S4EP13 - Out of Dust

The Berean Manifesto

30-03-2023 • 1 Std. 9 Min.

Summary In this conversation, Pastor Bill and Pastor Newms discuss their study of Genesis chapter two, verses four through seven. They started their study from the beginning of Genesis and talked about how it wasn't a Jewish text initially. They also discussed how the Scriptures were the beginning of the story for the Jews before they went into captivity in Babylon. Pastor Bill reads from the Christian Standard Bible, not because he thinks it's perfect, but because no translation could be perfect as it's impossible to know the intentions of someone when they were writing the scriptures. They go through the verses word by word, looking for words that are different and could indicate that something deeper or more is being said. They discuss the creation of the earth and the heavens, the absence of shrubs and plants, and the mist that watered the ground before the creation of man. They then talk about how the Lord God formed the man out of dust from the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, making him a living being. Overall, their discussion focuses on the deeper meanings and insights that can be gained from studying the Scriptures in detail. The speaker discusses the significance of the phrase these are the records of the heavens and the earth concerning their creation at the time that the Lord God made the earth and heavens in Genesis chapter two, verse four. They explain that while the first part of the phrase is not particularly noteworthy, the second half - which refers to Jehovah and Elohim - is significant as it defines Jehovah as a specific, divine being. This, in turn, gives us an idea of when the text may have been written, as Jehovah is not identified by name until Exodus chapter three. The speaker goes on to mention that this chapter describes the story of Moses and the burning bush, which is where God first refers to himself as Jehovah. The conversation revolves around the book of Genesis in the Bible, specifically the story of Moses and God's revelation of his name, Jehovah. The discussion touches on the idea that Moses might not have existed but the point is that God shared his name with humanity at a certain time. This is significant as it is the first time that God identified himself by name to mankind. The conversation also touches on the structure of Genesis, which follows a pattern of recording human interactions with God and tracking the genealogies of specific individuals such as Adam, Noah, and Abraham. It is noted that Genesis is not a history book but a religious text useful for teaching, correcting, and building up faith. The discussion concludes by emphasizing the importance of understanding that Genesis is a record of oral histories and human interactions with God, rather than a book of direct descendantship or religious clubs. In a conversation between two pastors, they discuss the significance of the story of Abraham in the book of Genesis. They note that Abraham was found faithful and God chose to favor his bloodline, which is why his lineage is blessed and why the scriptures still exist. The pastors also point out that before God whispered to Abraham in the desert, the whole world had forgotten the name of God. They emphasize that Genesis chapter two has ties that are connected to future scriptures and that people refer back to these scriptures frequently. Both pastors agree on the importance of understanding the context of the Bible and how it informs our understanding of God's plan for humanity.

Chapters 0:00:00 "Transcript: Season 4, Episode 13 of The Berean Manifesto - Faith, Hope, and Love for the Modern Christian"  0:02:58 Weekly Update: Quizzing Competition and Gaming Beta Testing  0:05:26 Discussion and State Event Anecdote  0:10:21 Transcript of a Podcast Episode: Messing with Children for Fun with a Professional Writer  0:14:44 A Casual Conversation with a Pastor.  0:16:50 A Conversation on Favorite Movie Scenes and Coping Strategies for Bad Days  0:19:52 A Casual Conversation on Coping with Bad Days and Humorous Jokes about Jesus 0:22:54 A Discussion on Genesis 2:4-7: Word by Word Analysis with Pastors Bill and Newms  Analysis of Genesis and Exodus: The Use of Names for God  0:30:02 Analysis of Genesis: The Naming of God and the Cycle of Genealogies  0:37:51 A Discussion on the Significance of Abraham and Genesis Chapter Two in Biblical History  0:39:13 A Discussion on the Cultural and Linguistic Context of the Word "Jehovah" in the Bible  0:41:01 A Casual Conversation between Pastors on Genesis 25  0:46:28 A Discussion on Genesis 2:6-7: The Creation of Man and the Importance of God's Personal Involvement  0:48:46 Analysis of Genesis 2:7: The Formation of Human Beings from Dust  0:59:18 Discussion on the Concept of God's Breath and the Human Soul  1:00:15 A Discussion on the Spiritual Significance of Breath and the Beginning of Life in Different Faiths  1:09:13 "The Berean Manifesto: A Weekly Podcast on Faith, Hop, and Love for the Modern Christian"

Transcript 0:00:00 Pastor Bill: It's. Hello, and welcome to season four, episode 13 of The Berean Manifesto. Faith, Hope, and Love for the Modern Christian. I'm Pastor Bill, and I am joined, as always, by Pastor Newms. And Pastor Newms was telling us about some stuff about his day, and we've just kind of been hanging out while the intro music played because we record this live, right? Every Sunday night we record this live at 06:30 p.m. Central Standard Time. And if you're enjoying listening to this podcast not live, then you might enjoy coming and hanging out on Twitch or Facebook or YouTube in the chat. You froze me? 0:00:52 Pastor Newms: Yeah, I forgot if I opened up my little thing to take a screenshot that it would freeze you like this, but not like that. 0:01:03 Pastor Bill: Why are you screenshotting me? 0:01:05 Pastor Newms: I'm not screenshotting you. Okay, screenshoting a bathroom layout. That is kind of like what I'm talking about, but not quite. 0:01:15 Pastor Bill: But see, we were talking about that before we went officially live. 0:01:19 Pastor Newms: Well, I didn't say what it was. I didn't say why. 0:01:22 Pastor Bill: I didn't say why I was sending you a screenshot of a bathroom. 0:01:25 Pastor Newms: Yeah. 0:01:25 Pastor Bill: Going to randomly throw that in there and let listeners wonder. 0:01:28 Pastor Newms: Let them wonder. Let them wonder. 0:01:29 Pastor Bill: So if you wanted to join us live and be a part of the conversation, you can type in the chat. Like just now, we got a chat message from Zaydie, who's one of our regulars on Twitch. She just said hi, but if at any point she wanted to be more part of the conversation with questions or concerns like last week, like last week, then she could. And I would like to invite everyone who's listening to avail yourself of these technological capabilities as well and join us on Sunday nights when we record live. All right, Pastor Newms, how was your week? 0:02:11 Pastor Newms: Strong breath is a good waves. No, my week was pretty good. 0:02:16 Pastor Bill: Your week was strong breath? 0:02:18 Pastor Newms: Yeah, strong breath like a good strong exhale. No, my week was good. Monday through Friday was just busy, but not bad busy. It was just work busy. And then yesterday, the state finals for the Junior Bible Quiz thing that Seraphina has recently gotten involved in. 0:02:58 Pastor Bill: Was there. 0:02:59 Pastor Newms: And so there were people from across Tennessee, mainly from Knoxville, the Nashville area and then, of course, the Memphis area and then someone from outside the state. But their state doesn't have one, so they're part of our state for the finals. And the number one place gets an automatic the number one team for Quizzing gets to go to nationals and then so many other teams get to go to regionals which then they can try to place in nationals. And so it's kind of cool. And so I coached that yesterday, and so that was a lot of up and down the stairs and a lot of around and around, which is fun, but it was good because the girls had fun and both of them beat their daily high scores, which was good, so it was fun. And then that's really all the only memorable thing I did this week. Everything else was pretty much just normal work. I did finish, not finish. I did more of the Diablo four open beta this week. This is the last open beta before launch on 66, and so that was fun and got to play with that some more, so it was good. 0:04:46 Pastor Bill: Cool. 0:04:48 Pastor Newms: How was your week, Pastor Bill? 0:04:50 Pastor Bill: Well, in my neck of the woods, so last week we had been talking about Gerg and his old One Act Play stuff, and I didn't have all the correct information. So Wednesday they had their, what they were what we called bi-district competition. 0:05:07 Pastor Newms: Okay. 0:05:08 Pastor Bill: Which they placed in one of the top three positions. So they do move on, but apparently they move on from by district into area, and then if they succeeded area, then they move on to region, and if they succeed at region, then they move on to state. 0:05:26 Pastor Newms: Okay. 0:05:30 Pastor Bill: But they only had to do good at by district in order to letter to get a letterman's jacket. So he's going to get a letterman jacket now because of how they did him by district, so that's cool. 0:05:44 Pastor Newms: That is kind of cool. Yeah, that is pretty cool. 0:05:50 Pastor Bill: And then, you know that new little bug on my Windscreen. 0:06:01 Pastor Newms: The Mic isn't new. 0:06:03 Pastor Bill: Why are you pointing at it? 0:06:05 Pastor Newms: No. 0:06:05 Pastor Bill: Transcribing software that I had discovered and started using, and it was kind of touch and go. Yeah, it turns out they were in alpha when all that was going on, and they launched the official beta this week, and I was able to get into the beta, so I'm in the beta for that and that's going well. Yeah. So I've been using some of that. 0:06:29 Pastor Newms: This week, putting a bunch of our stuff in there, just no, but I've. 0:06:35 Pastor Bill: Been going through there and pointing out the obvious. Well to me, obvious to me. Places that need work, need fixed features, they could add, things like that. I still only get a certain amount of time, so I want to go that out appropriately and make sure that all our episodes are actually getting time in the transcriber. So I'm trying to save all of my transcription, allotments to make sure that this podcast is actually getting those first. 0:07:10 Pastor Newms: And then right, that makes perfect sense because that's what we want, because it's a great tool. 0:07:17 Pastor Bill: Yeah, it's really good with the summaries and the quotes and the chapter markings and a world class transcription algorithm that just blows other services like Google out of the water, really is just crazy. Amazing how accurate the transcription is now. It's still got some issues here and there, but it's just here and there. It's not like with Google where I would spend hours going through it and going, well, that's not right, and oh, now I've got to listen to this, and it's to figure out what was actually being said, because this is just garbage on the page here. I have no idea what this transcription was trying to say here. 0:08:05 Pastor Newms: But with. 0:08:06 Pastor Bill: This new service, there's none of that. It's just like a word here or. 0:08:08 Pastor Newms: A word there, which really worries me, because when I was doing the transcription and looking at it, I never noticed any of that where whole areas were wrong. Or I would read it, and it would read fine, and then I'd keep moving on, which really worries me because what was I reading? 0:08:33 Pastor Bill: Yeah, what were you reading? 0:08:34 Pastor Newms: What was my Dyslexia filling in the blanks that Google just left out? And I was just like, yeah, it looks great. 0:08:41 Pastor Bill: Yeah, Gertrude typecat looks great. Yeah, perfect sense. Perfect sense. Good job, Google. Okay. 0:08:53 Pastor Newms: But at least it's not as bad as being AI anyway. 0:09:00 Pastor Bill: All right, so it's your week. You pull a card for the faster, so if you want to go ahead and pull your card for it, get there. 0:09:08 Pastor Newms: I forgot about this whole segment, I'll be honest. Mentally blocked it out. I probably just more grumbling as I do it. Okay, here we go. You ready? Okay, side note. So we're at this state event, right? So there's these churches, Assemblies of God churches from all over the state and area, and some churches that aren't necessarily Assemblies of God, but at one point were. So they're using this curriculum, blah, blah, blah, blah. 0:09:42 Pastor Newms: I hear this little girl talking to her coach, who I find out is also her father, and I don't know. No, I don't know. You will have to ask him. I'm sitting there, and I'm like, what is this little girl bothering her dad about? And there's only a couple of hymns in this room to begin with, because we're moving from room to room, and it's group to group. And that team had four girls, and I've got two girls on my team, and two people up there are girls, and there's one dude, me and him. 0:10:21 Pastor Newms: So I don't know what she's about to ask, either him or me, but that's fine. And these are all elementary school kids. It's kindergarten through fifth grade, I think. Anyway, no 6th grade, because then the teen stuff is 7th through high school. 12th. That's the end goal. So then this little girl turns around, and for those of you out there in podcast land who don't know me in real life, I'm bald. I have a beard. 0:11:01 Pastor Newms: I wear graphic tees. Yesterday. Said y'all need Jesus. Thought it was appropriate. And I have black dipped fingernails like the professional dip nails. And I walk with a cane because arthritis. So I'm sitting there, and this little girl looks at me. But I love to mess with people. There is no people group more fun to mess with than children, though, because children are just they'll almost believe anything. 0:11:42 Pastor Newms: They're fun to mess with. Talking gibberish to a child and acting like it's complete normal while they look at you in fear that they've lost their mind. There's fun things you can do in situations like these types of situations. Excuse me, sir. And she's turned around so she's not talking to the guy in the front. I'm like, yeah, what's up, hon? Do you have children? Do you have girls? Do you have children that are girls? 0:12:20 Pastor Newms: What? Do you have little girls? Do I have little honey, I'm sorry, I'm a little confused on what you're asking. Are you asking if I have? Are you asking if I'm a father of girls like children? Yes. I'm like, okay. And part of that is that's fun. Second part of that is, is she asking if I own dolls? Is she asking, like, there's lots of things that that could also mean. Like, I'm like, I'm not sure what she's at. Like, you know, and I was like, yeah. 0:12:56 Pastor Newms: Mind you, Seraphina is sitting there and she's like, yeah, me? I'm like, hey, turn back around. Where are you supposed to be? Paying attention? 0:13:05 Pastor Bill: And. 0:13:08 Pastor Newms: She'S like, oh, okay. And that's the answer. And I'm like, Why, hon? No idea. I'm not doing anything that is, I have no idea what's going on. Well, why are your nails black? And I'm like and in your mind starts racing 1000 directions of things you can say, ways you can say it, what you could say, oh, well, they just turned this color. There's so many places you could go to just have fun. And so I look at her and I say, do you know what punk music is? 0:14:09 Pastor Newms: Are you familiar with the term grunge? What the dad goes, that 80s rock and roll you don't like? She goes, oh, yeah. I was like, well, in that culture and cultures that came after it, singers, fans, those of us, we wear a lot of black we do black nails. It's good. Oh, okay. So it has nothing to do with. 0:14:44 Pastor Bill: The fact that you have daughters? No. 0:14:48 Pastor Newms: She's like, okay. Because there are people men let their children paint their nails or toenails. 0:14:57 Pastor Bill: I have pink toenails right now. 0:14:58 Pastor Newms: I know, that’s why I was saying. 0:14:59 Pastor Bill: Because I have two daughters. 0:15:02 Pastor Newms: It was a funny aspect of and then later I'm sitting there and I'm like, I tell this to Zaydie. And I thought to myself and I said, there was a small part of me that wanted to be like, have you heard of punk? Have you heard of grunge? Are you familiar with Lgbtqia? And just see what happens. But I was like, It's not the time to throw at other churches. And you never know what these children have been. And so I'm like, yeah, exactly. 0:15:44 Pastor Newms: Says black nails just happen when you hang out with bats all the time, they just over time, your nails turn black. But yeah. So I had to share that because I noticed them flash. And I was like, oh, I got to tell you that because it was such a great and the dad's, this big country dude, was wearing the shirt with the pocket and the flaps on the back for the air, even though you know he's not but you know what shirt I'm talking about. If you're from the country, everyone knows what shirt I'm talking about. It allows airflow through the shirt, blah, blah, blah. 0:16:18 Pastor Newms: But yeah. So I'm like, anyway, okay, get to know the pastors. Here we go. I can't answer this question. Pastor Bill, what is your all time favorite scene from a movie? 0:16:39 Pastor Bill: Favorite theme scene? Scene from my all time favorite scene from a movie. 0:16:50 Pastor Newms: All time favorite scene from a movie. What's a part of a movie that you find yourself quoting accidentally? What is that scene that is forever in your mind that you love so much while Pastor Bill is thinking all I will say about two of the first scenes that come to mind, they're both from this movie, so we will not be talking about them. But if you want to, this is the movie right here. All my favorite. This is the favorite. 0:17:31 Pastor Newms: We just passed St. Patrick's Day. They were all over news outlets and stuff because it's a St. Patrick's Day movie right here. All my favorite scenes. Pastor Bill. Go ahead. 0:17:43 Pastor Bill: I have no idea. You love movies. 0:17:46 Pastor Newms: Homie. 0:17:47 Pastor Bill: Yeah, but a scene, a particular scene? No clue? 0:17:53 Pastor Newms: Nothing came to mind? 0:17:54 Pastor Bill: No. 0:17:55 Pastor Newms: Okay, pull another card since neither of us could technically answer it. All right. When you're having a bad day, what is the best thing you can do to help cheer yourself up? 0:18:18 Pastor Bill: Drink a cup of tea and go back to bed. 0:18:20 Pastor Newms: Cup of tea and go back to bed. So if I think about it, Biggs is you can't handle the truth. It's a good scene. 0:18:29 Pastor Bill: You can't handle the truth. 0:18:33 Pastor Newms: My favorite is probably music. If I actually have to recenter myself and focus on my day, I can't just piece out my number one is definitely just go back to bed. Like I will often. Afternoon. Just I'm done. I'm going take a nap. I'll figure it out when I wake up. I do that. But if I have to continue focusing, it's music. It's putting certain music on, depending on what's causing the bad day, will dictate what style of music will help the day be marginally better till I can get to nap time? 0:19:19 Pastor Newms: Yes. The short answer is just nap time. Just go back to bed. 0:19:28 Pastor Bill: Yeah, just go back to bed. 0:19:30 Pastor Newms: There was that old saying, oh, someone must have woke up on bed on the wrong side of the bed today. Blah, blah. And then there would always be that add on. Some people would add they should go back to bed and get back out on the other side. Stuff like that. And you're like, yeah, I agree I should go back to bed, right? Yeah, I agree with you. 0:19:52 Pastor Bill: There's that audio quote from some guru that was going around for a while that says, if the day is Effed F it, just go back to bed. Don't try to fix it. Give up. Try again tomorrow. 0:20:08 Pastor Newms: There is a certain amount of accuracy in that statement of you can't control it, don't let it ruin you. I mean, see, Biggs, I can't do music on all day because of meetings and everything. I can't actually have it fully audible all day. Plus, Me and Sez have very different styles of music. So Me just turning mine on one. But yes, he does that sometimes just for the reaction. He'll do it when I'm in the middle of work, he'll text me and then turn around and just lean back so he could see around my monitors and just look at me, waiting for me to see whatever he sent wherever he sent it. 0:21:28 Pastor Newms: So that way he gets the reaction. 0:21:33 Pastor Bill: But yes, Sez, I mean, Jesus did take naps. Like, he was sleeping in the bottom of the boat, and everybody's like, we're going to die as a horrible storm. And Jesus is down below like, I love sleeping on water beds. This is great. 0:21:55 Pastor Newms: So for those out there, I will read the joke. For those out there who are now going, what is Pastor Bill and Newms talking about? Sez is that why Jesus decided to sleep in a cave for three days? He was having a very bad day. Which I can't say I hate the joke. I really can't. There was a little more work put in than that, but it was a bad day. 0:22:29 Pastor Bill: It was a bad 40 years. 0:22:32 Pastor Newms: It was a bad several years. 0:22:35 Pastor Bill: He was God, and then he became a human being. 0:22:39 Pastor Newms: That's some bad time. 0:22:41 Pastor Bill: That's a bad 40 years right there. 0:22:42 Pastor Newms: He needed a break. All right, what are we even talking about today? I already. 0:22:54 Pastor Bill: So we started this year, this season at the beginning of Genesis. And we went through Genesis One and we talked about Genesis One. Then we went through some in John One, and we talked about how Genesis One isn't a Jewish text per se. It was borrowed from another culture, who, let's be honest, borrowed it from another culture, who borrowed it from another it's one of these things where it was this is common knowledge, and now we're going to include it with what the descendants of Jacob believed. So now we've gotten up to Genesis, chapter two, verse four, which technically was the beginning of the Scriptures for the sins of Jacob, the Jews, the Jewish people before they went into captivity in Babylon, right? This was the beginning of the story. And we're going to do verses four through seven, I believe. I'm going to open my Bible. 0:24:14 Pastor Newms: And. 0:24:15 Pastor Bill: I am going to read from the Christian Standard Bible. Not because I think it's perfect. I don't think any translation is I don't think any translation could be, honestly, because it's impossible to know what the intentions of someone were when they were writing the scriptures that they were writing. And also that would negate the need for faith, and faith is a pretty important thing. Okay, verses four through seven. These are the records of the heavens and the earth concerning their creation. At the time that Lord God made the earth and the heavens, no shrub of the field had yet grown on the land, and no plant of the field had yet sprouted. But the Lord God had not made it rain on the land, and there was no man to work the ground but mist would come up from the earth and water all the ground. Then the Lord God formed the man out of the dust from the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being. All right, that's Genesis chapter two, verses four through seven. So when we go back through these and we're looking at these word by word, like we've been doing, and we're looking the main thing that we're doing when we're looking word for word is we're looking for words that are different, that are a clue to the fact that there's something more being said there or there's something deeper being said. There's more message there than just the poetic phraseology, the Phrasing that we see at face value, right? And so we get this thing where we read, these are the records of the heavens and the earth concerning their creation at the time that the Lord God made the earth and heavens. These first words, these are the records of the heavens and the earth. There's nothing special there. There's nothing great and hidden there. When the first thing of note that happens in Genesis chapter two, verse four is when we get to that second half of the phrase and we say at the time that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens. And here we see the words Jehovah and Elohim. Elohim is still that plural God that we've been using before, but now we've given it a prefixed word that defines the word down into we're not actually talking about the plural gods anymore. Now we're talking about a specific being who is a divine being, right? So we're defining that YEHOVAH is an Elohim. He is this Godly personage. He is this divine personage. And the reason this is actually of note is because it tells us when this was written, or at least it lets us know how early it could have been written. Okay, well, how does that happen? Okay, so God doesn't identify himself with the name Jehovah until Exodus, chapter three. So if you want to turn over to Exodus chapter three, we'll see the first time that God calls himself Jehovah is in verse 14, exodus, chapter three, verse 14. God replies to Moses. This is the burning bush, right? So Moses is walking by looking for a lost sheep in his herd, and he notices that there's a bush on fire, but it's not actually being consumed by the fire. And he goes, that's kind of weird. I'm going to go check that out. So, you know, that phenomena where you're driving by a wreck and everybody's turning to look at the wreck and it's causing traffic. That's what Moses did. I'm going to go check that out. It's none of my business, but I'm going to check it down anyway. And so God is in the bush and he's having a conversation with God. And God says, you need to go tell Pharaoh this is the let my people go speech. And Moses says, well, who do I say is sending me? Yo, wrong script. I'm in exodus 314. 0:30:02 Pastor Newms: Did I. 0:30:04 Pastor Bill: Give her no, it's the right scripture. God replied to Moses, I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites. I am has sent me to you. So in the first place, he says, I am who I am. And this is actually three words that then become the conjunction for the words I am Jehovah. This is the first time that God actually says, my name is call me this. And we know this is the first time because if we turn forward to Exodus six, chapter I'm sorry, exodus, chapter six, verse three, right? And if we start in verse two, it says, then God spoke to Moses, telling him, I am the Lord. I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God Almighty, but I was not known to them by my name, the Lord. And therein the Lord. It says Jehovah in the original language there. It's actually the word jehovah. So God appeared to Abraham. God appeared to Isaac. God appeared to Jacob. God had very intimate conversations with these people. God appeared to Methuselah and Enoch. And God appeared to Noah. Well, I didn't appear to Noah, but talked to Noah through an intermediary, an archangel, but never identified himself by name until he got to Moses. Now, a lot of scholars believe that Moses didn't exist and that the character of Moses is actually an amalgamation of stories from different people over different times. And that's not the point. The point is that God shared his name with humanity at a certain time. And at that time is when they wrote down or after that time is when they wrote down the Genesis account. This. Genesis Chapter Two, right? And so when we get to verse four and we see the word Jehovah, a word that isn't given to mankind for another not 4000, 3000 years. 0:32:58 Pastor Newms: Because. 0:32:58 Pastor Bill: It'S 2000 years from here to 2400 years from here to the flood, and then another 2000 years from there to David. But we're not quite to David yet. So, yeah, it's about 3000 years after creation. 0:33:12 Pastor Newms: 2500. 0:33:15 Pastor Bill: Ish ish somewhere in there. 0:33:18 Pastor Newms: Yeah. 0:33:20 Pastor Bill: So, obviously, it's written after that time because that's where we got that word. That's when that word was given to mankind by God. And so, once again, this is not God saying, this is what happened, right? This is mankind writing down thousands of years later what the oral stories are that they've been passing down and what it is that they believe happened. This is not God telling the story. This is mankind telling our understanding of the story right? Now. Do we believe that all scriptures, god breathed and useful for this and that? And I'm not going to quote the actual scripture from the New Testament, but yes, we believe that God inspired, god breathed, but also at the same time, we're not actually creating a history book here. We're creating a religious text that is useful for teaching, correcting, building up faith, all of those things, not a history textbook. All right, so there is this cycle that happens in Genesis where it says, these are the records, or these are the genealogies of blah. And then it'll fall that cycle again, and it'll do it for Adam, and then it does it for Noah and his sons. Then it does it for Abraham, and it's a cycle over and over again. It's this pattern that they're following. That where they're making a point of showing a line where we've tracked through the oral histories all of the encounters that we know of from God. Now, Moses isn't claiming direct descendantship from Adam as some kind of, look at me, I'm in some kind of special religious club. He's not claiming descendantship from Abraham to be in some kind of club. What Genesis is doing is genesis is recording human interactions with God, whether or not those are following the same bloodline. But it just so happens that Abraham was found faithful and that God chose to favor his bloodline. And that is why we still have these scriptures, is because the line of Abraham is blessed, because Abraham was faithful. If it had been someone else that had heard the whispering of God's voice in the desert and had listened, it would be some other people, would have been the favored people of the Lord. But in that story of Abraham, the whole world had forgotten the name of God. They had all forgotten who God said he was. In the beginning, nobody knew what the name of God was anymore. God hadn't actually told people what his name was yet as far as Moses was concerned. And so God comes whispering to Abraham, and Abraham believed that the voice was God, and it was accounted to him as righteousness. Sorry. Excuse me. All right, so that was Genesis 24. And I know I'm building a lot of future look into this. The thing is, we couldn't do that in chapter one because they weren't connected to anything. They literally weren't connected to the rest. But chapter two numes. You're on mute. I can see you agreeing, shaking your head and stuff, but you're on mute so nobody can hear you. 0:37:51 Pastor Newms: I wasn't saying I'm just nodding sorry. 0:37:53 Pastor Bill: Okay. 0:37:54 Pastor Newms: Yeah, I hadn't actually said anything. I actually checked when you said it. I was like, am I? And I look in my bouncing because I'm a nasal breather. 0:38:04 Pastor Bill: Anyway, so Genesis chapter two, though, has all these ties that are connected. And as we progress further, we're going to see in the future people referring back to these scriptures over and over and over. And so we don't want to ignore what other people built onto this. But we couldn't do that with Genesis one because it wasn't actually tied to the rest of the story. It was separate and was adopted. Right. And so there are times in the future we'll say, well, in the beginning, blah, blah, blah, but it's different. It's different because this is actually written within the culture that's then referencing it later. And so it's all this web that we're looking at. And so we're trying to approach it from a learning standpoint. That's why there's more pulling in of future events that is going on now, because they're actually connected. 0:39:13 Pastor Newms: Yeah. And that's exactly how it really is. When you look at stuff like that, it's interesting where the name Jehovah as it is truly comes from and how the etymology of it that at what point in time we added a J, at what point in time, all those types of things to the translations as well. It's interesting to see those aspects. 0:39:44 Pastor Bill: Yeah. The word Jehovah that we then call Jehovah. 0:39:48 Pastor Newms: Yeah. 0:39:49 Pastor Bill: And even that word itself, can we talk about that word for a minute? 0:39:52 Pastor Newms: Which word? 0:39:54 Pastor Bill: Jehovah. 0:39:56 Pastor Newms: Which word? 0:39:57 Pastor Bill: It means oh, I'm sorry, H3068. It means the self existent or eternal. Moses says, who should I tell them is sending me? And God says, the God that exists because I want to. I self exist. I exist because I want to. 0:40:26 Pastor Newms: Yeah. When we jump to Exodus 314, when you're talking about, wait, I just did what Biggs did earlier, where I stayed in Genesis and turned to 314, as opposed to so obviously you were like, oh, what? Obviously it is genetic. And I had the exact same moment he did earlier, where I was like, that verse doesn't have that in it. And I went, oh, yeah. Hey, look. Like father, like son. Look at that. Look how that happens when you look at that. 0:41:01 Pastor Newms: I am that I am even in it. It's to exist. That is to be to come to pass. That is that which what also where. 0:41:21 Pastor Bill: Is. 0:41:24 Pastor Newms: Because I is it's such an interesting aspect that what was the first. 0:41:38 Pastor Bill: Thing in all of creation, god going, I want to I want to exist. 0:41:46 Pastor Newms: Okay, so I'm going to say something and this is definitely also they did numsian aspects. This is not Berean ecclesiaste. This is. Just news. There is no way in any universe ever. And I'm sure I'm wrong, so I'm fully aware that I am wrong in what I am saying that God said I Aunt Two, as you just said. 0:42:20 Pastor Bill: Just like you thought I was mispronouncing doggone if before we get to heaven, Jesus, God's like, welcome home, folks. 0:42:34 Pastor Newms: Actually a redneck to be very upset with myself for saying this, but there. 0:42:43 Pastor Bill: Is no way we're all going to get our Glorified buys. We're all going to be just fat butter balls running around. 0:42:52 Pastor Newms: Where I'm going with my thought process. I'm like, I'm going to be mad at myself if I'm wrong. But no, there's no heavenly language that sounds like that. 0:43:12 Pastor Bill: But he will sing the people who talks like that in their life, and that makes them comfortable. And to the person sitting next to them who was royalty and was very well put together, god will sound majestic. 0:43:24 Pastor Newms: And royalty bib overall, I swear, that's going to mess me up. That's going to mess me up something great. What's really going to be funny is if he shows up, however they show up with just despite me at this point, just once, just once, right when I come over the gate. Hey, I'm joking. 0:43:51 Pastor Bill: Are you always the one saying I had a sense of humor? 0:43:54 Pastor Newms: I'm joking. I really am. I promise. Here it is. And then I will be in overalls, as Big said, be just stuck in it. Okay. 0:44:09 Pastor Bill: All right. Genesis 25. No show up on the field had yet grown on the land, and no plant of the field had yet sprouted for the Lord god had not made it rain on the land, and there was no man to work the ground. So we've got this very human centric point of view going on where the author is trying to make it clear, very clear where we are in the story, right? God created the heavens and the earth, and this is an account of everything that happened. But where we are in the account, there's no shrubs, there's nothing growing, there's no plants, there's no mankind even. There's no rain. Mist is just coming up out of the ground. I find it interesting that they thought about the mist, though. They're like, yeah, the mist, the mist came up out of the just like it does now. When we get dew, we get the morning dew. There was morning dew. Yeah, that's all there was, though. 0:45:14 Pastor Newms: There was dew and fog. 0:45:16 Pastor Bill: Yeah, there was just dew and fog. 0:45:22 Pastor Newms: I will say, and I'm sorry for all of Podcast Land, because it's my fault. Since we had the joke, all of your country has come out and you've leaned into it more accidentally because I made you fake it, and now you've made it. Just throwing that out there, that was one of the most Twingy readings of five I have ever heard in my entire existence. That you fight so hard to not come across as that across the podcast. And I just threw a wrench at 50 minutes in tonight of just here is Decatur Bill, as opposed to Bill. 0:46:05 Pastor Bill: Let me hit reset on my there's. 0:46:08 Pastor Newms: Your regular podcast voice. 0:46:12 Pastor Bill: Take out the hit. Okay, so that brings us to Genesis Two Seven, because all of Two Six was all about the mist, right? All of Two Six was about but there was mist. 0:46:28 Pastor Newms: The whole face of the ground. 0:46:31 Pastor Bill: I also find that everywhere it missed. It everywhere. There was nowhere that it didn't miss, basically. 0:46:36 Pastor Newms: And that's part of that whole at this point in the creation story, there is no desert. 0:46:45 Pastor Bill: Maybe I think it's basically all desert, but with misty. Right? 0:46:50 Pastor Newms: That's what I'm saying. It's not like nothing is dried out, but nothing is like vegetative as the mist comes and there's not as much of everything. 0:47:13 Pastor Bill: Okay, then we get to Genesis, chapter two, verse seven. Then the Lord God formed the man out of the dust from the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being. That is the most toned down way to say such an amazing thing ever, right? Okay. So the Lord God jehovah elohim the self existent god personally. Right. So we have this formed, but then it's got the 8th attached to it, h 853, the 8th that we talked about before, where it denotes that it wasn't just a divine command. It was God got down in the dirt and personally did the forming. He didn't outsource this to someone else. 0:48:21 Pastor Newms: I will say my favorite parts. First off, I find it funny Big said wet sand, which really works with the analogy that's given, which is a potter. But I love the words it says to compare to is to mold into form. But before that, it's squeezing it into shape. 0:48:46 Pastor Bill: And I love the squeezing into shape. 0:48:51 Pastor Newms: It's not the drop it on the thing and make a pot. 0:48:55 Pastor Bill: It's the. 0:48:59 Pastor Newms: Squeezing and going, okay. No, okay. You know, I just it's such a good word that is just form, which is a very boring word for what that word, actually, that word means English sucks. Anyway. 0:49:27 Pastor Bill: Okay, so it says the Lord God formed the man. Right. But it doesn't actually say formed the man. It says personally molded human being. It doesn't identify human being as male, yet it says it created the human being. It doesn't say it created the man, Adam. It created human. It it's out of and there's this word that then it uses that it hasn't used yet that if you're looking at in the original language and you're going along and you're like, okay, cool. Okay, we're building up. We're