33E97 State of Theology Part 3

The Berean Manifesto

15-11-2022 • 1 Std. 22 Min.

33E97 State Of Theology Part 3 Pastor Bill And Pastor Newms  Transcript Pastor Newms: [0:09] Church intro video Church intro video because it appears that it finally. Pastor Bill: [0:15] Intro video Church intro video if I only worked. Pastor Newms: [0:21] Looks like it but it's only for twitch we are only live on Twitch. Pastor Bill: [0:27] We're only live on Twitch all right. Pastor Newms: [0:36] I don't know I don't know how anything is going to be, because we're optimized for restream we're not optimized to go straight to Twitch so I would assume that's okay but. Pastor Bill: [0:56] That's hilarious. Pastor Newms: [0:59] So restream is having issues tonight. Hopefully that does not spell the end of restream there's been rumors a couple times that it was going away hopefully this isn't the time that happens. [1:21] Is some streaming platforms do not like them and have talked about banning them so. Pastor Bill: [1:30] Mmm. Pastor Newms: [1:37] Be interesting to see it's probably just a glitch with their servers tonight but that's neither here nor there so you're going to have to talk directly on Twitch do you have, it opened on a device. Pastor Bill: [1:55] I I do now yeah so I need to talk on Twitch instead of on Discord. Pastor Newms: [2:03] It won't pull it I don't think because the restream bot isn't running. Pastor Bill: [2:12] Okay okay okay on me. [2:38] Hey really really suck. Pastor Newms: [3:02] Do do do do do. [3:33] Where does it say to viewers two people are viewing. Do you know who don't know don't know. Pastor Bill: [3:46] I think one of those is me. Pastor Newms: [3:48] Don't know anything probably zaydis here. Pastor Bill: [3:53] Daddy's here. [3:58] Um Pastor Newms: [4:02] Yeah Grayson life is a little interesting we're doing church tonight and I sent messages to some people and, I forgot about you I love you though I just forgot to send you a message saying we were doing church tonight instead of, Sunday, and we miss Sunday because I was sick too Sunday was bad Sunday was real bad. Pastor Bill: [4:42] Sunday was bad I was six and Sunday too. [4:51] Okay. [5:02] Grayson says it's okay he's still somewhat new Grayson I thought you were like 15 or 16 or 14 are that's not new. Pastor Newms: [5:10] He means new to always being watching smart. Pastor Bill: [5:14] Oh I see I see. Pastor Newms: [5:15] Hey look we're face life. Pastor Bill: [5:18] We are faced live now hello and welcome to season 3 episode 97 of the broom Manifesto faith hope and love for the modern Christian I'm Pastor Bill and I'm joined, by Pastor newms he's right over here say hi pastor newms. Pastor Newms: [5:40] Hello I am, I am here I am frustrated cuz I just spent the last 30 minutes trying to get the stream working so I'm not necessarily, in a great mood to start off because third I know it looks orange and it's not Orange, it's a deep beautiful red but because the lights in here it looks orange and a really dirty orange to not a good bright orange if you bring me a different shirt I'll step off camera and change but yeah I know it's the wrong color for UT bigs the wrong color it is a red shirt, but I don't know why it's not, color balancing man it's because it's trying to color balance with my extremely white skin so it it's like Pastor Bill is very yellow tonight unless he's become jaundiced because of some. Pastor Bill: [6:42] Mobile help. Pastor Newms: [6:43] Thing over there I hope not how was your week. Pastor Bill: [6:49] Monica's pretty good what is wrong with my recording my my thing is okay I need to make a new one. Pastor Newms: [6:53] Man I don't I don't nothing likes us nothing internet doesn't like us to go live on Sundays nothing else likes us to go live any other time off. Pastor Bill: [7:01] Nothing wants to go live any other day. [7:10] 3 97.1 let's get some audio recording going okay let's try that again for the the podcast. Pastor Newms: [7:17] Oh my gosh really. Pastor Bill: [7:21] Just just just just the, hello and welcome to season 3 episode 97 of the breed Manifesto faith hope and love for the modern Christian I'm Pastor Bill and I'm joined by Pastor newms. Pastor Newms: [7:38] Who has extreme amounts of deja vu. Pastor Bill: [7:41] We're recording on a different night because we were both sick on Sunday and this Sunday we're not able to record so we're doing a Thursday this time and we're going to finish up, should be able to finish up. Pastor Newms: [7:56] If we don't finish up I'm done not doing a part four. Pastor Bill: [8:00] Our commentary on the 2022 state of theology survey that came out, and so yeah so here we are uncle uncle newms uncle newms how was your week. Pastor Newms: [8:17] No that's not that's not what we call me here. Pastor Bill: [8:20] Pastor newms how was your week. Uncle Fester. Pastor Newms: [8:25] No we no no no that is too Southern for me my week was pretty good other than some weird stomach bug that started on, Sunday and basically really just ended, at some point last night while I was asleep because I was sick when I went to bed and but the crazy thing was I felt great, like wasn't extra tired no fever no body aches no nothing just my stomach hated me. Pastor Bill: [9:12] It was by at huh. Pastor Newms: [9:16] Yeah it was it was about but you know usually on a Sunday night we talked about you know I've done something over the weekend or I've played games or I've but I really haven't much this week we had some storms and stuff last night and, I've been judging the show with my daughter cuz its third season comes out. Saturday or Friday I don't know which, she keeps saying the 15th but then she keeps saying Friday so I don't I don't know I don't know when the show comes out but, we're going to be binged and done and ready to watch it when it comes out either way we've got three episodes we're going to watch them after tonight so for us. Pastor Bill: [10:10] What show is it. Pastor Newms: [10:11] The owl house it's a Disney show about a girl who gets trapped a human girl who gets trapped in the demon, realm that's not really a demon realm but it's like it's real it's real weird it's real weird, real real cute the main character is Hispanic and. [10:39] I believe bisexual and she has a little girlfriend, and she's got she's got a nice A little girlfriend not because not to degrade, girlfriends but because they're like 14 so little because, children let me be clear on that like the term little girlfriend because they are children not because they any degrading manner of saying that, and I have an alarm set from last night when I took a nap that just decided to go off so sorry about that if that got picked up on the audio we normally are live on Thursdays, so it's a it's a cute little show it's weird she basically starts to become a witch and it's because the it's an aisle of magic and all this stuff and all these things happen and it's a kid show and it's it's on Disney plus and there's two seasons of it and they originally had canceled it and there was such an outcry from people including a lot of, why a because it's it really feels like write a novel not like a children's show but there was such a public outcry they decided to give it a third season so, that'll be. Pastor Bill: [12:06] It was such an outcry from the owl population that they had to bring it back. Pastor Newms: [12:14] I will go downstairs. Pastor Bill: [12:17] Anyway so my week so I was sick on Sunday and then Tuesday I had a second interview for that one job that I did that other interview for so that's always good when you get a second interview it's always nice. An administrative judge has to administrative stuff so nothing out of my Wheelhouse in any way shape or form you know. So yeah that was about it for miweek oh huh I found out that. Being sick is not an unexcused absence in Texas schools. Pastor Newms: [13:03] You mean it is an unexcused absence. Pastor Bill: [13:06] I'm sorry isn't an excused absence. Pastor Newms: [13:09] Yes it is. Pastor Bill: [13:11] Being sick is an unexcused absence even if you have a doctor's note it's a lot excused it's considered unexcused though. Pastor Newms: [13:18] It's an unexcused absence and but yet. Pastor Bill: [13:21] That's going to be fun when that turns around and bites them on the but when parents figured that out and. Pastor Newms: [13:26] Oh no that's. Pastor Bill: [13:27] Send their kid to school when they're contagious. Pastor Newms: [13:30] That's that's how it's always been that's that's not new that was it was still unexcused absences during covid you can thank your governor for that, it's not the school systems the governor actually turned the emergency laws emergency rules that were, passed during covid C covid year the tour years there was an emergency thing that allowed all absences to be, excused if they were sickness related for that time period but both before that and now, that's just how it is it's one of the reasons it is the same here which is one of the reasons why we had to, pull Sarah out is because she misses so many days for her illness because, if you have two symptoms you gotta go like can't stay in school if you've got two symptoms well her issue is stomach related so, stomach pain which then your body tries to fight off with a fever, even though she's not sick at all that's to symptoms you're out for the day and so we were getting even in Texas we were getting letters constantly like your kid is. [14:49] If you miss this many more days your kid will not actually pass this grade blah blah blah and then the principal would have to write a letter saying that the kids actually at the point where they should be and it has to be signed by the teacher also for the kid to move forward, with health issues the health issues in in both of our states are not well taken care of which is also why. [15:13] Why I reward my girls on days, of that other kids get rewards for perfect attendance because perfect attendance is stupid because perfect attendance is impossible for anyone with a health issue which. So perfect attendance is stupid and if you celebrate it I think you're stupid. Pastor Bill: [15:36] So now it's time for getting another pastors. Pastor Newms: [15:38] Is it my card or your card I pulled a card I thought it was my card. Pastor Bill: [15:43] It can be your car that's fine. Pastor Newms: [15:44] I don't know I don't remember. If anyone of the national if anyone of the national holidays had to be twice a year 6 months apart which one would you want it to be what national holiday would you like to celebrate twice instead of once. Pastor Bill: [16:03] What are we calling and national holiday. Pastor Newms: [16:05] I don't know national holiday whatever you want to call it a day that the nation our nation celebrates. I don't think it has to be necessarily A like everything is closed national holiday but I would assume based on the question. I can think of two and they're both equally funny because I'm just a jerk. [16:42] It's an odd day it's 13 so newms is now an odd now we're not keeping track of that is 80 there's no way we can keep track of the even odd thing I can't do it he tries and fails we're not doing it, come on Bill come on come on national holiday. Pastor Bill: [17:00] I have no idea. Pastor Newms: [17:01] Come on I can think of two and they're equally funny and I would do it just because the funniness of it okay one Halloween is not a national holiday you don't get it off, so Halloween doesn't count. Pastor Bill: [17:16] I just hate it when the mail doesn't run so I would just get rid of all of them. Pastor Newms: [17:19] So the funny ones I think would be funny is if New Year's day was twice a year. I would also love if the Fourth of July was twice a year because it'd be the Fourth of July in the middle of December, or Pastor Bill: [17:44] Yeah. Pastor Newms: [17:45] Christmas in July because half the people already do that so any of those would be except any of those three would be acceptable just for the humor of them being twice a year. National holidays now let's be honest if we were in a different country it's completely different this month the next month, actually this month totally there's like, 10 or 15 national holidays in India like. And I know there's some next week there were some last week there's some you know it's just so that would be fun. Pastor Bill: [18:57] Like the one we just had like can we just stop can we just not do that anymore like no Columbus Day Monday was. Pastor Newms: [19:06] Oh well some states already have stopped I think there's three states already who knows. Pastor Bill: [19:14] The bank's didn't open the mail didn't run and Columbus is still a piece of not worthy of something to celebrate. Pastor Newms: [19:20] Well there's three states who have changed it legally to indigenous peoples day. Pastor Bill: [19:29] It shows up in the Apple calendar as both now. Pastor Newms: [19:32] Yeah because there are. Pastor Bill: [19:33] It's just people day. [19:50] Maybe we should start celebrating Columbus Day and we should build giant Effigies of Columbus and just burn them. Pastor Newms: [19:57] So I want to talk a lot. Pastor Bill: [19:59] Columbus Day. Pastor Newms: [20:00] I know this is not a shock, there's this particular Tick-Tock ER I follow and she does a skit called Hells Bells and it's about help desk which is the front desk of Hell help. Pastor Bill: [20:15] Ah yeah yeah yeah yeah. Pastor Newms: [20:16] Well she did one about. Pastor Bill: [20:19] They're Starkey and all that. Pastor Newms: [20:21] Yeah Sharky and all them they did one for ya, Leif Eriksson day they did one for Columbus Day and it's a it's a celebration down there and they bring him out and everyone gets to torture. Pastor Bill: [20:36] Everyone gets a turn. Pastor Newms: [20:37] Yeah everyone gets a turn on that day, and humorously Leif Erikson is one of the people they talked about in there and because the person that they're talking to is like why would the why would the Norse be here it's like oh they're still mad he said he did it first, so you know it's. Pastor Bill: [20:57] I like the ones of her videos where somebody shows up and they're like oh I knew you'd be here and she's she goes oh I just work here I live up there I just come here to work. Pastor Newms: [21:07] You're going down to level nine though it very much is a Dante's Inferno infernal infernal and fertile infertile. Style representation of Hell in her skits because that's what so many people think of but it's it's pretty funny sometimes she's got some good stuff. Pastor Bill: [21:37] Okay so let's get into this. Pastor Newms: [21:40] Okay do we have to. Pastor Bill: [21:42] We are on number 27 of 35, and we should be able to wrap this up tonight all right so number 27 gender identity is a matter of choice, twenty-four percent strongly agree. 18% somewhat agree seven percent aren't sure 13% somewhat disagree and 38 percent strongly disagree with the statement okay, once again if you haven't been listening to other two parts you should go to see the part. Pastor Newms: [22:18] You should. Pastor Bill: [22:18] As We complain endlessly about how awful this thing actually is, they're saying gender identity is a matter of choice but you know that's not what they're actually say right so so okay. Pastor Newms: [22:30] Asking. Pastor Bill: [22:36] When we're talking about gender identity you've only really got and I'm probably wrong but you've only really got two schools of thought. Pastor Newms: [22:47] Wrong. Pastor Bill: [22:49] Probably is that gender is. And if you have semen then you are the male gender and if you have. Eggs ovum. Pastor Newms: [23:20] I don't I don't know man you got me almost casting already. Pastor Bill: [23:22] If you have eggs then you are the female gender that's one school of thought there's another school of thought that gender identity, is created by cultural norms, and what is male and what is female what is masculine and what is feminine and the genders attached to those and the Spectrum in between of those is all created by culture. And they're technically both right neither one of those are technically wrong because our culture decided that the thing that has semen is a male, and has masculine attributes and our culture decided at the thing that creates the egg is a female and has, feminine attributes right, and so then we've got these people that are stuck in between going well I was born biologically. [24:26] But inside I don't fit any of these cultural, identity markers that culture has created for me I feel like I'm more the other definition, and then they Embrace that identity and try to make themselves outside look the way they feel inside right which still isn't a choice. Right you were born with a certain identity on the inside of you that you didn't choose. Pastor Newms: [25:00] Yeah and we've had this conversation on on other podcast before it's that difference between you know where made up of three parts just because the body doesn't fit, the spirit or Soul whichever one we want to use and we won't get into that argument Snyder we won't finish on time, that's different and like big said, people try to force everyone into a blue or pink you know and that's not correct and then you have the situations where. Both gender and, sex where they don't fit either where the chromosomes don't make sense where the you know they don't fought by make sense I mean follow the, the norm I don't mean they don't make sense because chromosomes are chromosomes they make sense but they don't fit that Norm of of what people have defined and and that's the part that I find really, humorous about people who try to make the argument that there's only two situations that can be true when it's like, that's not how nature works. Pastor Bill: [26:21] That's not facts at all that's 100% the culture that you. Live in that informs you of that decision you were born and raised in a culture that taught you there was only two options. Pastor Newms: [26:36] As well as. Pastor Bill: [26:41] And people are born every day that don't. That definition, that have intermix parts that have both parts that and that all goes back to what we were talking about before about God created everything perfect and then sin came in and started to grading it, and then now we're using building blocks that are over many thousands of years separated from creation, and corrupted and over and over and over and over and over and yeah of course we get people born with deformities of course we get people born with male bodies to have female, Souls if Spirits or have you want to stay at female identity on the inside of course we do, that doesn't degrade the value of that human life. I any means not like the implication of of the question is you know what I mean. Pastor Newms: [27:45] Yeah so there's this other I hate to bring Tick-Tock up so many times tonight but it's a Thursday not a Sunday so it's going to happen I'm not on my normal game. Pastor Bill: [27:55] The first day. Pastor Newms: [27:57] It's not a Thursday it's actually not been a very thirsty day but the, there's a tick tock train and it's like I've just forgotten the sum this up the sound but it's it's a person makes a statement is written across the screen and it's like, you know know speak up, and they say it's another statement that's a little bit closer to what they truly mean and then it's like no speak up and then they say what they actually mean and it's like yeah you're like I don't believe in this and you're like no say what you mean you don't understand it so you hate the person you know say what you mean don't say what you and that's, often in a lot of these questions where the problem lies is the questions are worded, not what the person means by asking the question first off and second off so we're just dumb. Pastor Bill: [29:02] All right I think we covered that one pretty well. Pastor Newms: [29:04] Do we have to go to the next one some of the some of these ones in this set I don't want to at all I really don't just because they're hot button topics we've talked about multiple times in the past, and I'm like when we're in podcast mode I have to try to be a good person and not say, some I can't speak up and so it's really hard some of these topics are really hard for me to be calm and nice to some of these people that just don't pay attention but number 29 let's go, 20:28 sorry I'm see I'm trying to skip. Pastor Bill: [29:40] All right, the Bible's condemnation of homosexual Behavior doesn't apply today that's the statement 30 percent strongly agree with that statement, the Bible's kind of nation doesn't apply anymore sixteen percent somewhat agree, twelve percent aren't sure 12% somewhat disagree in 30 percent strongly disagree so I mean that's that's a pretty even split down the middle of half and half, the only real, outlier here is the four percent higher of respondents somewhat agree other than that it's a pretty even split right down the middle on people's responses to that. Pastor Newms: [30:24] It is a pretty even split. Pastor Bill: [30:27] So this is this is this is the way I want to, frame the idea here so that I can try to get people on the same wavelength as what I'm thinking you know. The Bible condemns eating pork in the Old Testament for a reason right. And then by the time we get to the New Testament days that restriction the reason that restriction was given doesn't exist anymore. [31:00] And so you don't have scriptures in the New Testament saying don't eat pork right. The Old Testament is is hard on homosexual behavior in multiple places don't you know don't do this and. If you frame that in their cultural setting it makes 100% sense, that a relationship that has the inability to Bear fruits and multiply genetically, would be a detriment to a people group wandering the desert and people constantly dying and needing an influx of, babies right not to mention the cleanliness and the STD issue that, ancient civilizations, you know they had a lot more struggles with that than we do today with our medications and are our safety tools and are contraceptives and, I'm not going to say condoms because people in using making condoms out of goat bladder for, thousands of years so it's not necessarily the didn't have gone. Pastor Newms: [32:22] That's not much cleaner. Pastor Bill: [32:22] They had some version of it but it's much cleaner nail, um so with the New Testament with the question of homosexuality we go back to the the question we talked about in part 2 about what is this sex outside of traditional marriage, what does that look like and what is, what is the condemnation of the scriptures the condemnation of scriptures that we brought up was don't have sex outside of marriage as part of the worship of an idol don't go to the temple and have sex. Is part of worship of an idol you know what I mean so yeah there's there's this thing where it's like. All sex has a risk and all sex has an issue where, there's a there's a good way to do it there's a bad way to do it there's a way that's healthy for you in a way that's unhealthy for you and you just lump homosexual behavior in with that just because either, it makes you uncomfortable or it scares you or, you you think it's the same for you and so other people shouldn't do it if it is a sin for you then don't do it, you know what I mean like just don't do it if it's a sin for you than just don't participate in that I don't know how else to put it. Pastor Newms: [33:52] So for me there's there's there's two aspects one is what you're talking about and then when we look at like First Corinthians 10:23 which we've brought up so many times, throughout this and other times just because it's, a Crux of what Paul talks about is everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial everything is, permissible but not everything builds up you know so just because it's good for you doesn't mean it's good for someone else vice versa etc etc the other issue I have is, the scriptures in English that we hold in our hands do not have the same implications and connotations in a lot of times in a lot of places, that the original scripture did so, the Bible's condemnation of homosexual behavior in the majority of the verses that people use to condemn homosexuality, doesn't exist the concept of homosexuality to a certain degree didn't. [35:03] Exist because sexuality was just sexuality, for so many generations in eons and years and you know like there's the word didn't exist, when the Bible was written nor when the Bible was originally translated it's a word that came in. Pastor Bill: [35:23] The word didn't that the idea of. Pastor Newms: [35:26] The idea in the world I'm just saying the there's those that, so because of that a lot of times when the word is used in scripture it's not that word and not, meaning the only times you could actually infer that it does mean that, is actually the word isn't used it's set in a completely different way that makes you go okay yeah I see what he's saying there and there's a valid reason for it like you were mentioning, we need people to procreate because we're trying to kill off a whole group of people and we need new ones, let's be honest that's that's that's what the walking around was we need a whole new generation let's go and so you know. But that's the thing that always frustrates me especially about the New Testament is when people are like see it says it right there and you're like yeah it's not what that word means but okay. Pastor Bill: [36:25] Closest the closest words you get in the New Testament to homosexual is the word hetero sharks and, it's such a catch all that it, it's almost gross to use it for that because it covers everything from bestiality to necrotic relationship so it covers I mean it covers you know, lat. Pastor Newms: [36:53] Non non standard quote-unquote for those of you out there I'm not saying. Pastor Bill: [37:01] Directly translated it means attraction to strange flesh. [37:11] Okay we're going to move on because we don't need to beat a dead horse all right I mean we do that a lot on the breed Manifesto we're going to do that with this one number 29. Pastor Newms: [37:23] See all the other times we've talked about it combined them all in this horse is dead. Pastor Bill: [37:28] It seems dead God is unconcerned with my day-to-day decisions, eighteen percent strongly agree only 18 percent strongly agree that God is not concerned with your day-to-day decisions 14% somewhat agree 10% weren't sure 18% somewhat disagree and forty percent strongly disagree, and believe that God is, a micromanager. [38:00] I don't hold on I don't think God is interested in whether I put butter on my toast. Well I eat bacon and drink my coffee. I just don't there's no Eternal or worldwide impact to any of that decision for that day now if I was eating 10 pounds of bacon, for breakfast every morning and abusing myself and having that negative impact on me and everyone around me and my future well then yeah God's concerned because God you know God is love and love is concerned about, you know when you're doing unhealthy things like that but, to say that God is concerned with with your all of your day-to-day decisions like should I take a shower now or in 10 minutes should I lay on my left chin inside are my right hand side should I, you see what I'm you see what I'm saying that the questions kind of ridiculous. Pastor Newms: [39:00] Okay I'll let you finish first. Pastor Bill: [39:03] I did I just finished. Pastor Newms: [39:04] Okay so this is one of those interesting ones where I read the question completely. When it says God is unconcerned with my day-to-day decisions I disagreed because God loves us and does not want us to worry because we're covered in being watched, because there are certain day-to-day decisions that he does you of all people how many times if we driven somewhere, and you're like no I really should just turn right right here no you're supposed to turn left no I have to turn right, there are times where those day-to-day decisions are important there are times where they are not but I didn't even take it to mean that I took it to mean, God is concerned with us daily in providing for us and taking care of us and and guiding our day-to-day decisions to provide for us so I took it as a completely different question. When I read it. Pastor Bill: [40:05] I wonder if it's if this is included on their their key findings to see what they meant when they asked, it's 29 see if it's on the key findings because not everything is. Pastor Newms: [40:21] Yeah but that I find that very interesting that I you know we took it completely took the question not only you know our answers but the question itself completely. [40:42] And this is this goes back to something I love to complain about on every podcast almost it would actually be a fun game to see how many times I haven't complained about this not how many times I have which is English is a terrible language, human language cannot, articulate things well what one person means by something someone else can take completely different and in my line of work. Pastor Bill: [41:10] You need a whole paragraph to unto explain. Pastor Newms: [41:13] So for those of you out there who don't know what I do I'm a product manager for a software part of a company health care company and, the difference between the were certain words are hilarious because you will get into our long discussions on what does enrolled, engaged outreached active, these are four words that like mean completely different things to people which, two other people mean completely different things and it's funny I got into and I actually have there's one person out there that actually does listen to our podcast from my job and, the she sometimes does and, if she hears this she's going to laugh and she's gonna know exactly what day this was recorded on because she was in the meeting with me and we were like we don't know I mean which which are you talking about in this meeting like art write it down and go ask the business and that's what they that's what we have to do is then go figure it out you know what did they mean when they wrote this. Pastor Bill: [42:30] In the culture of your business what does this word mean. Pastor Newms: [42:35] Yeah and in your opinion at this moment what does this word mean because four different parts of the business even, like different markets they take the words to mean different things so that we actually have like a multi-page document that's like this is what this one means this is what this one means this is what this one means and in that document it's like for this group this word for this group this word for this group and that's what happens when you you run reporting. Pastor Bill: [43:07] I don't know so much about other languages but I know with English we're really bad about creating these little subcultures and then creating our own shorthand in these little subcultures, that then doesn't translate well to the other subcultures that other people have created, and so English just gets it keeps Schism and then it schisms again and then it's because I was again and then. Pastor Newms: [43:33] Well I think part of it comes down to it's such a amalgamation, I think it's the right word of so many other things the language we speak here in America is such a Melting Pot of other languages and dialects and parts and what is set in Texas versus Tennessee what is said you know New York versus Chicago don't even get me started on what a pie is or not you know there's some and it's true though I mean it's it's, it's terrible anguish was it part I was given I was trying to delay to give you time to look was it part of the findings that they listed okay number 30. Pastor Bill: [44:19] All right number 30 the Bible has the authority to tell us what we must do. Twenty-nine percent strongly agree as well as strongly disagree 23% somewhat agree, 14% somewhat disagree and 5% aren't sure so still another you know almost straight down the middle that the Bible has the authority to tell us what we must do so. The Bible has no authority to do anything, it cannot tell us what to do it cannot force us to do anything it cannot, exert any kind of authority over us it has no more control over anyone than what we give it as a person, for you to say the Bible has Authority is to take the Bible out of context. It's not how the Bible works and I've written down your thoughts pull my Bible out to read it first Thessalonians, five I think I misspelled this alone Ian's but that's okay put it on through 22 let me flip around here and get my Bible. Pastor Newms: [45:38] I can grab it for you first of the sidonians five. Pastor Bill: [45:43] Like to read out loud. Pastor Newms: [45:44] It's fine but that's the middle you picked a verse that starts with but are you sure. Pastor Bill: [45:50] Did I was just like I pulled it up for myself 181. Pastor Newms: [45:59] Can't start with a but homie. Pastor Bill: [46:03] Okay so we'll start in 20, don't despise prophecies but test all things hold on to what is good stay away from every kind of evil okay I remember why I did that so, there are people that say you know the Bible is the greatest Authority its authority over everything and you have to do what it says and then other people who use the exact same argument, to say oh well II can't use the whole Bible I can't trust the Bible and what it tells me to do as an authority because there are certain scriptures that don't I don't agree with morally like I don't agree with owning slaves, and God clearly tells the Israelites how to own slaves I don't agree with you know whatever pick your topic and there's probably somebody that doesn't agree with it you know what it says in the Bible about it, um and this verse basically says. [47:07] If it's good then then use it and if it's if it's not then don't it's not like, it's not like because you like Genesis 1:1 that you have to like Revelations 20 verse 1 you know what I mean like take hold of the good reject the bad, and and and move on with the you know the spirit and the the teachings of the Bible, and obviously there's only the one issue that you know, we had to breed Manifesto believe is the the Salvation issue the heart issue that you have to agree on to be a Christian and that's the you know the the Life of Christ and the death and the resurrection. [47:50] Um that's basically the definition of being a Christian and says on Twitch says do not make an idol of the Bible, absolutely do not make an idol of the Bible which can happen and has happened and is currently something that's happening, in the at least in the u.s. church in circles certain circles of the u.s. church that that this has been elevated to more than a message and into being, a holy Relic in an unto itself and there's nothing holy, about words on a page there's just not what's holy is the message behind the words, and and that message is what's written in our heart when we receive the Holy Spirit that's the part that's holy is the Holy Spirit, um not not a collection of words on paper. Pastor Newms: [48:56] So this is where we differ slightly in that. I've actually put agree on this one but only agree in part, because the verbage is terrible because the word must does not mean what. You know and so I actually pulled second Timothy 3:16 all scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching rebuking correcting and training in righteousness and. I think that one of the reasons why this is such an important, aspect is because whereas we don't disagree. We do not wholly agree and this is something that happens often with us because, semantics are very important to people who are not neurotypical and let's be honest how many people out there actually are and not just liars anyway. Pastor Bill: [50:06] There are so few neurotypicals left that you can't even call it typical anymore. Pastor Newms: [50:12] Anyway one of the things that, that is so important you know scripture is inspired by God and of course we've talked about what that inspired means it doesn't mean written by it means inspired, and it's possible its profitable for teaching rebuking correcting and training in righteousness, which is also what's important it is a. Pastor Bill: [50:46] Did you see that you've chosen a verse that is is only half a sentence. Pastor Newms: [50:51] It ends in a coma yeah. Pastor Bill: [50:53] 3:17 is the rest of the sentence so that the man of God maybe completely equipped completely equipped for every good work. Pastor Newms: [51:03] Right and that's that's actually I quit it righteousness because, that sums it up for me is it's specifically a religious, text it is not dictating how we should exist as a culture it's not, saying how we should exist politically it's not saying how we should exist in all of these other manners it's saying how we should exist, as a man of God in righteousness it's used. Pastor Bill: [51:34] Not talking about how people who aren't Believers should live, you can't stand on a street corner and say. I recognize that you're not a believer in Christ but you have to do what the Bible says that's not what the Bible is for. And on top of what you're saying. In 316 teaching rebuking correcting and training these are all things you have to submit to they don't inherently have authority over you you have to submit to them. Which is makestar to point of views cut you kind of marries are two point of view. Pastor Newms: [52:17] Yeah it definitely that's why I say that it's our differences are nuanced because 99% of the time our differences are nuanced usually just because one of us is more militant about a specific thing because of upbringing. Pastor Bill: [52:31] True it's so true. Pastor Newms: [52:32] You're more militant about this because of upbringing I'm more like, I'll hit you if you disagree with me that's fine all right 31, let's go for more for more we might actually finish in an hour. Pastor Bill: [52:53] Religious belief says disagrees with you I don't know what about you know the you can just lean over and ask him, religious belief, is a matter of personal opinion it is not about objective truth. [53:14] We've talked about it before there is only one objective truth. From the standpoint of Christianity I wholeheartedly believe there is only the one objective truth and everything else is left to opinion. Romans 10:9 I put it in the chat already, if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved. [53:44] As a Christian I believe that is the only one objective truth everything else is opinion everything else, your definition of sin my definition of sin your definition of what you can either can't eat or their definition of what you can or can't do or that person's definition for you can or can't sleep well, who you can date who you can't date how you can do your hair can you get those implants can you get that chopped off can you, dress up and dragon and do a show that's all opinion it's all. All of the religious to stuff that gets spewed from podiums and platforms All Over America and all over the world week in and week out that goes beyond. This confession that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead. Everything beyond that is opinion. [54:49] Now I can't speak for Hindus I can't speak for Muslims I can't speak for Sheiks I can't speak for zoroastrians, because I'm not one of those I can speak for myself I can speak for Christianity and I can speak for the church because I'm a member of all of these things. And from that point is you there's only that one objective truth. And I believe that Jesus is the way to the father but I also think there's a lot