S3EP64 - The Peace of Samson

The Berean Manifesto

03-02-2022 • 1 Std. 1 Min.

Pastor Bill: [0:00] Hello and welcome to season 3 episode…I can't remember now. Pastor Newms: [0:09] Sixty Three Sixty Three Pastor Bill: [0:12] Sixty four of The Berean Manifesto; Faith, Pastor Newms: [0:13] 67 - 64. Pastor Bill: [0:17] Hope, and Love for the Modern Christian. I'm Pastor Bill and I'm joined by Pastor Newms all the… Pastor Newms: [0:22] That's me. Pastor Bill: [0:24] way from the state of Tennessee and I am in the great state of Texas. I overheard my wife watching a video today about a, a hobbit place you could go visit in Murfreesboro some kind of shire like. Bed and Breakfast or something that you could go stay at and I didn't know - you know you live in that area and I didn't know that was a thing even though I was like what. Pastor Newms: [0:56] Is that is odd. Pastor Bill: [0:57] I just started out when I was talking about you living in Tennessee so how was your week this week Pastor Newms? Pastor Newms: [1:05] It's pretty good busy very busy both the girls were out of the house this weekend so it was just adults in the house that was interesting, Rayne had her first youth conference because she's technically in middle school and. Seraphina stayed with my parents. Hello Mr. Groggy. Pastor Bill: [1:38] Right. Pastor Newms: [1:39] Joined us on Twitch.   Pastor Bill: [1:40] Playing Call of Duty and attending church at the same time that's how we like it welcome guys. I'm calling him out. Pastor Newms: [1:50] Looks like it's an Airbnb. Pastor Bill: [1:53] He's on he's on on Discord and it says he's playing Call of Duty and he's coming to church at the same time and that is absolutely fine with us, I actually really like that. I'm the kind of guy that gets bored during church even when the pastor saying stuff that I'm totally on board with my brains going, but there's so many more things to be done and I got to do something to roll real myself in. Pastor Newms: [2:21] I gotta I gotta say I don't dig it. Pastor Bill: [2:26] Don't like the bed and breakfast thing? Pastor Newms: [2:29] Mmm it's to guess one bedroom one bath when I'm sorry one bedroom one bad half bath kitchen free parking. Cute ish but it's above ground and to me that's. Pastor Bill: [2:52] Supposed to be built into a hill at least by the dirt make it look like it's in a hill. Pastor Newms: [3:00] I mean it looks nice other than that. They are a super host and it is $88 a ninth but. Pastor Bill: [3:18] No bathtub or shower. So for one person for the night not too. Hello Phoenix, Phoenix is here on Twitch Biggs is here training with us via Facebook normally Chad's via twitch. Pastor Newms: [3:53] But he's watching via twitch. Pastor Bill: [3:55] So how was your week Pastor Newms? We got a little side tracked because you today was good but then we start talking about that bed. Pastor Newms: [4:01] I just said it was busy and then the girls were gone it's really all that yeah. Pastor Bill: [4:08] Is all that your week consistent enough the girls were gone and it was busy. There was a plumbing emergency in your house this week there was. Pastor Newms: [4:18] Oh yeah yeah we had a plumbing emergency that got resolved. Pastor Bill: [4:25] Bye-bye at not being an emergency at all. Pastor Newms: [4:29] Yeah yeah our secret. Pastor Bill: [4:31] The plumber showed up and was like thanks for calling me for my common sense. Pastor Newms: [4:37] So our sinks the way the house is built the faucets are very small so if it's barely dripping or dripping just a little it, gets on the counter instead of in the bowl because the faucets are so small so apparently what happened is in middle of the night. Pastor Bill: [5:03] Longer longer spicket parts. Pastor Newms: [5:06] Someone got up to use the restroom I guess they wash their hands, and then went back to bed and they did not, turn the faucet off all the way and so all night it ran and it ran onto the floor and actually dripped into the garage. Pastor Bill: [5:31] Or into the garage. Pastor Newms: [5:33] But it's the damage isn't bad it's not, nothing to worry about nothing we have to change or do it's just one of those like. Pastor Bill: [5:48] Gotta dry it all out. Pastor Newms: [5:49] Yeah and then so they came and they the the guy did something I didn't even think of doing which was, shutting off the water and seeing if the pressure continues to move because there's a pressure gauge inside the house and so he turns off the water, um hits the pressure gauge and of. Pastor Bill: [6:15] You just let it keep drop drip and you didn't turn off the ladder at this. Pastor Newms: [6:19] No, no it was off I had turned off the sink. Pastor Bill: [6:22] Oh okay. Pastor Newms: [6:24] And so but we thought it was a leak behind the behind it or something, which he turned off the water and then there's a pressure gauge that reads your pressure the whole time well if you have a leak that pressure gauge is of course going to drop because, so he was like I don't think you have a leak can we go look at the bathroom, yeah go in there he looks at it and I told it soon as he said it I was like I know what happened called one of the children upstairs and they, confirmed what I thought that it was Dripping slightly when they had gotten up. You know didn't think about relaying that information just the information that there was water on the floor so. It was it was okay no actual emergency but it was just really random, both the girls were like we're so sorry we will help pay for him to come out and we'll this and we're that that's like girls that's not a it's not a big deal that's, that's the least of my worries right now, yeah that's this is nothing and he apologized he's like I'm sorry I do have to charge you because we had to come out and stuff and I'm like should original apologize I mean, The Learning Experience I now know to check my pressure gauge before I call you you know but it was. Pastor Bill: [8:12] If you came out and you didn't teach me anything and then charge me then we're gonna have a problem. Pastor Newms: [8:18] Yeah so Biggs will have to it is on our list to change all the faucets in the house which is. Five of them is they're all the same and they all do the same issue in the bathrooms for those five So and I've had it happen because one of the. Kitties turned off, we let one of the sinks drip and he turned it off by nuzzling it enough to where it dripped all over my counter I just happened to catch it quicker than the morning so. And of course it's cold and wet right now so drying it out has been a challenge. But overall it's good, and then we finished Borderlands 1 in gaming with the pastor's which is a big deal and then we finish it as much as we don't finish. Pastor Bill: [9:28] We didn't complete it but we finished it. Pastor Newms: [9:31] No technically we completed the game we did not fully complete two of the DLCs because, we're not going to sit there and grind for hours and hours and hours on camera because that's not conducive to Bill's playstyle nor is it conducive to fund twitch watching, but we've started to Borderlands 2 and that's fun. Pastor Bill: [9:58] Right off the bat it like they learned their lesson in Borderlands 1 don't give me, an hour of gameplay that is boring and too challenging to to make it through without dying of. Make it fun from the beginning they learned that lesson Borderlands 2. Pastor Newms: [10:18] You can still die a billion. Pastor Bill: [10:19] Hey you still glad many times as long as it's fun and Borderlands 2 they did it, they made it Fun For a Moment One. Pastor Newms: [10:28] They ramped it up from the intro video there's one thing I get very disappointed about Borderlands 2 though and I will say it even though we haven't gotten to the through the whole game is the opening song. So in the first game it becomes they play it like a couple times during the game the, I think that's Cage the Elephant, the No Rest For The Wicked I don't know the name of the song that song they play it several times throughout the game it's at the edge intro it's the exit it's the and so it, to those of us that you know played it a bunch the first time it's kind of that song is Borderlands you know and so the fact that the songs not there, right off the bat is very very frustrating and like I waited for it the whole game, cuz I was like they got a plate at some point because this is this is the guy that got to do it they got to do it I got it and, yeah that's one thing I and I don't you're like wait that's the thing and to me yes, I still there still a particular band if I listen to it I immediately want to play Pokemon. Pastor Bill: [12:00] Hmm all right. Pastor Newms: [12:01] Because I listen to the CDs when I played the first Pokemon on my Gameboy, you know and so music is very important to me so yeah that's one thing I don't like how was your week Pastor Bill. Pastor Bill: [12:16] It was good we started playing Borderlands 2 like he said there was this moment where we, we ran through this thing and there was this homage to the Ninja Turtles that was fun we delivered a pizza and then we had to fight these little mutant guys they were more Mouse ninja type guys but that's fine, and they were named Leo Dan you know and then we had to solve this light puzzle where, different Electronics in their Lair to get all these lights to light up and then Flint ER crawled up out of a hole in the ground we got to fight flincher it was a lot of, so I really enjoyed that I started working for over and lift again and the mornings this week so that's been interesting. And then I apologize to those of you that listen to the podcast, Tuesday morning and then Tuesday a juice usually choose the afternoon I work on the podcast I get the transcription done and I push it schedule it to push Nadia, totally didn't happen I went on a date with my wife instead totally didn't follow back up on Wednesday morning so the podcast didn't actually come out until Saturday morning, no transcription by the way so that happened and my apologies for that late pushing of last the last episode. My wife of your telling on me because I told her it's one of those sorry not sorry things I had more more important things to take care of. Which was going on a date with my wife. Wow so you're telling me all right so that was my, um so now it's time for getting to know the pastors and we are, Pastor Newms is card this week. Pastor Newms: [14:17] And of course already had it ready I didn't just reach for it I remembered in your in your opinion, what is the most what is the most beautiful manmade in the world. Pastor Bill: [14:50] Maybe I can explain this without tearing up maybe. Pastor Newms: [14:54] Oh maybe okay. Pastor Bill: [14:56] Maybe so the Washington Monument. Is two tone at the bottom. The building was started by slave labor. And when slavery ended officially the United States and the slaves were free from that point on it was built by paid laborers it has a different color. And the beauty of that moment being immortalized in stone has always stuck out to me. Go by yourself. Now we're talking man made object so you can be like so I'll tell you what my number two is my number two is the Motorola Razr flip phone Circa 2006 or 2007. That's my number two most beautiful man made. Pastor Newms: [16:34] I There's a lot running through my head as far as technology goes. Paintings that are amazing sculptures you know there's a lot. Movies pictures you know there's just a lot that's running through my head and I can't really put my thumb on. Any of them so I'm going to say. I'm going to say something that's not in existence yet. It's in the trial stages, but there's about I want to say there's three to four maybe more now companies working on it but it's a brain to computer interface, similar to what's used in Sao Sword Art Online, similar to that used in lots of sci-fi you know something you put on not plug-in is the goal but plug-in I'm fine with to. Pastor Bill: [18:01] Plug-in is terrifying. Pastor Newms: [18:12] Prosthetics everything just using the mind and there's a lot of companies working on it and there's a lot of, it's moving forward quickly but as someone who struggles with arthritis whose hands don't work correctly anymore that's something that I, find to be very beautiful that we can interface without touching, and that's something that I. I think it'll be great for a lot of reasons and terrifying for others but I think it's something that will really help a lot of, disabled you know a lot of people who are have accidents a lot of people who, have you done the generative disorders you know I think it's going to be a big thing and I think it's really cool how close we are, so that's probably my thing I know the one getting the most publicity is. Oh I'm a Spaceman I drive cars I own cars Musk, Elon Musk has one called nearer I just I'm explaining how my mind got to Elon Musk. Pastor Bill: [19:41] I'm a faith man I drive car. Basil's Elon Musk Buzz Aldrin I don't know where we're going though. Pastor Newms: [19:57] We got there Elon musk's neurolink is one of the ones that's getting the most publicity as far as news and stuff just because, well he's the most open about it he likes to hear himself talk I believe, so because of that we hear about it so I think that would be mine is that technological jump is going to make a lot of changes because I wouldn't need input devices, and for someone who has recently had to stop playing certain games because I can't anymore because my hands twitch that would be, phenomenal and that's just something I've dealt with I know I have friends that have dealt with that forever I can't imagine so. So yeah that's probably what I would say is that technological leap is going to be a big deal. Pastor Bill: [20:59] So tonight's episode I titled the episode the piece of Samson. And spoiler alert that was a circus takur an ironic name because that's not a thing for Samson, there is no peace for Samson. Pastor Newms: [21:22] I would actually disagree with that yeah I think his final moments he had made peace with. Pastor Bill: [21:36] With his suicidal intent. Pastor Newms: [21:39] Well not just that but with his responsibility for everything he did he was rolling it you know turning things over to God I think it's a. Decent Redemption Arc as well I assume that's where you were going with it. Pastor Bill: [22:01] All right so we've mentioned. Pastor Newms: [22:02] As the pillars fell there was peace. Pastor Bill: [22:06] We've mentioned recently how Judges is this book of cautionary tales. Don't do things this way but I also want to pull out this other way that I've started to look at judges over time, and that is let me explain this, is that yes they had a series of people who judged Israel right one of them being Samson. But also this is a list of people of whom the Israelites were, on whether or not they were ready to step into being the people the Messiah could come too. Proved over and over and over again that they weren't they weren't. And so we're going to look at just Samson we're going to go through Samson story and we're going to look at how. This all plays out right. So the Angel of the Lord comes to his parents Manoah and his wife his wife's name is. The woman I'm going to get ever. So the angel of the Lord appears to the woman and tells her she's going to have a baby and the baby's going to be a Nazarite which basically means he's going to be committed to God to a purpose he's gonna live a life set apart to be holy, and there's going to be rules that they're going to have to follow with his, and the woman goes and tells her husband and husband's like well I hope you know I hope you enjoy comes back so he can tell me what he told you and so we can you know both be on the same page, does come back to the woman and is like come talk to my husband Angel comes and talk to the, basically tells him the same thing he told her they get a little bit more detail they want to, have a sacrificial meal for this guy and the angel of the Lord whom they don't know is the Angel of the Lord that you believe he's this handsome fella and he says no no I'm not going to eat any of your food. They are that they're not talking to a human, but if you're going with you need to make a sacrifice to make a sacrifice to the Lord so sacrifice a goat and the angel of the Lord places you know the sacrifice in the fire and then Rises up in the smoke. And the man Manoa looks at his wife and says, we're certainly going to die because we have seen God so he believed this was, and Phoenix thank you for asking for references and Pastor newms thank you for typing that in on your Twitch interface since, which interface is the only one that actually shows up on all of the things. Pastor Newms: [26:06] Actually actually use the restream client but that's okay. Pastor Bill: [26:10] Maybe that's the one that shows up I don't know, and his wife this voice of reason whose name I wish we knew but we don't she turns to him and says if the Lord had intended to kill us he wouldn't have accepted the burnt offering and the grain offering, he wouldn't have shown us all these things or spoken to us like he did, and then she gives birth to Samson and the boy grows up and the spirit of the Lord began to stir him in the camp of Dan between Zorah and Ishtaol. So Samsung goes down to Timna and he sees young Philistine woman there now the Philistines. Pastor Newms: [26:52] Photos philistine. Pastor Bill: [26:57] Philistine Phyllis time whatever are ruling over Israel right now because the Israelites had once again, turned away from the Lord and the things that they were told they were supposed to be doing things so they were given over to the Philistines again. He sees a Philistine woman, and he wants to marry your cigars back and tells his mother and his father's mother and father say can't you find someone that's you know and in relative distance or one of your own people what do you have to get a Philistine, and he says, no I want this woman and the text says that they didn't know that this was actually part of the plan of the Lord trying, to get the Philistines to react trying to give the Philistines to step into a conflict this is a this is okay. Samson is ready for his first trial of proving that they're ready, as a people they've grown up and they can handle having Messiah be born. Um so Samson he goes down Timna with his father and mother to The Vineyards and a young lion comes roaring out of him, the spirit of the Lord comes on him and he tears the line apart with his bare hands, just like he's done you know preparing sacrifices of a goat or preparing a goat for a meal tears it apart, and he's you know often the trailer by himself he doesn't tell his mother and his father that it happened and, they do all this you know they meet the young woman and they decide okay this is fine we can do this after some time he returns to the woman to marry your and he leaves the road to go see the Lions carcass, actually it is the guy I fully understand I'm gonna go look at that thing I killed and bask in the glory of my adventure. And so he goes to look at the Lions carcass and he finds a honeycomb when a swarm of bees in line this part I can't relate to so he Scoops up a bunch of the honey and starts eating it, and when he gets home he gives the rest of it to his father and his mother but he doesn't tell them that he pulled his honey out of a beehive from a lions carcass. Pastor Newms: [29:36] But she never should have touched. Pastor Bill: [29:39] Weird bro yeah he shouldn't have touched a dead thing as an ass. Pastor Newms: [29:45] As a Nazarite mhm. Pastor Bill: [29:48] So they go to prepare a feast, and Samson he goads the Philistines that at this feast, and says let me tell you a riddle and, settles on an agreement of you know who's going to pay what if they can't Solve the Riddle and he tells them riddle and he says out of the eater came something to eat and out of the strong came something sweet, and I know that rhymes in English though they translated it but I guarantee you it does not rhyme any original language and so it doesn't sound so poetic. Um and obviously we know what he's talking about because we just read the story about he killed lion and then out of the line he got honey, he's talking about this thing that I have it after three days they were unable to explain the riddle on the fourth day they say to Samson's wife procedure persuade your husband to explain the riddle to us or we will burn you and your father's family to death, what's this wife's name. We don't know they didn't tell us another woman in this in the story here that we don't know her name I'm not happy about this story. So she goes crying to Samson you hate me and don't love me you told my people the riddle but haven't explained it to me and he says I haven't even told Mom father and mother about it why should I tell you, and so she continues to cry for the whole 7 Days of the feast, and on the last so this is a wedding Feast this is this is a standard seven-day Israelite wedding fees this is nothing unless you know. Weird about this is just a normal thing, and on the last day he finally gives in cuz he's she's nagging him not my words the Bible's words nagging him so much and he tells her you know and so she goes and tells, the guys and they answer it and he says this is, if you hadn't plowed with my young cow you wouldn't know my riddle now dude. The spirit of the Lord came a powerfully upon him all right this is the actual test the spirit of the Lord came upon him what's he going to do, is he going to preach to them about the law and righteousness and, let them know about the way God wants things to be done and you know you did it improve that they're worthy that they've grown up that are worthy of the Messiah no, he's going to go down to Ashkelon and he's going to use his God-given ability, instead of preaching about the Lord he didn't use his God-given ability to Kill 30 men. And strip them of their clothes in order to pay the debt for the riddle that they answer. And then he goes home Angry to his family's house. And so the father of the girl that he's just married a week ago goes, he must be mad at her he must hate her he must want a divorce he must want an annulment and so the father then gives her to another man to be that man's wife. So then later Samson comes back during the wheat Harvest and he takes a young goat with him because he wants to bring her. He says he wants to see her in her room the father says no you left I gave her away I thought you hated her hey did is a very important word there because, um that's the word they needed to use to explain the father thought he wanted a divorce he hated her that's that's your that's your clue, here take her younger sister she's more beautiful than than she is anyway, and Samson said to them and this is great because even if you disagree with me about him going and killing 30 men Samson says this time. I will be blameless when I harm the Philistines so even Samson's looking back going really shouldn't have gone and killed those 30 guy. Was I was wrong move I was I probably should have. So when caught 300 foxes the skies vindictive tithe. Really good at things tied their tails to each other in pairs right and then tied torches, into the Tails then lift the Torches and set the foxes down and we're talking 300 foxes so 150 pairs hundred fifty torches set them down on the edges of, grain Fields this it is time for the wheat Harvest all this is fully grown grain that is meant to feed families and armies and you know thousands of people burns the field down. And the Philistines come and ask who did this and they were told it was Samson the timber nights son-in-law, because he took Samson's wife and gave her to His companion so the Philistines went to her and her father and burned them. Hey burn down the fields and starved the Philistines they burned his father-in-law and wife to death so. Then Samson tears the party of men that did that limb from limb. Not as fun as moment burning down of. Pastor Newms: [36:18] Is that when he used a Jawbone. Pastor Bill: [36:21] That hasn't happened yet. Pastor Newms: [36:22] Okay. Pastor Bill: [36:24] Cindy goes down to hide in a cave at the rock of eats ham, and the Philistines go up and they camped in Judah and raided Leahy sole he is so basically Israel exists as a conglomeration of try, and each of these tribes are descended from, one of the children of budget are you know so far and so this is the tribe of Levi that's being raided, and so the men of Judah ask why have you attacked us and they replied we came, Thai Samson up and pay him for what he did to us, Samson burns on their fields so they burn his husband and his father-in-law on wife so he rips that party limb to limb so now they're going to attack a nearby, you know Jewish settlement because of it. Um then 3000 men of Judah 3 okay so they gather together 3,000 Israeli men, to go capture Samson because one, the dude can rip a lion apart with his bare hands to he's got this long hair that he keeps in seven braids, so we're talking this guy's probably got like a massive head like the size of the Rock they're afraid of this guy. Pastor Newms: [37:59] Nothing. Pastor Bill: [38:03] What you're smiling and. Pastor Newms: [38:04] Continue there's something I hate about for Trails of super strong people, people like Samson, what Superman would actually look like you know things like that about how they always are skinny ripped, like you mentioned the rock you know that's what a lot of people think of you know there but then like. It's not how they would end up looking. Pastor Bill: [38:44] Well not Superman no because you actually have to challenge your muscles to build muscle mass. Pastor Newms: [38:50] And a true power lifter. Looks more like a Samoan or more like you know you look at. Yes but I mean a typical not someone who diets to cut them to cut their body fat. Pastor Bill: [39:15] So you mean do you mean the guy who played Aquaman. Pastor Newms: [39:20] I mean him normally not when he's cut for a movie but the true power lifters even make them look small, those those guys who complete in the the men's strongest the strongest man not a single one of them is cut in any way shape form or idea. Pastor Bill: [39:40] Now they're they're Hefty. Pastor Newms: [39:41] Barrel-chested Hefty people and so. Pastor Bill: [39:46] All right so either way he was. Pastor Newms: [39:48] He was a big dude either way. Pastor Bill: [39:51] Okay let's see so they come to him and they tell them we've come to tie you up and hand you over to the philistine. Which you replied swear to me that you yourselves won't kill me. So basically saying I don't believe in killing Israelites I don't believe in killing Jews. If you come at me I will defend myself so if you swear to me that you won't kill me I'll go with you I'll let you tie me up that's fine so tie them up. And they took him to the Philistines right and let's see. The spirit of the Lord came powerfully on him here we go again his are you going to prove it are you going to prove, that you're worthy the people are worthy and the ropes are on his arms and wrists became like burnt flax and fell off, he found a fresh Jawbone of a donkey reached out his hand took it and killed a thousand men with. Touch something dead killed a thousand men what should he have done. When Jesus had an angry mob coming after him to Stone him he simply walked through them in peace and walked away. Um there's other examples but this was not the correct answer. He says with the Jawbone of a donkey I've piled them in heaps with the Jawbone of a donkey I've killed a thousand men when he finished speaking you through where the jaw bone name the place Rama. He became very thirsty carbs the Lord you have accomplished his great Victory through your servant so he gives God credit. For we got that person on YouTube trolling again. He gives God credit for what he just did. And then says my must I now die of thirst and fall into the hands of the uncircumcised. And so God responds as God always does even we screw up God responds God knows what we need and when we asked him in, this is a passionate ask but it's a sincere one God split the Hollow Place in the ground and water came after it and after Samson drank his strength returned and he revived. So yeah I think it was it was rather draining to kill a thousand men with the Jawbone of a donkey all right so it doesn't tell us how much time passes. But it does tell us that the time of. Samson as a quote-unquote judge in Israel was for 20 years 20 years 20, but then the Bible goes on to tell us another story about. We know it happened sometime after the first story, but we don't know how long. We're assuming it's sometime closer to the end of his time because the story ends with his, so we're so me it's somewhere close to the end of the 20 years, Samson goes to Gaza and he sees a prostitute and he decides to hire her so he goes out and he hires himself a whore. When the Gazites heard that Samson was there now these are these are not, these are another group of people that live in the area when you hear about Jebusites and Ammonites and Amorites and these are the Jesuits, Gazites who, heard that Samson was there how did they hear he was there well this is probably a brothel this probably isn't just one lady turning tricks this is probably an, they surrounded the place and waited in Ambush for him all that night at The City Gate right so they're at the gate there waiting they kept quiet on that saying let's wait until dawn when we will kill him, but Samson stayed in bed only until midnight. And so I imagine if this was in a movie you'd see Samson he gets up at midnight he's like I'm gonna finish my journey and then he hears Whispering coming through the window of the building, we're going to wait till sun comes up then we're gonna really get him we're gonna kill Samson he's like nope so he takes hold of the doors of The City Gate. Pulls them out bar and all puts it on his shoulders and takes him to the top of the mountain overlooking Hebron it doesn't say how many people died in this event. Anyone outside the city walls, they were dead anyone living on the city walls they were dead anyone living just inside the city walls they died too, this is this is basically I mean it's it's, when you flick a domino and they just go to to to to to to this is what happened he pulled up the city Gates and the walls would have just gone to Jen Fallen all the way around the city of the city would have no more walls, and this the walls people lived in the walls people lived on the wall people lived around the walls a lot of people died at this. Sometime later Hammy's Delilah he's just now meeting, um and she lived in the sorek valley the Philistine leaders went to her and said persuade him to tell you where his strength come from comes from so we can overpower him tie him up and make him helpless, each of us will then give you 1,100 pieces of silver Now by this point Samson's used to being, and lied to and let's not forget his first wife who literally, manipulated him and nagged him into giving her the answer so she could betray. He now has trust issues so they offer her 1,100 pieces of silver and she agrees to do it so she asks him he lies to her they try and it fails, again he lies to her they tried it fails she asks again and he's like us into the third time he lost her again they tried it fails, she's like okay you gotta tell me. What this is how can you say you love me and you won't actually tell me the truth at this point he should have just walked away. I mean because the Philistine showed up every time and try the exact thing they told her she just walked away and so he tells her the truth. And then he goes to take a nap on her lap and she summons the Philistines and they come and they use a razor and they shave his head, he wakes up his head's been shaven he doesn't have his strength They seized him a gouge out his eyes, they tuck it take him to Gaza and they imprison him his he's in prison and his hair begins to grow back. This is not a is hair because the girl back this is a example of how long he sits in this. His hair started to grow back from being shaved and clean like noticeably hair is growing back. The Philistine leaders gathered together to offer a great sacrifice to their God, they rejoice and said our God is handed over our enemies Samson to us when the people saw him they praised their God and said I gotta send it over to us our enemy who destroyed our land and who multiplied are dead, when they were good spirits they said bring Samson here to entertain us so they brought Samson from prison, and he entertained them they had him stand between the pillars this was not smart on there. That wasn't intelligence Scott who's gotten his power supernaturally somehow, we removed it temporarily let's put him in between the two lodestones pillars that are literally holding up the whole Coliseum that we're in, the temple Coliseum and he calls out you young man, lead me where I can feel the pillars supporting the temple so I can lean against them, so the men the young man leads him over and there were about 3,000 men and women on the roof, of the temple watching through the center hole so you know it's a it's a ring. And there's enough there's space for people stand around the ring like a Coliseum and then there's, seating on the inside and it's all built Lee looking towards the statue of doggone who is basically a merman, you know want to Envision so he's got these this fish body coming down with fins and then from the waist up he's a human vistage the statue of dog on where they worship doggone and and hold ceremonies and and the audio data. Um and so he's standing in between those two pillars and the pillars are close enough that not only can he touch them with both hands but then he can out stretch his arms. In order to push them over. It says he called the Lord Lord God please remember me strengthen me God just once more, with one act of Vengeance let me pay back the Philistines for my two eyes. Samson took hold of the terminal pillars supporting the temple and leaned against them one on his right hand and the other on his left, Samson said let me die with the Philistines he pushed with all his mind in the temple fell in leaders and all the people in it and those he killed his death were more than those he had killed in his life. Once again what did he do with the gift God has given him did he go look, my God has route has returned my strength to me, and you two can worship the one true God the god of Israel and he, instead of worshipping this Idol that I will now then I'll tear down this idle because there's a one true God who wants you to follow him and. He decides to get revenge and take Vengeance pushes the pillars. Suicide and taking 3,000-plus men and women with them. And while yes there may have been some semblance of Peace there at that very last moment as you pointed out it's the director you thought I was going. My main point here is judges is a book of cautionary tales, and we can see in the story of Samson over and over and over how we can look at it and go okay cool I'm not supposed to use my spiritual gift to blah, and that's throughout all the Book of Judges examples of okay I'm not supposed to use the word of the Lord for blah okay I'm not supposed to use my influence for Block okay I'm not supposed to do it this way I'm not supposed to do it this way I'm not supposed to it that way, Samson is this this really good example of people tell this story of how he was a mighty man of God and the Holy Spirit came on him so that he could kill, a thousand men with the Jawbone of a donkey except that's that's not that's not what's true saying it all. It says the spirit of Lord came upon him and he chose to use that in that manner. Lord didn't tell him to dig up a donkey boat Donkey Jaw and go kill those people, Thor didn't tell him to go kill 30 people and strip them of their clothes to pay his debt from a bet he made. But he did. Name is what you have to say about all that. Pastor Newms: [53:53] Well I agree with you that. Pastor Bill: [54:03] That's boring tell me what you don't agree with okay. Pastor Newms: [54:06] I'm getting there that the Lord. This was not how the story should have went I will say that. I believe he was supposed to do more, and supposed to free them from the Philistines which typically every time that happened it was through lots of murder, but he made a lot of mistakes along the way, which ended made it end the way it did I do think that. His spiritual gifting was torch strength not towards, speaking or towards any of that and he could have used it differently but typically when the Lord, was ready to pull the Israelites back it was through battle not every time but typically, so I think he was supposed to use his strength to free the people I just don't think he should have been, doing it in the way that he did it, instead of leading the Israelite Army and you know becoming this this captain and Steward and let's free the people he lived a life of Vice, and I think that's one of the reasons why the Bible calls out and he killed more in his death than he did in his life. In reading that part it's always come to me that he could have done more throughout his life leading the Army's leading the you know freeing the people like he was supposed to do according to what the angel said. Pastor Bill: [56:16] It was the standard quality start of the Deliverance of the Israelites from the. Pastor Newms: [56:25] Yep the beginning and I feel. Pastor Bill: [56:29] The Philistines to Judaism it would have the same effect I would have been the start of there. I always go. Pastor Newms: [56:41] I would disagree with that but that's. Pastor Bill: [56:43] In my brain I always think back to the story of Dinah, horrible story there's you know forced intimacy involved and, ultimately things start to go the right way hey if you want to marry my daughter you've got to convert. You need to become a Believer you've got to convert you've got to go through these steps you've got to become one of us. That was the right plan that was the right idea, the whole city converts the whole city converts every last man become circumcised and and commits their faith to God which was the right thing to have happened and then. The brothers decide well while they are weak from the circumcision let's just go kill them all. And that was the wrong decision. Pastor Newms: [57:44] And and I get that from that standpoint but the. Pastor Bill: [57:53] Say I don't understand the rage in their anger I do 100% I understand the rage in the anger and I do I think that you know, she deserved better than to be treated like she did buy that prints no one no one should ever be treated that way. But when the whole city converted. That should have been you know that should have been the end of that in that aspect. Pastor Newms: [58:25] Yeah I get that but I do think often. There was so much Strife between those people groups there still would have been issues but that's neither here nor there. Pastor Bill: [58:46] So our takeaways are. Don't be quote in the Book of Judges, as this is all we should do things because that's not what it is, and and we're falling on this this idea again from last week of, don't say things that you're going to do things that counter you know run contrary, to this idea of what we know the Lord wants and the way we're supposed to be living, and which you know right now is, love God with all your heart soul mind and strength and just as important love your neighbor as yourself, don't forget you can't love your neighbor