S4EP04 - To Be Hot?

The Berean Manifesto

05-01-2023 • 54 Min.

Pastor Bill: [2:04] Hello and welcome to season four, episode four of The Berean Manifesto; Faith, Hope, and Love for the Modern Christian. I'm Pastor Bill and I am joined by Pastor Newms. As always, Newms, how are you doing?   Pastor Newms: [2:22] I'm good, sir. How are you today?   Pastor Bill: [2:24] I'm well tonight. I'm well. How was your Christmas break? We took two weeks off the podcast.   Pastor Newms: [2:30] We did. We were busy between the two of us. Days that you weren't busy. I was, days that you were busy. I wasn't. And it made it very. It's no big deal. It's the holidays. I mean, I actually texted Mom. I was like, Hey, make sure Biggs is on right on time tonight because I had something funny. And she was like, I didn't know you guys were going live tonight. I was like, That's true. It is the first. So the way it fell, you know, it's a little different, but it's good. It's good. I had pretty, pretty good things. I worked. A lot. I've only had I had last Friday and then Monday, and then I have Monday off. So it was three, four-day weeks in a row. But I didn't take any additional time this year because I didn't do any traveling, so I saved my vacation for later. So. And Biggs is saying that you did your office is something different that I'm not noticing?   Pastor Bill: [3:48] Um, I don't know. I mean, we did. It is a recent redo, and then we did take a couple of weeks off, so. Maybe it's just hitting different.   Pastor Newms: [3:59] Maybe. I don't know. I don't know. How was your holidays?   Pastor Bill: [4:05] All right, So. There were holidays. You know, my sister Natalie flew in from California with her husband, Luke. We haven't seen them in three years, so we got to go spend some time with them. That was fun and games and whatnot over at my mom's house.   Pastor Newms: [4:28] Did you guys get any bad ice or anything?   Pastor Bill: [4:28] Christmas at the mother-in-law's. We got some cold, but there was no bad ice.   Pastor Newms: [4:36] That’s good. There was snow on the ground near Christmas, but technically not a white Christmas this year. It was like.   Pastor Bill: [4:44] We got snow. But it didn't stick. So.   Pastor Newms: [4:49] And we had ice by the time it was Christmas.   Pastor Bill: [4:50] And then today. It was like 80 degrees with a nice breeze outside. I spent like 2 hours in the front yard laying on a comforter spread. Doing my last-minute study for tonight. Just enjoying the, you know, the nice temperatures.   Pastor Newms: [5:10] It's like sixties here now. Yeah. So.   Pastor Bill: [5:17] Cool. But as far as weeks go, it was just, you know, busy with a bunch of holidays.   Pastor Newms: [5:25] Yeah, I. I did something. I did something big in games, but not a huge deal outside of games. I completed the Pokédex for Scarlet Violet, minus one. Because you have to in order to get a tradable version of the legendary, you have to beat the game. And I haven't beaten Violet yet, so I don't have them right on. But I have every other Pokémon in my life decks. And so that was a thing that I did this week and then started playing a completely different game. So that was fun. Yeah, it was fun.   Pastor Bill: [6:06] Is the game called Your Chronicle?   Pastor Newms: [6:09] No, that's one of my idle games. Your Chronicle and idling to rule the gods are my two idol games that I play, so they're pretty much always up, and Discord just grabs whatever game was up last. I try to normally not play heavy. Lots of movement and sound games during.   Pastor Bill: [6:34] Service podcast.   Pastor Newms: [6:34] Sunday night. And yes, as Senior Poopie Bottom said, I, I did not know. Okay. So I just realized. Senior Poopy Bottom who Senior Poopy Bottom is. And I don't know if I knew who Senior Poopy Bottom was until just now.   Pastor Bill: [6:55] Who is a Senior Poopy Bottom? I do not know who it is. No.   Pastor Newms: [6:55] Have we talked about that? Senior Poopy Bottom. Did I know that you were Senior Poopy Bottom?   Pastor Bill: [7:05] Let the rest of us in on the secret, bro.   Pastor Newms: [7:08] Well, he's sitting on my couch, um, downstairs. Not. Not the dog right here. That'd be creepy.   Pastor Bill: [7:16] Not to judge the type.   Pastor Newms: [7:18] But that's actually. That's actually Mr. Groggy.   Pastor Bill: [7:24] That's Mr. Groggy. How many identities does that man have?   Pastor Newms: [7:25] Mr. Groggy. I don't know what I do. Oh. Well, that's why I was like, Wait a second. He was letting me play Violet. Yeah, I let him borrow Violet last week, which is why while he was borrowing Violet, I finished the Scarlet dex and then did a bunch of trades when he came in. You know, because he came to spend New Years with us, and we played Mortal Kombat 11 on the Switch all night till, like, one. And if she says anything, it's not true. Rayne did not beat me like four or five times in a row. That is fake news. If she tells you that it is, it is not true. Mm-hmm. I was not a happy person. She beat me so many times. Just over and over again. And. But anyway, it's. It's all good.   Pastor Bill: [8:31] So you got a venom thing? You showed us that. I got a pocket watch that I attached to a wristband. So I can just. Find.   Pastor Newms: [8:33] I did. Oh, that's. That's steampunk.   Pastor Bill: [8:48] So steampunk. I love it. It's great. So steampunk.   Pastor Newms: [8:48] It's so steampunk when you come out here to visit. There's this. And we decide to take everybody to Dollywood. There's down there in Gatlinburg, there's this place that is this thing that you do. I can't do it because it's. It's like 3D and stuff, but. The whole idea is that you're in the steampunk ship going around the world. And so, like in the gift shop, there's the steampunk hats and steampunk goggles. And I was like, Oh, Bill would love all this crap.   Pastor Bill: [9:26] Have to go just for the gift shop.   Pastor Newms: [9:28] Yeah, we will. We probably won't pay for everyone to do that because it's like, Yeah. That was part of the existing grandma. Gloria's Christmas to us was everything they paid for, for the girls you know how that is, with Six Flags often. And so it was like, oh no. And yes, because I do know how you felt all those times that I beat you now while my children beat me at games so. Mhm.   Pastor Bill: [10:00] The wheel of time turns.   Pastor Newms: [10:02] Yeah. Yeah.   Pastor Bill: [10:05] What else? I got money. I got some money. Um. A couple of shots, of Fireball.   Pastor Newms: [10:19] How's that? Okay. Okay.   Pastor Bill: [10:22] They sell those little bottles that are just a shot's worth.   Pastor Newms: [10:23] I. Yep. Now, I fully understand. It's just. That's an interesting Christmas present. I didn't. Didn't. Huh?   Pastor Bill: [10:32] That was one of my favorite stocking stuffers, actually.   Pastor Newms: [10:36] He. I can understand.   Pastor Bill: [10:41] So, you know.   Pastor Newms: [10:43] It's actually, the cinnamon is not that high in carbs. So.   Pastor Bill: [10:51] All right. And now it's time for Getting To Know The Pastors. Yep, it is. As I pack my deck. Now the. Yeah. Yeah.   Pastor Newms: [10:55] Is it your week? Yeah. Like a pack of cigarettes when neither of us smokes. Okay. That makes so much sense. Only. Hmm.   Pastor Bill: [11:07] Right. All right. Would you rather.   Pastor Newms: [11:11] I'm going to say something right now. If this card is terrible and we start the year off with an awful card out of your deck, I'm not going to be happy. Go. You did not just change the card.   Pastor Bill: [11:29] I'm thinking about it.   Pastor Newms: [11:39] Oh, man. Now just read it. Try to start the year off. Right.   Pastor Bill: [11:45] So. Yeah. It's starting off, right? I mean, come girl.   Pastor Newms: [11:56] Oh.   Pastor Bill: [11:59] Okay. I'm sorry. Would you rather. Be the best player on a horrible team or the worst player on a great team.   Pastor Newms: [12:14] See, that's really hard because here's the reason why I say that's really hard. So like, if you're the best player on the worst team. And you feel like you're. Like you're wasting your time and talents. And I take that from a team, sports or business. But if you're the worst, you're constantly worried you're about to get got. So. Oh, that's. That's rough. That one is rough. I prefer to be third on either side.   Pastor Bill: [12:58] I prefer just not to do team things. But just. Yeah.   Pastor Newms: [13:02] I prefer to be like the third or fourth smartest person in a room and the most efficient person in a room. And like the. Unless you get traded a week before the Super Bowl. Um.   Pastor Bill: [13:17] Oh, yeah, that would stink.   Pastor Newms: [13:20] But Biggs. So Biggs says the worst on a good team. Um, I. Oh, I would have to say probably. Think if I actually had the answer, I would say. I don't want to ever be the best because it just feels. Even being mediocrely above the medium feels terrible when you're doing when you feel like you're doing more than others.   Pastor Bill: [13:52] If I was the best, I'd always be worried about eighties montages. It's like if you didn't suddenly be like. You're the best around. And I'd be like, Oh, crap. I'm in a montage.   Pastor Newms: [13:57] She's not us. 30-second buffer, 30-second buffer, 30-second buffer, Pastor Bill started. Singing 80 songs. Hmm. For those of you who don't get that joke, come join us live. And you will. Oh, yes. So but you got to choose which one? Which one would you truly choose? I prefer to just be middle, but. I think I agree with Biggs.   Pastor Bill: [14:45] The worst.   Pastor Newms: [14:46] Yeah, I think it's just I think being the best at anything at any moment is just would be infuriating. Like, if you were.   Pastor Bill: [14:52] The worst on the team, I mean.   Pastor Newms: [14:54] Because if you're the best on a bad team, I mean, if you're like, yeah, if you're the best on a bad team, you're constantly you'd be constantly frustrated because you're failing, but you're awesome.   Pastor Bill: [15:08] I mean, you'd constantly feel like Judas, just like, Man, I am better than these. Oh, wait, That was just.   Pastor Newms: [15:14] That was just pride. That's different. That was just. That was just pride. I need a fidget. Okay. I got one. I got one. I just realized I'm fidgeting with an extremely sharp. Knife. And if I slip, I must cut a finger. Of course, that's a straight, like, straight-edge razor blade. That's what I'm looking for. So that should not be what we're fidgeting with.   Pastor Bill: [15:40] So. You know, there's a new doctor coming up for Doctor Who?   Pastor Newms: [15:44] I have heard. Mm hmm. Hmm. Hmm hmm. Even though I'm far behind. But. Yes.   Pastor Bill: [15:47] And David Tennant, David Tennant is now the 10th and the 14th doctor. And there wasn't supposed to be any kind of release this year. And the BBC made this big deal of something big is coming tomorrow. Right.   Pastor Newms: [16:08] Like tomorrow is and tomorrow or they made a big deal and it's in the past. Okay. Oh.   Pastor Bill: [16:08] And it was. No like. New Years Adam They made a big deal that New Year's Eve, they were going to drop something big. And everybody was like, Oh, we're getting a surprise episode. Some kind of short. It was a trailer for next year's special. They made a Big To-Do about releasing a trailer.   Pastor Newms: [16:35] Well, that's what a teaser is.   Pastor Bill: [16:36] Oh, people are livid.   Pastor Newms: [16:39] That's what a teaser is. It's teasing the fact that there's a trailer.   Pastor Bill: [16:40] That they made such a big deal about the trailer.   Pastor Newms: [16:45] But that's. They do that with movies. They do that with everything. Because you release a teaser that says that there's a trailer coming.   Pastor Bill: [16:46] Oh, people are upset. I'm upset.   Pastor Newms: [16:55] I mean, that's what a teaser is. A teaser teases the trailer.   Pastor Bill: [16:59] But they could have said, we're releasing a trailer. But they made it sound like they were releasing something real.   Pastor Newms: [17:02] No, that's no fun. That's not a teaser. Hmm. Well, it was real. It was real footage. It was. Does he look good as The Doctor?   Pastor Bill: [17:09] And then there was this very.   Pastor Newms: [17:19] Oh, David Tennant's the next special. Okay. I'm sorry. I thought the next. Oh, okay. I'm trying to.   Pastor Bill: [17:24] Gave it the next, like three specials. As the 14th doctor, and then he'll regenerate into the 15th doctor.   Pastor Newms: [17:32] I've. I've tried to not be to. Spoilery in the fact that I'm, you know, old dude before chick.   Pastor Bill: [17:44] Hmm. You're asking about Nick. Cute chee guy. How do you say his name?   Pastor Newms: [17:52] I'm not going to try. I can't speak English correctly. I'm not going to insult someone else.   Pastor Bill: [17:57] I didn't want to say it, but. The first Canon black doctor I was going to say is his name, but he's the first Canon Black doctor, which I think is great.   Pastor Newms: [18:08] Yes.   Pastor Bill: [18:11] We've always known the doctor could and in spoilers. We saw a previous incarnation of the Doctor that's never been released in Canon during Jodie Foster, Jodie Whittaker's time, and as a black woman doctor.   Pastor Newms: [18:26] Oh, interesting. Thanks for the spoilers.   Pastor Bill: [18:28] But she's not like canon at this point. You know she's, you know, and so it's exciting to see where this actor will take the doctor. But that's what you're asking about. And as far as how he looks. They have released what his costume is. And it's very. Different. Let's put it that way. You know, The Doctor has always been buttoned up in suits and, you know, blah, blah, blah. And this is more like a t-shirt with a blazer and, dress down. It's not now. It's like what we saw in Matt Smith's first promotional material.   Pastor Newms: [19:10] Mhm.   Pastor Bill: [19:11] Except they've actually said this is actually his clothing. Dr..   Pastor Newms: [19:14] Got it. Interesting. It'll definitely be interesting to see where he takes where they take it with him as the head and where the girls are actually trying to get caught up to then back to where we were. Since they're older now and actually like, you know, cause there was like three the last time we watched it. Um, no, she wasn't that. Who?   Pastor Bill: [19:39] Is he Scottish? Biggs, said Scottish black Doctor Who, But I don't think he's Scottish. I think he's.   Pastor Newms: [19:48] Mm hmm. I don't think he's Scottish. He's. Uh-hmm.   Pastor Bill: [19:51] Ughandan?   Pastor Newms: [19:54] Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm. I don't. I don't remember.   Pastor Bill: [20:00] I was thinking he was born somewhere else and then grew up and.   Pastor Newms: [20:03] Yes, that's what I believe. Because I like him a lot on another show.   Pastor Bill: [20:19] Oh, yes. The. The woman. From. Previously, she was Scottish while she sounded Scottish. But she wasn't. She's not officially canon.   Pastor Newms: [20:37] Right here. Yeah, and I have no idea. So he's were Rwandan Scottish actor.   Pastor Bill: [20:44] Rwandan.   Pastor Newms: [20:45] Yeah, he's Rwandan. And his, you know, rose to prominence as Eric on the Netflix show Sex Education. Which is a pretty funny show. It's interesting, you know. And he is. Yeah, It's an interesting show.   Pastor Bill: [21:07] I'll take your word on it, as soon as this thing and the BBC finish ironing out their deal to have the full catalog of Doctor Who on Disney Plus. I'll be able to go in and rewatch a whole bunch of stuff and catch back up myself before the new stuff drops.   Pastor Newms: [21:28] And. there is how to pronounce his full name, which I.   Pastor Bill: [21:37] All right, here we go.   Pastor Newms: [21:39] I'm not good with little symbols either. So he doesn't help me, but.   Pastor Bill: [21:43] And Cookie. Shoot t. Institute. Hi. Is pronounced Shooty. Okay. It says it's pronounced shooty, not okay. So N - C makes a sound. And his last name is got to. He prefers to go by his middle name professionally, which is shooting. Well, that's fine. I didn't. I've only ever seen his name written. I haven't actually heard anybody say it. So.   Pastor Newms: [22:35] I heard it. Once, but I can't remember it.   Pastor Bill: [22:42] Yes, because they're supposed to have the exam, which says all 50 years on Disney Plus is supposed to be ironing out that deal to bring. Everything, all of Doctor Who on Disney Plus this year. So all the way from number one, all the way up to all of Jodie Whitaker's tenure and everything moving forward, it's supposed to come out on Disney Plus as it's released by the BBC overseas. Because like, right now I can't watch Doctor Who anywhere unless I download it. I don't have anywhere that I can watch Doctor Who.   Pastor Newms: [23:33] Yeah. Right now it's on. I believe it's HBO, Max. And we get it through our AT&T. We have it through. Yeah.   Pastor Bill: [23:44] So. I have Hulu. With HBO, Max. But the HBO Max that's with Hulu doesn't include foreign productions. So you can't watch Doctor Who on Hulu with HBO, Max.   Pastor Newms: [24:12] Interesting.   Pastor Bill: [24:20] Esker Boro, Week three. Oh, it's. It's okay.   Pastor Newms: [24:21] Yeah, I already. I already deleted it.   Pastor Bill: [24:26] I thought he was saying you could go somewhere to watch Doctor Who, and I was a bit like, Hmm. But no, you're right. It's.   Pastor Newms: [24:30] Nope. Now it's gone. It's gone out of everywhere. But what you call it? Yeah. And it's about to be.   Pastor Bill: [24:49] Well, it's gone. Whoever got rid of it, it's gone. All right. So. If you haven't been following along in season four, then you've missed. Three episodes. But we didn't get very far in what we're currently talking about.   Pastor Newms: [25:06] Well. Well, I mean, we've gotten far. It's just we haven't gotten far.   Pastor Bill: [25:13] If we're marking distance by numbers of chapter and verse.   Pastor Newms: [25:17] Oh. Hmm. We haven't gotten far.   Pastor Bill: [25:20] And we haven't gotten very far.   Pastor Newms: [25:23] If you're basing it on that, we have not gotten very far now.   Pastor Bill: [25:25] Right. We haven't got to read the first verse, number, and verse. And so this week, first off. Merry Christmas. We are currently in the 12 days of Christmas. Today is what, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, and 31. Is the eighth day of Christmas. I don't know why. I can't just remember which day is which when the eighth day of Christmas, we got Epiphany coming up. So that's fun. Epiphany is January 6th. The day when we celebrate the Wise men, the Magi, the men of Orient, the probably Zoroastrian individuals. Who brought gifts to Jesus with their caravans of camels and. And all the people that came with them. That's coming up. So that's exciting. That's not. I mean, not exciting, but it's exciting to me to mark those holidays, you know, for me personally. But I know a lot of people don't celebrate those things anymore. The commercialization of.   Pastor Newms: [26:35] Mm hmm.   Pastor Bill: [26:47] Christmas has proliferated greatly. I will just say it. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Any excuse to feel hope and inspiration and to reconnect with people that you haven't connected with in a while. And bury the hatchet and get rid of old grudges. Is a good deal. All right. The baby monitor was still on the receiver. Turn it off.   Pastor Newms: [27:25] So. Okay. I was wondering if and could hear Nibbles over here. Nibbles is very loud at the moment, and I just ask the girls to come get her because she is, loud this weekend.   Pastor Bill: [27:44] I don't hear the cat. Biggs says that he does.   Pastor Newms: [27:48] Yeah, that's Nibbles being a something.   Pastor Bill: [27:54] I don't hear it. So we started this.   Pastor Newms: [27:55] Well.   Pastor Bill: [27:57] We talked about Genesis one-one, and then we talked about Genesis one-two, and then we talked about John one-one, and then we talked about Genesis one-three and Genesis the first half of Genesis one-four. And we did all of that in the first three episodes, so. Where we pick up in this episode is the second half of Genesis one-four. And then we're going to go hopefully all the way through Genesis one-five. Although we may just burn right through this and be done early and be twiddling our thumbs.   Pastor Newms: [28:40] Mm hmm. I'm sure.   Pastor Bill: [28:42] Yeah. Genesis one-four. Last week we talked about God creating light and we talked about how it was less of the light to exist or light it exists and more of a light recognizing or calling out to the light. But we didn't really talk about it. Why we see it that way. Why we framed it that way. And where that comes from is here in verse five. So God creates the light. We're starting in the second half, of verse four. Yes.   Pastor Newms: [29:25] Well, are we going to start in four?   Pastor Bill: [29:31] So God sees the light that it's good. And then God separates the light from the darkness. Right. Now the word there is still gods. We're still talking about the plural. We're still using the plural for God, God's. And this word. Separated is. Is two words. It's. It's H914, which is baw-dal’ and it is H996, which is bane. Okay. Now, baw-dal’ is to distinguish as difference. To look at something and make a judgment and say the light and the darkness, we recognize them as two different things. And then, bane. Make sure I wrote this in my notes right.   Pastor Newms: [30:39] Me to read it, have it open.   Pastor Bill: [30:42] You don't have my notes open.   Pastor Newms: [30:44] No, but I have the thing open.   Pastor Bill: [30:49] And H996 is to declare a distinction between the two. Right. So he's making, God's making two statements here. He's declaring them as separate and seeing them as separate. So not only does God look at them and go, Well, you're two separate things, lightness and darkness. We talked about the light. There was that sentience of man. It was enlightenment, it was consciousness. And then that darkness was everything that's dark, right? It was misery and destruction and chaos. And all this stuff. And God is saying, well, these are two separate things. Two very separate things. Now, later. We're actually going to start calling those things good and evil when we get into chapter two. We're going to start using different terms. And the reason for the different terms is that like we talked about before. Genesis originally started with chapter two. And went on. And then when they went into captivity in Babylon, then they added chapter one, incorporating what the Babylonians knew about creation. Including those details into the story there at the beginning. And that's why there's this different viewpoint, different phrases for the same things. So this is the point where God is separating good and evil and saying these are actually separate things. These aren't just, you know, intermingled. And it's all it is what it is. It's not that's not what these things are. There is clearly good and there is clearly evil. And God can do that. Because God can deal in black and white. Pastor Newms, can you deal in black and white?   Pastor Newms: [32:57] I like Gray a lot, huh?   Pastor Bill: [33:00] I feel like the Sunday school teacher at this point. No, you cannot deal in black and white because you are human.   Pastor Newms: [33:04] I like. Yeah, Yeah, I like Gray a lot. Um, I pretty much live in gray.   Pastor Bill: [33:09] Yeah. Humans deal in gray. We do not deal in black and white. It is physically impossible for us to deal in black and white. They, God deals in black and white. God deals in pass or fail. So we see this in the character of God. We see this from the very beginning. Later on when we get to the ideas of salvation and we start talking about if you've broken one law, then you've broken all laws. If you're a sinner in one way, then you're a sinner. And always if you don't believe, then you're not saved. And it's a pass or fail. It's a yes or no. It's not a “Well, I was a good person” or “I went to church” or “I gave money to the poor,” and No, no, no. There was one answer. There was one question, and there was one answer. It was black and white. It was yes or no. It was not gray. There was no middle ground. We see that in the nature of God from the very beginning. Light and dark. Good and evil.   Pastor Newms: [34:22] Mm hmm. Mm hmm.   Pastor Bill: [34:26] That is the nature of God. That doesn't change. It doesn't. God deals. In black and white, right? Now. That's the nature of God. God also exists. In the business of mercy. Which is Jesus. We call that Jesus, right?   Pastor Newms: [34:51] Uh huh.   Pastor Bill: [34:52] Not just there's black and white. And humans are failing that. And then God goes, and I have an answer for it. And that's God's mercy. That's Jesus. And then Jesus offers salvation. And salvation is still this black and white. But it's being offered. When you haven't earned it, you don't deserve it. You're sitting over in the darkness and it gets off. It's still black and white, right? Impossible. And God says, Ha! But. I am Holy Spirit, too. I am the Comforter. I am the reminder. I can move in your life. And that's where we get that part of God, the Holy Spirit. And that gives us the grace to change. Right? And be worthy of the free gift that Jesus gifts. And we see all of that playing out. In that statement. God separated. The light. From the darkness. And so there's this great poetic thing going on here. And we're seeing the nature of God and we're seeing all this power of God. And we're only four verses in.   Pastor Newms: [36:31] Mm hmm.   Pastor Bill: [36:31] And this such as deep, deep, deep thing going on here. All right. And then we get to verse five. Okay. Now, you got to remember you're reading a poem. All right. Verse five. Is it? It's basically. I don't really know how to explain it other than to say if you reach out and you grab dough and you go to make a ball of dough and you go like this. And you squeeze that into the dough to make the finish off the ball. Verse five is that it's finishing off the ball of dough for this poem. That's a weird visual, but that's what I'm getting in my head. So.   Pastor Newms: [37:22] A.   Pastor Bill: [37:24] When you look at verse five. What you're reading is actually telling you what was happening in verses three and four. Okay. So this statement, God called the light day and the darkness he called night. That statement is what actually was seen to happen. And everything before that. This is the explanation of the nuts and bolts. Abatbrain on twitch. My wife says it is a bit odd. My little ball of dough thing.   Pastor Newms: [38:11] It is.   Pastor Bill: [38:11] But all of my analogies are odd, so I'm not surprised. Okay. So when we get to verse five, we see God and we're using the same still the plural for God's called. All right. And. And called there. We see that as God naming the lights. And it would be if this wasn't a poem. If this wasn't poetic, you know, wordplay. Right. But H7121 called. Which is kaw-raw’. A primitive route rather identical to H7122 through the idea of accosting a person met, to call out to that is properly addressed by name, but used in a wide variety of applications, and then gives you a list in the Strongs of all the different ways it's been translated. So what this is saying, this is actually showing you in verse four when God said, let there be light. That was them describing what God did. But what actually happened? Is God. Called out to or accosted the light by name like we were talking about in the previous episode. What actually happened is, is God went light, but he didn't because that's not the name of light. What is the name of light? The name of light is Yome or what we then call day. So in verse three, when he said, Let there be light. And the poem says, And God, you know, said, Let there be light. It's all wordplay for God addressing accosting, calling out to light as if it existed. And the name that it used for light was Yome. As if when Pastor Newms gives me a phone call. Like I said if it wasn't a weird thing for him to call me because he only calls me in emergencies. If he called me on a regular basis and he's my best friend, I saw his name on the phone. I would pick up the phone. I would go Newms! It's the same thing. God, said Yome. Called out to the light as if it already existed. As if it was an old friend. As if he already knew it. And at that point. It came into existence. It then existed. And then God compared. That, too. What was within himself? And then in verse. What is that verse four? No, where to?   Pastor Newms: [41:28] For us. It's good.   Pastor Bill: [41:33] Compare that saw. Compare that to what was within himself and declared it good. I see that within myself. That is good, right? And then. He did the same thing for the darkness. And he called the darkness. I think these are three different pronunciations of the same word. I don't think this is the actual word. It says lah’-yil, lale, and lah’-yel-aw. I think those are three diffeerent pronunciations. But he said that. And. And what that means is a twist away from the light or adversity. Right? So he addressed the night, the darkness as adversity, or a twisting away from the light, twisting away from life, twisting away from enlightenment, twisting away from, sentience, and all of that good stuff. The poet wrangles all that together. And says and the evening in the morning were the first day. Hey. God is talking and calls the light day. But it's not the word day. But that is what the humans then later called a day. They use that same word. Right. So we see the poet playing off of that wordplay. And using the word in both places. Because that's what God called it. And then he calls upon that in the same verse and says, Well, the first day. It's a different day. This is a human day now. Right. And we only have an evening and a morning. Because. God. Separated. The light from the darkness. So the poet's working on several levels. Here is the cosmic level where he's talking about good and evil, and then he's using wordplay to relate that to the reader the difference between sunshine and darkness and where those two meet in the evening and the morning. Which is the gray area. Where we live. Where we exist. Right. In that evening and in that morning. That's where we exist. We exist somewhere in between those light, and that darkness. And that was the first day. And so then when we looked back and we were talking about. The first day didn't end until the first day ended. Right. And well, and what we meant by that was we don't know when the first day began. For God, there could have been. Millions and millions of years. We talked about it in the first verse, God created the heavens and the earth we were talking about. That's a hands-on word, hands-on action, where you're building something up, using the baser elements. And we don't know how long in God's perspective that took. But there was no time yet. There was no marking of what we think of as time. There was no turning of day and night in seasons. And so we don't know how long. There was from the moment that God created the heavens and the earth, right? Started that work. The evening and the morning existing. To create the quote-unquote, first day. It's all very deep and very involved. And I encourage everybody to go back and reread those verses. Go back and listen to the first three episodes of season four. And. Let's back up. Now that we know we've worked through the holidays. We're settling down. We're ready to get things going. Make if you're going to make a New Year's resolution, make a resolution to be in. Right. So we say be very in. Because when we go to Acts, we find people fleeing from one place to another. And he goes to a town called Berea, and when he gets to Berea, he starts preaching. And the believers in Berea, not just the believers, but also the. The Jewish men, they refused to believe anything Paul said until they were able to go and find it themselves in the scriptures. They wanted to be able to go and own what Paul was preaching to them or, have grounds to dismiss it. They didn't want to just receive it. And Paul praised them as being more worthy than the highfalutin Jews over in Jewtown. He didn't use those words, but that was the equivalent of what he was saying. You guys are more worthy than the snooty guys over there. That's awesome, guys. Because they refused to believe what he was saying until they proved it for themselves. So if you're going to make a New Year's resolution and the last episode we talked about, a lot of people start in January, they're going to read the whole Bible in a year. And we talked about how I don't recommend that because it loses a lot of that deep study time because people don't read with intention. They read to just I got to get my daily reading done so I can make it through the year. Resolve to be buried. Go back. And look at these verses in the deep poetic terms that they are intended to be. Cross-reference that with the other parts of Scripture. And let what is one of the deepest chapters in the Bible speak to you, and revolutionize the way you think about this Sunday school topic of creation. You know, like it is. So there's so much there. And. Yeah, that's what I had for tonight. Look at that. 7:25.   Pastor Newms: [49:22] It means you're 3 minutes early.   Pastor Bill: [49:22] But we'll be whittling.   Pastor Newms: [49:26] Right. We have 3 minutes to twiddle now.   Pastor Bill: [49:29] We don't have to twiddle. We can.   Pastor Newms: [49:34] Why are you playing with a grippy thing?   Pastor Bill: [49:38] A clamp. It's a clamp.   Pastor Newms: [49:40] I know. I forgot what the word clamp was for a minute, but I know its purpose.   Pastor Bill: [49:50] Well, I know its purpose. It clamps.   Pastor Newms: [49:51] It's one of those it's it's one of those where we weren't clever. Our English definition of explaining things was not clever. What is what does it do? It holds other things. It clamps one thing to another. What are we going to call it? A clamp.   Pastor Bill: [50:08] From the clamp.   Pastor Newms: [50:12] Let's like, call a vacuum. A vacuum? Why? Because it vacuums. Well, because it creates a. Yeah.   Pastor Bill: [50:17] Because it uses a vacuum to suck things.   Pastor Newms: [50:21] And.   Pastor Bill: [50:25] Yeah. Did you have anything you wanted to add to any of that?   Pastor Newms: [50:28] No, I mean, I think.   Pastor Bill: [50:30] I didn't really stop and give you time to interject at any point, did I?   Pastor Newms: [50:33] I think it's important as we look at these types of things, to think about the fact that, you know, it is not a simple aspect. And so often we look at it as such. And so it's good to take time to dig in and actually understand what the words mean and actually understand what. You know, is being said not just what is written, because it is definitely. English is not as we were just saying, you know clamp is clamp-like if it's not clever it is not pick up the artistry of other languages. Well.   Pastor Bill: [51:16] It was clear.   Pastor Newms: [51:29] You know, So I think it's one of the reasons why studying is so important.   Pastor Bill: [51:35] It's hard enough to understand poetry in English. And then you take some other cultures, poetry, and you translate it to three different languages and then try to transliterate that in English.   Pastor Newms: [51:52] It is complicated.   Pastor Bill: [51:59] Yeah. All right. This podcast comes out every week on Wednesdays. Wherever you get your podcasts, if you found this, I don't know. Helpful, entertaining, funny, and inspiring. Or you think somebody might benefit from it, then like, follow share. Tell people we exist. And also, if you'd like to join us live and be a part of the conversation where you can type out your message and then we can respond and we can, you know, get a deeper explanation going on. If you have a question or something like that, then we do that on Sunday nights at 6:30 p.m. Central Standard Time. You can go to our website www.ekk.house to find out which Twitch which YouTube and which Facebook that we are live on, where you can catch that video and participate in the chat. As always, we are glad to have our listener base. And as we go into 2023, that hasn't changed. We're in season four, which means we're many, many, many episodes and several years into this thing. And we're quite thankful to just. I don't know. I guess I'm more thankful to have you Pastor Newms in my life than the platform itself.   Pastor Newms: [53:29] It's the people that we interact with is more important than the.   Pastor Bill: [53:30] You know.   Pastor Newms: [53:36] Following, because that's not what's important.   Pastor Bill: [53:37] Yeah, I mean, I know, I know. It's important to, you know, get the stuff out there and, and, you know, help people and make a difference in the world, but. You know, I'm not immune to the benefits of. What this does for me. So thank you, sir. For your part in my life. All right. Okay. So if you're with us live now, we have to do this thing that, you know, streaming some.   Pastor Newms: [54:07] No, you didn't say. You didn't say and the next time and all that other stuff. So that way I can then say, be safe. You skipped all that. Go back and do it correctly.   Pastor Bill: [54:19] I love you guys have a great week.   Pastor Newms: [54:20] Be safe out there.   Pastor Bill: [54:23] And until next time.