S3EP100 - Looking back as we move

The Berean Manifesto

17-11-2022 • 1 Std.

S3Ep100 - Looking Back As We Move Pastor Bill And Pastor Newms  Transcript Pastor Bill: [0:00] Hello and welcome to season 3 episode 100 of the breed Manifesto faith hope and love but the modern Christian, my best to build I'm joined as always by Pastor newms other Corner pastor newms, see what I'm looking at the screen no you're over here at then wait no you're over here. Where did bills hair go what do you mean where did my hair go my hairs right here here here. Pastor Newms: [0:36] So when you're sitting the way you're sitting we can't see the top of your head. Pastor Bill: [0:42] Yeah I don't know why if I guess if I move way back. Pastor Newms: [0:46] Now you have to move the microphone properly you can't move your camera up because of your thing he's right. Pastor Bill: [0:54] Yeah there's stuff you see the clips holding this this drop cloth off and stuff like that. Pastor Newms: [1:12] Yeah see end of season three I think that means we each have to do four cards right is that what that means. Pastor Bill: [1:18] Oh my gosh no please no. So we started this podcast in 2017. [1:36] Yeah I would I would release an episode and then we would talk about it in our life meeting you know we would talk about you know the. Pastor Newms: [1:42] Yep. Pastor Bill: [1:44] Back then I was actually doing an episode of day for a while and that's be too much it was too much too much to do too much to talk about, and so we went to one episode a week and here we are now, we did 100 episodes in season 1 100 episodes in season 2 and now one of the episodes on season 3, and then we had that one Easter sets. [2:16] With that one Easter set where I did a whole week of episodes where I typed them episode I don't know season 1 episode 65 point for the whole week so, so you know yeah so we're we're past 300 episodes for sure but here we are so, yeah so tonight we're gonna we're gonna sound too far away uman Mike a little bit more how's that is that better. Pastor Newms: [2:46] Um yeah I'll turn you up a little more. Pastor Bill: [2:49] Sound like I'm up so far away now. Pastor Newms: [2:51] I turned you up a little too I tried to fix it beforehand but I guess I did not fix it. Pastor Bill: [2:58] Okay my bad sorry is 80 we didn't mean to not have good microphone settings before we started. Pastor Newms: [3:05] Plus your sinus infection makes it sound like you're far away even though I can hear you clearly you're so lucky. Pastor Bill: [3:09] Yeah massage it's wreaking havoc with my brain with my face. Pastor Newms: [3:15] Back here all the way through all of your nasal cavities don't do that. Pastor Bill: [3:21] Robin I've been doing a lot of sleeping trying to catch up to make the sinus infection better yeah that's what I'm sick with the flu and that just that knocks me out 100 percent perlite, so we can have two weeks and then this time it's I know it's a science infection I can actually feel it, you know and then when my immune system tries to fight something that affects my whole body my whole body starts to act like I've got a fever even when I don't, I have a fever so I get all the eggs in the pains and the that weird stuff so, and then I'm so susceptible to medicines like, so I started taking acetaminophen and ibuprofen because that's a really good mixture you know but then I'm so susceptible to medications that, yeah. Pastor Newms: [4:14] You at night for a while. Pastor Bill: [4:17] Well well I sleep in the nude right and. Pastor Newms: [4:19] It's too much information but thank you. Pastor Bill: [4:22] Well hold on hold on this morning I remember here in the puppy whining I remember looking out the window and seeing there were sunlight and I remember looking at my phone, 7:33 and then the next thing I knew I was sitting on the couch fully dressed and it was several hours later I had an unopened monster sitting next to me and I was holding the puppy and I was like, I think I took too much cinnamon often and ibuprofen because I have no idea how I got out here and and I don't remember putting on clothes. Pastor Newms: [4:53] Well at least. Pastor Bill: [4:54] I left her at least I put on clothes before I win. Pastor Newms: [4:56] Exactly exactly at least you did the right steps and you didn't just you know you do live in the country but. Pastor Bill: [5:05] That you have blood you have children. Pastor Newms: [5:07] Right so you don't want to be standing out on your porch with your grandma across the street waving just everything waving you know just. Pastor Bill: [5:18] So maybe I need a dial back up just just a bit on the administer this sort of benefit and ibuprofen mixture because because I'm pretty sure acceptable to, the case that didn't number. Pastor Newms: [5:41] There it is that box yep the Box you have no recollection of actually purchasing. Pastor Bill: [5:47] Box I have no red but you were there you remember it so I highly at least then at least there I have you know. Pastor Newms: [5:49] I do remember it I fully remember. Pastor Bill: [5:55] For evidence of what happens because you were there. Pastor Newms: [5:57] Let me show you this cool little shop that I go to that you've never been to and then next thing I know we're it's the next day and you're going we're just Box come from. Pastor Bill: [6:09] This is where I keep all the love notes my wife wrote me while we were dating. In that box right there. Pastor Newms: [6:21] Nope don't put it there then we can't see Jessie. Pastor Bill: [6:23] Your face is covering that whole part of my desk so they can't see Jesse anyway. Pastor Newms: [6:29] Oh yeah we'll still move it slightly over because I can't see Jesse thank you. Pastor Bill: [6:36] Move you can see Jesse. Pastor Newms: [6:39] Selfish but hey deal with it y'all. Pastor Bill: [6:44] I keep three pictures of people in my bedroom I keep Jesse my father-in-law I keep a picture of my grandmother right up there and I keep a picture of my mom over there and that's it that's all I got as far as pictures, anyway yeah so, how was your week pastor newms. Pastor Newms: [7:15] I worked for days and then part of the fifth day but we were technically close as a company. Pastor Bill: [7:26] Closed for Veterans Day. Well I can't play games right now, so there's that. Pastor Newms: [7:55] Do we have an ETA on your computer. Pastor Bill: [7:59] No they sent me a list of parts they wanted me to buy and then they're going to do the labor putting it all together but I have to go get the part. Pastor Newms: [8:11] Amazon is your friend. Pastor Bill: [8:14] Yeah they sent me a on links. Pastor Newms: [8:16] Or I could send you a different link to another company that can actually compare it's called PC part picker it's what we typically use. Pastor Bill: [8:24] Is he part picker. Pastor Newms: [8:37] Aspects and then I buy the parts and. Pastor Bill: [8:44] Imagine if your name was Peter Piper and you worked for a PC company called part picker. [9:00] So my week was you know this this nonsense. Pastor Newms: [9:04] Aha. Pastor Bill: [9:05] This infection nonsense the puppies doing great driving me nuts at night one to go out that's expected when you're housebreaking a puppy. Pastor Newms: [9:22] Better him waking you up than him not waking you up her her. Pastor Bill: [9:27] We've got it yeah her we've got her in this kennel and she doesn't absolutely hate it so that's good, during the day the other day it was the middle of the day and she wanted to go out and instead of going to the door and she hasn't quite figured that out yet she went to her kennel, and got into her kennel and started yapping and when I went over there she started doing Tippy Toe tippy toes, and I put the collar higher you know the thing on her we went outside and she went to use the restroom she she went to the kennel to let me know she needed to go outside so that was kind of funny. Pastor Newms: [10:04] That's fine so Kaiju you know all of her 60 found Pound gloriousness, everyone can be downstairs on the couch watching a TV both her mama's so my sister and my wife downstairs on the couch watching something she will come, upstairs and bark at me and it's like what do you need, and she has me go to the stairs and yelled down someone please let Kai out and she'll go out as opposed to just telling them so puppies are weird, I thought that would change when I moved my office upstairs because she used to do what my office was downstairs thought it would change it hasn't she still comes and tells. Pastor Bill: [10:55] It's like man I'm just gonna go find you. Pastor Newms: [10:57] Yeah, which is really funny she does the same thing when both me and her mom might my sister who we both had their lives upstairs and she will. Come into my office from the bedroom to tell me she needs to go out and it's like. Pastor Bill: [11:23] You're like you were just in the bedroom with a human being. Pastor Newms: [11:26] Yeah yeah why does daddy have to be the one yeah. Here we go my favorite segments. Pastor Bill: [11:42] You ready your favorite segments in the whole wide world. Pastor Newms: [11:44] With my most hated cards. Pastor Bill: [11:47] What's the cheesiest movie moment or line you can think of. [12:17] Question was what's the cheesiest movie moment or line you can think of. [12:42] So what pops into my head immediately you know without doing much searching or trying to think about it would be the anal but monkey from Bruce Almighty. Pastor Newms: [12:52] I do. Pastor Bill: [12:54] That's some super cheesy stuff right there. Pastor Newms: [12:56] I don't remember that. Pastor Bill: [12:58] You don't remember that. It's the gangsters and they're like we're going to mess you up bottle and he's like. Pastor Newms: [13:12] I don't know zadie says if you're a bird I'm a bird which I have no idea what that's from. Pastor Bill: [13:20] Me either. Pastor Newms: [13:21] Phoenix says you had me at hello that one is pretty cheesy oh it's from The Notebook that's a movie. [13:39] We don't need no badges from bigs that that works. Pastor Bill: [13:44] We don't need no stinking badges. Pastor Newms: [13:46] I can think of one and I'm just going to say part of it and it's just dingdong and that that's all I'm going to say like a doorbell ding dong. [14:07] That's that's that's a that's a something I don't know if that's cheesy yeah I can't think of anything real cheesy I'm not doing well thinking of cheesy. Pastor Bill: [14:20] Should we pull another car or. Pastor Newms: [14:22] I think we should. Pastor Bill: [14:27] Would you rather have unlimited sushi for life or unlimited tacos for life. Pastor Newms: [14:33] Tacos that's a stupid question. Pastor Bill: [14:36] Really tacos. Pastor Newms: [14:36] I don't like sushi it's uncooked most of. Pastor Bill: [14:40] I love sushi. Pastor Newms: [14:45] Now the thing about it it's a valid question because we're Sushi there's a lot of different kinds, so many and same with tacos there's a lot of different kinds of tacos and so with the sushi or the tacos you could have arguably not the same meal, every day even though it's all you can eat. Pastor Bill: [15:12] And technically you could have sushi Taco because Sushi is just a word that means with rice. Pastor Newms: [15:22] Yes senior poopy bottom there is cooked sushi, I haven't had any I am not a sushi person my daughter is a sushi person Biggs eats sushi. With there's a there's a place we go here where, Biggs share sushi with my daughter when we go there there's a Hibachi place that also does sushi pretty good so, but yeah that's um I'd say tacos though so would you actually say Sushi over tacos. Pastor Bill: [16:05] Yeah I would actually choose Sushi I guess I've had enough tacos in my life though and I would I would choose, unless unless it's just that Sushi they sell at Walmart from that really awful brand that warmer went with where The Rice literally tastes like cardboard. And then I guess I would choose tacos. Pastor newms walked away. Pastor Newms: [16:31] I'm sorry I had to I had to walk away for anyone to say a Blasphemous statement like, I've had too many tacos in my life I just I, I can't even fathom I've had too many tacos in my life I just I, I think I'm legitimately offended we've had full on arguments, on here about deep religious comments and the thing I think that has offended me the most is. Pastor Bill: [17:32] Is my statement about Taco intake. Pastor Newms: [17:35] I've had too many tacos, who we might have just lost the all of our viewers over that one I think everyone else has left us now because you've had too many tacos, no I'm just that's just it hurt but I get it. Pastor Bill: [17:57] Or maybe me. Pastor Newms: [17:59] I get it, I understand because I mean you've had a lot of tacos I get that it. Pastor Bill: [18:11] I mean I grew up in in Texas and there's a you know when you when you live in a small town where one of the only fast food options is a Taco Bell. Pastor Newms: [18:22] Those aren't tacos. Pastor Bill: [18:23] You eat there a lot just like us. Pastor Newms: [18:25] Those aren't tacos no those aren't tacos. Pastor Bill: [18:29] Okay let me let me let me reiterate the question. If you could only have Jack in the Box deep-fried tacos or sushi for the rest of your life. Pastor Newms: [18:42] Sushi cuz I won't eat Jack-in-the-Box deep-fried tacos. Pastor Bill: [18:45] Right that's nasty that ain't taco. Pastor Newms: [18:47] Well there are people who love those but know at that point I would have to force myself to eat sushi I don't like which here's the funny thing about sushi. Pastor Bill: [18:59] I don't know I don't understand how anybody it's Jack in the Box it's just dog food. Pastor Newms: [19:03] You got to be really high anyway the I mean they leaned into it when you have a meal called the Munchie Meal you just you know who your target audience is it's just one of. Pastor Bill: [19:16] Your target audiences. Pastor Newms: [19:17] So the thing about sushi that I don't like here's the really funny part everything is in sushi I like right. [19:29] But with sushi it's all touching and I don't like that necessarily. Pastor Bill: [19:36] It's all touching and Tacos as well. Pastor Newms: [19:38] That's the funny thing that I was going to step that's the that's the Paradox that I was just going to say is the reason I don't like sushi sits everything rolled up in it but I love burritos I love tacos, we're just contemplating whether or not we're going to make tamales for Christmas or not, you know and we were at the store today and zaidi was like should we make tamales this year and I'm like I think we should so we're probably going to make tamales this year for Christmas but. Pastor Bill: [20:09] But can we can we both agree that Chicago deep dish pizza is actually just marinara soup. Pastor Newms: [20:19] No Pastor Bill: [20:36] There's this video go to rat on Tick-Tock of a Chicago-style deep-dish being made and they cut it and they go to pick up the piece of pizza and all the marinara sauce just falls off into the pizza and they just have, thin piece of crust and some cheese and they're like oh that looks delicious that's amazing I love that and I was like, you need a spoon to eat that that is not pizza. Pastor Newms: [21:00] And that is not deep dish that is not deep dish, yeah that's not deep dish pizza either that no that's that's something else that's that's, yeah I think I think I think Biggs is going to start I think I actually heard him scream from across town and I think I heard my mother gasp from in the same household, as Biggs types that is not Chicago Pizza being. Pastor Bill: [21:33] Brother I'm a tick tock talking about this is the best Chicago deep dish pizza you can buy this is amazing I've been there and having it amazing. Pastor Newms: [21:41] Blasphemy, the internet disagreed with you so much you froze there for a second even the internet was like now we got to make him be quiet he's got a quit big says that's fake news. Pastor Bill: [21:56] Those fake that's fake news close. Pastor Newms: [22:01] There is a place that Biggs enjoyed in downtown Fort Worth. Pastor Bill: [22:12] Risen who knows yeah. [22:29] To wrap up season three we're looking back at season 3. Pastor Newms: [22:36] Oh not all the way back okay. Pastor Bill: [22:37] Not quite two years worth of content but. Pastor Newms: [22:40] No no it's over two years worth of content episode 14 season, three was in October of 2020. Pastor Bill: [23:07] Well newms picked his best his favorite episodes for the season and I was supposed to do the same thing but then this whole thing and I just slept so, so I went through his list and I picked out my for favorites from his list. Pastor Newms: [23:27] I was I only supposed to pick for. Pastor Bill: [23:29] No I didn't give you a number. I just that's what I picked out my favorite for. Pastor Newms: [23:35] All right do you want to talk about your favorite for first. Okay so let's go in order backwards what do you think where do you want to go in order for words. Pastor Bill: [23:47] I don't know what you mean by backwards or forwards because it depends on where you're starting from. Pastor Newms: [23:49] You want me to start with 91 or do you want me to start with one. Pastor Bill: [23:54] We should start with one. Pastor Newms: [23:55] Okay so episode one of season three I listed as my favorite because it's where we talked about Halloween now we've talked about Halloween several, we're short for Halloween twice in this series in this, but this one was one that you shared some of your Halloween Thoughts From the Past, and like like the reason why we exchange Halloween cards which is a really funny situation because when I say exchange Halloween cards what I mean is billiam sends me a Halloween card every year, except for this year which he did not mail me a Halloween card but I was in Texas and so I gave him a Halloween card not knowing. Pastor Bill: [24:41] Somewhere still the exchange of Halloween. Pastor Newms: [24:43] That he didn't get me one which is just humorous but one of the big, takeaways from that episode overall was to not be fearful of things that are not, understood or not known by you and those types of things and that was one of the big takeaways, what do you want to say about that episode. Pastor Bill: [25:17] No yeah the the the big takeaway there is absolutely right just because you don't understand it, doesn't mean you have to fear it you should be you should be grasping a hold of what you do understand, and as a Christian what you do understand is that the light has one God is one the darkness is lost, you should be embracing that instead of freaking out that oh my gosh I knew Hocus Pocus movie came out, and. Pastor Newms: [25:49] Let's just lean on the understanding that it wasn't as good as the first and. Pastor Bill: [25:54] Actually. Pastor Newms: [25:56] You did not enjoy it more. Pastor Bill: [25:59] Will you let me talk I understand what. Pastor Newms: [26:02] Taco comment earlier. Pastor Bill: [26:05] Sending me I understand what you're saying but my kids be eight year old and a three year old, had zero interest in Hocus Pocus after seeing hocus-pocus one but then when they saw hocus-pocus to they were like oh my gosh these are the best two movies ever and they wanted to re-watch hocus-pocus one and two and one and two, but it wasn't until I saw two that it really spoke to their worldview you know. Pastor Newms: [26:42] And we'll move on from there so the next one I picked was episode 13 episode 13 was entitled the Berean lifestyle and, I I loved the discussion that we had around the Brie and lifestyle because this is called the Berean Manifesto we talked about bereans a lot we've talked about the bereans a bunch, but in that episode we really dug into what that means, and those types of things and as Biggs just said on Twitch it did Leave It Wide Open for next year I'm pretty sure they're going to do a Disney Channel spin-off or something with the three new girls or something but that's fine, yeah I really that's what I think they're going to lead into a TV show and I'm okay but I loved the discussion that we had around the Brie and lifestyle and why we do it and what it truly means so yeah. Pastor Bill: [27:46] Awesome. Pastor Newms: [27:49] Okay so then episode go ahead. Pastor Bill: [27:54] It's really important to me the whole Berean lifestyle issue, you sleep it's the name of the whole podcast after it you know and so any time where we get to really just dive into well what does that mean and what are the implications and why do we choose that, it's really a good a good time a good time for me and a good time for me to express. [28:24] A lot of the way I see that life should be lived but then like we were talking about last week you know we're just kind of. [28:34] Preaching to the choir at this. Pastor Newms: [28:37] That we can talk about that in a minute but yeah I I was a little saddened in looking over the last year statistically, but we can talk about that later when we do wrap up at the end. Okay the next one, I skip to episode 39 so I skipped like half a year and it was called Progressive, quotation mark line quotation mark dot dot dot right and what we talked about in that episode was around the, the disc deconstruction movement things that we saw things that we knew and the fact that deconstruction overall isn't. Pastor Bill: [29:58] This is the first one of your list that I was like yes I that was one of my favorites and for two reasons there's this is one of my favorites for two reasons one is, well you were just saying you know it deconstruction is is actually to me an essential part, any Christians walk because, the defining factor that that makes you a Christian versus not a Christian, is that you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth. [30:38] And if you never actually do a deep dive into what it is that you're doing why it is that you're doing what it is that you actually believe, good how can you be sure that you actually believe or were you, coerced through emotion to recite a prayer, right so I have so many people that they grew up thinking oh yeah I'm a Christian I'm a Christian I think I go to church you know I serve in the church and then years later the look back and they'll go and never actually believed any of that. [31:18] I thought I did and I thought I was passionate about it or you'll get people to be like oh yeah I was a Believer but I'm not anymore, and that's just not how Christianity really works if you ever were truly convinced, then you can't be unconvinced it's once you understand the truth it is the truth that's how it works, and so there's that P and keep what important part there's you don't want to get to the end of your life thinking I'm a believer I'm going to go to heaven I'm going to live eternally with God how whatever your you know idea of the afterlife is, and then you get to judgment and and Jesus I never knew you, like Jesus said would happen with what some of those. [32:13] Pastors that would get there and we cast out demons in your name we healed the sick in your name is he's I never knew you, because it never actually believed you know you don't want to get there and have that moment, it'd be much better for you to understand that now and then perhaps there's a chance for you to find Salvation later and actually be convinced and have faith, and then that was that was number one is that an essential part of Christianity and then number two, is [32:48] One of the things we talked about was that Christianity is social justice, it's not that you know we we see a lot in the Evangelical culture about this well woke is the wrong way it's anti-christian well no, Christianity is social justice everything that Jesus did is defined as social justice everything that he commanded us to do, is social justice everything New Testament talks about that is the quintessential Christianity that is social justice, if you look around the world and you're seeing these social justice things happening and you're like I don't believe that that's communism whatever, you need to take a step back because Christianity is social justice and if you're using it as a tool for something else. [33:46] That's that's that's wrong that's not what Christianity is and so that's that's two reasons why I really like that episode. Pastor Newms: [33:57] So the next episode was episode 40 real far jump from 39. Pastor Bill: [34:06] So far. Pastor Newms: [34:07] And it was called defending the dot-dot-dot and the thing I loved about it was you know we're called to defend and sometimes that's making a whip because the story that we used was you know Jesus at the temple creating a whip and it wasn't because he was mad because, you know just because they had turned his father's Temple into you know, a den of capitalism but it was because they were taking advantage of people and that's truly, you know also part you know a huge part of that and that lends itself to that discussion we had before of you know in a lot of ways that Jesus was very much, for the people and taking advantage of people is bad. Pastor Bill: [35:05] Well the equivalent if you really want to you know brass tacks it the equivalent is, imagine you went to church one day and in the lobby there's table setup and there's people there that are there they have this sales pitch of, you bills bills got you down can't afford to pay your tithe this week just come take out a loan. Pastor Newms: [35:28] Open up this credit card. Pastor Bill: [35:30] Overall this credit card and pay your tithe on this credit card no problem small low interest fee it's fine don't worry about the interest you can handle it. Pastor Newms: [35:39] It really is. Pastor Bill: [35:41] This is the equivalent of what was going on and so it's like excuse me you're going to see what now, oh you want to participate in the building fund but you don't have any extra funds today no problem just take out a loan, we'll apply that money to the building fund and there you go you've participate in the building fund and you can just pay off the interest later it's a win-win we, we make me make a little bit of money off of loaning you money and you get to participate in the building fun it's great right. This is the idea of what was going on and that I think that would make me angry too. Pastor Newms: [36:20] I think it would make most people angry that doesn't make you angry I'm a little worried I won't be honest all right so then, episode 43 What Fear can teach us about faith which is pretty evident from the title fears not always bad it's how you respond, it does it for that one. Pastor Bill: [36:47] What's the same thing about bravery bravery is not the absence of fear, bravery is how you respond in the face of fear, instead of letting fear win well faith is not the absence of doubt it's not the absence of fear, faith is being surrounded by doubt and fear, and going you know what these doubts and these fears are just fuel for my faith and you know pushing forward with what you believe is real despite the lack of evidence for that or the evidence to the contrary, so yeah. [37:42] Really not it's really not because it doesn't it doesn't fit the narrative the Evangelical narrative you know that, you live and then you die and you only have the choice while you're living and. [38:01] It's hard to coerce people into being afraid of failing to find Salvation when they're alive if. You have to explain that there were a time when other people had a different option, and if this is all confusing you then you should go back and listen to me up so, but basically we talked about the where the New Testament talks about Jesus during that time after he died he goes to hell and he preaches the gospel to those that are in captive and she'll those who had died before, so that they have access to the Salvation as well it's a really good it's a really good concept I think because it, it answers this question you get a lot of people who ask well what about if Jesus is the only way to heaven of Jesus the only way to God, what about all those people that live before Jesus did they just are they just doomed to Hell forever and will that that answer is in the, it's there and to deny that part of the Fiat the basic theology that's in the Bible because we've talked about that the Bible is literally just basic theology, to deny that denies some of the questions that people have why did they make you laugh. Pastor Newms: [39:26] You remind me of a song and I don't remember what band it was I think I remember the band but I don't want to miss a the band and then have bigs and zadie yell at me but, the, basic instructions before leaving Earth solids for it's just basic instructions it's right there in the acronym and I want to say it was The Katinas this thing that, a hundred percent on that I was that's what I thought who was it. Pastor Bill: [40:00] Camera with the name of the band but it wasn't it wasn't The Katinas. Pastor Newms: [40:03] No okay I think I did that I think I did that once before and then had to look it up and realized who it was all right next one. Pastor Bill: [40:15] Who was it that thing. Pastor Newms: [40:16] Episode 71 casting lots and hanging thoughts so, and that's thoughts as in thoughty2 or all of those out there who are understand internet references, thoughts. Pastor Bill: [40:37] Burlap to Cashmere. Pastor Newms: [40:39] I'll Burlap to cashmere that's who it was thank you. That's just a great title it was a great title is very good on your part and, good discussion throughout that episode its parts that people don't talk about a lot its parts that you know casting lots is a very interesting thing, and so yeah it was it was an interesting one. Pastor Bill: [41:10] Casting lots being something that you still do. Pastor Newms: [41:13] I do I do that is true. Pastor Bill: [41:15] I do it from time to time. Pastor Newms: [41:17] I mean I do it with I do it right here I mean I've got I've got my dice tray right here I played D&D with it but these three I use, to help make decisions when I can't make a decision. Pastor Bill: [41:34] Yeah I mean when you flip a coin when you know when people flip a coin like should we go to Denny's or should be good IHOP let's flip a coin that's casting lots if you're casting lat. Pastor Newms: [41:45] My favorite time to use it, is should I do this or should I do that and it's always I don't use it for big decisions of course but I use it for things like should I take a nap or should I play video games should I watch this movie or should I take a nap should I, actually usually it's if I should take a nap or not should I do whatever the family wants me to do or should I take a nap it really is around my nap time let's I think like 90% of the time it's if I should take a nap or not, now that I start thinking about it. Pastor Bill: [42:21] Try to take a nap or not. [42:35] And as far as casting lots the the Old Testament law actually lays out casting lots as one of the ways to determine what God's will for something in, so it's not witchcraft is not Wizardry it's not you know whatever it's actually laid out, in the Old Testament as a way for the followers of the Lord to determine what is God's will for something. [43:08] All right, C3 p72. Pastor Newms: [43:11] 72 aren't they glands so, I wrote this it's not it doesn't have anything to do with what the actual conversation was about but I wrote the comment insults can be a good thing and it's not it's not what the, the thing was about at all, but I thought it was clever so that's what I wrote I like the conversation because it really showed, that that term when it's used in that verse it is an insult, like aren't these guys just fishermen aren't these guys just idiots aren't these guys just those guys that are uneducated like how are they talking like this how do they have this understanding the important part around that is of course that, it's the holy spirit so. Pastor Bill: [44:02] It's the same concept of, when Jesus went into the temple and it was his day to just speak and he, he chose a scroll and he read from Isaiah about, the time when the Lord would come to Open the Eyes of the Blind and open here's the death and to declare the year of the Lord, and the reaction of the crowd. [44:33] Wait isn't this the Carpenter's son how can you even read the scroll you know it's that same concept something something, Supernatural is happening that this idiot is able to do that, and so it's this moment of of when you're being underestimated and and it was it was at this, this point of the day of Pentecost and there there are speaking in all these languages of all these people, and then they're talking about these deep level Concepts and the the people like aren't these galileans it because they're hearing their accents, and in the in that episode you were you were talking about it's similar to saying like aren't these coal miners from that coal mining town aren't these fishermen from that fishing to like, these guys aren't supposed to be Rogue Scholars these guys are supposed to be idiots who were just good for, the rough-and-tumble jobs how are they saying these things. [45:52] Yeah that one day esta la biblioteca. Pastor Newms: [45:58] Yeah thank you that was another great point of that, episode now I'm a little confused, going into the next to because you said you have for that you really liked and you said this is my first one, we're down to two and you've never said this is what I also picked. Pastor Bill: [46:25] Sorry it was it was 3969. 71 and 72. Pastor Newms: [46:33] Okay okay I was like wait a second now so this is one of the things I put in my personal notes down here, of part of season 3 that I did not enjoy, which towards the end of season 3 I don't even remember how many episodes. [47:01] I was the big face and I was leading it, because Bill took a sabbatical and you can't trust it just by the image I thought about that but I think it's like one less than the image maybe maybe but, so these last two are ones that I actually LED that that I picked episode 87, reasons Christians should not celebrate birthdays and the reason why this was brought up is because I hate my birthday, I hate celebrating my birthday I don't like celebrating Christmas I don't like getting gifts I don't think we should celebrate holidays because I don't like, I love giving people gifts I love giving people at you know I don't like receiving so I don't think we should celebrate birthdays because of that, now of course that's crazy you should listen to episode it's funny but the reason I picked it was because it's talking about, why we should speak on things even if we don't like it like the idea came to me because I was upset that we are celebrating my birthday, or about to I can't remember which side it was on. [48:24] And I was like I don't want to do this I should talk about that let me find biblically I know there sects of Christianity that don't celebrate birthdays let me find Y and let me disprove the fact that we shouldn't do this and of course, isn't valid scriptural evidence for it so, I didn't win the argument but that's the point is as people who are, studying to have the conversations. [49:00] We can't just talk about we want sometimes we've talked about hard topics that we don't enjoy because they're hard topics and that's why I brought that one up. [49:12] And then episode 91 which was is salvation the end goal, and that was a good conversation I think discipleship is extremely important and so often as Bill alluded to earlier, certain churches have pushed The Narrative of salvations the most important thing. [49:54] And it is super important but we're not, commanded the Great Commission is not go get people saved it's Go Make Disciples we should be discipling and so often we lose that in your big, congregation style churches where, not all of course not all there are deer churches out there that have discipleship programs in small groups and are doing it correctly but there is a lot especially in the, 90s and hearts that were just pushing for salvation numbers and, that doesn't help build the kingdom it just builds people that sometimes then go and deconstruct because they wasn't actual belief there to begin with. [50:45] And so those were my episodes that I chose that I liked a lot from, the last 100 episodes in season 3 also I wrote it was a very very long two years if you think about where we were in October of 2022 now. Oh my gosh there's so much difference between those two time periods. Pastor Bill: [51:12] Happened in that. Pastor Newms: [51:13] Um so much so much has happened in those two years. To your punk so it's it's twice one is the celebration of the king that took John the Baptist head. It was during that celebration that they took John the Baptist head because he was like I'm in a good mood and his, daughter nice someone I don't have the scriptures pulled so I don't want to miss say it, female relative was like you should give me John the Baptist head because you're in a good mood and he was like yeah let's do it. Pastor Bill: [52:13] Niece / stepdaughter. Pastor Newms: [52:16] Yes there you go and the other one is one of the Pharaohs, back in somewhere there's a discussion of a Pharaoh's birthday I don't remember where or, when but those are the two only and so because of that because of that some people say you shouldn't celebrate your birthday and in certain Jewish cultures, certain you know depending on which sect of Judaism they don't. Pastor Bill: [52:48] Jehovah's Witnesses don't celebrate birthdays. Pastor Newms: [52:51] Do not either that is correct. Pastor Bill: [52:53] I believe the Greek Orthodox don't celebrate birthdays. [53:06] But they do make great Gyros. Pastor Newms: [53:08] Yes I do miss the Greek festival. Pastor Bill: [53:16] Yeah but there's a lot of pagan stuff tied up in birthdays, the round cake and the candles being worship of Artemis the blowing out the candles and what. Is that where you get sheet cake instead of round. Pastor Newms: [53:35] I said I used a square sheet cake. Pastor Bill: [53:38] Yeah the blowing out the candles and make a wish the the smoke is supposed to carry your wish up to Artemis so she can grant your wish there's all these all these. Pastor Newms: [53:47] That's just in sanitary. Pastor Bill: [53:49] Pagan things that right my last birthday you know because we're in the height of pandemic not my last breath the breath for that, they lit the candles and I was like bring the cake out and they were like no don't blow on it was like I'm not going to blow on it and they were like what do you want us to light the candles like someone put the candles out well no not you can't blow it I'm not gonna blow on it so they got close and I did a Thunderclap, and it's all the candles went out it was great you know I was like Hulk smash Thunderclap. Pastor Newms: [54:22] Nice all right so what else. Pastor Bill: [54:27] All right what would seven parody. Pastor Newms: [54:30] What else do you want to discuss in episode 100 episode 100. Pastor Bill: [54:37] We're good next week we next week know the 300 technically but yeah next week we were going to hit season 4 episode 1, so that'll be that'll be good we're gonna we're actually going to spend, most if not all of that episode in Genesis 1:1 so that'll be fun, and so we'll talk we'll talk a little bit about, Genesis as a whole and then we'll be focusing on in on Genesis 1:1 and then we'll kind of see where we go from there for the rest of the season I don't know I doubt we'll be doing an exegesis from Genesis 11 through all of scripture, so we're definitely going to talk about. Pastor Newms: [55:37] That would take more than 100 episodes I think so. Pastor Bill: [55:38] More than more