The Family of God - John Gavazzonie, Charles Slagle & Florian Berndt

The Abba Calling Podcast With Charles Slagle & Florian Berndt

02-02-2023 • 1 Std. 11 Min.

Charles Slagle and Florian Berndt are joined by John Gavazzonie to talk about the Family nature of God and the purpose of the ages.

John Gavazzonie is an author, speaker, mystic and theologian that ministers in the revelation of Abba's heart and our sonship, based in the US. His writings can be primarily enjoyed via the webpage of Greater Emmanuel International Ministries. John has been part of several moves of the Spirit ever since the risen Christ kicked in the door of his life in the 1950s and brings a rich treasure of wisdom with him that is much needed today. His main passion is the contemplation of the Family nature of God and our inclusion within the relationship that Abba and Jesus share with us in the Spirit.

Themes covered in this podcast:

- Infinite Grace

- Parent of All

- Born from Above vs Adoption

- Incorruptible Seed

- Sons within the Son

- The Purpose of the Ages

Check out the Abba Calling Community on social media, the ministry of Charles & Paula Slagle, Divine Embrace Ministries & Publications, the ministry of Florian Berndt, and John Gavazzonie's writings at the Greater Emmanuel International Ministries.

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