S4EP01 - In The Beginning

The Berean Manifesto

08-12-2022 • 52 Min.

Pastor Bill:

[0:02] Hello and welcome to season 4 episode 1 of the Berean Manifesto; Faith, Hope, and Love for the Modern Christian.  Can you believe, Pastor Newms, that we're starting season four tonight?  That's insane, given 100 episodes per season.  I can't even wrap my mind around all that content.

Pastor Newms:

[0:35] I can't wrap my head around the fact that we have done it.  No I am.

Pastor Bill:

[0:41] It's a little bonkers.

Pastor Newms:

[0:44] Yeah it definitely is the bonkers.

Pastor Bill:

[0:49] So here we are.  So how was your week Pastor Newms?

Pastor Newms:

[1:02] Yeah, it was… it was pretty good.  I’m trying to think if I did anything.  I don't think I did anything special.  I mean other than you know we did do some Thanksgiving stuff, but I don't think I actually did anything special.  Why are you leaning in like that.

Pastor Bill:

[1:37] What are you talking about I'm sitting back.

Pastor Newms:

[1:39] I can see you.

Pastor Bill:

[1:41] Yeah I'm sitting back.

Pastor Newms:

[1:44] I don’t think you understand what sitting back means.

Pastor Bill:

[1:49] This is, this is sitting back this is what sitting back looks like.

Pastor Newms:

[1:53] It really isn't.

Pastor Bill:

[2:00] I'm even leaning back in my chair like if I set my chair up straight I'd be like this.

Pastor Newms:

[2:09] Really now for a second you weren't.

Pastor Bill:

[2:18] So how was your week Pastor Bill?  Well let me tell you.  My public school kids were out for the week because of Thanksgiving break which was nice because we have puppy.  And puppy wakes me up every few hours to go potty every night and I was able to get the Gerg… Who by the way, is a half-inch taller than me now.  Unacceptable!  So Gerg was so gracious as to listen for the dog every night on his Thanksgiving break and take care of walking the dog so that I could sleep on those nights.  Which is amazing.

Pastor Newms:

He is, he is.

Pastor Bill:

[3:09] It's just amazing.  Like I can't even express how much that meant to me to be able to catch up on that sleep while he's been here.  And then we celebrated Thanksgiving as a family.  Just our immediate family, just here in the house because Roxanne had covid-19 at the end of last week the beginning of this week and then she had a negative test on Wednesday.  But we just wanted to be overly cautious to make sure we weren’t going to spread anything to anybody on Thursday so we stayed home.  Then Friday we knew that my mother and her husband, Grams and Gramps, they already had covid a couple weeks ago.  So we went ahead and went over there to decorate their house for Christmas, and then my kids stayed there over the weekend so that my wife and I could celebrate our 17th anniversary wedding anniversary.  Truly the date is this coming… Thursday is the actual wedding anniversary date but we went ahead and celebrated it this last weekend because.  You know when Grandma offers to take the kids for the weekend right before your anniversary you jump on that.

Pastor Newms:

[4:28] Well yeah I mean definitely.  HG Supply Company?

Pastor Bill:

[4:40] Yeah it's like, it's like a vegan restaurant but like they did the thing where they change out their menu often to try different things.  Anyway it was pretty good and I put it in the reservation that we were celebrating our 17th anniversary together.  We told them we were here that the guy working the hostess booth said, “Happy Anniversary” and I was like awesome they got my note that'll be the end of it that's all they're going to do.  No, we got to the table and our server was like here's a card for your anniversary we had all the servers sign it, and the managers pouring you a celebratory toast of champagne right now and she's going to bring that over for you.  On us.  We did that and then at the end they were like and we're also comping your Gelato dessert there as part of your anniversary celebration so happy anniversary guys we were like, so nice.

Pastor Newms:

[5:55] It is nice.

Pastor Bill:

[5:57] Yeah so we had this spicy queso. As our appetizer but it was vegan there was no cheese in it, but it tasted like cheese but it was like chickpeas and I don't know those other stuff that made had he had the consistency of queso it tasted like queso but it wasn't cheese.  Yeah what's that.

Pastor Newms:

[6:35] The yeah no I don't like that.

Pastor Bill:

[6:44] Now you don't like that hey if it ain't going to kill me and it tastes right.  I mean if they could make tofu. You know by like a burger I don't care if it's actually tofu as long as my tongue thinks it's a burger and it feels like a burger on my teeth.

Pastor Newms:

[7:13] I don't like that.

Pastor Bill:

[7:15] Unless you want to charge me nine dollars for two patties like the Beyond Burger stuff that then doesn't even taste like Burger.  Alright who's night is it to pull a card?  Time for ‘Getting to know the pastors.’

Pastor Newms:

[7:52] It's my night I'm working on it I'm worried.

Pastor Bill:

[7:57] Biggs on Twitch says, “Where's the beef?”

Pastor Newms:

[8:00] Where is the beef okay okay.

Pastor Bill:

[8:08] I've got no beef with vegans if you want to live your life that way cool.

Pastor Newms:

[8:13] I don't care just don't try to force me.  That's my thing it's similar to religion.  Don't force anything upon anyone else please all right.  If you could take any job for just one month what job would you like to have assumed you would have all the skills and knowledge to perform the job adequately so you have all the ability to perform any job, what would you want?

Pastor Bill:

[8:44] All of the ability.  To perform any job?.

Pastor Newms:

[8:51] Biggs wants to be a pilot.

Pastor Bill:

[8:55] What's my motivation?

Pastor Newms:

[8:58] The fact that you could do anything.  So the funness of being able to do anything.

Pastor Bill:

[9:13] No thank you.

Pastor Newms:

[9:16] No thank you?  You don't want any job in the world.

Pastor Bill:

[9:21] I mean not really.  Not just for the sake of having the job.

Pastor Newms:

[9:26] But you get to do whatever you want for a month you don't have anything you would like to do for a month.

Pastor Bill:

[9:38] Not particularly no.

Pastor Newms:

[9:40] Okay okay.

Pastor Bill:

[9:48] I mean first of all it's just a month it's not like a career it's not your whole life and second like what's motivating you I don't. You said fun or or to get the you know you can do it for do it I don't care about that work it's for money and I don't.  What about you Pastor Newms?  You seem super distracted this evening bro.

Pastor Newms:

[10:26] No I'm just thinking. I got a lot on my mind.  I don't know I think if I could have any job in the world for a for a short amount of time it would probably be I'd have all the skills, so I would like to be, you know something maybe a CEO just to get the taste and then know it's going to end in them in a little month so I don't have it forever but yet make the money for the month. That's where my mind is is the the money aspect.

Pastor Bill:

[11:34] Okay well let's break it down alright so my first instinct before you said for a month, was President.  And then my mind immediately went to the moment you're done with that job at the end of four years or eight years or thirty days.  Any good that you did it's just going to be undone by the next guy.  So what would be the point.

Pastor Newms:

[12:08] Yeah I mean that's one of those things that is something you have to consider.  That it would just poof away.  And I get that my mind was straight to money how much money can I make in a month I mean it's a month.

Pastor Bill:

[12:45] Yeah but then my mind goes that's only a month's worth of pay that's not going to actually do much for my life after that for very long.

Pastor Newms:

[12:55] Depending on the job.

Pastor Bill:

[12:56] And go away and I'm just going to get back to where I was before.

Pastor Newms:

[12:59] It would but you know.

Pastor Bill:

[13:02] Did you say get another job did you seriously just say to the person who's been searching for a job for seven years you.

Pastor Newms:

[13:17] I said nothing.

Pastor Bill:

[13:19] I could have swore you said just get another job.

Pastor Newms:

[13:22] No no.

Pastor Bill:

[13:23] For after the end of the month as a CEO and I was like it ain't that easy bro.

Pastor Newms:

[13:28] I said depends on the money I mean if you're talking about a CEO of a five million dollar a year salary a month, would change either of our Lives exponentially.

Pastor Bill:

[13:43] Biggs is over here on Twitch telling on me, “Bill would not take the oath.”  You're not wrong, I don't believe in swearing an oath so you're not wrong.  I don't qualify to serve as President.  I don't qualify to serve in politics because I don't believe it's… I believe it's a violation of my religious beliefs to swear an oath.

Pastor Newms:

[14:17] But he did he did tell on you straight up yeah he's straight.

Pastor Bill:

[14:20] Straight up like pulling it out like no yeah he says he I do listen.  You do you do listen you listen to you listen yeah.  All right so season 4 episode 1.

Pastor Newms:

[14:38] Yep.

Pastor Bill:

[14:41] In the beginning, and that's exactly what we're going to do we're going to go and talk about Genesis for a little bit. And then we're going to start looking at Genesis 1:1 and we're going to break it down word by word.  Not because I think it was translated wrong and not because I think that it is some revelation you know revolutionary thing that you can see there but simply for the fact that it is written in a poetic style.  And so each of these words has so much depth to them that when you just read Genesis 1:1 CSB, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth.”  That is so dry and shallow compared to the words that are actually there, in this poetic telling right first off let's talk a little bit about Genesis because Genesis gets a lot of flack from I don't even know what to call them anti apologetics people.  People who want to claim that you know the Bible is not real because…

Pastor Newms:

[16:10] Right right.

Pastor Bill:

[16:12] And the issue is. They're not wrong when it comes to Genesis the first 10 chapters of Genesis aren't Christian text.  Christianity didn't even exist for another 4,000 years after right after the events that took place in Genesis 1 through Genesis 10.

Pastor Newms:

[16:42] Yeah.

Pastor Bill:

[16:44] They aren't even Jewish texts there were no Jews in existence, until the descendants of Judah adopted the name after Judahs father Jacob and I'm reading from my notes Here, Jacob who became Israel.  After he died he blessed Judah as the greatest of his sons who would rule over the rest, and even then it didn't stick as a name is a as a people group as a joining together until the time of King David, almost 1000 years after that.  This isn't an Abrahamic text, right the first chapters of Genesis aren’t an Abrahamic text, Abraham wasn't even born until approximately 400 years after the flood, which is what these first ten, chapters deal with is from creation to flood, and the flood was about 2,000 years after the seventh day of creation right so we've got these, 10 chapters that don't belong to the Christians they don't belong to the Jews they don't belong to any of the Abrahamic religions they are literally just a culture, in this case the people who identified as Jews, looking back and piecing together what other cultures told them about the past about how they got to the point they were at now.  As the story goes, we owe the writing down the actual writing of Genesis except for chapter 1 to Moses.  Moses gets the credit for writing Genesis chapters 2 through Genesis chapter 10 and beyond.  Chapter one of Genesis was added about 800 years before the time of Christ while the descendants of Jacob or Israel if you want to call them that were in captivity in Babylon.  So from the time of Moses to the time of the people of Israel being taken captivity into Babylon 800 years before Jesus there was no this first chapter of Genesis.  It's their holy writings started with what we would call Genesis chapter 2 right okay.

Pastor Newms:

[19:32] Which is often why there is a disconnect between 1 and 2.

Pastor Bill:

[19:37] There yeah 1 was added later when the Babylons were like well when they learned from the Babylonians this idea of more depth and a different viewpoint on the creation story, now we acknowledge all of that information.  And all that information is information that will get brought up by anti apologetics people that want to say you know will this this is why the Bible isn't credible.  But to me it lends itself to the credibility of the text because it isn't about the Christian God or the Jewish god or the god of the Abrahamic faiths.  The first 10 chapters of Genesis is about the Supreme almighty God.  The God that everything within creation including any other gods are subordinate to right we're talking about a monotheistic worldview where there literally is one supreme God.  And any other beings are subordinate to that.  And when people write about God they're not necessarily writing about a different God.  They could very well be writing about a vision or an Insight they've had about the supreme God.  Right?  We still on the same page there?  I think we are but you're not responding.

Pastor Newms:

[21:17] No I was I was I was breathing sorry I guess before I forget breathing doesn't.

Pastor Bill:

[21:22] No breathing for you.

Pastor Newms:

[21:23] Yeah breathing doesn't necessarily come across sound-wise I was processing to see if there was anything in that that I don't necessarily agree with and it there really isn't.

Pastor Bill:

[21:41] Biggs is lost.  That's fine Brother don't worry.  We believe there is one God and that is the one true God and if that is the truth, then we believe that every other religion when they point to God they're not necessarily not pointing at the same God we're talking about.  They could be talking about an aspect of God that we haven't seen yet.  And I don't have a scripture for this yet we're just we're just talking about so far we've just been talking about straight historical facts about the Bible and the way we as The Berean Manifesto as The Ekklesian House.  We have this worldview of you know this idea of belief in God, and our monotheistic beliefs even monotheistic isn't really a good word it's more like. What's the word for many gods is not mono it's Holly polytheist polytheistic agnostic.  There are many beings of godly power but only one Supreme Divine being.  That is The God of the first 10 chapters of Genesis.

Pastor Newms:

[23:10] Right and that's one thing I always find funny amongst these conversations is so many, Christians including myself for so many years were like oh well I'm you know monotheistic well belief in multiple gods and. Worship of multiple gods thank you says are completely different aspects the worship of one God, is you know I worship one God but the knowledge that there are other deities there are other, entities is not necessarily the same thing because you have the whole you know, no other gods before me Noah you know there's times where even in scripture they acknowledge other gods. You know and so there's that aspect of we worship one but we do not, personally I am. Polly feet I mean polytheistic in the belief that there are other gods we just worship one of them the Supreme you know the person that we actually believe deserves worship.

Pastor Bill:

[24:37] And when we're asked well how do you know your God is the right God well I don't I don't think that the Bible contains everything there is to know about God, The God.  And I believe that other religions have, aspects to them where they glimpsed God. Right but I do know that Jesus made the claim. That he came to make a way and lead us to God. And that he then became Divine and is God.  Right and I'll type that out in case anyone gets confused it's the very first one the very first. Very first scripture in your Bible or at least it should be, if there's a whole thing there about Joseph Smith and how he got the scriptures from the Lord then you're not probably not in the right book you just switch over to the Bible not the.  Not the Book of Mormon because you're in the wrong book and then Genesis 1:1 should be the first the first thing you come to okay, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth.”  Some manuscripts do read “In the beginning God created the universe.” And so that that's a little a little bit different but not really it's not really even the same it's not really even different words so much as it is a different spin on the same words, but we're going to break down this heavens and they are going to be in God created heavens and the Earth because it's the manuscripts that are the most common are the most copies of it read it that way.  ‘In the beginning’ is Strong's h7225, it is ray-sheeth' okay and I'm going to read you just exactly what strong says and then you know tell you what we're looking at there, it says, “From the same as H7218; the first, in place, time, order or rank (specifically a firstfruit): - beginning, chief (-est), first (-fruits, part, time), principal thing.”  And it says from the same as that word that it's segmented from the same as is roshe which is to shake the head, whether literally or figuratively, in many applications of place time rank band beginning captain chapter chief chief his place man things it's a hold of the word that you know could they could have chosen to use, they chose this ray-sheeth' okay this doesn't just necessarily mean it was the first thing that happened.  Right?  What it's saying is the first important thing to happen, or the first thing worth mentioning in the context of this story.  Is that this next thing, right so just saying in the beginning in English that means it was the first thing that.  It's a line you know it's a line of actions and this was the first one of them but in that language that's not what it means.  It means in all of the universe, this is the first important thing that, as it pertains to our story, there could have been other things that happen before that but they don't pertain to this story. That's what this word is saying.

Pastor Newms:

[29:02] Right.

Pastor Bill:

[29:05] And then we get the word God. Now this word God is el-o-heem'. And when you use this in an ordinary conversation this means God's right, but specifically when it's used with a plural especially with the article, it can mean the supreme God but they did not do that here they did not add.

Pastor Newms:

[29:37] The.

Pastor Bill:

[29:40] The article The.  They did not say The God which would then make it God.  So this literally would be meaning gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative: - angels, X exceeding, God (gods) (-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty.  So this word can mean several things and a lot of people believe this is a veiled reference to the doctrinal belief in the trinity. There's talking about the Father the Son the Holy Spirit and that's fine that's not necessarily wrong especially in light of the New Testament teachings.  The word itself speaks to a group of beings participating.  Definitely Father, Son, and Holy Spirit but also this lends itself to the idea that the Angels played a part that's possibly, and what was going on or that other Divine beings like we talked about there are other you know we believe that there are other gods that are you know other beings of divine power.  It lends itself to them being a part of the story.  They were part of this creation is that.

Pastor Newms:

[31:19] Yep.

Pastor Bill:

[31:20] All right so this next word. It's the word created, but it does have like when we had said before it would have said the God, this has one of those types of things attached to it, and what it has attached to it is a ayth right so it's baw-raw' ayth, so create. so let's look at ayth. Ayth means Apparently contracted from H226 in the demonstrative sense of entity; properly self (but generally used to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition, even or namely): - (As such unrepresented in English.).  So when you use this when you say beings created ayth, and you attach ayth, what you're saying is those beings personally did.  It was an actual act they were involved right it wasn't just an overseeing or, a general event that happened then they just kind of oversaw it literally paints this picture of God God's angels they were physically doing this thing, this thing is baw-raw' created.  It's H 1254 if you want to look it up in your surroundings you're strong it means, A primitive root; (absolutely) to create; (qualified) to cut down (a wood), select, feed (as formative processes): - choose, create (creator), cut down, dispatch, do, make (fat).  Now all of that sounds very sterile.  And what is what does that even mean so when we're looking at that phrase and we're talking about this hands-on work right?  This isn't just a single being speaking things into existence at this point the heavens and the Earth.  This is painting a word picture of a slow building from the base up, like homesteading like going to a land and you clear the trees so you can build a house you plow a field to plant crops to feed livestock so you can harvest the meat, this usage of the word ayth is implying that not only was it done personally but it was done the long way.  It was done very intentionally, it was done taking baser elements and putting them together to create other things and then taking the time to let that become other things and really cultivating the universe.  To create this thing right and I know I hear you I hear I hear what a lot of people are saying right now.  That sounds like it supports an old universe, and it does right it totally supports an old universe but at the same time it doesn't discount the seven days of creation.  So let's talk about that.  How can it be an old universe and also be seven days of creation?  The light and Day evening and morning this whole cycle that makes up an actual calendar day of which there are seven and creation none of that actually starts until after this process.  So the first day of creation includes everything that happened before God set that markable time of moving for Earth.  So, all of the stuff happened on the first quote unquote because there was no day on Earth yet.  There was no marking of time yet.  It was dark there was all just darkness there was no you know like too dark light to dark that makes up a day yet.  So yeah, the scripture can at the same time support an old universe and seven days of creation involving Earth all at the same time.  Right?  So we're taking all this time to slowly build up and create the universe and all of its base are elements and get everything ready.  So that we can do something right so when we go back and we look at verse 1 now we get to the heaven.  The heaven is Strong's H8064 The second form being dual of an unused singular; from an unused root meaning to be lofty; the sky (as aloft; the dual perhaps alluding to the visible arch in which the clouds move, as well as to the higher ether where the celestial bodies revolve): - air, X astrologer, heaven (-s).  The writer is looking up and going all that.  All that, it's not a specific it's an all that all that he created all that.  And then and the Earth right now. The Earth eh'-rets H776 in Strong's From an unused root probably meaning to be firm; the earth (at large, or partitively a land): -    X common, country, earth, field, ground, land, X nations, way, + wilderness, world. it can be used for all of these things so basically the author is he saying all that and all this.  Right so this is simplicity to the poem there where it said all that and all this meaning universe everything all right okay this and that.

Pastor Newms:

[38:00] Yeah this and that all of it.

Pastor Bill:

[38:06] What do we got on time?  Okay so we're going to go for just a little bit here into verse 2, but we're not going to get too far.  Okay just as 1, 2 says “Now the Earth was formless and empty Darkness covered the surface of the watery depths and the spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.”  Earth.  Is the same word eh'-rets so it's not you know not me question there the next word was. Is haw-yaw' it's a strong H1961 it means A primitive root (compare H1933); to exist, that is, be or become, come to pass (always emphatic, and not a mere copula or auxiliary): - beacon, X altogether, be (-come, accomplished, committed, like), break, cause, come (to pass), continue, do, faint, fall, + follow, happen, X have, last, pertain, quit (one-) self, require, X use. it's a lot of work.

Pastor Newms:

[39:25] A lot of words.

Pastor Bill:

[39:26] So it's a lot of work and basically it's saying you know it existed in this form in existed well how did it exist it existed, Strong's H8414 to'-hoo, From an unused root meaning to lie waste; a desolation (of surface), that is, desert; figuratively a worthless thing; adverbially in vain: - confusion, empty place, without form, nothing, (thing of) nought, vain, vanity, waste, wilderness. and then they double down and use the word void bo'-hoo I you say that that's H922, From an unused root (meaning to be empty); a vacuity, that is, (superficially) an undistinguishable ruin: - emptiness, void.  and darkness right H2822 is Darkness it is kho-shek', From H2821; the dark; hence (literally) darkness; figuratively misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow, wickedness: - dark (-ness), night, obscurity.  and all of this.  Was upon and that's not a trick word that's all it's H5921 it's literally upon that's the surface of.

Pastor Newms:

[41:00] All.

Pastor Bill:

[41:03] The face which, paw-neem' so so basically when you when you meet someone and you see their face you know so first thing you usually see if someone their face unless you're more modern you look at shoes first.  The face so when you look at the Earth this is all you see.  The face of the deep an abyss (as a surging mass of water), especially the deep (the main sea or the subterranean water supply): - deep (place), depth.  So the Earth was this giant formless void of liquid and more specifically, if you want to use modern vernacular the Earth was a giant Cesspool of primordial ooze, primordial juices all the building blocks for life were there.  But darkness and vanity and evil all things that.  Are anti light where there as well and so literally life couldn't exist yet.  All the building blocks were there, but nothing could live there.  There was no life there, there was no light there, there was no you know spark there, it was just this horrible horrible place.  And God or the spirit of God, and there's there's this is all I'm not breaking down these words too deep because not really that deep there pretty well explained in that translation when you say spirit of God that's literally what it means its breath or Spirit or could be used as anger, of God and we're still using the same word Elohim right so the spirit of the God's spirit of God the spirit of these Divine beings, moved right so this is this is an interesting word raw-khaf', to brood; by implication to be relaxed: - flutter, move, shake. upon the face of the waters in some instances this word move, can be a very violent word that can mean war, it can mean made War it can mean fighting it can, it can be used in these very aggressive sense of so basically the spirit of these Divine beings they moved upon this. Void of primordial liquid and tried.  Try to give anti, there's that word again anti Koscheck anti-death anti Darkness it tried to move in life on this lifeless void.  And that's when they get to Genesis 1:3 when God starts commanding things to happen and that's where we'll probably pick up there next week.

Pastor Newms:

[44:30] Yeah and that's you know so much there's one of the problems with our belief systems, that a lot of modern churches have is not truly looking at what those words mean some people are like oh well it's just you know in the beginning, earth water and you're like yes but all those words have strong meaning that.

Pastor Bill:

[45:08] Yeah they're very strong.

Pastor Newms:

[45:09] Some people do understand some people some people are like I already knew this this is not a big deal like who doesn't know this the sad thing is the answer to the who doesn't know this is a lot of people and.

Pastor Bill:

[45:21] A lot a lot of people don't know this.

Pastor Newms:

[45:24] And that's a problem sorry I've been so perfect I don't know what is going on I've tried to meet myself every time but I failed a couple times so I'm sorry. The the aspect of it is there is this is super important because if we don't understand, some of these fundamental things when you start looking at oh well this person is different than me and it doesn't matter and I don't care is important because.  You know words matter you know when you have someone who says well I believe this about the universe and you're wrong because you believe that there's a certain part of it that's like. Are we different, in or is it that my understanding of Christianity is just what I was taught on a felt board during, bible class you know in Sunday school that's all I know of what the scripture actually says I don't know you know.  There are people, lots of people who that is their only knowledge and you're like okay we need to expand it some.  That's, you know, what we're trying to do with this it's not just a, hey you know we're going to have these conversations because Genesis is easy to talk about because you know it's fundamentally so important to look at what you believe and why.  As well as how we got to where we are because it opens up the conversations.

Pastor Bill:

[47:14] It's not an easy thing to say that Genesis 1:1 supports an old universe that's not an easy thing to say.  The ramifications, cultural ramifications of that statement.  In the wrong circles that's a bit dim says fighting words.

Pastor Newms:

[47:34] It's heretical some people view that as a heretical stance.  I personally do not view it as a radical stance obviously but there definitely are people who do and that's.  Their belief and that's what I'm going to say about that.

Pastor Bill:

[48:07] All right you have anything else you wanted to add to tonight's topic.

Pastor Newms:

[48:11] I don't think so.  That's it I just I just.

Pastor Bill:

[48:13] Okay all right well The Berean Manifesto.

Pastor Newms:

[48:17] Yeah that was the only thing I wanted to was the the aspect of why why are we actually having the conversations as opposed to just do it.

Pastor Bill:

[48:30] Right we can't, I mean first of all we can't take it at that granted that everyone does know things like this.  You know, I can't take it for granted that everyone's actually sat down and looked at the words that were actually used in the original, and applied that to the context the historical context of when and where and why those were written.  To see what was actually intended.  I mean we've just in doing this we've met people that are like what so I have to go look up what every word means in the Bible before I can understand it.  Then we're like yeah, that's kind of how language works if you don't know the words that are being used how are you supposed to understand it and they were like that's just too much work I just I just want to read my Bible I just want to read it well.  I don't know what to tell you that's not how reading something transliterated from another language works not if you truly want to understand it.

Pastor Newms:

[49:34] Yeah not if you not if you want true understanding if you just want to you know quote-unquote be there sure but that's not healthy nor, discipleship that's just.

Pastor Bill:

[50:09] If you listen to the podcast. And we go live every Sunday evening at around 6:30 p.m. Central Standard Time once again I shook my.

Pastor Newms:

[50:18] Again yeah.

Pastor Bill:

[50:19] Because sometimes we don't you know we don't do a lot of recording and sometimes you don't really see you upset, but here we are and so if you would like to join us on Sunday nights we'd love to have you in the chat asking questions bringing up contradictions bringing up well I don't believe that I believe this, would love to you know have you be a part of the conversation so we can expand, and then make it an actual conversation not just me you know reading you what I have prepared for my notes, Pastor