S4EP12 - On the Seventh Day

The Berean Manifesto

20-03-2023 • 53 Min.

Summary Pastor Bill and Pastor Newms discuss the chapter breakdown of the bible, stating that it is often split up like bad television, with no real reason for it. They acknowledged the need for it in order to make it easier for churches and groups to talk about, but were still frustrated by it. They then moved on to discuss Genesis two, which Pastor Bill noted should technically be the end of chapter one. They then discuss the poetic implications and deeper meanings behind the words of Genesis one, before moving on to talk about the start of chapter two. Pastor Bill and Pastor Newms discuss the translation of Genesis 2:1-3, which states that God completed His work on the seventh day and rested, declaring it holy. Pastor Newms mentioned the Greek Old Testament, which is the one Paul used when he wrote the New Testament, reads that God had completed His work on the sixth day and rested on the seventh day. However, the majority of manuscripts say that God completed His work on the seventh day and rested on the seventh day. Pastor Newms suggested that the NASB translation bridges the gap between the two translations. Pastors Bill and Newms discussed the idea of God resting on the seventh day. They looked at two different manuscripts that present the idea differently, but are not contradictory. The first one Sez that God finished his work on the sixth day and then rested on the seventh day, while the other one Sez that he completed his work by resting on the seventh day. They also discussed a conversation they had with a Muslim gentleman who scoffed at the idea that God would need to rest. Pastor Bill explained that the Bible does not say that God needed to rest, but that he chose to rest. The conversation discusses God resting on the seventh day, as described in Exodus 30:17. Pastor Bill explains that the Sabbath is not a legalistic observance, but rather a day of rest and refreshment to help people reset and refocus after six days of work. He further explains that research has shown that a day of rest is essential for the human mind in order to prevent it from schisming. The day of rest is an opportunity to reset and recharge in order to do one's best work.

Timestamps 0:21:29 Conversation Summary: Exploring the Meaning Behind Genesis One and Two   0:25:20 Conversation on Genesis 2:1-3: God's Rest on the Seventh Day   0:26:42 Heading: Exploring the Meaning of the Sabbath in the Bible   0:30:22 Conversation on the Significance of the Sabbath Day   0:33:54 Conversation on the Importance of Rest and Self-Care   0:40:34 Conversation on Self-Care and Rest: Taking Time for Yourself   0:43:10 Conversation between Pastor Bill and Pastor Newms on the Importance of Resting and Manual Clocks   0:45:14 Conversation between Pastor Newms and Pastor Bill on the Brian Manifesto Podcast   0:48:53 Heading: Podcast Discussion on Meeting Over a Meal and Feeding People   0:50:14 Conversation on Tennessee's Political Climate and Drag Queen Story Time

Transcript [0:00:00]  Pastor Bill: He's got a roll of toilet paper on top of his head with the sheets draped down over top of his face. [0:00:07]  Pastor Newms: You haven't said hello and welcome. This is going to get edited out. [0:00:12]  Pastor Bill: Oh, man. Hello, and welcome to season four, episode twelve of the Berean Manifesto; Faith, Hope, and Love for the Modern Christian. I'm Pastor Bill, and Pastor Newms with a roll of toilet paper on top of his head has joined, as always. [0:00:30]  Pastor Newms: Lies. Go back and watch the Twitch. There is not a toilet paper roll on my head. [0:00:34]  Pastor Bill: He took it off as I was doing the intro because he was like, you haven't done the intro yet, so I'm cutting this part out where they're not going to hear you telling them, I've got a toilet paper roll on top of my head. [0:00:44]  Pastor Newms: I never said most of that. [0:00:50]  Pastor Bill: All right, maybe you didn't use all those words exactly. [0:00:54]  Pastor Newms: That's why I said most of that. Some of those words were words I used. All right, Pastor Bill. [0:01:02]  Pastor Bill: All right, pastor Newms, how was starting with your week? [0:01:05]  Pastor Newms: No, I already said it. [0:01:11]  Pastor Bill: How was my week? This was spring break for our kids. [0:01:15]  Pastor Newms: Well, two weeks, really, because we didn't do last week because it was yo mama's birthday and Sez, his birthday, and Groggy's birthday. [0:01:30]  Pastor Bill: I don't remember the week before this last one that we just had. I don't remember it. [0:01:38]  Pastor Newms: I just turned your face off. I didn't turn your face off. No one saw that. [0:01:43]  Pastor Bill: Um, the Gergs Theater competition, they got perfect marks all across the board. All three judges in all categories. [0:01:59]  Pastor Newms: Yay. [0:02:00]  Pastor Bill: They're moving on to what's called bi-district. [0:02:03]  Pastor Newms: Bi-district. [0:02:05]  Pastor Bill: That's called bi-district. [0:02:08]  Pastor Newms: See that right there? That right there is what happens when you have independent school districts and not just counties, where you got to do by districts in order to then have regionals after that. That's insane. You got too many schools in that state. [0:02:25]  Pastor Bill: Technically, it's bi-districts. And the top two schools from each of those go on to state. [0:02:35]  Pastor Newms: They don't just call those regional. [0:02:38]  Pastor Bill: No bi-district. [0:02:40]  Pastor Newms: I hate Texas sometimes your guys' independent school districts are like the bane of everyone else's existence. You all are just special out there. [0:02:53]  Pastor Bill: It's the UIL that administers it all. The University Scholastic League. They organize all the football, everything. And they organize all the education competitions and all the band competitions, all the choir competitions. They organize all that. So they make all those calls. So yeah, I don't know. Yeah. So that happened a week before last, and then this last week was spring break, like I said, for our kids. And you'd think that would make life easier, not having to get up every morning and take the kids to school. But no one grandma wants kids on some days and the other grandma wants things on some days. And I'm running all over town trying to get things done during spring break. Because the kids are wanting to do all kinds of things. I like all that, though, is Hello Fresh was running a Hulu promotion and I was able to get like six meals for four persons per meal for like 90% off because it combined the Hulu promotion with like a first time buyer promotion. And so we ate some really good recipes this week. That was fun. [0:04:28]  Pastor Newms: Okay. [0:04:29]  Pastor Bill: Yeah. So how was your week? [0:04:33]  Pastor Newms: I'm going to do the thing you're never supposed to do and touch your microphone because there's something on it. It looks like a cat hair, and it's driving me batty because it's right out of the corner of my eye. 1 second. I feel like you need to talk. [0:04:43]  Pastor Bill: I'm sitting too high. [0:04:46]  Pastor Newms: I feel like I'm not sitting high. [0:04:48]  Pastor Bill: Enough, like more than my head should be going or something. But if I move my camera, the clock here is going to be in the wrong place. The clock is supposed to be done. [0:05:02]  Pastor Newms: Okay. How was my week? So my two weeks was pretty good. It's been an eventful two weeks. Last weekend we had a church work day during on a Saturday. And that is more how you normally sit. Yes. [0:05:20]  Pastor Bill: And. [0:05:26]  Pastor Newms: It hurt the church work day? Yeah. Just because there's so much I got some physical issues. We all know I've got some physical issues, right? And so, yeah, it was rough. Some of the I worked real hard because it's church work day. So I got in there and was like, get it. And then I was like, get it. And I slightly twisted my knee, which is not uncommon. This isn't like, oh, Newms. Is getting old and injured. No. I've been twisting my knees since I was 14, so it made me stop playing sports. Was knee pain. Knee pain is normal. [0:06:23]  Pastor Bill: Like me spraining my ankles. [0:06:24]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, exactly. Or like Zaydie spraining her stepping wrong and popping her foot. And then she swings her foot around to repop it because she sprained them so many times that they just it's like a pop and lock Barbie. [0:06:39]  Pastor Bill: Pop and lock Barbie. [0:06:42]  Pastor Newms: No, she freaked out her coworkers because it happened the other day and her ankle popped. She goes, oh, that doesn't feel right, and swung it around and popped it and she goes, oh, that feels better. And they're all staring at her like wide eyed and like, this girl's a robot. She just popped her ankle at will to walk straight. I don't even know if she's on right now hearing me call her out because she's done her making dinner. So I don't think she's turned on the live, so ha. She won't even know I'm talking mess about her. He'll tell her. And so that was interesting. So then when you texted me and you were like, let's not have church to allow for oh, she's here. I was wrong. [0:07:26]  Pastor Bill: Your wife was here hearing you talk smack about her. [0:07:28]  Pastor Newms: When you were like, I was actually sitting at the table with Sez, and you were like, let's not let's celebrate birthdays. And I was like Sez, we're not celebrating, so I love you, and I'm going to bed early. He's not listening to us. I can see his screens. He's watching YouTube. Anyway, so that was good. And then this week was busy. Just been very busy. I just feel like I'm just busy all the time right now, and I don't like it, but it's good. We had a close friend of ours mother passed, and so we had went to her funeral in Memphis yesterday to support him. And that's, of course, real emotional because they were super close, so that was rough. And then went out to lunch with friends today, which is also weird because I don't do things like that. So I was emotionally more than drained. And so I just went to bed. When I got home, it's been a day. [0:09:06]  Pastor Bill: I'm up, and I'm headed up there. [0:09:09]  Pastor Newms: Zaydie actually ran to the store, and she comes and I partially hear something, and I'm like, Whatever. No, he has to get up. And then they're coming in my room. [0:09:28]  Pastor Bill: No, you have to get up. [0:09:29]  Pastor Newms: It's this time. And I'm like, so, yeah. So that's what's going on. That's how my week was. Is it your week to read a card or my week? I think it's your week. [0:09:48]  Pastor Bill: It is my week to read a card. And I have my deck here ready to pull one. All right, here we go. How much would someone have to pay you to eat a live spider? [0:10:09]  Pastor Newms: Well, Biggs just threw up in his mouth. Almost guarantee that. [0:10:21]  Pastor Bill: A live spider. [0:10:22]  Pastor Newms: How Biggs of a spider are we talking? Here comes the qualifying questions, where newoms hustle lawyers, way out of everything qualifiers. [0:10:28]  Pastor Bill: Every time you're like, now, you'll see the spider here in question. [0:10:35]  Pastor Newms: So, like, if we're talking, like if we're talking, like, some little, like, spider, we're talking like I do it for you. [0:10:45]  Pastor Bill: Talking about the little tiny ones that you already eat twelve of a year or whatever it is while you're asleep. [0:10:50]  Pastor Newms: See, that's inaccurate. That's not what it is. So that's an average, not a median or a mean. What that means is there's one dude who he's eating them all the time. [0:11:02]  Pastor Bill: He's eating them all the time in his sleep. He lives in the spider den. [0:11:05]  Pastor Newms: Thousands of spiders just go in and out of his mouth every day. So the rest of us, we don't eat any. That's how I take that. Yeah, that's how I process that, because it counts. Australia with us. [0:11:18]  Pastor Bill: You just skew the data until you feel comfortable. [0:11:21]  Pastor Newms: That's right. As Biggs says, there is not enough money in the world. Okay? So if we're talking, like, a little spider did it say live? Did it say it had to be alive? [0:11:31]  Pastor Bill: No, not live. I don't think it said live. Did it say alive? [0:11:36]  Pastor Newms: I don't remember. [0:11:38]  Pastor Bill: Oh, yeah, it says live. [0:11:39]  Pastor Newms: Okay. [0:11:39]  Pastor Bill: A live spider. [0:11:40]  Pastor Newms: So if we're talking like a little spider, like this spider, like that spider, like a real little spider, like that kind of spider. You see what I mean? Look at the camera. Like that. We're talking about that. [0:11:50]  Pastor Bill: I see it. [0:11:54]  Pastor Newms: I'd do it for a couple of grand. [0:12:00]  Pastor Bill: Now, my only qualifier here is two things. One, is this a poisonous spider? I'm going to get sick and fade it. [0:12:11]  Pastor Newms: Well, poisonous or venomous? [0:12:14]  Pastor Bill: Well, venomous. It affects me when it bites me. Poisonous. I get sick when I bite it. [0:12:19]  Pastor Newms: But I don't want venomous either, because it could bite me in the process. [0:12:22]  Pastor Bill: Of me eating it. Well, that's why you start at the butt first and bite it in half so that it dies, so it can't bite you on the way down. [0:12:29]  Pastor Newms: You got to then hold the front. [0:12:30]  Pastor Bill: Of it right where its fangs are. Just chill. There's ways to hold spiders. Okay? One, is it poisonous? And two, is this something that people normally eat because it's got a good flavor, or is it going to be nasty as I all get out of my mouth? Those are my two qualifiers. Now, if it's not poisonous and people enjoy eating it, I'll just do it for a dare. No, if people don't I'm going to need at least, like, $10. [0:13:06]  Pastor Newms: No, homie. No. [0:13:10]  Pastor Bill: Listen, brother. [0:13:12]  Pastor Newms: No. [0:13:13]  Pastor Bill: I've eaten a peanut butter and maggot sandwich just for role play. [0:13:19]  Pastor Newms: I understand that. That's different maggots are nutritious. Like, that's different. Spiders are spiders are nutritious. You can't no. Have you seen the TikTok where the lady dips it and I got salsa and then eats it silky? [0:13:36]  Pastor Bill: That silky texture on the inside when all that webbing comes and the ichor. [0:13:42]  Pastor Newms: No, dude, get out of here. We're not friends no more. This is the last episode of The Berean Manifesto, faith, hope, and love for the Christian of last week. [0:13:52]  Pastor Bill: Because Pastor Bill, isn't it ick-or? [0:13:55]  Pastor Newms: No, it's I-core. [0:13:57]  Pastor Bill: It's ick-or. [0:13:58]  Pastor Newms: I-core. [0:13:58]  Pastor Bill: I thought that was pronounced ick-or. [0:14:00]  Pastor Newms: I don't care how it was pronounced. It's icky, so it has to be an I. [0:14:04]  Pastor Bill: Like ick-or. [0:14:05]  Pastor Newms: No, icky. [0:14:06]  Pastor Bill: So ick-or. [0:14:07]  Pastor Newms: No, it's icky. So I-core. I have to be right on this. It's just how it is. I actually don't know. How do you pronounce icore? Just like I always say. No, not what what word is that? That's not a that that's some kind of, like, eldritch horror word that I looked up. How do you spell icore? I don't know how to pronounce I don't know how to spell icore to then ask how to say icore. How do you pronounce spider blood? Is it not I-core? [0:14:59]  Pastor Bill: It's I-C-H-O-R. [0:15:01]  Pastor Newms: But that doesn't nothing goo. [0:15:06]  Pastor Bill: It is a noun that is pronounced okay. I-core. [0:15:08]  Pastor Newms: All right, here we go. Ready? Here we go. Here we go. [0:15:12]  Pastor Bill: I-core I-core. [0:15:14]  Pastor Newms: Bam. I-core. [0:15:17]  Pastor Bill: Yeah, I-core. That's what I just said. [0:15:20]  Pastor Newms: I was right, you were wrong. [0:15:21]  Pastor Bill: I think that's what that pronunciation? [0:15:23]  Pastor Newms: I was right, you were wrong. I-core. Okay, Biggs, here's the problem. Best spider is a dead spider barbecue. [0:15:30]  Pastor Bill: So you're saying you need a dead. [0:15:31]  Pastor Newms: Spider, but not a live spider? Biggs, I know you ain't actually going to know. There's no way. I've seen you squeal like a little girl and run across a room as a six foot three factory worker. Like you are not out here trying to post on the Internet that you're going to eat a spider. I call shenanigans. That's the word. I can say. [0:15:56]  Pastor Bill: So on the free Wiktionary for the word I-core. It's got pronunciations. I-core, I-kar and ick-or are the three different pronunciations. [0:16:14]  Pastor Newms: So read Psalms 22:16 and Isaiah 53:5. Thank you for chatting for the first time. We saw you join us last month, so welcome back. Posted a bunch of things called hyper creeps. And they're just spiders. They're just spider like little spiders. Just a whole line of little spiders. [0:16:33]  Pastor Bill: Just this hype creep on my end. [0:16:36]  Pastor Newms: They're little spiders. They're little spiders. [0:16:38]  Pastor Bill: Over and over again what these were to say. Psalms 22:16. [0:17:08]  Pastor Newms: It's an interesting aspect of life. Now, I'm just going to call you Read as opposed to saying your whole name each time. So neither one of us have a denomination per chance. And the Ecclesian House, which is the ministry that we are both from in this respect, is an interdenominational ministry. So we work with multiple people all the time. So neither one of us are in a denomination per se. The church I attend on Sundays is non denominational. And the church Pastor Bill attends is also non denomination, is technically interdenominational because he's the pastor of the church that you're currently at. [0:18:08]  Pastor Bill: This is the service of the church. [0:18:12]  Pastor Newms: So technically interdenominational. Now I lost my so Biggs would. [0:18:26]  Pastor Bill: Eat a dead barbecued spider. [0:18:30]  Pastor Newms: How much money, though? We talkin’ Biggs because I'm willing to pay you some money to watch you have to eat a spider just because you said so. And we'll record it to put it on here just because you hate them so much. I want to know what amount of money to see if I can pull off getting it. And see, now he's going to give us some crazy amount of money that no one would ever do just so he doesn't have to. [0:18:51]  Pastor Bill: But we'll start a crowdfunding campaign of some kind. We'll figure it out or something. We'll start a kickstarter. We'll be like we'll give you pictures of Biggs trying to get the spider on a shirt, all kinds of stuff for the Kickstarter. We'll get the money. [0:19:17]  Pastor Newms: Oh, man. All right. Yeah, we're good. All right. [0:19:29]  Pastor Bill: You just wouldn't do it, Pastor Newms. You just wouldn't eat. [0:19:31]  Pastor Newms: No, I would. I said a couple of grand for a small one and a whole lot of money. It's going to depend on the size of the spider. Like, you're going to show me the spider and I'm going to be like, no. You talk about them Biggs old translators where it's going to take multiple bites and I can't just swallow it. You got me almost ready to cuss here. I know we keep it family friendly. There was this part but no. [0:20:02]  Pastor Bill: And they would have no weird things, right? [0:20:04]  Pastor Newms: No. [0:20:04]  Pastor Bill: And every time I always watch that, I would always be like, I don't see the issue. Just what's that word? Disassociate and eat it. Why can't you just disassociate? Just do it. [0:20:20]  Pastor Newms: Neurotypicals can't disassociate. [0:20:25]  Pastor Bill: It's not real. I would just disassociate. It's not real. It happened over there, and my brain is over here. I don't understand. [0:20:32]  Pastor Newms: No homie. No. I don't know if we can be friends. Like I said, this is the last episode of The Berean Manifesto. Thank you for joining. Hope you all have a good night. If anyone asks how the ministry died, it's because Pastor Bill said he would eat spiders. [0:20:51]  Pastor Bill: Pastor Newms couldn't handle that. [0:20:53]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, we have fought on air about all kinds of stuff and even more in our personal life. The breaking point was the argument of. [0:21:08]  Pastor Bill: Spider, the edibility of Arachnid. [0:21:16]  Pastor Newms: Oh, man. Okay. Yeah, we got to change the topic. I'm icky as I'll get out right now, we got to go, like, you got to change it to something. Let's talk about the actual stuff. Get to going. [0:21:28]  Pastor Bill: Get to go. Genesis. [0:21:29]  Pastor Newms: Okay, genesis two. Move on. Let's go. [0:21:32]  Pastor Bill: Since we started season four oh, Biggs. Come on. 2.5 million get real. Okay, so since we started season four, we picked back up in Genesis one, right? We started talking about Genesis One. We've talked a little bit about John 1, and we went all the way through the first chapter of Genesis. We talked about the history of the chapter 1 of Genesis and the origins and the Babylonian stuff and some of the Sumerian stuff. And we really did this overall look at why is this piece of text included in Genesis? What is its positioning in relation to everything else? And we went through kind of what are the poetic ramifications of the wording and the things they chose to say and what are the deeper meanings behind those words. When we talked about Genesis 1:1, and we were like, this isn't really just in the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. It's this deeper, really profound thing. And if you haven't listened to any of that yet, take some time, go back and read the transcripts or listen to it right quick and then come back and listen here. If you want, if you don't - if you just want to pick up from where you are, that's cool, too. We can just pick up right here. So now we are picking up in Genesis, chapter two, previous years, which I. [0:23:08]  Pastor Newms: Would like to also state, I hate the chapter breakdown so much sometimes. [0:23:20]  Pastor Bill: Because Genesis chapter two, verses one through it should be chapter one, technically be the end of chapter one. [0:23:28]  Pastor Newms: We should not be acting like bad television that requires you to watch the next episode in order to understand the full story. Like, we should not be doing part. [0:23:40]  Pastor Bill: Twos, mid chapter written like bad television. [0:23:45]  Pastor Newms: It's split up like bad television, not. [0:23:47]  Pastor Bill: Written up like bad television. [0:23:48]  Pastor Newms: We've got chapters like 119. [0:23:51]  Pastor Bill: It was the producers. The producers did bad with Psalms 119. [0:23:54]  Pastor Newms: It's just page after page after page after page to make sure it's semi together. And then we're like, let's cut this off and put three verses on the next one. No, there's no reason for it. It's painful. It's painful. And I understand the need because when we're talking in churches and we're talking in groups and we're doing things like this, you can't be like, oh, I'm on page 47. What page are you on? Well, my page I understand some of the purpose behind it. It's just like and we can't really go back at this point and change it all. I know, but it's like. [0:24:27]  Pastor Bill: Maybe always frustrated me. Some Bible company could make a Bible with new yeah,. [0:24:33]  Pastor Newms: But then it wouldn't be standard, and it would cause issues across everything and you would never be able to bible just got rid of them. [0:24:37]  Pastor Bill: It was like, no, we're not even going to have them. We're just going to get rid of them all together. [0:24:42]  Pastor Newms: It's not that's not that's a that's a translation. That's not a translation. That's a paraphrase. And they plainly say, so we're not gonna, you know, and, you know, it's just one of those things. It's one of those things that we all know it happens. It's just this is one of those blatant. Not like, maybe not. This is like 123-4567. Move on to the next story completely. And you're just like, okay, now I'll let you continue because I won't complain no more about it today. [0:25:20]  Pastor Bill: All right, so let's go ahead and read Genesis chapter 2, verses 1 through 3. So the heavens of the earth and everything in them were completed on the 7th day. God had completed his work that he had done, and he rested on the 7th day. From all his work that he had done. God blessed the 7th day and declared it holy, for on it he rested from all his work of creation. Sounds a lot like a lawyer writ that, didn't it? Wrote that, doesn't it? [0:25:51]  Pastor Newms: Sometimes. [0:25:53]  Pastor Bill: Now some text like the Greek Old Testament, the one that Paul had when he was writing the New Testament. Not all of the New Testament when he was writing his works that got put in. The new Testament actually reads, on the 6th day, God had completed his work that he had done, and he rested on the 7th day. But the majority of manuscripts say on the 7th day, God completed his work that he had done and he rested on the 7th day, which I find interesting. [0:26:28]  Pastor Newms: The Nasb says by the 7th day to kind of, I think, bridge that gap. Maybe, but I mean, it's one of those things. [0:26:42]  Pastor Bill: Let's see what the KJV pulls from. [0:26:48]  Pastor Newms: And on the 7th day yeah, but. [0:26:52]  Pastor Bill: The and on the are implied, not actually in the original. [0:26:58]  Pastor Newms: Right. [0:26:59]  Pastor Bill: And they are not given any numbers from yeah. Right. So we have two different Ideologies that we can pull from the two different ways that the manuscripts place these. Right. So the one says, on the 6th day, God finished his work and then he rested on the 7th day. And we have the other one that says on the 7th day, God completed his work by resting. Yeah, and that's the only difference. The difference there is that in one point of view, it views the rest as integral to the work. And on the other one, it says that the rest was taken because the work was done. Right. And so these aren't exclusive ideas. These are two ways to look at the exact same thing that's going on. They're not contradictory to each other. [0:28:02]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, they're definitely not contradictory. They are different, but they are not contradictory. [0:28:10]  Pastor Bill: So in the past, in January, we talk about taking a Sabbath day and then we talk about tithing. And that's usually the only times that we hit on those two things. And this year we took a little bit of a different track. Right. We started in Genesis one, we started working our way up. So here we are at the Sabbath conversation because now it's coming up, right? [0:28:37]  Pastor Newms: Yes. [0:28:38]  Pastor Bill: So on the 7th day, God rested. Now, whether he rested because that was resting is the completion of the work, or he rested because the work was done, either way, that doesn't really matter in the way that you frame the way you read that. So I had a friend several years ago, not that we're not friends anymore, but we're not in contact anymore. It was a Muslim gentleman who went by the name of D. And we would have these conversations where we would talk about the differences between what the Bible said about certain things and what the Quran said about certain things. And we got into this conversation about creation and the six days versus the Quran's idea that it was millions and billions and years and more of the evolutionary timeline is what he attributed the Quran's teachings to. And I went through the six days and on the 7th day, God rested and he scoffed. He scoffed and he said, God is God. God doesn't need to rest. And I said, I agree. It doesn't say that God needed to rest. It doesn't say that God was tired. It Says that God chose to rest. [0:30:04]  Pastor Newms: Right. [0:30:04]  Pastor Bill: He rested. The question came up of why would God do that why would God rest? So let's turn to Exodus 30:17. [0:30:22]  Pastor Newms: Okay, I was just about to do that. [0:30:29]  Pastor Bill: Okay. And I'm actually going to start reading at 16, but 17 is the meat of why we're turning over here. Starting at 16, the Israelites must observe the Sabbath, celebrating it throughout their generations as a permanent covenant. It is a sign forever between me and the Israelites, for in six days, the Lord made the heavens and the earth, but on the 7th day, he rested and was refreshed. So God didn't need to rest, but he chose to rest and he was refreshed, right? That's what it says. Now, why would it choose those words, though? Because it all boils down to what is the Sabbath and why the Sabbath day is for us, right? It's a day of rest that we observe so that we can recharge, so that we can reset our mindset, so that we can refocus who we are and then move forward and do our best work. So it's not this legalistic thing, although some have taken it there, right? [0:31:53]  Pastor Newms: Yes. [0:31:54]  Pastor Bill: And it doesn't actually say if you go and you look at what the layout of what a Sabbath is, it doesn't actually say everyone has to Sabbath on the same day of the week. No, it says after you've worked for six days, take a day, refresh yourself, reset. And what we found in psychological circles in lots of different areas is that six days of work is a pretty hard limit for the human mind. When you get into the 7th day of work, the 8th day of work without a rest, you're starting to schism. You're not seeing things correctly, you're starting to see the world through weird blinders. Your body needs rest. And honestly, there's this push now for four days of work each week with three days off, because now we're talking not necessity, but now we're talking about what is the peak of human, what is peak performance? Right? What is peak performance? And peak performance turns out to be four days of work and then three days off, you are on Twitch, who calls himself Read. And then there's a couple of verses there. You can go read those verses if you want. Psalm 22:16 and Isaiah 53:5, the references to the Messiah, he says, yeah, a lot of things Jesus did is theatrics and instruction for teaching for us so our dumb finite human minds can understand. You're right on the money. There's so much in the Bible that is an infinite God, an infinite amount of knowledge, trying to dumb it down for humanity to understand. Even in this example that you've given, it's funny to go and read. Jesus will say something and then the disciples would be like, yeah, but what about and Jesus is like, yeah, that's what I just said, but I'll say it again if you think that would help. [0:34:35]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, when we look at the Sabbath. It's something that we I it's important from a standpoint of resting. And God thought it was so important that when the Israelites were going through the time periods that were getting the commandments and all those things, as we were reading in Exodus, he put on rules of hey, look, you guys have got to understand this. If you don't understand this and you don't take your rest, you should die. Now, here's the funny thing about that. This is not a hard rule to follow per se. Like go take a break for most people is not hard. There are those stubborn people out there that they work, they do everything they do and they don't take a Sabbath. They will burn out over time, especially if you're working two jobs, as Zaydie mentioned. What about people who work full time and are involved in ministry outside? At what point is that a form of working? In my opinion it is you still have to have a day off from those multiple aspects because you will burn out otherwise. And I think a lot of times that's where we see people who work both regular jobs and ministry part time. Ministry work is never part time, but I think that's why we see them burn out often is we have to focus on resting also and it's so important. And that's one of those examples. What Zaydie is saying is where it is hard to those are the types of people who it is hard to take a break when you're doing when you're doing that. But it depends on what is refreshing, what is pulling away from you, which ministry often takes a toll on you, at least in an emotional level. But that's why a lot of pastors take Mondays off. But there are people who don't. And that is where you can have serious forms of burnout. You have to be very careful with that. [0:37:41]  Pastor Bill: But some ministry can be refreshing to some people. Some people would consider doing some types of ministry to be invigorating, to be refreshing, to be restful, to be The door greeter people, the door greeter. [0:38:01]  Pastor Newms: Those weirdos at the door. People that are like super happy. [0:38:05]  Pastor Bill: And when you go to do ministry, it feels like work. Then you're not resting, you're not taking a Sabbath, you're working on the Sabbath. If you're working a full time job and then volunteering at your church too, to the point where you're not getting a day a week off, then you're not taking care of yourself, which is in my opinion, a cardinal sin. You have to take care of yourself. You're sinning against yourself in the name of whatever ministry that you're serving, which is dangerous. Jesus said love the Lord God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself, right? So you're supposed to love yourself, which means take care of yourself. Don't feed yourself poison, don't be drinking in excess and killing yourself off. Don't be smoking in excess and killing yourself off. Take care of yourself. Don't be shooting up all the time and hurting yourself and being promiscuous and getting STDs and all the things that aren't actual self love. Don't be doing all those things. Take care of yourself. Love yourself. Give yourself a Sabbath, actual love for yourself, and then love your neighbor in that same way. Make sure your neighbor is fed healthy. Make sure your neighbor is not becoming a slave to drugs. Make sure your neighbor's not being eaten up by addiction and doing things that are destructive to their life. These are the greatest commandments here. Love the Lord God with all your heart, soul, all your mind, your strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. [0:40:01]  Pastor Newms: I like to love yourself, yeah. [0:40:05]  Pastor Bill: No, you like to ignore the love yourself part. Most people do. A lot of churches do because they think they look at self love and they go, oh, well, self love is self indulgence. You're not supposed to self indulge. Well, that's not love. If I love my kid, I'm not going to 24 hours a day, seven days a week be shoving candy down their throat. That's indulgence, but that's not love. If you love yourself, then you're taking care of yourself. Like I was talking about last week, I like to have a salad a day. Makes me feel healthy. I have more energy, my body works better. That's taking care of myself. That's loving myself. And so I take that seriously, and this is just as serious. Finding time to rest and reset and refocus yourself is a paramount thing. And it is important for all human beings to have rest and refreshment. It just is. Yeah, gosh, I don't know what else to say. [0:41:26]  Pastor Newms: And there's nothing so in what we've been doing as we've gone through this. There's nothing super different about the Hebrew words used here either. [0:41:46]  Pastor Bill: Yeah, I knew there wouldn't be. [0:41:48]  Pastor Newms: Yeah. I'm just saying that for everyone else, in case they're like, we talk about the words this time. [0:41:55]  Pastor Bill: Why did we talk about the words? [0:41:57]  Pastor Newms: And it's because they are there's not. [0:41:59]  Pastor Bill: Going to be in this one. [0:42:03]  Pastor Newms: It's what we've talked about throughout the last weeks of this is what it is. [0:42:12]  Pastor Bill: And there's the plural. There still it's God. Not God. We're actually still technically in the Babylonian adaption. We're still adapting the Babylonian text there. We haven't actually gotten to what was originally the beginning of Genesis yet, not until we get to verse four of chapter two, and then we get to the actual first Jewish text of the Bible. And we talked about the 7th day manuscripts versus the 6th day manuscripts as far as verse two there of chapter two is concerned. But yeah, you have to find time for yourself to rest. [0:43:05]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, it's super important. Resting is important. [0:43:10]  Pastor Bill: And you'd think we had a two day weekend in the United States because people understood that but no, that's not why we have a two day weekend in the United States we have a two day weekend in the United States because it's illegal to buy cars on Sundays. No, that's literally why letting people off on Saturdays came through. [0:43:37]  Pastor Newms: It was illegal. [0:43:40]  Pastor Bill: It still is in Texas. [0:43:42]  Pastor Newms: Right? In Texas, but not everywhere. [0:43:44]  Pastor Bill: Yeah, not everywhere. [0:43:46]  Pastor Newms: Did Pastor Bill forget to spring Pastor Bill? Your time is wrong. [0:43:52]  Pastor Bill: Where? [0:43:52]  Pastor Newms: On your clock. [0:43:55]  Pastor Bill: Well, okay. [0:43:58]  Pastor Newms: Biggs just called you out on it. [0:44:01]  Pastor Bill: It's a manual clock. I forget that I even own a manual clock anymore. [0:44:06]  Pastor Newms: I was like, what do you mean? Biggs like, he's here. What are you talking about? Yeah, and then I looked behind you and was like, his clock's wrong. [0:44:17]  Pastor Bill: Every other clock I own, every other clock I own except for in my car is automatic. Automatically changes. Yeah. [0:44:31]  Pastor Newms: I don't have anything else. [0:44:32]  Pastor Bill: Yeah, I was trying to think of if I had any other anecdotes, but I don't. Only a story about D, but that relationship got weird about the third time he tried to convert me to Islam. It got really uncomfortable. [0:44:54]  Pastor Newms: And also there was issues with the business, wasn't there? Like some weird stuff happened or something? Because I remember I went by one time and it was gone. [0:45:06]  Pastor Bill: I mean, he had a hard time getting customers to come in. Yeah, I don't know why. The food was amazing. [0:45:14]  Pastor Newms: Food was really good. [0:45:17]  Pastor Bill: Food was for a while there was an uptick in people that came in, but then it kind of died back down again. I don't know. [0:45:25]  Pastor Newms: So good. Those were great. [0:45:28]  Pastor Bill: He ended up selling it to a lady in Irving and then they moved back to Canada. Yeah. [0:45:42]  Pastor Newms: Well, the Berean Manifesto is recorded live in front of a studio audience. There's no studio audience. It's a Twitch audience. [0:45:49]  Pastor Bill: It's a virtual studio. And it comes out every Wednesday at 07:00 p.m.. Great. [0:45:58]  Pastor Newms: You said Canada. [0:46:04]  Pastor Bill: And to be fair, we do record it live on Sunday evening. Did I send you that TikTok where the person said, if somebody says to be fair and your friend doesn't respond correctly, then you're not friends anymore. [0:46:22]  Pastor Newms: No, now granted, that means you've watched a niche show from Canada, but niche not niche. Niche. What is niche? That is what is the Mitchar. [0:46:35]  Pastor Bill: Yeah. So we record this on