23. How to start your business as a HSP and more - Interview with Catherine Andrews

Chaos im Kopf

17-02-2023 • 34 Min.

Starting your own business, creating meaningful work and thriving for more purpose is scary and a far stretch of the comfort zone.
Especially for highly sensitive folks.

In this magical interview coach, podcast host and teacher Catherine Andrews shares her wisdom on how to navigate and regulate yourself in these challenging yet rewarding times.

I warmly invite you to join her magical newsletter the Sunday Soother and check out Catherine and her work here www.thesundaysoother.com and www.catherinedandrews.com

You want to explore your purpose and potential in a playful way?

Checkout my coaching offers at karolingoldstein.com or reach out via mail hello@karolingoldstein.com, Instagram @karolingoldstein or LinkedIn @karolingoldstein. I'm looking forward to hearing from you :)

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Tausend Dank geht an Jan Blanke fürs tolle Cover-Foto.
Dankbarkeit und Songcredits des genialen Songs "Nothing's Gonna Change" gehen an Shuko, Lee Fields und Nia Wyn.