S3EP98 - What is family for?

The Berean Manifesto

27-10-2022 • 42 Min.

S3Ep98 - What Is Family For?

Pastor Newms: [0:00] Hello wait no that's not how it starts no.  Pastor Bill: [0:06] Hello and welcome.  Pastor Newms: [0:08] No you said you weren't going to say it.  Pastor Bill: [0:11] I did the old one like from Fuji from like first please.  Pastor Newms: [0:29] For the modern Christian I'm pastor newms and I'm the big face and there's Pastor Bill and he is the little face and he doesn't feel good so, warming up how you feeling I mean how was your week.  Pastor Bill: [0:48] You know how I'm feeling I feel like you got the flu is how I'm feeling.  Pastor Newms: [0:50] Yeah yeah.  Pastor Bill: [0:53] And right before that Big Bertha died.  Pastor Newms: [0:54] Big Bertha didn't die Big Bertha is sick no.  Pastor Bill: [0:59] She's got it a whole new like it okay if the eat the equivalent thing happened to me I'd be getting a brain transplant right now.  Pastor Newms: [1:08] Well well see that's where the CPU differs because it's the processing but it's not the memory so kind of.  Pastor Bill: [1:19] Okay so I'd be getting a central nervous system replacement.  Pastor Newms: [1:23] No not the whole central nervous.  Pastor Bill: [1:26] Scores a run from my brain through my.  Pastor Newms: [1:29] All the cords are still there it's literally just a little chip one of your lobes I don't know which one but but.  Pastor Bill: [1:36] My medulla oblongata Doula Upland gotta train a replacement.  Pastor Newms: [1:39] One of the lobes is being replaced hello Biggs welcome.  Pastor Bill: [1:44] Big Brother this CPU needs to be replaced at least is what they said, resetting it didn't work they're going to have to order a new one and then the guy was like do you want the newest generation one or do you want an equivalent one and I was like, I don't know the difference and he was like you know I don't either let me let me let me give you a quote I'll look that up and give you a full quote on Monday, and I was like okay.  Pastor Newms: [2:12] You're like I don't know man you tell.  Pastor Bill: [2:16] Yeah he's like he's offering me upgrades and he's like I don't know what the upgrade is about I don't know what's upgraded about it so well how am I supposed.  Pastor Newms: [2:21] That's funny so one thing I want to say is I do like the way you did your clock I don't know if I like all of your setup but I really like the way you did the clock.  Pastor Bill: [2:38] Yeah it's a see-through you know it's just see through clock got Gears and stuff on the inside and then so I just I put it over top of where I've already got this LED lighting strong, so the LED lighting is shining you know through the clock.  Pastor Newms: [2:55] Yeah.  Pastor Bill: [2:57] For those of you listening and not watching.  Pastor Newms: [2:59] That's true that's true and you should join us so you can watch us hello Phoenix welcome ellos 80 welcome my week was good I'm real busy at work, and I'm gearing up to take several days off and so that always means you know, more work in preparation to taking days off because when you have to manage the boards, basically how everything moves in the team, you've got to have all that laid out and ready for while you're gone or else team members might run out of work or might not have something to do and that's no bueno, yeah that when we have so many things big says your office looks like a TARDIS.  Pastor Bill: [3:53] Yes I'm building its hardest over here.  [4:00] Got a little Tardis right here behind my head.  Pastor Newms: [4:03] It's not bigger on the inside.  Pastor Bill: [4:06] That one's not now neither is this one over here on my desk this was something on the inside either you actually said the inside of it.  Pastor Newms: [4:15] Well what else do we want to talk about for warmup.  Pastor Bill: [4:20] What we got getting to know the pastures.  Pastor Newms: [4:22] Yeah did your week for a car.  Pastor Bill: [4:24] On my way.  Pastor Newms: [4:25] Oh we got to see how this new cup looks how does this cup look what color let's play a game what color is this cup chat.  Pastor Bill: [4:36] You asking the chat with color the cup of I can't take it this box open.  Pastor Newms: [4:42] What color, is my new cup what do you guys think because that's going to determine whether I keep using it or not depending on how it comes across the Stream.  Pastor Bill: [4:52] That's not right jack.  [5:03] Like dreamsicle Orange.  Pastor Newms: [5:06] Yep that's the problem it's not Orange.  Pastor Bill: [5:12] What color is it supposed to be.  Pastor Newms: [5:13] It is a red cup but it is the shade of red that I was afraid it's not a deep enough read for for the cameras to handle it, bill is is a small face because two reasons one we're going back to the discipleship talk, the Saints are aiming so it really does Bye Bill.  Pastor Bill: [5:44] Bible.  Pastor Newms: [5:45] Good luck um the, we're going back to the discipleship we've got two more weeks of the discipleship talk and also he has the flu currently so he is not feeling good so he is the little face, and attempted to be assassinated by the Saints, now for those of you in video land the reason that is funny is I have a Boondock Saints poster on my wall if you don't know what movie that is I'm sorry for your existence but the movie poster.  Pastor Bill: [6:23] Because everything harder with you feel sick.  Pastor Newms: [6:25] The, poster is the two brothers holding a gun down pointed and it so happens that it is on either side and pointing at Pastor bills head which is hilarious which, really makes me wish you had a green screen so I could just put him there actually but there's no way his background would actually work with a green screen that would be.  Pastor Bill: [6:51] It works all except for the clock like I was playing around with the Discord filters earlier I'd like everything works except for right the clock right here shows through every filter.  Pastor Newms: [7:01] So it would be it would just be your face your body and then the clock I'm okay with that actually that'd be funny.  Pastor Bill: [7:08] The lit up clock.  Pastor Newms: [7:09] The lit up clock just cuz it be like in a video game where you got something hovering next to you like a little side companion yours is just a clock yeah.  Pastor Bill: [7:16] The glowing cloud.  Pastor Newms: [7:19] All right what car did you pull sir out of your terrible deck.  Pastor Bill: [7:24] What's your worst roommate or houseguest story.  Pastor Newms: [7:46] And she attended one of my parties, and when she attended my party she tried to drink too much back in my drinking days she tried to keep up with me and threw up all over my floor multiple times that he, that's my worst roommate story, I haven't had many roommates to be honest so I don't have that many even it even at teen Mania was I had five roommates and then when I lived in a house there were like 12 of us there weren't any bad stories one of them got me addicted to anime and that never went away, Andrew Neblock.  Pastor Bill: [8:30] Anime.  Pastor Newms: [8:31] Was one of the first times I ever watched anime back in 2002 and.  Pastor Bill: [8:36] So my wife likes to drink this water called hint H int intent of whatever flavor it's got a hint of in it though I always jokingly called her hentai water, and dirty.  Pastor Newms: [8:52] No  Pastor Bill: [8:54] Himself every time I say it now the rest of the kids are like why do you keep saying that what does that even mean.  Pastor Newms: [8:59] Pastor Bill has the flu please do not Google hentai please do not Google that any of you who do not know what it is that is if you know you know situation please, do not Google that Pastor Bill with the flu, if you know you know actually type that to someone and then had to explain what it meant, I did not like the IKNYN and they went huh and I was like if you know you know, if you know you know what nevermind you're obviously too old for this.  Pastor Bill: [9:41] So when I moved to California, I moved into an apartment that had two rooms each of those rooms already had two people living in them and I ended up having to live in the living room with an air mattress, and that made me feel like a bad house houseguests because I was you know thinking of space in the living room and all of my stuff was in the basically the, jacket closet by the front door but one of our roommates every morning, would basically stop on the air mattress on his way out the door at like 6:30 a.m.  Pastor Newms: [10:28] Hmm.  Pastor Bill: [10:30] He didn't want me there he didn't like me wanted me to move out and so every morning at 6:30 he stomp on the air mattress while I was trying to still try to sleep on his way out the door.  Pastor Newms: [10:43] Mmm he sounds like a peach.  Pastor Bill: [10:57] Anyway that's my bedroom my story.  Pastor Newms: [11:00] Interesting all right well, then I guess we get started so this week I titled it.  [11:17] I forgot what I titled it.  Pastor Bill: [11:19] Child i y k y k.  Pastor Newms: [11:30] I'm looking for the right window that would have what I titled it what is family for, what is family for and mainly because I had no other thing to title it I wasn't sure what to title this week, it's so I was just like what's family for, you know we went back this is the fifth week I think of us talking about discipleship that we took a break for in the middle to do the state of theology.  Pastor Bill: [12:10] Break it a little of a six-part series to do a three part series, before we got back into our six part series.  Pastor Newms: [12:17] That we only have two parts left tonight and one more.  Pastor Bill: [12:20] Tonight one part of.  Pastor Newms: [12:21] Which will not be next week I don't think don't forget.  Pastor Bill: [12:26] What day is the next out that the 30th.  Pastor Newms: [12:29] Because I will be actually doing a wedding on the 30th, we might record it beforehand so we have something to go out that next week but we definitely will not be live on the 30th.  Pastor Bill: [12:51] Doing some Halloween stuff with my family anyway so.  Pastor Newms: [12:53] Wouldn't that be the.  Pastor Bill: [12:54] You guys want to get together on this Discord Channel and Talk Amongst yourselves that's fine by me but.  Pastor Newms: [13:00] You can barely hear Pastor Bill Pastor Bill talk again.  Pastor Bill: [13:04] Okay what would you like me to say.  Pastor Newms: [13:08] I mean I guess I can turn him up.  Pastor Bill: [13:08] Have too few.  Pastor Newms: [13:13] Talk now some more.  Pastor Bill: [13:15] Hello how are you doing today.  Pastor Newms: [13:18] I hear him fine can you hear him betters 80.  Pastor Bill: [13:21] Soap and coming through my bedroom already somebody in there.  Pastor Newms: [13:27] She is super quiet.  Pastor Bill: [13:29] I'm super quiet.  Pastor Newms: [13:31] Weird he's bouncing at normal levels.  Pastor Bill: [13:33] Check my settings why me but if you're saying I'm the normal then hello how are you.  [13:46] Yeah them on this court says I'm coming through fine.  Pastor Newms: [13:50] Yeah I mean you're hitting just almost hitting yellow try again.  [14:04] I think I think I see you're bouncing right okay I turned you up a whole bunch.  Pastor Bill: [14:13] Hold on.  Pastor Newms: [14:24] So what we're talking about in discipleship is discipleship inside, the family structure you know one of the ways oh no your finds out even if you can't hear him other people can't hear him so that's that's a problem so, thank you for saying something as opposed to just let it slide.  Pastor Bill: [14:46] Turn on closed captioning because Pastor Bill is going to be silent and I.  Pastor Newms: [14:50] What about get to know that we did get to know the pastor's we read the card it was it was the.  Pastor Bill: [14:57] Bad Roommate.  Pastor Newms: [14:58] Bad roommate stories.  Pastor Bill: [15:02] Roxanne on Facebook says she can hear both.  Pastor Newms: [15:07] She couldn't hear well maybe now she can hear I can hear myself downstairs.  Pastor Bill: [15:13] Can you hear me downstairs you couldn't tell if you could hear me downstairs for about an hour now I can hear me downstairs, I can always get right up in the mic like this.  Pastor Newms: [15:27] That you redlined I think she actually turned it down slightly when I said I could hear myself okay I don't know what it is hopefully I.  Pastor Bill: [15:36] 78 on Facebook status on Facebook.  Pastor Newms: [15:42] Okay so I will say your mic is farther from your face than normal that is true it is a different configuration because.  Pastor Bill: [15:56] So close.  Pastor Newms: [15:58] Well because you're not looking at your mic that's the problem.  Pastor Bill: [15:59] I rearranged my desk.  Pastor Newms: [16:01] Yeah so you're not looking at your mic so it's definitely a different sound than normal because you're not looking at it while you're talking I think it's a little better maybe.  Pastor Bill: [16:16] I should be better because it's like six inches from my face.  Pastor Newms: [16:21] It does look better it sounds clear yeah so.  Pastor Bill: [16:26] That's bound to happen when you rearrange the setting you know and then you got to reconnect all wires and read you all the Angles and.  Pastor Newms: [16:35] Yeah actually it turned you down slightly because you read line twice in that setting so yeah you're definitely better.  Pastor Bill: [16:40] Google Kemal.  Pastor Newms: [16:41] Which is okay to tap the red line every now and then we just can't be hanging out in the red line, with my bike I am -4.5 DB so because my mic is so close to my face um so we're talking about tonight the aspect of, discipleship inside the family.  Pastor Bill: [17:04] Atomic is purple Atomic discipleship.  Pastor Newms: [17:08] Atop what do you mean Atomic discipleship.  Pastor Bill: [17:12] You know the atomic family.  Pastor Newms: [17:17] Why does it have to be an atomic family.  Pastor Bill: [17:20] Because never mind.  Pastor Newms: [17:22] That's actually the only part of the whole family thing I didn't agree with when he was talking was it has to be an atomic family, I was like you lost me for a second okay we're back yeah raise the children right you lost me.  Pastor Bill: [17:37] Yeah it wasn't here.  Pastor Newms: [17:38] Well I mean.  Pastor Bill: [17:41] It was narrow and then and then there were examples that were way outside of my pay grade.  Pastor Newms: [17:46] There was so one of the examples that dr. Evans used was being a frequent flyer, and because he's a frequent flyer he can upgrade to, you know business class and economy class and platinum and and all these different things and built had me posit and Pastor Bill is like I don't know what that means at all that's so outside my pay grade like I do.  Pastor Bill: [18:14] I am not as well to talk about agriculture right now I don't know anything about.  Pastor Newms: [18:19] But to be fair when you are the, Pastor not passed chaplain to the Dallas Cowboys you're going to rack up some mileage, and he was for sooo many years so yeah, so basically kind of what we wanted to touch on is we talk we're talking about discipleship.  [18:48] Okay I worry about your brain because your brain off.  Pastor Bill: [18:51] Pastor I messed up again I need you to come to Chicago I done did it again and you come talk to the police for my behalf we did a chaplain for the Dallas Cowboys.  Pastor Newms: [19:03] I don't know if that was in his job title as chaplain, it was be there in pray I don't know if he during some of those darker times that is the Utopia of Star Trek even possible, without food replicators and weather control so I'm not sure what we're talking where this question came from, disabled I'm assuming that's disabled veteran but no it's not that's why the Utopia of Star Trek does not exist otherwise, but no I don't think it could be his question was is the Utopia of did I read his question already I don't think it is possible.  Pastor Bill: [19:56] Yeah we're what what Que they're running off.  Pastor Newms: [19:59] Left field that's the answer.  Pastor Bill: [20:01] Yeah I'm like I've got a friend of Garrick sticker over here but other than that I do.  Pastor Newms: [20:05] I can't even see your friend of Garrick sticker due to the microphone actually sadly you'll have to move your friend of Garrick forward if that's your mic placement so with the, discipleship that we're called to his as Christians the thing we have to think about is, it should start in our family that's one of the things that hurts my soul excuse me I have to pick up something fierce, hurts my soul a lot is when we get into conversations about discipleship and then, someone like dr. Evans feels he has to do an entire episode on.  [20:56] You should be discipling inside your family now because here's the reason the reason why he feels he has to say that is because people don't, if and that hurts because logically the first place we would, share our beliefs and have discussions on our beliefs which are much different than shoving your beliefs down your children's throat and giving them no option to ever believe anything else or else disowning them mind you let's make that perfectly clear but, you should have critical thinking conversations about religion and about you know, why you do it how are you doing you know all those types of things with your family that is something that is.  [21:51] Should be super obvious like and it hurts it's that not everyone thinks about it, and not everyone does it we have so many people who, and we talked about this you know at this point like six weeks ago it feels like but, we talked about you know the different Gene salvation and discipleship is those next steps and so many people just worried all my kids are saved yay, do they understand, religion do they understand the decisions they've made do they understand did they actually make a decision or did they say up a statement somewhere, you know there's all those types of questions that we really have to.  [22:43] Look at and should be to us second nature and and this goes back to me for two things one is the verse we all know, we all know the verse I'm about to say it's been beaten to death but we all know it which is trained up, a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it is the Old King James the csb says start a youth out on his way even when he grows old he will not depart from it, and I honestly like that better, the way it's stated you know we should have conversations with our children we should have conversations with our family members we should have conversations with our and that doesn't mean, they're going to make the right decisions right away that doesn't mean they're going to make the decisions that, are that we necessarily agree with but what it means is you set them forth on a path, and the decisions that they make will be influenced by what you've taught them, not necessarily exactly lined up with yours my the type of Christianity I practice and I talked about and I you know deal with is a lot different, then how I was trained up Biggs and I disagree on some things me and my mom disagree on some things.  [24:09] Me and you disagree on some things it did it's not you know it's not that you know I trained my child he agrees with me 100% okay you probably did something wrong and that's called indoctrination and brainwashing your child, you'll have critical thought yeah and and that's something I think that is, you know in the culture that we have right now of people leaving the church and running from Christianity a lot of that deconstructing a lot of that has to do with, they were forced not talked, and so when they had critical thought they just walked away, yeah exactly I said said religious trauma you know when you beat it into someone literally for some some some some parents literally beat it into their kids and then we wonder why, people are running from Christianity in droves because of how they were treated as children.  [25:22] Disabled veteran just said you know do children have beliefs in mom and dad or belief in God that's a tough one and that's a good point it's a really really good point of.  Pastor Bill: [25:35] A lot of parents think while I've instilled this belief in them they believe in God they believe in you know they believe the things I believe, most of the time you've been micromanaging and you haven't actually given them a chance to exercise critical thought and I from cells what they really believe, and yeah they believe in mom and dad and then we'll Mom and Dad aren't there anymore, they got to decide what they believe and they don't necessarily believe what Mom and Dad believes.  Pastor Newms: [26:07] And, you know it's so there's there's that whole thought process and the second part thought process I have is we got to go all the way back to Genesis and we all the way back to like somewhere between Genesis 1 and 30, right and God you know makes atom forms Adam, breathe into him sets him down, Adam goes Adam starts being Adam God looks down and goes up Adam needs a Eve Adam needs someone, because Adam ain't doing so hot by himself which if any of us have ever been stuck with no other human to talk to you can only talk to the dogs so much, and so you know.  Pastor Bill: [26:55] The other things with.  Pastor Newms: [26:58] He creative if shows up and God has given Adam certain commands you know, the biggest one, don't eat of that tree over there or you'll die that's what God tells him don't eat of that tree or you'll die Eve shows up Adam goes don't touch that tree or your die and, and Eve goes okay don't touch it or I'll die Satan shows up and goes you can touch that tree won't kill you and he goes no I can't touch it God said I can't whoa, no he didn't know he, Adam said it because Adam messed up from the beginning not only did he eat knowing he shouldn't have eaten after his wife ate, which if my beautiful anyway um hands me fruit I'm probably eating it they might beautiful life hands me something I'm probably going to eat it anyway just because you know it's easier.  Pastor Bill: [28:12] Really I mean do the mental math of atoms stay there and he's like so you didn't die right away but you're going to die and I'm going to live forever imma Live Forever Without You Give me the damn fruit, give it to me.  Pastor Newms: [28:28] Is an accurate thought process, is it wild okay so let's finish we will touch space Plum I will not I am going to touch on your question in a second but let me finish through this, even back then had Adam discipled his family versus just saying something and walking away, we probably would be in a different position probably maybe sinasohn you know things happen perfection.  Pastor Bill: [29:07] Now Kane would have eaten from that pretty.  Pastor Newms: [29:13] Someone would have.  Pastor Bill: [29:15] It would have been game and would have came would have been like eight years old and pulling fruit off the tree.  Pastor Newms: [29:21] So disabled veteran said jealousy was introduced into the Garden of Eden, when Adam walked in the garden with God and Eve was left at the tree that's an interesting thought I haven't heard that personally before, cuz Even Adam were together at the tree, but no I do not have a master of divinity degree, now space Plum to answer your first question is it widely believed that Jesus was the source of most modern-day zombies, I would actually say no personally because, we don't have a lot of modern-day zombies, and there's some Haitian Voodoo that can possibly create zombies but that's not something we typically talk about here now vampires possibly, but that's actually usually dated older back to India not necessarily Jerusalem some people do, prescribed that to Judas but I.  Pastor Bill: [30:48] Yeah from what I've heard the modern idea of zombies in pop culture was spawned by the, quote unquote which doctors in Haiti and the aisles around there that would poison a person, with the poison that slows down all of your livestock for you look like your dad and then, they would then when the person got better you know and woke up they would tell them no I brought you back to life your you belong to me you have to follow what I tell you to do, and that was the what I've always heard is the source of that modern-day Mythos of, that we see in movies and reading books and whatnot.  Pastor Newms: [31:34] That is definitely the Mythos of the slow zombie the fast zombies are the those weird fungi that take over ants, whatever country that is I can't remember what country that is that they've based a couple of video games off of.  Pastor Bill: [31:50] I don't remember where that is at this the jungle thing right so South America.  Pastor Newms: [31:55] I want to say it might even be I don't I don't remember where I'm not a zombie expert I'm actually terrified of zombies you just one of my fears just overall I'm afraid of zombies it's weird that I'm afraid of zombies because you know we don't see them much in real life but for some reason like if I'm alone at night, and I hear a weird noise I immediately think oh crap zombie witch there, rational reason for.  Pastor Bill: [32:28] Angel statues.  Pastor Newms: [32:30] What about angel statues.  Pastor Bill: [32:34] Says on Twitch.  Pastor Newms: [32:35] I know but what is says mean.  Pastor Bill: [32:37] You pick some zombie or an angel.  Pastor Newms: [32:39] I don't like angel statues that is true that's Doctor whose fault though I do not that's the weeping angel I do not like angel statues.  Pastor Bill: [32:46] That's probably the only episode Steven Moffat wrote that was really good was the original weeping angel story.  Pastor Newms: [32:56] I have a t-shirt that someone bought me that has a weeping angel on it and I won't wear it typically because if it has the.  Pastor Bill: [33:03] Is an image of an income account.  Pastor Newms: [33:05] Can become an angel so if I put myself in that I could become a weeping angel and I'm not down that road so it literally sits in my closet on a hanger turned away.  Pastor Bill: [33:16] Religion zombies Star Trek Doctor Who what else can we lump in.  Pastor Newms: [33:21] All funny thing funny thing we talked about this the other day remember it was last week of the week before where, there's at least one person at my job that has in the past listened to our.  [33:38] Podcast and enjoyed them I don't know if she still does on a weekly basis but I know she does sometimes this week I was talking about my upcoming vacation and and I said, I could talk about the wand I am Voldemort get back I will get you you are just right there for anyone who doesn't know says is in, the room with me he's right there anyway, his desk is in front of my desk and so, we were talking and I said yeah I'll be conducting a wedding so I won't be in town Thursday Friday, Monday Tuesday and they and I just kept going and they went well we got a backup we just took that note for the meeting but, what do mean you're conducting a wedding and I said well I am an ordained minister through our through the church that I'm a part of I'm the twitch pastor and.  [34:44] Huh but like like what do you mean so that derailed about 15 minutes of our meeting of me explaining, what I do and what we do and then several of them asking for their family members my family this family member watches twitch can I have your information or my kids liked which let me get that information and so I so it was kind of funny because I was like I just I just moved by it like it was nothing I got to conduct a wedding you know no big deal and they were like wait wait wait back up Jonathan does what and I was like.  Pastor Bill: [35:21] Yeah Jonathan(Newms) officiates weddings.  Pastor Newms: [35:22] Yeah I tell you can it's legal him just for everyone out there my weddings are funny too.  Pastor Bill: [35:32] This point you and I've each done one and you're about to do your second ones here one ahead of.  Pastor Newms: [35:40] Now I was just part of that one that's true I had to do that speaking part at that one handfasting but that was not conducting that was just in it.  Pastor Bill: [35:51] This will put you want to have me.  Pastor Newms: [36:03] I'm also getting a beard trim this week and I'm going to get my nails done right I'm actually going to get gels done before the festival.  Pastor Bill: [36:10] And you guys his all black suit is fantastic.  Pastor Newms: [36:14] I will post pictures at some point.  Pastor Bill: [36:15] Because like I was like please don't break my kneecaps I will pay my bookie just.  Pastor Newms: [36:20] Well so the people doing the well but I wasn't I wasn't, the officiator of the handfasting I just had a part of it that's why it's not, technical because I wasn't officiating it I just had a part in it one of the witnesses I think is what it's called says will correct me in a minute because he leaned forward so on what it's called being, in that part ball Bill took pictures.  Pastor Bill: [36:52] Photographer.  Pastor Newms: [37:03] A black hat and I got a black beard mostly most, so yeah witness and guardian is what it was called so not officiating but anywho.  Pastor Bill: [37:18] All right something I got for tonight.  Pastor Newms: [37:21] Do you have anything to say about family and discipleship because you haven't said stuff yet, if you just in agreeance and you got the flu so you I have the flu I don't know man.  Pastor Bill: [37:39] Just the only things I have to say is is I know you know we focused a lot on family and kids and yada yada but not everybody's in that, part of life you know but one of the things I like about discipleship True Discipleship is that you are actually building a family when you're discipling your choosing, family you know what I mean like when you're getting close and you're creating that chosen family, and so it's still really applies and is you should be, discipling those that are closest to you and that, I know that sounds like we're talking about you know you're here and there here that's not what that means A discipleship is your you're basically intellectually your equals and and your.  [38:43] Not fall into 22 christianese of a cliche, you're looking for areas where they're weak to help so you can help them sharpen those areas and then as they become stronger they're looking for areas that you're weak to help you sharpen in those areas, and you're actually equals in this scenario where you know you're discipling them and and then they begin discipling you and that's a true, discipleship relationship in your building a family in that way it isn't it isn't strictly, relegated to parents with children in the scenario that we're talking about tonight, do this one thing I had to add my brains a little putting me right now.  Pastor Newms: [39:36] When you have the flu.  [39:41] All right so if you want to join us live as so many people have done tonight you can.  Pastor Bill: [39:50] We've had space Plum and disabled veteran and as it's been real active tonight and Zane he's been here in Phoenix has been here and Biggs has been here and my wife has been here.  Pastor Newms: [40:01] We do this on Sunday nights at 6:30 Central most Sunday nights we will not be doing it next week we will be doing it after that 6:30 Central and we will we go live on Twitch Facebook and YouTube you can go to our website EKK.house to see where on each of those platforms we are.  Pastor Bill: [40:25] Come on you didn't say which.  Pastor Newms: [40:27] I don't say which twitch you say which twitch.  Pastor Bill: [40:29] It's just that words to it.  Pastor Newms: [40:30] Hi do twice so the please join us we would love for you to be part of the conversation this is not supposed to be a bunch of Talking Heads well not a bunch there's only two of us this is not supposed to be two Talking Heads leading this this is a just group discussion as as bill was talking about this is us sharpening each other as we go and sometimes fun questions that, aren't necessarily exactly what we're talking about helps with that you know.  Pastor Bill: [40:59] And that's okay we want the aqua to come with their questions if there's something that you feel like you need the answer to that's what the chats for it doesn't always have to be on top.  Pastor Newms: [41:10] Nope not at all and that's what I'm saying is it a.  Pastor Bill: [41:12] Don't be rude you know.  Pastor Newms: [41:15] Try not to be rude because there are people who you can get easily banned if you start yelling cursing or sexualizing either of us because that's just weird.  Pastor Bill: [41:25] There was that one guy that came in was like are those pops behind you and you were like yeah and he was like Peta files I was weird.  Pastor Newms: [41:32] That was weird that was a weird day that was that was a weird day.  Pastor Bill: [41:39] Bank.  Pastor Newms: [41:40] So you know there are times some questions are not are not accurate.  Pastor Bill: [41:46] Oh stands.  Pastor Newms: [41:47] Says called us pretty so we hope you guys join us and, we will talk to you next time.  Pastor Bill: [42:02] Be safe out there.  Pastor Newms: [42:03] Thank you we love you.  Pastor Bill: [42:05] I line this week.