these types of situations God didn't change but God sometimes, Alters the course of his Divine will because of other situations which happened, right off the bat because we were all supposed to be naked in a garden eating fruit but one tree still to this day and I hate wearing clothes and I'm still upset about it but, it is what it is you told us we had to so I do but you know whatever. Pastor Bill: [32:40] Did I write down the wrong scripture for this next. Pastor Newms: [32:43] I didn't think I'd be able to work in the fact that I hate wearing clothes into a sermon ever that's awesome that's interesting. Pastor Bill: [32:48] 5. Biblical accounts of the physical bodily resurrection of Jesus are completely accurate, This event actually occurred. so one, accurate is a broad question that allows for to people's testimonies to contradict so math you can say one thing and Mark can say something different and they can still both be accurate, right now is it a faithful replication of events as in you'd have in a history book, not really there eyewitness accounts they're not a history text that's not what the gospels are this. Pastor Newms: [33:42] Isn't that what all history texts are though eyewitness account. Pastor Bill: [33:47] No there these are the facts that are verifiable, by multiple Witnesses and documents and records and evidence is to make historical it has to be backed up by multiple things, the gospels are simply one man's eyewitness account that he wrote down and then another man's eyewitness account that he wrote down. Pastor Newms: [34:13] I understand what you mean but I don't know if you've picked up historical text recently because they're not always verifiable and the country. Pastor Bill: [34:22] Well they're supposed to be okay so. Pastor Newms: [34:24] Yeah I'm just saying like. Pastor Bill: [34:27] I'm in the strongly agree category at 47% somewhat agree in nineteen percent not sure it 11 percent somewhat disagree at 8% and strongly disagree at 15% of people, Mr. Grogy says the winner writes history to a certain degree he's right. Pastor Newms: [34:47] Can you find the Skeptics in the room yeah they're all my family. Pastor Bill: [34:53] Romans 10:9, “If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved.” if you disagree with statement number five then you do not meet the bare minimum requirements for being a Christian as the Bible explains them to be. The event actually occurred, you have to believe that as a prerequisite for being a Christian. It just is that just that is that's that's the Bare Bones. Pastor Newms: [35:40] Yeah so. Pastor Bill: [35:40] That's what makes you a. Pastor Newms: [35:42] Didn't I didn't even put a scripture down but I just wrote without faith in the resurrection Jesus wouldn't have been the Messiah so we wouldn't have belief in him so. Pastor Bill: [35:56] So this. Pastor Newms: [35:56] Peace out like that's what that's all I wrote. Pastor Bill: [35:57] This 15% that are like I strongly disagree that Jesus you've bodily Resurrected are you gonna tell him or should I I don't I don't know. Pastor Newms: [36:08] Well but do remember not everyone in this survey is a churchgoer even. Pastor Bill: [36:15] This was intended to be a survey of only churchgoers primarily Evangelical. Pastor Newms: [36:28] No cuz there's because in the structure. Pastor Bill: [36:29] 2,300 of them are not Evangelical and 711 of them were evangelicals. Pastor Newms: [36:37] And in attendance to church 642 of these people have never been to church. Pastor Bill: [36:45] I see that yeah. Pastor Newms: [36:48] And so you know not all. Pastor Bill: [36:52] 28 of them responded that they're not sure if they've ever been to church. Pastor Newms: [36:57] Yeah I didn't I thought that one was humorous. And I truly did find the, the differences in income and education level and their answers but that's just playing with data that's not part of this conversation anyway number. Pastor Bill: [37:23] 6. Jesus is the first and greatest being created by God. So 40% of respondents follow the Arian heresy apparently and believe that Jesus is a created being. 15% somewhat agree 13% weren't sure 8% somewhat disagreed and 24% including myself, I strongly disagree that Jesus is a being created by God and was the first of those beings. Pastor Newms: [38:24] And I believe 40% of that part of that 40% doesn't understand the question because of how poorly it's written. Pastor Bill: [38:35] So I put John chapter 1 verses 1 through 18 in there. “In the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God he was with God” in the beginning you know on and on and on and on what number two. And then when we skip down to verse 14 “the word became flesh and dwelt among us we observed his glory the glory as the one and only son from the father full of grace and truth John testified” and then we get down to verse 17 and it identifies the person who became flesh as Jesus Christ, Verse 18 “no one has ever seen God the one and only son who is himself God is at the father's side he has revealed himself” no Jesus was not a created being, Jesus is a part of God who then gave up Divinity to become a human person. Read move on to the next one. Pastor Newms: [39:54] So I also wrote Genesis 1:26, the illusion of John 11 you know the in the beginning was the word and the Word was God in the well in 1:26 is “and then God said let us make man in our image according to our likeness” they will rule such and such and such and such and such, but, you know God used a plural there. Because we are three parts like he is three parts exactly Biggs we are just shoved into an earth suit it's a dirt sack. Pastor Bill: [40:40] 7. Jesus was a great teacher but he was not God There is literally no wrong answer to this question. Given that he was God before he was Jesus and then became a human being who was not God while he walked the Earth and then became God again after he died and rose again. Pastor Newms: [41:11] And then walk the earth some more. Pastor Bill: [41:12] And then walk the earth some more and he was a great teacher during all those different parts so I put in Philippians 2:5-11 so we can really understand what I'm saying at that point is, “adopt the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus who existing in the form of God (right so Jesus was God), did not consider equality with God as something to be exploited (so he didn't oh I'm God I'm gonna take advantage instead he emptied himself), by assuming the form of a servant (some of the translations have said gave up his divinity gave up the Divine part of himself to become a human being a lowly servant.) Even humbling himself to the point of death even to death on a cross” he was God he became not God he rose again and became God again there's no wrong answer here any of those answers would have been accepted a say acceptable, Thirty-One percent strongly agreed 22% somewhat agreed 11% were like you're going to need to be more specific that's kind of where I'm at I'm like you need to give me a little bit more specific with your question, nine percent somewhat disagreed and 27 percent strongly disagreed, which is you know the Hardline evangelicals that I went out there you saying he's not God and didn't actually think through the question all the way up I believe. Pastor Newms: [42:52] So and and part of my problem is is I refuse to go mid line because I'm a I'm a person who won't go midline ever so I put disagree because, there's that aspect of he was and now he is so even if he took on Humanity he was, is and so the was was not God makes me go no you can't you can't cuz he was. Pastor Bill: [43:22] Yeah like I said there's no wrong answer they're that. Pastor Newms: [43:25] Right right so what I put is this is funny because what I put, was what we just talked about I put John 1:14 which is in the word became flesh and dwelt among us we observed his glory the glory as one and only son of the father full of grace and truth, and then I put also John 8:24 and I didn't put it in chat when I was about to say it, “therefore I told you that you will die in your sins for you do not believe that I am he you will die in your sins” so, you know there's that even he said I am, which is which is a very dangerous statement in that culture because that is what God told, Moses it is what got you know I am and so, that was Jesus saying I am and so that's why you know I put that in there. And now we get to the fun ones. Pastor Bill: [44:35] This is the first fun one it says the Bible hates trans people. Pastor Newms: [44:39] It's not what it says it's what is. Pastor Bill: [44:44] 8. God created male and female Okay like I agree with that statement, it's a it's a factual statement about the text God created male and female now the subtext of what you're saying I disagree with, um 64 percent strongly agreed 14% somewhat agreed 97 percent were not sure 3% somewhat disagree in twelve percent strongly disagree so if we go to the text Genesis 5:2 “God created them male and female when they were created he blessed them and called them mankind” yeah, and then I wrote down Jeremiah 1:5 because this is where it actually gets interesting to me at least. Jeremiah 1:5 “I chose you before I formed you in the womb, I set you apart before you were born I appointed you a prophet to the nation's” doesn’t point blank say that God forms Us in the womb there, but it does imply that everyone is formed in the womb got stitches us together in the woman's another way it says that none of the scripture, God is not a man that he might lie or a son of man that he might change his mind as he speak and not act or promise and not fulfill, and you're probably going well what does that have to do with male or female or trans or any of that well, God created the world and humanity and he set us on our course, with certain laws of physics and Dynamics and responsibilities and we screwed the pooch right Adam and Eve ate the fruit welcomes in into our very beings into our very DNA, and so God goes in and he goes to form a person in the womb. And what does he have there to use legally without. Not fulfilling his word of giving us Authority and letting the laws that he set forth right so he uses what's there, and sometimes what's their doesn't always match what's inside. So I believe it's 100% possible, for the the items that were there to be stitched together stitch together a male. Who God originally intended to be a female, and so they have this female psyche this female spirit this female point of view and all the tools all the stuff that was there that was provided to God, could only be made into a male or vice versa there was a female but inside. Pastor Newms: [47:58] Sorry you said all the tools in it. Pastor Bill: [47:59] God intended them to be a female but the tools the matter that was provided to God, the only thing he could make out of it with something else, and I believe that's why some people are born without an arm or they're born half deaf or they're born blind or they're born one way or another, God only has certain materials to work with and he's not going to lie and make himself a liar and Rewind thousands of years of creation because all of a sudden, God's not God and we all cease to exist because the only thing holding all this craziness together is the idea the fact that God is God, and I've got isn't God anymore everything just falls apart. Pastor Newms: [48:43] So first off the reason I'm laughing is because you said the word tool a lot, and and certain people love to call certain parts tools and so it just it made me it made me like you kept going tools tools and I'm like tool because I'm 12 so, you know it works so what I wrote here is I agree of course because, the text, detect says so and then it says the first humans were male and female but the wording of this makes it seem very aggressive against all non-binary which, is of course even farther farther step than just trans you know there are people, non-binaries a much larger encompassing of you know trans and people who, there's lots covered under the whole umbrella so which is not spoken about in scripture anywhere, that I can. Pastor Bill: [49:48] I shouldn't even be a question. Pastor Newms: [49:49] That's what I'm saying it's not. Pastor Bill: [49:51] Finn was should we love everybody no matter what and Jesus said yes. Pastor Newms: [49:56] Right. Pastor Bill: [49:57] Cooks. Pastor Newms: [49:58] Yeah yeah and and so that's that's where this really comes down to and it really is especially the, the as we talked about its the wording and the the the way some of these questions are it's very much a do you agree to trans people should exist and you're like whoa whoa that's not. Pastor Bill: [50:18] But I can't just I can't I can't say this is a true or false statement like theirs. Pastor Newms: [50:25] Like this your what you're asking what you're asking me to say vs. what I believe about what you're asking me to say are two completely different things and I think that really makes this survey, garbage people. Pastor Bill: [50:43] But that's why we need to talk about it. Pastor Newms: [50:45] But yes so. Pastor Bill: [50:45] Because this is what people are talking about and they're looking at this and they're going well this is what Christians think about the world and I'm like. No that doesn't accurately represents how I feel about my neighbors. Pastor Newms: [51:03] And it doesn't accurate and again that's where it comes down to these questions are poor because it doesn't accurately represent what they mean and what people are going to take from it, and that's where these kind of questions in these kinds of surveys cause problems and cause divisiveness. But yeah and the state of and calling it the state of. Pastor Bill: [51:32] The state of. Pastor Newms: [51:35] And the state of Theology and then this is a question that's not a, theological question you're asking a morality question more than you're asking a theology question but that's beside the point asked what you mean say what these questions should be worded how they actually mean. Pastor Bill: [51:52] Same number 9. Pastor Newms: [51:53] Okay I'll wait to complain about that. Pastor Bill: [51:55] 9. The holy spirit is a force but is not a personal being thirty-three percent agree that the holy spirit is the force I'm sorry a force. That was a little Star Wars joke 26 percent yeah somewhat agree. Pastor Newms: [52:12] midi-chlorines. Pastor Bill: [52:13] We don't talk about midi-chlorians 15% are not sure 7% somewhat disagree and 19% where my people at strongly disagree, that the holy spirit is a force but not a personal thing and I wrote down John 14. Because I could look at my notes 15 through 18. Jesus talking “if you love me you will keep my Commandments and I will ask the father and he will give you another counselor to be with you forever he is the spirit of Truth, the world is unable to receive him because it doesn't see him or know him but you do know him because he remains with you and will be in you” and if you follow along with the story, Jesus references this comforter again and Point Blank tells them it's the Holy Spirit and to wait for him to arrive, after and you go on and that's what happens in Acts 2. Pastor Newms: [53:23] So, this is again this is all about wording, this is all about wording and I did not throw things at my wife as she was walking up and down the stairs and then she did not throw them back at me because I am a child, this is all about the wording of this does trip me up some I wrote disagree this spirit is a distinct part of the Trinity but it is a spirit not a physical being so the question is written in a way, that leans people to answer a certain way, I was only slightly distracted groggy huh the issue I have, is when you read personal being, right there's two things that that can come from that like he is distinct he is a being but when you read personal being and force, there's that, well he's not a person so not a person no but like the question is worded so poorly. It's that whole like I know what you're asking, but it's written really bad like like I could answer true because he is not a person because a person in our definition of person has a body, but person know being he is a distinct being so and he is a force because, he's not physical so there's there this is one of those questions where like I know what they're asking and. I disagree but the wording makes me want to pull my own ears off, if someone actually called me an actually asked me these questions I'm pretty sure they would just Mark me as no answer on all of them and hang up because they've get two questions in and their ears would be bleeding, cuz that would be a. Pastor Bill: [55:46] 10. The holy spirit gives a spiritual New Birth or new life before a person has faith in Jesus Christ. That's just poppycock I sat here and stared at the computer when I read that the first time when I was like, that's that's just that's ridiculous twenty-seven percent of people strongly agree with that statement, 23% somewhat agree 21 percent aren't sure 9% somewhat disagree in twenty percent strongly disagree, if the Holy Spirit. Pastor Newms: [56:53] 50% of that 27 percent didn't hear the word before. Pastor Bill: [56:56] Right I guess so if the holy spirit gives you a spiritual New Birth or new life before you have faith in Jesus Christ then you've attained salvation before you've attained salvation. Pastor Newms: [57:09] Well to be fair to be fair there are people who believe, there are a second Christianity who believe you are chosen in the past, before anything happened God chose who would be saved and that's actually talked about later there are people who believe that and so for the people who believe that this makes total sense, because oh yeah he he decided I'm going to have a new life before I had a new life and you're like putting. Pastor Bill: [57:48] This isn't said decided this is Gibbs this says this is this is saying those people who are elect they have they have new life a new birth when they're still before they believe that. Pastor Newms: [58:03] Some of them some of them believe that that they're perfect already. Pastor Bill: [58:08] Like they could just go out and murder a bunch of people and they would still go to heaven because they were chosen Before Time that's ridiculous. Pastor Newms: [58:17] So what verse did you right now. Pastor Bill: [58:20] The same one as for 9, “if you love me you will keep my commands and I will ask the father and he will give you another counselor” he's not you're not going to be given the counselor you're not gonna be given the Holy Spirit you're not going to have the Holy Spirit before you love Jesus and keep his commands you can't you can't hook up, you you take the horse and you hook the cart to the horse you don't put the horse behind the cart and hook the cart to the horse and then start whipping the cart like why won't this thing go. Pastor Newms: [58:56] So I wrote you know I wrote little passages for each of these as my personal notes so that way when you looked at me and I would go oh blah because, this one's heavier so I didn't want to misspeak off the cuff like I sometimes will so for number 10 I wrote disagree. And I didn't write anything else I wrote a scripture so I'll read the scripture but I wrote nothing I just wrote disagree because like you said huh, but I didn't write anything because I was like I don't have anything to write for that that is so silly my brain hurts so I wrote second Corinthians 5:17, and I said it's I said hmm, I've copied and it says “therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation the old has passed away and see the new has come” you have to be, in Christ before you are a new creation this isn't a. Read the book sorry that's rude of me but some of these questions got me real hot and bothered some of these questions got me real hot and bothered. Number 11. Pastor Bill: [1:00:31] All right this is this is going to be a fun one 11. The Holy Spirit can tell me to do something which is forbidden in the Bible. Pastor Newms: [1:00:42] Do you want me to start you want me you want me to start. Pastor Bill: [1:00:49] Eleven percent strongly agree with that statement 11% somewhat agree. Pastor Newms: [1:00:54] Aha aha. Pastor Bill: [1:00:55] Sixteen percent aren't sure 11% somewhat disagree and a whopping 51% of people strongly disagree, with this statement but before I tell people what I chose. Pastor Newms: [1:01:08] Aha. Pastor Bill: [1:01:09] Imagine if you will you are Peter, in the New Testament and the Holy Spirit tells you, you can eat meat that isn't clean and you go but the Bible says I can't do that, so you must not be the Holy Spirit. Like God doesn't change but the way that he interacts with humans does, things that were forbidden for certain cultures in the Bible because it wouldn't have been good for them like eating pork because they didn't know how to take care of it, may not be forbidden for you as a person living in today in the Old Testament you couldn't wear cloth that was two different types of fibers, but that's okay today. Pastor Newms: [1:02:10] So so I know you know go ahead and say where you stand and and then I'm going to say what I wrote and why I wrote it. Pastor Bill: [1:02:18] I strongly agree with the statement that the Holy Spirit can tell me to do something which is forbidden in the Bible. Pastor Newms: [1:02:24] So I disagree and here's why, the things that we get from a holy spirit should align with scripture since we know God doesn't change and all in scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching rebuking correcting and and training in second Timothy now the reason I said this, is because of the wording of the question, the Holy Spirit can tell me to do something that is forbidden to me hope that didn't go through on Twitch. Because of the wording of the question and this is where the question is so terrible. There are people in our culture who has said things like God told me to murder my children and you're like death didn't go somewhere. Pastor Bill: [1:03:18] See that violates the spirit of the text you he won't tell you to violate the spirit of the text. Pastor Newms: [1:03:27] And that's what I mean when I say that not that. You know
S3EP94- Should we be intimate?
S3EP94- Should we be intimate?
S3Ep94- Should We Be Intimate? Pastor Bill And Pastor Newms  Pastor Newms: [0:00] And hello wait that's not how you start we start with, hello and welcome to season 3 episode 94 of the Breen Manifesto faith hope and love for the modern Christian I'm pastor newms and Pastor Bill is still down here. In the little corner, for the next three weeks I think it is before you start taking the big Corner again because we've got three three more weeks of this, podcast I mean of this series Pastor Bill: [0:42] I guess in three weeks I'll take the big screen back. My week was. [1:01] Rotated my mattress. Pastor Newms: [1:02] You rotated your. If that is the highlight of your week we need to talk. Pastor Bill: [1:16] That was the highlight of my week. [1:32] Yeah not a whole bunch but yeah. Pastor Newms: [1:34] We didn't stream because my week was crazy we. We did something kind of cool seven days ago that I didn't realize until tonight, because I'm real bad at paying attention to things sometimes because I'm really really bad at life we got our first donation on our. Pastor Bill: [2:23] Heights a mole air horn. Pastor Newms: [2:27] It was mr. groggy because we love him so it was it's good that we got it. But the it is you know family member so it wasn't like a random Watcher but I mean the Trevor Project, is a good, charity so you know money is money so yeah that was kind of cool I noticed it when I logged in today it was like 7 days ago and I was like oh I missed that oops that must have happened last week during church I'm bad big says you have a very weak air horn. Pastor Bill: [3:14] Yeah well. Pastor Newms: [3:15] So that's one of those things so so what else do you. Haha your your screen your mic modulation is straight up ignoring that noise and assuming assuming it's gross background noise. Pastor Bill: [3:37] That's a funny. Pastor Newms: [3:38] Like we see you put it up there we see it light up and we see you go because you're excited and then nothing. Pastor Bill: [3:45] Nothing. Pastor Newms: [3:48] It was quite humorous like. Pastor Bill: [3:51] No Sly screwdriver noise whatsoever just. Pastor Newms: [3:53] Your Sonic I think your Sonic is broken ha ha. Pastor Bill: [3:57] Sonic doesn't Sonic bro. Pastor Newms: [3:59] Yeah I think you just have an LED screwdriver so your week was just kind of normal. [4:25] Chest hair you were. Pastor Bill: [4:25] There's all still there yeah. Pastor Newms: [4:28] Um what are you looking at down there just hair that makes sense. Pastor Bill: [4:33] The top of my belly I guess I don't know. Pastor Newms: [4:35] Top of my belt I do I feel you on that one I have I have hair just the. My week was interesting I started out. Pastor Bill: [5:02] Father think too much information to know that you have hair all over your body. Pastor Newms: [5:15] But to be fair he actually has slightly more hair on his head. Pastor Bill: [5:21] We'll be fine. Pastor Newms: [5:22] To be fair or so my week was weird this week, I worked a lot I, well Monday morning I woke up and it was it was a it I'm in the middle of a gout flare, and it is painful and so I spent most of my week working and then laying down so we have there's a couch here that you can't see because Pastor bills heads in front of it there's a couch right here, we're past your bills head is and it's a futon couch that came with, when says moved in and so when he got a bed for his bedroom there was enough room in it for the couch thing and his so the little settee that was here is gone, and there's now this couch right here right here and so um, multiple times this week it was like okay I'm done with work I don't feel like going downstairs I just go over there and lay down so. Pastor Bill: [6:41] Lay down right here in the room. Pastor Newms: [6:43] I just watch whatever says was doing and then play on my phone and put my feet up and so that was most of my week, taking some extra fat. Pastor Bill: [6:55] Today I called and groggy answered the phone and he was like gnomes is asleep oh okay. Pastor Newms: [7:02] And so that's that's that's where we're going to go next the weird things that happened this weekend and my beard hair has gotten in my headset I hate when that happens the, the hair right here curls and it curls enough that it's under this that it then, gets in my ear and it I didn't straighten my beard before we started tonight so sorry listeners you had to deal with that so Friday, we had DND like normal. Your son's game that was fun but because of my increased vitamins and stuff I missed part of that because I was sick because charcoal, taking activated charcoal does some stuff to systems makes you a little sticky sometimes so we did the end, yeah we did the Indie like normal then Saturday rolled around, and we ended up canceling Monday Bible study in the morning on Saturday the family bible study because there was just a lot of family stuff going on different people in different places. Pastor Bill: [8:18] So when we do what we're doing tonight are we going to get a week ahead again. Because last week we were like we're week ahead we should pick back up next week. Pastor Newms: [8:29] I know we are but that's okay I'm just plugging through hopefully I won't get extremely nauseous directly after this and I won't, not do the post like I'm supposed to do but it will be fine we'll be fine it'll be fine it'll be fine I'll be fine. Pastor Bill: [8:49] That'll be fine. Pastor Newms: [8:51] Several people in the family bible study can't even use, which witch or listen to podcasts so Biggs will realize it glorious realize you know it is all good, I do have a couple other family members that do listen to it when the podcast comes out and we love that they do as well because that's fun. So we'll see if they notice because I'm not going to say anything this time because I said something about it last time but I'm not going to this time and so, we had to cancel it and so I was like okay and it was funny because when we cancelled it didn't the cats like the cats like new so then my my boy cat, Amy and then the other cat that hangs out in my room all the time Shila both, one of them lay on my pillow and one of them laid next to me like okay cool we're not getting up and I'm like how do they know we're not cats cats gravy like so and then we woke up and then we had. Pastor Bill: [9:59] It out of my head. Pastor Newms: [10:12] How. The the best is actually here he's downstairs groggy is and so he Chi is doing her do not leave groggy at all because she, knows that groggy leaves after dinner and he only stays one night and then he leaves and so she's not leaving, his lap, and it's a cert we call it her don't leave ritual because she just follows him around the house when he goes to get a drink or anything and then sits on him the whole time it's really funny so, groggy was some he was actually in town visiting a different family member and he called Tina and he was like can I can I come over, and she's like sure and so he came over. [11:04] And I'd lay down take a nap and so then he gets here and he like you said you called me and he answered the phone well then I had to run out because I bought most of what I needed for dinner but I didn't buy everything. And I was like okay let me go get a couple things and then I'll come home cooked dinner so came home start cooking dinner and I've got nice Grill it's not an amazing girl yeah and and groggy had no intention on spending the night or staying he was just going to stop by because he was in town, and of course that doesn't work because I'm very needy and I tend to beg, and the girls beg all the time so he of course was the cuckoo Castle spend the night so. Pastor Bill: [11:47] Mmm okay fine. Pastor Newms: [11:50] Yeah okay fine especially when Serphiona was like by the way I just made the bed upstairs I cleaned the room and made the bed so you can sleep up there and he's like but I wasn't going to, all right fine it's fine so I start to grill now a couple weeks ago when I grill. [12:10] I told Tina I was like Zaydie look, I need to clean the grill there is too much grease buildup in the bottom of the grill I need to clean the grill I need you to help me remember to clean the grill, I did not remember to clean the grill so I start grilling the burgers no big deal everything's fine everything's fine flipping the burgers once they get the the juice on the top so that. [12:39] You know you know once you know that the juice is risen so then you flip them and you know using cook them low and slow so that way you don't burn them it you know all the things you need to do go inside and I'll make it macaroni and cheese inside and I was making mashed potatoes inside and I was making I think that was all I was making, inside so now go back outside and I flip them all, and there's a little bit of a poof on one of the area's right because that happens when you are cooking Burgers over gasps you know you know cuz, grease and I'm like alright cool no problem tonight, you know Pat the top of the burger is flip you know rotating around because I do have one hot spot in my grill and rotate them all and then I kind of half turn around and the fire has not gone down it has actually caught, the bottom underneath the flame where the grease had built up. That caught fire and so all of a sudden the fire is like taller than me and, it's not hitting the house but it's taller than me and it's just fire and I'm like oh I'm sorry I crack the door and and I'm like. Pastor Bill: [13:56] This sounds familiar. Pastor Newms: [13:58] It does this is why I made you wait so that way you could and I was and I opened the door and I was like water now and they bring me this big thing, and I dump the water on it well if you smother it it does go out and so it did it went out. He's got to use more water than I know it's not how you should handle it huh. Pastor Bill: [14:19] Their edges to catch the water is that what you're saying. Pastor Newms: [14:21] Yeah yeah because they're because it was because it's it's the bottom of the grill it's the inside of the grill so once you dump the water the water you know Smothers the fire that's there, cuz I know I know grease fires a No-No you don't throw water on a grease fire unless you can smother which I did so. Pastor Bill: [14:43] Was there much you know unless you're intending to make the grease fire spread. Pastor Newms: [14:47] Yeah yeah. Pastor Bill: [14:48] Then you can add water to it but. Pastor Newms: [14:50] So Now for those of you out there in Internet land and listening land what's funny about this is, about six months before I moved from Texas to Tennessee so about almost three years ago now, zadie was cooking Burgers walked away from the grill it was an older Grill and one of the. Regulators that controls you know how much gas do you put in went out and so it started pouring gas into the grill and actually like, basically borderline flamed the grill out to which someone came running into our trailer at the time and. [15:41] Grabbed the girls one of our neighbors yelling your house is on fire grab the girls grab the cats, move the cars and we ended up with like hockey pucks and the fire department was already on its way and it was just around the corner so it was real fast but it, that was not anyone's fault this one, was straight-up my fault that one no one's fault a regulator went bad, not Zaydie this one straight up my fault so we had to throw away we had these big plastic things outside to hold it hold on my grill stuff, I melted part of the side of it so those got taken to the dump today and Zaydie dried the hamburgers because of course they were, they were I was like like moments from them being done, you know I had checked the temperature and I was just rotating to get the right amount of nice grill marks on certain ones on the outside and so I'd moved all the ones outside and sit the middle just and. [16:55] So they were still good one of them was a little overdone which I ate that one because I, only wanted one Burger anyway and so I ate the one that was a little overdone I think but it was it was good because nothing got damaged and I think a trip but and the grills functional I've already tested at clean but I so then this morning, that was my last night and so I spent like 20 minutes last night, cleaning the grill like you know just making sure it was cooled off make sure you know assessing damage you know blah blah blah and then this morning when I got up I immediately. [17:35] Went out there took apart the grill cleaned all the grease you know etcetera Etc threw everything away, but yeah so that was my humorous oh my goodness what did you just do experience, and then Biggs came over and we went to, Lowe's and got the board and the trim to frame the puzzle that we finished. [18:11] Last week week before last I don't remember which week it was, and so we glued that today and we cut the you know cut the trim so that way it's sitting nice because it's so big that you can't buy a frame for it the Frank any frame, big enough would actually have to be a custom frame not one that you can even like, go buy some pieces and you know blah blah he actually have to buy the Plexiglas Bible and it was, very expensive and so we just went and bought you know the stuff they make cork boards out of not corkboards pegboards where there, the pegboard were there glossy on one side and the other side like almost, cloth feely but it's not cloth yeah but it's composite and it's got all the holes drilled in it well we got a piece of that board that's that small thickness, pre hole cut because they sell that and so that way you can drill your own holes and just you know have it not a full pegboard. [19:15] And so we bought one of those we of course flipped it over so that glue seeps into that composite also to get that puzzle real good in, down and then we bought a trim that we did the 45 degree angles so we can put it on there and so at some point soon I'll have that and that might actually take the place of The Boondock Saints The Same, it moved I don't know for sure but I was thinking that might be one of the places that it might end up right next to the Saints I haven't fully decided I think the science might come over, and it go above the thing or the Saints might move that way I don't know where it's going to go yet, the Saints might go right here actually but, so yeah that was my crazy weekend of just like oh my gosh I can post burnt the house down. Pastor Bill: [20:15] All right oof. Pastor Newms: [20:15] So yeah and that's why I never came back after dinner when I was like we're going to stream after dinner and then I was like no we're not never mind and you're like. Pastor Bill: [20:28] Never came back. Pastor Newms: [20:29] You're like a I've never yet never came back until it. Pastor Bill: [20:32] He never came back. Pastor Newms: [20:34] Super late because I spent the whole time doing that and never never really recovered, so Pastor Bill: [20:47] All right did your your week to draw a card. Pastor Newms: [20:51] Oh We got to know the pastor's I tried to burn the house down there we're done for the week what's the most traumatic thing that happened to you this week if you had to describe your personality in terms of a farm animal. [21:11] What animal would you choose I'll let you go first Pastor Bill what animal would you be if you had to choose a farm animal, to be. What farm animal. Pastor Bill: [21:36] I guess I'd be the hound dog you know the one that when it came to the farm has a puppy it was all exuberance and and you never knew what it was gonna do and now it's old and tired and just wants to sit on the porch and. Not do anything anymore. Pastor Newms: [21:54] All right. Hmm this is hard such a hard description oh yeah I'd be an ass I would be the donkey let's be honest I'm stubborn as a mule I'm functional I'll help you if I feel like it. Pastor Bill: [22:27] Yeah I was gonna say rooster. Pastor Newms: [22:29] Where are you. Pastor Bill: [22:31] And yeah and groggy said it on a hunt witches well. Pastor Newms: [22:35] Now why do you say rooster because I'm loud and obnoxious that's rude. Pastor Bill: [22:41] Well a rooster rooster does that thing where they're protective and there they've got that caustic personality, and they'll come in they'll spur you and then a few minutes later they'll be like oh I love that you give me food and I'm gonna hang out with you and be sweet now. Pastor Newms: [23:03] I heard it I heard an interesting things. So it's one of those things where and the Lord sometimes has to whip to get me to move. The right direction I'll go. Pastor Bill: [23:33] Did you just say the Lord is your Balaam. Pastor Newms: [23:35] No I said that I am no I would never say that because Balaam was, an idiot but. There are times when yes as 80 said zaidi just said sometimes I have a really hard time listening and following, like if you pull me I'm immediately going to be like know why are you pulling me for don't you don't get to lead me I'm going where I'm going stop, but no but I need you to go forward I don't want it no and then God's like Excuse me yes you are and the little you know and you're like oh okay yeah sure we'll go that way oh I see why we were going that way that makes sense I should have went this way you're right you're right you're right yeah I suppose that's why I think of myself as a donkey I do have to wake the whole house up so that rooster would work because there are lots of days where I have to be the one to wake everybody up. Pastor Bill: [24:37] Are you more of a donkey or more of a mule. [24:46] Because like there's a donkey. That who knows why people keep donkeys I have no idea and then there's the mule which is basically half horse half donkey, which is what people actually ride on it's actually what Balaam would have been writing on it can carry packs you know and it's actually useful. Pastor Newms: [25:06] People keep donkeys to make mules I mean that's because mules can't reproduce. Pastor Bill: [25:16] Mules are yeah because once you once you mix that horse and that donkey together it's a sterile creates a sterile thing. Pastor Newms: [25:25] That's why people keep donkeys is to make mules and I've made several stubborn entity's in my life. [25:39] All right. Pastor Bill: [25:40] In the analogy of the lordly you know the Lord uses you to blah blah blah then you'd be more the mule than you would the Donkey. [25:55] Donkeys have that that rear kick that really strong beer kick and when they get spooked and so I can see them using donkeys to help guard kettle. Pastor Newms: [26:07] But wouldn't you just use cattle dogs. [26:15] I don't know I mean Biggs is more country than either of us so if he said it is probably true. Pastor Bill: [26:24] This is more country than I am. Pastor Newms: [26:25] No no he's more for me than you are. Pastor Bill: [26:35] Okay okay okay that makes sense yeah I'll give you that one. Pastor Newms: [26:38] All right so this week this week we are talking about. Pastor Bill: [26:50] Well we're still undecided bullshit. Pastor Newms: [26:51] We're talking about discipleship that's right the title of tonight's. Gross I almost said message the title of tonight's talk the meeting were having is. Should we be intimate and the reason why. Is one I like to have funny titles but more importantly is you know we're following. And working through, I'm in our personal lives because you bought the book too so we're working through in our personal lives the the book by Tony Evans, the kingdom disciples and that's what we are basing you know this discussion on is as we study this we're kind of talking about it. And that's one of the things he's talking about in discipleship one of the needs of discipleship is intimacy with God. And. Pastor Bill: [27:54] And intimacy despite modern contextual does not mean a sexual relationship. Pastor Newms: [28:04] Right. Pastor Bill: [28:04] You can have intimacy with a with with god with another human being and and not be romantic and it not be sexual it can just be a close intimate relationship. Pastor Newms: [28:15] Right and she'll like the the actual, dictionary definition is close familiarity friendship closeness, so you know words that you could also use for poor like you said familiarity togetherness. And then there is the secondary that is used nowadays which is you know the intimate act or private and cozy atmosphere. [28:51] But that intimacy that we have is important because one of the things we're always talking about is Christianity. Is not about the religion it's about the relationship and taking that step between quote-unquote salvation being a Christian that first step towards discipleship, that we take the is building that intimacy and closeness with. God having a relationship not just having a religion and one of the things that, and I found that to be a really interesting statement. So many people who practice Christianity but don't. [30:05] Do it you know they're a part of it they claim it they say they are they but they don't actually have that intimate closeness they're just following the Motions of Christianity they're not living, in Christianity and I think that is real big and happens, in the last time we had a full conversation we talked about, auditing a college course is similar to you know there are people auditing Christianity and so you know we talked about that, last time and it's the same thing there are people just walking the walk they're walking the religion they're part of the religion but they do not have the actual relationship and they're not working towards that intimacy there just. [30:52] I'm sitting in my Pew I am singing my song I am being nice to my neighbor I am paying my tithe I am doing the things God has I wrote down that we have to do and you're like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that's not the point, the point is the things that we do are supposed to be the outpouring of our relationship, because we want to not because we do them to be a Christian it's a it's the outpouring of it, you look like you're about to say something before I go to the next thing I wanted to say. Really cuz there was a lot of white which means you were looking something up are you sure. You do the same thing you do to me when it gets really white and you're like you're Googling something what did you refine so. [31:48] The first scripture I wanted to look at was John 15, around this intimacy aspect and we're going to start in verse 1 and then I forgot to write down the other scripture that's in First Corinthians that we're going to look at later maybe, bill can find that because he knows which one I'm talking about that was talked about but I have to find it so, I'm going to start this is the parable of the Vine, in 15 1 which is I am the True Vine and my father is the gardener every branch in me that does not produce fruit he removes and he prunes every branch that produces fruit so that it produces more fruit, you are already clean because of the word I've spoken to you remain in me and I in you just as the branch, isn't able to produce fruit by itself unless it remains on the vine neither can you unless you remain in me I am the vine you are the branches the one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit because you can do nothing without me, if anyone does not remain in me he is thrown aside they gather them throw them up in the fire and they are burned. [33:07] If you remain in me and my work my words remain in you ask whatever you want it'll be done my father is glorified by this that you produce much fruit, and prove to be my disciples as the father has loved me I have loved you remain in my love, keep my Commandments you will remain in my love just as I have kept my father's Commandments and remain in his love I've told you these things so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete, this is my command love one another as I have loved you no greater love than this to lay down his life for his friends you are my friends, if you do what I command you I do not call you servants anymore because the servant does not know what his master is doing I call you friends because I've made known to you, everything I have heard from my father you did not choose me but I chose you I appointed you to go and produce fruit that your fruit should remain so whatever you ask of, the father in my name he will give you this is what I command you love one another so to a couple things I want to pull out of this one is. So often everyone quotes the one thing you know what's the best commandment you know love the got love thy God and, do that love others as yourself move on. [34:30] In this passage in John I always find it interesting jesus takes it a step farther love others because I loved you, and in that one hurts a little more for those of us that struggle with liking other people because that one is like, okay. This isn't even have like a caveat of like yourself because of yourself if you know it's just straight up like you should love others because I like you and you're like oh yeah sure and then again. Digital Data love other love one another and then it you know it goes on in the next passage about how you know the world will hate us we just talked about it in the past John 15:18 but I find it interesting love one another period, now I know periods weren't in the original manuscript but you know what I mean and it's like if the world hates you is that beginning of the next part which. [35:32] Is it stated before the love but it's stated in such a way that's like you should love everyone, a lot of people are going to hate you though and that's, doesn't matter I stated the love part first on purpose and you're like oh yeah okay that's that's that's valid so that's one of the aspects that I wanted to point out about about this is the whole thing about love is so important loving others blah blah blah but the other, what's wrong. Pastor Bill: [36:05] I had something to say two things one. And John 15:18 when it says if the world hates you would we've talked about it before but that word. Pastor Newms: [36:17] Right. Pastor Bill: [36:19] Um used there is a figurative word meaning moral world's the morally world, he's talking about the religious World there in that context if the religious order hates you. When you're loving everyone it's because they don't love me Jesus They Don't Love don't love God you know that's why they hate that you're loving everyone, um and then 1512. John 15:12 this is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you why does this remind me of The Princess Bride. And that night the king died and Prince Humperdinck and Buttercup were married and the next day a prince King Humperdinck addressed the people my father's last words will love her, as I loved her why does it remind me of that scene. Pastor Newms: [37:16] I'm not sure but okay. Pastor Bill: [37:19] Anyway. If we compare around well God with all your heart soul mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself if the compound that into. Love one another as I have loved you. Then Jesus could all very easily also be saying here to love yourself. The way that Jesus loves you. Pastor Newms: [37:50] That is a hundred percent accurate yes. Pastor Bill: [37:55] Right because you have to know how to love yourself and then out of that extension then you love your neighbor as yourself. How do you love yourself you love yourself the way Jesus loves you, how does Jesus love you will Jesus wants the best for you once the healthiest for you he wants it's right for you he doesn't want you have to do things multiple times he doesn't want you to be left high dry and lonely on and on and on and you know what I mean, um smell of yourself, the way Jesus loves you make those decisions that align with well what is what what is the best for me what does the person who literally died for me what would he choose for me in this situation. What you know and choose that so those are the things I had to add about that little segment there. Pastor Newms: [38:48] Okay and and I agree definitely it is it is an extremely valid point of that. As we look at what Jesus says ever or what you know anywhere in the Bible we should look at the whole thing so when we combine those two aspects it isn't interesting. Thought process. Pastor Bill: [39:22] I know I know Paul later on says no man is ever hated himself but nourishes the body I'm sorry Paul your words did not age well in that instance. Pastor Newms: [39:35] Well and I will agree and on the flip side of it. I sometimes wonder if Paul wasn't overcompensating some depressive thoughts himself it's some of what he says with a situation like that. Pastor Bill: [39:59] I think Paul does a lot of overcompensating for his own issues in a lot of things that he talks about. Pastor Newms: [40:04] Cuz it's like yeah it's a because he's so down on himself so often in other parts of scripture when he says something like that you're like. Pastor Bill: [40:15] Now guys remember I told you not to have sexual relations with other guys and then the people reading the letters are like. Is he talking to me is he talking to hear who the heck is he talking to none of us none of us here do that Paul. That's not even part of our culture Paul. Pastor Newms: [40:35] Wrong wrong letter run letter you meant to send that to the Romans. Pastor Bill: [40:41] Give it good to you must submit so there's somebody else or I don't know maybe it was just on your mind Paul. Pastor Newms: [40:47] It is interesting some of the things that Paul says often so with. [40:59] Ron God I don't worship that God why would you tell me not to do that in worship of a God that I don't worship, I'm confused so one of the interesting things the second interesting thing about this is talking about, you know a Vine and a branch and when you look at that vine and branch in a Vineyard, and I don't I only know this because of what I've been told let's be clear because I don't, drink wine like wine I don't even like grapes that much but you have to have a support structure for the vine the Vine, if it's on the ground it'll die if it's on the it's now I do know this as a fact with cucumbers and green beans that they have to have something to grow on and tomatoes to a certain degree they have to have something to grow on those Vine, they can't just grow like a potato potatoes can their Vine the grow underground and it's it's a weird I system that's true potatoes are weird fruit vegetable whatever but. [42:21] With a grape with different fruits like that it can't survive without that support structure and. [42:32] It's not going to Bear good fruit without that support structure it'll be a Vine it'll Vine across the ground it might or might not die but it's just going to vine across the ground no big deal, but it won't bear that fruit unless it has that support structure and and so often that's how we are as humans without. Does support in the relationship in the intimacy of the Christian walk we won't do the things that. We should be doing not to say that no one can not to say that no one does but the fruit that the God wants we can't produce if we're not listening to what God wants us to do, we might produce fruit but it's not going to be the fruit that he wants us to produce if we're not listening and being close with God. [43:31] So that's that was kind of the the reason why that one stood out to me was that, Vine and closeness in and the fruit that we should be showing as Christians and being a light to the world and being, you know working on building disciples and working on you know helping others to grow we can't do that unless we're close to God ourselves, obviously they have not heard from God because they're just bearing some kind of strange fruit because they are not actually close to their Branch not that we will ever name names on here, you know who you are anyway. Pastor Bill: [44:20] You know who. Pastor Newms: [44:21] You know who you are so that that's that's the one I kind of wanted to look at in that area. Did you have any other points about that before I while I look for the other verse that I'm looking for. Pastor Bill: [44:42] So I had Adam I wanted to talk about this abide thing, and it's connection with intimacy because it dare in John 15 Jesus says it over and over again if you abide in me and I abide in you. And this idea of bide it's this this Greek word Mentos minnow, and it means to stay in a given Place State relationship or expectancy abide continued well endure the present remain stand Terry, hold your own you know like. You get that idea of like in the movie 300 when they get all their Shields together in their standing their ground abide you know hold your own. Um this is the ideas that this word expresses and so Jesus uses that over and over and over again abide in me as I abide in you, and it creates this this close intimacy when you're abiding in that area but I specifically wanted to point out in John 21. [46:06] 22 it says Jesus saith unto them I'm reading out of the King James at the moment if I will that's not right why did I write that down. [46:24] Hope that's not the verse I was looking for but I wrote it down for some reason. [46:39] Who had to write that down. Pastor Newms: [46:41] It does have the word remain in it. Pastor Bill: [46:44] It has it but that's not the verse that I was going to talk about. Pastor Newms: [46:47] It has the. Pastor Bill: [46:53] Okay so we'll do it with not the reference all right so there's there's the time that you know there at the end and Jesus says go into Jerusalem and abide there until the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And so. The given these orders as a group to go and abide in this area right so most of them at this point have been doing excuse me. Ministry together you know shoulder-to-shoulder face-to-face with the people. Now they had to replace two of the disciples right at right at the Forefront there, and so they replace them with two you know two new people so 10 of these guys they've been in in the thick of it for the last three years, at this point Jesus old followers come back out of the woodwork so there's probably about 120 150 of them all biting in Jerusalem, and every day they're going to the temple and they're praying and they're talking to people and they're they're just kind of hanging out and the whole idea here is that. [48:11] They're becoming intimate with each other, because they've never had time to do that this whole time they've been focused on Jesus or focus on Ministry to the people Jesus or minister to the people not each other they're not really building these interconnects relationships. And so this is the point where they're starting to build the structure of the relationships with each other that's actually going to support the new church right the new church is going to sit on top of those relationships, and so their abiding in this area all 120 150 of them getting to know each other becoming the beginning of this structure. [48:51] But not only that, the people in the city are starting to see them and get familiar with them they're becoming starting to have this intimate idea of who these men are these men and women who they really are, can they trust them do you know do they believe in them is it somebody you would want to babysit your kids you know they're learning this about these men. So then when the day of Pentecost hits and the Holy Spirit falls on these people that are in the upper room it's people that, the Staples in the city the Craftsman the the merchants the the ladies you know that are making clothes for the kids and getting water and and cooking and all of these people, the priesthood they've all been living in and around these men. [49:47] For a certain amount of time this extended amount of time and when the Holy Spirit hits and they come out and they're speaking in tongues, and and all of these guests in the town are like who are these people that they're speaking in my own language that's the moment when the shopkeeper goes, well those are those are the good old boys they've been around for a while they I know them hey if they're saying that then it's got to be true, you know I trust them we're in cement and so we get this idea of we talk about discipleship is this. [50:22] Relationship thing and it's this idea of abiding not just abiding in The Lord of letting the Lord change you but abiding in your, area where you've been placed abiding in your secular job abiding in Wherever You Are. [50:40] And creating those relationships where people around you, see you they trust you they know you they understand you and vice versa and then when the Lord moves in your life and you say. I prayed about that and it happened or I felt like the Lord was telling me to do something and I feel like it cause this to happen those people who've been watching your life who have an intimate knowledge of you because you've been abiding, right you've created this relationship that's that's the moment when it can go from. Just a relationship too, we have a limp if you really want to know then let me tell you about the Lord and what he's done for me and what it can do for you and and lead them to Salvation, that's how this discipleship thing works it wasn't like I mean yeah Jesus sent them out in pairs at one point he said hey go out and do ministry, and if someone rejects you that's fine just walk away, he wanted them to see firsthand what it was like to go blindly into a scenario where you have no standing you don't know anybody you know trying to do ministry and they came back in and they were like it was rough out there man. [51:58] So they were learning this lesson of discipleship and intimacy and then Jesus says Angola by in. Plant yourself there you know start this discipleship campaign. And so that's what I wanted to talk about it was you know we need to be wherever you are whatever season your life is in plug in. Abide there don't. Clock in do your work and go home sure don't give your company more time than they're paying you for but your co-workers the culture there that the people that you know abide, abide in their lives abide in that area and make that impact. [52:46] Back to you Pastor newms. Pastor Newms: [52:48] Yeah and that's definitely always interesting to look at because we are we're supposed to be in the world, but not all of it so we're supposed to be in it constantly just being there with other people and and. Pastor Bill: [53:08] Oh well I'm I only hang out with my church friends I only go to church events I only. You're not being in the world you're not being out there you're not being a light in the darkness that's not what that looks like. That's. [53:28] I don't know how else to say it. Pastor Newms: [53:31] Yeah. And so it is an interesting thought of okay where are we where we abiding where are we and I found it interesting, dr. Evans when he was talking he talked about it when he was talking about abiding he talked about tea and you know some people you know up and down up and down up and down up and down up and down that's how they make their tea and then some people go teabag and then it just it abides there it stays there and, the water becomes T and if we're not abiding where we're supposed to we're not going to end up becoming what we're supposed to be, and jumping in and out in and out in and out a lot more work and which that's what I do the water gets hot you throw the tea in you do then, add the sugar later and all that jazz but yeah so. That's really all we had tonight I think you have anything else. Pastor Bill: [54:41] Nope did you not find your verse out of Corinthians. Pastor Newms: [54:43] Heidi did but I don't want
S3EP93- It costs how much...
S3EP93- It costs how much...
S3Ep93- It Costs How Much... , Pastor Bill And Pastor Newms The Berean Manifesto Pastor Newms: [0:00] Hello and welcome to season 3 episode 93, of the BereanManifesto faith hope and love for the modern Christian I'm pastor newms and as recently and almost always I'm joined other side joined by Pastor Bill down here in the corner who doesn't remember that his cameras flipped. Pastor Bill: [0:25] Much which side are you on now I can't remember. Pastor Newms: [0:28] That's okay I have to point to the left to get to the right because it's camera versus stage and it's, yeah yeah so how was your week Pastor Bill. Pastor Bill: [0:46] I was my week well we started playing a new game this week well new to me new update for you. So that was fun I started dedicating time to writing sci-fi again. Pastor Newms: [1:02] That's good. Pastor Bill: [1:03] So that was wheelie satisfying. Pretty much that's it I mean I did my you know much 20 hours this week on my contract labor for that project kids would School nobody got sick. Pastor Newms: [1:20] That's good that's good. Pastor Bill: [1:24] That was that was about it that's that's my week just, do my day-to-day and doing some writing and then playing get some gaming yesterday and little bit of gaming today gaming I would like to resources and building a ship. Pastor Newms: [1:41] Still gaming too. Pastor Bill: [1:42] It is technically still gaming yeah. Pastor Newms: [1:45] Sometimes game. Pastor Bill: [1:47] It's part of the survival games that I actually enjoy collecting the resources and then building the buildings. Pastor Newms: [1:53] Yeah. Pastor Bill: [1:54] All the go out and adventure and kill things and and collect magic staffs from pieces you put together yeah that's fun with friends every once in awhile but I don't want to go out and do that by myself in the game, what about if I just want to collect resources and build things. Pastor Newms: [2:09] Yeah that's that's the big thing about Survival Games is there's the the two aspects of the game there's the resource Gathering the surviving, whether it's purges or or onslaughts or you know different things for different games but being able to, have a base in enjoy those aspects and then there's the actual like game, part of the game where they've got quests and they've got storyline and there's you know and it's interesting with some survival games they have the storyline built in like you know you have to do the story the story is forced upon you there's other survival games for the stories just laying around in notes like Ark where if you go out and look for it there's no story there's very little, as you go through each of the dungeons until you get to the farther like original map I'm talking of course not like the farther ones and then there's a game like, Conan where it's an interesting weird mix of the two where there's NPCs that will talk to you and tell you things about the story but yet, those things don't help you unless you are out. Pastor Bill: [3:31] Really listen. Pastor Newms: [3:33] Like and it's one of those things where like they'll tell you something and you're like okay and then you go do something you're like. Pastor Bill: [3:40] Oh Pastor Newms: [3:42] Okay, and so it's interesting how that how that plays out with survival games which are probably my favorite style of game, and then you've got games like Minecraft that have no story and it's just creative building Gathering. Pastor Bill: [4:04] It's super boring real quick. Pastor Newms: [4:08] So-so so-so. Pastor Bill: [4:13] I mean I'm allowed to make personal statements about how I feel about things. Pastor Newms: [4:17] No you're not. Pastor Bill: [4:18] Minecraft is Just. [4:31] Yeah right I know it's the it's the concept that there is no Adventure there is no greater Adventure out there makes it boring. There's no hope built into the game, it's all just this is all there is just this is all there is. Pastor Newms: [4:50] It's one of the reasons I don't like Shooters is there's no like okay we spawn in we kill each other we spawn out yay we're done. Pastor Bill: [4:59] I don't like multiplayer Shooters but I like Shooters with the storyline. Pastor Newms: [5:15] I think that's my week was good I'm busy work is really busy, got a lot going on at work lot going on it's luckily slow down here at the house I was, not feeling good last week both the girls got sick last week. And so that was that was fun in the middle of the week had lunch with my parents today with my ants that were in town and my grandmother and everyone that was fun so yeah it's been a pretty standard week. Pastor Bill: [6:09] Yeah. Pastor Newms: [6:11] I hate it so much I hate it so much. Pastor Bill: [6:32] We're like why was there such silence on. Pastor Newms: [6:34] What is the most beautiful drive you have ever taken be as descriptive as possible. Pastor Bill: [6:48] Descriptive as Paul what doesn't actually say that. Pastor Newms: [6:50] Want me to pull the next card yeah. [6:58] Let me read this card instead okay of all the movie characters you have ever seen which one do you believe is most like you. [7:13] I wish there was a wee little monitor hanging up there for Bill. Pastor Bill: [7:20] I keep looking up at you. Pastor Newms: [7:22] Oh Pastor Bill: [7:24] But all that's up there is a Rubik's Cube stack of books. My my personal air conditioner. Pastor Newms: [7:33] So what movie character do you most you feel as the most like you that you've ever seen on screen. Do do do do do do do. Pastor Bill: [7:49] Nothing comes to mind. Pastor Newms: [7:50] Zaydie says, a person's name that I have no idea who that is or which movie She's referring to Phoenix says Forrest Gump which is interesting because she, doesn't run oh Cara from Riddick got it got it got it. Pastor Bill: [8:22] All the movies I've seen who is like me. Pastor Newms: [8:25] Mmm. Pastor Bill: [8:27] Ain't nobody like me. Pastor Newms: [8:42] In any movie is like me do we call this one a dud and pull another card. Pastor Bill: [8:47] Yeah let's pull another car at this was. Pastor Newms: [8:50] This is not a good part of my deck it looks like that's that's two cards. Pastor Bill: [8:53] This is getting to know as afternoon the ladies and Pastor newms is house was what that bit was so now let's do getting to know the past. Pastor Newms: [9:02] Punisher is not a good representation of me for two reasons one. I'm not that accurate of a shot and two, I'm not that physically able okay. Pastor Bill: [9:33] It's got to be retail. Pastor Newms: [9:34] Retail store. Pastor Bill: [9:36] A retail store. Pastor Newms: [9:37] Yeah you got to sell something what would your merchandise be. Pastor Bill: [9:44] I mean it's Gotta Be nerd stuff. We're talking like strictly retail. Pastor Newms: [9:53] Yeah. Pastor Bill: [9:58] Doctor Who start yay. Pastor Newms: [10:02] I would want to open up, A8 game / nerd stuff store I would have to say originally I thought of the same first six letters first five letters as you, but it was not stuff that came to my mind at first. You know some shipping material is nerd shipping material. Pastor Bill: [10:36] Look at the still high in transit. Pastor Newms: [10:38] Yeah you got a store things very high in transit full of nerd stuff boxes full of nerd stuff. But games I love games I've always loved games board games card games, just, all kinds of game stuff and then of course obviously I like nerd stuff, but it would definitely be one of those stores where you go into and you're like what is what is the theme here this the I think I would actually call the store nerds, I really do just think of that that would be the name of the store because there's not really any other explanation for what this store is this store is just nerd. Pastor Bill: [11:38] Now you just you call it nerd stuff, but the you is actually the poop emoji, not a you. Pastor Newms: [11:47] Or just new nerd poop emoji. Pastor Bill: [11:53] Well then it didn't it's you're getting a little bit too much to closer to the, in appropriate signage but if you say nerd stuff and then you make that then you know it's appropriate again. Pastor Newms: [12:06] Yeah exactly Phoenix it would be just random crap there'd be the the section of weapons that doesn't make any sense. Pastor Bill: [12:17] Up and was featured in one episode of this show in 1999. Pastor Newms: [12:22] Yeah this is a this is a stick that that was used to beat the third, King Of Who hovel you know just random crud would be the whole it would be just a whole store of just you know it would be like, it'd be like the basement of some of those specialty shops like you know like, on your way to Gatlinburg there's this huge knife store not that kind of specialty shop pervert there's like this huge huge knife store, and then you get into the basement you go down a level and it's like swords and, weapons and gems and rocks and crystals and you're like did they just not know what to do with the rest of this stuff like they just solved it that's a suit of armor what does that have to do with, okay okay okay, just movie memorabilia and stuff just a whole thing stuff which what. Pastor Bill: [13:25] If if we had been talking about like restaurant, I've always thought about opening a taco shop called Taco City but talks talk Cassidy taka City and then make the TAC and then the 0 is just a biohazard symbol, and alike, incorporate like every different type of pepper in the world into a special type of taco and be like okay now we got our habanero Taco we've got our ghost pepper Taco we've got our and use different levels of just just simple simple tacos but, you can get it with a kick and as Tha custody like toxicity but it's how custody I'm us. Pastor Newms: [14:08] I'm with you on it but but but the issue I would have would be the cross-contamination cross contaminate the poblano standard I just want a taco with one. Pastor Bill: [14:22] We would definitely go through a lot of gloves. Pastor Newms: [14:26] Yeah but that cross contamination. Pastor Bill: [14:28] Doing cross contamination. Pastor Newms: [14:29] His just you're going to you're going to burn some little wussy to death like I'd walk up. Pastor Bill: [14:40] Maybe we have people sign waivers when they come to the door right. Pastor Newms: [14:44] Mild Taco please and they'd be like okay yeah no problem hand me the taco and for the next seven and a half hours I'm just dead on the ground holding my stomach and crying because you're mean. Pastor Bill: [15:00] Because I mean. Pastor Newms: [15:01] That's what I see when I hear your thoughts sorry yeah. Pastor Bill: [15:03] I see I see okay. [15:10] So that's restaurant that's retail, and then obviously I've always wanted to open the. The long-term vision of what this you know was gearing towards that. You know life will tell I don't know. Pastor Newms: [15:32] Right multimedia conglomeration of random fun. Pastor Bill: [15:39] Random thing. Pastor Newms: [15:42] It's okay fine right up Christian themed random audacity random tenacity. Pastor Bill: [15:50] Christian movie theater. Pastor Newms: [15:53] They can also. Pastor Bill: [15:54] B Sharp. Pastor Newms: [15:55] That's a coffee shop and a bookstore. Pastor Bill: [15:58] And a concert stage and a bookstore like a just a just a general. Pastor Newms: [16:03] Center. Pastor Bill: [16:04] Christian multi-purpose Center but that doesn't suck. [16:14] Right leg. Pastor Newms: [16:15] I got you I got you I got you I got you I know the vision I've been in all the meetings literally. Pastor Bill: [16:27] I literally have literally been in every one of them meetings. Pastor Newms: [16:30] And you really had to edit me out of like part of one of them. Pastor Bill: [16:35] Right because you let your mouth get away with you sometimes you're just like I flew a I do. Pastor Newms: [16:40] I do I do, I am very passionate and I have been asked to not preach on several stages in the past due to my mouth getting, ahead of myself and. Pastor Bill: [16:59] In ex calls it the unsexy Christian multi shop. Pastor Newms: [17:02] Multi stop it says. Pastor Bill: [17:04] I've stopped my Af my bad multi stuff. The unsexy Christian multi stop. Pastor Newms: [17:10] You should work that phrase into our business plan somewhere for the for the church. Our goal is to one day be a nun sucky Christian music stop multi stop yeah I've in the past. Pastor Bill: [17:28] You can get one of these if you give us lots of money and you come and you be like Morty stuff. Multi-star. Pastor Newms: [17:38] Most Estep yeah it's funny I joke about that but I have actually been asked twice when, places where my mouth is gotten I get very passionate when I'm preaching and then tend to. Pastor Bill: [18:14] Indeed. Pastor Newms: [18:15] So yeah, anywho so tonight are we warmed up you think. Pastor Bill: [18:26] I think we're plenty of warmed up I think we can stop. Beating around the bush and get to get on with it I know you're stalling because. Pastor Newms: [18:38] I am cuz there's a problem oui are talking about discipleship. And we are heavily basing it on Tony Evans study of, Kingdom disciples and we're talking about discipleship and it's a good study, there are you know they're great things about it so far and this week, what we were going to talk about is the fact that there is a cost to being a disciple, and so I titled this one I forgot it costs how much dot-dot-dot, and the reason is because. [19:39] That's the question is what does it cost you know you have a. Salvation you know we talked in the first week about salvation isn't the, end goal it is a the first goal you know the first goal is salvation and then discipleship because you can't disciple, if you don't believe in what you're being discipled in, so it's it's the first step of discipleship and you know when when we were, doing a research and watching stuff today it was interesting to look at. [20:29] Dr. Evans is he was talking and he was like Hey look you know. There's there's a cost salvation is free there's a cost to being a disciple and I found it really interesting, you know the points that he made throughout the time but the hard part is is the cost of being a disciple is something that we talked about, a lot without talking about the cost of being a disciple here at, the Collision house we talked about the fact that you have to put the work in we talked about the fact that it's not easy, it's not just hear what someone says and go do it it's not just. Okay I'm a Christian now let's go do exactly what we were doing yesterday change absolutely nothing don't listen to the Holy Spirit talking to me and telling me to do things don't reach out to others don't you know we've talked about, so much I was like oh crud I, I don't know where to go because we've covered all of this it in in. [21:49] And you know over and over and over and over and over again and so because of that, it is a it's I'm struggling today to really find what I want to talk about and like. Tony Evans gave some really great scriptures and some really great things that he talked about but. I just I couldn't find what hook I wanted to really like dig in and discuss because. [22:31] The cost of being a disciple is the same as what we talked about all the time of being Berean in what we do and how we study and how we live our lives, now I will say there's an example, that Tony Evans gives and he's given this example before and I love it and so I'm going to give it here I'm going to steal it because it's fun, a football game on television. Last three hours when you sit down you got the pre-show you got the show you got the thing you got the stuff you got the commercial breaks you got the the game itself on the clock is an hour, actual Play Time physical hitting play time is around 17 minutes. [23:29] So we spent three hours for 17 minutes worth of content, some of us then continue past that and use those 17 minutes to play Fantasy Football off of, to watch SportsCenter and see clips of the 17 minutes that we already just watched we dig into it then we go and we talk to our friends about it and we, we base our whole certain people base their whole personality around 17 minutes of gameplay. Because they're a football fan we all know him we all love them there's someone you know and love that is a football fan, yes yes there is there someone you know and love that is a football fan. Pastor Bill: [24:15] No but love I wonder. Pastor Newms: [24:23] I'll start with me so because of that if we did the same thing. With scripture and with why did you put up the website why is the website up. Pastor Bill: [24:43] You were like don't start with me and I was like fine I'll just. Pastor Newms: [24:46] Oh Pastor Bill: [24:47] Don't go away. Pastor Newms: [24:49] With with scripture and with the Nuggets that we find and and those types of things if we dwelled on it and dug into it as much as people dig into football. We would be radically changed but we, so many of us including myself I do not spend as much time in scripture as a football fan spins on football I can guarantee that, I try to spend time in scripture but not as much as a football fan watches football for 17 minutes of action, and so I find that to be an example that I've heard before but hearing it again really makes you just go, interesting so Pastor Bill what do you want to talk about what do you want to say about about what we. Pastor Bill: [25:49] All right so for me when we were watching the video and listen well listening I didn't really watch it because I don't really look at it as just listen to it, really it it really, what stuck out to me in what I really might take away is he talked about in college people auditing classes. Pastor Newms: [26:15] Oh yeah. Pastor Bill: [26:16] And you know go into class and just just being exposed to it but then not putting any of the work and not getting any of the real credit in the end, and he said now a lot of people out there doing the same thing with church and with being a Christian, they're auditing Christianity they're showing up on Sunday mornings and just, being exposed to the word and exposed to the scriptures exposed to the culture of Christianity but then not actually putting in the work, to actually earn the credit and actually know the subject and actually be a part of the subject and actually, you know make it part of their lives and so that really you know I was like oh man yeah that's that's true so many people do that. [27:10] And it just honestly if you're going to church, for any reason other than community, right going to see other believers and support each other in your walk in life and let each other know you know hey the Lord's got your back I got your back give me a call then you're doing it wrong if you're going to church, just to sing a song and just to wear a suit and just to hear a pretty sermon then that's you're not you're not utilizing that tool, the the whole point the tool of the church is to bind you together with other believers there's worship that's awesome it's great to detox from, all the stuff in your week that might be pulling you away from the Lord pulling your attention that's great, there's a sermon that's awesome you should definitely take advantage of wisdom in the Insight that the pastor of the church has put together to share with you. [28:17] But what you should do with that with some insight and wisdom is then go to your community at, church and say hey this is what Pastor taught about what do we think how are we going to apply it to our lives, you know are you struggling that area did did something he say really resonate with you that I can pray with you for or oh man you know, he was really reading my mail this week is what a phrase that I've used before he was reading my mail this week I need prayer for just that thing that he was talking about, it was literally like he opened my mailbox he knew exactly what was going on in my life and so I need help with that area now. [28:58] Don't audit your Christianity, actually live your Christianity and he was talking about and it tied back to something a video I saw on Tik-Tok a couple weeks ago this guy was talking about, there's so many people calling themselves Christian, that hate lgbtq that are races that are nationalist that are, fascist it on and on and on that this word Christian has started to become synonymous with all of these negative things that, don't reflect, love God love your neighbor as yourself and the guy in the video was just exasperated like I don't even know what to call myself like I don't introduce myself as a Christian anymore to people because, I want them to see God through me I don't want them to see white nationalist America when I call myself a Christian. Pastor Newms: [30:01] You know go ahead. Pastor Bill: [30:05] He said in the video he said. You can audit Christianity and you can you know oh I'm a Christian but are you a disciple of Christ are you a follower, of Christ right so the first century Church they called themselves followers of the way, Christ called himself the way the truth and the light they called themselves followers of the way and this term Christian this was a derogatory term originally, that you know it was a diminutive you're just a little copy of Christ you're a weaker copy you're a demean you know it was it was an insult, and Christians adopted in owned it and made it their own word and move forward in time perhaps it's time. [31:00] That we take this word that was an insult that you know they owned, and now has become synonymous with white nationalist racist hateful above the and just hey I'm a disciple of Christ I'm a follower of Christ I follow the way, find one of these new scripture will terms so that when you introduce yourself to someone hey man what's what's different about you what is it in your life that's that's different don't say oh I'm a Christian, say well I love Christ and, as a follower of Christ as a disciple of Christ you know that kind of language I love my neighbor the same way I love myself I love myself to learn how to love my neighbor I love my neighbor like that and I love and honor God. And so it's just this whole thing of don't audit Christianity, be a disciple of Christ yourself for making disciples but are we being disciples. Pastor Newms: [32:05] Yeah. Pastor Bill: [32:06] We talked about, you know love your neighbor as yourself and so often the modern Church Big C modern Church skips over that as yourself and goes oh well that's just that's just you know, that's just flowery talk love your neighbor as yourself well no that's a deep statement if you don't love yourself then you can't love your neighbor as yourself because then you're not loving your neighbor, you have to get your house in order and love yourself and then love your neighbor as yourself well if you're going to be out there making disciples you have to learn to be a disciple first and followed the Lord, and actually, be a follower of Christ not just someone who's auditing Christianity not just a Sunday morning Christian not just. [33:03] Oh I go on Christmas and Easter I go to church and the rest of the year I'm spiritual but I believe in God and I love Christ and all that, well do something about it being a disciple of Christ if you're you know if you're going to claim to love Jesus Jesus said you know you love me, show me you love me by following my commands and Jesus command Jesus commands were very simple, so simple and short such a short list so yeah so that's where listening to that video took my mind and just you know that's where I'm at. Pastor Newms: [33:40] So scripturally. I wanted to look at two places, and I'm struggling to find one of them cuz I lost it and now I'm trying to find it again. What if I tell you. Pastor Bill: [34:08] Well I may be able to find you the exact reference. Pastor Newms: [34:10] Well it's just that it's the verse where it's misconstrued quite often where. Pastor Bill: [34:27] Right. Pastor Newms: [34:28] I'm trying to find where it is cuz I've lost it, I had it pulled up and then I had another scripture that I was going to use and I looked at it and then I lost. Pastor Bill: [34:41] We're talking about James chapter 2. Pastor Newms: [34:44] Am I okay. Pastor Bill: [34:47] Roundabouts verse 14 but. Pastor Newms: [34:52] Yeah so James 2:14 thank you I'm like I've lost it. Pastor Bill: [35:01] I was like I know that's James but I can't remember what chapter it is. Pastor Newms: [35:05] So I'll start there and then I'll I'll do the other verse that I put into chat as well but James 2:14 says what good is it my brothers and sisters if someone claims to have faith but does not have Works can such Faith save him, if a brother is without clothes and lacks daily food and one of you says to him go in peace stay warm and be well fed but you don't give them what the body needs what good is it, and so. [35:50] It is interesting when you look at that because. One of the big points there is by itself. [36:05] Not saying works is salvation because we know that's not accurate based in Romans and lots of teachings throughout scripture that you you know a person is saved by, you know believing in speaking having faith but the by itself the faith is dead that doesn't mean, both to get into heaven but what it's saying is is you haven't activated your faith you haven't you're not living it, you're just sitting in it and so like that like a dead body it's just sitting there it's not, being fulfilled and, and you know you often quote James 216 which is the go in peace and stay warm and be well fed and if you don't give it if you don't help them what good is it you know and that's, what, he's talking about here it's not necessarily because some people have used this to justify okay will you see you have to have both in order for salvation and that's not necessarily what James is talking about. [37:34] What he's talking about is without it your faith is just knit it's just there. Pastor Bill: [37:42] Yeah and Paul Paul backs up that same concept in in Romans chapter 3, starting in verse 27 if you want to write that type that in my hands are a little full at the moment. Romans 3 27 where then is boasting it is excluded by what kind of law by one of Works no on the contrary by a law of faith, for we conclude that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law or is God the god of the Jews only, is he not the god of Gentiles to yes of Gentiles to since there is one God who will justify the circumcised by faith and the uncircumcised through faith, do we then nullify the law through faith absolutely not on the contrary we uphold the law so he's saying you know. There's there's those who are doing works because of their faith and then those two have faith in it leads them to works and they're basically the same thing. It's not the works that justifies its. Pastor Newms: [39:04] Right yeah and. We have examples of people that don't take that next step and I mean we all know people, they're saved they believe in but they give they don't do they don't do anything, with their faith they have it and they hold it and they'll tell you about it if you ask you can kind of tell it's there but, like they're not doing anything they're not studying they're not growing they're not, discipling they're not trying to better themselves in the faith they're just there which, is not salvation aspects which is not what we're talking about in this series it's discipleship so you know. [39:57] You can have the first part without the second but it's ineffective for living it's fine for, getting to heaven but it's ineffective as a we're walking this out and so then I want to talk about Luke 9:23 through 27, and, it says and he said to them this is Jesus talking if anyone wants to follow me let him deny himself take up his cross daily and follow me for whoever wants to save his life will lose it but, whoever loses his life because of me will save it for what does it benefit someone if he gains the whole world and let loses or forfeits himself and the old KJV, the old KJV sorry the KJV says they're you know his soul so then we continue for whosoever is ashamed, of me and my Works my words the son of man will be ashamed of him when he comes in glory and that the father and the Holy Angels, truly I tell you there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God and. [41:04] When you look at that that's often been used as a probe persecution Pro, what's it called when you deny yourself of everything, the like the monks they beat themselves and they did take her date themselves and they there's a there's a term for it and I can't remember it off top my head sorry. But it's but when it's self-inflicted where it's you have to deny yourself every. Pastor Bill: [41:37] Vow of poverty. Pastor Newms: [41:42] And it's interesting to this verse has been used for that and that's not necessarily what it means it means you know, we you have to put it in front of yourself not it'd be you know you're not punishing yourself, on a daily basis like the old monks used to flog themselves as they walked through the Halls to that way they felt closer to Jesus and it's like, I don't I don't I don't pick that up from the rest of scripture and Jesus loving us that we should ensure we're bloody. Pastor Bill: [42:23] I've always been confused by that like, you're living in a monastery with a bunch of dude. And you're not going out and having fun you're not drinking anything but maybe beer for the purpose of digestion because you're eating moldy bread and gruel three times a day and you think, you're not suffering enough you've got to start flogging yourself too, I think you're already suffering enough bro I don't think you need to add the flocking. Pastor Newms: [42:54] Yeah you've already taken a step farther than what most of us would in in trying to walk it out, which now I'm picturing them monk actually walking it out like the song I walk it out I walk it I picture anyway. Pastor Bill: [43:12] Right now. Pastor Newms: [43:17] Equipped rocking monk all right can they only wear blue robes then anyway okay, back to what we're talking about there's there's there's that aspect between this case you wonder how my brain works congratulations y'all seeing it there's that huge difference between, you know, we have to walk out our faith and that doesn't mean if we're not walking it out we don't have it but what it does mean is we're not walking in it you're you're just sitting on, and if you're sitting on your thumb your thumb can't do anything else that's all I have. Pastor Bill: [44:03] But you also get the flip side a lot where we talked about people or coerced into, they just say this prayer so if you get hit by a bus tonight that it enough and then those people go oh well they told me I'm a Christian now so I should start doing some works, and they serve in the church they go on missions trips they done it you know and they have this whole list of works that they did that they point to as evidence and go see there's proof I was a Christian, but I've realized I don't believe that anymore I don't believe that. [44:39] Well you never really did Works wasn't evidence of your faith, works is inspired by, Faith so you can't look back and go what is all these works that's evidence that's evidence that I was a Christian well no works is not evidence that your Christian belief is evidence that your Christian and and believe this, this thing of moral persuasion this thing of of conviction, isn't something you can just one day ago I don't believe that anymore, because that's not the help piss just works, the Greek word it's record piscis that's week we say faith but it's there are pissed us and it loses so much volume and breath in the English version when we say oh you just believe and have faith well. [45:36] That's so shallow that such a shallow interpretation of the idea expressed in the scriptures. Pastor Newms: [45:42] An NS as big said. It's a Greek word it's not what you thought you heard I'm sure Google Translates going to translate it exactly what you thought Biggs but I agree with what you say it's a whitewash Tums or tomb is what I, you were trying to write and I'm just being mean today but, it is it's in Jesus said that you know if you just clean your outside and you haven't cleaned your inside your whitewashed tomb and and that's that aspect of, why are you doing it what's the motivation when you talk about you know faith without works is dead. Pastor Bill: [46:30] Not only did Jesus know how to lay down the insults. Pastor Newms: [46:33] Oh I know. Pastor Bill: [46:34] But he must have laid them down often for the gospel writers to go I'm going to include this one I'm gonna include this one he must have you must have I mean. Pastor Newms: [46:48] He was sassy. Pastor Bill: [46:50] He was it was something else. Pastor Newms: [46:54] Especially for the day. Pastor Bill: [46:58] I mean whitewashed tombs that's that's like you can get kicked out of the temple you you don't say that in front of like the emperor you don't say that in front of the high priest that's some so that's some serious, roget for Elaine. Pastor Newms: [47:13] Touch the Dead, you know a culture you're not even allowed to you know touch a dead you can't prepare you can only prepare them in certain ways and in certain you know that's a big deal that's a big deal. Pastor Bill: [47:25] And there actually was. A thing where people would whitewashed tombs they would go in and take a tomb that a body had already been put in, they would remove the body clean the tube and then resell it to another family, and be like Oh yeah this will be the Eternal resting place of your loved one and then go back in and take that body and remove it and dispose of that body and clean the tomb again and resale the tomb, and so it was this underhanded process I mean he's literally accusing them of, telling tombs to people instead of Hope instead of Love instead of Faith you know you are you are, fooling these people you are selling them a bill of goods you know you are just, this is awful you are V8 you being the lowest of the low like you're committing capital crimes right now, with the people. [48:47] That's it that's what I got. Pastor Newms: [48:48] All right so thank you so much for those people who joined us in recording in during the live recording the live recording happens on Sunday nights at 6:30, and you can join us on Twitch Facebook or YouTube most of our people join us on Twitch just because, which is fun anyway that's my bias we all have biases in life um you can go to our website Ekk.House to see where you can do that which of those each of those platforms there's actually little buttons that you can see on this little image if you happen to be watching but if you're watching you're watching on one of those so yeah but. I hope. Pastor Bill: [49:43] Not necessarily maybe somebody downloaded the video later and sent it to someone and said hey watch this video. Pastor Newms: [49:52] Okay that's fine fine you won so please come join us so you can part of the conversation as Biggs and Phoenix and zaidi and and did tonight and other people do on other nights and, you know give that sense of community that we're talking about a coming together and doing church not just you know, having two faces talk to you or two voices tell you what to think because that is not what this is about so, we hope you guys join us and it either way we will talk with you next time and we love you. Pastor Bill: [50:34] Be safe out there.