S4EP03 - Turn Up The Stage Lights

The Berean Manifesto

22-12-2022 • 1 Std. 15 Min.

Pastor Bill: [0:00] Hello and welcome to season 4 episode 3 of The Berean Manifesto; Faith, Hope, and Love for the Modern Christian I'm Pastor Bill and I'm joined as always by Pastor Newms.

Pastor Newms: [0:15] Hola.

Pastor Bill: [0:17] How are you senior Pastor Newms?  Took a nap and it made you happy.

Pastor Newms: [0:34] I did, I took a nap had some weird dreams though.

Pastor Bill: [0:38] Does a nap that made you happy, is it thereby defined as a nappy?  You took a nappy.

Pastor Newms: [0:46] No, a nappy is something you put on a baby's butt.

Pastor Bill: [0:51] Ah it's also a certain classification of dirty greasy hair.

Pastor Newms: [0:58] That's spelled differently.

Pastor Bill: [1:00] How is it?  How is that spelt?

Pastor Newms: [1:02] I don't know, but I know it's spelled differently.

Pastor Bill: [1:04] Okay okay well that's neither here nor there I don't know I don't know.

Pastor Newms: [1:10] I don't know, I don't even have any hair.

Pastor Bill: [1:15] Well you have, you got some you got the beard.

Pastor Newms: [1:18] That's not the same kind of hair.

Pastor Bill: [1:18] And you've got the chest hair.

Pastor Newms: [1:22] I have no chest hair you can't prove it.

Pastor Bill: [1:25] And you've got the back here.

Pastor Newms: [1:27] You can't prove that either.

Pastor Bill: [1:29] But not as much as there was this guy that I was in the internship with at Teen Mania. You know in that first when you first get there, you're you sleep out in the Quonset Huts like the long you know just long dome-tinted room with bunk beds. You're all using these communal showers one shower for the men one shower for the women this dude is so hairy on his chest and back that he looked like he was wearing a sweater vest, he even had it cut into a v in the front and then he had a cross shaved into the back.

Pastor Newms: [2:12] That's a look - okay.

Pastor Bill: [2:17] But that was crazy like he could be shirtless and from a distance, you'd swear he had a sweater vest on because it did the whole around here by the arms and then he had it a v-neck cut into the front of it, to make it look like a V, what's up Sarafina you gonna join us tonight, a v cut in the front there it was crazy good guy great guy really yeah it was weird, yeah, so how was your week Pastor Newms?

Pastor Newms: [2:54] My week was.

Pastor Bill: [2:57] My way.

Pastor Newms: [2:59] It was.

Pastor Bill: [3:01] My week was a very week.

Pastor Newms: [3:05] It was pretty good I um… Was you know, busy at work.  It's the end of the year and my job tends to get a little crazy towards the end of the year so.

Pastor Bill: [3:18] Yeah I was editing the transcript this week and you were saying you guys actually got busier in December which is the antithesis of how it goes.

Pastor Newms: [3:28] Antithesis to.

Pastor Bill: [3:30] In medical Tech.

Pastor Newms: [3:32] Every tech company I've ever worked at except for this one, but that's okay. You know, everyone has a different business model. We try to get a lot of stuff done at the end of the year and at the first of the year too. Bring more clients on right at the beginning and end and that is the business model they have chosen and that is all I will say about that, but yes.

Pastor Bill: [4:00] What trips me up in the nonprofit sector was always ending the year in August.

Pastor Newms: [4:12] The fiscal year.

Pastor Bill: [4:13] Yeah the fiscal year, is like it always just messes with my mind, ending the fiscal year in August and it not corresponding with the daily calendar and oh man. Wal Mart, right and then didn't they did the week's Week 1 week 2 week and you had to know, as a merchandising supervisor, you had to know what week you were in.

Pastor Newms: [4:45] You did and it did not correspond to the calendar.

Pastor Bill: [4:48] And it did not correspond to the calendar and you if you look at the calendar you went okay what week of the year is it that did not correspond with what merchandise week, it is in the numbers, you had to know and then you had to know what end caps were set for that week and the next week and what you could put together and then sometimes they would just leave you big holes in your department in electronics and they were like, “Just fill it with something…” and you're like, I have a hard enough time getting my general manager to approve orders on the things that are actually supposed to be there, that Walmart says they're supposed to be there I'm not going to get him to order me extra stuff for an empty spot, on my floor, that's not gonna so.

Pastor Newms: [5:37] Well let's be honest you were at probably the worst Walmart that I've ever seen.

Pastor Bill: [5:44] That's what I hear but it's the only WalMart I've ever worked at. So I don't really have anything to compare it to so.

Pastor Newms: [5:51] Oh yeah Biggs stated the Nissan year starts in April because they follow the Japanese year not the calendar year also.

Pastor Bill: [6:04] We'll see at least that makes sense. Like that's the cultural calendar from where the company exists there's some logic to that.

Pastor Newms: [6:14] It does make more sense than some others will the fiscal year.

Pastor Bill: [6:18] And just making up your own calendar.

Pastor Newms: [6:21] The fiscal year for retail makes sense too because you want to capture what money you lose to returns in January from Christmas. So that way you actually know what your fiscal year is or if you don't do that, what happens is the first month of your year is - and you, terrible for the year starting off and it hurts because you're years starting - and you spend the rest of the year trying to catch up as opposed to technically that revenue was captured in December and then lost in January. So it's it, that's the reason they do it and it makes sense from a. The way they fiscally are doing it so that way because it is technically lost from the Christmas sales so because of that it balances out so it works pretty well. My week's been pretty good, we also did today the church we visited. This is the third time we visited them, we actually took the girls and they have a full one of their ministries is a theater company. Not like, oh we have drama we do or not you know, hey, we have no but they actually have like a theater where they sell tickets throughout the year and it's a full production and tryouts and it's a full thing, box you know they have the you can order the whole years’ worth of stuff and go to all of them and they were doing Christmas Carol for Christmas which is logical. So they put on, for morning service they put on their Christmas Carol and then, so we got to see that for free. what other people had to pay for it that always makes me feel special love free things and then they had a church-wide Christmas party thing afterwards, where there was like everyone brought desserts and so there was a huge dessert bar and, just people just lots of people just people.

Pastor Bill: [8:36] People being people in.

Pastor Newms: [8:37] And so we sat with the co-worker that Tina has that is her friend. During that so that was good and just overall you know trying to, figure everything out there it's pretty cool place I think but still, you know checking it out. But yeah, so that was kind of cool and then last night we did our first night of our family celebration of Yule which was fun. You should be getting a picture of that from your present. So that's good we'll be doing that for the next eleven nights, until the solstice for Sez in his celebration as well. So that's good. The fire pit was a success, the one I ordered worked very well. We enjoyed it and everyone, most of the family, enjoys the Yule cake that I made. It's a cranberry-based cake so if you don't like cranberries, it's hard to enjoy a cranberry cake if you don't like cranberries like myself but.

Pastor Bill: [10:09] I like cranberry, sauce.

Pastor Newms: [10:11] No, so this is actually a, it's an old recipe that it's also called Christmas cake sometimes of course because you know dear people love to borrow things from other.

Pastor Bill: [10:23] Appropriate.

Pastor Newms: [10:24] Yeah we'll use that word.

Pastor Bill: [10:27] That's what it is. Its appropriation.

Pastor Newms: [10:28] It is it's also theft but that's okay that's what appropriation is, theft of culture.

Pastor Bill: [10:34] Appropriation is theft.

Pastor Newms: [10:36] Yeah.

Pastor Bill: [10:37] It's different there's appreciation which is, taking something and going hey this is a Yule cake, and we're going to enjoy it at Christmas, that's appreciation, then there's appropriation where you go, hey there's your cakes really good but I'm gonna change the name and pretend like it doesn't have some historical meaning attached to it.

Pastor Newms: [11:21] Three eggs and then, cranberries and so it's super simple it's nice and crumbly and traditionally you kind of leave it out. You don't like put it in the fridge or put it in the and by the end of Yule it gets a little harder and so it's almost like a bar by the end. The one I made is not going to last to the end of Yule I've already planned on buying more ingredients and making another because I wanted the Cranberries to be semi-fresh so I don't want to or buy them.

Pastor Bill: [11:57] Isn't part of the point for it to last and become a hardy you know through that you can continue to eat in the cold.

Pastor Newms: [12:06] That is the point of it, but Groggy is here this weekend which means.

Pastor Bill: [12:13] It’s not going to last.

Pastor Newms: [12:13] 7 people in the house. Last night, and even cutting them in like 1 by 1 squares a 13 by 9 only has so many squares in it so, I'm pretty sure it ain't going.

Pastor Bill: [12:32] I would imagine the 13 by 9 only has 13 squares across and 9 squares.

Pastor Newms: [12:38] That's if I actually measured and did inch squares which you know me, I didn't measure, and they are bigger than a one-by-one.

Pastor Bill: [12:47] Those were two-inch squares easily.

Pastor Newms: [12:51] If - because it was just knife carving knife you know. But it was good, fire and stuff which is fun I like fire I've limited the amount of wood we bought. We only bought you know a little bit of wood for each night and we're not doing the, belief that the fire has to burn the whole time or it's bad luck because well one, it doesn't you know the sun isn't not going to come back if the fire goes out says, it was like I was like do we need to keep this fire going and we tend it throughout the day and he's like no like okay cool I'll do it if we need to like if that's part of your not belief system but part of the traditions that you do.

Pastor Bill: [13:48] He was like I aint sitting out here and tending that fire.

Pastor Newms: [13:52] Relax and keep the fire going. We'll just light logs each night and like all right cool so that's kind of what we're doing and that's good it's been a good week how was your week?

Pastor Bill: [14:08] It was life, just you know walking the dog every day multiple times it probably like at least every hour.

Pastor Newms: [14:16] How's that doing for your health?

Pastor Bill: [14:20] I don't know I haven't noticed the difference yet.

Pastor Newms: [14:22] I mean like are your knees hurting a lot more are you are you doing okay doing that often?

Pastor Bill: [14:28] I mean as long as I sit down for a little bit after doing it each time, I'm fine. I mean I’ve just got to sit down and let my back recoup.

Pastor Newms: [14:36] I wasn't thinking that the standpoint that some people would take of oh you're walking. You don’t ever walk normally, you've obviously lost 190 pounds but doing it now I wasn't going that route I meant just.

Pastor Bill: [14:46] Actually, and I haven't lost a pound. It doesn't do anything for my weight you know.

Pastor Newms: [14:57] Because life's not magical.

Pastor Bill: [15:00] That's right life's not magical, and getting a dog at the end of October and walking it every hour except for while you were asleep for a month does not equal weight loss.

Pastor Newms: [15:14] Well to be fair if anything it would it could mark weight gain because you're using muscles you normally don't.

Pastor Bill: [15:24] Building up those muscles.

Pastor Newms: [15:25] Right and that's the worst part about weight is everyone's like most people measure by pounds and they're like, I'm so fat alright I've gotten fatter so I started working out you're like no no you haven't I can see that you look different, I can't tell real well because cameras you know but and I don't see all of you but there's that aspect of, if you do that then obviously you've lost weight if I do like this I look skinny but you know it just doesn't work that way none of us have that good of a tour so we're just pushing fat up so the, but I know there are people that get upset and they're like how I'm gained weight when I started working out you're like yeah but have you measured, and that's the other thing is looking at it from that standpoint. How do your clothes fit? How do your you know? Those types of things are important also not just, poundage because poundage is not how you measure that especially.

Pastor Bill: [16:31] That's another guy over there this week.

Pastor Newms: [16:50] But I just meant your pain levels, not your.

Pastor Bill: [16:51] No my panels are manageable, it's all right my bad there's been a few times where I've been limping the dog out but you know those aren't all the time. Anyway yeah, I mean other than you know you see I got this Christmas tie up.

Pastor Newms: [17:19] I do you see your Christmas tie.

Pastor Bill: [17:22] I've got this Christmas tree over here that I've added to my office Shelf ah.

Pastor Newms: [17:27] I am, I don't think I have anything Christmas.

Pastor Bill: [17:41] Put this in your stuff.

Pastor Newms: [17:43] We do have two Christmas trees this year. One that has no ornaments and isn't plugged in because I forgot that we, found a Christmas tree towards the end of last year middle of last year when we ordered it. I forgot I just remembered the fact that we didn't have one, and so we were doing something we were out there for the wedding, and Walmart the one over on Cheek Sparger had just put out their Christmas trees. So I found a six-foot black one and bought it and then brought it home and Tina's like, you know we already have one and I was like yeah of course I do, which I had forgotten a little bit oh okay I now do you want to be on camera or no just hand, okay I now have a black Christmas tree.

Pastor Bill: [18:46] That's not 6 foot that's um.

Pastor Newms: [18:48] That's this one's not 6ft does that work could not be seen that can't be seen and used to be over here we'll put it right here for Here We Go.

Pastor Bill: [19:01] Then I just put it right in front of the camera like.

Pastor Newms: [19:03] Right in front of the camera okay.

Pastor Bill: [19:06] Just sitting right in front there you go.

Pastor Newms: [19:07] So I have a Christmas tree now it's a wonderful Christmas tree and it's.

Pastor Bill: [19:14] Move it over Happy Halloween, nice.

Pastor Newms: [19:14] It's definitely a Christmas tree and nothing else other than a Christmas tree all right.

Pastor Bill: [19:22] Don't just move it over to the right, come on man move it to the right up hiding behind the tree okay is that right okay move it to the left then, hold it nope too far little bit more in a little bit more into the camera a little bit more little bit right there oh Pastor Newms.

Pastor Newms: [19:47] You want me to okay there's a second one I could technically bring it and put it right in front of the Saints but.

Pastor Bill: [19:54] It doesn't even look real it looks like you've added an image a PNG image into the shot, not a real tree.

Pastor Newms: [20:07] It looks purply because the red light right there, there's a red light right there, and there's a red light right there. That's the reflection of the red light that's over there and there's red lights right here but yeah so.

Pastor Bill: [20:28] All right so Biggs on Twitch asks what kind of dog did you get. My dog is a pit lab, it seems American Pit Bull and Chocolate Lab. I love her, she's great. She's a little stinker though sometimes she plays a little too hard with the kids, but she’s just a baby.

Pastor Newms: [20:55] Labs have that issue, I've never owned a pit, but well Kaiju has just a little bit but it's not much she's mainly lab but, never had a full mix and Kaiju doesn't understand that she's 65 pounds, she thinks that she is 10 pounds and she gets jealous Shyla will lay right here on your shoulder when you're sitting in a chair, and she puts her back she puts her front up here and then you're supposed to hold her butt and then and then she just cuddles just like a cat, yeah just like a 10-pound 12-pound cat you know no big deal she claws the whole way up but that's okay you know she's special and if you try to remove her, by shoulder meat but.

Pastor Bill: [21:49] Really at the claws then.

Pastor Newms: [21:50] Yeah you really get too close if that's the case but then she'll start whining and then try to climb up in the chair with you, and I'm not talking like you know big fluffy lazy boys I'm talking just like chair, you know we've got these swirly, these swivel chairs that are like you know the only the backs only go like, this tall on your back you know. She'll try to pick her up and you're holding her and then she gets right here and she's like I could do it and the tails just, you know smacking you over and over again because she's happy and you're just like oh my gosh you got to get down. But yeah she so I can do it too just dad look, and it doesn't it doesn't work here like no no baby you can't it hurts you got to get down because she has no idea.

Pastor Bill: [22:44] But I is baby.

Pastor Newms: [22:46] Yeah so yeah dogs are fun.

Pastor Bill: [22:56] All right so now it's time for. Getting To Know The Pastors.

Pastor Newms: [23:02] See this is the problem, I think we do enough of this in the opening that we don't have to do these cards, and yet you say we have to do these cards. Let's just see… if you were to create just create not go to but create.

Pastor Bill: [23:17] Okay I'm creating something.

Pastor Newms: [23:19] The ultimate vacation destination. Where would it be located and what would it be like? Now here's my question if I can create the ultimate vacation spot right I would assume that I can also create the means to get there.

Pastor Bill: [23:55] I mean you own the place you could technically live there.

Pastor Newms: [23:59] No, I mean like if I'm granted a wish of the ultimate vacation spot by definition, if you were the Jinn doing this you'd have to then create the ability to get people their back or wouldn't be the ultimate vacation spot because no one could go there, okay cool alright go ahead.

Pastor Bill: [24:23] It sounds like you've put more thought into this than I have what you what do you what do you brewing over there.

Pastor Newms: [24:34] Under the Sea. The domed like Atlantis style amusement park under the sea.

Pastor Bill: [24:42] There's that one hotel that only has one room.

Pastor Newms: [24:47] And they.

Pastor Bill: [24:48] And it is a submerged room.

Pastor Newms: [24:54] That's what I'm thinking Atlantis Style, like domed sea creatures all around you hopefully, the meg is not real, and you know we're good to go.

Pastor Bill: [25:10] The meg is not real.

Pastor Newms: [25:12] Don't start cuz I got someone in this house that believes the meg is 100% real and so no man don't start this conversation we will lose it.

Pastor Bill: [25:23] Dude I can't swim in swimming pools if they're too deep because of my fear of deep-water animals so, I understand the fear.

Pastor Newms: [25:40] I won't swim in the ocean, and I won't swim in lakes. Catfish get too big and there are other things other than catfish that can just crawl up from other places and there goes your foot you had a foot you got a foot.

Pastor Bill: [25:56] Zaydiee, were doing Get To Know The Pastor's. The card was, if you could create a destination is what are you talking about.

Pastor Newms: [26:02] Oh Zaydiee knows what we're talking about. Zaydiee knows what we're talking about.

Pastor Bill: [26:11] Or she asking what are you talking about who believes the meg is she's just so guy you've been naughty better now you gotta expose somebody.

Pastor Newms: [26:17] Nah I'm good.

Pastor Bill: [26:20] Who in your house believes the meg is real?

Pastor Newms: [26:22] The megalodon is real. Its knowledge.

Pastor Bill: [26:26] It's you isn't it? You're the one that believes the meg is real, isn't it?

Pastor Newms: [26:30] We have proof that the Meg was real.

Pastor Bill: [26:34] Once. We don't have proof that there are any more.

Pastor Newms: [26:38] We don't have proof there's not.

Pastor Bill: [26:40] It's true there are depths of the ocean we've never been to.

Pastor Newms: [26:45] That's why I believe Nessie is real too. Some of Tina's favorite movies are The Meg and, she loves them and I'm like no that's real, there's those fall right into my I don't do ghost movies and I don't like zombies, see she believes they still exist as well.

Pastor Bill: [27:14] So we watched The Meg, and you know there's some jump scares in that movie and if I remember if I'm remembering correctly Roxanne you know I was just unaffected by it Roxanne was like isn't this scary to you? I was like no, because I would never be caught dead in that underwater enclosure so it's not realistic I would never be in that situation so that is not scary to me because I wouldn't go in. I would be firm on the land.

Pastor Newms: [27:48] What if your wife and kids had gone and now they're trapped would you go to save them.

Pastor Bill: [27:57] What good would it do to have me die too? What purpose would that serve?

Pastor Newms: [28:05] Hmm, mmm, man Rox hun, Bat-Brains you gotta come fix your man.

Pastor Bill: [28:21] I said so much every other day the kids asked me some question if blah blah blah blah blah would you come would you save me so if I got kidnapped, would you pull a Liam Neeson and come and save me and I was like I don't have those skills. And Roxanne showed me this dirty-look and I was like, what? I don't. I couldn't save them. Well would you at least pay the ransom dad? With what would I pay the ransom with.

Pastor Newms: [28:59] Oh, Shea family, y'all are dead if anything happens to y'all. Just so you know, Pastor Bill cannot help you.

Pastor Bill: [29:08] I cannot help you, I do not have the skills of Liam Neeson. I do not have the money of Bruce Wayne. I am unhelpful in a kidnap situation in any way. Well, you aren't either I mean come on honestly.

Pastor Newms: [29:28] No but I thought I would.

Pastor Bill: [29:30] If your kid was kidnapped there's nothing you could do about it but call the police and sit on your hands and wait for something to happen.

Pastor Newms: [29:37] I honestly don't think I could. No, I would have to at least try.

Pastor Bill: [29:48] You'd want to try.

Pastor Newms: [29:49] I'd have to call in some favors. I have to find some numbers from old books but, doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo.

Pastor Bill: [30:05] I have a very specific set of historically documented skills. And they don't handle kidnapping. You call me for other things. You don’t call me for kidnapping, you call me for other things.

Pastor Newms: [30:22] That is true.

Pastor Bill: [30:23] Kidnapping is not on that list.

Pastor Newms: [30:24] Kidnappings is not on your list. I'd have to make some phone calls, but I would try hmm it's been 20 years.

Pastor Bill: [30:33] Alright so my place.

Pastor Newms: [30:35] Aha.

Pastor Bill: [30:37] So I really when that question comes up my brain automatically remembered the day in Panama that we spent on the beach. it was the Gulf of Mexico really, but it was on the beach in Panama. White Sands, lots of shade where you didn't have to be in the sun if you didn't want to, the water was crystal clear all the way down, and so you know, and it wasn't that deep you could go swimming you know. You could see what was going on and so my brain automatically goes, well I should create something like that. Nice little water area where you're technically outside but you don't have to be in the sun if you don't want to. Nice big canopy where you know if you want to be in the sun go over there, if you don't want to be in the sun you come over here, and you can swim if you want and there's snorkeling if that's your thing and just hanging out. That'd be my place.

Pastor Newms: [31:48] I see.

Pastor Bill: [31:50] And at one point okay so the water was like super warm crystal clear, super warm, and then it started raining, and the rain was like super cold but it wasn't too heavy and the water that you were in was super warm and so it's like this awesome mix of just, being submerged in warm water while this cold rain fell on your head and it's beautiful scenery, and yeah it was great.

Pastor Newms: [32:19] I'm going to take your word for it.

Pastor Bill: [32:24] By far one of the best, what did we call those days when you're on a missions trip and you went off? Excursion, best excursion day of all of my missions trips, it beats bamboo rafting down the river and then swimming at the base of a waterfall in Thailand hands down. Although that might have had something to do with the leeches, that we then had to pull off of ourselves when we were done swimming. Anyway, so yeah that's my thing, and riding elephants was fun, except don't sit on the neck unless you've won more than just blue jeans because those little hairs on elephant necks are tough, and they will poke right through your blue jeans. That is a prickly ride down a mountain, stay where you're at.

Pastor Newms: [33:37] Yeah yeah.

Pastor Bill: [33:42] All right all right.

Pastor Newms: [33:43] Here I do say there is somewhere I want to go I want to take the girls because I haven't yet, there's a lost sea here in this area and it's you basically go down. Well it's called the lost sea because when they found it they were like oh this was lost to time you know blah blah blah, but you go down into it, and it's an underground system of caves that they've you know been taking people through for who knows how many years. So because of that you know, it's built up nice and its still very much, do do do do do do. Glass bottom boat, and you go on this sea, like you know it's an underground lake. It's gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous and like during the prohibition time there was a bar down there. Today its carved, like they've carved stairs into the rock and you can't actually use the stairs because they're too dangerous or not because it's too dangerous but the funny thing is when your lower. This is a funny story when you're lower you don't feel the effects of alcohol as much because of the way the, something about the air and something about them and so then as you go up the stairs you feel the effects this is what they tell you at least I don't know if this is true might be you feel the effects of the alcohol more as you get into. You know miss you get back up and so some people would open the door and then like, the wind would come in and they'd fall back down the stairs and so it was actually a hazard, to drink down there. But you know, it was the prohibition, so people did it anyway. It's called The Lost Sea.

Pastor Bill: [35:48] did they carry the pieces down and build the boat on the Lost Sea? Or did they somehow transport the boat whole into the hole? It feels as perplexing as seeing those pirate ships in a bottle like. Okay.

Pastor Newms: [36:24] It's a pontoon boat Biggs says, I don't know if that answers the question.

Pastor Bill: [36:29] They might have just carried it down there then.

Pastor Newms: [36:33] I mean it's not a huge for anyone who wants the information there you go.

Pastor Bill: [36:45] TheLostSea.com.

Pastor Newms: [36:47] But it's.

Pastor Bill: [36:48] Ready to take an unforgettable adventure? Take a boat ride underground. You've never seen, heard, or done anything like this before.

Pastor Newms: [36:56] How do you see what I did you click the.

Pastor Bill: [36:56] Listed in the Guinness Book of Records your lost the adventure begins with a guided tour of the caverns this includes a three-quarter mile round trip walk on a wide sloping pathways, while touring that's all I got. You were like, “How are you, how are you reading what I.” what did you think about that.

Pastor Newms: [37:19] Because I was like, wait did you click the link to stop clicking links man you're not I'm the one who does random stuff while we're doing this you're the one who tries to stay focused. What's wrong?

Pastor Bill: [37:34] I accidentally turned on the movie I was watching earlier. And so suddenly the movie Bohemian Rhapsody at 50 minutes in started playing over my head buds and I was like, what is that where's that music what's going on. It was over on this screen behind my notes I didn't see it I just because I tapped my ear.

Pastor Newms: [38:01] Oh yeah, the boats aren't that big, you basic they're just like seat CC and then like foot room and it's glass and so they probably it's nice I like it.

Pastor Bill: [38:17] So season 4 episode 1. Picked up Genesis chapter 1 and verses 1 and 2. And then and that was called in the beginning and then episode 2 which we called also in the beginning, we did John chapter 1 verses 1 through 4. You can get rid of the tree if you'd like, you don't have to leave the Christmas tree there it's fine. All right, now tonight in episode 3 the title is turn up the house lights. And we are looking at Genesis chapter 1 versus 3 and four so let's read.

Pastor Newms: [39:17] So can I take a guess what we're talking about.

Pastor Bill: [39:21] We're talking about Genesis chapter 1 verses 3 and 4.

Pastor Newms: [39:24] Does it have to do with light - based on the title?

Pastor Bill: [39:28] Based off the title of tonight's episode you would probably be a good.

Pastor Newms: [39:34] Yay I guessed it.

Pastor Bill: [39:39] All right you want to put in the chat Genesis chapter 1 verses 3 and 4 there. Actually, we're not going to get all the way through verse four. We're going to do the first half of verse 4. Then God said let there be light and there was light God saw the light was good and that's only half of verse 4 because that's as far as we're going to get, not actually going to get into the and God separated the light from the darkness okay. Because we're not going to get that far we've only got 14 minutes.

Pastor Newms: [40:23] Well I mean I'm sorry the conversation was lively.

Pastor Bill: [40:29] The conversation was lively.

Pastor Newms: [40:32] I'm bad at following times you know this.

Pastor Bill: [40:34] (Singing to the tune of “Let it Snow”) The weather outside is frightening but the conversation is lively.

Pastor Newms: [40:43] Please just go, no I mean in that song There's a great thing because there's some mixed historical, things about what that song could mean and someone did a spoof where the girls doing the same exact parts, but the guys like no you need to go well.

Pastor Bill: [41:07] That's a different song but yeah.

Pastor Newms: [41:08] Is it.

Pastor Bill: [41:10] Hey you're talking to your thinking about “Baby It's Cold Outside”.

Pastor Newms: [41:12] Oh I was.

Pastor Bill: [41:13] Totally different song, yeah the song you're talking about was featured on.

Pastor Newms: [41:18] My brain I'm sorry.

Pastor Bill: [41:21] That Christmas movie on Netflix. I can’t remember the name of it but it's got that, the comedian the Asian comedian has the glasses what his name is. He's done a few Netflix special comedy specials can’t remember his name anyway that's not that's neither here nor there.

Pastor Newms: [41:46] Is Grayson praying for us to stop and be focused or.

Pastor Bill: [41:49] Grayson is praying for our mental sanity he's like oh dear Lord help them, Lord.

Pastor Newms: [41:57] What is it what is he praying for exactly?

Pastor Bill: [42:00] So Genesis 1 chapter 3 in our translations it says then God said let there be light and there was light okay now when we go to, the Strong's to find out what words are actually they're right we find out that there's one, two, three, four, five, six words. There's only six words here okay, and the words using the same translation the words are “God said be light; be light” are the words. There is no “then” there is no “let there” and there is no “and.” It's just God said be light be light. So, there's a lot of context that has to be thrown in to make a sentence like and God said let there be light and there was light. The problem with contexts when you're talking about something like Genesis chapter one is you have no context. The only way to add words to what's being said, is to make them up is to go well in the future, because we see what happens in the future, we think that what they're saying here is this, and we backwards paste our expectation onto earlier scriptures. And say well we're going to translate this way because of what we read later and what we