S4EP09 - Livestock, Reptiles, and Fauna Oh My

The Berean Manifesto

23-02-2023 • 55 Min.

In this episode:

Pastor Bill and Pastor Newms discuss Genesis 1:24-25 from the Christian Standard Bible, in which God commands the earth to produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, wildlife, and creatures that crawl on the ground. They discuss the Hebrew word nehfesh, which is used to denote the soul or spirit of a living creature, and how it is used in the passage to describe the living creatures. They also discuss how the words for “whales” and “birds” were translated differently in the KJV and CSB, noting that in the KJV, the word for “whales” actually refers to a monster or sea serpent. Finally, Pastor Newms jokes that some fish are given a soul, but not all.

Pastor Bill and Pastor Newms discuss the creation of the world as described in the Bible in Genesis. God created livestock, reptiles, and wildlife according to their kinds. God gave them their portions and saw that it was good. They discussed how God personally made the things, rather than just commanding them to exist. They further distinguished that God saw that it was good, rather than looking within himself and recognizing it.

Pastors Bill and Newms discuss the breakdown of two verses from the Bible, Genesis 1:24-25. In these verses, God creates various animals, including cattle, creeping things, and beasts of the Earth, and declares them to be good. The authors note that the creation of animals was necessary for the arrival of man, as they serve various purposes such as transportation, food, and commerce. They also highlight the special relationship that humans have with God and their elevated status among all creatures. Pastor Bill then delivers the topic according to AI, where he fed the viewpoints of seven different commentaries into Chat GPT and got a synopsis on what they all cover. The pastors also talk about the Wizard of Oz reference in the episode title.

Pastors Bill and Newms discuss the lack of mention of dinosaurs in the book of Genesis. Pastor Newms explains that this is likely because the text was written by Babylonians, who would not have known of dinosaurs since they were extinct by that point. Pastor Bill then points out that some theologians have narrowed the descriptions of 'great beasts' in the Bible to modern animals. Pastor Newms adds that if we look at the Bible from the standpoint that everything was created at the same time, dinosaurs would be considered creeping things or monstrous sea creatures. Ultimately, the conversation concludes that Genesis one is likely a retelling of the story with added in details from the rest of the book.

Timestamps: 0:26:18 Conversation Summary: Genesis 1:24-25

0:30:59 Conversation on the Creation of Livestock, Reptiles, and Wildlife in the Bible

0:33:56 Conversation Summary: 6th Day of Creation in the Bible

0:40:29 Conversation Between Pastors Bill and Newms on the Absence of Dinosaurs in Genesis One

0:43:15 Conversation on the Babylonian Account of Creation in Genesis One

0:48:58 Heading: The Weaponization of Scripture: A Conversation on Creationism and Apologetics

0:50:33 Conversation on Faith and Science


[0:00:00]  Pastor Newms: Face Live.

[0:00:02]  Pastor Bill: Face live. You can see my awesome shirt. This is one of the shirts my mama got me for my birthday.

[0:00:09]  Pastor Newms: I see a shirt. Yes.

[0:00:11]  Pastor Bill: My wife says it looks like a hotel quilt pattern on the shirt.

[0:00:18]  Pastor Newms: I don't think it's the hotel quilt, but it is definitely. If it was beige, I would agree that it looks like the curtains. That says several hotels I've got, but I haven't seen a blue like that. I mean, if the material is right, it's a good shirt. Material ain't a good shirt.

[0:00:34]  Pastor Bill: I like it.

[0:00:36]  Pastor Newms: It's one of those things, really, to a certain degree. We're at the age where it's like, does the design truly matter?

[0:00:46]  Pastor Bill: No, comfort matters. That's what matters. It's all about comfort, folks. Yeah. It's like, let nobody lie to you.

[0:00:59]  Pastor Newms: But yes. So, Pastor Bill, how was your week?

[0:01:04]  Pastor Bill: My week was pretty good, as you know. We took last Sunday off. We didn't record a new podcast last Sunday. Not only was it the littlest shay's birthday, like, straight up, his birthday proper, but then the Super Bowl. So we hung out, enjoyed his birthday, we watched the Super Bowl commercials. The second half of the Super Bowl was quite compelling. The Eagles were putting up a crazy defense, and it wasn't enough, but it was entertaining enough that it caught my attention.

[0:01:49]  Pastor Newms: That is crazy. I did not even watch the commercials. I didn't even watch the commercials. Yeah, I straight up. Just nothing this year with it.

[0:01:59]  Pastor Bill: The highlights of the commercials were there were a lot of big-name faces.

[0:02:05]  Pastor Newms: Oh, really? They went that route?

[0:02:07]  Pastor Bill: Yeah. And QR codes.

[0:02:10]  Pastor Newms: Really?

[0:02:10]  Pastor Bill: Almost every company had a QR code in the commercial. Aren't we like this now?

[0:02:16]  Pastor Newms: Like five years past that? Like, where are we?

[0:02:19]  Pastor Bill: And actually, they're finally catching up to the rest of us.

[0:02:23]  Pastor Newms: As far as QR codes aren't QR cards already dead?

[0:02:28]  Pastor Bill: Yeah, they died about ten years ago, and corporations are just now getting there to the pre-death of QR code. That's funny.

[0:02:40]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, that's so funny.

[0:02:45]  Pastor Bill: What else do you do? I spent a lot of time working on some social media marketing for a book publication that came out that I wrote a short story that got put in. So I spent a lot of time working on that. That's about it. Hanging out with the family, and working on marketing stuff now.

[0:03:08]  Pastor Newms: I didn't understand what it has to do with strawberries.

[0:03:16]  Pastor Bill: One of the stories in the anthology is The Selection of a Sacred Strawberry. So they should name the whole collection of stories after that one. Either that was their favorite or I don't know, something that's the main one, or something, I guess.

[0:03:36]  Pastor Newms: I mean, I've never particularly been fond of strawberries or sweet bread, and I'm not big on festivals, but it's one.

[0:03:46]  Pastor Bill: Of those things he's quoting from the short story or talking about the short story that I wrote.

[0:03:54]  Pastor Newms: You don't know that. You didn't send it to me.

[0:04:00]  Pastor Bill: I sent you the name. I sent you all the pertinent information.

[0:04:03]  Pastor Newms: You did not send me the short story, so how would I know?

[0:04:12]  Pastor Bill: I didn't send you this one. You could have gotten it on Kindle or Unlimited. This one could have ordered like this. There you go. He's got a copy. My copy comes in tomorrow.

[0:04:24]  Pastor Newms: Actually, I made Groggy go through. So at the beginning of the book, there's an excerpt, a little thing about each writer.

[0:04:36]  Pastor Bill: Right.

[0:04:37]  Pastor Newms: The weird thing is, one of three who their name is not in the first four words, so it almost makes it look like a second paragraph about the previous person.

[0:04:59]  Pastor Bill: That's funny.

[0:05:02]  Pastor Newms: But.

[0:05:04]  Pastor Bill: A little 53-word biography that I've crafted for use in my.

[0:05:10]  Pastor Newms: Guess would be so there's 28 literary pieces. My guess would be that's the winner winner.

[0:05:22]  Pastor Bill: Yeah. I would guess there were three. They said the top three would get a free copy of the book and yada, yada, yada. So I'm guessing that was number one. Number one, yeah.

[0:05:33]  Pastor Newms: I would think that was the selection.

[0:05:34]  Pastor Bill: Of the sacred strawberry. But yeah, I don't know. I haven't read any of the other stories yet.

[0:05:41]  Pastor Newms: I didn't either. I had no desire to. I found yours, I've read yours, and now the book will go on my shelf. Because I'm not a nice person. I might go back at some point, but let's be honest, I'm not going.

[0:05:58]  Pastor Bill: To you spend $17 on a book. Why is it so high? Why is the price point so high? I don't understand.

[0:06:10]  Pastor Newms: That's not that high for a book.

[0:06:13]  Pastor Bill: Really?

[0:06:14]  Pastor Newms: Yeah. That's moderate.

[0:06:18]  Pastor Bill: What's up? How was your week, Pastor Newms?

[0:06:23]  Pastor Newms: So my week was pretty good. We were actually sick.

[0:06:33]  Pastor Bill: I'm sorry.

[0:06:34]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, it was humorous because when you texted me on Sunday, I actually had laid down to take a nap, which is not unsurprising for a Sunday, because, let's be honest, I love naps, so it's not unlikely for me to take a nap. So I had laid down last weekend this week. So Thursday I worked half a day at work. Friday I took off completely, and then I was sick all the way through. I was sick from Thursday to Tuesday, which is why I didn't fight you on the because usually when you tell me you're like, we're not doing it tonight, I'm like, Why? I mean, it's just a football. I would have said. I was like, I'm going back to bed. I was like, fine with me. I don't want it tonight anyway.

[0:07:41]  Pastor Bill: Cool. I'm tired.

[0:07:42]  Pastor Newms: I don't feel good.

[0:07:44]  Pastor Bill: Sounds good to me.

[0:07:46]  Pastor Newms: And then Zaydiee had a work trip this week, so she was actually gone from Thursday till, like, an hour before. They had a team building, like, work retreat they do every year, a retreat for the people that work across the whole company. So the high school, the elementary school, both the ELCS the baby centers, the whole nine, the whole company. And so they were in Gatlinburg, actually, from Thursday until, like I said, like 2 hours ago, I got home like I was eating up until when we started. The pre-thing. The downside between Zaydiee being gone and me getting over being sick, I played no games from like the Wednesday before I was sick. And I still technically have not launched an actual video game. So it's been like a week and a half because I've been like, you hadn't streamed anything.

[0:09:09]  Pastor Bill: I thought that was odd, but I.

[0:09:12]  Pastor Newms: Was like now there are two games, one of which I know I couldn't stream if I got early access to it. But there is one game where if you pay extra, you can get into early access. And it appears people are streaming it already as of two days ago. Now, I don't know if that is just because they're small streamers so they've got away with it, or if it's actually not under, because sometimes when you get into an early access, there's NDAs until it releases. Other games want you to they're like, yes, please stream it.

[0:09:59]  Pastor Bill: Tag us, love us. Free advertisement building up to the launch. It's good buzz, right?

[0:10:13]  Pastor Newms: I'm debating with myself still. My blanket is out of whack and it's bothering me. I'm debating with myself still on whether to get it or not. And if I get it, then I will start possibly streaming that. I'm currently supposed to be streaming another game, doing a joke run through the game, but a joke run. So the game that I've been playing and that says plays a lot of is a game based on the pathfinder RPG. It's actually a campaign setting and they built a game of it called wrath of the righteous. And there's different ways of playing the game. Like, there's different paths you can take and there's different endings and there's different every decision not every decision, but lots of decisions actually can affect the world. Like, if you make the wrong decision, your party members will just leave. They're like, no, this guy is a nut. We're out. So there's lots of different paths. You can take a demon path, you can take a devil path, you can take an angel path, you can take a legend path, which means you don't want to be truly special. You're just overpowered to be overpowered. And then there's a litch path and a swarm path, which is the lich path. Of course, several of your party members get very upset because becoming a litch is kind of a no-no. And then swarm. You're literally a living swarm. And so your party members leave because you keep eating people. And so there's all these different paths and things you can do. There's a lime, you're literally a group of insects, and you literally keep eating people. Please, I'm out. But there's options. Like, you meet people and you can be nice to them, or you can be mean, or you can use one of the special paths. You can be evil, you can be good because it's an RPG, so it's based on a tabletop RPG, so there's the Good evil, Chaotic Circle. So often there's an option of attack. Like, I don't want to talk to this person. This person's already annoyed me. They look funny. Whatever the reason, they're different situations. You can just choose to attack. And so I was joking with sez that it would be funny to do a run where you just attack every time you're given the option to attack. The first time you're given the option to attack people.

[0:13:07]  Pastor Bill: And see, so it's a murder hobo run.

[0:13:10]  Pastor Newms: It's a murder hobo run. Right, exactly. And see, by the end of the game, who's even around? But the funny thing is, the first time you come across two members, there's two party members, and you have to choose between the two of them because one ends up being evil. The first option for both of them is attack, but they both have plot armor where you don't actually attack them, and you're like, how many people actually have the plot armor in this game where attack is not actually a valid option? And so it's kind of wanting to see that. I might do some of that tomorrow, depending on what happens, because I am technically off all day tomorrow, so maybe I'll do some of that tomorrow. I don't know. I don't know what my plans are yet tomorrow.

[0:14:04]  Pastor Bill: But Gerg, his one-act stuff, they want him there from 09:00 A.m. Till TBD or tb.

[0:14:16]  Pastor Newms: His what's?

[0:14:16]  Pastor Bill: Not to be determined. One act. The University of Interscholastic League theater thing in Texas.

[0:14:27]  Pastor Newms: Oh, that thing he called me about?

[0:14:29]  Pastor Bill: Yeah, the thing he called you back. They take one act of a play or modify a play into one act, and they just put on just that one act of a show, and it gets judged. Well, he's in it, and tomorrow they're like, well, we couldn't meet on Saturday for, I don't know, director at something. And then they're like, but we don't have school Monday, so if you can come, we'd like, everyone here at 09:00 A.m. The actors can leave at 2:30. But all of you like, tech and crew guys, just stay as long as you can.

[0:15:07]  Pastor Newms: Just prepare to be there.

[0:15:09]  Pastor Bill: Yeah, prepare to be there. I got to get up and drop them off at nine. At least I don't have to get up at the normal time tomorrow. I can sleep in a little bit and get him there at nine.

[0:15:22]  Pastor Newms: Now the question is, does the Littlest actually let you sleep or is he still wakes up the moment of day and wakes you up?

[0:15:33]  Pastor Bill: So the littlest has decided that Adeline is his best friend. So he wakes up. Adeline, when he gets up, he no longer comes and wakes daddy up. However, the puppy, if no one feeds her or lets her out, she will come and start whining and scratching at my door.

[0:15:54]  Pastor Newms: Okay.

[0:15:55]  Pastor Bill: So she doesn't let me sleep, but the little human does.

[0:15:59]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, because I know there was a long time when you, like me. The littlest human would be like, hi, good morning.

[0:16:05]  Pastor Bill: Get up now. Hi. Good morning. My son's awakened. So am I.

[0:16:10]  Pastor Newms: You need to go somewhere? Well, that's fun.

[0:16:19]  Pastor Bill: All right, well, now it's time for getting to know the pastors.

[0:16:22]  Pastor Newms: I don't want to.

[0:16:23]  Pastor Bill: And it's my time to pull a card.

[0:16:25]  Pastor Newms: Oh, hey, I had something to ask you about this. No, you can still pull the card. I'm not going to tell you to not pull the card. No, you're good. I unpacked all my books. Right.

[0:16:40]  Pastor Bill: Okay.

[0:16:43]  Pastor Newms: I have a ton of youth resources from my parents, and they're right here in front of me on bookshelves. And several of them have, like, get-to-know-people questions and lists of things. And if we get through our cards or as we get, like, if we want something in between the two sets of cards, I found several books that would be they're just like they're conversation starters. They're getting to know the business person question from my mom. And I'm like, these might be awesome. They could be horrible. I have no idea.

[0:17:35]  Pastor Bill: This could be awesome or really bad.

[0:17:37]  Pastor Newms: So they could be better or worse than our cards. But I have some books that we can use as we run out of cards. Just so you know, don't go buy more cards until we see how those books are. But I have them right over there on the bookshelves, and I think it could be extremely humorous because they are.

[0:18:05]  Pastor Bill: If you, me, were reincarnated okay. As a famous landmark, which would it be?

[0:18:17]  Pastor Newms: Okay, wait. First off, there are many questions that must be asked.

[0:18:25]  Pastor Bill: How qualification questions, as if the card gives me any kind of qualifiers.

[0:18:34]  Pastor Newms: Okay, so the point of reincarnation. Well, no, I guess if you did timey wimey reincarnation, you could have been the famous monument the whole time. Also, but I don't like that. It's always weird to me. To me, a reincarnation, you're born into the next thing, not born into a thing that already exists. That always messes up in my head, because then how do you have memory? I don't like that card.

[0:19:07]  Pastor Bill: Okay.

[0:19:11]  Pastor Newms: I don't know, man.

[0:19:13]  Pastor Bill: Which celebrity chef would you most like to make you dinner?

[0:19:20]  Pastor Newms: Oh, okay. So I'm going to qualify this. I have one card down. Let's see how many cards we have to get through tonight. One thing you get to know about the pastors is pastor Newms is extremely picky. Okay. So for the sake of hanging out with me and I would just like to know the person would be Gordon Ramsay. Because I think it would just be funny to meet him because he seems like the kind of guy that I would enjoy because he's kind of a person. I was going the opposite side because I was about to say and I like people like that. But you went male appendage. And I don't like those very much. But as far as cooking, I don't think his cooking style is something I would enjoy eating. I would like to hang out with this guy while he cooks a meal thing. I think he'd be cool, but I don't know if I'd like his food necessarily. So if I'm going to go with someone like whose food I would eat, it's got to be like, a paladin or Rachel Ray or someone who does the good Southern cooking. I can't remember that one really large, fat chef guy that I used to like. Because if I'm going to have a famous chef cook me something, I want it to be good.

[0:21:29]  Pastor Bill: Okay. So basically, I'm doing this. This means we're simpatico. We're all on the same wavelength, right? This hand thing, the hand gesture I'm making right now. So what we're saying here is we would like to cook a meal with Gordon Ramsay. Yes. And just be like, be in the kitchen. And he's, like, yelling at you like, no, you twit. You cut that half a stick.

[0:21:52]  Pastor Newms: Exactly.

[0:21:52]  Pastor Bill: But when it comes to sitting down to eat a meal that someone's cooked, it'd be something like Guy Fieri, where it's like this dripping burger with just grease everywhere. But it's like that Guy meal.

[0:22:05]  Pastor Newms: I don't know about Guy Fieri because he booms spice a lot. And I'm not a super boom spice guy or bam spice, whatever it was.

[0:22:13]  Pastor Bill: No, that's a different guy you're thinking about. I can't remember what his name is. This is the guy with the spiky. I thought that was that goes to the diners, the drive-ins, and the.

[0:22:24]  Pastor Newms: No, I know, but I thought his whole thing before that was like the bam. No, that's somebody else. And, like, says, you never trust a skinny chef. Like I'm looking for you.

[0:22:38]  Pastor Bill: Thinking of Emeril Lagasse.

[0:22:40]  Pastor Newms: I'm thinking of Emeril. You're right. I am. No.

[0:22:44]  Pastor Bill: So. Yeah.

[0:22:44]  Pastor Newms: No guy. I was thinking for some reason that this is terrible. This is how much I watch cooking shows. Obviously never for some reason, I was thinking they were the same person.

[0:22:57]  Pastor Bill: No, they're not the same person.

[0:23:02]  Pastor Newms: But no.

[0:23:03]  Pastor Bill: The best hamburger and French fries I've ever had was from the quote-unquote Guy Fieri kitchen on the cruise ship that my wife and I went on a cruise on.

[0:23:15]  Pastor Newms: So his recipes, basically, yeah.

[0:23:18]  Pastor Bill: It was the most amazing burger I've ever had in my whole life.

[0:23:22]  Pastor Newms: Big sense. He wants the meal cooked by the cake guy. I wasn't even thinking of going there. That one show, I think it might be in Boston, but it's like cake Boss or something. And they do cakes.

[0:23:43]  Pastor Bill: He just wants the whole cake.

[0:23:44]  Pastor Newms: He just wants that guy to make a full meal, just several cakes like that.

[0:23:48]  Pastor Bill: Biggs is all about the cake.

[0:23:50]  Pastor Newms: Six courses of cake, six horses of cake. And biggs does not argue.

[0:23:56]  Pastor Bill: He just responds, yes. He's like, yeah, that's what I want.

[0:24:02]  Pastor Newms: There's not like a well, you know, what I meant was no, he's just.

[0:24:07]  Pastor Bill: Straight up, that's what I meant.

[0:24:09]  Pastor Newms: What I want, I would need a cake, bottle of acid of medicine and sodium, whatever. The other one I have to take the NSAIDs to be able to walk the day after intaking that much sugar, but I'll give it a shot. I drank a sweet tea by accident the other day, and it was so swollen up I could barely walk. The next sugar is not my friend no more.

[0:24:40]  Pastor Bill: All right, so hello and welcome season four episode nine of The Berean Manifesto; Faith, Hope, and Love for the Modern Christian.

[0:24:50]  Pastor Newms: Wait, did we really forget? And I'm joined by Pastor did we forget?

[0:25:00]  Pastor Bill: Yeah.

[0:25:02]  Pastor Newms: Well, how am I going to edit this now?

[0:25:06]  Pastor Bill: I don't know. Pick a spot and start from there.

[0:25:11]  Pastor Newms: How do we forget? Welcome you all to 25 minutes in, roughly, probably. We'll see where I actually start it, but wow. Okay.

[0:25:33]  Pastor Bill: All right, so we're in our series in Genesis, and we're getting really close to the end of chapter one, just real close. So we're in chapter one, verses 24 and 25. And then next week we'll finish out chapter one, and then the week after that, we'll do a recap, basically, of the whole first chapter before we then go into chapter two.

[0:26:00]  Pastor Newms: But did you forget to post something again on Spotify?

[0:26:07]  Pastor Bill: I don't know. Spotify should be automatic.

[0:26:12]  Pastor Newms: I was just asking because they said it, but it might be because we didn't do it last week.

[0:26:18]  Pastor Bill: It might be. Okay, so Genesis, chapter one, verses 24 and 25. 24 says, and this is from the CSB, the Christian Standard Bible. Then God said, let the earth produce living creatures according to their kinds, livestock creatures that crawl, and the wildlife of the earth according to their kinds. And it was so verse 25. So God made the wildlife of the earth according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that crawl on the ground according to their kinds, and God saw that it was good. All right, so we're at a point in chapter one, if you've been listening and following along up to this point, that none of the words here should be that surprising. We've got God is that H430, which is the plural gods, and then said is actually more commanded like we've been seeing over and over again. Earth is to be firm, and then it says to go out, so to produce. But it's that act of spreading out. You produce and you spread out, right? You fill up the land. It's not just sit in one spot and make copies of yourself. It's spread living creatures is living flesh there. But then it's also breathing creatures. So they live and they breathe. And this is a neat counterpoint to what we've seen up to this point, because with the whales and the birds and all of that, they didn't actually say breathing creatures. They didn't use this term nehfesh H5315. It's the same kind of idea of what we were talking about, the soul or the spirit, the certain something that runs the psyche of a person, the personality, that kind of thing. They didn't use that word for whales and fish and birds. Not that they don't have personalities and they don't think it's just that I don't know. Either the author didn't think they did, or yeah, they did. I don't know. Did they use nehfesh?

[0:28:49]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, in 21.

[0:28:51]  Pastor Bill: I missed it in my notes. Well, it does, doesn't it?

[0:29:01]  Pastor Newms: For birds, every living, it says an active mass. But for sea creatures, where it says whales know, but creature, it does. So it actually denotes the difference between large sea creatures and living creature that moves and swarms in the water. Which is interesting, because now, looking at whales and I missed this last time. So it's whales in the KJV, it's large sea creatures in the CSB. It actually means, which I don't think we talked about this. Yeah, it means a Kraken. It's a monstrance, a monster, a sea serpent, a jackal, a dragon.

[0:30:03]  Pastor Bill: It's the same word they translate as Leviathan in Job.

[0:30:07]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, it's a monster. It isn't just anyway, which, to be.

[0:30:17]  Pastor Bill: Honest, early seafaring peoples that came across a whale, they would be like, what is that monstrous thing?

[0:30:28]  Pastor Newms: And then birds, they don't use the same thing either. Birds, they use fowl. For some, they do. So you miss it in one spot.

[0:30:41]  Pastor Bill: Not birds miss it in one spot. Some fish have a soul, but fish do.

[0:30:48]  Pastor Newms: Some fish do, it appears, but not either. Languages are weird. All right, continue. Sorry, that threw me off.

[0:30:59]  Pastor Bill: Livestock, which is H929 behemoth, which is a dumb beast. So cattle, any cattle, dumb beast that can include camels, cows, oxen, bison. You get the point. Then it talks about reptiles, and then it says, and wildlife. The wildlife there is basically fauna. Biggs Said no spiders, yet. Wildlife would cover all fauna. So that would be spiders, scorpions, everything that hasn't been covered yet that exists. That's where it came from, right there. That's when it was created. Okay? And then we get to verse 25, and it's still plural for God, the gods. And then it's awsaw ayth. Now, remember we've talked about ayth it means to personally do something, right? So it says God made, well, God personally made these things. He personally made the wildlife, the livestock, the creatures. He personally made those. It wasn't like when he just commanded something to exist. He actually commanded that it needed to exist, and then he personally made it and then gave them their portions, it says or when they translate that out, we say according to their kind. So God had this idea that, okay, you have this domain and you have this little domain, and you need to replenish and spread out there. You need to be fruitful. You need to multiply in your little area amongst your own little kind. Right? And so God saw that it was good, right? So we have to differentiate that. Once again, it is not God - like when he saw the light looking within himself and recognize it and going, oh, that's good. No, this is just God looking at it and saying, yeah, that's a good thing. That's good. Right?

[0:33:30]  Pastor Newms: Because it is different.

[0:33:32]  Pastor Bill: It's different. It's a different thing. In English, we say it's the same thing. We say the same way, it means the same thing. But then when we get to the original language, there it's a different thing. It's something different. All right, do you have anything else you want to say about the word-to-word breakdown there?

[0:33:56]  Pastor Newms: No, not really. Not at that point. It's pretty self-explanatory. I mean, the words are the words.

[0:34:14]  Pastor Bill: It's not rocket science.

[0:34:15]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, these ones aren't super deep like some of it. These ones are kind of yeah.

[0:34:25]  Pastor Bill: Basically what we're doing at this point is the author is just trying to get through everything that was created before. Where did my camera go? Okay.

[0:34:35]  Pastor Newms: Nowhere. Don't worry about it. Where about yourself?

[0:34:39]  Pastor Bill: I am worried about myself. That's my camera.

[0:34:43]  Pastor Newms: If anything becomes full screen on that monitor, it makes you go away.

[0:34:53]  Pastor Bill: At this point, the author is just trying to get through the rest of creation and has toned down the imagery and toned down all the background stuff because they're wanting to get to the humans. They're wanting to get to the actual point of why they're telling this story. So in the beginning, they were very much, this is the important stuff, this is the deep stuff. And then as the chapter progresses, they're like, okay, let's get back to the important stuff, but we got to fly off all these things to get there, right? All right, so now it's time for our this is only the second time we've done this. It's the topic according to AI.

[0:35:44]  Pastor Newms: I was really hoping you were going to just leave this alone.

[0:35:49]  Pastor Bill: Where I took all seven commentaries that I read and fed their viewpoints on these two verses into Chat GPT and had it spit back a synopsis on what they all cover. All right, are you ready?

[0:36:08]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, if I'm ready.

[0:36:10]  Pastor Bill: Okay, here we go. The 6th day of creation in the Bible is a significant event in the creation story as it highlights the preparation of the Earth with the arrival of humans. According to the Bible, God created various animals, including cattle, creeping things, and beasts of the Earth, and declared them to be good. These animals were divided into three classes and made after their kind, each having its own unique species. The creation of animals was necessary for the arrival of man as they serve various purposes such as transportation, food, and commerce. The authors note that the creation of the animals demonstrates the benevolent purpose of God's work. The incompleteness of the earth with just lower creatures highlights the spiritual greatness of humans, despite their inferior physical qualities. Compared to the animal races, humans, as the climax of the earth's creation, are able to recognize the order and exert control over all other creatures, making them godlike and the King of the Earth. In contrast to the creation of the animals, the creation of humans is described as the masterwork and the end of all that has been done. According to the Bible, man's body was taken from the Earth, but his soul was from heaven, while the body and soul of beasts are wholly from the Earth. This distinction highlights the special relationship that animals have with God and their elevated status among all creatures. In conclusion, the 6th Day of Creation in the Bible emphasizes the important role that the creation of animals played in the preparation of the Earth for the arrival of humans. It also highlights the unique and special relationship that humans have with God and their elevated status among all creatures. So there you go. There's the summary of the topic according to Chat GPT, based on the commentary entries from the seven different commentaries that I study as part of my preparation. Interestingly enough, we didn't have a dissenting opinion this week. The sermon Bible didn't go all evolutionary on us this time, which I thought was interesting.

[0:38:46]  Pastor Newms: What I find interesting is the fact that we didn't actually talk about the humans.

[0:38:56]  Pastor Bill: But you included them in 24 and 25 don't. Well, the commentaries for verses 24 and 25 talk about it. So that's where it got that from.

[0:39:12]  Pastor Newms: I was like, that's odd.

[0:39:15]  Pastor Bill: Yeah, I thought it was odd too. Says he can fix something for us if we like, but I don't know what.

[0:39:24]  Pastor Newms: Don't worry about it. He's just being Sez, okay.

[0:39:33]  Pastor Bill: All right. So that's verses 24 and 25, of Genesis one, where God makes all of those other creatures. The name of that episode was what? What did we name that?

[0:40:02]  Pastor Newms: I don't remember. Let's go back to the Weekly.

[0:40:08]  Pastor Bill: Livestock, Reptiles, And Fauna. Oh, my. Of course, I had to throw the omi.

[0:40:12]  Pastor Newms: Yeah, I didn't understand the oh, my. I thought that was strange.

[0:40:16]  Pastor Bill: Lions and tigers and bears. Oh, my.

[0:40:22]  Pastor Newms: Still thought it was strange.