083 Church marketing system for promoting your events so you see new guests

Church Brand Guide Podcast | Logo, Website, Video, and Design

26-06-2022 • 21 Min.

You can leverage events to grow the church, just like we help Cornerstone Church do to see new families join the church every month. The key is to think about building your brand instead of just promoting an event. When you get this right, you'll have effective promotions to get new guests to come to the church. You will steward the church money well and be more creative in your marketing.

Many churches scramble to get promotions together at the last minute for an upcoming event, and they end up not seeing the results they want for the investment they make. The promotion package costs more money than it should and stresses everyone involved. With my "onramp" strategy, you can solve this problem to become a better steward of your time, creativity, and finances.